#he would rather stay confused than have me try and explain trolls and ents help
invisiblewashboard · 9 months
Small Child’s Thoughts on “Treebeard” Part 2
I think Ents are just supposed to be tree-ish. They sound like tree-ish people.
Hey, Treebeard uses the word “lost” correctly. I don’t like when people say they lost someone when they just mean they died. Those words are not the same.
I don’t think the ents and entwives are good at being married. Because if you’re married you’re supposed to be a team and work together and stay together. And they did not do that.
I don’t understand why he has a bed if he stands up to sleep. Beds are for sleeping and for lying down.
“Dingle” is a word that sounds hilarious to me.
I think my favorite ents would be ones like oak trees because I like oak trees a lot.
I do not think I am a very hasty folk. I take a long time to do things and to decide things.
Merry has maps in his head like me! But my maps are railway maps.
Wow, that was just very rude of the orcs to do. So maybe I can get why he that ent wants to fight them.
Hmm, I am a little confused about trolls and ents and orcs and elves. (That’s alright, we can talk about it later.) No, I think I will just stay confused, but thank you for the offer.
Well, now trees are just doing things trees aren’t supposed to do again!
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