#he would have cut his hair on his own when mummy wasnt home
yakool-foolio · 6 months
see maybe this is just me, but As A Character Designer Myself i think the rain code designs are some of komatzuzaki's best work yet. they're weird and campy and yet they work so well. i do think the characters' personalities shine through on first and second glances. I don't even usually like neon colors but I think the combo of bright neons with understated neutrals is so fascinating and memorable. no one else does it like this. a lot of the small details on the designs are actually packed with symbolic meaning (esp. yakou's - I'd love to see you unpack all that) and the overabundance of logos is evocative of the corpo-cyber-future setting. the rain code designs feel much more cohesive in terms of that setting than the DR designs do - which makes sense bc DR is more about disparate people being united by their circumstances - dialed to 11 in v3 where the designs are at their wackiest. but this ain't about her this is about rain code.
I love that characters you wouldn't expect (zange, fubuki, priest...) have weird facial piercings and tattoos. I love that the animal ears are never explained. I love desuhiko's tboy swag and yeah, the golden yellow and the dirty blonde and the neon yellow accents don't look great together - and I think the clashing colors work wonders to establish his personality. this kid dressed himself and thought it would make him look cool. you idiot. aphex's hat is stupid. zilch's ears are stupid. vivia's bandages-instead-of-clothes are stupid - and yet reading into that choice is very insightful. (he puts on a lazy air but if he was really lazy he'd just put on an oversized emo band tee instead of wrapping himself up like a mummy every day. he actually does care about how he comes across to people.)
there's a few videos about fashion YouTubers judging the DR fits, and at one point they brought in Yuma and shinigami and they hated yuma's outfit so much because it's dorky and they wouldn't wear it. but like!!! that's the whole point is that it's dorky!!!! his little trainee shorts. his stupid fkin bowl cut making him look like a little boy whose mom still cuts his hair. (which of course turns out to be a meaningful deception. his haircut influences how the audience and other characters see him to great effect.) and yet he has the coolest fkin shoes ever and when he puts his hat and cape on he's got such an iconic silhouette. teru teru bozu lookin ass /pos.
anyway yeah. i wasnt a fan of komatzuzaki's designs in the beginning but over the years ive come around. I'm a firm designer that a character design doesn't necessarily have to look good to be a good character design. I like it when they aren't afraid to make the characters look cringe - I love cringe. I eat it up. thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
Even more perspectives! I think your take of 'bad-looking designs can be good actually' is a great way to look at Rain Code's characters. To put it simply, it's unique! 'Nobody does it like Komatsuzaki'-kind of campiness. Honestly, Rain Code's designs remind me a lot of Danganronpa 2's designs in terms of color. That cast is full of much brighter colors compared to the lesser saturation of DR1 n V3's cast colors. And it makes sense cause it's a brighter game overall in terms of setting and upping the ridiculousness of the killing game in every way! Rain Code sorta follows that with its own designs by crankin' up the neons to really ride the idea home that this game is wacky right from the get-go and it's a Resident Evil game in disguise! And y'know what Resident Evil loves to indulge in? Campiness! Rain Code wears its inspirations on its sleeve, and that's totally chill.
As a sidenote to your sidenote regarding Yakou's clothing details, I have actually written a bit about how he might perceive them, but I haven't yet written about what they could truly mean in terms of how they relate to him narratively. The meaning of the phoenix patterns are painfully obvious though heh. And I also greatly appreciate the recognition that Vivia really does care about his appearance despite his 'laziness'. His hedonistic lifestyle includes his own attire, wearing whatever he pleases no matter the effort! Like I've preached before, Vivia has the energy, he just prefers to use it only when necessary.
Thank you for the TED talk *golf claps*
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borhapstyles · 6 years
Hi! head cannon request!! beach day for ben hardy and reader with their three kids! (two older boys and a younger girl)!!!!
i got this request like a month ago im so sorry its late and i’m so sorry if this sucks too ahhhh i tried it’s currently raining outside so i don’t have much inspo but i hope this works, might edit it later on xx 
also this is pretty long lol enjoy darlings
sometimes beach days with the family were planned
sometimes they were spontaneous trips out, when you guys wanted to escape the London smog
this was one of those days
it was a Friday morning, late September,
Ben was set to leave in a week to film a new project abroad
and with your two sons starting school again in a few days
the air around your house was solemn, to say the least
you guys had spent the summer together travelling, with your family having your first disneyland trip together amongst other activities
and everyone was rather sad for the change of pace again, to pick up normal life once again
you tried not to show your sadness with Ben leaving and Ben tried not to show his own reluctance to go
but your oldest son, who was 7, couldn’t mask his sadness and mixed them with pre-school jitters
“what’s wrong, darling?” you said as you approached him, a heavy frown on his face as he played with his toys
“i don’t want daddy to leave.”
you felt your heart break right there and you hoped Ben wasnt anywhere near to hear it cause you know he might just drop the whole film if he heard
“that’s his job though, baby. he needs to go out and do these things for us, so that we can live in this nice big house and so that I can take care of you and your siblings.”
“but I want him here, I don’t want him to go. I’ll never see him anymore.”
even if your 7 year old was a mama’s boy, him and his father had a special bond
which often involved Ben giving him ice cream when he knows he shouldn’t have more sugar and teaching him little things about sports and life in general amongst other things
“you’ll still see him, darling. every night if you want to, we’ll facetime him. and we can always go out and visit him on your school breaks, you love seeing him on set, don’t you? remember how much fun we had when we visited him in Paris?”
“...okay, mummy.”
but you knew he wasn’t fully happy with the idea yet
and neither were you, neither was anyone really
but this was Ben’s career and is also what made him happy, it’s what made you happy, and it was never going to be easy to begin with
a few minutes later though, you ran into Ben just standing in the hallway on his phone
“are you alright?” you poked at him and he looked up at you and sighed
you walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around you, kissed your temple and frowned
“i heard what (your son’s name) said earlier, about not wanting me to leave so i’ve been standing here since on my phone calendar trying to figure out all the weekends I can come home or when you guys can fly out.”
“why’s it so hard to leave this time?” you felt him melt into you and you rubbed his back gently
“because you have us, and you love us. but,” you pulled back to look him in his eyes, “you’ve also loved acting since you were 15 and you’ve worked so hard to get to this point. this film’s going to be incredible and the most amazing people are on it, yourself included.”
Ben then blushed because he knew how many other famous actors auditioned for his role but it was his to claim, he earned it and deserved it the most
not that he believed that though
for as cocky as Ben could play
he could be quite insecure in his own abilities sometimes, which is when you stepped in with warm arms and reassured him of his talent
“everything’s complete here. you guys are my everything now and i dunno why i’m leaving you all sometimes.” he mumbled into your shoulder.
your hands went to the back of his head and you patted the soft hair gently
“this is part of it sometimes, we both know that so well. and it’s not everyday that you get to work with a director like Christopher Nolan, you’d regret it one day if you turned all this down.” you spoke softly
Ben sighed, knowing you were right
u always right tbh
but anyways
as you held Ben in your hallway, the TV in the background where your two sons played as your daughter slept peacefully in her bedroom
you noticed that it was raining outside
surprise surprise for london am i right
“here, i have an idea that i think will make all of us feel better” you said before pulling out your phone
“are your parents home this weekend?”
aaaaaand eventually the five of you found yourselves driving down to Bournemouth
all of you had little overnight bags packed for when you’d spend the night at Ben’s parents’ house
which they did not mind one bit and already had the guest room set up
“was wondering when you guys would visit, we never see our grandkids enough!” they guilted
but all this was just so that you guys could have your needed beach day
because surprisingly enough, the weather down in Bournemouth was so much more pleasant than the dreary London rain
and the five of you just needed to get out of the house
once you all finally made it out to the sand
your kids, who had been to the beach a plethora of times before,
still treated it like it was their first time out to the beach
Ben was particularly amused with your daughter who was still having trouble deciding if her two year old self liked sand
he would gently lower her into the soft sand, watch her toes curl and her face twist into one that says ‘i don’t know what this is but i kinda like it’
“darling, look at her face, look” Ben said before bursting into laughter because he’s just so fascinated by her
she’d definitely grow up to be a daddy’s girl, Ben spoiled her like mad
and of course she was wearing the little outfit he had picked out for her whilst you two were out shopping one day
and your sons, they just adored the water
you told them not to go too far out and watched them like a hawk
but loved seeing them splash around
and when they had their fun with the water they came out and were begging for their dad to play football with them
and Ben went around kicking the ball with them while you held your daughter and fake-narrated the game
your sons also insisted on building the greatest sand castle there was to ever exist, at least with the materials you guys had
“daddy, more water for the sand, please.” your oldest son would command whilst helping his little brother form another castle
your heart just melted watching all three of them have a go at it while you held your little girl
they were the perfect mix of you and Ben physically, but they had his determination and his confidence
and when they started fighting over who got to be king of the castle??
Ben stepped in, “alright, alright, that’s enough. if you two can’t share the role as king, then no one is going to be king.”
“but you can’t have just a queen”
“who says you can’t?” you said
“i-i mean, well, you’re the queen, mummy, and-”
“and,” Ben cut him off, seeing this as a valuable moment to teach his children about gender roles and expectations in the little ways that he could,
“mummy can be a queen just by herself, she’s capable of anything, as is your sister. they don’t ever need a king, but they can have one if they like. now what do you say,” he turned to you
“would you like to have a king?”
you laughed and said “sure, but i don’t want just one. i want these two handsome boys right here to be my kings.”
and that’s when your daughter started giggling
and Ben scooped her into his arms and tickled her
eventually when the sun was setting, the five of you would settle atop the beach blankets
eating random snacks that Ben had packed while you got the kids ready
and your husband of course made sure to pack the separate snacks that your daughter loved because she was kinda a picky eater and Ben would do anything for her
but really Ben would do anything for you guys
and while you two watched your kids playing, he leaned his head against your shoulder
“thank you for getting us out of the house” he mumbled, feeling absolutely content with the day you guys had “dunno what i’d do without you”
“mm, it was getting to be a bit much inside there anyways. i think we all needed this, one final goodbye to the summer, till next year.” you replied
Ben then kissed your shoulder and mumbled something a little too nsfw that probably shouldn’t have been said with your kids nearby lmao
and you playfully punched his shoulder and were like “Ben, the kids are here”
and he just chuckled and kissed your temple
“promise me you’ll always do this?”
“do what?” you laughed
“you know, save me, save us, from when things start to feel like shit”
“only if you do the same when i’m down.”
Ben nodded and shrugged, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
“i’ll always look after you, darling.”
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paindora-hurts · 9 years
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ive always wanted to draw a fluffy haired child break/kevin -sorry its messy im fixing it up right now- still working on them but im posting them cuz i might never get to finish them..
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