#he's been in the thick of a community where he was the scapegoat and the Cause Of All Evil and he's done a lot of shit things true
dr3amofagame · 8 months
Hi ! I'd like to know too for the ask game : 6, 13 and 26 ?
6. Is there a c!Dream scene/moment/action you would change?
Hmmmm I can't think of any, no. Mostly I think I would like some more in terms of follow-through w/ certain scenes, such as c!Endersmile the whole agreement with c!Dream + c!Foolish, the whole Aimsey debacle, stuff with c!Sapnap, but a lot of that was kinda beyond cc control. In terms of the stuff that seemed to be building somewhere that we didn't get I'd say what I miss the most is probably c!Wilbur getting involved w/ the prison arc, because damn it seemed like everyone involved wanted that badly but it just never worked out scheduling wise. Also, scrapped lore, but scrapped lore Is Canon. To Me.
In terms of actual scenes I would change...idk, LN5 c!Quackity and c!Dream showdown comes to mind? But that wasn't like bad, it was just because of internet issues there was a lot less of it than I would've liked. I wanted to see more c!Dream in the c!Dream vs c!Quackity showdown (tm), but as it is c!Dream blowing up a shit ton of slime and having a panic attack works perfectly well for me (it honestly hurt c!Q more than c!Dream, considering their stories, but again sometimes technical issues can't be helped.)
13. Since we rarely saw c!Dream's own POV, who was your main pov character/s?
Wherever c!Dream Was (tm).
For a more serious answer, especially in the early days I watched a lot of Tubbo. Fundy too, funnily enough? Wilbur as well, Tommy POV was probably what I watched the least at that point (unless Dream was online lmao). Lots of Punz watching too tbh when he was active on DSMP (and now, I've been watching Punz for a long time). Later on, still lots of Tubbo, more Tommy, I just kinda hopped onto whoever's stream at the time errrr I will not lie i was kinda a no life DSMP watcher for like all of 2020. Later on I watched a lot of Sam, Foolish, and Bad when they were the main three logging on. But yeah, basically whoever I could lmao
26. If c!Dream had to spend the rest of his life around only one other DSMP character, which one would you choose for him?
I mean I do have an AU that's literally this exact concept what do u expect from me who am I if not giving c!Sam eeeeeeverything he could ever want (tm)
If I'm not literally torturing c!Dream, probably c!Techno XD
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scammydoesstuff · 3 years
So about that 'Blue Bloods' episode…
I recently saw something come across my dash regarding Alex Brightman’s guest appearance on the season 11 episode of 'Blue Bloods' (The Common Good) and it reignited the vehement response I had to the episode as a whole. And, since I have this blog now, I figured…fuck it. I need to rant about it.
So that's what this is.
Take what I say with a grain of salt, of course. This show is so clearly not for me and I acknowledge that, but I went to school for and got my degree in creative writing and so much of this episode pissed me off from a narrative perspective and I just really need to talk about it. Putting it under a Read More, though, so you can ignore me if you’d like while I rage to no one in particular. Apologies in advance if you choose to read on. I'm super long-winded. Luckily I don't have pictures and this is more of just a lot of text, so…it could be longer?
So, to begin, I’ll freely admit that I’d never seen an episode of 'Blue Bloods' before this and I’ve not watched it since. I mean, if the rest of the episodes are as badly written as this one, I have no interest to either, but I digress.
Overall my main problem with the episode was how desperately it avoided ‘showing’ over ‘telling’ and, as a visual medium, that’s kind’ve a big deal. We were told pretty much every detail that was presented to us. These people love to hear themselves talk, but do little to actually show things as they happen and I believe a part of that has to do with the focus of the show itself, which is definitely unique to this brand of television. By that, I just mean that it’s not the format I might’ve expected from a show like this. Most cop shows give a lot of focus to the cases, and the intrigue you get with the characters is how they apply their own skills and knowledge to solve them, with the hi-jinks they get into along the way being more of a bonus.
This is not that kind of show.
No, 'Blue Bloods' as a show is way more interested in the cops and their familial ties than it is about the actual job that they’re doing, as shown prominently with the political plot of this episode which was also very focused on the relationship between Tom Selleck’s character and his daughter and the wholly unrelated dinner scene where they talk about lent for 2 and a half minutes and acknowledge nothing else that happened in the episode. This show doesn’t care about the job of being a cop so much as it cares about the cops themselves.
Which would be fine if I gave a shit about cops, but I don’t.
You could argue that the mentor plot is the exception to that, but that entire situation had no real consequences for the cop in question, Jamie, abusing his power. It was entirely focused on how the situation affected him and how it was fine that he’d nudged this kid to get information which ultimately led to the arrest of Dion's brother, and Dion quitting the program. Hell, if Jamie had, in his final scene with Dion, owned up to his abuse of power and left the program — to then urge Dion to rejoin so that he can have that positive outlet in his life without him there — I would’ve been way more okay with it, but Jamie faces no consequences past ‘I don’t wanna see you anymore’, which I was never convinced he actually cared about in the slightest. There's nothing cathartic about it, it's just shitty and left me feeling frustrated at the lack of consequences for the cop.
But hey, you prolly don’t wanna read me going on and on about those parts. You prolly wanna know why I hate it despite Alex’s plot — which I fully expected to love because he’s perfect and gorgeous even when he’s playing a bad guy and he was just so adorable in his lil suit and they let him keep the scruff this time, and he was all handsome an— I need to stop. That could go on forever.
Anyway, to put it simply; it was bad, but I'll definitely explain why.
Now, I don’t think any of the guests in this episode necessarily did a bad job. They still acted well enough for what they were given. I just think they had a shit script that wasn’t interested in that story line. I mentioned at the top of this that this show cared more about telling than showing and that’s a huge problem when you want me to buy a character being the culprit in your murder plot. I need evidence, not anecdotes. Cuz, yeah, by the end of the episode, I didn’t buy for even a second that Ralph did it. And it’s not because he was played by Alex who is just charisma incarnate. I can believe him playing a bad guy. I also watched his 'Law & Order SVU' episode where he scared the shit outta me. He can play a creepy and violent character very well, he just wasn’t convincing to me as a bad guy in this show.
And here’s why!
First of all, he confessed at knife point. That confession would be thrown away IRL. It’s the same problem with using torture to get information. If a person’s life is threatened or they're being harmed in some way, they’ll usually say whatever it takes to get you to stop threatening them/causing them pain. Same deal here. You can’t convince me with a confession like that.
But they didn't seem to be interested in convincing anyone as far as I could tell. They just expected you to believe it because, ‘no, didn’t you hear? He said he did it, so he did it.’ They had so many opportunities to portray this character as the shitbag that we’re told he is. Hell, great way to really implicate him? Give him a female assistant that Donnie Wahlberg and his partner overhear / walk in on him berating for something small like getting him the wrong coffee or something. Then have them talk to that assistant later on and her mention some weird behavior from him on the night of Andrea’s death. It's cliché, but it's more than what we got.
Or you could have him talk to Meghan in a super condescending voice when he approaches her after her interview later on. Or, hell, have him refer to the murder victim in a condescending way even as he talks about her death. But no. The most we get out of him is that he's maybe a little snarky and smug when talking to the cops, but that’s not enough to convince me he’s a bad dude. Frankly, his producer buddy came off as more of an asshole, if I'm being honest. Just cuz (we’re told) his character did shitty things to her in the past doesn’t mean he’s still shitty. Show me he’s still shitty. I wanna see it and I know Alex is capable of a performance like that.
Second, it’s also just…obvious to make him the culprit if we're to believe everything we're told about him. He and Andrea are described as having had beef a little while before the murder with him being abusive mentally and physically. He’s known in the community to be a misogynist and an abusive person overall. He’s the obvious suspect, but if there’s anything that Scooby-Doo taught me, it’s that it’s never the most obvious person. Like, once in a blue moon, sure — but it’s rare.
So yeah, I don’t believe that Ralph did it. You wanna know who I do think did it?
Alright, so bear with me. This'll prolly sound a little conspiratorial, but hear me out:
She had the motive. She confirms in the beginning of the episode that she’s also a female gamer like the victim, but that she was ‘no Andrea’. Andrea was her competition. They were (supposedly) friends and stuck together as female gamers, but Andrea was still competition. With her out of the way, Meghan’s able to rise in the ranks, if even a little bit.
She had a scapegoat in Ralph — again, the obvious suspect given his tumultuous relationship with Andrea sometime prior — and an obvious grudge against men in their community in general. And, don’t get me wrong, men in gaming can and often are hella toxic — I’m not, in any way, denying that — but she got way more emotional when talking about the men in their community than when she was talking about her supposed friend lying dead in the adjoining room.
Speaking of the adjoining room, how did she not hear the murder happening? It couldn’t have been when she was down in the bar, cuz we see Ralph there too in the crappy CCTV footage that was supposed to show him being an asshole, I think (hard to really see). Was she just fucking around somewhere else when it happened? She doesn’t mention as much that I recall (correct me if I'm wrong on that, of course). And Andrea was strangled to death. I would assume that there would’ve been a struggle with that. Are you seriously telling me she wouldn’t hear that in her adjoining hotel room? Those walls aren’t that thick. I find that kinda hard to believe. And that she wouldn’t have found her till the next morning after that, also strikes me as a little odd.
Going off on some previous points, she shows very little grief over her friend’s death. Not just in the intro scene, either, but later on as well. (Side bar: that intro scene itself was very misleading. Don’t lead with a murder plot if it only takes up less than 10 minutes of the overall runtime, kay?) The show did a pretty bad job at indicating the passage of time, but it’s implied that the convention is still happening when Meghan gets the confession out of Ralph, so it would’ve had to have been the same weekend, or possibly the same week (though most conventions I’m aware of don’t last that long — it’s usually a weekend thing, at most Thursday-Sunday — but it could be similar to AGDQ, which seems to last about a week). So, if this is only a day or so later, why would someone who is supposedly grieving over their dead friend do interviews like nothing is wrong? Wouldn't you, like, reschedule or just politely decline and say you need time to process the shock? Like, when we cut to ol’ Donnie Wahlberg calling her after her interview, she doesn’t look upset — as I imagine she might if they’d likely asked her questions about Andrea / her feelings about the murder — and she seems cool as a cucumber when she asks Ralph to go somewhere private. In fact, the look on her face indicates pretty clearly that she’s planning to do something. Specifically, not that she's scared, that she's angry.
Finally, she’s the one who’s attacking Ralph when Donnie Wahlberg and company arrive on the scene. She doesn’t seem to have any marks on her indicating that he made any move to harm her (again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember seeing her with any marks / cuts), but he’s got a clear, bleeding cut on his face. She attacked him first and was going in for the kill.
Or…was she? Cuz right before Donnie Wahlberg pulls her into that bear hug to stop her from the attack, she doesn’t do a great job of actually trying to kill Ralph. She was close enough that a quick dart at him would’ve probably been enough to at least injure him pretty significantly — maybe even fatally — and would’ve surely led the cops to pull them apart to secure him, but she kinda just hops around a bit and screams before lunging for him. That’s a really weird way to attack when you actually want to kill someone.
But, then again, I don’t necessarily think she did want to kill him. I’m convinced she wanted that confession, but that she also wanted him in jail and was playing the part of the super sad and hysterical victim who was just so overcome with her grief that she wasn’t in her right mind. I think that’s what they were going for in regards to her character in general, but it came across as less sincere in the performance and more like the character was putting on an act. They then cart Ralph off while comforting her — despite the fact that she disobeyed a direct order from police, which should lead to her being detained as well! — and that plot ends.
So, she gets what she wants in the end. A person she despises is now in police custody, her competition is out of the way, and the publicity she might get for bringing that ‘murderer’ to justice might eventually lead to her own career getting a nice boost. I dunno, it just strikes me as her having a great reason to have initiated this over Ralph just being a misogynist who 'was really trying to kill Meghan and just got the wrong girl'.
So yeah, with what the show presented to us, I believe Meghan’s the real killer. Again, if they’d done more to show me that Ralph was a bad dude or that she was more affected by her supposed friend’s death, or if they'd just given that plot more room to breathe to show those things, I might’ve been more inclined to buy the narrative they were pushing but…as is, I don’t believe it.
That’s pretty much all I wanted to say on the matter. I had a lot of issues with the domestic abuse plot line too, but they barely gave that 5 minutes of the overall runtime, so does it really matter in the long run? This is just…my thought process of the only part of the episode I watched for and how disappointing it was for me. And yes, I timed each section of the episode to figure out how much time was given to each of the 4 plots, plus the dinner scene at the end, but not counting the intro theme, and the murder plot got just over 8 minutes, of which Alex was on screen for half of that time. He got less than 5 minutes of screen time. It was definitely worth it just because he’s wonderful and I just like seeing him on these shows, but from a narrative standpoint, it felt pointless.
Okay, I’m done. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Unless y’all wanna talk about this some more, cuz I’m so down for that.
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nasty-b · 4 years
Should have left it to rot - A Hawks x Reader Fanfic
Warnings: Creepy Crawlings, Manipulation, Blackmail, 
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Right on. This could not go any worse if you fucking tried, right? All in all, the entire fucking day had been an absolute disaster. It was so bad. So.. disappointing. Starting with the fact that you got fired like a loser for something you had not even had any control over. It sucked majorly. Especially because not only did you have no control over the event, it was also not even in your jurisdiction. Not your job. End of story. Your superior should have become the person they nailed down but instead you got to play scapegoat.
It was proper stupid. But even ranting a bit around like this did nothing for your mood as you were making your way back home, the box with the stuff from your desk clamped under your arm. It’s not like paying rent was easy enough, even with this job paying you barely enough for the necessities. Now you got to stress over being put out on the street. Your landlord was enough of an asshole to put you out right now if he found out you got fired.
That man was as thick in the head as he was fat. And he was fat. Nothing against people who were on the heavier side but him being obese had nothing to do with- ok you need to calm down. Right now you were just letting your emotions insult anyone inside your head to let out the stress and anger of the situation. Is it beginning to rain? “Shit..” You wiped your h/c hair out of your face and picked up the pace. If you got hit by a storm now you were going to fucking implode. And after imploding you’d explode and probably take half the neighborhood with you.
That was a metaphor. You did not have the power to actually do that. Sometimes you wished you had it though. Just to have something. Sure, you had a quirk, but it was totally useless. You could just dislocate and relocate your bones without abstaining any damage and you could only do it with your arms or your legs. It also hurt like fucking hell, even if you did not catch any damage. You hated pain more than anything.
A lot of people do not enjoy pain. Hard surprise. Wow. Fucking shit it was raining. The drops were coming in hard and fast now and you weren’t even close to home. You’re not running in this weather. You’re gonna fucking slip and then get hit by a car or something.. this week was bad enough to make you feel like you were going through bad luck on purpose. Maybe you were. Maybe someone had cursed the shit out of you for existing. Not that much of a surprise.
Would not be.. much of.. a surprise..? Your step slowed down and cast down towards the small.. red ball of fluff sitting there in the middle of the road. Oh shit- it’s a bird. Poor thing must have hit a tree or something.. You glance up at the darkening sky. Yeah. Must have. Except for when you hear a soft chirp and glance down only to see the fluff moving. Wings stretching weakly and making you jump. Ok yeah no- not a fucking bird. It’s a hawk. A fully grown hawk. Jesus those claws looked mean-
It’s crooked wing also looked kind of unfortunately mean. Yikes there. The poor thing would likely not be flying anywhere anytime soon. That was a death sign for any bird. Broken wing. You should leave it- Law of nature and all. Except for where you were in the middle of the city and this was not exactly.. the most nature rich place. Oh god it’s coming towards you. Limping on it’s gangly legs. “Ahh, hold on- no- bad bird. Don’t come over hereEEK!” Saying this was embarrassing was an understatement.
The thing just hopped vaguely into your direction and you almost dropped your box and landed on your ass because you decided the smartest move was to jump hectically backwards as if the devil was about to bite you in the tit. Take a chill pill y/n. Maybe two. Hakuna your tatas. Think of funny internet pictures. It’s hard to do that with the bird still pathetically trying to communicate. Communicate?
It was kind of squawking at you but, well, obviously you understood none of that. You were no bird person. You did not speak chirp. Unfortunately. That would have been a great quirk to have instead of.. dislocating your limbs as many times as you wanted. You could have been a hero with that kind of quirk. Your own quirk just made you able to use your arms as meat nunchucks. Which. Sounded really fucking stupid oh my god- The image won’t leave your head but you’re forced to concentrate on the bird when it hopped onto your shoe.
First instinct is to scream and kick it. Second instinct is to not move at all. You were wearing short pants and you do not want the thing to peck at your legs. “Jesus christ- I’m so fucking dead. Please don’t hurt me-“ Just in case that thing spoke human, you were very willing to beg a bird to not bite you. But now that it was sitting on your shoe, looking at you. Something did poke at your subconscious. Which would be..
Normal hawks were not red. They might be brown.. with a red tint. But red? This poor animal looked like someone dropped it into a paint bucket. Probably what happened. Maybe that explained the broken wing. “Aw.. Was someone mean to you?” Maybe some kids pulled the poor creature out of a tree or something. “Uh..” It just sat there. Giving you the beady, sad look that only a bird could give someone. It pulled on your heart strings. Badly.
“Wanna.. come with me? For now?” The weather was bad. You were not going anywhere far today. But there was a vet on the way that would be able to set the wing.. at a cost of an arm and a leg. The thought makes you wheeze softly. The bird presses against your leg and you just kind of. Ah hell..
It takes the effort of two hours and most of your savings to get the bird to your shitty apartment. By now all sanity had left you, carrying the box with your stuff and the bird inside. They gave it a little muzzle cap. To ensure you did not get bit or clawed to shit while you waited until the weather cleared up enough to bring it to the nearest wildlife center.
By now you’re drenched. Severely. It was gross and made you shiver and ugh. Back to the loss of your sanity though, because right now you’re ranting to the damn bird about the week you have been having. Currently at the point where you got fired. “-and you’d think they fire the person responsible. Do they get fired? No. I get the shit put on me while I wasn’t even in said department when the whole thing crashed! Fucking bastards I tell you. Proper melts.”
It was oddly therapeutic. Talking to this red bird. Which, by the way, was not dyed. Apparently this had to be it’s normal colors. The vet had been confused but had shut up about it once you paid him. He just wished you well and ushered you out the door as if you were garbage. To be fair, you looked like it. You looked like the girl from the ring while she was climbing out of the well by now. Your hair’s a mess.
Any makeup you had on was runny and your clothes stuck to your body, making you feel oddly naked. “Hold on-“ You put the box down and immediately shimmy out of your clothes. “I suppose I oughta give you some new place to nest for now too, I don’t want you catching a .. cold..” While you had been undressing your gaze fell back onto the bird. Who was.. pointedly not looking at you? It was even shoving it’s head into the box. What the hell?
“Uh.. Buddy?” Was it throwing up in there? Please no. You shuffle over. “Hey, Leggie,” A nickname born out of the length the birds legs had. “If you throw up onto my shit, please, aim at something that is easily wiped down.” But of course you get no response. It does not even answer you. Rude little shit. “Fine.” You conceded.. after making sure the bird was not hurtling out some dead mouse or something. “Hide.. or whatever..”
Taking a shower was overrated after just getting fired so you get into a hoodie and some panties, some comfy socks to fight the cold, tiled floor and then got to moving stuff around. Once you emptied the box of the stuff inside, you filled it with towels and one pillowcase to create a weird sort of nest. Putting the bird back inside. You’re so glad it does not scratch you either. Oddly docile the little thing.. “Ok so.” You clap your hands.
“Welcome to your .. new nest. For now. We’ll be roomates until I have the time-“ and mood “-to get you to the nearest wildlife center.” You needed motivation for such a travel. The nearest one was five hours away with public transportation. You had no drivers license. Well, you used to have one but you lost it because you .. mhh.. you don’t actually remember why you lost it. It never mattered that much so you never bothered taking care of reclaiming it. It wasn’t like you had any money for gas and maintenance anyway.
It ended with you just walking everywhere or taking the subway if it came push to shove. You’re losing track of what you were doing but once you refocused.. you just sighed and hung your head. You were talking to a fucking bird. Wow. And they told you romance was dead. “I’m.. yeah.. let me just..” You turned away and shuffled to your fridge to pull out some raw steak you wanted to make for dinner today. You were not hungry anyway.. not anymore. So, you cut the thing up and just put it all in a bowl before walking back.
It leaves you with the danger of unhooking the muzzle and losing your eyes. Ahh that was bad.. Very bad. You pout a little and just.. carefully pulled it off. Holding the bowl over and putting it into the box, quickly retracting your hand and then lifting the box to put it in the bathroom. You had no bathtub but a shower, which is why the bird box went in there. You closed the glass door and watched the bird stare at you.
“Stop.. judging me.” It felt like it was. It was an ugly feeling to have such an elegant and majestic animal judge you. It sucked majorly. The bird tilted it’s head and just turned it’s head on the meat. Fine. Starve then you little rat.. It was late. You were tired. You got the little thing a bowl of water before you forgot and then you closed the bathroom door. Leaving the weak light on to make sure it found it’s food and it’s water. Time to sleep.
You can watch the bird choke down food tomorrow. No more today. Too late.. Did birds overeat? Naw right? Hawks were like.. eh- they hunted for themselves, surely they knew when they had enough or something. Yeah. Sounded more reasonable. You move to your bed and drop onto it. Taking your two room apartment in one more time before closing your eyes and just .. letting sleep claim you.
For some reason, sleep does not wanna claim you at first. A blood red hawk dancing around in the back of your mind.  That was weird, right? Red hawk. Hawks were brown, usually.. Unless.. did animals have quirks? Nah.. You’re putting too much thought into it. Finally. You drift off.
Only to wake up 6 hours later by a loud crash. You screech in panic and fall out of your bag, kicking and punching the covers off of you and scrambling backwards in reply. Jesus fucking christ what the hell? The noise continued. Clearly, coming out of your lovely apartment. This is hell. You’re in a horror movie. Any moment the monster will come around the corner and kill you.. does it? No. It doesn’t. You need to act before that monster does though.. Very likely a burglar but your imagination is running away with you. Where the fuck is your phone- you left it in the kitchen to charge. Fucking shit.
You grab the nearest thing, which would a polo stick. You don’t polo. You just found the damn thing in a trashcan once and thought it looked cool. Someone had clearly customize the thing and thus it was covered in painted on sunflowers on very dark wood.. They’re very tiny sunflowers. Very tiny. That stick is also not extremely sturdy, being as thin as it was, but you had nothing else and to get to the kitchen for a knife you might already get attacked. Be brave y/n. You do not wanna be brave. Yet, here you go-
With shaky steps, slowly but surely, you make your way to the door. There is still rustling and shuffling, which ensured that it was not right in front of your room. Mhhh carefully you peer around the corner and notice two things. 1. The light in the bathroom was on. 2. The door was open. And suddenly, the idea that came to you very quietly when you were about to sleep came back to kick you in the ass.. But you had been a fucking idiot about it. Because what if, what if.. that hawk was not a hawk. But someone with a hawk quirk. And you brought a stranger into your home and.. undressed in front of them.
Might explain why it looked away from her when you did and did not want to eat the raw fucking meat that had been given to it. God, if this was some kid discovering their quirk you’d be in so much shit. But how did the vet overlook that?? The vet. The vet should have fucking told you what was going on- bastard had probably kept quiet to avoid the drama. Once this is over you’re suing, but the current issue at hand, you dodge the terror of some stranger in your home and straighten out. If this was some kid, their arm was broken. You need to act.
So, gathering all your bravado you stalk over to the door and.. carefully peek inside the room. First thing you notice, this aint no fucking kid and second thing is that there was still an alarming amount of red in your bathroom. Two giant wings were flapping weakly in there and the blonde man that they belonged to was sitting in your shower. Crowded into this tiny bathroom and just looking.. a little bit dazed? He swung from left to right, yikes. Somehow he felt familiar. “E-Excuse me?” Polo stick, firm in your hand. “Are you alright?” The wing that had been broken was still angel awkwardly but by now the bandages had torn. This is bad.
At your voice the man turned his head and blinked owlishly at you. And, oh my god? You knew he looked familiar. You remember this man because his face is on a billboard three or two blocks away to advertise some cologne. You watched an interview with him just four days ago. Hawks. Number 2 Hero. Holy Hell. Hawks was sitting in your bathroom. Uh. Naked? Your eyes try to focus on his face but can’t help check his back out. Muscles alore. The man was short but packed to the sky. God. This was like, out of an fanfiction or something. This happened in fiction. Not real life. “Ah- let me get you some clothes!” Barely you snap out of your dumb stupor and run off to your room to get the biggest shirt and shorts you got- then you run to the kitchen to get a knife to cut two misshaped holed into the back of it.
Maybe those were too small.. But you rushed back only to find the blonde trying to wobble to his legs. The raw meat’s on the ground. Man, guilt coming in hard. You fed the number 2 hero raw meat. Raw.. meat. “Here, come on- uh- you need some pants at least!” He’s clearly out of it. But he’s sobering up quick because when you spoke to him he just held out a hand, to where you handed him the clothes and he started shuffling into them. His wings spread as much as they can, at least the healthy one, crowding you easily out of your own bathroom. Anxiety has your ass so hard you forgot to turn around but when you get a wing in your face you flee to your kitchen and just, shakily start making yourself some tea.
For two. Water enough for two.. he looked like he could need some tea once he got out of your dumb bathroom.. God his poor wing. What happened to it? Why would anyone do this- You knew Hawks, his quirk fierce wings was great but last time you checked, he could not turn into a hawk. But suddenly, there was a hawk Hawks. Which would imply that another quirk user did this to him, right? Oh god.. He saw you undress.. Well, at least he was a gentleman about it.. You’re nervous. Kind of scared of having made yourself look like a total fucking idiot.. you ranted to this man, your idol kind of, about losing your job. The blonde probably thought you were a huge loser.. You were a huge loser. You felt like one.
“Ehhh..” The voice has you snap your head around, almost burning yourself on the hot water you were trying to pour. The man was standing there with a sleepy look and just watched the two mugs on your counter. “..Nh.. Yeah.. Yeah thanks.” He sounds like he’s half asleep. Just moving to your kitchen table and managing to sit down on it, wincing as his broken wing avoided the chair. You wince in sympathy. “I’ll.. I’ll get dressed in a bit and then.. I’ll call you an uber to the hospital. Yeah?” Hawks doesn’t answer. He looked ready to fall asleep at the table. He needs help.. Fucking- Of course he needs help. You finish the making the tea and put some sugar in to help him stay awake before you trot over and put his cup down. “Here. It’s orange. I hope it’s fine.”
Still not much reaction. He just grunted and grabbed the mug to start blowing on it to cool it down. You realize that the shirt you gave him had died. The two holes you put in there had become one huge hole. Guess they were too small after all. Whatever. You’re sure the hospital had better options. Better had better options. Forget your tea, you’re getting dressed, snatching your phone from the counter and speed walking to your room. Find an uber, call them, pay them with the little fucking amount of money you had left which would ensure you’d have nothing to eat for the rest of the month and get Hawks to the hospital.
It takes you five minutes. When you get back the man was staring out the window. He’s looking more awake. That’s good. “Ok!” Your voice had him snap his head around and squint. God, anxiety in your ass. “The uber will be here in a bit, I picked one with a really big care for your wings- Uh,” He’s just staring. “L-Let’s go?” You pump your fist shakily into the air but it just makes you feel dumb. At least he listens, because he gets up and just waits for you to move to the side before walking past you. He’s angry. You can see he’s angry because his face looked angry. His fists were clenched and you’re unsure if it was you or the situation pissing him off.. You’d let him go alone but someone needed to be there to pay the uber driver. Yeah.. You’re praying they take card. You forgot to ask.
All the way down the stairs and then waiting for the uber is nervous hell. The man is super silent and just staring straight ahead as you stood next to him. You wanna go home. Which would be right behind you but you need to pay this shit stain of a driver who was now, five minutes late- Oh is that him? You walk a bit forward and wave the car, which slows down and stops in front of them. The man sitting inside was staring at you two with wide eyes and a pale complexion. Yeah, see who you made wait. Hawks just got into the back, taking in the whole seating. That’s fine. You shuffle to the front and hold up your card. “U-Uh.. do you take card?..”
The stranger just nodded and you can see how uncomfortable he is. He’s feeling like you were right now, which was kind of nice to have that company in a way. Shared pain and all.. You tell him where to and quietly pay. Unfortunately, or fortunately, unsure yet, fate has other plans. When you step back from the car and are about to give the hand sign to go, Hawks slapped his hand onto the other mans shoulder driving the car. “She’s coming with us. I’ll pay for her later.” His voice is hoarse and leaves no room to negotiate. God. What is this. Is he going to sue you for trying to feed him raw meat and locking him into your bathroom..? Hhhgh.. The drive just stared at you helplessly as Hawks fingers dug into his shoulders. No choice then, eh?
You carefully get into the front seat and just .. put on your seatbelt. You’re so fucking scared- but you’re thankful he paid for this? Because. You had nothing left. You were in the red now. That shit cost fifty bucks or something like it- Why did it cost fifty bucks? The hospital was five blocks away or something like it. Right? You’re unsure. Anyway.. “Get his contact info.” Hawks voice made you flinch and you just nodded like a servant or something before pulling out your phone. “P-Please drive, just tell me your info.” Right. Neither of you wanted to be in the company of the angry hero. It just was too much pressure. So, the drive starts and the man manages to give you his info while Hawks was brooding behind you two. This was so stressful. Your veins feel like they’re about to explode.
The next twenty minutes are just as bad and when you get there and Hawks just left you two in the car to get into the hospital without saying anything further. You and the dude just sit there. “Am.. I supposed to wait too?” He sounds confused and worried and you understand. “I.. I don’t know..” You fold your hands into your lap and just watched the hospital. Tensing when you spotted that hawks was coming back with two frantic nurses and a doctor on his ass. He poked his head out and made an impatient motion for you to follow. Carefully you glance around and point at yourself and got an eye roll and a nod in return. Shut the door.
“Good luck..” You groan at the driver and hurry out of the car, thanking him and then jogging over there. Hawks was already on his way back in. Why was this happening to you? You were trying to help- why was he so angry at you? .. Raw meat, shower.. ranting and undressing in front of him might have something to do with it. Damn it.. It’s like, four am or something. You’re only awake because of the adrenaline going through you. You’re in some dirty, stained clothes because you did not pay attention what you were wearing and now that you were a bit calmer you realized you gave Hawks your puppy shirt. The .. the fucking glitter puppy shirt. Ok. He’s going to hate you, he probably already does. This was a disaster.
It’s been an hour and you were forced to sit in the waiting room. Just.. staring ahead and biting your lower lip. You had no friends to call to tell them about this and you and your parents hated each other.. Mostly because they were both heroes and had been so disappointed to have a daughter with a worthless quirk. So disappointed they up and fucking disowned you. Assholes. Whatever. “Miss y/n?” Your head jerks up. Oh no. A male nurse waved you over with a bright, happy smile. “We’re happy to announce that Hawks is stable, you must be so relieved.” Relieved? “Uh, Uh yeah.. Yeah of course I am..” You carefully got up and walked over to the man as he led you down the hallway to the patient rooms.
“We will be right with you bringing you two something to snack on until breakfast. So please just take a seat for now.” What was going on? This was weird, right? You were freaked out. “Thanks..” You muttered and then watched him as he left. Something tells you that you should just leave.. But .. this was the number 2 hero. You can’t just.. ignore him telling you to come along? Especially if he was going to sue the life out of you or anything. Lessen your sentence or whatever. So, you carefully open the door and walk inside. Staring at the blonde man in the bed. He was sitting and reading the newspapers with a focused stare but when he spotted you he gave you a warm smile and waved you over. “Ahh. The savior of the hour.” What?
This was a turnaround. A real 180 degrees one. The anger the other man had expelled earlier seemed gone. “Got that contact info I asked of you, chickadee?” Right. You pull your phone out of your pocket and stumble over to show it to him. His expression warms even more as he gave you a happy grin. “Nice. Great job.” It’s so much different now. Maybe he had just been in immense pain? “Come on, don’t look so scared, I’m not gonna eat you or anything. Sit down, they told me we’re getting some snacks in a bit.” Right, you were told too. This was just freaking you out even further. But what were you going to do?
So, you sit down and give a nervous smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.-“ Then you bow and start to apologize. “And I’m sorry about locking you into my bathroom- and feeding you raw meat and-“ It never ends. You end up babbling at him frantically for over five minutes as you tried to convey the emotions of how fucking sorry you were about treating him like, well, a fucking bird. He just grinned at you the whole time and only when you were done speaking did he reply to you. “Ah, well. Yeah that was weird but it’s water under the bridge. It was kinda nice to not have to fight for survival against dogs and cats trying to eat yours truly. That was a thing I got to play around with three hours before you found me.” He makes a face. “You can imagine a broken wing makes that a tad annoying.”
Oh yeah. You finally relax into the chair you’ve been sitting in. “Oh my god.. I’m so glad you’re not suing me.” You groan into the air and just started to giggle all that nervousness out of you. It had been bubbling around in there and finally it was out. God damn it.. “Nah, wouldn’t dream it of.” He leaned back as much as he could in the bed and just continued to read the papers with a soft humm. Which brought in a comfortable, somewhat awkward silence. Right, you had questions still. “Uh, by the way. Now that I’m no longer getting sued or whatever-“ He raises an eyebrow. “Why am I here? Just to like, spend you some company?”
Hawks tilted his head from side to side. “Mhh.. I oughta repay you for your service, now don’t I?” Which, did not exactly enlighten you in whatever the hell he meant. Your smile tightened a little. “Aw, that’s not necessary- I’m just really happy you’re ok.” The door opens at that time and you saw the male nurse bringing a tablet with some bread and stuff. It was not much. But it was some snacks and you could use some nutrition. With all the adrenaline leaving your body you felt kind of faint from all the stress. The male smiled at you two sitting there, Hawks half sitting. “Here you go, you two lovebirds.” Uh. “I’m sorry you have to eat together in a hospital but I’m sure you can have a proper date once you’re out!” Double uh?
He put the tablet down on the bed, on Hawks legs. Who just grinned sharply and side eyed you. “Definitely. Thanks for the food.” You blinked at him with an open mouth. This just, got really uncomfortable? What. The male nurse was already out the door, winking at you as if you were about to get proposed or whatever. What kind of inside joke was this. Joke. Right. Had to be a joke. You laugh nervously. “Haha, wow. He acted like we’re a couple. Crazy!” Hawks had just pulled the tablet closer and was currently busy putting some jam on bread. He’s frowning at the quality of the hospital food. His bread’s crumbling like a bitch. “Is it? I’m hurt.” He deadpans, looking around to see what else was at his disposal. “Am I not up to your standart?” It sounded so serious. You wanna laugh but the look he gives you makes it die in your throat and begin to rot in there.
“We.. Uhm.. What?” Deer in headlights. Right there. Suddenly you felt like you were sitting in a trap that was about to cut your legs off. “Come on, you could do worse.” He smiled warmly and took a bite out of his bread before murring. “This is disgusting.. and at the very least some kind of health violation..” He blerghs before putting the food back down. “I’ll take you somewhere nicer once I’m out, yeah?” What’s going on. You’re having a fever dream. Probably on the floor having a seizure and all of this was not happening. “Y/n. You’re zoning out.” Hawks was still looking at you. You stare back. “Like.. a romantic date..?” It just slips out but the fact that it did made him perk up and smile a bit wider. “Finally, you’re catching on, chickadee.” Is this a dream come true or a nightmare.
“Did.. did you tell the nurses we’re dating already?” There’s no way he would, right? “I mean, obviously.” How wrong you were. “We basically already are.” The blonde picked the bread up again and frowned at it. He’s probably really hungry from having eaten nothing but maybe.. nibbled some raw meat or whatever. “You saving me was like a wake up call. You really did me dirty, y/n. Not once did anyone leave that kind of impression. Also, come on, number 2. I think I’m repeating myself when I say you could do worse. Or more like, you would do worse. Who’d beat me? Endeavor surely is not on that list, believe me.” Your head is spinning. Endeavor? What? Who— How??
“I- I’m..” What? Flattered? You felt like saying no was rude even though it was in your right to refuse this.. advancement. “I’m.. not interested.. I mean- this is kind of rushed, right?” Of course you were interested. Like many women, Hawks was an idol in any form. He was attractive and smart and always there to help and like many, you had been part of some fan forums. He just grinned at you when you were done speaking. “Aw.. Well, that’s fine. I’m up for a game of tag.” Which is not the response one should have to being rejected. A game of tag? “I’m..” You’re out of words. What are you supposed to be telling him? This was fucking out of whack. Suddenly you’d rather be in the car with the dude that you paid than in this room.
“No thanks?” The stupor that had a grip on you was not letting go. You’re too dumbfounded to really just, argue. You’re too nervous to lose your shit on the man. You’re just staring at his smiling face, that was just trying to make you want to calm down and be safe. Instead, it made you uncomfortable. The man shook a bit as if he was holding in laughter before taking a huge bite of his bread. Chewing thoughtfully and then swallowing. Tilting his head to the side. “Hah. That’s cute.” He’s not taking you seriously. “I.. should probably go. But-“ You want to wish him a good recovery but it felt off now. You get up and bow to him before making your way to the door. “You sure that move is in your best interest?” You blink and turn around.
“What?” He’s bandaged up and his one wing was in a cast and somehow he still intimidated you with a weird, predatory smile. “No money, bet you got no insurance..” Right. How would someone like her pay for insurance.. “At this rate you’re ending up on the street. Would fucking suck if somehow your landlord caught wind of that, eh?” Oh what. “I’ll.. stop- you’re really freaking me out. I’m telling-“ “Who?” He cut you off. He just leaned back a little and grinned wider. “Who are you going to tell that would believe you over me?” He points at himself. “Come on, chickadee. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Don’t you want a comfy life? Doting partner? You can’t do any better than this.” You’re going crazy. You’re going stir crazy. That’s the only explanation.
“You.. I.. do not- Why are you doing this?” Your eyes are tearing up and it seems to make something snap a little in him, because he winces and his expression softens. “Ah- No, hold up don’t cry- Come on-“ He actually got up, dragging the IV drip after himself as he made his way over to him. His left leg was bandaged up and in a cast too- she’s confused how that break happened. Did the vet just overlook it? “Don’t you get this? Can’t you see the raw opportunity in front of you? This is like, a golden ticket into a better life. No one else would slap this down. Literally, people would kill to be in your shoes right now. You should be happy!” He gently takes your hands into his hands and leaned a bit in. “I know I am.”
You weren’t happy. Not at all. You were scared, your idol was blackmailing you with becoming homeless. No one would believe you, some random chick that had no friends and a family that hated her and there was no getting away. You’re not smart enough to come up with some detailed strategy to get out of this. “I wanna go home.” You whimper quietly as he leaned his forehead against yours. Only getting a soft, happy sigh in return. “Don’t worry, little chickadee.. I’ll have some people bring your stuff to my place. I got enough room for us two. You’ll love it. Do you like pools? I got one-“ His talking is getting muffled as ringing took over your ears. He was trying to make this sound so much better but it does not change anything. Somehow you felt like this was the end of your life, or, at the very least, the start of something awful. Maybe it’d be beautiful if you gave it a chance in the future but right now? Right now you were scared. A lot. Looking at his eyes you felt like there was no escape. Maybe there really wasn’t.
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thewickling · 3 years
I had this idea floating around my head and I don't really plan on writing it but I want to release this 3zun into the ether.
Possible Tags: Canon Compliant, Arranged Marriage, Post-First Siege of the Burial Mounds, Canon Divergence - Thirteen Years of Wei Wuxian's Death, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Political Drama, Eventual Polyamorous Relationships, MDZS Compliant
Premise: Madam Jin leverages her position to marry Jin Guangyao off to a sect-rate sect to wholly cut him off from Lanling Jin's sect leader position - LXC and NMJ interfer.
NMJ discovers that XY is only imprisoned and not executed. He prepares to march to Jinlingtai and force them to correct this. He runs into Lan Xichen who is very much did you hear?
Lan Xichen informs Nie Mingjue that Madam Jin plans to marry Jin Guangyao. Tradition and everything means they can't interfer directly without some complicated sect politics fall out. Nie Mingjue doesn't really care but Lan Xichen stops him from being rash.
Obviously, the option is if one of them marries JGY. Between LXC and NMJ, marrying a male spouse has a bigger impact on Lan Xichen's reputation than Nie Mingjue's.
Nie Mingjue does the "okay so if you're looking for someone to marry JGY off to, give him to me". JGS is greedy enough to accept the better proposal.
(Why Nieyao first? If I was treating 3zun like 3 sets of equations, Nielan and Xiyao are easier to solve starting off but opening either a semi-established relations to a JGY/NMJ later is harder. Basically solve the harder line of it first and then squishing LXC seemed seem better in the long run).
You know how LXC teaches JGY the Song of Clarity to get Nieyao to bond? Well, now LXC teaches it help faciliate their marriage :3 JGY actually plays it properly because now his life is tied to NMJ's. We get a bonus, less tempermental NMJ.
There's an uneasy peace in the Unclean Realm where NMJ mostly ignores JGY and JGY tries subtly manipulate NMJ while stablizing his position within the Nie Sect.
That peace breaks when NMJ catches wind of the Jin Sect trying to suppress the Chang Clan to avoid executing Xue Yang. JGY is very obviously attempting to balance his position as a Jin as a NMJ's spouse to stop NMJ from storming Lanling. The fakeness sets off NMJ.
"Stop flitting about, Meng Yao. Don't put on an act in front of me," Nie Mingjue says, swatting the air. "Your thing stopped fazing me ages ago."
"[sic JGY's commentary on class and privilige]. Jin Guangshan would rather bring another illegitimate child back than want me to succeed him! Madam Jin would rather marry me off than allow me to remain in her household."
"Why care about their opinions? They've casted you aside," he says, crossing his arms. His gaze is sharp and harsh but Jin Guangyao cannot recall when has it last been kind to him.
He hisses, "A well fed man believes not the man who starves! I admit my face is thin. How can it be thick? No one bothers to turn their head before they remark on my upbringing."
"Become great," Nie Mingjue states so plainly it pierces. "Make it so everyone who speaks Jin Guangshan's name instead thinks it's a shame that he never acknowledged you. That Madam Jin was shortsighted to marry you off. Why must you mind others? Silence them with your ability."
"What can I achieve? The little progress I made has been thrown into disorder. Who dares deals with me? It's clear I have no support in Lanling." Jin Guangyao spits, "It's obvious to everyone that my husband married me out of obligation. That you depise me. That you rather I vanish. May I ask, how can I achieve anything under these circumstances?"
"Lan Huan clearly favors you. And you're mistaken. I wasn't forced into this marriage," he says.
"I don't know how er-ge convinced you, but it's clear. You hate me." That word slides out more of a sob than an accusation. "Da-ge, I've always wanted to asked - why can't I be forgiven? Both our hands are stained so why do you bring up my desperate actions over and over?"
"I have never raised my saber for personal gain." His brusque manner relays how self-assured he is.
"If I understand correctly, then you say all of the people you killed deserved their deaths?" he laughs, "Then you must abhor me. I can never meet your standards. My hands can never be clean. If you find me so unpleasant, why did you marry me? If I am so unforgivable, why did you ever agree to be my sworn brother?"
"Do you believe anyone can force me into a decision? Whether it was brotherhood or marriage, do you believe anyone would?" he asks, turning his chin up. "No one can make me yield. I agreed for..."
He knows himself. Nie Mingjue accepted the rites to gain some influence over Jin Guangyao. If Lan Xichen were right, there was still room to correct Jin Guangyao's course. But why did he give Jin Guangyao that second chance? Why did he offer him a third? This isn't like him.
Why are you my exception? Nie Mingjue wonders, but says, "I didn't do this to spite you."
Jin Guangyao stills. This is the most ground he's seen Chifeng-zun give to anyone. His mind re-awakens and be pounces.
He questions, "So if I follow your path and risk my ties with the Jin Sect, can we agree to put our pasts behind us and try?"
"I haven't forgiven you."
Jin Guangyao's smile stiffens. "I know. I suspect you never will, but you won't ever convince me on the merits of justice and righteousness for its own sake..."
He slows at the firm set of Nie Mingjue's jaw. He redirects. No, he disarms himself. "Merit and justice won't move me when that seems as prone to temptation as my ambition."
"Meng Yao," Nie Mingjue hisses.
"You ask me to not lie," he grasps Nie Mingjue's hand. "Abstract concepts like that... They can't convince me of anything. If I said otherwise, I'd painting my words in the way you despise."
He inhales sharply. Somehow speaking plainly tastes strange on his tongue. He struggles to arrange his thoughts. He sighs, "I will never be the marriage partner you wished for. We've both done things the other can't accept... Don't forgive me but put it in our past... We understood each other once."
"Can try?" Jin Guangyao flattens his thoughts. "Can we try? I will do my part. Promise to try to understand me?"
And accept me, he thinks, but that never leaves his throat.
Nie Mingjue steps away and it's like he's been thrown down a thousand steps again.
Over his shoulder, he states, "I'll tell Zhonghui to put the conference organization in your hands."
This is their turning point. The first time they've both faced each other and listened in years. Nieyao obviously butt heads a lot but their communication gradually improves. JGY convinces NMJ not to storm Lanling and instead let him try to convince the other sects to pressure JGS.
NMJ gives JGY until the martial conference before he'll do something himself.
LXC visits throughout this period but his force is mainly on rebuilding parts of his sect. He does help JGY convince the other sects to pressure JGS into executing XY.
LXC watches JGY and NMJ get along and at first he's happy but he quickly feels left out. When he realizes that, he becomes ashamed of himself.
Before the trio can confront JGS, he announces at the conference that XY will be executed X time and anyone he doubts his word can witness it themselves.
XY is executed. People see his face. Something about how performative it, how XY moves plans a seed of doubt in JGY but he can't figure out what is off - other than JGS wants the Tiger seal too much to give XY up so easily.
JGY is side-tracked trying to get NMJ to support his watchtower plans. When NMJ finally agrees, JGY focuses on the logistics and getting other sects on board.
We get Nieyao's relationship improving and NMJ realizes his desires first. Unlike LXC, NMJ realizes his feelings, accepts them, and then acts on them nearly instantenously.
JGY does the logical thing when finding out the da-ge that once wanted you dead is like join me in bed - he runs and visits (hides) in the Cloud Recesses for a few days under the guise of watchtower discussions.
LXC notices JGY is distracted and they talk. Upon learning NMJ cares for JGY, LXC feels a pain in his chest. He encourages JGY to act on his heart and points out how NMJ and JGY balance each other out. He obviously wishes them happiness.
JGY decides to give the relationship a chance. As NMJ and JGY's relationship becomes more sincere, LXC pulls away from them.
When LXC realizes his feelings, he struggles. He obviously can't be so terrible as break up their marriage and he can't so shameless to impose on their time insincerely. He thinks of his mother and his father and just sort of falls into a bad spiral.
Okay so while running around trying to convince other sects, JGY notices that the number of missing people has gone up. He goes to the Cloud Recesses and notices something is up with LXC. When LXC doesn't share, he becomes worried and tags in NMJ. As they both invite LXC over more and try to provide help JGY figures out why LXC is like this.
He thinks about it and decides he hasn't fallen for NMJ yet (he's fond of NMJ of course but he wouldn't call it love) and he is no more opposed to LXC than he is to NMJ. He considers his way forward.
Baixue Temple Massacre happens. JGY understands why the execution seems strange to him. XY resisted too well. XY's cultivation is even poorer than JGY - he relies entirely on yin energy. It also clicks that the missing people are because of JGS.
Extremely obviously, everyone but LLJ do an impromptu conference. JGY leverages everything that occurred to get everyone to agree to his tower plans once this over.
JGS has been hermorraging support from the other sects for a while and since JGY has been negiogating with Jiang, Lan, Yu, and other sects for awhile they all support giving Jin Sect and ultimumun and then taking him down.
Before Jin Sect push forward a scapegoat and all publically chase off and kill XY [make it unclear whether XY lives or dies].
Political manuevours make it so that Sects joint ventures will be organized by commitee instead lead by a Chief Cultivator. Jin Sect is forced to pay up for the towers.
You know how there's a limited number of bachelors? All parents with daughters realize "hey so the only big shot sect leaders left are JC and LXC" and then throw their daughters and LXC.
LXC is very very very distressed. It would be insincere of himself to marry when his heart so clearly belongs to others but it is his responsibility to secure an heir for his sect. The sooner he marries, the quicker at ease Lan QIren and the other elders would be. Perhaps he should marry to restrain the shameless desires he has in his heart. Yet he does so, that would be justice to his future wife.
Okay this is where I got stuck (again) because honestly getting LXC to realize his feelings is straightforward, getting him to act on them is hard. He will just suffer silently.
You know what [inserts the author gets to make a forceful step forward]. NMJ is annoyed by all the women surrounding LXC. JGY sees this and after much thought and consideraton decides he wants both NMJ and LXC. He does his best to guide NMJ around to the same thoughts as him.
While all the romance plotty stuff is going on and the trying to get LXC married, like literally everyone - everyone finds JGS sus. Gusu Lan, Qinghe Nie, Yunmeng Jiang, and Meishan Yu under the guise of organizing the watch towers investigate Lanling Jin. They quickly realize that even if XY isn't there that LLJ obviously still has the tiger seal so they start planning a mission to steal the tiger seal.
Their plans work out. The tiger seal is in Qinghe Nie's hands. The Jin Sect is more or less dropping out of power. The four most powerful sects shift to be Gusu Lan, Qinghe Nie, Yunmeng Jiang, and Meishan Yu.
Extremely outraged, Jin Guangshan basically is an idiot and instead of waiting for time to pass so he can regain the LLJ's reputation, he very much targets JGY and tries kill him while he's traveling to supervise the watch tower construction.
JGY goes missing.
LXC feels guilty because he was supposed join JGY but shrugged it off because he was being an angsty bean about his feelings.
Because no one else can stop, LXC is grabbed to stop NMJ from straight up going into LLJ and beheading JGS immediately. NMJ very angry and pissed questions LXC and reveals that JGY likes him and that he thought he did too but LXC like this hurts his eyes.
Cue much higher levels of angst for LXC - but since JGY is gone LXC has to play Clarity for NMJ so they have to spend time together. NMJ refuses to let LXC act he doesn't know about everyone's feelings.
Because I'm terrible planning up to the ending skips. JGS is dead. JGY has been found (but like NMJ & LXC more or less believe JGY caused JGY to die). LLJ sect is in ruins but headed by Madam Jin as regent for Jin Ling.
JC, JGY, and Meishan Yu head basically make it clear that the only reason the Jin Sect still exists is because of their mercy. The only reason they are merciful is because JL. If she dares stirs the waters, they can change things.
LXC tells their elders he doesn't plan to marry any time soon. He's still young. He's young enough that they can't really force him to marry yet. He is very much in a relationship with Nieyao - a budding one and they're still ironing things out.
So this is very choppy and not ironed out because rough outline and thinking things up as I go. Maybe this fic does exist out there somewhere.
I think one of the other reasons I don't think I'd write this is I'd want to figure out a way to leave it open for Wangxian to still happen which unless MXY is driven to summon WWX doesn't work.
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blstys · 4 years
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one  word  prompts    /    A C C E P T I N G    /    @shockpop
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time  does  not  yield  to  grief.  hour  still  folds  evening  back  into  itself,  the  clock  keeping  track  in  endless  circular  rotation.  katsuki  still  has  to  keep  moving  with  it  and  he  does.  morning  comes,  sleepless,  to  remind  him  again  what  a  piece  of  shit  he’s  been.
cats  get  fed,  kissed,  a  note  for  care  ( a  vague  text  message  to  kirishima  ensuring  that  they’ll  be  fed  in  case  their  other  human  refuses  to  resurface  in  the  next  three  days )  placed  high  on  the  fridge  where  sootball  can’t  hoard  it  away.  
an  overnight  bag  sits  packed  by  the  door.  dog  tags  chime  as  they’re  returned  to  their  place  around  his  neck.  denki’s   key  stays,   untouched,  where  he  left  it.
it  goes  like  this:  work  becomes  hyper - fixation,  too  closely  related  to  the  fall  out  to  be  the  hardy  scapegoat  it’s  always  been;  becomes  less  distraction  and  more  outlet  the  way  electrical  training  used  to  be.  get  through  it,  succeed,  get  passed  it.  this  is  the  new  loop  for  the  two  days  of  preparations.  the  new  intrusive  that  katsuki  slathers  over  the  i  look  at  you  and  see  nothing  old  one.  it  equates  to  chap - stick  on  a  second  degree  burn.  relief  exists  with  immediate,  irrevocable  brevity,  the  memory  of  how  his  previous  attempts  to  solve  problems  this  way  forgotten  in  the  face  of  desperation.  he  keeps  applying.  
force  focus,  force  sleep,  rinse,  just  repeat.  get  through,  succeed,  get  passed.  review  recon,  plan  strategy,  get  some  sleep.  through,  finish,  passed.  the  argument  at  the  apartment  becomes  background  noise,  a  bad  dream.  a  pestering  sense  of  discontent  that  he  does  not  have  the  mental  capacity  to  tend  to. 
by  the  third  day,  the  numbness  of  repetition  sets  in.  wake  up,  did  he  wake  up,  did  he  really  sleep?  it  gets  hard  to  tell,  when  he’s  ignoring  all  facets  that  catch  the  sunlight,  which  ones  actually  demand  attention.  this  is  his  second  mistake.  
it  goes  like  this:  action  arises,  planned,  anticipated.  before  bakugou  can  blink,  he’s  already  in  the  thick  of  it.  which  is  the  thick  of  overwhelming  nothingness,  really.  things  go  well  beyond  expectation.  even  better.
it  goes  so  well,  in  fact,  that  katsuki  skips  right  over  pride  into  unease.  he  makes  it  behind  the  enemies  lines  alone,  without  incident.  no  need  for  improvisation  or  to  call  his  reserve.  without  a  single  confrontation.  without  a  single  instruction.
eyes  watch  him  from  a  forest.  not  the  maze  of  alleyways  he  currently  navigates  but  the  distant  memory  of  a  similar  feeling.  a  training  camp  ambush.
he  presses  at  his  ear  piece,  something’s  fucked,  half  n’  half.  i’m  falling  back.  a  long  pause.  hands  curl,  defensive.  maybe  he  imagines  it  to  be  longer  than  it  is.  he  presses  again.  todoroki?  i’ve  got  a  bad  fucking  feeling.  you  held  up?
there  is  no  answer  on  the  other  end  of  his  com - piece  —  but  for  the  faint,  far  of  ringing  of  interference.  shit.
blood  runs  frigid,  sweat  cooling  where  goosebumps  rise  on  his  skin.  the  temperature  has  dropped  unnaturally.  measures  are  taken  to  keep  him  on  the  useful  side  of  sweaty  under  unfavourable  conditions  but  his  body  isn’t  regulating  heat.    the  work  of  a  quirk  unaccounted  for.
unease  shifts  to  disbelief.  improvisation.  think,  run.  keep  running,  think  quicker.  sudden  clarity  says  there  is  no  difference  between  where  the  forest  ends  and  his  escape  begins.  the  interference  is  disorienting  him  on  purpose.
katsuki  rips  it  from  his  ear  and  crushes  it  in  a  fist.  keeps  running.  back - tracks  through  the  wrong  route  without  guidance.  through,  through,  through.  finds  the  crushed  com - piece  under  foot  twice  before  he  realizes  he’s  circling.  a  mouse  in  a  maze.
it  is  three  minutes  after  cut  communication.  the  first  building  quakes  to  pieces.  shatters  ?  it  seems,  the  rumble  nearly  half  glass.  a  skyscraper’s  corpse  collapsing.  uraraka’s  comets  have  trained  him  for  this  —  hands  raise  instinctual,  but  cold,  they  don’t  detonate  cleanly  —  half  strength,  panicked.  he  maneuvers  well  enough  to  stay  on  his  feet.  the  rumble  further  disorients  him,  the  ringing  returned  to  his  ears  from  his  own  explosion.  a  mouse  in  a  maze  with  no  exit.
cages,  restraints,  hands  made  half  useless.  the  ringing  grows  louder,  not  a  fault  of  his  own.  outside  source.  two  quirks?  fight,  flight,  freeze  argue  for  first  place.  there  is  no  clear  target,  no  clear  escape.  dread  rises  up  the  back  of  his  throat,  the  forgotten  fear  of  something  purely  unknown.
another  building,  further  out  crumbles  —  there  is  no  sound  but  the  pressure  of  it  reaches  his  ears,  delayed.  reverberates.  he  moves  away  from  it,  trying  to  get  his  bearings.  through,  through,  through.  debris  crumbles  from  over - head,  to  close  to  detonate  at  his  current  capacity.  fear  creeps  higher,  brighter,  a  feral  thing.  not  quite  terror  but  rising  ever  closer  toward  it  as  the  next  round  of  ruin  throws  him  off  his  feet.  explosions  flare  and  are  smothered  underneath.
pinned,  arms,  chest,  gasping.  wind  wiped  clean  from  his  body.
it  belongs  to  another  body,  knees  biting  into  wrists,  weight  centered  on  his  chest,  hand  curling  around  his  throat.  wind  moves  above  them,  cold,  colder.  katsuki  shivers,  dry  palms  flickering  out.
“ come  on !  did  you  think  it  would  be  so  easy,  blasty ? “  confirmation  is  only  half  retained.  bakugou  biting  out  curses  in  exasperation.  “ fame  comes  with  a  price,  you  know.  when  everyone  knows  who  you  are  it’s  harder  to  hide  your  weaknesses.  you’ve  been  in  the  limelight  a  long  time  now,  haven’t  you,  katsuki ?  spend  weeks  researching  things  about  us  that  we  already  know. ”  this  is  obvious  information  he  doesn’t  need  a  villain’s  speech  to  tell  him  that.  tries  instead  to  weasel  fruitlessly  out  of  the  clutches  in  before  he  realizes  he’s  losing  too  much  oxygen.  crimson  eyes  blink,  brows  creased  with  agony.  breaths  stutter,  sputter,  gasp  again.  
villain  hooks  their  fingers  through  the  chain  on  his  neck  and  steals  his  identity  from  him  in  the  same  way  he  stole  his  breath,  instantly.  
“ who’s  going  to  come  to  your  funeral,  bakugou  katsuki ? ”
panic.  flash  flood  of  a  fear  he’d  never  considered  rushing  to  the  forefront  of  a  oxygen  deprived  mind.  denki.  he  gasps,  not  to  answer  but  in  the  desperation  to  breathe.  he  would  go,  wouldn’t  he?  hating  me,  angry,  always  wondering  what  i  died  without  confessing?
the  villain  covers  his  mouth.  “  ah,  that  was  a  rhetorical  question,  actually,  katsuki.  ”  
anger.  that  name  is  not  his  to  repeat. he’s  only  given  it  to  one  person.  denki.  he  would  get  the  stupid  fucking  dog  tags.  katsuki  never  changed  his  emergency  contact  information.
he  stops  listening;  has  trouble  focusing;  can  taste  his  own  blood  in  the  back  of  his  throat,  pooling.  
panic,  again,  again.  denki.
worse  for  being  comprehensible,  his  threshold  for  terror  maxes  out.  there  is  nothing  he  can  do  becomes  the  immovable  force  to  the  unstoppable  fact  that  if  he  doesn’t  force  something  to  happen  in  his  favour  he  will  die  here.
panic.  it  was  your  mistake.  live  with  it.  hands  struggle,  weak,  to  reach  the  one  obstructing  his  air  passages.  wrists  ache,  threaten  fractures.    it  was  your  mistake.  die  with  it.  teeth  gnarl,  barely  able  to  bank  the  fabric  of  his  gloved  assailant.  proof  the  cold  comes  from  a  separate  entity.
a  new  rumbling,  this  one  familiarly  shindou’s  —  but  far  off  in  the  distance,  indication  that  his  own  back - up  is  not  far  away.  are  they  close  enough,  though?
is  this  what  jeanist  felt?  he  chases  that  rabbit  for  a  beat,  too  long,  tastes  the  charred  lack  of  hope  in  it.  chokes  on  it.
no,  that’s  real.  katsuki  forces  his  focus  to  resurface  to  the  hand  on  his  throat.  if  he  goes  under  it’s  all  over.  his  mistake.  one  he  wouldn’t  get  to  live  with.  vision  blurs,  freckled  with  the  painless,  endless,  terrible,  silence  that  promises  to  take  hold.  that  offers  relief  from  his  predicament.  who  will  come  to  your  funeral,  bakugou  katsuki?  hands  grapple  again,  pinned  down,  ice  cold.
the  vision  of  a  back,  turned  away  from  him.  leaving,  leaving,  leaving.  katsuki  motionless,  doing  nothing  about  it.  if  i  die  here  i  will  never  see  him  again.  he  passes  the  threshold  for  struggling,  senses  overwhelmed.  the  villain  pinning  him  down,  a  cinder - block  shackled  to  a  sinking  boat.  denki  will  never  get  his  apology.  will  never  know  that  it  was  misguided  love  and  not  pride  that  got  in  the  way  of  things. 
the  voice  above  him  promises  a  quick  relief.  a  pathetic  death  for  a  disappointing  opponent.  katsuki  barely  hears  over  the  echo  of  ringing,  returned  brain  interference.  it  buzzes  softly,  almost  golden  through  streaming  tears  and  blotched  vision.  at  least  it’s  me  instead  of  him.  thank  fuck  i  made  one  good  mistake.  heat  rises,  too  close  to  his  face.  hands  removed  for  a  startling  —  sharp  shock  of  cold  air.  his  body  racks  with  the  swell  of  lungs  still  compressed  under  the  weight  of  a  human.
the  heat  blares  as  hands  return,  either  side  of  his  face,  confusing,  ringing,  glowing  golden.  the  interference  is  electric.
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there’s  no  room  for  repeat  here.  get  through  it,  or  don’t.  there  is  no  certainty  that  passed  it  exists.  crimson  eyes  flash,  the  carved  stencil  of  a  laugh  traced  over  a  forgotten  expression.  his  voice  doesn’t  exist  but  a  rasp,   barely  spoken  through  the  jolt  of  a  body  reawakening:  “  uno,  bitch. ”
and  he  lights  up  the  reserve  switch,  sweeping  the  flash  of  searing  pain  through  his  nerve  endings  and  up  through  freezing,  up - turned  palms.  a  flash  flare.
katsuki  doesn’t  know  how  he  gets  to  his  feet  —  but  it’s  just  in  time  to  see  back - up  ascend  over  the  rumble,  shouting.  he  can’t  hear  them  clearly  over  the  crackling  of  electricity.
he  points  in  the  direction  of  his  half - seared,  unconscious  assailant;  lets  todoroki  do  the  dirty  work  of  apprehending  them  while  his  lungs  kick  up  an  old  fight  to  function.  finally  pulling  in  full  breaths,  limbs  trembling.  he  tries  to  assess  his  own  condition.  his  head  swirls  at  the  edge  of  fading  consciousness.  hands,  still  steaming,  lift  to  his  throat  just  to  be  certain.  blood  drips  over  his  lips,  unobstructed.  ribs  plea  for  less  gasping.  
good  enough.  he  can  make  do  with  that.  i’m  still  here.  a  silent  plea  sent  out  that  whatever  happens  next  denki  can  sense  how  fucking  grateful  he  is,  that  none  of  the  love  was  wasted.  that  he’s  coming  home,  so  fucking  help  him.
i’ve  got  unfinished  business.  denki  is  owed  the  common  decency  of  an  apology,  at  the  very  least.
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 25: The Cave (Transcript) - 11th January 2016
tw: body horror, cults, death, kidnapping
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
During his historic journey aboard the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin spent over a month on an island off the coast of Chile known as Chiloé. It wasn’t his final destination, but he still managed to work and collect information and specimens, including a small, endangered fox known now as “Darwin’s zorro”. He also witnessed the after effects of an earthquake and made note of a rainbow that transitioned from the typical semi-circle to a full circle, right before his eyes - but it was the people he encountered that seemed to impact him most. He later wrote: “They are a humble, quiet, industrious set of men. Although with plenty to eat, the people are very poor, and the lower orders cannot scrape together money sufficient to purchase even the smallest luxuries”. He also noted seeing a pair of black-necked swans, but thankfully Darwin didn’t have the same view of birds that the local people did, and still do, actually. One local historian recalls how, when he was a boy, a hunch-backed heron flew low over his fishing boat. When he told his father, the older man grabbed his shotgun and waited for the bird to return. Why? Because for as long as anyone could remember, the people of Chiloé have believed that some birds are more than they appear. Some people, it seems, believe they are warlocks. Seeing one was a bad omen, hinting that someone close to you would die. All of us are ruled by authority to some degree, whether it’s through our government, our religion or our family ties. Often, it’s all three. But there’s another governing body, one that’s as old as time itself, and on Chiloé, it controlled people for centuries. Sometimes, you see, people are ruled by fear. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
The Incas called it “The Place of the Seagulls”. They stayed away from the area, believing it was the border between their empire of prosperity and safety, and the cold, dark wilderness to the south. Chiloé isn’t a large island, perhaps less than 100 miles from north to south, but it’s certainly the largest in the collection of small islands there off the coast of Chile, and to visit it is to go back in time: green hills, mountains in the distance, dark waves of the south Pacific lapping on the shore where colourful houses are built on stilts to stay above the mud and the rocks. Darwin described it as beautiful in 1835. He wrote of the mixture of evergreen trees and tropical vegetation, with the rolling hills and thick forest – and all that green, Darwin postulated, was due to the enormous amount of rainfall. Grey skies and wet soil are a constant of life in Chiloé, then as it is now, and while most people have never heard of the place, the unique churches there have an architectural style that’s earned them classification as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are churches, of course, because Jesuit missionaries built them shortly after arriving at the beginning of the 17th century. But don’t let these European artefacts fool you; the culture the Jesuits encountered when they arrived was far outside their realm of experience. The Chiloé of old was home to a vast collection of myths and legends that informed almost every aspect of life, and because much of the economy and culture of the island was built around the fishing industry just as it is today, many of those stories have elements of the sea in them. One example is the legend of the ghost ship known as the Caleuche. According to the stories, the Caleuche patrols the waters off the coast of the island, moving both above the water and below. The ship itself is a sentient being and has the ability to sense when someone from the island has drowned. After they die, these people are brought onto the ship by two sisters and their brother, where their new life can begin. That life consisted of both an eternal party aboard the ship, as well as working as sailors in the transport and unloading of illegal cargo for the island’s merchants. Even today, there are many in Chiloé who claim to have seen the ship, still patrolling the cold waters offshore.
There are other legends that haunt the island as well. Stories speak of the Trauco, a sort of forest troll or little person who lives in hollow trees, deep in the forest. Their task is to protect the trees, but they have also become a convenient scapegoat for unwed mothers. The Trauco, so they say, is irresistible to virgins who wonder into the forest, and those women frequently return home pregnant. La Pincoya is said to be a woman who appears to fishermen along the coast. She is described as young and beautiful, but her hair is covered in wet kelp, and the locals consider her to be an omen, although the outcome depends on the circumstances. If she appears facing the sea, your fishing nets will overflow; if she’s facing you, though, those nets will be empty; and in the rare instances when she appears right in front of a person, legend says it is best to close your eyes and run as fast as you can, lest she seduce you and lead you down into the sea. And one more legend is that of the basilisk, a creature that appears elsewhere around the globe. In Chiloé, though, the basilisk is more than just an enormous snake. Here, it also has the head of a rooster, and hatches from an egg. Some stories tell of how the basilisk will nest beneath a person’s house. During the night, it will slither out and suck the air from the lungs of the people sleeping inside. For as frightening as some of these creatures and stories might be, though, none of them compare to the legends of the Brujo de Chiloé – the warlocks of the island. They have struck fear into the hearts of the locals for centuries. They have shaped many aspects of their culture. They have been blamed for tragedy, for loss, and even for illness and death. Most frightening of all is the simple fact that, unlike all the other legends found on the island, the Brujo were real.
We know the Brujo were real because they were brought to trial in 1880. Almost overnight, what was once little more than a whispered legend - as sort of Chilean bogeyman, if you will – took on flesh and bone, and what the investigation uncovered was truly shocking. Let’s step back, though. It’s important to understand where the warlocks came from, and the short answer is that we don’t really know, but there are ideas, and many of them hold promise and truth. The most common theory is that something powerful was formed as a result of the collision between the indigenous culture and the Catholic faith of the Spanish when they first arrived. The ingredients for this new breed of legend had been there for a very, very long time, though. On one side, we have the machi – these were the traditional shaman of the Chilean culture, the healers, the wise people. Their realm was that of revelations, interpretations of dreams and serving as the oracle for their community. On the other side, there was the kalku – these were the practitioners of black magic, considered to be the witches and warlocks by most people. Unlike the machi, who sat at the centre of their society and were documented religious figures, the kalku were more mythical, spoken of in stories and whispered about at night. The kalku are described as machi gone bad, those who became more interested in selfish gain than serving the community. I know this will be a gross over-simplification, but think of the machi as the Jedi and the kalku as the Sith, the light side and the dark, and as Han Solo recently said, “It’s true. All of it.”
Enter the Spanish conquistadors. They arrived in 1567 and brought countless stories with them of European witches, but the culture in Chiloé has always been very male-driven, and so the idea of a female witch was converted to the male warlock in the public narrative. This melding of religions has actually happened in many countries across the centuries, where the Catholic faith would meet ancient beliefs and rather than wipe it out, would blend with it, unintentionally becoming something new. And that’s how the Brujo were born… maybe. Some scholars make reference to a story from the 17th century of a Spaniard named José de Moraleda, who met them machi and wanted desperately to impress them. He challenged them to a magical duel, and after they brought in one of their best machi, Moraleda was defeated. As a prize, the Spaniard handed over to them a book of spells that he claimed had been gathered from around the world. It was with that book of spells, the legend says, that the Brujo built their cult. Some still refer to it by its original name – the Recta Provincia, “The Righteous Province” – and according to them, this secret group manipulated the culture on the island for two centuries. Initiation into the group was complex and drenched with the occult. The first step was to wash away any remnant of Christian baptism, and they did this by bathing in one of the local rivers for 15 nights in a row. Some of them were instructed to murder a relative or a close friend, and then, when all of that was completed, they had to run around the island naked while invoking the devil’s name. The Brujo maintained their power over the people of Chiloé through an odd mixture of supernatural rumour and mafia-like control. They would most commonly force local farmers to give them produce or money, but they were also known to bribe local authorities and even created a shadow government that ruled in the places where the Spanish didn’t reach, and rather than use violence or traditional weapons to enforce their policies, they used the threat of a curse. Ultimately, it was this game of blackmail and protection rackets that brought an end to their reign over the people of Chiloé, and so in 1880, over 100 members of the cult were arrested and interrogated. Many were released when they turned out to be nothing more than machi looking for nothing more than a community to belong to, but some were held for trial on the charge of murder. The darkest revelations from the trial, though, were never believed. The supernatural creatures, the book of spells, the secret, hidden cave where the cult maintained their seat of power – all of this was passed off as folklore and superstition. However, eye-witness testimony says otherwise.
The trials revealed many new details about the Brujo and their beliefs, practices and inner workings. Some almost sound like they were pulled right out of a children’s book, they’re so simple and benign, while others are downright chilling. For example, one of the men on trial in 1880 revealed that each warlock carried a pet lizard with him. This lizard, according to the man, would be tied to the warlock’s forehead and, because it was magical, of course, it gifted him with powers. These warlocks were even said to communicate and interact with the ghost sailors aboard the Caleuche, using seahorses as aquatic carrier pigeons to pass messages back and forth. Other stories spoke of how the warlocks recruited new spies for their sect. According to the legend, these warlocks would kidnap young women and would give them a special elixir to drink. Once ingested, these girls would vomit until their stomachs and intestines lay on the ground at their feet. Then, lightened of their load, they would transform into birds and do the bidding of their master. None of this, though, compares to what the Brujo were said to have kept in their cave. One of the men on trial in 1880, an elderly man named Mateo, claimed that in the 1860s, he had been asked to visit the cave to feed the creatures kept there, and although his testimony was rejected by the court as fantasy, some have been left wondering. The cave, it is said, was difficult to locate, and rightly so. It contained multiple magical items, including the books of spells the group had received from the Spaniard Moraleda, as well as a bowl that was said to show the future to those who looked into it, and because these were objects of power for the warlocks, they needed to be carefully guarded. The entrance was a door hidden beneath the grass and soil in a rocky canyon near the coast and, with it, a metal key. Mateo told the court that he opened the entrance to the cave only to find two creatures inside that nearly defied description. One was called the chivito, a humanoid creature that was briefly described as “goat-like” and walking on four legs, but it was the other thing in the cave that Mateo had no trouble describing because, at first glance, it appeared to be nothing more than a bearded man. This man, though, was deformed – not mildly or by birth, but intentionally and drastically. He was called the imbunche, and although the one that Mateo witnessed appeared to be old, he said that they typically began as infants.
Now, this next part isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s necessary to understand the level of cruelty and barbarism that this cult practiced. According to writer Bruce Chatwin, who visited the island in 1975, the locals still maintain a good amount of folklore around the creation of the imbunche. The warlocks would kidnap a male, six-month-old child, Chatwin recorded, and then deliver it to the one known as “the deformer”, who lived inside the cave. This man’s job was to shape and disfigure the infant’s body. Its head would be twisted daily until, after many months, it faced backwards. Limbs and fingers would be disjointed, and even its ears and mouth would malformed by the deformer. The final characteristic, according to Chatwin, is the right arm. It would be bent backwards and the hand slipped in to an incision made on the right shoulder blade, and the wound would be sewn up, leaving the arm permanently affixed to the child’s back. Why this was done is something that history has forgotten over the years, but the impact is just as powerful today. Left to guard and inhabit the secret cave of the warlocks, the imbunche was seen less as an act of torture and more as the creation of an essential part of the cult’s society. When one imbunche died, another would be created to take its place. This is the level of darkness these real-life warlocks were capable of, this is what powered the fear they used to enslave and control the people of the island, and this is what many of them confessed to on the stand, that spring in 1880. As a result, many of the accused were sentenced to long prison terms. These were men who had killed, who had cursed neighbours and blackmailed businesses for protection money, and yet the courts couldn’t make their rulings stick. Just one year later, nearly all the warlocks were released. The reason? It was impossible to prove they had belonged to a secret society of black magic, as horrible as the stories had sounded. No one, they thought, could be that evil.
In a world where authority often falls to those with the most wealth, the most weapons or the most connections, it’s unusual to find cases where some other power allows people to rule. But if the story of Chiloé teaches us anything, it’s that fear can be just as powerful as any government official - fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of the unknown. Those who called themselves part of the Brujo in 1880 were card-carrying members of a cult that wielded fear like a weapon. Thankfully, the trial helped to put real faces to the shadows that had plagued the people of Chiloé for centuries. Whether or not they received punishment for their crimes was secondary – the warlocks had been exposed, shattering their illusion of fear. But while many saw the trial as the end of that nightmare, there are some who aren’t so sure. In 2006, the local court there in Chiloé issued a restraining order against Manuel Cardeneus and his brother-in-law. Due to a physical altercation they had had with the 66-year-old farmer named José Marquez, they were prohibited from coming within 10 meters of the old man. When asked why he attacked the farmer, Cardeneus said it was because of an illness his father had been suffering through. Pain had become a constant part of the man’s life, and it had gone on long enough. Cardeneus claimed that his father’s illness had begun after an encounter with Marquez all the way back in 1992. The pain hadn’t stopped since then, and after consulting with a local shaman, they were told why. According to the machi¸ the farmer had cursed their father with black magic, which begs the question: did the trial of 1880 really wipe out the cult of the warlocks, or did some of them slip through the government’s net, living on to spread and grow their sect into the 20th century and beyond? After all, neither the cave nor its occupants were ever found.
[Closing Statements]
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smoltododorki · 7 years
Sweetness. I've been cranking out a bunch of notes on this since I typed up that ask yesterday. Also, fair warning, this idea is hampered by the fact that I have yet to kick my ass in gear and read the manga... which I will have to do if I wanna actually start writing this... The primary premise is, like I said, a Reforming-Villain!AU where Hitoshi (always forget if his given name is Hitoshi or Shinsou...), Izuku, Momo and several other unknown children were kidnapped as children to be trained
as personal assassins, body guards and scapegoats for an up-and-coming Villain group calling itself Epitaph. The children were not chosen before hand, but they were all children under the age of 8 that seemed likely to be either left alone or left behind. Upon their abduction, all children were assigned an title and were punished for using or acknowledging their old names. The villain group essentially trained these kids using heavy amounts of coercion, manipulation, indoctrination andconditioning. They were only allowed their favorite foods, hobbies, etc. for good performance and behavior. They received praise for good performance and behavior. The harshest punishments were reserved only for deliberate rebellion, escape attempts, or self-repentance as attempts at seeming “reasonable” and “fair”. When it was discovered that several of the children had selfless natures, punishments switched from reprimanding the one who failed to punishing their peers as motivation. 
 The leader of the group, Alkaid (Quirk: Supernova - Superheats gas around her into plasma) is a huge mythology and symbolism buff, so she named all the agents after mythical creatures that suited either their Quirks or (in Izuku’s case) their useful personality trait. Izuku was given the name Gamayun, Hitoshi was given the name Encantado. Momo was given the name Yakshini. Their peers were OC characters that, for one reason or another, are inactive/dead (Changeling - Tried to escape and wasexecuted, age 14. Phantom - killed in an attack by small time villains, age 9. Hecatonchier - openly defied Epitaph and proceeded to go underground, whereabouts unknown). I spent a long time switching back and forth between wikitionary and google translate to come up with their True names and Quirks, especially for 2 dead characters and 1 missing one. Phantom’s name was Aya, she had the ability Chameleon (color and visible texture mimicry) Changeling was Shouji Kaku with the Quirk Stand-In (as long as he keeps his eyes on the object, he could fabricate illusions and change the appearance of anything he’s touching), and Yosano Naomi, Hecatonchier, had the Quirk Rejection (telekinetically shove anything within a 10’ radius of herself). 
Epitaph itself is an organization run by 4 individuals with Alkaid at the helm. There’s also Blessed, Senri and Ken. Alkaid is doing this because she wants power, wealth and status, seemingly for no discernible reason. She wasn’t abused or poo. she just honestly doesn’t seem to care. Senri (Quirk: Hair Strings - by manipulating the thickness and elasticity of his head and body hair, he can turn each strand into razor-like wires) is her second, and believes that a world without fear or hardship is one of stagnation. He is a thrill-seeker who will go out of his way to create hardships for others and was the one to propose the kidnapping idea. Ken (Quirk: Demolition Fist - when calm and concentrating, his strength is multiplied by a  factor of 4) is Senri’s best friend and will follow him to the ends of the earth. He’s seemingly the least openly malicious of Epitaph. Last is the most vicious member, Blessed (Quirk: Nirvana - anyone she touches has their nerve endings enhanced, magnifying their pleasure/pain response significantly), was a former prospective hero who took a routine subdue mission too far, sending the criminal into a coma. Her license was revoked and she was to be jailed for aggravated assault, but she fledunderground and vowed revenged for being denied what she feels it rightfully hers. Blessed is also the one who oversaw the kids training. 
The opening of the story revolves around that the idea that Izuku, Hitoshi and Momo are, tired of their oppression but too afraid to leave and too unsure of where they should go, have two chance meetings; one that reminds them of their lives before Epitaph and plants a seed of doubt, a chance encounter with All Might some time afterwards. The agents, knownunder the collective name of Suzumebachi (the Giant Asian Hornet), are semi-well known by this point. 
The remaining members have gotten at least a few kills each under their belts, some of them heroes. All Might is prepared for them to try and attack him, but they don’t. Instead, they pull off their blank, featureless masks one by one, revealing the faces of children, and haltingly ask for help. All Might asks them to trust him and takes them to Yuuei, where he hopes that having other heroes on(lol I hit the comment limit, so if this is a bit disjointed, I’m sorry) Anyway, All Might takes them to Yuuei to see about getting more heroes on their side, both to work out setting up some protection for the kids and to see about reuniting them with their families. There’s a brief moment of panic where Alkaid calls Hitoshi’s cell and alludes to making a move against their families in retribution for the betrayal, but the heroes communicate with those out on patrol to protect the parents and get them to Yuuei to reunite with their lost children. THAT part is gonna be fun to write lol. While the heroes are busy retrieving the parents, the heroes at the school ask for information on Epitaph - motivations, members, activities, etc.. 
The reunion is suitably tearful and everyone’s happy to see each other again, but there is a serious matter to attend to… The kids are killers. Reluctant ones under coercion and duress, but still killers. They have to stand trial. Thankfully, the court is willing to believe the heroes who believe Izuku, Hitoshi and Momo. Their sentence is lightened, and Nedzu/Aizawa/Someone proposes that the children be placed at Yuuei, where they can learn and grow in a normal environment, become re-socialized and be under the watchful eyes of heroes able to subdue them if necessary. If cleared by teachers, by the end of their terms at school, they will be free to rejoin society at large, even becoming heroes as long as they, by mandate, join an agency. 
And… That’s by and large all the important bits so far! How does it all sound? 
you thought this out thoroughly lnjadlnjd;ad i can’t wait to read it should u ever write it ahHhh.i can imagine izuku, momo, and hitoshi being ostracized by a lot of students, b/c they are known killers, but class 1-a is composed of mostly sweethearts so i’m sure they will be pretty accepting^^ the teachers would especially be supportive of them–i assume they will be signed up for extra counseling?? group therapy??? god knows they need it.
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seatsbythepit · 7 years
Arseblog | What the hell is going on?
I think it’s fair to say that lots of Arsenal fans have questions at the moment. I have many, but there’s one that I’d like to as above any others: What the hell is going on?
Seriously. What on earth is happening at this football club? I don’t mean results that have seen us slip to sixth in the Premier League, level on points with Everton and now 6 points away from the top four. I don’t mean the performances which suggest things are not the way they should be on the pitch. And I don’t even mean the attitude of the players who can’t be bothered to do much more than the bare minimum as we saw against West Brom on Saturday.
I wrote some weeks back about an air of uncertainty that surrounds the club. It’s gone beyond that now. It’s a blanket of thick, acrid smog and it doesn’t appear to be getting any clearer. The main issue is the future of the manager, there are no two ways about it.
Last night there were reports from Bild – which ought to be taken with a fair pinch of salt – that the club had made an approach to Borussia Dortmund boss Thomas Tuchel. He is one of the names that’s bandied about fairly regularly as a potential Arsene Wenger replacement, but before that could even be digested one way or the other, the daily newspapers dropped their story for the back pages.
The Mirror, the Telegraph, the Mail, and the Guardian all ran stories about how Arsene Wenger has decided to stay and take up the offer of the two year contract that has been on the table. In fact, there have been whispers for a little while now that the contract has already been signed, and it’s just a matter of timing the announcement.
Now, when a story runs like that across all the newspapers – this wasn’t just some lad in the Express making something up – it’s one that has been based on information from somewhere or someone. And if it was from within Arsenal, I’ll ask again – what the hell is going on?
Whether it has come from board level or from the communications department, the timing of it is unbelievably clumsy. Losing 3-1 in that fashion demands some introspection and a bit of distance, not news that you must know will irritate people greatly. I know Arsenal haven’t always been subtle in their press based manoeuvrings, but it would be incredibly clumsy if this is what went down.
Has it come from the manager and his people? Does he have people, per se? Is it a big old FU from the USA as Stan gets behind his man? Or is it someone at the club aware of what the reaction might be to this news leaking it to fan the flames so they can hide behind the anger of fans? The same fans they outright said were the ones who would decide the fate of the manager, not them as the well-paid executives they are.
I really don’t know. What the hell is going on?
What the hell is going on with this club that this situation has been allowed to develop and fester to the point where it’s having a very real and damaging effect on what happens on the pitch? What the hell is going on that we have a situation with our record signing – a player that three months ago people were absolutely desperate to sign a new deal after a good first half of the season – who is now almost invisible and one that some would happily consign to the dustbin?
What the hell is going on that said player’s agent goes very publicly on the record to say that he feels like he’s being made a scapegoat? Since those comments were made Ozil hasn’t started a game, and made just two substitute appearances. Injury, illness or something else?
What the hell is going on when the agents of a player like Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain can brief the press about how he’s upset at not being given a new contract and now won’t sign one even if he is? Why, if we’re so keen for him to stay – as Arsene Wenger has said a number of times – have we not bothered to present him with a new deal?
What the hell is going on when we haven’t heard a peep from the Chief Executive in months? With all due respect to Sir Chips Keswick, most people can see that he’s a figurehead, not the all powerful chairman that exists at other clubs. Ivan Gazidis is a decision maker, closer to Kroenke than anyone else, and as Billy Ocean didn’t sing, when the going gets tough, the Chief Executive retreats to his Diamond Club bunker.
What the hell is going on that we have conspiracy theories about who paid for planes flying banners over football games? Seriously, it’s like some kind of ludicrous, surreal comedy. Except it’s not funny. Not to us anyway, but I’m sure it is to everyone else, because if this was happening at some other club I would be pissing myself.
Step right up folks, welcome to the wonderful Arsenal carnival of the bizarre and chaotic! We’ve got something for everyone! Thrills and spills! The incredible shrinking manager! Exciting rides like The Sinking Ship and the Not-So-Merry-Go-Round! The Hall of Smoke and Mirrors! And, of course, the Freak Show, featuring The Boy Who Can’t Jump and The Midget Goalkeeper!
Seriously, what the hell is going on?
It’s a mess. Sure, it’s not as bad as what’s happening at other clubs, but this is our club and there’s such a lack of clarity and vision. It feels rudderless, this great big North London multi-million pound ship needs a captain because right now we’re floating on the high seas and nobody seems to have a clue where we’re going.
Let’s not beat around the bush here: this is a football club with the resources, finances, infrastructure and everything else to be one of the best in Europe. One that should be able to ‘compete with Bayern Munich’ in the words of the Chief Executive from back when he deigned to speak in public. But it’s a long way from being that, the gap is widening in fact, and nobody seems to have the authority, desire or ability to make it any better.
So Arsenal, what the hell is going on?
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