649 days till Graduation Day
Chapter 2- I take Magic over Math any day The walls of the castle basement were filled with an unreadable silence. The darkness crept along with the stone floors that were covered with the blood of students. "Tic Toc my dear Stelliana..." The dark voice said as they swung a pocket watch around his finger, "soon we will meet face to face, and when we do you will help me escape these chains..." He looked at a paper he had and lit it on fire, blowing the ashes out of his large claw, and laughed. The ashes flew out an opening in the basement door and out through the dark hallway that held so much death. . . . . . Stella was woken up by the sound of their phone ringing as they turned over to reach for it on the nightstand where they thought it was but instead rolled off the top bunk and onto the floor. Aldren jolted up, "What the-" He looked around but looked down to the groaning Stella, "oh...of course, it would be you." Stella looked at him from the floor, "Geez, thanks for your concern..." They sat up, lifting themself off the floor, avoiding the dragon male who got up, almost stepping on their foot. "No problem airhead." He shoved them a bit out of his way. Stella shooed his hand away and answered the phone, "hello?" They said tiredly, a yawn escaping only for the phone to burst with shouts of a worried mother. "Stelliana!!! Why didn't you text me last night!? Did you know I was worried sick!? What were you thinking!? I said to call when you got to school! I was up all night waiting for your call and what did I get!? NOTHING!" Stella froze in place, a small ghost escaping their mouth as they suffer from their now ringing ears, "man, didn't even call your mom? Shameful." Aldren said as he headed to the bathroom. "Oh shut up dragon-breath," Stella scoffed at him as he just flipped them off from the bathroom before shutting the door, barely blocking a pillow in time. Stella sighed, "Sorry mom, I meant to call you but I was so busy when I first arrived here, I had to get the school tour, get my classes, my key, my imperium level-" They were cut off from the other side of the call, "What was your level sweetheart?! Was it high!? Are you a rose gold!?" The excited mother asked. Stella yawned and kept the phone between their ear and their shoulder as they went into their new closet and found their new uniform, "well mom I got a crystal key with an Imperium of 17,942." Stella explained as they pulled out the midnight blue uniform. The uniforms are made as seen fit for a student so he or she may be comfortable in it, the colors for boys were always a deep garnet, for girls it was midnight blue. The lining on a student's uniform is the color of the student's key given at the beginning of the school year. Since Stella's key was a crystal, their uniform was lined with a metallic white. Stella didn't even have time to set it on their bed before their mom just screamed of joy and could be heard on the other line running around the house, yelling at her family. Stella sighed and saw they were getting a facetime call, "..." They hesitantly answered only to see the many faces of their family. "What!? My child got a crystal key! Hell yeah! You kicking ass already and you ain't even been there for a day." Stella's step-dad was face-first on the screen, like a dad. "Dad! Let us see them!" Gray whined and took the phone from his dad and looked at Stella, "Hey! Bring back gifts!" The voice of Gianna was heard behind him, "She doesn't need to bring gifts back for you!" She took the phone and smiled, "Hi there nibling!" Gianna said happily into the phone. Stella laughed a bit, "Hello Gianna and Gray." They waved to the twins. "Anyway." Stella's mom took back the phone and smiled at Stella, "Just know we are so happy for you and you're doing us proud!" Stella smiled, "Thanks mom, I gotta go now, you know school and all." They laughed a bit. "Okay, sweetie! We love you!" She hung up. Stella laughed and got dressed in the closet. They looked in the mirror at their uniform and smiled. Their uniform consisted of a white shirt that had long gypsy style sleeves that went off the shoulder which was tucked into their midnight blue, high-waisted skater skirt with two lines on the bottom that was a metallic white color which was over black tights and she wore white high tops with a golden zipper on the side. They walked out once finished and saw Aldren in his white shirt with a loosened collar and no tie. he had on deep garnet trousers with the same two metallic lines on the bottom, a silver chain on his neck, and his hair in the same style it was in yesterday. "Where's your pin?" He looked at Stella with his unamused eyes. "My pin? What you mean?" Stella looked around like 'huh?' "My god you are stupid, each student gets a pin to keep on them. You should have got it." He said and showed that his pin was on a chain that hung on his pants. Stella huffed a bit, "well I didn't so cut me some slack." Aldren sighed annoyed, "Whatever... let's just get going, it might be in your locker." He turned to walk out, "I would hurry, Breakfast will begin soon and you look like you couldn't go one day without eating." He walked out. Stella wanted to throw something at him but calmed down and walked after him, "One day I'm gonna get you back." The dragon boy laughed, "I would love to see you try human." He unlocked the door with his key and walked out, back on the ground floor. Stella stayed behind him while cursing him out in their head. Stella was brought out of their mind rage when a pair of arms wrapped around them. "Huh?" They looked only to see curly blue hair, "oh, hey Hectar!" They smiled at the happy elf. "Hey, Stella!" He smiled, "Hey Hectar, I love your uniform." He smiled, "I like yours too!" Hectar's uniform had garnet chinos with the same two lines on the bottom but rose gold with a button-up shirt with short sleeves with a black long-sleeved undershirt under it, a little bow tie around the collar with gold stripes, his pin in his hair like a clip. "Well they are fitted to each student," Seira said as she walked over to them from around the corner. "So you naturally sleep in?" She asked as she fixed her hair while Stella laughed a bit, embarrassed, "heh, no. My mom called and I was trying to talk with her while getting ready." They smiled, "I like your uniform too! It fits you!" Stella complemented the angel. Seira's uniform had a short midnight blue and gold pleated skirt, a short button-up sleeve shirt with a tie around the collar area, short white socks that were below the knee, and black converse, her pin on the knot of her tie. Seira nodded as Hectar butted in, "Well come on! I'm hungry and I hear the breakfast is amazing." He smiled. Stella was dragged along by Hectar while Seira followed behind to the dining hall. The dining hall was filled with students waiting for breakfast as the three students took their spot at the table they were at last night. Soon fairies flew out from the kitchen with plates filled with food and jugs filled with drinks, setting them down for the students. Hectar dug into the pancakes first while Seira poured herself juice and mounched on some bacon. Stella had grabbed a fruit bowl and yogurt, putting in some granola and eating happily. The three were oblivious to the snicker's from another table towards the end of the hall from a group of people. "A human in this school?" Spoke up a nymph with bright blue hair as she sipped her coffee. "What were they think? It could ruin the school's reputation not to mention they haven't taken a human for years." A gorgon spoke, a blindfold over her eyes and her snakes asleep. "Who knew full human's still existed, to be honest." A female fairy laughed, moving some red hair from her face away from her pink eyes. Aldren walked over with his brother and sat at the table since they were deemed popular in school. "Hey, there babe." The fairy smiled. "Hello, Cupere and I am not your boyfriend." Aldren sighed as Cupere laughed, "I mean you should be, we are both rich and our families are close in ties. Plus I am great at cleaning dragon scales." She smiled. "Still doesn't mean we should be together, your family may have been ancestors of cupid but that doesn't mean everyone will love you." Adeen noticed Cupere getting upset and jumped in, "Anyway good morning to you ladies! You seem unexcited for the new school year. Especially you Mestio." The gorgon hissed a bit, "Yeah, thanks to this blueberry oreo here I didn't get to graduate again." The nymph smiled, "well if I wasn't gonna pass, my girlfriend was gonna be stuck here with me." The nymph laughed, "also I have a name! It's Zadora babe!" She huffed as Mestio rolled her eyes, "Blueberry oreo fits better." Adeen laughed a bit as Aldren ate his eggs and steak in boredom, "so, what were you talking about?" Cupere scoffed, "That new human we have, I can't believe they let her in nonetheless how she had such a high Imperium. Even higher than you Aldren." Aldren didn't argue back on that, it did tick him off a bit that a human had a higher Imperium than him, a male who had dragon blood inside him compared to Stella. "Whatever." Meanwhile with said human, "This is why you don't slurp your jello!" Stella and Hectar were trying to help Seira from choking on jello she decided to slurp. Seira finally coughed it back up, "...none of you saw that." Stella gave that 'what you mean' face, "Of course we did we had to help you, dummy." They facepalmed as Hectar sat down again and laughed a bit. "So...I don't have my schedule," Stella laughed nervously and turned away to their food. Seria sighed, "guess that's in your locker too with your pin." Hectar smiled, "Why didn't you check your locker yesterday Stella?" He asked as he ate some of his pancakes. Stella growled, "I was trying to find my room and then met might roommate who is the worst! Stupid dragon..." They crossed their arms and sunk back into her chair. Seria thought, "You mean Aldren? if I remember correctly he is one of the only of Crystal's beside you now." Stella nodded, "whatever his name is, he called me names." They huffed and Hectar pats her back, "Don't worry! We will have time before classes start!" He smiled. Stella nodded and finished up their food with the two. Eventually, breakfast was over and Stella was in front of their locker, not even knowing how to open it, "damn it! How do I do this!?" Seira sighed, "Did you not read the handout you were given at the front desk?" Stella froze, "...there was a handout...?" They laughed nervously as Seira was just looking at them, "oh my god.... you are dumb." Stella nodded, "yeah I know." Hectar handed Stella his handout, "Here you can use mine." Stella hugged Hectar, "you are an angel." Hectar laughed a bit, "no Seira is the angel, I'm just your prepared friend." Stella nodded and looked at the handout and read how to open the locker, "Oh okay!" They smiled and put their hand on the locker, "Open please." They smiled as the locker unlocked and opened for them, "that's awesome!" They searched and found their pin and schedule, "found them!" As soon as she touched the pin it glowed and vanished somewhere on her, "hey where did it go?" Hectar looked and smiled, "there it is." He pointed to the pin now a necklace on them. Stella smiled, "alright! We're officially students!" They high-fived Hectar and Seira. Shortly after the bell rang and they had to go their separate ways. Stella stood at the door with their key in hand, "...." She checked the time, "okay." They put the key in the keyhole, "7:45." They twisted the key and unlocked the door, stepping inside a nice classroom with a ton of spell books, magic supplies, and a name written on the board. Stella smiled and looked at the desks, each made two sit two people, seeing each were labeled by the colors of their key. "I guess I sit here," they sat down at the crystal table and set their bag of books and supplies down, watching as people began to walk in from the two doors in the room. Every person was of a different species from being half-giants to small pixies, sitting at their assigned colored tables. "Okay first day of school, I got this! I will make this class worth it!" Stella cheered themself on a bit till they noticed a half-dragon male enter the classroom. Both made eye contact as the same words escaped their mouths, "you have got to be kidding me." Aldren groaned and sat by them, "of all classes, you got put in this one." Stella glared a bit, "trust me, I don't like you either." If it was like the movies you would see the lightning bolt of hatred that sparked between them. Just then the door flew open, "haha! Well good morning class!" A man walked in and stood at the teacher's desk. "For any new students my name is Professor J.P Lawrence and I am your teacher in the practice of magic arts!" He had on a lab coat with round glasses, a dark blue button-up shirt and some black pants, no shoes on. He had shaggy and messy brown hair and pale skin but pretty bright green eyes as he sat on his desk like a bird. Stella's eyes sparkled, no matter how whacky their teachers were, they were going to admire them. "Now for today were gonna start off with some simple introduction paragraphs using some very special quills and paper!" He hopped down and picked up a jar of quills and a Beige colored paper, skipping his way up and down the aisle's and handing out a quill and paper to every student. Stella looked at the quill and realized it already had ink, they were confused a bit. "Now class, start writing your paragraphs!" Prof. Lawrence said and sat back down like a bird on his desk. Stella began writing down on the paper, wondering what made this paper and quill so special. Aldren didn't bother with the paragraph and put his feet up on Stella's side of the desk, which earned him his feet getting pushed off and almost falling off the chair, "!" He looked at Stella, "what the hell was that for?" Stella didn't even look at him, "keep you and your dragon smelling feet over there on your side." They stated as they continued writing, "I don't care if you don't want to do the paper just don't spend your time bothering me." Aldren growled a bit and crumpled up his paper and threw it at Stella's head. Stella froze a bit before looking at him annoyed, "what!? What is so important that you wish to bother me!?" Aldren smirked, "just reminding you that I hate your guts and shouldn't have come to this school." He flicked Stella in the forehead. Stella rubbed their head and groaned annoyed, "oh yeah? At least I was recommended into this school and not put in just because of a name." Aldren glared, "You don't even know that," Stella glared right back at him, "oh yeah? how much you wanna bet I'm not wrong." A slam on their desk got their attention and they both looked to the professor staring them both down, "is there a reason you two are disturbing the classroom time?" Stella shook their head a bit, nervous, "no sir." J.P looked at Aldren, who only shook his head no. "Are you done with your paper's?" Stella nodded and set the quill down, quickly while Aldren just gave a 'tch' and looked away. J.P picked up Stella's paper and Aldren's crumpled-up paper, walking to the front of the class. "Students, since your upper classmen have decided they were done, lets see what they have written down." He set Stella's paper over the fire and it burned, letters flying off the paper like flames as they made themselves into a paragraph in the air. Stella's eyes sparkled at the flame magic the paper held but now realized everyone could see it. "Ms. Everdale," Stella heard their name and stood up, "y-yes?" They cursed themself mentally for stuttering. "Please read your paragraph for us since we have already wasted 20 minutes of our 60 minutes together." Stella nodded a bit, "H-Hello, My name is Stelliana Everdale b-but I go by the name Stella. I classify as non-binary with they/them pronouns." Stella gulped a bit at the many eyes watching them, "I like to ride my bike, practice magic, and hang out with my friends...really that's it I have no social life outside of school so." They regretted writing that bit in as a few laughs erupted around the room. "Thank you, you may be seated," J.P stated as Stella sat their butt down fast in embarrassment, the words vanishing. "Mr. Cenmark," J.P held his paper over the fire and when it flamed no words appeared, "please stand up and read what you have written." Aldren was looking down a bit and mumbled something, "what was that?" J.P asked. Aldren mumbled a bit louder but J.P still asked what it was he was saying, "I can't!" Aldren shouted a bit. J.P nodded, "Wow that's a shocker." J.P blew the flame out, "I will be seeing you both for detention during lunchtime." Stella was in shock and saddened, they didn't think this would be how their first class of the day went as they nodded a bit and looked down at the table sadly. Aldren was a bit annoyed and wondered how he would explain this to his brother. After another 40 minutes, the class was over and everyone packed up their bags and headed out. Stella packed up their bag and put it over their shoulder, heading out while Aldren had been the first one to leave. Stella headed out to their locker, putting their books away, and grabbed out their books for the next class. Hectar ran up and hugged them from behind, "hey! How did magic arts go?" Stella sighed a bit, "I got lunch detention." They said as they shut their locker door. "Wait what!?" Hectar said surprised. "Detention already? Never thought you had it in you." Stella looked back to Seira leaning on the lockers. "It wasn't my fault! It's that stupid Aldren Cenmark's fault! Ever since he saw me he had some grudge against me and I don't know why! Now he got me detention!" Stella kicked the locker a bit but stopped and pet it a bit, "Sorry." They sighed, "I'm just hoping I don't have him for summoning class." Hectar smiled, "well I know you will have me!" He jumped a bit excited. Stella smiled, "Well that's good to know!" The bell rang yet again. Seira stood up and turned, "later you two, see you at lunch Hectar and see you after detention Stella," Stella whined a bit as Seira left then walked with Hectar to a door. Hectar put in his key, "8:50." He unlocked the door and they headed in, the desk in the same order as before, Stella sitting alone this time at the crystal table and waved to Hectar who sat at the rose gold table right by them. The teacher that walked in was an older woman, seemingly in her 60's to '70s, a grayish dark green hair and bright red eyes behind golden reading glasses, a light blue dress on, and if she wasn't a teacher she would be mistaken for a grandma. "Alright class, today we will do some basic summoning symbols, each of you takes out a paper and draw this symbol." She pointed to the one she had already written on the board. Stella took out the quill from the first class as everyone seemed to be using those, drawing the symbol. After 5 minutes the teacher instructed the next few steps, the last step was poking your finger with a needle and let one drop of blood fall on the paper. Stella winced a bit as they poked their finger with a needle and let the blood drop onto it, sucking the blood off their finger and watched as the blood faded into the symbol and out flew a small light blue dragon, "wow!" Stella smiled as the dragon flew around them a bit, "what is this miss?" The teacher looked to them, "my name is Mrs. Larosa and that is your spirit animal, fun fact is that those with the same spirit animals are to be destined soulmates but it's always rare you find yours." Stella looked over to Hectar who watched as an adorable little deer ran around him, pretty vines and flowers around its antlers. "Hello," Hectar waved a bit to the deer who bowed at him while Stella's eyes sparkled, "amazing!" They smiled. "This is so cool, I would take magic over math any day." Stella smiled while Hectar nodded in agreement. The bell rang and Stella was shocked, seeing an hour had gone by fast, "Awe man! Why does the time go faster in the fun classes!?" She packed as the little spirit animals disappeared. Stella headed out with Hectar and saw Seira was waiting for them at the lockers already. Stella put their bag in their locker, "alright lunchtime!" They smiled but their bubble was burst by Seira who reminded them of their detention and they deflated a bit. Hectar laughed a bit and pat Stella's head a bit, "don't worry, I'm sure it won't be that bad." Seira nodded, "Yeah plus it's only 2 hours long, you won't die...maybe." Stella looked up nervous, "huh!?" Seira laughed, "I'm kidding, but anyway good luck." Seira waved and turned walking off, "Hectar come on." Hectar looked between the two and sighed a bit, "we will see you later, okay Stella?" He smiled and waved, running after Seira. Stella got up off the floor and got their key, walking to the door and sighing a bit, "10:00." Stella unlocked the door and went in. There sat J.P in his bird position on his desk, looking up to Stella with his green eyes, "welcome to detention." He smiled. Stella stood there a bit, "So what ar-" J.P shushed them, "wait for Mr. Cenmark to get here first before we talk about what you two will be doing for disrupting the class." Stella stayed standing there as the two waited. J.P hopped down and stood in front of them, face to face. Stella was confused and blinked a bit. J.P laughed, "I can see it inside of your eyes, no wonder your here." Stella nervously laughed along with him. J.P turned and sat down again on his desk as Aldren walked in. Aldren saw Stella and sighed, "Of course you're here already." Stella glared a bit, "yeah I know how to be on time, unlike you dragon breath." Aldren tch'ed and looked away, "At least I try with my insults." Stella was about to throw their key at him till a loud clap caught the two's attention. Both looked over to J.P standing on his desk, "now now! none of that!" He hopped down and walked over, "Now that you are both here, I think it's time to get this 2-hour detention started." Stella was handed a bucket and a mop while Aldren was handed some cleaning spray and a rag. The two looked at the cleaning supplies confused and to J.P. "You will both be cleaning out the school attic." J.P smiled. "What!? I'm a Cenmark! I shouldn't be doing something like cleaning!" Aldren shouted while Stella just sighed and accepted this. J.P looked at him, "well then would you like to write a 5 paragraph essay explaining to your parents about today's events?" Aldren shut up at the mention of his parents and looked away. Stella peeped up a bit, "Sir, why are we cleaning the attic?" J.P smiled, "well you see dear Ella, the headmaster told me I had too but I'm making you two do it, so win-win, I don't have to clean and the headmaster gets what she wants." Aldren rolled his eyes, "what's the win for us?" J.P thought, "the fact you guys aren't writing paragraphs and I'm letting you guys take your phones to listen to music. The two sighed and went on their way to the attic, up the tall staircase, and opened the large wooden door. They stood in the archway of the large messy attic, the two looked in shock and sighed, looking at each other and glared a bit, both looking away and heading in to get to work. Seira was eating up some jello while Hectar was worrying about Stella. "Hectar calm down, it's not like the teacher is gonna make Stella and the other guy kill a giant beast and bring its head to him on a stick." Hectar nodded, "Yeah I know that but still, I worry." Adeen overheard them and walked over, sitting by Hectar, "hello! By chance does this so-called other guy happen to be Aldren?" Seira nodded, "yeah what's it to you?" Adeen smiled, "because my brother was complaining all class about how he had detention with a human named Stella." Hectar tilted his head, "brother?" Adeen nodded, "My name is Adeen Cenmark, I'm Aldren's older brother. It's nice to meet you two!" Seira nodded and just slurped her jello over there, while Hectar shook his hand. "So," Seira finished up her jello, "you think those two will last detention together?" She asked. The two boys looked at each other and back at Seira and shook their heads no. Seira nodded, "Yeah I bet 50 one of them comes back with a bruise." Adeen laughed, "I will take that bet." The two shook hands as they continued lunch, unaware of what was going on upstairs in the attic.
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649 days till Graduation Day
Chapter 1- This is a lot bigger then Middle School  As the wind flew past the school, a heavy air filled the damp and empty walls. It was the start of a new school year for the university and they had to prepare for the many types of students they would be getting in from wizards to elves to goblins and whatever you could think of. "....We must find the smartest among them." The deep voice said, echoing the basement. "Yes sir. This year will be the one where we set you free." Said a confident voice of an unknown woman. "I will be free, yes and I can't wait....head back up now....you have a school to prepare." The deep voice laughed as the woman bowed and left upstairs, locking the basement and walking down the hall which was being set up for that day. . . . . . "Stella! Did you make sure you have all your things!? The train is leaving in 2 hours so we don't wanna be late!" Stella's mom shouted from downstairs. "Coming mom!" Stella shouted back from their room, putting their red bag over their shoulder, and took one last final look at their bedroom, "..." They headed down, "Alright I'm here!" Stella smiled. "Good, the final suitcase is packed in," Their mom looked at them, "ya ready?" Stella nodded, "yup! Ready as I'll ever be!" Stella got in the car as did everyone else, the SUV starting up and driving off, passing the quiet neighborhood that Stella had grew up in, "..." They looked down when they felt a weight on their arm, the two twins had fallen asleep on their shoulder. "awe!" Stella's mom smiled and snapped a photo, "that's going into the album." Stella rolled their eyes and looked back at the window. Soon the nice neighborhoods slowly turned into a large city, passing by buildings and groups of magical people and creatures. Stella had taken a small nap herself on the way to the train station and was awoken by the twins when they stared outside, amazed by the trains that passed by as they pulled into the parking lot. "So Stella you better-" Stella interrupted their mom, "I know I know, call you once I get there to make sure I'm okay, when I get to school and unpack call you again and send a good morning text every morning before I get ready." They said while watching their step-dad pack their things in while being careful of other students around, getting on the train. Stella's mom smiled and hugged her child, "I'm gonna miss you..." Soon the twins and Stella's step-dad joined in the hug. "I will miss you guys too." They all let go and let them get onto the train. Stella found an empty cart and sat in it, opening the window and waving by as the train was starting to leave, "Bye Stella! Show them that your an amazing Enchanteress and Mage!" Stella's step-dad shouted to them, "Show them how awesome you are!" The twins shouted to their big sibling. Stella nodded, they were going to make their family proud as they sat back and watched as the train left the station and into the open. "Okay, I can do this." They smiled and were determined, pulling out a book of spells, one of the many their late father left for them, "..." Their silence was interrupted when the door to the car was open, "hm?" A male with blue curly hair and a light pink pale skin stood there, "o-oh! Hey there! Sorry for interrupting! D-Do you mind if I sit with you? All the others have been taken up." He said nervously. "Uhh? Sure I guess." Stella said a bit unsure. "Oh great! Thanks!" The male sat in front of them and held out his hand, "my name is Hectar! Hectar Lox! It's nice to meet you!" He smiled. Stella was confused and just smiled nervously, "Stella Everdale." They took his hand and shook it. They got a feeling when their hands touched, it was as if this boy would have a reason of importance to them but they didn't know why. "So, what are you?" Hectar asked, "What am I?" Stella shook the feeling away a bit and said confused as he nodded, "yeah! I'm an Elf and training to be a Shaman!" Hectar smiled widely. "I-I'm human training to be an Enchantress and Mage....I-I guess." "Wow really? I didn't know they let in humans to this school...your gonna be an outcast ya know..." Hectar looked at Stella with worry. "I-I know, but that doesn't mean I won't try." They said determinedly. Hectar smiled, "I like that about ya! Let's be friends!" Stella smiled a bit, "O-Okay." The two got along well on the way to the school. "So how does it work again with classes?" Stella looked over to Hectar's school guide, "So you are put into classes with people who are learning the same thing as you but put into dorms with people of your power level or as the school calls it Imperium." He pointed out where it said that on the paper. "Oh...what's an Imperium?" Stella asked confused which got them a shocked look, "How do you not know what an Imperium is!?" He was shocked and went to another part of the school guide to a page with an Allura-type font that said 'Imperium'. Hectar handed the guide to Stella who looked it over, "Imperium, Latin for power, is also the power level you are tested for at the beginning of the year to determine your dorm and level of the classes you will have chosen." Stella read, "Many levels are going from 5000 to 18,000 and up." Hectar nodded, "yeah, any person with a level over 12,000 have better chances of graduating." Stella nodded and asked curiously, "what happens after you graduate?" The elf put on a thinking face, "well most either take their scholarship and head home, some stay and be prefects and take on the role of a teacher when one teacher retires or passes. The honor students though get sent off to another one of their schools for more advanced students where they become powerful figures, at least that's what I think. I don't know what happens after they leave that school." He smiled as Stella only nodded and sat back, reading over the guide, "....what happens if you don't graduate?" They asked a bit worried as Hectar looked over, "oh the school just keeps ya till you do graduate if you don't graduate by the age of 25 they just send you home." Hectar explained while Stella only nodded, more determined to graduate now. Soon a small little goblin went around, announcing to be prepared for when the train stops in 30 minutes. "Yes! We're almost there!" Hectar cheered a bit as he packed up his bag again. Stella closed the guide and handed it back to the excited boy, "thanks for letting me read this, I probably should have done more research heh..." They smiled as Hectar took it back and gave a smile back, "No problem!" Once the two were packed they just looked out the window as the train was pulling up to the sparkling ocean. "I read about this, the train is the only thing that can bring things from the outside and take things out, right?" Stella asked Hectar, "yeah watch." he pointed as the ocean spilt into a train track as they rode over the ocean. "Wow!" Stella's eyes sparkled as they looked, seeing the large castle-like school coming closer to view till they were now getting stopped into it as the little goblin worker announced for all students to get off the train in an orderly fashion by cart. This school seemed to sparkle in the sun, the white bricked walls painted to perfection, the amazing blue-stained windows that circled the entrance like an arch, a marble white statue of the founder of the school at the top of large navy blue marbled stairs, the school was built to be about eight stories tall and castle-like. Stella got off their amazed phase and stepped off the train, joining in the group of students who were also waiting for instructions. Soon the chatter of students turned into hush whispers as a woman headed down from the stairs and Stella's eyes just sparkled in amazement, "Omg! Hectar look!" They whispered to him as Hectar looked, "hm?" He looked, "Who the woman?" He shrunk back a bit from Stella's piercing stare. "Are you dumb? yes, the woman! That's the headmistress, Ray Techlia! She is known for having saved a whole nation from asteroid radiation which saved millions!" They whispered excitedly, basically bouncing in their spot as some students around them looked at the crazy fan. Ray looked among the new faces, "Hello students, my name is Ms. Ray Techlia. Welcome to the University. Some of you have come from high families of magic and some from lower-class magic families. No matter that, here at this school you will all be equals to other individuals. Please follow me inside to the auditorium where we will begin the first step of your journey here with us, the Imperium testings." Stella grew nervous at that, they knew they were top of the class through their years but that's because they worked hard so they wouldn't even know if they were strong or not. Hectar seemed to notice this in them, "hey calm down! I bet your over 12,000!" He gave them a smile which calmed Stella down a bit, "heh, thanks Hectar." The two then focused back on walking up the staircase. The school interior was no different than the outside when it came to elegance and beauty, the room they entered was a round room with a large student service desk with witches seeming to be working it, the walls were painted a shining indigo color with large, golden windows along with them, designs of all creatures great and small detailed perfectly into every window, the floor was shining and was almost a mirror if it wasn't for the golden patterns that all led up to the middle of the large room which was the symbol of the school on a glowing part of the floor. The symbol was light up by a brilliant blue light. "This is the Hall of the Heroes united'. Each window is here to give honor to the heroes of every species, big and small, who brought our young nation and world together as one." Stella was in awe of the window, running over and looking at every single one possible, "Hectar you seeing this!?" They smiled, "are you kidding, I have been noting it all down since she started talking." Hectar smiled. The two ran to catch up to the group of students and headmistress, "Now students," Techlia spoke to the group, "all classes will all be held on the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth floor, each being for Imperium levels." She stated as they passed from the room into a hallway lined with stained glass windows. "You each have been chosen to attend this university based on your grades from your previous schools." Ray explained as she walked down the blue carpeted hallway, "the Imperium crystal will tell us what level of classes to put you in so we can put you with others on your grade level but that doesn't mean we don't let you interact with the lower or higher levels, during the end of each class period you get a good 15 minutes to do what you must or talk with who you like which is also plenty of time to get to your other classes as well so try not to be late." The group got to two large double doors as the headmistress stopped, "Depending on what magic you will be studying you will be given a number for classes, if you wish to take on two courses you will be given double the amount of classes. There are over 100,000 classes in this school." Stella was beyond shocked, they knew the castle was big but even the castle looked small to hold that many classes, "Miss, if I may, how are their 100,000 classes in this school?" Ray looked to Stella, her eyes held an emotion Stella couldn't quite get a grasp on. "Each floor contains 100 doors, each of you will be given a specially made key that will give access to certain classes at certain times. The keys have a small sort of mic on it, you will say the time and open the door with your key on the floor you have been assigned to. If you do not say a time it will simply lead you to your dorm. The keys come in five colors so you know which level you are on. For those of you who lose things a lot, don't worry if the key manages to get lost or stolen it will reappear inside your hand or your bag." Stella nodded and looked at Hectar, "that's a good thing, I lose keys like I lose my socks in the dryer." Hectar laughed a bit, "feel that." Ray grabbed the two handles and pushed up the large double doors, inside were multiple tables full of students both ages 18 and up. When the new group of students walked in, Stella had noticed that there were students of creatures everywhere fairies talking with goblins, nymphs laughing along with gorgons, demons discussing with angels but none of it was mean, everything was so peaceful between the students. The tables were large and round and nobody seemed to mind sitting with others so different from them. At the end of the room was a large pond of water of sorts, marble stairs leading up to a brightly glowing crystal that had some clear like vines growing from it into the water. Stella looked to Hectar who seemed just as amazed as they were, "I'm so scared to find out my level..." Hectar said the nervousness heard in his voice as he put his notebook away. Stella gave friendly smile and pat his back, "I'm sure your's will be amazing!" Hectar smiled back at them as the two nodded and stood with the group at the end. Ray turned to all the students, "Students, these will be your new classmates, I want you to respect them all and treat them as one of you." Some students waved with smiles, others said their hellos, "Now students it's time for the Imperium testing, each of you will come up and stand before the crystal, it will determine your Imperium level and give you your key. Iron is for 5000 to 6000, copper is for 7000 to 8000, silver is for 9000 to 10,000, gold is for 12,000 to 14,000, rose gold is for 15,000 to 16,000, and crystal is 17,000 and up," Ray explained to the new students. "We will go by first names." Stella watched student after student as they go up and get their key, the average was mostly anything below rose gold, a few had gotten rose gold. They looked to Hectar who looked nervous, his pale skin seemingly paler if that was possible, "You okay?" Stella pats his shoulder. "O-Oh yeah I'm fine, just worried I won't have a high level," He sighed. "Hectar Lox!" He froze when he heard his name get called, "oh no..." Stella smiled at him, "you got this dude, I will be sending you all my support from here." Hectar smiled at them and went up, climbing up the marble stairs and standing before the crystal. The crystal glowed as the light shone on him and soon a flower grew in front of him, it blooming as a rose gold key sat there, "Imperium level 15,865," The soft voice of the crystal said. Hectar took the key and smiled, heading down as people cheered. He smiled at Stella on his way to a table, the biggest smile on his face as Stella was proud of him. Stella finished clapping as the names continued, getting into the 'S' section, "Seria Hayami!" Stella looked as a girl with light brown hair, light brownish skin and dark brown eyes walked up. That wasn't that got them looking, it was the pure white wings and glowing halo that caught Stella's eye. The girl almost looked bored yet nervous in a way if you looked deeper into the character that she showed. The crystal shone its light on Seria once she stood before it and just like Hectar a flower grew. The flower bloomed to a gold key as the crystal spoke, "Imperium level 13,998." Seria took the key as people cheered and she walked down, passing by Stella. Their eyes made contact for only a second as Stella watched her leave to the same table Hectar was at, "...huh?" It was as if something about Seria that gave them that feeling, the same one they had with Hectar...a feeling of importance. Stella was broken out of this feeling as their name was called, "Stelliana Everdale!" They turned and walked up, getting that feeling of nervousness, understanding where Hectar was coming from. They could feel the eyes of everyone staring, the world looking upon them as they got to the top and looked to the crystal only a few steps ahead of them, "..." They were nervous as they stepped to be in front of the crystal. The crystal glowed brightly upon them almost to the point of blinding them, as fast as it was there the faster it was gone as a flower grew in front of them, Stella watched the flower bloom, and there lied a beautiful crystal key, "Imperium level 17,942." The crystal spoke, Stella taking the key as they turned, the cheering of the crowd seemed to go unheard for them, they had too many thoughts running through their head, and because of this, they couldn't feel the eyes of some people looking at them as they walked back down or some whispering about why a human had such a high Imperium and mostly just the cheering deafened out. Stella only snapped out of it when they bumped into someone, "oh I'm-" They looked to see the male just walking, seemingly ignoring them, "-sorry..." They sighed and sat by Hectar. "Wow! You got crystal! That's so cool!" Hectar pat their back as Stella nodded, "Y-Yeah!" They smiled. "Well done," A voice said by them, the two looked over to the angel, spinning her golden key on her finger. "Your Seria right?" Stella asked, Hectar waving a bit to her. Seria looked to them, a bit surprised they carried a conversation with her, "yeah, Seria Hayami. I'm an angel if it ain't clear to you already." She waved a bit and moved her seat closer over to Stella's. "Well this is Hectar and I'm Stelliana but I go by Stella." Stella gestured to Hectar and themself. Seria nodded, "so, what you all here studying?" She leaned on her right arm as Hectar smiled, speaking up first, "I'm here training to be a Shaman like my dad!" Stella laughed and pat his head a bit, "Yeah he was excited to tell me when I asked on the train." The angel nodded, "Shaman's, their real spiritual, cool. I'm here training to be a Cleric." Stella smiled, "really? You could do so much good!" Seira blushed a bit out of embarrassment. "Well, what about you Stella? What are you here to learn?" Seria cleared her throat a bit, "Oh I'm here to be an Enchantress and Mage!" Seira looked confused for a bit, "aren't those the same thing?" Stella laughed a bit nervously, "Well yeah Mage's are usually people who use Arcane Magic or 'Standard' magic while having a broad array of uses for it. Enchanters are pretty much the same but they also get the name due to the fact they can enchant things through specialized magic. For example, say they took a normal quiver of arrows, they could enchant it to never run out of arrows or produce different types of arrows." Stella explained as Seira nodded. "Okay that makes sense, there pretty much the same but only one can enchant objects or things. Not gonna lie that sounds cool to do!" She smiled. Stella smiled back, all three of them plus the others in the room's attention was now put back on Ray once the last student was put into their level. "Now that all new students have been set properly into their houses, I wish for all you older students to do your best and make them feel welcomed. All your things have since now been sent to your new rooms, if you had been given a roommate with an older student they will come to find you and show you to your room. Now, you must all be hungry," She snapped her fingers as fairies came out holding plates upon plates of food as it was set down neatly on all the tables for the students. Stella, Hectar, and Seira looked shocked at the amount of food in front of them. Once the fairies had cleared out everyone looked back to Ray who only bowed, "Enjoy your dinner and as my speech for you all I have to say is please do your best and enjoy yourself." After she said that a green glowing smoke engulfed her like a small tornado and once it let up she was gone. Stella was the first of the three to dig in, filling her plate, and happily ate her food. Seria was second as she filled her plate with food, most of it being Jello. "Wow you must like jello," Hectar said as he had been third and was just eating some pasta from his plate as Seira nodded and poked the jello, laughing a bit and stabbed it carefully with her fork, eating it happily, "yeah! Jello is awesome! Plus it tastes amazing!" She said mounching the jello in her mouth. Stella laughed a bit as they eat their toasted bread but couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on them yet when they looked around no one seemed to be watching them, then just went back to eating and talking with their new friends. While the three ate the pair of eyes went back to looking at Stella, "..." The male glared a bit till he felt a hand on his back, "what?" He looked to the taller, older male. "You're staring at that new girl a lot, are you okay?" The older male asked the smaller male as he placed his hand on his head, "Yeah, why?" The smaller male shooed off his hand from his head as the older male laughed a bit. "It's just that when it comes to girls you love to either scare them off or pretend they don't exist yet you keep looking at that one." The two both looked back over to the table, seeing Stella pat Seira's back while Hectar was facepalming and Seira coughed up jello? The two looked away when a group of girls waved to them and giggled or fangirled. The older one only smiled and waved while the smaller one rolled his eyes and poked at his food. Stella laughed a bit, "that's why you don't slurp Jello." Seria huffed saying 'hey you saw nothing' which earned a wheeze from Hectar. Stella saw the group of girls fangirling at the two boys, "...who are they?" Seria and Hectar both looked at them like 'really?' while Stella shrunk a bit shy, "...what?" Hectar sighed, "That tall one with the red eyes is Adeen Cenmark," Hectar pointed out for Stella and Seira spoke up, "the shorter one with the white hair is Aldren Cenmark. They're known as the Cenmark brothers because they come from a wealthy family of dragons and have high Imperum's." She rolled her eyes at the two surrounded by girls. Stella nodded a bit, "oh okay." She took one last glance before turning away again. It was now nightfall. The dining room had been cleared out and everyone was getting ready or settling down into their dorms. Stella said goodbye to Hectar and Seira, them all going their separate ways as Stella looked around lost, "soooo, how do I get to my dorm?" They turned the corner and crashed into someone, "oh I'm so sorry-" They looked up and were face to face with Aldren Cenmark himself. Now that they had a closer look at the male they had noticed how handsome he was. He had long silky white hair put to the side in a braid with some parts hanging on the other side while it covered his left side. His eye that showed was very pretty having black Sclera and icy white iris that carried a white pupil, it glowed softly in the moon while the other was covered by his hair and a eyepatch. His skin was smooth and dark pastel tan which glowed in the dim light of the torches on the walls although a scar over his left eye was pretty visible. Piercing's lined up his pointed ears. Even though he was part dragon the only thing that gave off that he was was the tail he had. Its color match that of his irises. Stella blushed a bit and bowed, "Sorry!" He rolled his eyes, "you already said that anyway are you Stelliana?" The nervous person looked up, "Y-Yeah but I go by Stella-" He didn't even let her finish, "okay great, I'm your dorm partner." Stella froze, her mind franticly thinking 'is there no boy-girl system!? Is this even allowed!? He doesn't seem to like me very much!' Stella was brought out of their thoughts when they heard shuffling and looked behind to Aldren walking away as they turned and ran to him, almost tripping but eventually catching up. They got to a door as Stella looked around confused, "where are we?" Aldren pulled out his key, "the doorway that leads to our dorm level." He put the key in the door as Stella froze, "wait don't we have to-" "Say a time?" He interrupted, "if you had been listening, you only say time for classes, if you don't say a time it will lead you straight to your dorm. Although shouldn't be surprised at the fact that the first human they let inside the school is an airhead." He opened the door as it led to a hallway. Stella blinked a bit at what he said and was offended, following after him, "excuse me! I know for a fact I'm not an airhead! This is just all new to me!" They huffed a bit as he scoffed a bit, "so you're just dumb?" Aldren said with no hesitation as Stella was even more offended. "Hey! you don't get to look down on me just because your a dragon or whatever! Your title is just stupid!" Aldren laughed a bit, "was that the best you could do?" Stella growled but stopped and looked around, "where are the other doors?!" Aldren rolled his eyes, "surprise since we're the only Crystal's we get to share." Stella froze, "What!? I don't want to share with you! I bet you snore!" Aldren glared, "say what!? You can't even prove that you brat!" Stella laughed, "haha! Wanna bet!? Go to sleep I dare you!" The two glared at each other for a bit before Aldren just turned and walked to his bed which was large bunks, "I'm going to bed, when unpacking try not to be loud." He kicked off his shoes and just flopped himself into the bottom bunk. Stella wanted to throw something at him but composed themself and just unpacked. Once Stella finished they checked the time and saw it was already 12:30 and stretched, getting dressed into some sweatpants and their favorite shirt because it had their favorite actor on it. They sighed, "yes make me climb you jerk." They climbed up and laid down. After trying to sleep for a bit they growled and looked down and whacked him with a pillow as he jumped up and hit his head on the top, "ow! hey, what the hell you do that for!?" He growled and looked at Stella once he turned the side table lamp on while they glared, "I told you about the god damn snoring!" He got more mad, "I told you! I don't snore you little punk!" Stella laughed as he rubbed his head, "Suuuure! Put a sock in your mouth or something!" They turned back onto their bed and laid down again, trying to sleep again. Aldren growled, mumbling to himself lowly as he turned the light off again and turned over. Both eventually fell back to sleep and the night went by.
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649 days till Graduation Day
Prologue There was the slightest bit of noise that silent night. The only thing heard was the small tip-tap of footsteps in the basement hall as the person was trying to escape a force unseen that was silently following them. "!!!" They tripped but got back up and made a wall of black fire, hoping that will buy his time as he ran again. He would scream if he could but his mouth had been sewn together and he was 300 feet below the surface....250.....100....30....1. He was so close to the door but it was locked and he tried to break the door down but the force was now towering him as he looked behind, tears falling and his cries going unheard by anyone.
"Ah! Mom! Why are you in my room!?" A loud and annoyed voice whined as a pillow was placed over their face to block the bright sunlight from shining on their face. "I'm in your room, Stella, because it is 10:57 am and it's your birthday, so get up!" The older woman said as she made her hand spark a bit and poked her child. "Ack-" The once sleepy Stella fell off their bed and hit their rug covered marble floor, "ow! Alright, I'm up crazy woman...." She stood up and popped her back but only got shocked again, "ah! What was that for!?" Stella whined at their mom. Stella's mom just laughed, "making sure your awake." She left Stella's room, letting the angry mage whine and go to their bathroom to get ready for the day.
After about 20 minutes, Stella left their room and almost tripped over a bunch of toys, "what the?" They saw they stepped in slime, "Gray! Gianna!" They shouted for the twins as they came running up the stairs. "Yeah?" Gray said, annoyed as he had just been doing something important which Stella knew was a lie. "How many times have I told you not to play slime tag in front of my room?" Stella put their hands together and pointed them towards their little siblings. "Sorry! We will clean it up!" Gianna, being her happy go lucky self said as the two began to clean it up. Stella walked downstairs, waving to their dad who was fixing up the bay window in the living room, and made their way to the kitchen where they found a plate of fresh pancakes waiting and their mom excited, hiding something behind her back. "You're acting weirder than normal mom." They laughed a bit and opened the syrup bottle, pouring some on their pancakes, and ate happily. "Guess who got a letter from Rutherford Trinity High?" Stella's mom said happily. Stella, who had been drinking milk, spewed it out and coughed, their whole face wearing shock, "what!? No way!" Their mom handed them the letter and Stella ripped it up, wondering what such a prestigious school wanted with her.
The letter was on silk-like paper which was nice to the touch, thread designs along the edges. Stella's eyes sparkled as they let their thumb rub over the soft paper and thread. "Hm?" They got over the softness of the paper and went onto the letter which read,
'Dear Stelliana Everdale,
I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. We have sent this letter to you to invite you to spend your high school years here at Rutherford Trinity High University. Before you ask, no you won't have to pay anything. See this as a scholarship. We have seen your grades and hard-work throughout your years of schooling and are proud to pay in full for a dorm, classes, and lunch. If you are interested in joining our school we have put a number below for you to contact and times we are free. We would love you to join our school Ms. Everdale.
Yours's truly, Headmaster Ray Techlia'
"..." Stella was the least to say in shock. "What's the letter about Stella?" The mom sat next to her child, Stella had come out non-binary to her a few years ago and she was supportive, as Stella's step-dad walked in, "you all okay?" He laughed a bit and wiped his hands off. "They want me to join..." Stella said through their shock. "Sweetie I can not hear you and I'm right by you." Stella's mom pat their head, "Mom they want me to join their school!" Stella jumped off their seat happy as their mom did the same and they hugged happily, Stella's step-dad joining in and lifting them, spinning them, and laughed. "See babe? I knew my baby was smart!" Stella's mom praised and kept hugging her child. "They said to call them if I wanted to," Stella said, still in shock. Stella's mom and step-dad took the paper and went to another room to make the call. Stella was left in the kitchen alone, "..." They left out the backdoor and ran to their bike.
Once Stella had hopped onto their bike, they took off down the sidewalk, "..." They rode to a clearing on a cliff which was a good way away. "..." They passed trees, rocks, valleys, roads, large buildings, small neighborhoods, everything till they got to the beautiful cliff overlooking the beautiful view of the world they lived in. "....heh." They walked to the edge and smiled as they felt the sun on their face. They had to think, 'was this all true? Was their hard work paying off?' "..." Stella looked to the clear blue sky and smiled, "I hope your proud dad." They stood up and raised their hands to the sky.
Meanwhile, in a dark underground place live a creature so full of evil he didn't have a name...he was only known as the creature. "Was the letter delivered?" A dark voice boomed. "Y-Yes, sir." A young woman said, nervous that she would be slaughtered if she said the wrong thing. "Good....that girl's power will be mine." A large claw formed into a fist around a poor person's head that was now just mush and blood seeped through the claw and dropped what used to be a head. "Sir if I might ask, what is so important about this girl's powers that you sent her here...?" The young woman said nervously. There was a pause then silence, "I didn't say you could ask further questions now....did I?" He must have stood up as the woman grew scared and looked up since the large force now towered over her, "!!!" She screamed as she was picked and given to a bunch of wild animals that were dying for food, "this will teach you to never go beyond what I ask..." the thing tossed her into the cage and locked it, sitting back down on his large throne, the woman's screams filling the air. "Don't worry Stelliana....we will meet very soon...I can feel it." His dark laugh boomed throughout the darkroom and halls of the school basement.
Stella got back home, to see their parents watching a movie with the twins, "what is y'all watching?" They peeked over their step-dad's shoulder. The mom shrugged, "I don't know, the twins put it on so why not?" She laughed a bit as Stella rolled their eyes, "well imma head to my room." They kissed the twin's heads and went up to their room. They wanted to research this school they were going to be spending a lot of their life. "..." They brought out their laptop and began their search. They typed in Rutherford Trinity High into the search bar and it didn't take long for millions of results to come up, "that was fast." They looked through every one of the results, only stopping at one that mentioned something about missing graduates, "h-huh?" This made them worry as they scrolled through, "It was five years ago...it could have been a small mishap...." If only they knew what they were about to get themself into by accepting to go to this school.
Stella shut the laptop quickly and set it down gently, plugging it back in and setting it on their nightstand. They turned off their lamp and laid down, looking to their ceiling, the glow in the dark stars and moons glowing softly in the dark. "...." They smiled and couldn't wait to finally see all their hard work pay off. Stella didn't know when they fell asleep that night but all they knew was that they had one weird dream.
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