#he's overall well-adjusted and emotionally intelligent but he's doing a bad job with this one!
2hoothoots · 2 years
what if raz has a fifth archetype that's locked up and it's representative of his generational trauma
see, that's kind of a fun concept, but it doesn't really fit with how i see archetypes? the way i interpret them, they're something that you purposefully create to help you out, rather than something that spontaneously forms. i think if you wanted to explore, say, a trauma response in a character, it'd be more likely to be reflected in their mental world, for example.
besides, raz already has an archetype to represent his repressed trauma!
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So I’ve decided to talk in depth about my sander sides high school au, specifically the characterization of Remus, Janus and Virgil.
I tried to make a rather grounded and realistic take on things with some conventional teen drama tropes mixed in there along with some serious storylines about family and the issues Remus, Virgil and Janus experience because of it.
I will make a part two to this post if you guys so desire with the other sides and possibly Picani and Remy.
Virgil is the main character of this au, he moved back to his old home town after moving away when he was fairly young to go start a new life with his dad.
Virgil and his dad are all on their own with little money to their names making them live in the poorer area of town, which doesn’t exactly help Virgil with bullies.
Virgil also has some deep underlying issues about his mother since she died in labor and thus never got to meet her, his dad goes to great lengths to teach him about her and how much she unconditionally loved him but it does little to quell Virgil’s complex feelings towards her.
Despite the amount of attention his dad gives him he does feel especially empty and sad about his lack of a mother, it doesn’t exactly help that because of the way Juliet died Virgil feels in some way, partially responsible.
This would later cause him to build up emotional walls to cover up how he really felt about his mom, insisting that he’s okay and doesn’t think about it often.
This also causes him to stress a lot about small situations and in more extreme scenarios full on fits of anxiety due to his underlying fears about losing even more people in his life.
Ultimately this all mixed together with the bullying Virgil received growing up for his lack of a mother made him a very tense and self conscious individual with a deep rooted fear of the unknown and loss.
Virgil still has a support group there for him, like I said, his dad is always there to provide and take care of him no matter what and his friends always make an effort to understand his plights despite not really having the same issues as he does.
Really the only person who comes close to understanding him is Remy, who also is raised by a single parent and understands the hurt that can leave you with.
Remy’s mom and Virgil’s dad are quite close though and since they are neighbors try to take care of each other’s kids the best they can when the other can’t.
Overall Virgil’s life isn’t all that great but it could be a whole lot worse if he didn’t have his friends with him.
Now onto Janus, Janus’s familial troubles culminate into anger and spite, his family was rather normal until he was around five years old and his parents got divorced and it was rather messy.
Janus couldn’t adjust very well to not only his parents being separated but also his dad losing his job and most of his money, making him move across town, next door to Virgil.
He coped with it after a little while but everything seemed to get way worse after one day when he was visiting his mom and her boyfriend, an electrical fire started and Janus got trapped in the bathroom causing him to get very bad burns all up one side of his body, making him lose most of his hair and most importantly of all, push his mother to take extreme lengths to protect him.
She just seemed to become more and more irrational over time and take even more precautions that made little sense to anyone but her.
She even prevented Janus from hanging out with Remus since his behavior kinda scared her which only made Janus want to hang out with him more.
She was already very over protective of him but the fire just made everything worse and eventually Janus developed a habit for lying as a way to hide his more “dangerous” activity from his invasive mother.
Janus was often confused and didn’t know exactly how to feel about his mother, his love for her was both very strong since he admired how much she wanted to protect him but also was full of anger and spite for how controlling she was.
At least his dad and step mom were better, his father though not the most emotionally available still takes care of him and loves him while his step mom is the most wholesome a person could possible be and much better than his step dad (Who’s just a complete idiot).
Janus mostly deals with his problems by venting about them to remus and going through lengths to cover his burns (wearing hats to cover up his bald spot, gloves to hide his hands, jackets to hide his arms, ect.) unfortunately though sometimes this will lead to confrontations with Virgil.
Virgil’s fear of loss and want to keep his loved ones safe will often clash for Janus’s demands for freedom and independence making them sometimes clash until remus tries to calm them down.
As for Remus, unlike his friends he didn’t care much about how his family was, yes they are clearly dysfunctional and Remus fully knows how his families relationship was strained and probably really toxic but he didn’t care.
Even though favoritism was really clear at his house, his parents weren’t home often due to work and his brother seemed to get everything, remus just sorta took it in stride and used it as an excuse to grow more independent and bombastic.
He likes himself, in fact maybe he likes himself a little too much tbh.
He developed a strong sense of self, something that Janus really admired and would often look up to him for.
Eventually his teen years hit and surprise surprise, this independent loud bastard with strong opinions got a really weird sense of style (I mean, who else would draw on a fake mustache and dye their hair grey while wearing chokers and knee length boots?) and a penchant for partying.
Not only would he party (very hard, sometimes at bars with fake IDs) but he also started having small relationships that didn’t last very long (didn’t matter who it was, hell it could of been a guy who was already in a committed relationship, remus didn’t care).
To go along with his bold and odd personality he was often contradictory, putting on a persona of the stupid party guy while also being surprisingly intelligent, to the point that he even rivaled Logan (some one had to be the smart twin).
He has a great relationship with his brother, they actually get along very well, they just don’t speak much during school hours.
Remus has a very can do attitude and is completely determined to be his own person and nobody is gonna fell him other wise.
So yeah... if you read this far thank you, I appreciate it.
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FF VII - Tseng Headcanons | #1
A/N: No one asked for this, (at least I don’t think anyone did?) But I was in the mood to write some fluffy Tseng so I hope you don’t mind!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Tseng isn’t much for affection, but he does shows his appreciation in a number of ways only he’d think of. Sometimes it’s in the form of complimenting you either by intelligence or physical means (I.e. “you’re very beautiful today,” or “That’s an intelligent observation y/n.”, helping you out of sticky situations, helping you get back on your feet after financial trouble. It’s all professional in a sense, but that’s just who Tseng is in general
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Tseng’s friendships are all built up from colleagues, so you’d most likely would have worked with him to get a bit closer to him as a person. As a friend, he’s usually your more honest, straight-to-the-point man who will tell you as it is. He’ll give the best advice, and someone you could always count on in times of need.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Not much of a cuddly guy. In fact, the first time he’s ever experienced cuddling was when he was with you, how you nestled into the crook of his neck, eyes shut as the room went silent. He’ll be unnerved about the whole deal, but he won’t push you off. He’ll just let you sleep in his arms until you wake, but he’ll be a bit awkward through your nap. Since he would have no idea where to place his hands without waking you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Tseng is all business. He’s not planning on settling down. If he somehow ends up in a relationship with you, the plans for a family, children, the whole-white picket fence idea is still just as slim.
When it comes to cooking, he’s more of the bland-type cooks. He doesn’t put his heart and soul into it like many others, so food just ends up being subsistence to stay alive, that’s it. Many of his meals are simple and easy, and he won’t make dinner a huge deal.
However, when it comes to cleaning, this guy is your man. Not obsessive about it, but he’ll make sure everything is neat and orderly. The type to have his linens pressed every day, to make sure every pen has a spot on his desk, drawers organized unlike you’ve ever seen. Being clean and orderly is part of his job, so his apartment will look better than a five-star hotel.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would be straight to the point about it. Discuss issues the two of you have been having, going over why. He’s not going to give you nonsense to worry about and have an emotional turmoil over it. If it’s time for a break up, he’ll be the one to give out the news with a quick fashion.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Tseng is committed in the job, not relationships. There’s a hard chance he’s going to propose, even slimmer? A big marriage. If you happen to capture his heart, he’ll probably request the wedding to be small, perhaps elope just to keep it out of the public’s eye. He’s personal and private, and making huge deals out of something he doesn’t fully understand is a no-go.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s a gentle guy when he wants to be. Emotionally more so. He’ll try to understand your side of things, getting a full picture on all your problems and concerns and even opinions on his own matters. It’s not a normal occurrence when he opens up about anything, so when he does, enjoy it while it lasts. It won’t happen for a while.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs? He won’t do it. But if you happen to grab him long enough to get a hug, he won’t push you off necessarily, but he’ll be awkward when you part. Maybe a light red would dust his cheeks, but he’ll try to regain his composure as he’s walking away.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Tseng probably could go his whole life without saying the word “love”. He’s the type of person to say it either too late, or not at all.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Tseng rarely gets jealous, if at all. He’s understanding in that sense, and won’t allow himself to let his emotions hinder him in any way negative if he can help it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are usually soft, and careful. He lacks experience in that department, so he relied heavily on you to lead the way. But his favorite? He won’t admit it, with his persona and all, but he tends to love when you give him a simple peck on the cheek. Sometimes in public, his ears will warm up to a crimson, and he’ll straighten out his tie as if the peck wasn’t worth anything, but later on, he’ll place his fingers where your lips met, and the sweetest memory will cause his lips to curve just a little.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Tseng is pretty straight-forward when it comes to the smaller humans, he tries not to be awkward,  but he tends to not understand children as well as he should. He treats them much like adults, which sometimes works in his favor as the children will come and have their questions answered without fluff and lies embedded in them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)     
Tseng is up bright an early, adjusting the cuffs on his sleeves, inspecting his appearance, making sure it’s overall well done and tidy. Followed by a quick breakfast and finally one last check with his suit before he leaves. It’s usually fast paced, and it follows a very strict routine (one he’s had since he started working), so have fun waking up by his alarm every morning at five am.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are much different. Usually it’s time to wind down and relax from the stress of Shinra when he returns. He still maintains his usual stoic and professional manner, cleaning, setting out his suits to be taken to the cleaners, prepare for the next morning to repeat the process all over again. But when it’s all said and done, he’ll sit on his love seat to relish in the day, and you’re free to sit next to him. Fitting yourself right in the crook of his neck as you take a moment to rest. (Again, cue awkward cuddling questions)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Tseng will be the type to reveal things through actions slowly. The little things like how he organizes his desk, how he writes in silence when you pop into his office for a quick surprise, the barely noticeable smile when you make him dinner or give him a snack he hadn’t ask for. He’s not an open person, so to understand how he works requires the utmost dedication on noticing small details.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Anger is sparse. Cool, calm and collected is his mode of operation.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Tseng has the sharpest memory in the Turks. He’ll remember every important detail about you whether you tell him or not. Reading people is his forte, so he’ll notice the tiniest things before you even do. Like how you take your tea/coffee, what your favorite pajamas are to wear to bed, the particular brush you use for your hair. He’s just as interested in you as you are him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memories of you would have to be the most simplistic ones. The times where it’s peaceful like having a dinner with just the two of you, or taking a nap together on the couch/bed. It’s some of the most mundane moments, but some of his favorite to remember through the turmoil he experiences every day.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Tseng doesn’t believe in being protected. He’s the shield if it ever comes down to it. Have you seen how protective he is with Rufus Shinra? Same things apply to you. He wouldn’t dare let a fly hurt you, and if someone happens to come after you, Tseng would be a formidable opponent indeed.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Everyday tasks are done in order under a schedule. It’s hard to be pulled out of routine when he’s done it so long, so he most likely won’t stop unless he has to. Other things such as anniversaries, gifts, important dates? He’ll remember them, written neatly in his calendar, but he won’t make the biggest of deals about them.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Previously, I mentioned his mind is on par with remembering everything, but only if he puts it on his calendar. If he doesn’t write it down somewhere, this poor boy will literally forget the next day.
When you’re trying to sleep, he has to check his alarm has been set, two, three, five times. The glare of his cellphone as he makes sure the alarm has been set.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Tseng prefers things polished and pressed. From his suit, tie, hair, skin, everything is cleaned and prepped prior to leaving for work. It’s not that he wants to be conveniently attractive, it’s just a part of his job.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If you were with him for a long time, yes. If it was only for a few years, he’d be upset over it, but he wouldn’t cry nor grieve properly. It’s a part of the job, he says.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Tseng gives off health-nut vibes somewhat. He’s not incredibly obsessed, but he tends to choose things that are healthy and keeps his body well.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, messes. If there’s a way to get him irritated and unnerved, messy areas will do the trick. ESPECIALLY in his home. 
In partners? He’s not a fan of those who are overly confident, especially if they don’t have the means to prove it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Unbeknownst to most, he’s restless. Moving constantly at night all hours. Having to even go as far as moving to the couch or bench to try and sleep there. A few hours later he’ll move back to the bed, but he despises the idea he can’t get a normal night’s rest. 
TAGS:@watermeloncavill​ @moonlighttreetops 
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