#c | e. rosier
centuriesrpg · 2 years
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I'm pretty sure you have stardust
running through those veins
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patrophthia · 2 years
what once was | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader
genre: fluff, barely even there angst, banter!!, academic rivals to lovers!!
word count: 2.6k
originally posted on my wattpad :)
"you look different," he commented with a slight tilt of his head. regulus narrowed his eyes, his gaze roaming carefully around her features. "are you wearing make up?"
"yeah," she replied cooly, a small part of her cheerful that he'd paid enough attention to notice.
his brows furrowed curiously, "why?"
"because i wanted to look pretty." it was clear by his expression that he was clueless; confuse by her retort.
"but you're already pretty."
or two academically driven people maybe, kinda accidentally, falls for one another after being paired up for a project.
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neither [name] nor regulus could recount when their little competition started. perhaps it was during second year where they both joined their respective quidditch teams in hope of one upping the other or, perhaps it was when he earned ten points for slytherin and she couldn't help but add onto his answer just prove she was smarter than him.
it was childish and she knew it. yet, she long grew too accustomed to it for her to stop now.
"amazing job as always miss [l/name]." slughorn praised her, passing her the results for her test. the bright red O on the parchment bringing a large smile to her face, from her left she could hear her desk mate, lana, groan exasperatedly.
"another P," lana frowned, shoving the paper into her book bag. "i swear on salazar's soul if i get another P i'm going to cry."
"so 3 P's straight isn't enough to make you cry yet?" [name] teased her smugly before offering to tutor her friend out only for her to decline, something about wanting to earn her passing grade with her own efforts. "okay then, live your life however you want." she turned from her friend, eyes now following the professor who stood in the back of class; passing parchment upon parchment to waiting students. "although i heard your little slytherin prince is quite smart, wouldn't hurt to ask pretty boy rosier for his help would it?"
"i don't know who you're on about," she replied indifferently.
"you know, from where i'm sitting i get a clear view of his —how you say— deliciousness and if my eyes do not deceive me, i believe pretty boy has gotten an A," [name] said playfully, earning an eye roll from her desk mate.
the man besides the forementioned rosier does not escape her attention, grey eyes staring down at yellow parchment marked with an E. she felt victorious, that was for sure, although it was no surprise to her that she'd done better than him seeing as she'd always been ahead of him on this subject.
his head of ebony locks lifted, his gaze meeting her questioningly resulting in her quickly shifting her attention back to her friend.
"oh you can't be serious lana," she sighed, staring down at her brunette friend who planted her bookbag on the seat that didn't belong to her. "do you know what you're asking of me?"
"i do," she replied, both of her hands firmly holding onto the chair and brown bag combo. "come on, i've already talked to him and you're the one who suggested this!"
"no i didn't, i told you to ask him to tutor you not to fucking partner up on a project that we depend half of our grades on!"
"well don't you think that if i were to partner up with you, i'd only drag you down with me and regulus would finally catch up with you?" she retorted. "i mean, you know i suck at this subject so wouldn't you rather have someone almost as smart as you to work with or fail because me?"
dang it, she's got her there and she knew it. the brunette smiled as rosier approached her side, taking her bookbag off of the chair for him to sit. "now off you go, i'm sure regulus is waiting for you."
with a subtle middle finger to her friend, she turned and made her way towards the back of the class where the younger black brother sat. the bell hasn't rung yet so she took her time, chalking up the courage to go sit besides him as if she wasn't (slightly) intimidated by him. she could see him clearly from a mere feet away from where their table stood.
he looked pretty. he looked pretty with his brows furrowed and lips between his teeth, grey eyes focused on the thick novel in front him.
if she was being honest, she always thought he was rather handsome but the word in itself just didn't described how he looked; pretty was the correct term. he had softer features, softer ways of wording his sentences, softer ways of approaching people and attracting them. he was the type where you'd write love stories about whilst sirius —his flamboyant older brother was the type you'd write heartbreaking tunes to.
there was a huge difference and secretly, she'd hoped he knew that. as much as she hated to admit it, regulus arcturus black was someone she could see herself being in love with. she understood why many girls (and boys) threw themselves at him, he was ambitious with what he wanted; shrewd enough to guess the motives of everyone he's encountered; cunning with his abilities to succeed over every obstacle he'd faced.
he was exactly what slytherin stood for and that was exactly the problem. it wasn't like she hated slytherin or anything of that sort, he was too achievement-oriented to back down from anything she challenged him with - and that angered her. he never gave himself credit for how talented he was. she envied him; envied how he didn't envy her.
"well?" the words surprised her so much that she snapped her eyes into focus, finding the boy who had been occupying her thoughts looking back at her. "are you going to sit or just stand there like an idiot?"
"and what makes you think you're right?"
it seems as though everything was going wrong. [name] and regulus had barely worked together for ten minutes when a row started between the two. draught of the living death was a complicated potion and it certainly doesn't help when your partner's constantly at your throat about whether you were right or wrong.
"because, i am," she argued stubbornly. "what makes you think you're right then?"
"well it says here that we're to stir clockwise twice before adding the sloth brain," he remarked, running a long pale finger over the passage he was adressing. "which i'm pretty sure proves that i'm right."
she looked down to the text book and true to his words the text wrote:
1. Add the Infusion of Wormwood. 2. Add the Powdered Root of Asphodel. 3. Stir twice clockwise. 4. Add the sloth brain. 5. Add the Sopophorous bean's juice. 6. Stir seven times anti-clockwise.
stir twice clockwise. stir twice clockwise. stir twice clockwise. stir twice clockwise. merlin, this is embarrassing.
she looked up, feeling her cheeks flush in shame when she spotted his sly smirk. she cleared her throat, going back to her word with a small mumble of, "i must've misread."
"perhaps you did," he agreed with a smug smile. he could faintly hear her grumble curses under her breath, so, in true black family fashion, regulus asked, "did you say something ma chérie?"
"oh nothing."
"oh," he muttered before turning back to his work, grabbing a copper dagger and preparing to cut up the sopophorous bean they needed to juice. "i thought i heard something."
yeah well, it wasn't like she was going to tell him that if he were to smile at her again she'd knock his stupidly straight teeth out. "must've been the wind."
wordlessly; as if muscle memory, she took the copper dagger from him and handed a silver one instead. not sparing him a single look when she explained, "the sopophorous bean releases more juice when you crush it with a silver dagger."
regulus looked at it skeptically, not sure whether he should as he was told or do it the way he was used to doing it. "just do it so i can get started on the essay," she added after seeing how hesitant he was.
in the end he chose to follow her instructions and just like she said, the sopophorus bean released more juice than they even needed for the potion. he wanted to know where she'd learn that, he really did, but it would mean he had to admit his cluelessness to her and he was way too prideful to do such things.
they worked well together (despite the "you think you're god's gift but you can't even stir seven time anti-clockwise" or the "how are you even a six year when you can't even differentiate there and their?"), she thought, turning in their potion with the promise that she'd submit their essay by monday —the day the essay would be due seeing as tomorrow would be the weekend.
it was the next day when she'd spotted regulus sitting alone in the library, his concentration full on the textbook before him. the pair had made plans to meet and finish their essay as soon as possible, the less time they have to spend tolerating each other the better. she approached his table with a cough; alerting him of her presence, regulus head lifted up.
"you look different," he commented with a slight tilt of his head. regulus narrowed his eyes, his gaze roaming carefully around her features. "are you wearing make up?"
"yeah," she replied cooly, a small part of her cheerful that he'd paid enough attention to notice.
his brows furrowed curiously, "why?"
"because i wanted to look pretty." it was clear by his expression that he was clueless; confuse by her retort.
"but you're already pretty."
was that a compliment? did he-? now how does one reply to their (self sworn) rival admitting that they thought of them as attractive. "well i wanted to look prettier."
"hmm." he nodded, dropping the topic and began, once more, focusing his attention towards his large textbook.
they had both gotten O on their partnered project; slughorn was so ecstatic to know that they'd work together (his two favorite students although he won't ever admit it) that he's assigned them as partners for the rest of year.
she hated the idea then and she hated it now, working with regulus was a frustrating process since he always believed he was right (and she, herself, had also thought that she was also right). their —how you say— team work was disastrous. with it beginning with some (somewhat) calm and collected brain storming, and ending with a screaming match about who was more intellectually sophisticated.
she was tolerating him and that was all it is regardless to how she felt her cheeks heat up when his stupid, stupid, stupid mouth spit out snappy remarks that was always followed by an endearing petname.
they worked together and that was it.
so imagine her surprise when regulus promptly took a seat besides her's in history of magic. he kept a straight face, staring at the board before him when she peered at him with confusion. before she could even ask him why he sat where he sat, the slytherin supplied, "i'm being forced to work with you again."
that had her raking her brain for any memory of lana begging her to switch partners once more for history of magics and surely enough, the brunette had never asked such thing. the girl didn't even need help on this subject, hell, she excelled at it.
"i don't uhm-" she stopped, trying to form the correct sentence to say."-i don't think so."
"well i wanted to work with you," he confessed bluntly, turning to look at her. "you could've just asked," she replied. "would you have agreed to work with me?"
"no- probably not." she muttered, agreeing with his assumption. "you know if i didn't know any better i'd think you actually liked me."
"please [l/name], you know no better than a two year old," he retorted. there was an air of playfulness as they talked; their retorts lighthearted compared to how hostile it used to be.
"big words for the sulking man who's begging for my help," she remarked as other students started piling in. regulus frowned, mumbling on about how, "i do not sulk." to which she replied with a simple, "yes you do." as the class started.
it was late and [name] was tired (so is regulus based off of her assumption, the boy looked more tired than he usually does). they had lost track of time trying to find articles that would support their joint essay on the goblins and whatever her brain was too mushy to remember.
it was a surprise that both of them were still awake, having worked themself into exhaustion only to find not two but one, ONE, article about the so and so topic they had to write a five parchment long essay on. the faiths were playing against them on this one.
"I'VE GOT SOMETHING!" she exclaimed with a surge of energy that was provided with the hopes that they'd be done with this tiring work soon. "blow me," regulus replied, from his seat. she hurried over, excitedly settling by his side bursting into his personal bubble in a way that her fully awake self would never allow herself to be, muttering something along the line of, "bet you'd like that wouldn't you."
regulus scoffed, a lazy -nay tired smile on his lips. "just tell me what you found."
"okay so, we've already know that goblins are a highly intelligent race of small magical humanoid beings with long fingers and feet that coexisted with the wizarding world but did you know that they're native to europe and north america?"
"uh- no i did not?" he was tired, but not tired enough to not humor her. "anything else you've got darling?"
"yes! the average height of an adult is forty eight inches." it was then did she actually realize how close they were, she could even feel his breath on her cheeks. "i'm really close to your face right now."
"you are," he confirmed with the same vagueness he'd use when he told her he'd thought of her as pretty (in his own, weird way commenting way). "and what are you going to do about it?"
"i don't i uhm-" she stopped, unable to focus on her words properly. damn him and his disgustingly pretty grey eyes. "i-"
there was something about being kissed by your (self sworn) academic rival that just brought you butterflies. she really shouldn't have been shocked about how soft, sweet, and gentle the kiss was, seeing how she'd once describe him as being the softer black brother but it still took her by surprise nonetheless.
they pulled away, awkwardly turning back to their works before regulus cleared his throat, "hogsmeade err- do you want to-"
"cool," he nodded, his hand sliding down to find her's, initiating contact which she returned by intertwining their hands and began, once more, focusing their attention towards on their tedious essay.
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—from bee: i love regulus black,, and thank you so much for the notes/reblogs they’re always so kind and it makes me so happy so thank you!!
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the-desilittle-bird · 2 years
Author's Note- A random idea but I think it became quite more angst-y than I had wished it to be but please bear it.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
The Fate Awaits
Albus Dumbledore x Sister!Reader,
Gellert Grindelwald x Wife!Reader
Part 1 ☆ Part 2
Tag List- @shopping, @strangesthirdeye, @omgsuperstarg, @killing-gremlin, @narcy, @blackhoodlea
GIF Credits to @suddenlyrise
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"A hungry stomach, an empty wallet and a broken heart can teach you the best lessons of life"
- Robin William
Gellert Grindelwald always did what he want. He never asked for anyone's opinion, not even his own wife's some times. It was his nature, something none minded, neither his followers nor his wife, but everything has a limit.
(Y/N) had always believed that her husband would be loyal to her, but that imagination of hers had came shattering down when Queenie had whispered in her ears a warning of betrayal.
(Y/N) had thought nothing of it at that time, dismissing it as a mere thought of Vinda Rosier, a loyal follower of her husband, but that sweet ignorance of hers was thrown out when she heard her husband and that French witch whispering sweet nothings and engaging in passionate kisses.
Suddenly, (Y/N) understood that she was no love of Gellert's but only a pawn in his schemes against her dear brother, Albus. She was there just so Albus would do no harm to Gellert, especially after the blood pact was broken.
(Y/N) felt her heart was squeezed out of her and smashed against the cold walls of Nurmengard. She wished to point her wand at her husband and say the two words needed to kill a anyone, but she was weak. Her heart made her weak.
So, she did what she knew will help her. She send an anonymous owl to her brother and asked him to meet at a muggle cafe. She knew Albus would come to the cafe, always ready to help those in needs.
She only wished that he had forgiven him for her betrayal to her family. It was Karma, truthfully. She had betrayed her family, her siblings for a boy she knew for only an year and that man betrayed her for a loyal lady follower of his.
Her hands shook in her pocket as the cafe came into the view. A man sat on the chair outside it, a hat on his head, a book in hand. Glancing around once in a while as if he was waiting for someone. Albus.
The mere thought of his disappointed face when he finds out it was her who had owled him made (Y/N)'s stomach churn.
She lightly tapped Albus on his shoulder, making him stand up in haste and turn, but the time stopped as he looked who stood in front of him. (Y/N) turned her gaze down, not ready to see her favorite brother's face turn in disgust.
"(Y/N)?" Albus asked, still not able to believe his eyes. She had left all those years ago with Gellert after Ariana's death and he was yet to catch a look of her grown self until now.
"It's really you," (Y/N) sweared she could almost imagine her brother sporting his casual kind smile, she could hear it in his tone. Hesitantly, she looked up, locking gaze with his sapphire eyes.
"You don't know how happy I am to see you, sister," Albus pulled her into a hug, startling (Y/N) a bit. She hadn't expected that, but she hugged him nevertheless, snuggling into him and taking in his scent.
Memories of their childhood rewinding in her head. The times when Albus and her used to sit in the Hogwarts library with their noses buried deep in separate books, occasionally glancing at each other and sometimes, making funny faces to distract the other.
Tears brimmed up in (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes as she clutched to Albus. Albus placed his hand gently on her head, caressing her hair in a way to provide comfort.
He knew living and being with Gellert is a difficult situation and to do it for so many years without any mental support must be a next to impossible task.
"(Y/N)," Albus voice was the only thing she needed to break. Barriers after barriers collapsing, leaving behind a shaking, trembling (Y/N). Albus hushed her, carefully kneeling down on the concrete road, a latched (Y/N) weeping on his shoulder.
"What happened, sister?" Albus asked, once (Y/N)'s cries had became quieter. (Y/N) closed her eyes, Queenie's warning echoing in her head.
There is something in Vinda's thoughts; a grave betrayal in marriage.
"He isn't loyal." (Y/N) knew this for a while now but to say these words from her own mouth was like a stab to her beating heart. Albus' grip on (Y/N)'s waist tightened, his gaze focused on her face.
"Who is the lady?" He asked softly, though his face was stone hard. "Vinda Rosier," his sister whispered, placing her head against his chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat. "You don't need to go back."
(Y/N) wished this was a choice for her, but both of them knew that this couldn't be possible. Gellert would destroy the whole world to find her. They knew what he was capable of; the whole Wizarding population knew.
"Lying isn't a great virtue of yours, brother," (Y/N) said with a sad smile, lifting her head to look at him. Albus reciprocated her smile, his mind going back to the times when they used to run around Godric's Hollow to hide from their mother after they pulled a prank or stole some cookies from the jar.
Albus saw how (Y/N) had matured. A naive, careless girl with great potential for goodness turned into a mature, married lady being manipulated by her own husband to cause destruction. A broken lady with a broken heart.
"What do you want be to do?" Albus asked, swallowing down the lump forming in his throat. He saw (Y/N) looking through her the corner of her eyes at someone on the other end of the street.
"My time is short, brother. Gellert will be aware I met you once I reach Nurmengard," (Y/N)'s voice was brave and quiet, she accepted what was coming towards her. She looked at Albus with a small smile.
(Y/N) silently placed a small piece of paper in Albus' coat's pocket. "With the blood pact gone, you can fight him, Albus." Albus nodded, wanting for (Y/N) to continue. "Do it for me. Don't kill him but fight him, win over him."
Albus gulped, chewing on his lower lip as he looked at his younger sister. He knew (Y/N) would never want anything bad happening to Gellert, no matter how much hurt she is.
"Will you do it for me?" She asked, standing up and wiping her tears with the back of her coat sleeve. Albus stood up as well, studying his sister for any hint of hesitation but found none.
(Y/N) could see the hesitation in Albus' eyes. She knew of the brief romance her brother and husband had shared and truthfully, she had no issue with that. But now, with Gellert growing stronger day-by-day, he needed to be stopped and only Albus could do that.
"For me, Albus. For Ariana," (Y/N) whispered, placing her hands comfortingly on his intertwined ones. Albus looked up, frowning slightly before nodding. "I will, (Y/N). For you, for Ariana, for Credence. For our family," Albus promised.
The witch smiled a bit at the mention of her nephew. "How is Credence, now?" She asked. "He is doing fair. Learning about our family and it's history. He speaks highly of you, about how you were there for him when Gellert mentally tortured him," Albus said, placing his hand on her upper arm.
"I never got to be a mother, myself, brother. I and Gellert... we never really had any intimacy. But with Credence, I always felt the need to protect him; care for him."
Albus smiled sadly at her. He knew of her wish to be a mother. She always had talked about how she wished for a husband who cared for her. A huge family with children of her own.
"You deserved better, (Y/N)," Albus stated, making (Y/N) shake her head in denial. "This is the path I have chosen, brother. But now, it lies upon you on what path you must choose."
(Y/N)'s eyes lingered on the pocket she had slipped the paper in before returning her gaze back to Albus. She smiled widely, hugging him once before trying to step back but Albus grabbed her hand.
"Don't go, (Y/N). I and Aberforth, we will keep you safe; away from him," Albus pleaded, almost desperate to have his sister back. "The fate awaits for us, brother, and we must not cower away from it," (Y/N) said, lightly freeing herself from Albus' hand and stepping away from him.
Eyes glimmering with tears yet a brave smile on her face. The sight broke Albus' heart into thousands pieces. He had lost one sister when he was young and now, he had lost his only sister; the closest sibling to his heart.
"Thank you, brother, for everything. I love you all a lot. Tell Aberforth, I apologize," she whispered, turning around and making her way to the empty alleyway nearby, ready to face whatsoever waited for her in Nurmengard.
Albus glanced in the way (Y/N) had before, realizing she was seen by someone of Gellert's followers. He turned and grabbed his book, apparating back to Godric's Hollow.
His hand went to the piece of paper. Unfolding the paper, his sister's clean handwriting greeted him. An address written in neat, cursive manner, along with a date.
Dawn, 2nd of November, 1945.
Albus noticed his tears only when it fell on the paper, smudging the ink. He looked up from the paper, glancing at the photo frame which held his family's last photograph together.
In front of his eyes floated the image of a smiling Ariana squeezed between (Y/N) and Aberforth. A grining Albus just behind an equally grining (Y/N).
The paper crumpled in Albus' fist as he took in the sight of his smiling sisters. His family was ruined by Gellert and all of them knew it. His youngest sister was killed in a duel between them and his other sister's innocence was tainted by that very man.
He knew he would do anything for them. To avenge them, to avenge his family. He knew he had to do it, for his remaining family and for the world. For the greater good.
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(Y/N) apparated back to Nurmengard, to her room to find a figure sitting calmly in the corner in the black armchair which was always occupied by Gellert.
Ignoring the figure, she shifted out of her coat, placing it neatly on the coat hanger, placing her scarf beside it.
"How was your meeting with Albus, love?" A smooth voice asked, sending a shiver down her spine. From the corner of her eyes she saw him shift, standing up and making his way towards her silently. A snake.
Deciding not to answer his question, (Y/N) moved to the vanity, undoing her plait. "I ask you something," Gellert stated, grabbing her by her elbow and turning her around to face him.
His face was stoic, as always it was. No hint of anger or frustration but it was in his eyes, in his voice. It was in his behavior that he was angry, beyond angry.
"I am not aware of what you speak of, husband," (Y/N) said, bravely staring back at him, staring back at her own death-bringer. "Surely you don't," he sneered and she could almost feel him move against her, pulling out the Elder Wand.
"You cheated on me," she stated painfully, making Gellert tilt his head amusingly. "Yes, I did," he replied back, as if it was nothing. As if he had done nothing wrong. "Why?" (Y/N) could do nothing but wonder where she went wrong.
"None of your business." The tip of Elder wand touched her chin, tilting her head up. "Do it," she said softly, cupping his hand in her, dragging the wand to rest on her heart.
"Do it, Gellert. Release me of this pain, but remember, your time is short as it is mine." The green light of the spell disappeared as (Y/N)'s body was jerked back, lifeless, as it laid against the vanity.
Unknowingly, (Y/N) had written down Gellert's fate along with Albus'.
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chibipwincess · 7 months
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Outfit by Bonnie - Su-Jin Outfit @Equal10
────── °.  「 e x t r a ◦ i n f o r m a t i o n 」 .° ──────
── G e n e t i c s
‣ Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Head 3.1 .
‣ Shape: . Yubbi . // Personal Shape .
‣Skin: Heaux.
‣ Eyes: A r t e.
‣ Blush: Cake Inc. + [Utopia]
‣ Body: eBODY - REBORN + Waifu BOOBS
‣ Hair: bonbon - lain hair
── N o t ◦ s p o n s o r s
Hairpiece: {Rosier} / Dia Ribbon / FATPACK
Glasses: VCO - Love baby Glasses / Normal
Choker: Kibitz - Faith's necklace set
Jewelry: =DAE=
Pantyhose: rotten {hunted hosiery} high waisted [ADD]
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
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I'm afraid to inform you all that Megs (@greenmegsnoham) is not a human person, but a m a c h i n e.
Just kidding, but you probably believed me for a second there. What Megs actually is is the pure personification of Virgo, running laps around the rest of us mere mortals.
This lady writes fic, records podfic, records a podcast, makes art, runs various Discord servers, runs various fandom fests, and somehow finds the time to read and comment?? She is super openminded and openhearted. She is encouraging to others. She is creative, hilarious, and helpful. All of this in fandom spaces alone, but she also has like...a real life?? Outside of this?? How, though?
And even though real life has been kicking her tail of late, she was still making stuff happen????
Not to mention, my first podcast I was featured on was because of Megs reaching out to me! And her presence in the same episode helped me stay calm and sane. We've done multiple episodes together on both Snape Chat and her own podcast, Care of Magical Shippers. She is such a blast to chat with, and listen to. And I have to credit her big time with me opening up to new opportunities and trying new things, however scary they were. And her always being such a rock through it all.
And I'm not the only person she's positively impacted. The communities she's built have been so important for so many people, making connections and building friendships and finding support and encouragement, from people all across the HP fandom. And other fandoms, now! Multi-shipper, multi-fandom, multi-talented QUEEN.)
Anyway, Megs is a big ole rockstar and I love her to death.
Exceeds Expectations
James/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 12,000. Underage. Crack treated seriously. Minor Jegulus. Minor Snegulus. Himbo James. Size difference. Enemies to lovers. Love/hate. Jealousy. Top/bottom stereotypes. Light dom/sub. Call Me Daddy Fest 2023.
No one understood.
Yes, James was tall, fit, and a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He was handsome and extremely popular, it was just always the wrong sort of attention he desired. He knew he gave off those fuckboy vibes. One look at James, and he was clearly ready to pummel them into the ground. And that's precisely what he did, again and again, but it wasn't enough. It never would be. No one looked at James and thought, 'Damn, I'd love to wreck that arse.'
Once. Just once. Was that too much to bloody ask?!
James Potter just wants to be bred.
Wait For Me
Albus Severus/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 85,000. Underage. Unrequited love. Denial of feelings. Mutual pining. Slow burn. Time skips. Secret relationship. Drama & romance. Past relationships. Background relationships. Some Drarry, endgame Dralbus. Next Gen Fest 2022.
Draco had always believed that Harry had been the one that got away. His one great love—his best friend. He had tried to let go, to find that love in another. But he had failed. He'd accepted his fate—if he couldn't have Harry in that way, just having Harry in his life could be enough. 
Despite his unrequited love, Draco’s life had changed for the better in so many ways. But nothing had changed him more than holding Harry's son in his arms—darling little Albus. That day, he became the most important person in the world to Draco. 
Watching the boy grow into the brilliant and determined young man had been a treasure, as tumultuous as it was. Be it teenage angst or failed relationships, Draco had always been there to pick up the pieces for his boy. 
Even when his feelings took a turn for the unexpected, Draco wouldn't trade their journey for the world. 
Not when his great love had been there all along—waiting for him.
30 years of thirsty pining for a Potter.
Worship Thy Master
Tom/Abraxas. Tom/Avery. Tom/Mulciber. Tom/Lestrange. Tom/Nott. Tom/Rosier. Underage. Pillow princess Tom. Body worship. Denial of feelings. Slither In Fest 2022.
It's their last year at Hogwarts, and everyone is tense about passing their N.E.W.T.s. Tom isn't, and he has an excellent idea as to how he can help his fellow year mates destress.
Tom gets ALLS the dick and refuses to fall in love. Because he's Tom.
Care of Magical Shippers (Host)
Ep. 13 | Snotterly (James/Lily/Severus)
Ep 30 | Fleurmione (Fleur/Hermione)
Ep 35 | Snaco (Draco/Severus)
Snape Chat (Guest)
Ep 5 | Cokeworth
Ep 7 | Snape Lives!
ProtegoCast (Guest)
S3E3 | Vegan Dating and Relationships
For You
written by bisexualronaldweasley, narrated by Megs. Draco/Harry. Rated: T. Length: 2 minutes. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Loneliness. Blood & injury.
It was the stack of newspapers shoved against the front door. It was the stove, cold and forgotten. It was the creaks of the old house. It was the unused Floo powder, sitting in jars on the mantle. It was the Owls that took off every day and never returned with replies. 
One week without him, and you were ruined.
Don't Fuck With Florists (They'll Fuck You Up)
written by MayMarlow, narrated by Megs. Harry/Tom. Rated: T. WIP. Time travel. Fix it fic.
Unsatisfied with his post-war life, Harry decides to get to the root of all of his problems when that root was still working at Borgin and Burkes shop in the late 40s. He’s the Master of Death, damn it, he can do what he wants for once in his life.
Tom Riddle isn’t particularly happy about working at a small, dingy shop for magical artefacts, no matter how interesting those artefacts are. He’s even less happy when an insufferable stranger sets up the most obnoxious flower shop right across the street.
What follows would be a romantic comedy, if it weren’t for politics.
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
world building wednesday for cassia
full name: Cassia Alice Potter (raised as Cassia Lily Evans/Snape)
gender: Female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Harry Potter (twin brother), Lily & James Potter (parents), Severus Snape (guardian), Remus Lupin (godfather), Alice Longbottom (godmother), Petunia Dursley (aunt), Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy (not-godparents), Draco Malfoy (betrothed), Sirius Black (uncle), Verona Rosier (honorary aunt)
birthplace: Godric's Hollow, England
job: student, future potions mistress, future lawyer
phobias: drowning, losing Harry, Snape, dementors, voldemort, spiders (fear, not sure if it's phobia level like Ron is)
guilty pleasures: muggle books & movies, particularly fairytales
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Cassia x Dimitri
ot3: Cassia x Dimitri x Draco
brotp: Cassia & Harry always always always
notp: Cassia x Snape
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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applexscruff · 1 year
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Dance Of Death
Sponsored by: The WareHouse Sale I Eerie x Violence
C R E D I T S:
Find all things i’m wearing by clicking [x]
◉ W e a r i n g
- Head & Makeup
Lelutka - Avalon Head [x]
Heaux - Anya Skin @The WareHouse Sale [x]
VCO - Sarina Hair @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Reverie - Mizyu Eyebrows [x]
Rosier - Cruci Eyes [x]
Eerie - Star Eyeshadow [x]
Dazed - The Crush Tongue @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Lilithe - Zisa Tattoo @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Clover - Lelutka Fantasy Ear Deformer [x]
Momochuu - Sian Wolf Teeth [x]
- Body & Clothes
Legacy - Perky Body [x]
Rosier - Rosia Outfit @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Dappa - Salem Tattoo [x]
Aii - Demonic Touch Fingers [x]
Iicing - Finger Blush & Bandaids [x]
Dazed - Nylon Ripped Stockings [x]
- Accessories
Rosier - Rika Eyepatch I Strangle Spirit & Cheeks Heart Dimples [x]
Suicidal Unborn - Piercing Set 03 / Nose [x]
- Backdrop
K&S - Eternal Veil @ Midnight Order [x]
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entomoblog · 5 days
Pourquoi les roses ont des épines ? | INRAE
See on Scoop.it - Les Colocs du jardin
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE - Les aiguillons, nommés à tort « épines » pour les rosiers, sont apparus chez diverses variétés de plantes au cours de centaines de millions d’années d’évolution. Un consortium international de recherche, mené par le Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory aux États-Unis et impliquant INRAE, a découvert le gène à l’origine de la présence des aiguillons chez différents genres de plantes, dont les rosiers. Ces résultats, publiés le 01 août dans la revue Science, montrent l’existence d’un programme génétique commun à l’origine des aiguillons.
  Publié le 02 août 2024
  "Les rosiers ne sont en réalité pas pourvus d’épines mais d’aiguillons, qui sont des excroissances latérales de l’épiderme, que l’on retrouve notamment chez les aubergines.
  Contrairement aux épines qui sont des tiges ou feuilles modifiées, les aiguillons peuvent être détachés sans déchirer les fibres de la plante. Au cours de 400 millions d’années d’évolution, de nombreuses familles de plantes éloignées ont développé de manière convergente des aiguillons. Ces excroissances présentent de nombreux avantages pour ces plantes car elles leur permettent de décourager les herbivores, de retenir et absorber l’eau atmosphérique, ou encore de soutenir la croissance des plantes grimpantes."
Satterlee J.W., Alonso D., Gramazio P. et al. (2024).
  Convergent evolution of plant prickles by repeated gene co-option over deep time. Science, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ado1663
Traduction (début du résumé)
  Des pressions environnementales partagées peuvent conduire à des adaptations similaires parmi les organismes. Lorsque ces adaptations se produisent indépendamment dans des lignées non apparentées, on dit que les caractères sont apparus par évolution convergente. Par exemple, les ailes des oiseaux, des chauves-souris et des insectes sont des adaptations au vol, mais chacune d'entre elles a évolué indépendamment (c'est-à-dire de manière convergente) à partir d'espèces ancestrales dépourvues d'ailes. La convergence phénotypique entre des lignées étroitement apparentées est plus susceptible d'utiliser des programmes génétiques similaires. Toutefois, on ne sait pas exactement dans quelle mesure la répétabilité génétique est maintenue dans des lignées de plus en plus divergentes.
  Les saillies acérées de l'épiderme connues sous le nom d'aiguillons ont évolué de manière convergente à de nombreuses reprises au cours de l'évolution des plantes. Bien que les aiguillons soient de puissants moyens de dissuasion pour les herbivores, ils rendent difficile la culture des plantes agricoles. La perte des épines fait donc partie du syndrome de domestication des espèces issues de parents sauvages à épines. Ces pertes fortuites associées à la culture permettent de comprendre si un programme génétique commun est à l'origine de cas répandus d'adaptation convergente. Dans le genre Solanum, qui comprend des modèles génétiques tels que la tomate et l'aubergine, près de la moitié des espèces du genre portent des épines, y compris les parents sauvages et les progéniteurs des aubergines cultivées.
  Traduit avec DeepL.com (version gratuite)
  Image : Genetic convergence underlies plant prickle development.
(A and B) Motivating question (A) and trait system (B). (C to E) Mapping of prickleless (pl) revealed PL to be a LOG cytokinin biosynthetic gene (C), with homologs responsible for prickle losses across the Solanum (D) as well as in distantly related vascular plant lineages (E). (F) Demonstrated strategy to predictably eliminate prickles through genome editing without apparent pleiotropy. Chr, chromosome; My, million years; Mya, million years ago; WT, wild-type.
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homenum-reveliorpg · 2 months
Sweety as Juve W. Selwyn
Stxrmsong as Hugo C. Weasley
Everlasting as E. Thomas Fawley
Lilium as Lily L. Potter & Aeryn S. Weasley
2004. a. Hermione Granger es escogida como Ministra de Magia. b. El Wizengamot discute, por primera vez, la Ley de Protección a Mestizos y Criaturas Mágicas. No es aprobada. c. Una crisis económica y social, azotará Inglaterra obligando a la Ministra de Magia a pedir ayuda a Estados Unidos. El MACUSA otorgará su auxilio como muestra de lealtad a Granger. d. Inicio de las obras para la re-apertura de Hogwarts.
2005. a. Se discute, por segunda vez, la Ley de Protección a Mestizos y Criaturas Mágicas. Es aprobada con algunos cambios. b. Re-apertura de Hogwarts. c. Incentivo económico para el turismo y gastronomía de Hogsmeade. d. Apertura del comercio internacional con países del continente europeo y asiático tras la crisis.
2006. a. La primera generación de semi-criaturas, inicia curso en Hogwarts. b. Se amplía la currícula y se asignan nuevos profesores para cumplir con los horarios establecidos. Incorporación de asignaturas relacionadas a los derechos de las criaturas mágicas, gente mágica y tecnología, medicina y culturas muggles. c. Primeros partidos de la Selección Nacional de Quiddicht de Inglaterra. d. Inicio de los Juicios contra aliados de Lord Voldemort.
2010. a. Se crea el Departamento de Derechos y Protección de las Criaturas, Semi-Criaturas y Personas Mágicas bajo dirección de Rolf Scamander. b. Las celdas en Azkaban son reforzadas; se retiran a los Dementores de los límites de la cárcel.
2012. a. Segundo mandato de Hermione Granger como Ministra de Magia de Inglaterra. b. Segunda ronda de Juicios del Wizengamot contra aliados de Lord Voldemort.
2013. Graduación de la primera generación de criaturas mestizas de Hogwarts 2022. Juicio contra Ares Selwyn por comercio ilegal de hierbas mágicas. 2030. Primer licántropo que alcanza un puesto de poder en el Ministerio de Magia: Jefe del Departamento de Cooperación Mágica Internacional. Esto llama la atención de varios países europeos quienes ven con buenos ojos este cambio ideológico. 2035. a. Hermione Granger es, formalmente, secretaria de la sección europea de la Confederación Internacional de Magos. b. Albus Severus Potter, es formalmente el Jefe de Sanadores en San Mungo. 2037. a. Alice II Longbottom es ascendida a Jefa de la tercera planta en San Mungo. b. Olive Dumont, es ascendida a profesora de Encantamientos en Hogwarts. c. Thomas Fawley es nombrado el líder del Escuadrón 57 de Aurores tras varias misiones exitosas.
2044. a. Juve Selwyn es elegida como sucesora de Hermione Granger. b. Evangeline Burke orquesta una rebelión en contra de la nueva Ministra de Magia. Su aliada, Poppy McLaggen, encuentra copias legales de papeles de propiedad de los terrenos de Selwyn. c. Inicio de las protestas frente a la escasez de medicinas. d. Hermione Granger intenta tratar el tema en la Confederación Internacional de Magos.
2045. a. En un juicio abreviado, Juve Selwyn es hallada culpable del comercio ilegal de hierbas mágicas, de lavado de dinero y de trata de criaturas mágicas. Es llevada a Azkaban y se convocan a nuevas elecciones. b. Ares Selwyn, quien es culpable de esos crímenes, huye a Hungría. c. Poppy McLaggen, es escogida como la nueva Ministra de Magia de Inglaterra por mano de Evangeline Burke. d. Wilhemina Rosier, comienza sus experimentos con magia oscura.
2047. a. Thomas Fawley, descubre el paradero de Wilhemina Rosier y de Evangeline Burke. Esto lo lleva a ser ascendido como Jefe de Aurores, además del Líder del Escuadrón 57. b. Inicio de negociaciones entre Hugo Weasley y Wilhemina Rosier por los faltantes en hierbas mágicas.
2048. a. Hugo Weasley finalmente, y por voluntad propia, se une a Wilhemina Rosier. Esto ocasiona una ruptura en su matrimonio con Juve Selwyn y en la relación tan cercana con su prima, Lily Luna Potter. b. Olive Dumont es ascendida a Jefa de la Casa de Hufflepuff, en Hogwarts.
2049. a. Hugo Weasley orquesta un atentado en contra del Ministerio de Magia para obtener un pedido de Wilhemina Rosier. Veinte personas fallecieron esa jornada, incluyendo a Rose Weasley.
2050. a. Hugo Weasley asesina a Wilhemina Rosier en la residencia de Polonia; se hace con su cuaderno y regresa a Inglaterra. Estas notas son entregadas a Juve Selwyn. b. Evangeline Burke comienza un nuevo bloqueo de hierbas mágicas; esta vez, no solo a Inglaterra sino también, a Europa. Esta situación, acelera las elecciones en varios países. c. Juicios del Wizengamot contra Hugo Weasley por los crímenes cometidos. Se anula su cargo como Auror y se rompe su varita.
2051. a. Hugo Weasley es hallado muerto en su celda de Azkaban. Se investigan las causas de su muerte y se descubre que Evangeline Burke estuvo con él, unas horas antes de su fallecimiento. b. Olive Dumont, es elegida como Directora de Hogwarts por votación unánime en el Concejo Estudiantil.
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lo-nuong-rosieres · 2 months
Lò nướng nhiệt phân Rosieres RF697ZIN/E | Giá: 26.320.000 ₫ (giảm 20%)
Mua Lò nướng nhiệt phân Rosieres RF697ZIN/E giá bao nhiêu rẻ nhất? Tại BEPROYAL đang giảm giá 20% chỉ còn 26.320.000 ₫. Hàng chính hãng Nhập khẩu Pháp (made in France). Thiết bị nhà bếp ROYAL là đại lý uy tín 12 năm, chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm của Hãng Rosieres. Giao hàng nhanh, hỗ trợ lắp đặt ở Hà Nội và toàn quốc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm
– Model: RF697ZIN/E_SUBLIME. – Nhà sản xuất: Rosières Pháp. – Sản phẩm: Lò nướng nhiệt phân 9 chức năng. – Chức năng đặc biệt: Nhiệt Phân – làm sạch tự động ở nhiệt độ 500 độ C. – Lò nướng đa năng dòng cao cấp SUBLIME. – Màn hình hiển thị kĩ thuật số. – 6 chế độ cài đặt: Im lặng, cài đặt thời gian, thời gian nấu, kết thúc nấu, hẹn giờ, khóa trẻ em. – 9 chức năng: + Đèn. + rã đông. + giữ ấm. + nướng 2 mặt. + nướng toàn khoang kết hợp quạt (nướng đối lưu). + nướng mặt dưới kết hợp quạt, + nướng mặt trên kết hợp quạt. + nướng xiên quay. + làm sạch lò bằng nhiệt phân. – Tính năng đặc biệt: Làm sạch lò bằng nhiệt phân 500 độ C. – Phụ kiện lò: 2 vỉ nướng, 1 khay nướng, 1 xiên nướng, 2 ray trượt. – Lớp kính cửa: 3 lớp trong + 1 lớp nổi (kính đen). – Dung tích: 70 lit. – Công suất điện: 3400w. – KT lò (DxRxC) 595x567x595mm. – KT âm tủ (DxRxC) 560x560x600mm. Bảo hành: 24 tháng (2 năm).
Xem thêm Lò nướng Rosieres nhập khẩu
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lifeaschoi · 5 months
SOTD.! ♥ ft. QUEENZ | .000173
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● Head | LeLutka | Ceylon
● Body | eBody | Reborn
● Skin | Sculptist | Keana | Body | Sunbathe
● S P E C I A L . F E A T U R E ● | Queenz | Cabo Chain Kini | Queenz | Cabo Coverup
| Jaii$ | Mermaid | $NT | Coming Up Roses | Rosier | Kirie Ribbon | RAWR | Tease Harness | Ryvolter | Becky Rockstud Tote | Majesty | Cuban Link Anklet
| EarthStones | Pear Drop Anklet
● Details
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
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wepurge-rpg · 10 months
cuántos personajes tiene la admin de Homenum Revelio? | Depende de a qué admin te refieras, si a la fundadora o a los otros dos miembros del staff.
La fundadora tiene, hasta donde sé, 23 personajes (Rose H. Weasley, Albus S. Potter, Marnie Morven Weiss, Kit M. Strauss. Romola K. Westenberg, Heath T. Parkinson, Emma G. Flint, Thornton G. Remington, Billie Magnolia Rosier, Alice H. Longbottom, Nicté A. García, McAfee R. Dearing, Pansy T. Parkinson, Draco L. Malfoy, Benjamin Strauss, Cordé J. Higgs, E. Melancton Weiss, G. Knox Cattermole, Josie P. Nott, Kate D. Scrimgeour, Logan S. King, Markus D. Vorhees y V. Lukas Wood).
Después, la user de Gaïa tiene, también que yo sepa, 19 (Gaïa A. Greengrass, Lysander A. Scamander, William O. Weiss, Fabian D. Heighes, Beth S. Dangerfield, James S. Potter, Scorpius H. Malfoy, Ursa M. Rhodes, A. Calliope Hastings, Faith A. Appleton, Harry J. Potter, Jack Strauss, Neville H. Longbottom, T. Holden Steelworth, Marianne C. Macmillan, Molly A. Weasley, Sasil C. García, Gideon O. Wood y A. Moira Diggory)
Y, por último, la otra admin tiene menos que ellas dos (Astra M. Mayfair, Nik A. Owens, Mina H. Bishop, Johannes A. Proctor, Terrance A. Fawley, Delairea T. Parkinson y C. Everett Diggory.)
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chibipwincess · 8 months
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Bloomer by Insomnia Angel . cotton bloomer  @TheWarehouseSale
────── °.  「 e x t r a ◦ i n f o r m a t i o n 」 .° ──────
── G e n e t i c s
‣ Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Head 3.1 .
‣ Shape: . Yubbi . // Personal Shape .
‣Skin: Heaux.
‣ Eyes: A r t e.
‣ Blush: Cake Inc. + [Utopia]
‣ Body: eBODY - REBORN
‣ Hair: [KRR] Mako Hair (FATPACK) (unpacked)
── N o t ◦ s p o n s o r s
Bonnet: {Rosier} / Noelle Bonnet (FATPACK) (unpacked)
Cuffs: Insomnia Angel . sweetness gacha - cuffs [pure]
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sakuravulpes · 1 year
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✎ ( sponsor ღ Planet29 ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [MDN]Enigmatic Lovewisp Choker-Fatpack ★⸝⸝ {Rosier} / Padded Heart Garter / MAZE Thighs (FAT)
ღ A new round for the event is here! And you will find the amazing items I'm wearing, the choker is so beautiful! It's unrigged so you can make it fit any body and the fatpack comes with a hud to mix and match. Rosier's new garters are for Maze only, and they look stunning.
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ DollHolic ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ / Null / eye - 21 / boxed / fatpack
ღ The new eye pack from Null looks gorgeous, I love the vibrant colors! You can see a super close look in the comments and blog.
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Ayashi ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [^.^Ayashi^.^] Ayasaki hair-Exclusive @ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ
ღ Another piece of art by Ayashi, the exclusive pack is just wow! It comes with all the versions of the hair, huds and a special exclusive hud for styles and more ombre colors!
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ ERSCH ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ :[P&E]:- Markelus - Blogpack @ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ
ღ Markelus is a lovely collab from Ersch and Petrichor. The fatpack comes with a lot of variants to mix and match and make them look special and stunning!
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Serenity ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [Serenity] - Sandy lips SIDE C @ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ
ღ With three versions available, Sandy set of lipstick by Serenity looks totally gorgeous. You can see a closer look in comments and blog.
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Eternus ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [Eternus] Courtliness Set Fatpack
ღ I'm wearing the newest creation from Eternus and it looks so cute and sexy! And if you get the fatpack you'll have 11 extra colors bonus!
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
Lyanna ღ
★⸝⸝ Sweet Thing. Demon Tail ★⸝⸝ Sweet Thing. Demon Wings
✎ ( extras ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ BLUSH - Minah Skin. Mansa~ ★⸝⸝ !4AEM - Lover set ★⸝⸝ LeLUTKA Prim Head 3.1 ★⸝⸝ [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.6)
✎ ( location & pose ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ K&S - Wind Whisper. Scene pink at @Sunny Photo Studio ★⸝⸝ Lyrium. Aina Static 3
0 notes
ofalicex · 2 years
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W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
Everybody agrees. It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me; These two used to be best friends, they were pretty inseparable. And then Alice changed, and then she left. Both sets of parents claimed Alice to be the problem, and it just stuck. The pair haven’t been able to see eye to eye since, with the latter thinking it is all Alice’s fault. (1)
I broke their heart ‘cause they were nice; Alice was pretty hung up on Frank for practically her entire Hogwarts career, not that she said anything to most people, since she wrongly thought he was taken. She did date someone else, but it never worked out, mostly because Alice’s feelings were truly someone else, and she couldn’t get over it. (1)
I rewind thе tape but all it does is pause on thе very moment all was lost; This person was there when Alice left the Rosier’s and was disowned. Her entire world was falling apart, but this person was there to hold Alice together. When Alice reflects back on this time she knows she owes an awful lot to this person, and Frank, whom without she probably would have fallen completely apart.
If I'm dead to you why are you at the wake, cursing my name, wishing I stayed? This person confuses Alice. She’s supposed to be dead to all the purebloods, but somehow this person keeps trying to convince her to return, despite knowing Alice’s beliefs. They keep telling Alice her sins can be forgiven, that she made a nice pureblood marriage, and people will forget. All it is doing is getting on Alice’s nerves, and one day she will break, and it will not be pretty.
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere. Alice has a few close friends that have become like her family. The family she got to chose. They are the ones that could look beyond society’s expectations and just accept Alice. But she’s already lost one family, and Alice is eternally scared that it will happen again.
You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding. Someone that Alice was close with, especially after she left the Rosier’s. But more recently, after Frank’s struggles at work, the person has pulled away completely, and it has left Alice confused. It was not expected at all.
W A N T E D  P L O T S 
You did a number on me, but honestly, baby, who's counting? Someone from her past trying to convince her to come to the dark side. Could be the same person trying to convince Frank too, someone who realises the Longbottoms are a strong pair who need to be on the right side.
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes. Alice has been taking on a lot lately, with work and making sure Frank is okay. Something has to slip, and she is probably going to get hurt. 
Updated; 22/10/22 
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