#he’s a crabeater seal if you’re curious
krashlite · 2 months
Update to his selkie design! Man has found his coat at long last!!!
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(Bearing this in mind, he likely will not be returning to the sea. He now yearns for dry land)
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tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
Top 5 favorite types of seal?
ohhhh prepare yourself. some interesting pinnipeds are incoming
5- baikal seal because they decided to be pickme’s and choose the weirdest and most nonsensical fucking ecology. ocean? nah, how about a lake so deep it’s literally a CRACK BETWEEN TECTONIC PLATES. hunting with vibration and sound? sike, actually they have the most fucked up googly eyes you’ve EVER seen. what were they thinking. good for them.
4- spotted seal. delightfully chonky and are some of the least-dickish stepfathers in the animal kingdom! you can often spot these guys hanging out in groups of three: a female, her mate, and her pup fathered by last season’s mate. her new mate is totally chill with the pre-started family, so long as he gets to father the next pup. pay it forward i suppose.
3- ribbon seal, because they look like marble cakes! they usually live in polar bear country, but they have travelled as far south as california in the past, meaning there is a chance i may see one in real life! i dream of the day.
2- weddell seal. the mothers parent together in giant colonies, like a big daycare with the constant looming threat of orca or sea leopard predation. like the baikal weirdos, these guys also use their keen vision rather than sound to hunt, and are able to sneak up within mere feet of fish without startling them. sneak 100. we also know more about their ecology than any other seal species!
1- you already know. leopard seals (sea leopards if you’re an intellectual) are objectively the highest tier seal build. no other seal can match them in power. what they’re not as well known for is their adaptability and resourcefulness. they can hunt and eat pretty much anything, from krill to fish to cephalopods to penguins to other pinnipeds. they’re excellent generalist ambush predators. they have a sadistic side and are known to play with their food (re: psychologically torment penguins) even at the risk of flubbing it and completely losing the kill. they can swim almost fast enough to get a ticket in a school zone and they make it everyone else’s problem. they have a bad reputation for being aggressive toward humans (one did murder a woman that one time), but there are just as many instances of these water wolves being curious and even nurturing toward humans. very beautiful, very powerful.
honorable mentions include the crabeater seal, whose teeth are somehow more funky than the sea leopard’s, and the harp seal for the ridiculous fact that they abandon their pups far before they can swim or eat and just kind of. hope for the best.
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