#he’s so yummy i should store him in a jar like a candy..
hyunpic · 5 months
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sl33p1ngf0x · 3 years
This is from one of my stories...I hope you like this little excerpt:
( OK, it's more like a script)
Ok, these all my OCs.
Kay: Aww. Come on, Kon. * gestures* Just reach your hand down inside the jar, and feel around...I'll bet you can find some candy. Ooo, yummy, gummy, SWEET candy!
Kon: No. Not gonna try it, Kay! * frowning*
Kay: Aw, come on, Kon, you can do this! * pleading, innocently * Pleeeasse?
Kon: Not uhn. * shakes his head* No! * pauses* Look I know what you're trying to do it and * crosses arms * it's not gonna work.
Kay: * pouting* Kooon, I 'm hungry. * impatient * Just reach down in the jar!
* He looks at the jar, suspiciously, and shakes his head vigorously*
Kon: * big gesture* No, Kay! What if there's something really, really dangerous * looks at the jar, and swears he saw a shadow move inside* , down in there. * crosses arms again, ignoring her* Not uhn, not falling for it. * glances at the jar again* Besides, there could be...I don't know, * cute shrug* a baby alligator or an alien * makes a face* in there?
Kay: * laughs* No, there's no baby alligator in there, silly! * has a laughing fit* And aliens , really? Just some candy. Come on..
Kon: * charging at her, adorably * I'm not doing it, Kay! * pouting * I'm not sticking my hand down in there. * points to the jar* * pauses, and crosses his arms* You do it.
Kay: * crosses her arms, pouting * No, I don't feel like it.
Kon: You're the hungry one. You do it!
Kay: No, you do it!
Kon: Not uhn, you!
Kay: No, you!
Kon: No! You do it , Kay!
Kay:* fiercely* No! You do it, Kon!
* They start getting in each other's adorable faces*
Kon: Not uhn, you!!
Kay: No you!!
Kon: *with a slight push, snarling* No, YOU!
Kay: YOU!
* Turns into an epic battle, nose to nose*
Kon: YOU do it!
Kay: NOT UHN, YOU!!!
* Momma Z comes rushing into the room , to break it up, gently *
Momma Z: Hey, hey, hey! * looks at the two* What is going on here, you two?
Kon: * tattles* Momma, Kay wanted me to stick my hand down inside that jar! And I'm not doing it! * adorably crosses his arms again, with a big grunt* Hmmph!
Kay: * complains* Momma, I'm hungry for some candy and Kon won't do it! * sticks her tongue out at Kon * Thlmu!
* Momma Z, prevents closeness of the two* Whoa, whoa! * cocks an eyebrow, looking from one to the other * Who said you had permission to touch THAT jar, in the first place? Hmm?
Both: No one??
Momma Z: * nods* Mhm. So, maybe , you two * reaches into her apron pocket, and pulls out her bag of coins, with a sigh* should visit Mr. Mole's Candy Shop, instead? * smiling* You can buy as much candy as this bag can offer!
Both: * epic smiles* Woohoo!!!!
Kon: All right! * jumps and then looks expectantly at Momma Z * Can I hold the bag, Momma?
Kay: * frowns* No fair! * glares at Kon* I wanted to , Kon.
Momma Z: Now, now, Kay, let Kon carry the coins this time. Next time, when you go again to the candy store, then you can carry the coins. But, this time, Kay * boops her nose, playfully* you get to carry the candy back.
Kay: * looks from Momma to Kon, and back again* Ok. Fine. * pauses, as a triumphant smiles spreads across her face* But, I get to pick the candy.
* Kon frowns and moves forward to protest, but Momma Z stops him and boops his nose playfully *
Momma Z: The both of you do. * looks at both of them to confirm*
Both: * sweetly, angelic and nodding their adorable heads* YES, Momma. * epic smiles*
Momma Z : * Smiling, ushering them out the door of the house in the tree* Ok, you two, run along now. * Watches them go , sweetly* Dinner will done in a while! * calling g to them again* Kon, no arguing!
Kon: calling back * Yeeess, Momma!
Momma Z: Aww, little squirrels. * Sighs, and turns back to the kitchen, with her soft fluffy tail following behind*
* As she leaves the room, the shadow in the jar shifts and falls off the wooden table. *
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