angelnumber27 · 2 years
Disembowel Wesley Ulmer challenge
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hinterkaifeck · 4 years
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so i'd like to share my experience, i guess.
these are messages i got from heal2k in 2016. nothing happened beyond this but my age was very easily accesible on my blog at the time. i changed the tag i used for my face tag after he said that because i knew he'd look for it or something after asking that. i waited for him to find it and say i'm pretty or something. honestly, if he did that i would've become another of his victims. he is a sick man.
he is preying on the vulnerabilities of teenage, mentally ill girls.
even if he didn't say anything overtly sexual to me, it is still highly inappropriate to message a CHILD when you're 25 years old. especially when you're on drugs. now that i am nearly 19, him calling me a little girl does not sit right with me. my heart hurts for anyone that's been a victim of him.
hope @heal2k gets what he deserves 😊
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baheaux · 4 years
oh my. angelwhisper is quite the character...after seeing multiple slurs (which I'm 90% sure none of them are theirs to claim) in their recent posts, I decided to look up that blog's tag and yikes. Quite the reputation. Sad I was following to begin with. (Now blocked)
(and it's so funny bc I've been off and on tumblr since I was 16, now 27, and I remember the name heal2k being around and a troublemaker, no clue it was the same person.)
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fohk · 3 years
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are you FUCKING KIDDING ME. @staff please shutdown @petket once and for all. i literally just had to report a text post he made saying “i’m the next max hardcore” which i’m pretty sure he deleted. this pedophile used to be angelwhisper, heal2k, dreamhex, and the list goes on fucking endlessly.
this person has been able to use tumblr as his playground for preying on minors for YEARS now. max hardcore is known for his pedophilic porn that he ended up serving time in prison for. i, along with other bloggers, have reported this man countless times and sent screenshots of conversations he’s had on here admitting to sexually engaging with minors/abuse/etc. please shutdown his blog. this is getting tiring. i’ve been on tumblr since 2010, and it’s always felt like a safe space for me, as i know it has for many others in this community. to have this abuser/pedophile on here who preys on underage bloggers is criminal. you have an ethical and frankly legal obligation to protect the people who use your platform from people like this.
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luvsic2k · 4 years
throwback to when Heal2k messaged me confirming that he dated a 17 year old girl while he was 24 and i outted him for it but u guys pretended not to see it because thats ur fave
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roxylalonde · 4 years
just heard about the heal2k situation WILD... apparently hes a pedo/rapist and is constantly on drugs and ebegs for drug money. tumblr really brings out the wildest people
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4ng3lt34rs · 4 years
How do you feel about the whole heal2k thing? Didn’t you follow him?
yeah I just followed him cuz he followed me and his blog looked pretty I didn’t know anything about him til someone else I follow on here rebloged this post exposing him, I unfollowed once I saw that. he’s a weirdo, I don’t remember ever talking to him tho if that’s what ur curious about
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contincandie · 4 years
Yo heal2k has been outed as a pedo/groomer
Ooooo fuck gross thanks for letting me know
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oures · 4 years
hi just letting u know heal2k is a known abuser 😔
thank u for the heads up, i had no idea. just blocked & reported him. to anyone who’s following him, i suggest you do the same.
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lotusinmypocket · 4 years
pls hearing that heal2k is a pedo is so annoying i loved their blog omg literally everyone is so fucking weird
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jeowo82jejwo28sskw · 4 years
why is that heal2k guy just getting mad at people for reuploading his stuff on a diffrent acc im so confused i went to his blog to see if he was finally removed for being a fucking pedophile wjhat is this
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godexit · 4 years
if I happen to reblog from someone that isn’t a good person !! plz pm or send an ask right away. I would never want to seem like I support whatever their actions were and me reblogging heal2k financial help post only to find out from my dashboard he’s a disgusting person hours(?) later is so.......😭especially when I have a few thousand followers....!!! but plz do let me know, I don’t get on tumblr that often to know stuff ok so thank u have a good day stay safe
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diisillusionment · 4 years
reminder that heal2k or angelwhisper now is a pedophile
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limerence333 · 4 years
I saw tht you rb’d one of heal2k’s posts, he is a predator and groomer I’m not sure if you know that, not trying to be mean just wanna make sure you know, heal2k does not deserve a platform
oop thanks for letting me know. would you be able to link me the post so I can delete it? I def don't want to give anyone like that a platform
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drearby · 4 years
just learnt heal2k iz a pedo i know a lot of mutuals interact and he followed me recently. the callout post was too long 4 my blog (and rly gross) but yea i wanted to make this known
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warcrimesimulator · 4 years
If anyone needs proof of heal2k being a p*do literally just search up his name on here, there are screenshots of his interactions with underage girls. He’s a fairly popular aesthetic blog and I used to follow him earlier this year while not knowing about this (thankfully someone notified me about it)
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