hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Headcanuary 2024
Day 26 - Appearance
Besides the almost mythological viewpoint common folks have in regards to Athena's saints. Their beauty also is considered to be off the curve, by common people's standards. To such an extent, it can be detrimental to most commoners' psyche. It can drive people mad, over their appearances.
It shouldn't come as a surprise but, Shaka's looks aren't common at all, for someone of his ethnicity and nationality. He stood out amongst his peers, and no one had an explanation for it. Which means, the idea of him being some kind of living miracle, has been attached to him since very early on.
Aldebaran's apperance drastically changed over the years. He used to keep a very short hair, for many years in the early portions of his life. While short, it had many prominent curls. The moment he married Mu, he started allowing his hair to grow, which caused it to become a straight hair. By the time the classic series came around, his hair was almost as long as Mu's.
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healbellls · 5 months
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Headcanuary 2024
Day 22 - Punishment
Clairvoyants never stuck around one another, there was never any resemblance of a tribe or a community of clairvoyants in Johto's history. They aren't to be mistaken as psychics or even aura users, because the nature of their skills is drastically different. Clairvoyance is a subject shrouded in mystique and mystery.
It was due to people's ignorance in regards to the nature of his powers, that Matsuba was severely punished, for possessing his abilities. He was sentenced into a lifetime's exile, from a very early age.
But this was far from being the last punishment, he would ever come to face. Due to his outcast condition, practically anyone could subject him to any form of punishment, without any form of consequences to them. This came from law enforcers, nobles and even low-class civilians that held the slightest bit of superiority over him.
Despite everything, Matsuba never seeked to isolate himself or avoid society, as a matter of fact. Xiao has definetely saved him from further suffering at the hands of others, on numerous occasions.
Matsuba never saw the vision of his own death as a bad omen, or even another kind of punishment.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 25 - Anger
Milo is specialized in taunting and tricking his opponents, by giving them very misleading impressions of himself. With that said, there are still a few that carry an undeniable truth to it: Milo is definetely considered to be amongst, the most hotheaded gold saints. He can be very emotionally driven, and depending on the context, he may throw rationality out of the way.
When he was much younger (around EG's events), Milo would allow himself to fall into a state of blinding fury. A sign of lack of maturity, as he grew older he learned he didn't have to rely in raw anger, in order to influence his power. The only other time he found himself in a state like that was during the Hades arc, when he found Camus as a renegade saint.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 24 - Journey
On the subject of Aiolos' personal journey, after being granted a new life as his post-series:
Aiolos doesn't try to hide how awkward it felt to be brought back, while everyone else around him had properly aged. It was a strong sense of displacement, that pushed Aiolos to leave the Sanctuary for an undetermined amount of time.
Obviously he would never abandon everything back at the Sanctuary. However, it didn't mean he was ready to stay either. So, for many years he exists an wanderer, exploring an world he got to see very little of in his previous life.
His brother Aiolia, was the only true bridge between him and everyone else. Any other gold that stumbled upon him was requested to not mention, their encounter.
He is the last gold saint, to go through some form of self-discovery journey. It was around his age, most other golds started developing some more their personal sides.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 21 - Fun + Day 23 - Dream
As discussed in previous posts, due to being submitted to the same kind of training as his twin, their childhoods had little to no room for relaxation. Despite that, the twins still managed to develop their own ways, to entertain themselves and have some resemblance of fun memories for themselves.
Which mainly consisted of tricking and fooling around, with the much younger gold saints. Kanon, especially found immense entertainment out of it. Besides that, Kanon and Saga always seemed to enjoy exploring the Sanctuary, on their own.
Even though when they both reached adulthood, it seemed like everything had been long forgotten. Kanon for sure, had burried those memories and the sentiment, over the many years leading up to the classic series events.
By the time he got to the present time, he was almost certain, he had succeeded to get rid of those. However, he was proven very wrong when he was capable of feeling, the moment his brother took his own life.
Following his defeat in the war against Athena, there was a very brief moment he had, in order to heal himself. And during this short period, he would relieve those memories in the form of dreams.
Kanon's dreams have always been odd, to put it mildly, It is likely due to his cosmos interfering with them. Although, they never concerned him too much, to delve deeper to seek out further explanation for it.
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healbellls · 5 months
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Day 19 - Responsibility
As a gym leader, it is his duty to maintain the city in which his gym is located safe, in theory. Because in practice, Juan has been really lackluster in that regards towards Sootopolis city.
It isn't a secret that he never truly clicked with the city, he currently resides in. Juan doesn't show any interest towards Hoenn's Legends and myths tied to that land, and he has shown himself to be quite controversial by showing no respect towards the ancient roots found there. He purposely chooses to remain blissfully ignorant towards those subjects, constantly referring to it as nothing more than a fairytale, to be used as fuel for contest performances at best. The only person whom he holds back on these harsh opinions is, Wallace. Whenever his former pupil is around, he tends to withhold on his comments.
It is worth reminding that Juan only accepted to become a gym leader, because it would further boost and expand his career at the time. It further explains why he was so eager to give up his gym leader responsibilities to Wallace, so quickly and gladly stayed many years away from that duty.
Wallace is the one that's native to Sootopolis, not Juan.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 18 - Drink
Deathmask started drinking pretty early on his life. The Sanctuary stays true to its ancient norms, which means he wasn't frowned upon, when he started seeking out alcohol. And now in his adulthood, he shows clear signs of being an alcoholic.
There are many factors that pushed him to seek it out. The main one was likely tied to his ability of coming, and out of the Yomotsu realm. That realm practically morphed his being, the things he sees there can effortlessly break most people's psyche. Only Cancer saints are the best equipped to handle that realm, and even then, each one of them ends up developing a method to cope with it.
Just because he has become desensitized to the things he sees in the other side, it doesn't mean everything is as smooth sail as one might be led to assume. So, he drinks in order to kill whatever lasting headache he gets, when returning. He drinks in an attempt to ensure a good night of sleep. He drinks in order to process most of what he saw back there.
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healbellls · 5 months
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Headcanuary 2024
Day 17 - Fear
Given Morty's expertise in Ghost type pokemon, one is most certainly bound to be shocked to learn, he is genuinely afraid of the supernatural. Things that clearly no common human was meant to see, and much less know/learn about.
Even though his dream is to see the Legendary Ho-oh, the concept of actually coming face to face with it, terrifies him to his core.
Morty has confided in Eusine a few times, the fact that he is also afraid of his clairvoyance. There isn't anyone else like him out there, the knowledge and understanding of this line of power is extremely lacking. And bear in mind, he isn't even using his powers to the fullest potential, and that's the root of his fear. There's a degree of uncertainty that deeply unsettles him.
Morty's denial about the supernatural and even his disbelief towards others powers, comes from a place of fear. He becomes incredibly combative when he is scared.
Much to Morty's dismay, the place he lives in, is considered to be haunted. And ever since he moved in with his pokemon, the activities there only got progressively worse, for him.
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healbellls · 5 months
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Day 15 - Friendship
Friendships have always been a complicated and touchy matter to Matsuba. Unsurprisingly, the moment people hear he is an exile as well as learning about his clairvoyance, they tend to avoid him.
It has got to the point, Matsuba feels like he has never truly had much of any luck befriending people. He is inclined to believe and view most of his interactions with others, as people looking to use him one way or another.
Xiao, stands in an odd spot. By all means, he could be seen as a friend to him, considering how long these two have known each other and stuck around all this time. However, there certain quips about this bond that definetely, puts this to the check. Their connection constantly bounces off a servant/master to a client/server type of bond. Xiao doesn't hide the fact, he constantly distances his image from Matsuba's, in order to try enhance his image. Which is ironic, considering that Xiao is another exile no different from him.
Despite that, Matsuba's connection to Xiao may be the closest thing he ever got to a friendship. The only reason the contemporary times know of Matsuba's existence was bc of Xiao's journals, the many stories he shared about him and whatnot. Matsuba could have been wiped out from history, had it not been by Xiao. So there's definetely some value there.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Headcanuary 2024
Day 16 - Catalyst
The word catalyst fits very well Shaka. Even if he didn't know the entire truth, he became yet another huge catalyst behind Saga's reign, as the false pope. He practically allowed the illegitimate pope to run rampant, all because Shaka chose to make his decisions solely going off, the kind of cosmos energy he sensed from him.
It is possible to make the argument that he was way too young, when Shion pointed Aiolos as his rightful successor, and that he couldn't entire grasp the severity or the true meaning of going against his word. But his ignorance, can't cover for the things he goes on to do.
He was also very young when Aiolos was accused of being a traitor, and similarly to the majority of others, sided with the pope. Without much of any questioning. He also had a direct hand in the harrassment, Aiolia has received over the years. Shaka is also one of the culprits, for contributing to Mu's really bad perception within the Sanctuary during his exile. His primary purpose quickly became to dispell any rumors or doubts, aimed at their leader.
As a catalyst, Shaka became a walking hypocrisy. A man that has set as goal in life to reach enlightenment, and abides by a faith that is all about harmony and peace. During his years serving Saga, he developed an ego, and blindly believed his words above anything else. It wasn't uncommon at all to pick up on the fact his actions, didn't line up at all with his words, or the righteous advisor act he put up.
In the end, Shaka truly wasn't any different from the likes of DM or Aphrodite. In the degree of guilt he carried, yet somehow, he never faced any consequences for the things he is truly guilty of. All thanks to the fact that, after the heavy losses Athena's army suffered in the Sanctuary arc, the gold saints found themselves in a situation where they had to keep Shaka around out of necessity. It is possible that if nowhere near the amount of golds were killed during the confrontation, Shaka may have been arrested and paid the price for conspiring against Athena.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 14 - Memory
On the subject of affectionate memories:
Aldebaran has next to no recollection of his Brazilian roots. He was removed from his family so early in his life, it is virtually impossible for him to remember. At most, he has a loose sense or flashes of sightings, he believes are tied to the earliest portion of his life.
The earliest memory Aldebaran has is bound to his training, with him being on the receiving end of Ox's harsh training and attacks. He also recalls wearing a mask for amazons, when he was really young. This was before he began referring/outing himself as a boy. Mu has kept this mask with himself, as a token to show Aldebaran's growth as a person. It was originally given to him for the purpose of destroying it, but Mu couldn't bring himself to do it, and keeps it as a little secret from him.
It's possible to make the argument that one of the memories, he is the fondest of was when he started the process of befriending Mu. Way back when both of them were still just appendixes. But if he had to choose one, it would have to be when he and Mu secretly married one another, in Rozan.
Dohko was the sole witness to their marriage. And throughout the entire time, he reminisced about his relationship with Shion.
Unbeknownst to Aldebaran, Mu also kept the horn that was sliced off his helmet. In hopes that one day, he would ask him to fix the cloth, and re-attach the missing chunk. Aldebaran does eventually get the cloth repaired, but it wasn't by his husband's hands, rather this was Kiki's very first successful cloth repair. Needless to say how this quickly became another unforgettable moment in his life.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 13 - Hobby
It's uncommon for anyone who endured a saint's upbringing, to develop much if any form of a personal side of sorts. In theory, they should all be wrapped up and focused exclusively in the war. But it is obvious how this mentality, never took any resemblance of prolonged peaceful periods into account.
During the period of years, leading up the series events. Kanon found himself forced to develop a part of his being, that never got to pay any mind to during the early stages of his life.
As mentioned in an older post, Kanon genuinely struggled mesh and blend into the the common world. Due to a number of reasons:
Due to his upbringing, he never had any real contact with another culture. His roots were bound to the Sanctuary, and its isolated reality. In the Gemini twins' case, nobody (including themselves) knows where they came from. So all his reference was bound to a land, he was forbidden from returning to.
Kanon for the very first time in his life, could actually develop himself in a far more personal way. And during those years he managed to do just that:
He discovered a musical taste for himself, that mainly consisted of rock bands that were growing in popularity at the time. His preferred method is listening to it on the radio;
His studies also became a hobby, in the form of him having a knack for checking out museums and libraries. And his knowledge about the modern world developed;
Sunbathing, enjoying the beaches in a far more informal way;
Kanon also revealed a natural talent for gambling. He became so good at it, this practically became his main source of income;
Dating/seeking out possible partners, almost exclusively for one night-stands. Kanon's self-discovery journey bloomed during this period, as he also came to terms about his attraction to other men.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 12 - Religion
Religion is integral to Richter's formation and training. It goes without saying how practically, almost every aspect of someone's life in that period, is connected to the catholic church one way or another. Although Richter may have his personal grievances and suffers greatly due to certain things, he would never renounce his faith.
During his years studying and training in the Vatican, he served for awhile in the holy Inquisition. And he never severed ties to it, even after returning to Romenia. While he never made his views on the matter clear, whether or not he truly believed he was doing the right thing. He likely maintained the connection, in order to keep benefitting from any form of privilege that came with it.
Furthermore, it was this tie that ensured, he wouldn't be searched/face too much scrutiny after his rescue and return from the SOTN's events. That is a huge reason why he managed to keep the truth of what happened there, a secret from the public, and especially from the Church.
Richter is the third generation of of the family, ever since the Belmont clan reconciled with the church.
The Belmont estate is DECKED with religious items, from saints figures to paintings, in almost every single room within the house.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 11 - Wardrobe
Technically speaking there is a clothing code to be followed by everyone, within the Sanctuary. On a technical level, they should stick to exclusively wearing clothes, that stay true to the fashion tendencies of the ancient past. Civillians and most warriors found throughout the Sanctuary abide by it, without any hassle. However the truth is that the rule wasn't really being, applied anylonger by the 20th century. Even less so, during Saga's reign.
This becomes apparent in most of the gold saints, who were born within the new century.
Aldebaran prefers modern world's clothes, over anything he has come across at the Sanctuary. However, no matter where he looks for, it is never easy to find clothes that fit his size.
A lot of it has to do with the way new clothes are structured/tailored, over the classic garments. The old style tends to fit his body in a way that makes him very uncomfortable, almost dysphoric even.
As mentioned in an older post, Aldebaran owns a motorcycle in the common world. And needless to say, he practically imprinted onto that fashion style. Leather jackets, jeans pants that have belts with huge buckles are practically a must for him. He wears them either outside or within the Sanctuary's premises. He will however, wear different outfits depending on his activity.
With that said, when he isn't wearing his casual look. He also wears an entirely different style of clothes and type of outfits, that were hand tailored by Mu, specifically for him. They stay true to the kind of outfits muvians would wear. It is a huge departure, from the kind of clothing style he is used to wearing. They are extremely comfortable, fit him nicely and most importantly maintain a shape of his body that he wishes to keep. He exclusively wears this special kind of clothing, whenever he stays in Jamir, they are essential to helping him endure Jamir's frigid temperatures.
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healbellls · 5 months
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Day 10 - Music
Music is essential to keep the high morale amongst his crew, no matter the harsh adversities they face, wherever they go. They will sing in the middle of a storm, or even while they are loading up the ship and even while they clean it. The crew members will sing, regardless if the lack or have the skills for it. It also doesn't matter to anyone, if they get the lyrics wrong. Considering how a good chunk of these sailors (including Drake himself) are illiterate, that is bound to happen very frequently.
Music has always been an integral part of Drake's life. From listening to his mother humming to him soothing tones, during heavy storms in Pacifidlog town (due to the way the houses were built, they would always shake and move alongside the waves movements). To even the traditional melodies he would catch small portions of, from the Draconids tribe at Meteor falls.
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When Brendan moved to Hoenn, he would still listen to Johto's radio stations. Or in the very least, try to. Unfortunately, all he would ever get on the radio were the news about his home region, and not a single ones of the music stations he loved so much. At least, when he got to travel back to Johto after he gained the champion title, he got to reconnect and once more listen to the same old stations.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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Day 9 - Home
The handful of homes for Richter:
For a period of time, he deemed his dorms within the Vatican city. Way back when he was still young, and going through his trainings and studying. It was a drastic change, from the usual luxuries he grew up surrounded by, back in Romenia. But it wasn't a complete shock to him, either.
Despite having to carry out a more moderate lifestyle, he adapted quite well there. His clan's name didn't carry the same weight there, it did back in his homeland. And he surprisingly enjoyed it. In fact, he adapted so well to his new surrounding, he almost considered staying within there for good. Richter even considered bringing Annette over to where he was currently living. But that wasn't meant to be, the moment he heard the call to action in order to put a stop to Dracula, he left everything behind without any hesitation.
Some time later in his life, Richter managed to retrieve a good chunk of the belongings he had left behind, thanks to his friend Quincy's help.
Back at Romenia, the Belmont estate is huge, especially for the time period. Which served as further evidence and proof of the clan's influence in the land, and especially its wealth. Even though Richter wasn't a nobleman, in any sense of the word, he could afford just as many luxuries as an actual monarch family could.
Needless to say how Richter carried out a very comfortable life, within that place. Even though it was a very lonely one. Seeing how many years, he spends practically all by himself in there. Unable to find a new partner, due to his inability to cope with his bisexuality, and likely out of guilt he carried for being fully aware of the things he did under Shaft's influence.
After Richter's passing and no one being around to guard the Belmont estate, it became a hotspot to attract ransackers. And in a very brief time span, the once estate that belonged to the most powerful clan within Romenia, ceased to exist.
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