ofemmevance · 2 years
Location: Prewett Estate Infirmary Date: June 24th, 1984 @healerrosier​
Emmeline watched the door where Dirk had just gone through for a few moments before she heard a rustle behind her. Evan. Somehow Emme had forgotten that he was in the room. She had been so...distracted by Dirk that she hadn’t even considered that Evan was there too. And then it suddenly hit her that she had kissed Nicky’s boyfriend. And Dirk didn’t even say anything. What did that mean? And what did that make her? Emmeline had been so...focused on Dirk and well, kissing Dirk that she hadn’t considered anything else. Did it make her a bad person that she didn’t regret one minute of it? 
Turning to face Evan, she avoided his gaze for a moment. “So um,” she bit down on her lip, at a loss for words. Which was not normal when it came to Evan. Usually she had plenty of questions to ask him. “Yeah,” she finally settled on. Very good, Emmeline, you’re not making this even more awkward. 
She was still a bit distracted from what had just happened, but she needed to focus. Things were going wrong and they had no idea what they were going to see when everyone got back. Emme needed to get her mind off of Dirk, and kissing Dirk, and focus on the mission at hand. She started to check on the supplies again, wanting something to distract her from the awkwardness and from the anxiety of what was happening. 
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wila-travers · 2 years
Date: July 8th, 1984 Location: Diagon Alley @healerrosier​
Even though it was a Sunday, she had popped into the office to grab a few things to send off to her father in Thailand. Her parents had been spending more time in Thailand since Sarai’s funeral, but he still expected her to keep him up to date on the going ons in the company. It was rather annoying, it wasn’t like she wasn’t busy herself. But her father was still the head of their company so she needed to play her cards right. Wila’s mother kept suggesting that she make the trip to be with family, but she had far too much work to do in England. And besides, she wasn’t convinced that if she stepped foot in Thailand that she wouldn’t get roped up in some arranged marriage that her mother and aunts came up with. So no thank you. She would stay in London.
Wila had decided to get coffee and run some errands in Diagon Alley before she returned home. She needed to pick up some of her skincare potions and she wanted to browse Madame Malkin’s new selection. Sarai had been on her mind the last few days, ever since her dinner with Regulus, really, and she thought that shopping might distract her from the constant grief. She kept thinking that she heard Sarai’s voice when she was at home, and kept thinking that she saw her out of the corner of her eye. She knew that it was all in her head, her grief and guilt intermingling, but it didn’t stop it from being so damned unsettling every time it happened.
Walking into the coffee shop, she spotted a very familiar person standing at the back of the line. Evan. A smirk formed on her lips before she went over to him. “Evan! What a surprise,” She greeted him. “I heard your news. Congratulations,” she told him, her voice hushed. You never know who was listening. “How are you?”
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adarkershadeofalice · 2 years
Lunch Break
LOCATION: St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries DATE: June 19, 1984 @healerrosier​
Alice had almost gotten used to hiding her injuries. Not that as an Auror she had to -- at least, not those obtained in the course of her duty. The problem was the other injuries, the ones acquired through other duties. And even with as risky a profession as being an Auror was, she’d quickly learned that she was a lot more likely to get hurt when she was acting on behalf of the Order of the Phoenix than she was when on her sanctioned duties -- in part no doubt because the Ministry had more resources and its people were all properly trained, and while things could go pear-shaped very quickly missions didn’t generally start out already seven different ways of fucked. The difference in casualty rates, Alice had come to suspect, was because the Death Eaters were simply trying harder when they were fighting the Order. They didn’t want to push the Ministry too hard; didn’t necessarily want to kill everybody working in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (some of those people, Alice was sure, were their people after all; they also wanted to control the Ministry, which meant that those people theoretically someday would be their people even if they weren’t already suborned). The Order, on the other hand...
It seemed like Curse on sight was their favored response to the Order.
And even as an Auror -- perhaps especially as an Auror -- Alice couldn’t just turn-up at St. Mungo’s with unexplained injuries. Injuries required paperwork. And while she had a lot of leeway in her duties for the law, there was only so far she could get away with fudging what she filed. So most of her injuries got treated off-the-clock by the Order’s unofficial medical wing instead. There were downsides to this of course, but Alice wouldn’t deny that the lack of paperwork was a definite upside.
Today, though, she’d actually been hurt on the clock, which meant she was here in St. Mungo’s waiting for official medical care for once. Unfortunately that meant paperwork, but Alice had survived worse. She could live through paperwork if she had to. And because said injury wasn’t life threatening -- although it was extremely inconvenient -- she had quaffed a pain potion to blunt the edge of the agony and finished the bulk of the required paperwork accompanying the arrest before setting out for the hospital. If she timed things right, she’d be able to finagle her appointment into a long lunch -- and if she was very lucky, she’d even have company for said lunch.
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Alice’s eyes lit up when the door to her treatment room opened to admit exactly the familiar face she had been hoping to see. “Healer Rosier, good afternoon,” she said, smiling. “Just the wix I was hoping they would send me.” She indicated the sling holding her wounded wand-arm against her chest and explained, “Bugger caught me between a backfiring Caterwauling Charm and some kind of area-of-effect triggered Reducto. Pretty sure there’s not a single bone below my humerous that isn’t cracked into at least six different pieces.” There was definitely strain in her smile, Alice knew, and tightening the chipper tone of her voice, but she doubted Evan would take that personally. Even with the potion, her arm hurt and he was Healer enough to know it was the pain making her lips tighten and her temples sweat, not any dismay at seeing one of her oldest friends.
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asphodelroot · 2 years
Lily, consider this my reaching out to see if you are feeling any better. You gave me quite the scare. I am taking a brief holiday to sort a few things out and am willing to make a house call if you think one will be necessary. Otherwise, I trust Snape or Emmeline with handling things. - Evan Rosier
Lily waits until her headache passes and her hands don’t shake around her cup of tea before she writes back, so she doesn’t have to lie to a man with more than enough on his plate when she writes
I’m doing much better. Severus has been a stern nurse, making me rest and not allowing me to do anything to strenuous. Really, I think I’m completely in the clear at this point, just a bit tired and needing to catch up on sleep, but he’s enjoying the fussing. (Don’t tell him I said that.)
You’ve certainly earned a holiday. Sev and Emmeline will handle everything, short of perfect without you, but they’ll limp along. Don’t worry about me.
— I hope it’s not too out of order to say Congratulations. I hope you and Theodosia are doing well. I can only imagine how much it all feels, but hopefully it’s a happy feeling in the end. We could all use a little more happiness, these days.
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txlkalots · 2 years
location: the leaky cauldron
date: 4th of july
who: @healerrosier
Lucinda hated this. Having to ask for help, admitting her weak spots. Normally she wasn’t above it -not all Slytherins were prideful, you know- but with the Order it always felt different. Even a year in, she still felt like she was fighting for her spot.
And she had tried on her own. Downtime at work was spent glancing through the books on potions that were strewn around the shop, looking for anything useful that she’d be able to make. And it could probably be useful; only problem with potions were that they were usually best help after an emergency had happened, not during.
She had avoided the healing ward back at headquarters with the excuse that those working there had enough to worry about. They had real problems. But opportunity showed itself when she decided to take her lunch-break outside of the shop. Stepping away from the counter at the Leaky Cauldron with a fresh cup of tea in her hands, Lucinda spotted a familiar healer across the room. Yes, she was probably still disturbing Evan, but at least she wasn’t crashing in on him trying to fix someone up.
“Mind if I join you?” She asked as she stepped up to him, skipping right past ‘hello’s and nodding towards the free chair at the table.
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perniciouspotter · 2 years
Date: June 24th, 1984, just after leaving the Entry Room Location: The Prewett Estate, infirmary  @wrongdeor & @healerrosier
James moved quickly from his argument - possible argument? - with Jones down the corridor to the infirmary. Lily, fuck, Lily. She could be dead. She could be dying. He couldn’t fucking believe that he’d let her end them when he knew it might end up like this between them and they’d be left with nothing but tainted memories. He could’ve had four more months with her. Damn it, Lily.
He was angry and tired and so, so fucking terrified. But he was also keeping his cool, Hestia’s words about how blowing up wouldn’t help him - how Evan wouldn’t let him stay - ringing through his ears. And, by the time he made it to the infirmary, he was almost calm. Almost ready to sit by her bedside and stay out of Rosier’s way.
Until - 
Fucking Severus Snape. As though he was the dragon he’d conjured earlier that morning, James roared with life, a sudden energy renewed in him. Because Snape was standing over Lily’s bedside. Snape was watching her, making sure she had an even rise and fall of her chest. “You!” James snarled, that simmering rage rearing it’s ugly head as he moved over to Severus and yanked on the collar of his shirt, pulling him back, away from Lily. “Get the fuck away from her!”
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theoselwyn · 2 years
Location: Prewett Estate Infirmary
Date: June 24th, 1984, (post plot drop and DE/Order fight at Liverpool
Who: Theo and Evan ( @healerrosier​ )
The battle had been intense. And Theo tended to enjoy fighting. Of course, it was strange fighting against people that were actually on her side. But she would never say no to being able to get some hits on Bellatrix Lestrange without the other being able to actually shout at her. She was also wanting to protect the children. She might have technically been the mastermind behind all of this, but she realistically did not want any children getting hurt. She might have been a monster, but she wasn’t that much of a monster. She was expecting the onslaught that came from the other death eaters. She knew Lestranges would not give a damn about aiming spells at Severus and herself.
Theo might not have quite been expecting the onslaught that she did get. A combination of a nasty severing charm to her chest, and then a good combination of back to back cruciatus curses from Bellatrix had not left Theo in the best state. The adrenaline of wanting to protect Spencer had kept her going, but the moment Theo knew that the family were safe, she practically collapsed into Severus’ arms. Good thing he was there really.
Arriving back into the Prewett Estate, her fellow death eater, half carried Theo to the infirmary, before depositing her unconscious form onto an empty cough. 
Evan Honey, your wifey is home.
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drxmedatonks · 2 years
WHERE: back at HQ WHEN: June 24th, after the mission CLOSED for @healerrosier
She'd held it in. She'd bit her tongue so hard she drew blood, keeping a scream concealed from the scared family in front of her, muffling her sounds to a handful of desperate groans as blood dripped down to her hand and onto the floor. She'd left a trail of dark red droplets on her way to the fireplace. Her vision was hazy, face turning red with the effort to be quiet, her entire body trembling. Gwen helped her limp in the right direction and she was the one who said the words.
As soon as the green flames licked up her feet, she let out the blood-curdling scream that had been stuck in her throat. And she didn't stop, all the way through headquarters, until she was led to Evan.
"Splinch-- splinch-- my elbow--," she choked out, knowing without having to look. When Evan did decide to pull up her sleeve, he would see the trail of blood leading to a missing elbow -- surely left somewhere on the floor of a home in York. The hollowed out chunk of exposed flesh made her arm limp, a heavy weight that dragged itself down. There was pain that shot down to her hand and up to her shoulder, excruciating. She tried to focus on the face of the little girl she'd saved -- younger than Dora, still so much to live. It was useless; she couldn't think of anything but the pulsing agony. Her voice was a whimper when she spoke next. "Help."
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helloxhestia · 2 years
Infirmed Information
Location: Infirmary
Date: June 24th, 1984
Time: Second Hour of the Waiting Period
After Hestia’s meeting with Moody, she’d taken to staring, glassy eyed, over Cresswell’s shoulder at the maps.
This was the hardest part. The waiting. It was near-impossible to take.
Finally, Hestia announced out loud to the group that she was going to check in with the Healing Division, and she stalked out towards the infirmary.
At least it was something to take her mind off the maps.
Hestia opened the door with a rather large flourish, ensuring the team knew she was there.
Once Rosier had registered her presence, she motioned for him to step outside with her for a moment.
Unlike her last meeting, this one would almost certainly be about Rosier’s other teammates. So, Hestia thought it was best to play it safe and bring him outside, if only for a moment.
Once they were both outside the room, Hestia closed the door behind him, leaving it open just a crack. She fussed with her hair for a moment, before diving directly in.
“So, Rosier, how have preparations been running? Any problems, issues, obstacles?”
Her phrasing was vague enough, but after the talk she’d previously had with Regulus Black, Hestia wanted to know whether they’d managed to smooth things over.
She hoped they had.
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theoselwyn · 2 years
When: Morning of 24th June 1984, prior to the teams leaving
Where: Infirmary, Prewett Estate
Who: Theo and Evan ( @healerrosier​ )
Theo was feeling out of sorts. And she didn’t really know why. She’d been feeling a bit iffy for a few weeks, but she was mostly putting it down to the up coming mission. Of course, she had technically planted all the seeds for it. So really she shouldn’t been feeling nervous. But she was feeling a little nauseous. she would’ve gone to see Evan before her team headed out away, but now she actually had a medical reason for being in the infirmary. So at least nobody could moan at them this time. She could still remember the telling off they’d gotten the last time Moody had caught them making out on one of the cots. It was not an experience she wanted to repeat.
“Hi Love.” The brunette murmured, sitting herself down on a cot so that she at least wouldn’t be too much in the way. She figured that he was getting things ready. They had to at least pretend they were being useful for the Order. “Do you have an anti-nausea potion I could have?”
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helloxhestia · 2 years
First Failure
Closed Starter: Evan Rosier
Date: FLASHBACK March 14, 1981
Location: Infirmary “Healing Corner”
Hestia had known this was a mistake.
When the talks had started, when Moody had approached her about “expanding her duties” and Alice had assured her it would be okay, she was made for it, that she’d already proven herself time and time again...
Three years she’d given to this organization. And it had taken her a few months to throw it all away. Head Strategist. The worst joke with the most terrible, most horrible punchline.
Mica was gone.
He’d done what she said, he’d followed the plan, and he. was. gone.
And there was nothing else to be done.
Hestia sat in an armchair that she’d pushed into the farthest corner, anything to create some space for thought and for breath. She’d stayed behind, waiting for Dorcas and Caradoc to get the okay on their injuries. She couldn’t leave. It was late. She couldn’t go home. The debriefing was done, the others were long gone, and Hestia just sat there staring at the sheet-covered figure lying across the room.
She’d nearly forgotten about there was anyone still here, when the Order’s Head Healer reentered the tiny room.
Evan Rosier’s presence was doing nothing to alleviate the pain building in the forefront of Hestia’s. Her former Head Boy had never been anything but borderline infuriating to her for as long as he’d known him, and working in proximity with each other through the Order had done nothing to bridge this gap.
Meetings were brief. Pertinent information was exchanged. Things stayed surface. Things stayed civil. If there was thing thing the two of them knew how to be, it was professional. And before someone had the bright idea to let Hestia plan a mission, the only time they’d see each other is if Hestia needed to inform him of something he missed at a meeting.
But, today, she’d delivered him a body, and she’d had to watch helplessly as Evan Rosier had to clean up the horrifying mess she’d made. 
On any day other than today, Hestia may have felt nothing but embarrassment. She may have felt nothing but the desire to give Rosier the usual cold shoulder, ashamed that she’d allowed an old school age rival get one over on her.
But, today was different in every terrible way she could imagine, and so, instead, Hestia found herself asking Evan Rosier a question, keeping her voice as even as possible.
“Rosier. What went wrong?”
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