#headaches during premenopausal stage
casotamasagka-blog · 9 months
Review to "Women's DIM Complex" A Perimenopause Supplement (Early Stage)
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Menopause and Weight Gain
Menopause is the decline of reproductive hormones in a women's 50s & is often linked with the increase in weight. This article deals with the scientific correlation of menopause and weight gain.
Weight gain at the menopause stage of a woman is prevalent. This occurs due to various factors, which include:
1. Hormones
2. Aging
3. Lifestyle
4. Genetics
The 4 phases of Menopause
Menopause is highly individual. It generally varies from woman to woman. The female reproductive life cycle generally has four periods of hormonal changes during a woman's life.
1. Premenopause: Premenopause is the term that is used for a woman's reproductive life while she's fertile. It generally begins at the puberty stage, starting with the first menstrual period and ending with the last. This phase generally lasts for approximately 30-40 years of a woman.
2. Perimenopause: Perimenopause means a time which is around Menopause. During this time, the estrogen levels become erratic, and the progesterone levels also decline. A woman may start perimenopause at any time between her mid-30s and early 50s, but this transition generally occurs in the 40s, and this lasts for 4–11 years.
The symptoms of the perimenopause stage usually include:
hot flashes and heat intolerance in the woman.
menstrual cycle changes
sleep disturbances
mood changes, such as having irritability
weight gain
3. Menopause: Menopause usually occurs once a woman hasn't had a menstrual period for over 12 months. The average age of Menopause is generally 51 years. Up until then, a woman is generally considered perimenopausal. Many women experience their worst symptoms during the perimenopause period, but others find that these symptoms increase in the first year or two after Menopause in a woman.
4. Postmenopause: Postmenopause generally begins immediately after a woman has gone 12 months without having a period. The words menopause and postmenopause are often used interchangeably in a woman. Many physical as well as hormonal changes, continue to occur after Menopause in a woman.
How changes in Hormones levels affect the Metabolism?
During the perimenopause stage, the progesterone levels generally decline slowly and steadily, while the estrogen levels usually fluctuate significantly from day to day and maybe even within the same day.
In the early part of the perimenopause stage, the ovaries generally produce extremely high estrogen levels in the body. This is due to the impaired feedback signals between the ovaries, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland.
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Later in the perimenopause stage, when the menstrual cycles become more and more irregular, the ovaries will also produce very little estrogen. They produce even less in amount to that produced during the menopause stage.\
Some studies have also proven that high estrogen levels may also promote fat gain in a woman. This is because high estrogen levels are generally associated with weight gain and higher body fat during the reproductive years. From the puberty stage until perimenopause, women generally tend to store more fat in their hips and thighs in the form of subcutaneous fat.
However, during the menopause stage, the low estrogen levels will promote fat storage in the belly area in visceral fat. Visceral fat is generally linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other health issues.
Weight changes during the Perimenopause Stage
It is estimated that a woman usually gains about 2–5 pounds (1–2 kg) during the perimenopausal transition period. Some of the women even gain more weight. This generally appears to be particularly true for women who are already overweight or obese. Weight gain may also occur in women as a part of aging, regardless of hormonal changes that occur in them. Practically, no difference in the average weight gain was observed between those who have continued to have normal cycles and those who entered the menopause period.
Another factor contributing to the weight gain in the perimenopause period can be the increased appetite and the increased calorie intake, which occurs in response to hormonal changes. In a study, it was also found that levels of the "hunger hormone," which is known as ghrelin, were found to be significantly much higher among perimenopausal women when it was compared to the premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
The low estrogen levels found in the late stages of Menopause may also impair the functions of leptin and neuropeptide hormones in the woman's body that controls fullness and appetite. Therefore, the women in the late stages of perimenopause who have low estrogen levels may also be driven to eat more calories. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone also increase the risk of obesity.
Weight changes during and after Menopause
The Hormonal changes and the weight gain in a woman may continue to occur as she leaves the perimenopause stage and enters the menopause stage. One predictor of weight gain is the age at which menopause occurs.
Postmenopausal women generally get less physically active than when they were younger, reducing energy expenditure, leading to a loss of muscle mass. Also, menopausal women frequently experience higher fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance, driving weight gain and increased heart disease risk.
4 Effective Ways to prevent Weight Gain around Menopause
Below are mentioned few ways through which a woman can prevent weight gain around the menopause period:
1. Reduce intake of carbohydrates: A woman can cut back on carbohydrates to reduce belly fat, which generally increases metabolic problems.
2. Eat more fiber: A woman can eat a high-fiber diet that includes flax seeds. It may also improve insulin sensitivity.
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3. Workout: A woman should engage in strength training to improve body composition, increase the strength of the body and build and maintain lean muscle.
4. Rest and Relax: Women should try to relax before bed and get enough sleep to keep their hormones and appetite well-managed.
The Risks of Weight Gain after the Menopause
Many risks are related to weight. They can have high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Extra fat at the waistline of a woman also raises these risks even more. A bigger waistline is more likely to occur after Menopause in women. If the waist size of a woman is more than 35 inches, it's time to take steps to reverse this trend in their body.
7 Reasons how Exercise helps with Weight control after Menopause?
The more active a woman is, the less weight they are likely to gain. Exercise also has many other advantages other than weight loss, which includes;
1. Lower risk of osteoporosis in a woman
2. It lowers the risks of metabolic syndrome, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases in the body.
3. It generally Improves insulin resistance
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4. It keeps the joints as well as muscles strong
5. It helps bowels work well
6. It also relieves depression and anxiety
7. It also improves the overall health
Good Exercise Choices after the Menopause
Strength training, as well as a weight-resistance exercise program, also helps to build muscle mass and therefore improves the metabolism of the body. Strength training also helps the woman to maintain bone mass. As a woman loses muscle mass as they age, they should add strength training to their workouts. It can be done two or three times a week. Examples of strength training generally include weight machines, dumbbells, exercise bands, yoga, and gardening.
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Low-impact aerobics is perfect for the heart as well as the lungs. Walking is one of the best exercises because a person can do it anywhere and anytime according to her preference. Other examples of aerobic exercises include cycling, swimming, tennis, aerobics, as well as dancing. A woman can exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes.
In India, more than 30 million people suffer from obesity. The problem of obesity is also increasing at an alarming rate. The obesity problem is more acute among women than men in India. In India, more than 23% of women are overweight or obese. The percentage of obesity is highest among 55–59 years of women (25.7%), followed by 45–49 years old (23.6%). They should always consult their doctor about a new exercise program. A woman should choose activities they enjoy so that they will stick with their workouts. They should always find an exercise partner to help them to stay motivated.
Word of Wisdom
Menopause can be very challenging for a woman, both physically as well as emotionally. However, eating a nutritious and balanced diet and getting enough exercise and rest can help prevent weight gain and reduce the disease risk.
Overweight and obesity are increasing at a higher rate. The prevalence of overweight has also increased from 8.4% to 15.5% among women between 1998 and 2015. The percentage of obesity has also increased from 2.2% to 5.1% over the same period and these are just the numbers from India.
Although adjusting to the natural processes happening in the body may take some time. However, women should always try to do their best to accept these changes that will inevitably happen with age.
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ushealthcarenews · 4 years
What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Treatment Risks and Side Effects
There are so many options available for breast cancer treatment today, that people often end up feeling overwhelmed when they have to make the final decision. It is therefore necessary to arm oneself with all the information which is available, especially about the risks and side-effects associated with breast cancer treatments.
The doctor will determine the cancer treatment best suited for a person, but the patient too can play an informed role. Here are a few common best cancer treatments and the side-effects of the same:
Removal of the cancerous tissue by surgery is most commonly opted for. Lumpectomy (removes only the breast lump), quadrantectomy (removes more breast tissue than lumpectomy) and mastectomy (entire breast is removed) are the options available if one wishes to go for surgery.
The side-effects of this treatment are as follows:
The area where the incision is made may feel sore and ache.
If the entire breast is removed, the person may feel disproportion, lose physical balance and experience weight shift leading to an uncomfortable feeling in the neck, shoulders and back.
The surgery may result in injury to the nerves which may give rise to numbness and tingling sensation in the chest, underarm, shoulder and arm. This is may be temporary or permanent.
It may also give rise to a serious condition called lymphedema which may develop immediately after surgery or after a few weeks. This condition is caused due to restriction of flow of fluids in the lymphatic system causing collection of fluid which gives rise to swelling in the arm and hand.
Radiation therapy, internal, esp., brachytherapy, or external is often used to treat breast cancer. Also known as radiotherapy, this treatment is known to have lesser side-effects than the other treatments and the internal therapy has comparatively even lesser risks than external therapy. The following are the side-effects of radiation therapy:
The more general side-effects of radiation therapy are weakness, queasiness and vomiting.
Skin may become dehydrated, itchy and there may also be redness caused by external radiation. These effects are temporary. But there’s a possibility of the skin changing colour which might be permanent.
Changes in breast tissue are seen because of radiation therapy.
A systematic drug-based therapy, more commonly known as Chemotherapy is a widely used breast cancer treatment. It includes the use of drugs like Adriamycin, methotrexate, taxol and 5fluorouracil to kill the cancerous cells and may be incorporated at any stage of the cancer. The side-effects of Chemotherapy are:
Since chemotherapy targets not only the cancerous cells but all fast dividing body cells, the hair follicles and the gastrointestinal tract are very exposed to this treatment resulting in severe, albeit temporary hair loss from various boy parts like scalp and pubic area, tiredness and bruising.
It causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers and sores altering the person;s sense of smell and taste.
There are certain Chemotherapy drugs that may interfere with a woman;s menstrual cycle, cause premenopausal symptoms like hot flashes and make the woman unable to conceive during the treatment.
Hormonal therapy
Hormonal therapy which may be given after or during another breast cancer treatment kills the cancer cells by infusing the system with anti-oestrogen drugs that deprive the tumour cells of oestrogen which are needed for them to grow. This therapy, as the name suggests, is mainly used for those breast cancers which are classified as oestrogen receptor-positive. The following are side-effects of this treatment:
Tamoxifen, an anti-oestrogen which obstructs the activity of oestrogen hormone can cause blood clot and stroke. There may also be headache, nausea and vomiting.
The drug may also cause irregular periods, premenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal discharge become frequent. The vaginal area may become dry and itchy and there are increased chances of cancer of the uterus.
The person is also at a high risk of developing cataract.
Targeted therapy
Targeted (Biologic) therapy is a form of treatment which disrupts the sustained growth of the cancerous cells. It can be clearly noted that the side-effects experienced by a person depend upon a lot of factors like the type of cancer, extent to which the cancer is spread and its location. The type of treatment received also plays an important factor. The side-effects experienced by two individuals differ greatly, even if they have similar diagnosis and treatments.
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poojakumari · 4 years
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Some types of the breast cancer are affected by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Hormonal therapy is used for such breast cancer which are sensitive toward hormones. The most common form of this hormone therapy is blocking the action of hormones on breast cancer cells or by lowering the amount of hormone in the body.
Hormone therapy is used only in the case of breast cancer that are found to have receptors for the naturally occurring hormone like estrogen and progesterone. This hormone therapy is often used after surgery to reduce the risk of returning of cancer. It may also be used before the surgery to shrink the tumor which increases the chance of tumor being completely removed.
If the cancer has spread across other parts of the body, then hormone therapy may help it to keep in control since hormone therapy can reach the cancer cells anywhere in the body and not just to the breast. But this will not work in women if their tumor is not hormone receptor.
There are two types of hormone therapy which can be proceeded for breast cancer:-
·         Drugs are taken that can stop the hormones estrogen and progesterone from helping the breast cancer to grow further.
·         Drugs or surgery to stop the ovaries from making the hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
Hormone therapy is proceeded to treat breast cancer that are hormone sensitive. This criteria is termed as estrogen receptor positive cancer (ER Positive) or progesterone receptor positive cancer (PR Positive) which means that these natural hormone are fueling up the growth of cancer cells.
In your diagnosis process the first part is to identify whether your cancer is ER positive or PR positive by analyzing a sample of your cancer cells to check whether it has receptors for estrogen or progesterone hormones.
Hormone therapy for breast cancer help to:-
·         Slow or stop the growth of cancer cells that are spreading
·         May reduce or shrink the size of tumor prior to surgery
·         Can prevent cancer from coming back
·         Decreases the risk of cancer that are developing in other breast tissue
When the hormones becomes unable to access the tumor then the growth of tumor becomes slow and the cancerous cells may die. Breast cancer medications that are able to control these hormones are:-
·         Tamoxifen: Usually this is taken daily in pill form. Often it is taken to reduce the risk of reoccurrence of cancer in women who have been treated for early stage cancer. Generally this pill is taken for 10 years.
Also, tamoxifen is used to treat advanced cancer and it is appropriate for both premenopausal women and postmenopausal women.
 ·         Toremifene (Fareston): Toremifene is generally taken as pill every day and is used to treat breast cancer that has spread to the other parts of the body. This drug is approved for use in postmenopausal women mainly.
 ·         Fulvestrant (Faslodex): This drug is used in postmenopausal women for the treatment of advanced breast cancer and is administered as a shot every month
Among all these options TAMOXIFEN is the most common and it is suitable for:-
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·         For the early stage treatment of breast cancer, Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS), along with the surgery
·         Treatment for men and women both if their cancer cells uses estrogen
·         For the treatment of abnormal cells in the gland which makes milk and is called Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS) that lessens the chance of cancer becoming more cancerous
·         Treatment for the breast cancer that has spread to the other parts of body or that comes back after the treatment
·         To prevent breast cancer in those women who are at high risk of the disease
People who should not use TAMOXIFEN:-
·         Pregnant women
·         Women who is about to be or planning to get pregnant
·         Men or women who have problem of blood clots or a stroke
Talk to your health care provider, if the tamoxifen is good for you or not. You can order these drugs from 3MEDS, India’s best anti-cancer medicines provider.
·         Hot flashes
·         Irregular periods
·         Headache
·         Vaginal dryness or itching
·         Fatigue
·         Skin rash
·         Weight gain
·         Water retention
For men the side effects may be:-
·         Skin rash
·         Headache
·         Nausea and vomiting
·         Sexual side effects like lower sex drive or erectile dysfunction
During the hormone therapy meet your doctor at regular intervals of time and always select what is best for you. There are chances of side effects but the positive point is that even the side effects can be controlled through the help of medicines. Keep your medicines on time and always keep them with you. You can buy them easily from 3MEDS, anti-cancer drugs supplier and get genuine products.
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atheevasanthosh · 4 years
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Hormones are chemical messengers that are made by specialist cells usually within the endocrine gland. It is released to the blood stream to send message to another parts of the body. In human body hormones do two types of communication. The first type is the communication between two endocrine glands where one gland’s hormones stimulate another target gland to change the level of hormone releasing. The second communication is between the endocrine gland and the target organs for example pancreas releases insulin which causes muscle and fat cells to absorb glucose from the blood stream.
Hormonal imbalance: It is a condition where you have too much or too little of a certain hormone. Even small changes in hormonal levels can have serious effects throughout your body.
The causes of hormonal imbalance differ according to which hormones or glands are affected. Some of the common causes of hormonal imbalance include:
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Cushing’s syndrome
Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
Hormone therapy
Eating disorders
Pituitary tumor
Injury or trauma
Treatment of cancer
Causes of hormonal imbalance in women
Hormonal imbalances in women are related to reproductive hormones.
Premature menopause
Intake of birth control pills
Primary ovary insufficiency
Mood swings
The female sex hormone estrogen has an effect on neurotransmitters in the brain. It includes serotonin, a chemical that boosts your moods. Change or fluctuation in estrogen can cause premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or depressed mood during the premenopause and menopause stages.
Remedy: Take up exercises and avoid drinking too much alcohol and smoking.
Irregular or painful periods
Hormonal imbalance causing too much too little of certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone can result in irregular periods. You may skip periods a month or it doesn’t occur every 21-35 days. If you are in your 40s to early 50s, it might due to premenopause. Irregular periods can also be a symptom polycystic ovarian syndrome.
You may also have painful periods accompanied with abdominal pain, frequent need to urinate, lower back pain, constipation and painful intercourse. Besides, fibroids can also develop in wombs. If these symptoms are persistently seen, consult a doctor. Fibroid treatment might be done through medications or surgery.
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Sleep problems or insomnia
Estrogen and progesterone promotes sleep. During the menopause and premenopause , ovaries gradually produce less hormones. Low levels of estrogen may contribute to night sweats which disturb your sleep and also result in fatigue and loss of energy.
Low libido
Women going through the premenopause or menopause commonly experience low libido. This is the due to the low levels of estrogen and testosterone which women also have.
Skin problems
Chronic acne can occur due to low levels of estrogen and progesterone and high levels of androgen hormones. This can also indicate polycystic ovary syndrome. You may also have itchy skin during hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy and menopause.
Fertility problems
A woman’s fertility natural drops after the age of 35. Hormonal imbalance is one of the major problems leading to female infertility. Woman’s chances of getting pregnant reduce when there are high levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Low level of luteinizing hormone(LH) which stimulates ovaries to release an egg and start progesterone productions also cause infertility.
Hormonal changes during menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause also develop headaches in many women.
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Weight gain and increase of appetite
When estrogen levels dips, you have the tendency to eat more. Estrogen impacts your body levels of leptin, a hormone which helps to regulate food intake.
Dryness of vagina
Vaginal dryness is most often caused by the fall of estrogen levels. This occurs mainly during premenopause and menopause. Contraceptive pill or antidepressants can also develop hormonal imbalances.
Hormonal imbalances can be treated through medications as well as through certain home remedies. There are also various supplements for hormonal imbalance which you take after consulting a qualified doctor. In few cases, regular exercise and a healthy diet can cure the effects of hormonal imbalance. It has been found out that yoga help to treat symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Yoga also helps to reduce weight which can sometimes reduce hormonal imbalances. Some of the hormonal imbalances which occur due to PCOS and pregnancy need medical attention. Medicines for the conditions can be brought online from medlife online pharmacy Delhi, India.
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mozela · 3 years
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Did you recognize that each one of our bones, pound for pound, is 4 times stronger than concrete, and inch for inch stronger than steel? Reaching peak bone density at around age 30, our bone strength can start to say no as we head toward middle-age. But keeping our bones strong and healthy is vital regardless of how old we are.
In us alone, it’s estimated that about 8 million women and a couple of million men currently have osteoporosis, a disease where bones can become fragile, weak, and brittle and are at an increased risk for breaks and fractures. What’s even more concerning is that another 34 million Americans currently have low bone density, which is simply a stepping stone far away from the beginnings of osteoporosis. While a decline in bone-protecting estrogen during menopause for ladies can contribute to bone loss at an earlier stage in life, at the age of 65, men lose bone mass at about an equivalent rate. (1)
A few factors which will contribute to low bone density include smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise, aging, certain diseases, and therefore the use of certain drugs like corticosteroids. (2) But, one among the foremost critical factors that keep our bones dense and healthy throughout our lives is eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet.
Here are a number of the foremost important nutrients to assist maintain optimal bone health:
1. Calcium
One of the foremost important nutrients for keeping strong healthy bones is calcium. When our bone tissue is developing, it’s built from a frame of collagen proteins. This provides bones a touch of flexibility, but it’s then filled in with calcium crystals and other supporting minerals to harden bones for ultimate strength and support. About 99% of all the calcium in our body is stored within the bones. (3)
Calcium-rich milk and dairy products like yogurt are often praised as being crucial to creating strong healthy bones. While they're an honest source of calcium, plant-based foods like leafy greens (like kale), edamame, tofu, broccoli, almonds, kidney beans, and even sardines and salmon with bones also can assist you to get your daily calcium. Calcium is so important for bone health that it’s often added to foods like fortified cereals and fruit juice.
2. Magnesium As the 4th most abundant mineral in our body, with about 60% stored in our bones, magnesium may be a key bone-building nutrient that the majority of folks aren’t getting enough of. Not only is magnesium vital to our bone health and strength, but it’s also important for regulating calcium. Studies have shown that adults who consume more magnesium through food and supplements have a far better, healthier bone mass density overall (4).
Not only is magnesium needed for strong bones, but it’s also involved in over 300 chemical reactions within the body including protein synthesis, regulating blood glucose levels and vital signs, maintaining heart, muscle, and nerve function, and an extended list of other benefits.
As beneficial as magnesium is, it’s believed about 80% of the population is deficient, even when we’re eating a healthy diet. Common signs of magnesium deficiency are things like muscle twitches, sore muscles, headaches, and anxiety. Lifestyle factors like stress, disease, exposure to environmental pollution, drinking coffee, drinking soda and alcohol, or maybe eating an excessive amount of sugar can all reduce the absorption and even deplete magnesium and calcium from the body.
Magnesium-rich foods to assist maintain bone density include leafy greens, nuts, seeds, bittersweet chocolate, avocados, beans, and avocados. Supplementing with magnesium is usually recommended since it is often difficult to urge all the magnesium you would like from diet alone.
Vitamin D3. Vitamin D
Vitamin D referred to as the sunshine vitamin, isn't only a crucial nutrient for immune health, but it’s also necessary for the body to soak up calcium. (5) meaning if you’re deficient in vitamin D, the calcium isn’t getting to be ready to get to your bones where it’s needed. vitamin D is often found in eggs, fortified foods, and certain mushrooms, but it’s extremely difficult to urge all you would like from food. the foremost effective thanks to getting vitamin D is thru exposure to sunlight. Noon is the foremost efficient time to urge the foremost vitamin D, with the smallest amount of risk. About 20 minutes is all you would like. (6)
A vitamin D supplement is that the next best thanks to keeping your vitamin D levels up throughout the year, as food sources might not provide enough. this is often very true if you reside during a cold climate, spend tons of your time indoors, otherwise, you have darker skin, which may make absorbing vitamin D harder. If you’re unsure that your vitamin D levels are healthy, an easy biopsy at your next doctor’s appointment is suggested.
4. Boron Even though boron may be a mineral we only need in trace amounts, it still plays a crucial role in growing and maintaining strong healthy bones. Boron supports bone regeneration and mineralization at the cellular level, but it also has a crucial relationship with calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Boron helps the body to retain these nutrients by preventing them from being lost through urination.
What’s also amazing, is that boron has been shown in studies to assist boost circulating vitamin D3 levels by increasing its bioavailability and reducing the time it takes for it to interrupt down, also referred to as its half-life. (7)
While science remains unraveling boron’s role within the body, there’s currently no set recommended daily intake for boron. It’s believed 1 to three milligrams per day is sufficient. Boron is found naturally in foods like fruits and veggies like leafy greens, nuts, dried beans, milk, and even coffee.
5. Vitamin K2
Also important for keeping bones strong is vitamin K. While one form, referred to as vitamin K1, activates enzymatic proteins liable for blood coagulation, Vitamin K2 activates a protein called osteocalcin that's important in bone-building. Osteocalcin also makes sure that calcium is directed to our bones and not on the walls of our arteries or our heart where it can form a plaque that will eventually cause heart condition. (8)
While K1 is often found in leafy greens like kale and spinach, Vitamin K2 is found in much smaller amounts in aged cheeses, dairy, and meats. one of the foremost naturally rich food sources of vitamin K2 is natto. a well-liked food in Japan, natto is formed by fermenting soybeans with a bacteria called Bacillus subtilis. With a tough-to-explain flavor that will vary, natto has an unusual sticky, stringy texture and a pungent taste that will be salty, cheesy, and nutty. If you’re not up for incorporating natto into your diet, you'll supplement with K2 to form sure your bones stay healthy and dense.
6. Silica Silica, one of the foremost abundant minerals within the earth’s crust, is another one among the foremost important minerals for bone health.
Early studies have uncovered that silicon works to draw calcium into bone and it’s twenty-five times more concentrated in newly forming bones or bones that are regenerating. And bones with a better silica concentration are shown to be stronger with more resistance to breaking. In both men and premenopausal women, higher intakes of silicon are linked with increased bone mineral density and lower rates of hip fractures. (9)
It’s best to urge silica through plant-based sources as a standard food; the supplement additive, silica (SiO2) isn't well absorbed. you'll get silica in foods like cereals, grains, bananas, lentils, and veggies like green beans. But one among the richest, plant-based, soluble sources of silica is that the herb horsetail. an in-depth relative of the fern found throughout parts of Europe, Asia, North America, the center East, horsetail has been used medicinally dating back to the traditional Romans and Greeks. Not only is that the plant-based silica in horsetail great for strong bones, but it’s also beneficial for strong healthy hair, nails, and skin. (10)
When to undertake a Bone-Supporting Supplement Staying active with exercise, getting much sunshine, and eating a healthy diet with many proteins and mineral-rich foods are the cornerstones to keeping bones healthy throughout your life. But, albeit we’re technically doing everything right, it is often difficult to understand if we’re truly getting all the nutrients our bones need. As we age, it is often harder for our body to stay our bones strong, but weak bones don’t need to be a traditional part of aging. That’s why taking a balanced, bone-supporting supplement daily is often an efficient thanks to keeping them healthy. In this manner, you'll keep moving, break, and pain-free.
Unfortunately, many supplements targeted for bones often are available large, chalky, and hard-to-swallow pills with ingredients that will be hard to soak up. That’s why we love Flora Health’s Bone Health+™ liquid formula for daily bone support. Made with food, plant-based, and naturally derived ingredients, including vitamin K2 from natto and silica from horsetail, this natural formula features a body-friendly 2.5:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium during a form your body can easily absorb.
Vegan and gluten-free, Bone Health+™ also: Includes calcium’s helper nutrients, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 (from natto) that employment together synergistically to stay bones healthy Offers beneficial trace minerals like boron in an ocean mineral concentrate for optimal bone strength Uses silica-rich horsetail herb for straightforward absorbability Can be taken straight or mixed into water, tea, or smoothies Not only is it made with plant and naturally derived ingredients, but this liquid bone formula is delicious! Tangy, sweet, and made with pear and fruit juice concentrate, Bone Health+ is so good that you’ll anticipate taking it every day. And your bones will thank you!
No matter your age or lifestyle, helping to support your bone health with a daily, natural, plant-based supplement like Bone Health+ may be a good way to offer your bones the building blocks they have to remain healthy. With food-based nutrients that are easy to soak up, you recognize your bones will get the nutrients they have to stay you moving.
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yummylooks · 7 years
9 Ways To Reverse Estrogen Dominance & Avoid Weight Gain
The hormone, a body’s maestro that has a magical effect on the body that is why it is essential to be kept at constant levels. Hormones help regulate all the body’s functions. That range from metabolism so is responsible for weight gain or loss, production of both female and male secondary sex characters, stimulates water retention by the kidneys, controls your digestion function, provide your body the constant body’s temperature, promotes bones & organs growth, and many other countless functions.
Therefore, constant levels of hormones are always needed because any kind of disruption within the hormonal levels are always serious as it poses an adverse effect on the body’s functions.
In this context, we will cover one of the hormonal disturbance problems, to be more specific; sex hormones disturbance problem, which is “Estrogen hormone dominance” that pose many serious adverse problems.
We will mainly cover the estrogen dominance topic from its definition, causes, symptoms, and surely provide you how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally…you will just need to keep scrolling.
We also covered Men Section & and how men can handle high estrogen level in a video you can scroll to find it.
What is “Estrogen Dominance”?
Source from: www.shecares.com
Simply, females have estrogen hormone that helps them produce their female maturation characters such as mensuration cycle, breast growth, and many other female secondary characters. In addition, you will find that estrogen hormone works in cooperation with progesterone hormone in order provide hormonal harmony.
However, during a certain period and due to many factors a hormonal disturbance occur that lead to estrogen overproduction in comparison to progesterone hormone production; this is considered a serious problem due to the adverse effect it poses once occurred! Therefore, the estrogen overproduction in comparison to progesterone production is defined as “estrogen dominance“.
Does estrogen dominance occur at certain age?
Indeed this is an important question to ask…Based on studies, it has been found that estrogen dominance could occur at any time within your lifetime this is due to the fact that estrogen dominance occurrence is associated with many causes and factors that we are going to discuss below.
However, some studies show that estrogen dominance usually occurs during the mid-thirties and many women will continue suffering from estrogen dominance symptoms for 10 or 15 years, it is also noticed clearly during the premenopausal and menopausal stages.
What are the problems associated with estrogen dominance?
Unfortunately, there are many health problems associated with estrogen dominance that affect your mental, psychological, physical body’s status as follows:
It could pose an adverse effect on your psychological health as it causes
Decreased sex desire
Depression with anxiety
Increase the mood swings and insomnia state
It could pose an adverse effect on your mental health as it causes
Increase the risk of memory loss
Increase the feeling of having confused thinking
It could pose an adverse effect on your physical health as it causes
Induce magnesium and zinc deficiency
Accelerate the premature aging process
Eye dryness, hair loss, regular headaches, and hypoglycemia
It disturbs the menstrual cycle and causes irregular menstruation
Increase the risk of strokes as it increases the rate of blood clotting
Increase the breast tenderness, allergies, asthma, and fatigue all over the body
Increase the risk of having polycystic ovaries, Cervical dysplasia, breast cancer and fibrocystic breasts
Increase the risk of thyroid dysfunction, infertility, uterine cancer and many autoimmune and gallbladder disease
Can Increase in Estrogen Affect Men As Well? For Answer Watch This Video (For Men Only)
For MEN – Reverse Estrogen Increase it With Testogen Here
An incredible weight increase will be also one of the major symptoms!
Based on studies, it has been found that estrogen dominance has the power to turn your body into fat machine indirectly! You will notice fat gain throughout your whole body especially around the stomach and hips! In other words, estrogen dominance is able to affect certain factors within your body as a result; it increases your weight as follows:
Estrogen dominance will cause sugar craving
 Unfortunately, high levels of estrogen will affect your insulin levels adversely! It will force the insulin level to high levels, as a result, it leads to sugar cravings.
Sugar craving state will increase your desire to eat more sugary food such as chocolates, candies, and much other sugar stuff “same as your feeling during the premenstrual syndrome” this will directly increase your weight.
Moreover, as we mentioned before, the estrogen dominance state not only increase your estrogen levels but also will decrease your progesterone levels that will worsen the situation more as it will fail to provide its role which is lowering the insulin levels.
Estrogen dominance will increase your fat storage
 Based on studies, it has been found a reversible relationship between estrogen levels and the fatty cells as follow:
High estrogen levels stimulate the growth of the fatty tissues as a result many fat cells produced that will do reversible action and produce more estrogen! After the production of estrogen, there will be excess fat that usually accumulated around the stomach, and within the hips.
However, in normal conditions, the equal levels of both estrogen and progesterone inhibit the previously mentioned action.
Estrogen dominance will cause water retention
 Another cause for weight gain problem, which is the effect of estrogen high levels and progesterone low levels on the water content within the body; it will mainly cause fluid retention and bloating as a result, your weight increase incredibly. 
Estrogen dominance will affect your metabolism rate indirectly
 Estrogen dominance and low progesterone levels have also a great impact on the thyroid functions, which control the metabolism rate within our body.
Metabolism rate interference or by other words, slow metabolism rate usually associated with incredible weight gain, especially in the thighs, stomach, and hips. That is why women who suffer from estrogen dominance are also suffering from thyroid dysfunction. Based on people’s reports who suffer from estrogen dominance, it has been noticed that their body’s shape turn into a pear or apple shape.
Estrogen dominance will affect your sleeping time
 In this case, estrogen high levels will affect your sleeping period by disrupting it through hot flashes that come during the night as well as affect your appetite level indirectly! How?
Simply, the disturbance that occurs during your sleeping period affect the leptin hormone that is responsible for balancing your appetite level; once the disturbance occurs, your body’s appetite will directly increase and force you to eat more food as a result, you gain tons of weight.
So, how can I prevent the estrogen dominance?
Before informing you how you can prevent or overcome the estrogen dominance problem, we will first inform you with the causes that you should avoid decreasing the risk of estrogen dominance problem and you will know how to treat yourself if you already suffer from estrogen dominance.
6 main reasons that stimulate estrogen dominance state
Many factors and causes promote the case of estrogen dominance, surprisingly, many of the causes are unexpected to cause estrogen dominance, however, they do! As follows;
Caffeine products
Based on studies, it has been proved coffee, tea, and most of the caffeine products are able to stimulate a considerable increase in your estrogen levels as a result, it causes estrogen dominance.
It has been stated that “women who consumed at least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent of four or five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen than women who consume no more than 100 mg of caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine compared to coffee. The exception is herbal tea, which contains no caffeine.”
Exposure to Xeno-estrogens & Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Surprisingly, all the chemicals that are made of estrogenic chemicals are able to disturb the estrogen hormone levels and cause estrogen dominance problem, therefore, it is recommended to avoid or minimize your exposure to the following products:
Avoid all foodstuff that is preserved within metal cans containing plastic linings
Avoid using food-coloring substances that are mainly composed of estrogens and heavy metals
Avoid using laundry detergents, dry cleaning products that are not completely removed after washing
Avoid using products containing phthalate as one of its ingredients such nail polish, perfumes, or nail polish remover
Avoid using pesticides because they stimulate the increase of estrogen levels as well as increase the risk of having cancer
Avoid drinking through plastic cups, Styrofoam or eating in plastic plates as they are able to leach estrogen into your food
Some medications are able to cause estrogen dominance too!
Avoid using products containing oxybenzone, 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor ingredients “mainly found within certain types of sunscreens”
Avoid using hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills without your doctor’s monitoring because they could cause hormonal disturbance as well as increase the risk of having breast cancer
Some foodstuff containing estrogens like phytoestrogens 
Avoid the consumption of dairy products and go for the organic or raw option
Go for organic foodstuff and stop the consumption of vegetables and fruits that are grown with the help of hormones and pesticides
Avoid eating meat sources that mainly come from animals that are fed-up and grown by the aid of estrogen-like hormones
Avoid eating phytoestrogen stuff like Flaxseeds, Oats, Barley, Lentils, Sesame seeds, Yams, Alfalfa, Apples, Carrots, Jasmine oil, Pomegranates, Wheat germ, Licorice root, Hops, Bourbon, and Beer.
Stress could be also a reason for estrogen dominance!
Indeed, stress could affect our body’s health status adversely by many forms; one of them is its ability to stress out your adrenal glands! This kind of stress will directly lead to a depletion of the progesterone hormone level to a level that is too low in comparison to the estrogen level.
As a result, estrogen dominance occurs as well as adrenal gland problems, however, this is usually occurring on the long-run therefore, it is recommended and advised not to stress yourself no matter how much problems you have…it will pass but your health problems will not pass easily.
 Birth control pills
Based on studies, it has been found that contraceptive pills have the ability to decline the progesterone hormone level that is too low and force the body to initiate estrogen dominance state.
How can I treat the estrogen dominance case?
First, you should decrease your exposure to the previously mentioned causes then, you should:
Prioritize managing your stress levels
Stop consuming phytoestrogens stuff
Replace plastic containers with glass or stainless steel
Stop using the contraceptive pills and look for other birth control method
Decrease your exposure to xeno-estrogens and all chemicals that stimulate the increase of estrogen
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Third, you should increase your consumption from the following points and change your lifestyle as follows:
Eat a paleo diet
This type of diet is mainly based on avoiding most of the phytoestrogen foodstuff in order to balance the hormonal levels once again. It is always recommended for people who will start paleo diet to consume grass-fed animal products in order to avoid absorbing the growth hormones that may have an impact on estrogen levels.
Get Paleo For Beginners Here
Drink plenty of filtered water
Filtered one! Some studies provide data that proved the ability of water to increase estrogen levels…that is why physicians advise patients to drink filtered water. The purpose of drinking water is to get rid of excess estrogen and to detoxify your body as well.
Lose excess body fat and get regular exercise
One of the causes of estrogen dominance is also the liver dysfunction, insulin production, low metabolism rate, and many other problems that force the body to gain more weight, therefore, it is recommended to exercise more because it will help you:
Get rid of excess weight
Certainly, decrease your stress level
Speed up your metabolism rate and liver’s metabolism
Detox your liver
As we said before, Liver has an important role in the detoxification process of the whole body…it has the ability to remove the excess estrogen too, therefore, maintain balanced hormonal levels.
So, it is recommended to consume more sulfur-containing food such as onions, garlic, and egg yolks in order to speed up the process.
At the bottom line, I would like to inform you that it is easy to treat the estrogen dominance problem however, you will just have to be patient…Cheers!
The post 9 Ways To Reverse Estrogen Dominance & Avoid Weight Gain appeared first on YummyLooks.
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