#he's a brickwork woodlouse :)
b0mb-yx · 3 years
shout out 2 my pet isopod small blocker you singlehandedly make me so happy and every day i check on u and see u’ve crunched a hole thru another dead leaf i smile
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
@starling-the-whore submitted: saw this guy at work today, in southern Ontario. ID appreciated if you can but I don't expect that there's much to go off of since I didn't have time to take great photos for identification, just wanted to share cos he was so cute.
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Cute little woodlouse!!! Looks like a brickwork woodlouse, Porcellio spinicornis, as far as I can tell just from this photo :)
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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@fisheggsbang​ submitted: saw this dude while cleaning out some old boxes, he seemed to be alone though. any idea what he is, this was in New York
A very nice woodlouse! Possibly a brickwork woodlouse, Porcellio spinicornis. I love them!
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onenicebugperday · 4 years
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i found this little boy crawling around the store i work at just as i was about to start sweeping the floor! i couldn’t put him outside without the acting manager knowing i opened the back door, so i put him in the back room where there are plenty of places of hide and he won’t get stepped on. i don’t quite know what he is, but i’ve seen a lot of little guys like him in the store before, so i’m curious to know. i live in southern Saskatchewan!
What a cute little dude! It’s a brickwork woodlouse. They eat decaying plant matter, so if you’re able to put it outside in the future, that would be better. :)
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