#he's the queerplatonic partner of one my char in the game
menemosa · 2 years
also 🔥 <33333
🔥 wild card: dealer's choice of quote from a wip
oooo you gave me so much power with this >:DD i’ll choose a different wip this time so we have some variety mwahaha
There were many stories. Many letters that spilled out in spindles and loose ends. Unwinding onto itself and loosening its tender grasp. The effort of a community trying to unravel a demon’s life. But for Shun —
For Shun, his story has always been a beginning to an end.
again, i can’t link the wip but you’re always welcome to pester about this!
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roselightfairy · 3 years
A,B,D,L,X for the fandom asks!
From this ask meme.
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Well, haha. For LOTR: Legolas/Gimli, as everyone knows. Lately I’ve been having lots of feelings about various OC pairing, and I have particularly strong feelings about Thranduil and his wife – feelings that are only growing stronger, really. I really love a triad with Frodo&Sam/Rosie, where Sam and Rosie are romantically and sexually involved and Frodo is a queerplatonic partner to them.
Outside of LOTR, the only main pairings I really have strong feelings about are all the canon pairings from ATLA – Katara/Aang, Sokka/Suki, and Zuko/Mai. I just think those couples are so lovely and well-executed (unpopular opinion, in some cases!) and I love them all very much.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
This one would be Gimli/Eomer! I hadn’t thought much about it (I didn’t even notice the incredible innuendo the two of them trade in my first read because I was so occupied by Gimli and Legolas) until I read “A Question of Honour” by Honesty and it changed my life and now I need more fic of Gimli and Eomer making out rightnowrightnowrightnow.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Unfortunately… basically any ship that includes Legolas but not Gimli. Most of them I don’t particularly wish I liked, but every now and then, someone comes around with an OC that they’ve clearly put so much thought and care into, who has a really thoughtful backstory and worthy relationship (no I’m not addressing this at anyone in particular why ever would you think I was) and I just wish I could engage with it, but . . . the NOTP feelings are real. Somehow, as we have discussed, I am able to simultaneously hold the belief that romance is not inherently more important than other relationships – and the utter inability to picture Legolas romantically with anyone else. (This would be the case with any long-term pairing with Gimli, too, but he doesn’t really tend to get paired with anyone else so I don’t run into the issue. My theory is that by the time fandom came around to recognizing the inherent attractiveness of dwarves, most of those people had also come around to recognizing Legolas and Gimli as a forever love.)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
I am not generally a big fan of Angel from the Buffyverse, but I really genuinely enjoy watching him when he’s being goofy with his friends on his spinoff show. The moments are fewer and farther between than I wish they were, but they always make me smile and I wish the show had leaned into them more, because he can really be sweet and silly when he’s with people he has a good rapport with.
(Note that for this question I am making a distinction between favorites specifically and characters I would die defending – there is certainly a lot of overlap, but there are some characters I adore but don’t perceive as needing defense, and others I adore but who don’t deserve my defense – and others who need defense but I do not consider my children. It’s actually a very convoluted question!!)
Aang. AANG AANG AANG. He is my SON and my CHILD and my LOVE and as soon as I see anything that has even the slightest whiff of disfavor I’m climbing that hill, knives out.
Korra, also. I’m not as involved in LOK fandom, but I’ve definitely seen some stuff that makes me want to shield her with my own body (though she’d never let me).
Buffy Summers. She has suffered ENOUGH; stay AWAY from her.
The following are characters who specifically need my defense from Peter Jackson and the ensuing fanon:
4. Legolas
5. Gimli
6. Frodo
7. Sam
8. Merry
9. Pippin
Thank you for asking! Some of these took quite a bit of thought!
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aro-lin · 3 years
Holds you gunpoint
INFODUMP RN+++!!!!!!
OK NEW BESTIE ANON (/LH) I'LL DO IT (under cut!)
im also dumpin my playlist in here!
So! I've shared him before ! He was basically the first star savior I ever made, along with his pal, Mic, my beloved bestie Mic. They're like. more or less based on how my first playthrough went (mostly less because i only started recording way after i finished the game my first time)
Pip is also Filipino-American because! I am too and will project on this mans /lh. His favorite food is ube pandesal, which Mic bakes for him :). He. barely knows Tagalog tho </3 he's trying.
My canon timelines for him are both the Star Sorcerer AU (where Mic is brought with him!!!) and whatever I'm callin the AU w/ Vel's chars (Lovingly placeholder named the Choccy Milk AU). This is because yknow it's reallllyyy best for Pip not to be alone. Not because he's dangerous, but because being a star savior kinda. gets to him. I genuinely think he wouldn't be able to make it through the whole af2 timeline if he didn't have some kind of emotional support
Pip is neurodivergent (most likely ADHD) and has a lil mental illness I'm still deciding bc just a little projection. One of his SpIns is jazz so! Imagine how excited he was to be in Cavern Club! He was stimming so hard and excited to meet the point. And then that's how he gained his lil puppy love crush on Signol.
OHH before I forget to mention! Pip is transmasc (he/they) and pan! He just gets a little gushy with some of the points. Just a lil! Help this man /lh
Before AF2, he lived with his queerplatonic partner, Mic! They are besties and balance each other out. I think I mighta talked abt this w/ Vel, but after AF2, Pip introduces his new dad (totally legitimately adopted) Teri to Mic!
The points he gets along with the most, I'd say are: Signol, Arrolin (though I haven't thought of anything for their friendship), n Voixer! Maybe Ploque too, but like Arrolin, I haven't thought much abt their friendship.
Speaking of Voixer. aha. aha.h..a ha... (sobs so hard as i think of 1.) the song i relate to Voixer and Pip and 2.) af:cos)
Pip actually suspected Cyalm somewhere in the story, but he still trusted them. He highly believed that if Cyalm and him got close and became friends, maybe Cyalm would see wrong and change their ways.
It... deeply hurt Pip in Shattered Shardscape when he learned it was truly for nothing. Cyalm did find Pip interesting and amusing, though.
Anyways haha you ever like blue and then you gain trauma and now your favorite is green? aha
So af:cos ahah. pip is so fucked. this man will need an extra 394249 sessions of therapy.
i think that's all i can think of! enjoy :)
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