#headmaster stelliana
kanangul · 5 months
Character Reveal 4 of 4 - Headmaster Stelliana
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Ta-da~! The last character reveal. Now that everyone is here, I'll make a new intro post soon~! Yippeee!
Headmaster Stelliana - Beholder of the Moon - She/Her Pronouns - Honored Vilyuchkan Scholar
(Transcription under cut)
Headmaster Stelliana is the high priest of the academic circle known as The Beholders of the Moon. She is the only companion you will meet on your journey that can blend in with the whims of regular society. In fact, she is an extremely honored scholar at the University of Saint Yelena, even being an official member of it's schoolboard.
But underneath all of her respect and honor, and the merits of the Beholders, lies a sinister secret. In reality the Beholders are a collective group of Mad Scholars obsessed with the revival of the Old Gods. They pose as the elite academics of Vilyuchka in order to receive funding and acceptance. Despite their strange goals and enigmatic natures the intelligence of the beholders knows no bounds. Their minds can not be bound in any mortal capacity.
"Headmaster Stelliana is rather flat and unreadable. Though do not mistake her lack of emotion for coldness. She's analytical and precise, yes, but she is also incredibly polite. She doesn't carry herself with any sort of pretension, nor does she assume anyone she meets is below her intelligence. Instead, she finds great value in the many forms of intellect that mortal culture holds.
She also prides herself on hospitality. She believes a good first impression can cement the fate of any relationship. Stelliana loves to get to know new people over a cup of tea and a few finger sandwiches.
Despite this though, she has a penchant for keeping secrets. Her true motives can be hard to pin down, even amongst other Beholders."
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649 days till Graduation Day
Prologue There was the slightest bit of noise that silent night. The only thing heard was the small tip-tap of footsteps in the basement hall as the person was trying to escape a force unseen that was silently following them. "!!!" They tripped but got back up and made a wall of black fire, hoping that will buy his time as he ran again. He would scream if he could but his mouth had been sewn together and he was 300 feet below the surface....250.....100....30....1. He was so close to the door but it was locked and he tried to break the door down but the force was now towering him as he looked behind, tears falling and his cries going unheard by anyone.
"Ah! Mom! Why are you in my room!?" A loud and annoyed voice whined as a pillow was placed over their face to block the bright sunlight from shining on their face. "I'm in your room, Stella, because it is 10:57 am and it's your birthday, so get up!" The older woman said as she made her hand spark a bit and poked her child. "Ack-" The once sleepy Stella fell off their bed and hit their rug covered marble floor, "ow! Alright, I'm up crazy woman...." She stood up and popped her back but only got shocked again, "ah! What was that for!?" Stella whined at their mom. Stella's mom just laughed, "making sure your awake." She left Stella's room, letting the angry mage whine and go to their bathroom to get ready for the day.
After about 20 minutes, Stella left their room and almost tripped over a bunch of toys, "what the?" They saw they stepped in slime, "Gray! Gianna!" They shouted for the twins as they came running up the stairs. "Yeah?" Gray said, annoyed as he had just been doing something important which Stella knew was a lie. "How many times have I told you not to play slime tag in front of my room?" Stella put their hands together and pointed them towards their little siblings. "Sorry! We will clean it up!" Gianna, being her happy go lucky self said as the two began to clean it up. Stella walked downstairs, waving to their dad who was fixing up the bay window in the living room, and made their way to the kitchen where they found a plate of fresh pancakes waiting and their mom excited, hiding something behind her back. "You're acting weirder than normal mom." They laughed a bit and opened the syrup bottle, pouring some on their pancakes, and ate happily. "Guess who got a letter from Rutherford Trinity High?" Stella's mom said happily. Stella, who had been drinking milk, spewed it out and coughed, their whole face wearing shock, "what!? No way!" Their mom handed them the letter and Stella ripped it up, wondering what such a prestigious school wanted with her.
The letter was on silk-like paper which was nice to the touch, thread designs along the edges. Stella's eyes sparkled as they let their thumb rub over the soft paper and thread. "Hm?" They got over the softness of the paper and went onto the letter which read,
'Dear Stelliana Everdale,
I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. We have sent this letter to you to invite you to spend your high school years here at Rutherford Trinity High University. Before you ask, no you won't have to pay anything. See this as a scholarship. We have seen your grades and hard-work throughout your years of schooling and are proud to pay in full for a dorm, classes, and lunch. If you are interested in joining our school we have put a number below for you to contact and times we are free. We would love you to join our school Ms. Everdale.
Yours's truly, Headmaster Ray Techlia'
"..." Stella was the least to say in shock. "What's the letter about Stella?" The mom sat next to her child, Stella had come out non-binary to her a few years ago and she was supportive, as Stella's step-dad walked in, "you all okay?" He laughed a bit and wiped his hands off. "They want me to join..." Stella said through their shock. "Sweetie I can not hear you and I'm right by you." Stella's mom pat their head, "Mom they want me to join their school!" Stella jumped off their seat happy as their mom did the same and they hugged happily, Stella's step-dad joining in and lifting them, spinning them, and laughed. "See babe? I knew my baby was smart!" Stella's mom praised and kept hugging her child. "They said to call them if I wanted to," Stella said, still in shock. Stella's mom and step-dad took the paper and went to another room to make the call. Stella was left in the kitchen alone, "..." They left out the backdoor and ran to their bike.
Once Stella had hopped onto their bike, they took off down the sidewalk, "..." They rode to a clearing on a cliff which was a good way away. "..." They passed trees, rocks, valleys, roads, large buildings, small neighborhoods, everything till they got to the beautiful cliff overlooking the beautiful view of the world they lived in. "....heh." They walked to the edge and smiled as they felt the sun on their face. They had to think, 'was this all true? Was their hard work paying off?' "..." Stella looked to the clear blue sky and smiled, "I hope your proud dad." They stood up and raised their hands to the sky.
Meanwhile, in a dark underground place live a creature so full of evil he didn't have a name...he was only known as the creature. "Was the letter delivered?" A dark voice boomed. "Y-Yes, sir." A young woman said, nervous that she would be slaughtered if she said the wrong thing. "Good....that girl's power will be mine." A large claw formed into a fist around a poor person's head that was now just mush and blood seeped through the claw and dropped what used to be a head. "Sir if I might ask, what is so important about this girl's powers that you sent her here...?" The young woman said nervously. There was a pause then silence, "I didn't say you could ask further questions now....did I?" He must have stood up as the woman grew scared and looked up since the large force now towered over her, "!!!" She screamed as she was picked and given to a bunch of wild animals that were dying for food, "this will teach you to never go beyond what I ask..." the thing tossed her into the cage and locked it, sitting back down on his large throne, the woman's screams filling the air. "Don't worry Stelliana....we will meet very soon...I can feel it." His dark laugh boomed throughout the darkroom and halls of the school basement.
Stella got back home, to see their parents watching a movie with the twins, "what is y'all watching?" They peeked over their step-dad's shoulder. The mom shrugged, "I don't know, the twins put it on so why not?" She laughed a bit as Stella rolled their eyes, "well imma head to my room." They kissed the twin's heads and went up to their room. They wanted to research this school they were going to be spending a lot of their life. "..." They brought out their laptop and began their search. They typed in Rutherford Trinity High into the search bar and it didn't take long for millions of results to come up, "that was fast." They looked through every one of the results, only stopping at one that mentioned something about missing graduates, "h-huh?" This made them worry as they scrolled through, "It was five years ago...it could have been a small mishap...." If only they knew what they were about to get themself into by accepting to go to this school.
Stella shut the laptop quickly and set it down gently, plugging it back in and setting it on their nightstand. They turned off their lamp and laid down, looking to their ceiling, the glow in the dark stars and moons glowing softly in the dark. "...." They smiled and couldn't wait to finally see all their hard work pay off. Stella didn't know when they fell asleep that night but all they knew was that they had one weird dream.
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kanangul · 1 year
Character Tease - 2 of 5
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To whom does the hand of fate beckon; The tortured scholar, whose thirst for knowledge is unquenchable? Or perhaps the infernal pierrot, whose lust for violence knows no bounds?
Many dark and mysterious factions operate in the bowels of Vilyuchka. Their ringmasters more so eccentric and strange.
Let us meet the leaders of the Beholders of the Moon and the Wonderland Ensemble.
The Beholders of the Moon are one of the more unconventional syndicates in Vilyuchka. The Beholders are made up of a very elusive and secretive convent scholars, once said to be human until their unending quest for the esoteric and eldritch turned them into something horrific.
For the most part, the Beholders are a small and relatively passive group amongst the other syndicates. They don't attack unless threatened, though with how possessive they tend to be of what they declare is theirs it can be easy to do such without intending to.
At the top of this group of scholars is Headmaster Stelliana. She's a rather reclusive woman, many of the Beholders have never even met her in person. Those who have describe her as dainty and uncanny. She's ethereal, in a way. But her delicate demeanor make most feel uneasy.
The Wonderland Ensemble, on the other hand, is one of the largest, loudest, and most aggressive crime families in Vilyuchka. They're known for their sadism, both amongst their ranks and to anyone who is unlucky enough to cross their path. Pain and crime is nothing but a game to them.
As unpleasant as it sounds, those who engulf themself in the strange world of the Wonderland Ensemble will know a life of warmth, comradery, and festivity. The Wonderland Ensemble has many extravagant hotels, lounges, and casinos under its control. While regular citizens of Vilyuchka are charged exorbitant fees to partake in these establishments, trusted Wonderland Ensemble members are entitled to use these luxuries freely.
The mastermind behind the Wonderland Ensemble is Caim, a demon of Greed who had crawled out of the depths of Hell to indulge in the pleasures of the mortal realm. They're cocky. Some would say to a fault, but others would argue that Caim has so much power that their massive ego poses no threat to them or their family. They're untouchable. But most importantly, they're absolutely oozing with a charisma and sociability that completely enraptures those who meet them. Many of criminals working under other syndicates have fallen victim to Caim's wit and charm, defecting from their previous organizations in hopes of living in Caim's world of luxury.
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kanangul · 11 months
Im sick with the flu so I'm going to cope by writing out how each RO would react to you being sick to cope...
Caim, being a demon surrounded by other demons, would actually be very unused to illness since demons can't get sick. Despite their sharp edge and rough demeanor they'd actually be very fretful if Mikhail were to ever get sick. They'd do everything that you'd see in a cartoon. Soup and a wet rag and constantly taking your temperature. They'd almost be overbearing. But it would contrast their usual sadistic demeanor, it'd be very cute.
Stelliana would almost be the opposite. She'd very much wait for you to communicate your needs first before jumping in to action. But she would make sure you're well taken care of. She'd also be a bit stern, very set on making sure you don't exert yourself so you can recover properly. She wouldn't dote or fuss but she would pull you by the ear back into bed if she had to.
Lucia is kind of, generally speaking, a huge MILF. Like, she doesn't have kids, but the vibes are there. She would be the perfect amount of fussy over you, but she'd know better than to stress you out by being overbearing. She'd certainly be very affectionate. In her mind she'd probably find it very cute that you're all sick and vulnerable, so she'd want to milk the occasion as much as possible.
Uriel is um. Well. I don't think it's any secret that being sick would be very attractive to Uriel, to put it politely. Expect a lot of very charged interactions from here on out. Uriel would actually be very good at taking care of you, but all the interactions would have a latent sexual tension. You're probably getting your back blown out at least once.
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kanangul · 1 year
hi as your fellow gothic lolitahead (even tho i may not own anything yet) you are legally required to give me examples of dresses stelliana would wear. or perhaps a list of what her fav dresses would be
When designing Stelliana I had one dress in mind: The black colorway of Meta's Hidden Princess in my Memory:
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For the most part she'd really love classic gothic dresses:
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(Le Petit Trianon OP BtSSB, Iron Gate OP Moi-Meme-Moitie)
She'd also really love old school for a bit more of a casual look, or when she's tired <3
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(Classical Frill JSK BtSSB)
She'd rarely wear prints. Most of her coords would either be straight up and down kuro coords or theyd have white lace detailing...!!
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kanangul · 1 year
Thinking about sorting each route by all the weird sex stuff that happens
both caim and lucie end in a BDSM dom/sub sadomasochist relationship, albeit in very different ways. Caims route also will have the option for an open relationship with the rest of Caim's crime organization (but you'll always be Caim's favorite)
Stelliana is a giant tentacle monster from the bottom of the ocean. Need i say any more.
Uriel I can only describe as a yandere pathophile but it would end up being being very sweet. but the mold and disease certainly adds a special touch.
And then theres the mystery suitor... Which. Uhm. Problems
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kanangul · 1 year
Any fun facts about Caim? Stelliana too if you don't mind sharing? Their character silhouettes are super intriguing.
OF COURSE!! thank you anon~!!! Answer under the cut.. but to thank you for being my first ever ask here is a little doodle preview of Caim and Stelliana <3
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They/Them only, but they prefer masculine titles! They're the tallest out of all the romance options, with their humanoid form being around 6'8". Their true form is even bigger.
They're a chronic smoker, and wouldn't be caught dead without a cigarette. They also have an insane sweet tooth. They're kind of embarrassed about the second part because they feel like it makes them seem soft. Which may be true, it's very easy to sway them with promises of exotic or hard to acquire sweets.
They're the most public out of all the RO's/syndicate leaders, which is funny considering if anyone found out they were a demon they'd be put to death.
They're on exceptionally good terms with the (unrevealed) songstress Lucia Blackheart. They just have very similar goals and mannerisms. Often times they'll get confused for being in a relationship. They probably have boinked at least once....
They're mortal enemies with the (also unrevealed) Watcher Uriel. For obvious reasons that will be revealed later on.
She/They, masculine and feminine titles are both okay! Stelliana is actually the shortest of all the ROs in her humanoid form, being 5' even. However she has the second largest true form, being large enough to take over entire buildings.
If Caim is a chronic smoker, she's a chronic tea drinker. She's never caught without a cup of tea or coffee. She prefers mellow black teas, like English Breakfast and Earl Gray. Anything with added florals is a bonus.
While her favorite hobby is obviously reading, she also enjoys sewing quite a bit. She loves making extravagant dresses for herself and gifting those she cares for handmade gifts. I'm a lifestyle lolita/ouji, so her style is based in gothic lolita! Specifically styles similar to what Mana wears.
She's very reclusive, so it's kind of unknown what terms she's on with everyone. Most people assume their syndicates are on her shit list, though sometimes they'll mysteriously receive aid out of no where, so it's hard to tell.
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kanangul · 5 months
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After spending a childhood in isolation, Mikhail has finally been able to find freedom in academia. Pursuing the passion of their only solace; the forever gentle sound of song. Though, Mikhail has lived a life of naivety. A life shielded by the harsh faith of their church and family. Now Mikhail will discover the dark underbelly of the city of Vilyuchka — and what it means to be a composer in a city where crime and music are one in the same.
Demo: July 2024
The Garden Sanctuary is an 18+ horror, lesbian romance, and erotica interactive fiction. It takes place in a world built in Gaslamp Fantasy, with Art-Deco and 1920s influences. It is planned to be a browser-based visual novel style experience, with multiple illustrations and CGs placed throughout.
(Character bios and additional info can be found under the cut.)
CONTENT WARNING: The Garden Sanctuary is a HORROR and EROTICA interactive fiction. CWs include gore, violence, body horror, body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria, as well as internal and external transphobia, homophobia/lesbophobia, and ableism. The Garden Sanctuary also portrays critical views of the effects of CSA and incest from a personal perspective. (No on screen depictions, just the aftermaths of such events.)
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MC: Mikhail Ilyushin - The Composer - They/Them
Mikhail Ilyushin was raised in one of the many churches of Vilyuchka who follow the single god of Lithos. From birth they were seen as sick, in body and mind alike. Thus they were sheltered from the rest of society in an attempt to protect their frailty from the outside world. During their time in the church they would occupy their dark upbringing with their passion for music. Mikhail had given up on the prospects of freedom. Until one day their overbearing family was contacted by a mysterious sponsor, who was somehow able to convince them to allow Mikhail to attend the University of Saint Yelena in order to pursue becoming a professional composer.
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RO: Watcher Uriel - Patron of Pestilence - He/She/They
Watcher Uriel, the cursed angel forced to live on the outskirts of the city. Their very existence brings sickness. Her appearance is gruesome, no matter how hard she tries to mask her true form under a mortal glamor. In spite of the nature of their very existence, they long for only one thing: Love and affection. They are the head of a fanatic cult, obsessed with finding love for their holy angel. Nonetheless Watcher Uriel remains on the ceaseless hunt to find a soulmate. No matter the cost.
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RO: Lucia Blackhart - The Violet Songstress - She/Her
Perhaps one of your only hopes of learning what the life of a composer entails. Lucia is not only a prolific melodist herself, she's also an extremely elusive detective. The catch: she only works with criminals in the Vilyuchkan Underbelly. Her allegiances are never set in stone. And while her services are invaluable, you can never fully set your trust in the Violet Songstress. Bonus Route: Because of her good natured relationship with Caim, it is possible to pursue a polyamorous route between the two of them.
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RO: Caim - The Wonderland Ensemble, one of the Five Kings of the Vilyuchkan Underbelly - They/Them
Caim is a demonic being who surfaced in Vilyuchka many decades ago. Since then they have founded the Wonderland Ensemble, a ruthless crime syndicate known for its equal worship of pleasure and pain. Caim is an absolutely ruthless criminal, earning them the title of one of the Five Kings; a designation for the most dangerous and esteemed crime bosses in the Vilyuchkan Underbelly. Bonus Route: Because Caim is great friends with Lucia Blackhart, it is possible to pursue a polyamorous route between both of them.
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RO: Headmaster Stelliana - Beholder of the Moon - She/Her
Headmaster Stelliana is the only companion you will meet on your journey that has the privilege of participating in regular society. She's a highly respected scholar, and lead of the academic group known as the Beholders of the Moon. Though she just poses as an intellectual elite, she holds a dark secret. Her and her fellow Beholders are apart of a cult seeking to resurrect the Old Gods. Only she and her fellow scholars know what this entails, and what fate this may bring about.
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RO: ████████████ ████████████ ██████ ███ █████████
Something about this presence seems familiar. Yet foreign. I can feel my heart pounding against my ribcage. Is it fear, or is it fiery yearning that I feel? Nonetheless something inside of me burns. Threatening to sear through my sternum and breach the skin along my breast. Until we meet again.
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kanangul · 1 year
i wish there was an option between one day and one week!! though i suppose 1 week gives me time to prepare~! i might consider this finished in about 3-5 days instead~!
you can view the teasers here: x x
you can view mikhail and the unrevealable Last Guy here: x x
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kanangul · 1 year
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