#he’s so highstrung and then it just fucking *breaks*
hhawks · 2 years
okay. you said send your worst. how about hinata coming home from practice and you decide to try something different. you immediately start kissing him and touching him. and you know he has a habit of going to the bathroom to the pee after practice. and that's exactly what you don't want him to do. he's getting breathy and says "wait a minute. i just have to pee. ill be right back." and as soon as he gets up to leave you grab his wrist and say "can- you maybe not do that? just try and hold it a bit. it's okay if u end up making a mess too."
don't perceive me if this was a lot.
h..... hinata .... hinata piss kink.... no but okay i feel like he's the type of guy to pinch his eyebrows like he doesn't understand, like babe, if i go pee now we can fuck faster and you have to be like no, no. sit him down and crawl between his legs, pawing at his tummy and his cock. hold it? you ask, doe eyes so sweet. hold it for me, okay?
and he feels like he can't breathe with the way you're hovering over him, your hands dangerously close to his cock. balls tight, bladder full. you know when you have to pee but can't, and it just makes it all the more difficult to hold it? that's how he feels now, squirming as you pull his shorts down. it's almost unbearable, the tightness in his abdomen as you start to stroke his cock through his underwear, he tip that peeks out pretty and swollen and twitching. hinata's so pretty, you can't help but coo at the way his thighs shake and his head tilts back with a groan with every passing second that you make him hold it.
"i can't," he whimpers. "i have to— have to go."
"needa go?" you ask, lips brushing up his neck. the friction of the fabric on his poor cock, the burning need to let go; he's suffering, and you love it. "make a mess on me?"
he shakes his head no, so vehement, so determined to hold it in. "don't wanna," he pants, "wanna be good, wanna—" he cuts off with a whine as you cup his dick through his boxers, squeezing slightly. he slings a toned arm across his eyes, hair sticking to his forehead, whimpering so sweetly.
"are you sure?" you kiss his neck, his chest, his nipples. "you can, baby. want to see you relax."
he's so highstrung, so high on adrenaline all the time that you want to see him break. and now, as your hand flits up to his navel and presses down softly, he comes undone.
the grey of his underwear soaks first. a little patch of darkness that spreads and spreads and spreads, little whimpers tearing from his mouth. it's so lovely, the way he comes undone with your palm around him. he makes such a mess, wetting the sheets and your laps with him.
you coo, praise him so sweetly as he empties his bladder on you. "such a good boy," you kiss his forehead. "such a pretty mess you've made."
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anja-mittags · 7 years
honest opinion on ralf/leon 🎉
Like you dont know!!!
Brutally honest, I think it’s an excellent pairing in the long line of tragic schalke captains and their vice captains. It’s especially gruesome with like….Leon /will/ leave and Ralle will probably spend nights looking through his stupid snapchat and not thinking about how much he misses him.
Also that birthday kinder chocolate bullshit!!! I will never be over it. It’s definitely weird for me as a whole since I never imagined actually shipping him with anybody but suddenly schalke gave Benni away (sobs) and Max is looking to leave and Leon is offered the responsibility and fuckk!!
Ralle to me is like the sorta dude you wish you could just hang onto because theyre the chillest person on the planet and you-the highstrung mess of a glory hunter-need that in your life desperately. But eventually you start second-guessing yourself like maybe you’re clinging too hard and maybe you need to give them space and maybe you’re deeply ass over head in love with this man and how exactly does one come out to the one person who can seemingly gently break you to figure out which pieces you should keep and helps you remold yourself?
Leon is fucked. Is what I’m saying.
The most delicious and tragique thing is the love story has a time limit. Why should a chance be taken if it ends too soon, is it worth it that way, is it even real? Flash in a pan passion that never has time to settle and simmer and taste like a victory.
And again, because you asked and I’m being honest. If Schalke win the cup, it’s the universe aligning for the kill, the exquisite pain of fucking achieving something, getting what you want too fucking late
So is it worth fucking around with your captain if the universe says here is your reward, a cold hunk of metal and sweat cooling on your skin. Is it worth the squeeze tight hold of your heart as you lose part of it to a man who has goodbye written all over his face, his eyes, his lips.
To be a cliche: you only live once. You only get this once so make it count, break your fucking heart for the fame and glory.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion.
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deckspair · 5 years
There’s No War in Ba Sing Se | Akira | Chapter 3 | Trial 3.4 | Re: Kosuke, Junshu, everything really
[CW emetophobia, denial of reality, panic attacks]
She hadn’t thought, when she began to think before, that she would be calling out the killer. She didn’t realize that Kosuke was such a delicate house of cards. But it made sense. The relaxed but highstrung boy. A contradictory nature that would result in his lashing out. Akira had mixed feelings about the boy, but seeing him now,
He was pitiful.
He was disgusting.
He was very much human, and that’s what made this choice so hard.
It’s too much, it feels too much, and she needs air, real air. Akira pulls down her mask, taking a little too big of a gasp. Though she pulled it down a bit at meals, this was probably the first time that any of them had seen her without it completely. Her cheeks were sullen, her lips cracked and dried, with little scars littering them from previous untreated cracks. She looked like death warmed over. Which was fitting because it was how she felt right now.
Minnie had been a sad, deluded girl, and Naniko was pretty much been a cartoon villain. But the situation with Kosuke was very real, and it hurt all the more, hearing him own up to it.
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“Why the fuck woulda…”
Waterboarding? That was a horrific thought. Who would have done that? It made her feel sick. Frogbot. She looked to the robot with panic in her eyes for a moment. Was this going to happen again? Had she been lucky that this was someone she wasn’t that close to?
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“This isn’t… My meeting with Frogbot wasn’t anything like this. They just… Brought up some home stuff. Offered some things, threatened some stuff, but they didn’t even touch me. That’s…? That’s not what actually goes on there, is it?!”
The panic gnawed at her stomach, ;nearly wrenching her lunch from her as the world started to close off. No way, no way. That wasn’t possible. She took a heavy gasping breathe, leaning over her podium and trying not to be sick. Nobody else had to deal with that, right? No way, no way, no way… Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest she had to stop, to stop, to stop, to-
Deny it ever happened. If it didn’t happened, it’s not reality. Akira took several deep breathes as she leaned over her podium, readjusting her reality. It didn’t happen. There was no waterboarding in DECK. There was no waterboarding in DECK. This new reality brought her peace, but it took everything she had to hold it together.
She went silent, listening to the others, even his friends, tear him apart. It was painful to see. And yes… Even as she listened to this, she couldn’t pull up the same kind of disgust. She was so tired. As her gaze flicked from classmate to classmates, she felt older and older. The girl straightened up, something dead in her eyes.
“I get it, you know. I know you were in a no win situation. I get what fear does to people. Fear, and grief, and regret. These things will drive us into corners. We’re tested to our limits here, in this disgusting place. We aren’t bad people, and yet so many of us keep doing bad things. It’s sad. And so, we’re forced to come to terms with why things are the way that they are.”
Her fingers go to her mouth, and instinct want to take a drag of her smokes.
“You’re calling Junshu a fool, but she’s right, you know? You were scared, but we all are. Why do you think it was that two guns were bought, but only one was fired. What about the s- Other things that could kill? Did you ever consider some people bought things to dispose of them, to get them out of the way. But, no, you bought the gun because you felt that you needed it to protect yourself. Most weapons in the world have a lot of different purposes. If someone have bought one of the shears from the shop, they could use them to garden, or cut food up in the kitchen. But a gun? A gun does one thing down here. It kills people. Get what I’m saying?
“From the moment that you bought it, you decided that you were okay with killing someone.”
She let’s the linger in the air. The girl closed her eyes and sways, nearly falling. Tired, so tired… She needed to rest, but there was never any to be found. She could and would go fourteen hours with no breaks, but this? This exhausted her so much.
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“I understand why you did it. I get it was an accident, and I get too that Sayuri probably wouldn’t hate you either. She was the nice type. And really, I don’t hate you either. I hated Nanako and her self righteousness. But you? I don’t. You’re sad, and scared, like a cornered cat. But, if a cat is hurting people, it needed to be quarantined, right?“
“If you weren’t stuck on this ship, if the police were hear, this would probably be manslaughter, second degree murder at the worst. You don’t deserve to be executed any more than you deserve life in prison. You were in a situation were you felt like you didn’t have a choice but to defend yourself, but neither do we.”
“I’m not going to hate you for the things that you did, but, I hope you don’t hate us either. I’m sorry it’s come to this, but… Between you and everyone else, I’ve got to put your life on the line.”
She place a hand over her eyes, wanting to feel something could and firm. She just wanted to press her face against a wall and knock on it until her emotions calmed. Why was she so upset? Because Kosuke wasn’t a bad person? That was why, right.
There is no waterboarding in DECK.
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bleedsloyal · 5 years
👫 bc theyre already off to a damn good start
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
001. joseph really does not want to fuck with magic but honestly he’s hilarious to fuck with and basically always having trouble with something, which only makes his kick me sign like 3 times as big. she will literally never get over his face when she walks on things that are not meant to be walked on. especially because he will never get used to it. and sometimes runs into walls while she does it because his stupid ass wasn’t looking.
002. it doesn’t matter how normal it is for her or how huge of a pain in the ass she’s being, if it looks dangerous he is going to be panicked. because all he can imagine is that gravity’s suddenly going to work for her again and she’s going to fall off that ceiling and break her stupid neck and die. she thinks it’s cute the way he acts like an ant when u blow on it.
003. if they ever end up getting better acquainted tea swaps are a thing. he is about as highstrung as they get with as much as he deals with, and some of her recipes are almost unnaturally calming. 
004. every step u make every breath u take every time u make a stupid fucking decision she’s just there to midna giggle it’s like she has a timer for those things. especially emotionally. he only had to ask her one time if she’s a love witch who’s around so much then could she explain why he can’t keep a relationship and then determined it was the worst mistake of his life.
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heartlikearchive · 8 years
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        i’m me running on 13 hours without sleep (i’m a baby okay i need to sleep a lot and often), and thinking about how betty is at a very fragile time of her life. for a girl, being sixteen is a wild experience. so i decided to just explore a bit on what makes this such a hard and surreal time for her. this applies for my riverdale verse, but mostly my suburban gothic verse!
1. you’re 16, you’re growing up, your body is doing allkinds of weird shit. your boobs are getting bigger, your stomach is flopping and soft and not at all like the girls you see on tv or online. you have hair growing every fucking where, and there is blood running down your legs once a month and it reminds you, and everyone in those ugly, tiny school bathrooms that you are a woman. you sure don’t feel a lot like a woman sitting in a cramped stall, trying your damnedest not to let everyone know you’re opening up a pad, though. is that what it means to be woman? shame, and confusion, and feeling at odds with all your body? yikes.
2. everyone is looking at you, waiting to see who you’ll become, and who you are. what in the ever loving fuck does that even mean? who you are? what defines that? is it your blonde hair? (blondes have more fun!) is it your last name? (that’s polly’s sister, betty. she’s a lot more highstrung than she looks…) is it the lipstick you wear? the music you listen to? your favorite class? what sports you do? who your friends are? what is it that defines who you are? if you don’t know that, then who does? ––imagine trying to figure out who you are, when everyone has already decided that for you.
3. as someone who loves love (me, i’m talking about me here). even i have to wonder if that’s because i just lacked a lot of it growing up, or is it because romance is prepackaged towards the world (cough, girls) and sold in nicholas sparks-glossy-dvd cases, alongside unrealistic expectations and a taylor swift album or two? regardless, imagine being a 16 year old girl, having all these feelings that you don’t completely understand to the one person you feel the most yourself with. imagine just wanting them to like you the way you like them, imagine the (okay, unhealthy, but that’s what being 16 is about, y’all) understanding that if he likes you back, that meanssomething. then there’s the crushing knowledge that no, no he doesn’t like you like that. there’s nothing you can do about it, there’s nothing anyone can do about it. and it hurts, and it hurts, and it hurts because is it your fault? could you have done something differently? and not to mention, it feels like you’ve lost your safe space, because of all of that. you battle with the urge to change who you are, and accepting defeat. it stings, and it burns, and you just have to live with it, until maybe one day you can look at him, and you’re numbed to it. 4. you feel as though you could take the world in your hand, and if you squeezed it hard enough, if you pushed yourself hard enough, it could all be yours. but there’s a limit to how far your back can bend before it breaks. there’s a limit to how far you will go before you break. and because you’re you, and it feels like your whole girlhood is on the cusp of something, you’re going to try regardless, and suffer the consequences.
i don’t know, i just think that riverdale plays around a lot with a subtle dose of that “something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls” aesthetic (which i love, as anyone who knows me knows, since i also have a southern gothic au for daphne inspired by megan abbot’s novel, dare me, over HERE), and it shows in all the chaos that is scattered across betty’s personality. in the subgoth! au, it’s basically just that amped up a lot. i really like to take a lot of influences from megan abbot’s novel, the fever for this. also, a post i love which articulates what i tried to (and probs failed to) can be found HERE.
i love this particular quote from dare me in particular:
“ages fourteen to eighteen, a girl needs something to kill all that time, that endless itchy waiting, every hour, every day for something — anything — to begin.”
it just really encompasses a feeling, a vibe, an aesthetic that i think is dynamic and powerful and so so interesting to explore, and… yeah, i never know how to end these metas.
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