#he's right about hthm
aeroplaneblues · 2 years
I've been avoiding the haitham's story quest because of how much it got spoiled and breed so much discourse😂 so I waited until now to complete it. And tbh its one of my favorites! Tighnari's is still at the top but Alhaitham's is right behind it.
I think its because parts of alhaitham's character either I relate to or remind me of my best friend, but also the npcs didn't felt like annoying as much as the other story quests. Like I know what they are doing by using npcs so we get to know the character a little better, but like in nilou's and cyno's case it felt kinda? lacking? idk maybe I'll need to rewatch those.
I have more to say but I'll leave it under a read more!
One thing I wish they would've added was Tighnari, since we were already in gandharva ville and I want those two to interact. But I appreciate Cyno being part of it🥰
About the discourse, I think people either didn't paid attention to the quest or they are emotionally weak im JOKING😂 Kaveh was the one provoking and alhaitham responded to his comments, but hthm didn't had to go so hard on that smile from a client comment that hurt ME😂
But then again Kaveh being like this must be only because of alhaitham, kinda like how Diluc is nasty around Kaeya so much that people jump off of a dragon to avoid their fighting🤷‍♀️, I HOPE bc i do like Kaveh, he was great in hthm's character teaser and I want to see that side of him again. Also kinda hurt he sees us on the same light as alhaitham now😪 Since he is a 4 star (as far as leaks say) hopefully he gets a hangout and there we can know more about him.
Oh and their interaction actually confirms my headcanon that Alhaitham can be veeeeeeery petty with Kaveh, like it shows how he is the younger one between the two lol like leave that painting alone.
Ok. Now the brainrot. The last part of the story quest is called "Pride and Prejudice" and I said on twitter a few weeks before this story quest that alhaitham is like Mr Darcy YOU CAN'T DENY IT AND LOOK AT IT NOW!! its in his story quest hyv agrees with me!!😂😂
Cyno is lizzie like pls, who can go toe to toe with alhaitham's dry comments if not Cyno?? And they have this relationship that started very badly and then evolved to them trusting each other 😭😭 also i think its funny how accurate it will be hthm responding to the "do you dance?" to "no if I could help it"😭😂😂
Anyway I took 384934 screenshots of alhaitham's house, I have some platonic and cytham comic ideas I'll eventually draw. I'm still burnout so I'm trying to save all my energy for work, I might continue posting sporadically.
If you read this far and enjoyed my brainrot, please do tell me your thoughts I might go crazy with that cytham p&p au living in my head only😪 Also thanks for reading it all!
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polrification · 1 year
okay 1 1/2 paragraphs done with this assignment and once I'm finished with the second I mgiht start scouring the genshin and honkai wikis for my crackpot hunch
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enden-k · 1 year
i was scrolling down your profile bc i haven't been much on tumblr lately. the point is i totally agree with your post about haitham finding very attractive kaveh's quick math, istg that's just so 💕💕💕 (internally screaming) (in a positive way). i also think kaveh would sometimes stop and appreciate (or diss) any kind of structure that catches his attention whenever they walk together, sometimes hthm finds that adorable and sometimes finds it exhasperating, something like “kaveh it's the fifth time you stop to tell me about the materials of the building. let's go home already please”. i also think kaveh had rambled about architecture things drunk at least twice. i have many thoughts about them lol sorry, have a nice day !!
absolutely!! he rambles about it sm that haitham learned a lot about it just from listening so when theres a time when kaveh is ruffling his hair in frustration over some problem he encounters and thinking way too hard and complicated about it (bc sometimes we just think complicated even if theres a simpler solution right in front of us right), haitham makes an offhanded comment with the solution right there and it has kaveh blinking even more in confusion bc
since when does haitham know things like that (actually, its not that surprising since he loves to read about whatever catches his interest at that time so he does know a lot of random shit)
how tf is it even right
(he quickly scribbles it down and voilà, material/functionality problem solved with really satisfactory results)
he side eyes haitham whos just preparing his tea in peace and asks him how he knew what material would be fitting for both functionality and aesthetic for this particular building and design and haitham just shrugs his shoulders really nonchalantly and goes "you talk an awful lot", making kaveh realize that this insufferable scribe really means "i listen to everything you ramble about" in his usual way and it does smth to his heart and stomach
(yea i also have many thoughts oughhhgh...have a nice day as well <3)
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endenope · 6 months
I lean more towards kavetham usually, so I’d probably say kavetham, but for the wip(?) of what looks like office worker Kaveh, it might depend on the idea/AU. So what’s cookin’? What’s the idea that brought us to bespectacled Kaveh?
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the idea was modern teyvat (basically teyvat as it is but just. set in a slightly more modern time); akademiya student haitham, falling in love for the first time so completely, so violently (his feelings being so so much for him, not him getting physically violent !!!) when he meets the assigned physician of the akademiya, kaveh
tbh this au idea came only bc i wanna draw kinky stuff LMAO so theres not a whole thought out, deep plot like in my fantasy au. i considered prof kaveh but i already have a uni au with prof ratio/student hthm and also couldnt decide what kinda lecture they both should share. dr kaveh is actually rlly cute bc it kinda fits him/his altruistic nature and how he helps others
kaveh is basically, as it is, perfect from the outside but a mess of a human being - always helping everyone without considering himself, so kind and charming and loveable but a little pathetic and idiotic. he tries to appear like everything is fine and perfect and his life is ok but hes a mess and haitham (bc hes so observant w him) looks right through it, desires him bc of the cracks
haitham never desired or felt anything romantic or sexual before (hes in his early 20s and lived very happily and safely w his grandma all isolated) so when it hits him so hard, certainly the akademiya doctor can help w his "chronic illness"
anw ofc kaveh also wants, loves him; they get closer and *gestures* yknow
i planned stuff in like haitham having a hand/glove kink (kaveh really has quite the beautiful hands and when they slide across his skin to check on him.......) or kaveh having a thing for haithams voice/filthy words (haitham doesnt rlly talk so when he opens his mouth during their checkups its over) so yea, big question is who fucks who bc while i love and usually prefer kavetham, theres also smth hot about an older, messy kaveh getting bent over his desk by a horny, needy haitham, fucking him messily and so so eagerly like an oversized cute dog-
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hvtqo · 1 year
you cannot tell me that alhaitham would be genuinely happy that kaveh's leaving his home when he finally pays his debt.
that's such a lie. because if you know hthm, you know he might not express his sincere feelings even to himself. so when kvh comes home one day with the news and tells him that he's found a new place, hthm barely rises his eyes from his book and replies with a simple “finally”.
kvh is offended, but he's so used to this cold treatment of his that he rolls his eyes and leaves the room. as soon as this happens, hthm closes the book, sighs, and rubs the bridge of his nose in concern.
they come across one another in the kitchen.
“why haven't you left?” hthm confronts.
“don't worry, im not staying, if that's what you're concerned about” kvh replies defensively. “the moving truck is coming this wednesday.”
this information shouldn't have been spilled. now that hthm knows a date, he proceeds without reflecting upon his actions. this is why, when wednesday comes, kvh stands at the door expectantly, with boxes and luggage beside him, and he waits. he waits for hours.
hthm appears to see him hanging up on his phone.
“i thought you were leaving today” he pressures.
“i was” kvh says, “but it's strange. it seems that the truck was given the wrong address. it drove to the opposite end of the city, and now i have to wait until tomorrow for them to rearrange their schedule.”
“you gave them the wrong address?” hthm lies.
“no! i know my address— your address, i mean. they must have gotten it mixed somehow...” kvh cannot explain to himself how this possibly happened. he was careful when he called them and subscribed to their services.
of course, hthm knows exactly what happened.
and this is not the only time. the next day, once kvh has made sure the truck has the right address, and is going to arrive at the according time, it doesn't come either way. kvh waits, and at some point, he's so tired expecting the truck to arrive at the door, that he closes it and decides to stay on the living room.
hthm arrives from work at that moment. kvh turns around, and hthm walks to him, a fake frown in his face.
“why are you still here?” he accuses.
kvh groans.
“the damn truck hasn't come” he explains. “but i will leave, don't worry.”
“well, it doesn't seem that you're doing a good job with that. you can't even do something as easy as moving away when you intend to, how do you expect to survive by yourself?”
kvh rolls his eyes and takes out his phone, as hthm crosses his arms and waits expectantly. when kvh hangs up the call, he looks at hthm in confusion. turns out, someone called to cancel the truck's services just that morning.
“what is it now?” hthm asks, rising a brow.
kvh squints, clearing his throat and gazing firmly at him.
“haitham, be honest” he begins. “do you want me to leave?”
“what a careless question. of course i want you to leave, i have been asking you to do so since the second week you stayed here and started causing problems” the grey-haired replies, full of himself as usual.
this time, kvh takes no offense. the corner of his lip rises almost imperceptibly. he understands now.
oh, alhaitham... what a child you are.
“hm” kvh fakes pondering. “then it seems that we have a little goblin messing up with us in the house” he plays, “because somehow, someone took my phone this morning and called the moving services to cancel my subscription. i certainly didn't do so, and i doubt you did, so... we must jump to magical conclusions now.”
hthm nods.
“i agree” he says. “it must be a mischievous little goblin's fault.”
a short pause. kvh gazes into his eyes, and it's like a battle going on between them, silently.
“or rather, a tall, grey-haired, blue-eyed goblin who works as a scribe for the akademya” he points.
“muscular and smart as hell” hthm adds. “yes. you should be quick to find it and solve this issue if you really want to leave this house.”
hthm turns around, ready to leave the conversation now that it seems that both of them are on the same page. now that they've concluded that kvh did try to leave, and all his attempts were met with frustration. clearly, the only solution is to stay.
“i will” kvh assures before hthm walks away, and he watches as he leans back on the couch, decided now.
it seems that a certain someone still has feelings to work through.
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endenope · 8 months
I feel like babbling some more, so sorry it its overwhelming or annoying uff
Firstly def will not change, and ratios tdick deserves to get sucked so bad please. I think you just made me realise i have a oral fixiation.
Secondly seeing you draw him with bottom growth, please this is really the first (maybe not im not sure right now) time i see a proper bottom growth drawing. And i feel so much better now about it. Just from one drawing, tho it is from my favourite artist which adds to it hehe. I always struggle but mostly with fanfics bc even it its for trans people it mostly just slaps female anatomy on it and seeing proper representation for once is just making me swoon waaaa. You make me fall so much in love with Ratio and Alhaitham. I already liked identifying with them because it helps me alot and you just deciding they are trans now if not stated otherwise makes everything so much better.
You are one part carrying me through exams and learning stress.
Sorry lot of text and rambling but i needed to get it out, dont feel the need to answer if you dont want to. Have a great night.
i draw trans hthm for a long while now (cant say that about ratio considering he just debuted), and i think this is the first time someone commented on it??? makes me super happy to see how it gets noticed!! and how it makes you happy!!
i think most (cis) ppl dont know that we get bottom growth, and some others dont rlly care bc of fetishization reasons (which im not gonna discuss now). i think i read only one fanfic so far that had proper rep (the others dont go into detail ofc so its not like theyre bad or anything!! just that one rlly described it well)
anw words are hard rn but im very happy !! thank you and have a great night as well !
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enden-k · 9 months
tbh a lot of comments you get about his chest are especially like. disturbing consider you hc him as trans (very correctly may I add, it's a very good headcanon). like it's good and you draw him very attractive (I personally like the eye and the shapes you use for hair but yeah) but some of it just like. makes me look at the comments and go "now why would you say that?"
so yeah fully understand the annoyance and fully support youn's rights to be a little (or a lot) crazy about it. block with abandon honestly it's your blog it's should be nice and welcoming to you most of all
also like. maybe some think its funny coming from me bc of my other blog/me drawing both sfw and nsfw (u can draw sexy art and still not reduce him to just that) but whenever i draw simple innocent sfw hthm and all comments are focused on his chest it just feels like hes constantly getting sexualized. not even my actual nsfw arts of him have comments like that so idk if its actually kids acting like this. its wild. its annoying. some stuff ive read rlly is disturbing, esp if its smth about his gender.
i rlly enjoy drawing him sexy n stuff but sometimes i just wanna draw him everything else that he is, in different moods and situations and whatever. how is it kaveh gets to be every way he is but yall view haitham as nothing but the "sexy scribe w big tits" no matter what he do. i could draw gory hthm torture and some would be like "teehee look at his huge badonkers-" aa??
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enden-k · 10 months
This is kinda random but i thick it coukd be fun: How do you think kavetham would play overwatch. What would be their prefered roles and prefered mains? What is their playstyle?
i think haitham would mainly play flankers or heroes that require skill and brains to play well. rein or winston (i see him more on winston since he is indeed the hero that requires brain the most) are very difficult to play well bc theyre all about perfect timing and making the right choices. do one wrong step and youre feeding
flankers like genji or sombra who have a high skill ceiling would also suit him well. haitham would know and be so good at proper target priority, awareness, counterpicks, predictions and strategies. never joins voice, is super casual but naturally such a god gamer. he picked up winston, genji, sombra, whatever annoying hero simply bc he wanted to be a pain in kavehs ass and make him ragequit HHHHHDHH
kaveh i can see mostly chilling in support and having a fun time in voice, absolutely beaming when ppl praise him for good support - probably someone cute as mercy or lifeweaver, he also def uses super cute/gorgeous skins like pink mercy. i think hes also good on ana
or when hes not playing support, hes rlly good at junkrat bc i think he would be very good at quickly calculating the right angles etc to snipe his target or nuke them mid air. just by feeling alone i can also kinda see him enjoying sym or hanzo tbh, idk why but i just feel like it hjabkkjd i think he would be average in general but being fine with it. def gets super upset when hthm keeps hunting his ass and more than once he left his desk mid game to stomp over into haithams room and start yelling
......which leads to them getting kicked for inactivity bc they get busy w other stuff 😌
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