#he’s combating the urge to care but he can’t hold out against the primal fatherly core
scootkiddo · 1 year
He couldn’t help himself. In spite of trying to remain walled off and apathetic, in spite of casting blame on Ellie for Tess’ death because he had to project the anger somewhere. Joel. Couldn’t. Help himself. He offered Ellie his jacket to keep her warm. He gave her the remaining morsels of his food. He just couldn’t resist. It’s that fatherly drive. It’s that urge to protect and provide. It’s that parental instinct that shifts into gear above all else because that is what he still is at his core. That is what makes up his being. A protector. A guardian. A caretaker. No matter how long he may try to beat sympathy into submission, no matter what guise of silence and deadpan demeanors he may attempt to exhibit, Joel is still holding on to his parental role with a white-knuckled grip. Maybe he thought that role was shattered 20 years ago, much like his watch which marked the death of both his daughter and parenthood, but he’s slowly putting back together the pieces. Maybe he’s not even conscious of it, but Joel is causing the watch to tick again. Unbroken
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