bigbangsmasher · 4 years
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((I haven’t really been active for a while and my RP drive is mostly dried up, so I’m dropping out of Isola for now. If you wanna keep in touch with the man behind the curtain, feel free to follow my Twitter. Take it easy!))
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
甘雨 “Mm… No, I need strictly vegetarian dishes.” It wasn’t a vegetarian lifestyle born of fad or religion, it was merely a trait of her people. The Qilin did not feast upon the meat of a living animal no matter the cause, and honestly Ganyu wasn’t confident her stomach could handle it even if she could look past that. She spared a glance at the waiter that had brought her, and he took about half of the plates away before beckoning for veggie options. 
If she’d been roped into this, she might as well be able to eat. Else the competition would be rigged against them. “Svelte and sexy?” In the meantime, she turned her attention back to the woman. “I suppose that isn’t inaccurate.” She was always so busy that she didn’t consider the appearances of others all that much. Makoto was attractive at least, she could see that much.
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“Makoto is your name then? I am Ganyu, the secretary of the Liyue Qixing.” She really needed to stop introducing herself that way since those words didn’t mean anything here.
“Gotcha, gotcha, that’s a little tougher, then... I think there’s a tofu dish around here, that should be alright. Right? Here, we can divvy it up.” Makoto casts a quick glance at the competition’s judges, making sure their attention is elsewhere, before separating the food into vegetarian and non-vegetarian piles, with a third pile that describes a tacit ‘I’m not sure about this one.’
As she works, Makoto continues to run her mouth. “I mean, not to play into stereotypes too much, but I wanna make sure I look hot. Like, the kind of hot where once in a while some guy’s gonna run into a lamppost because he got distracted by me. You know?” She stops only for a moment, to flash a smile at the blue-haired girl. “Thanks, by the way. For the compliment and for sticking around. I wouldn’t really blame you for ducking out, but I admire your spirit.”
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Over her shoulder, one of the judges raises a hand to count down to the competition’s start, but Makoto’s only sign of recognition is the subtle twitch of her ears.
“Nice to meetcha, Ganyu! I don’t know that a Liyue Qixing is, but it sure sounds impressive. I know what a pain secretary work can be, one of my best friends used to be a secretary back in our world. Really an underappreciated part of the machine.”
The judge swings their hand down, shouting out the start of the contest to the room at large. In an instant, the tables surrounding Makoto and her partner burst into a flurry of eating, but Makoto only reaches out for a pair of chopsticks.
“Anyways, good talk, but we’ll need a raincheck until after we win this,” she says, snapping the two sticks apart. “I just figure that for the next... like, twenty minutes or so, we’re just gonna be kinda busy. Need any words of encouragement or anything before we get started?”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
“ We’re right at the edge, so I think there are less of them. “ 
It doesn’t mean he’s not cautious though, he doesn’t let Bullet out into the forest either and doesn’t open to without checking the door eye. At very least he’d yet to wake up to denizen knocking at his door.
“ Another one? “
There is.  He can see Kourindou from his spot but maybe it’s not visible from eye level at where Makoto’s standing. He’s not sure if he’d point the guy as a strange though.
“  Right over there’s a house..” he says nodding where he was looking.
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“ A shop full of useless junk….. The owner’s name is Rinnosuke Morichika. “
His eye takes a turn back towards Makoto, looking at the notebook in her hands. 
“ …couple of people you said. Are you trying to sell my location to someone or what? “
Pursing her lips, Makoto flips her notebook to another page and jots down something else. “That so? I didn’t know that, actually. Useful little survival tip there... I usually try not to come here, but it’s really great for training.”
At least Ogata hadn’t taken any of her comments personally; he seemed like a difficult man to bother in the first place. As she looks up from her notes, Makoto follows Ogata’s gaze to what looks like a pile of shrubbery. Maybe she just has a bad angle or something.
When she hears the name of Ogata’s neighbor, Makoto can’t help but laugh. “Ooh, you’re neighbors with Rin? Well, he asks me not to call him that, but- anyways, he’s a nice guy! He mentioned something about working out of his home, I didn’t know he was a shopkeep...” 
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Heck of a neighborhood in the Mistwoods. Gun-toting hermit, a junkmonger, a bunch of scary monsters... Thank god Makoto doesn’t live here, she thinks.
Makoto snorts, flipping her notebook shut. “I’m not a broker, I’m a detective, Ogata. I was asked to check it out, so I am. But I know you’re harmless to the average person, so that’s really about all I need to do. Besides, I don’t think knowing you live out here is worth much to anyone, unless you have some enemies I don’t know about. I mean, you probably do, but...”
She shrugs, tucking the notebook away. “Well, I’m not a snitch. Promise I won’t sell you out, okay?”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
甘雨 Ganyu wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up in this situation. She’d followed her nose to a tasty smelling restaurant, and then everything else had been a blur. There was an eating contest of some sort? Caught before she could flee, she’d been placed in front of a table full of food shared with a woman with features similar to a fuzzy animal. Apparently it was a team eating contest, with every other table in the store participating.
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“Um… Are any of these dishes vegetarian? I can’t eat meat, and… Oh, this is going to be terrible for my slim waistline.” RIP her diet.
It doesn’t matter what the competition is, if the prize is a stupid t-shirt from a restaurant, Makoto will win it. And it’s not like eating is hard or anything, you just put stuff in your mouth and don’t think about it too hard. Even if her partner in food-related crimes is a neophyte to the eating-big-foods-for-dumb prizes scene, it’s not like Makoto can’t shoulder the burden.
“Just think of it as cheat day,” says Makoto, pulling her chopsticks apart. “The noodles are vegetarian, if you just eat around the beef. I think these are... spring rolls? Something like that, they should be meat-free. And these shrimp are-”
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She frowns, looking over at the other girl. “Are shellfish vegetarian? Or is that vegan? Or... is it neither one of those? I honestly have no idea.”
She clicks her chopsticks together a few times before looking back at her partner. “Look, anything you’re not sure of, just leave it to ol’ Makoto. You might think otherwise after seeing my svelte and sexy figure, but I’m no stranger to these kinda things. You should see all the cool t-shirts I’ve won by eating a lot of food in one sitting.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
This is hellish. No, hellish means this only has some qualities of hill, that this situation is, in some ways, less than hell. It implies that Makoto is not feeling like she’s suffering some kind of eternal damnation for her multitude of less-than-moral behaviors, or that she knows that even death could not offer escape from this torment.
Even as she trots along the diamond-coated streets of Spirale, ears twitching at the lamentations of those around her, her mind is focused only on the tortures she must endure.
And then, a ray of light shines down. A blessing, no, an angel come to hopefully provide some sweet relief for the girl. It takes Makoto a lot of control to not break out into a full on sprint across the street at the sight of the dark-haired young man who she knows well, but who barely knows her in exchange.
“Watanuki! So good to see you! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? You been good? Good! That’s great. How about this diamond snow, pretty nuts, right? Don’t try and catch those snowflakes on your tongue, I’m warning you! Does not taste good, haha.”
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There’s no chance for him to get a word in edgewise even as Makoto leans in close, voice dropping. “Hey, is your house coated in diamond right now? Feels like most of the buildings around here are sealed off, and I...”
Makoto grits her teeth for a moment, composing herself. “I just... I really need to find a bathroom. Watanuki, I know you don’t know me super well, but I am going to fucking explode. You gotta help me, dude.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
He’s aware that a comment like that should elicit some sort of response out of him. It’s the normal thing to do, right? Make some kind of sarcastic remark, banter a little, and move on. It’s what he’s known for, what Makoto probably expects.
Or to be more specific; it’s the mask he’s chosen to put on. But that damn thing was slipping, and he is desperately trying to keep it in place.
“ I was born in the 80′s, so I guess it’s pretty nostalgic for people like me. ” If his current state of mind hadn’t been killing him over the last several months he’d find himself a bit more enthralled by what the Sunset Circuit had to offer. A shame really. He was far too young to truly experience what a decade that was solely defined by people’s vices could really offer. An island like this would be the perfect opportunity to make up for that. Hell, it’d be a fantastic place to maybe start things over and—
Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen.
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“ Uh, I guess we could go for tacos. Maybe eat ‘em right by the beach. If that sounds alright with you. ” He’s trying very much to seem normal. That he’s fine. No depression here whatsoever. Guess that’s what he’ll be calling it now, huh? What a fucking weird thing to go through. Notorious gang leader and overall beast to humanity falling under a depressive spell.
Maybe it wasn’t all that surprising given what he had gone through during his best friend’s supposed death. But he had internalized all that, kept it under lock and key for the sake of his crew and what they were trying to accomplish. Can’t be bothered getting all emotional when there was revenge to be had. It’s the cure-all for any kind of issue. At least that’s what he’s been led to believe.
“Hey, I was born in the 80s too, sorta. I mean, I was born in the 2180s, but it sure as hell didn’t look anything like this. Not that I really travelled much as a kid. But as long as you’re having a good time, I guess it’s fine.”
Victor’s relative silence either goes unnoticed or unmentioned by Makoto, who trots her way over to the taco truck without much hesitation. “I’ll be honest, I’m not a very picky eater, Vic. It’s more about who I’m with than what I’m eating.”
She doesn’t wait for a reply before sliding up to the truck’s open window; thankfully there isn’t much of a line. When she comes back a few minutes later with a basket full of tacos, she holds it out to Vic.
“I don’t remember if I said I’d let you treat me, but I’ll just take an IOU,” she says. “But if you want seconds, that’s on you. Obviously you’ve got a lot more room in there than I do, ‘cuz I gotta keep up my girlish figure.”
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She’ll savor this taco, thinks Makoto as she adopts a slower pace down to the beach. For a moment, she almost says they should head back before dark before remembering this place’s whole... deal.
“Alright, it might be kinda lame, but the view is nice,” says Makoto, between bites. The everlasting sunset sends sparkles across the calm waters of the Circuit’s shores, glittering like flakes of gold across the amber waters. For a moment, Makoto thinks it might be a nice place to take someone on a date, before remembering she doesn’t actually have any suitors. Ammutseba doesn’t count. Does she?
“How’s your taco, Vic?” she says, licking the juice from her fingers. “Doesn’t get much better than street food.”
But now it’s time to try a different tack. If Makoto takes the lead all day, Vic’s just gonna follow behind like a lost dog, so she needs to force the initiative on him. Unheeding of whether or not Vic’s still handling the tacos, she whirls to face him, smiling. “Alright, it was my idea to come here, but this place is more your style, right? So whaddya wanna do, Vic? Still hungry? Or maybe you wanna check out some of the shops, I hear there’s a great record store around here. Or a... a skatepark? Do you do that? Anyways, you choose.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
There are many sounds within Mistwoods, most not to be followed after. This sound however was not from a mistborn, it had more familiar edge and gravity to it so Ogata thought he might as well take a look.
“ ….thought so”, Ogata mumbles as he walk further on his small porch. It’s Makoto. Last time he saw her was in completely different circumstances, having turned into a cat and all.
 He sits down, folding his legs as he does.
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“ Up early, huh? “
It all clicks once she sees Ogata. The figurative lightbulb goes off in her head, and Makoto laughs.
“Well, sometimes my job requires me to get up before nine AM, yeah. A bit of a downer, but I guess you can’t have it all,” she says, still approaching him. Even though their relationship had ‘reset,’ she wasn’t worried he’d do anything to her. Not like he could have even if he wanted to, anyhow.
“There were just a couple people saying they saw some weird hermit living out in the mistwoods. Weird is kind of par for the course around here, though, especially with the Denizens, but I guess I’m not here to judge. You do have a way of... lurking, Ogata.”
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Pulling a notebook out from her pocket, Makoto scribbles a few notes. “Guess that answers that question. Unless you’ve seen another, weirder hermit living somewhere in here?”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
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“Well, if I can’t go snooping, then I’m gonna impulse buy stuff online and cut the sleeves off all my shirts, because Tsubaki’s like 80% of my impulse control, but she’s not in my line of sight right now so I can’t be sure she exists.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
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“Well, if Tsubaki technically doesn’t live here anymore, this means it isn’t her room, it’s my room. And if I happen to find a private journal, that means it’s my private journal. That tracks, right?”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
❝I’m quite alright! I did take a snowball for you, but I have been through worse. I can assure you of that.❞
When you’ve lead an army all across Zofia, and fought everything from pirates to witches, you can say things like that. ANYTHING is now automatically easier to deal with than knowing you’re the heir apparent of a corrupted and starving country. As the snow is wiped off her shoulder, Celica realizes how… COLD and wet she had gotten. It reminded her of Rigel’s climate. If Alm was here right now, he’d probably be laughing at her. Arrgh.
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Makoto had grabbed her attention before Celica could spend too much time thinking about it. Makoto recognized her. Celica’s eyes widened in surprise for a spell, before an amused grin broke out across her face. ❝Erm, yes! I’m Celica! I’m surprised you remember me!❞ Ah, good. She and Makoto wouldn’t have to start at square one, then. Celica’s eyes glimmer  
Celica then adds, with a small grin. ❝You need not worry, I only just arrived back recently. You don’t have to explain anything to me, if you do not want to. I merely wanted to save you from getting hit from that snowball.❞ 
She didn’t want to take up too much of Makoto’s time, after all.
Makoto’s breath hitches for a moment, a soft smile on her lips, before she blinks and comes back to reality. “Well, I know a- No, one of my friends back home was named Celica too, so I wouldn’t forget a name like that. You two would probably get along pretty well, actually.”
She won’t allow herself to sift through memories any longer- it’s too painful to linger on them, so Makoto will focus on this Celica instead. “Oho, recently returned, huh? Well, welcome back. There’s some fun new vacation destinations that opened up recently if you find yourself getting bored, though the Swirling Gulf is still as dull as ever. Some things never change.”
There’s a strange comfort in knowing that some of the people who vanish from this city might find their way back. Even if living in Spirale is technically imprisonment, at least it’s a peaceful prison, and having friends here makes the whole thing more bearable. 
“Well, I appreciate it,” says Makoto, shrugging even as other snowballs continue to whiz past around her head. “I’d offer you a coffee or tea to warm up, but maybe I’d be interrupting something?”
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She tilts her head to look over Celica’s shoulder, where the snowball war is still being waged. “Normally, I’d offer a hand or two, but...” She sighs, and rolls her eyes. “I got shopping to do, so I can’t stick around for long. There’s only so many shopping days left ‘till Christmas, you know? Or Winterfes, or whatever it is they call it around here.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
   It’s not precisely the ideal weather to go about her day – morning jogs and chores are a touch harder to do when having to swap trainers for snowshoes, but no weather has ever stopped Athena from being proactive. This is the first time in a while that she’s been in Mistwood; it’s not her favourite branch of what surrounds the city, but the attraction and festivities have offset her unease, somewhat. 
   She does intend on hiking up the top, at first. It’s a point of pride that she can do so without breaking a sweat; but she happens to pass by a snowmobile on the way, and immediately turns around as its passenger calls out in her direction. It does occur to her to keep walking, but time is precious– the trek will be shorter with one who knows how to work a vehicle, and she is not about to turn down a small kindness. 
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   “Oh, thanks!” Athena clambers into the free seat, wiggling into a comfortable position. A shivery sigh fogs up in the cold air. “I was going to walk, actually, but this is better! Save the energy for what we’ve got at the top, right? Which one are you here to do?”
“Exactly, you don’t wanna burn yourself out before you get to the good stuff, right?” says Makoto, patting the seat behind her as the other woman sits down. “The less time you spend walking, the more you can spend doiIIIING!”
Makoto claps her hand over her mouth, cheeks flushing. An awkward silence descends upon the snowmobile as she gets a big, bushy reminder on why she doesn’t usually let people sit behind her.
It takes another few moments before she can find her words. “Let’s switch spots.”
So they do, and Makoto doesn’t say anything more about it.
“Honestly, I’ve never really skied before,” says Makoto, eager to pretend the last two minutes never happened. “There weren’t many opportunities to try it where I come from, go figure. Wait, I think I already said that in my internal monologue earlier. What I’m tryin’ to say is that I love trying new things, and it’s not like anything bad can really happen in this city, anyways.”
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“Snowboarding has the definite cool factor though, huh... Guess I gotta try both! Really important for a gal like me to keep up her street cred.”
As Makoto yammers on, the snowmobile’s driver hits the throttle, and the machine begins to make its ascent. The additional noise doesn’t dissuade Makoto from speaking, but it does mean she has to start shouting her words.
“What about you? You done this kinda thing before? I could use a few tips if you’ve got any!”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
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          “Another New Year’s Eve where I don’t have to worry about getting stabbed to death. I’m always gonna be grateful for that– once is enough.“
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“How presumptuous! There’s still a few hours left in the day, Rags!”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
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“The worst thing about seeing the new year’s celebrations is realizing I’ve been stuck in this dang city for over a year. What’s my resolution supposed to be? Finally go and see the Swirling Gulf? Not even a new year could make me do that.”
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“The second worst thing is the fact that I’ve been here for over a year and no one’s confessed their love to me yet! How’s a girl supposed to get some when the fish don’t bite no matter what kind of bait I use?”
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“Alright, I’m over it now. I’ve decided that you all just have bad taste and it’s not my fault.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
Makoto still hasn’t found the Spirale indoor lacrosse team, so this will have to do for now. Maybe she could be doing something important, like shopping for gifts or reconnecting with old faces in the city or a third thing, but it’s not every day you get to do some sick snowboarding. Now that Makoto thinks about it, even though she came from a world where everyone lived on the sides of mountains, there really weren’t many ski resorts. Go figure.
She’s about to hitch a ride up to the top of the hill on one of the snowmobile taxis when someone else wanders into the clearing. Never one to let a good deed go undone, Makoto turns to the driver. “Hold on a sec, I think we might have another passenger.”
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Then she turns and waves to the new arrival, shouting out her greetings. “Hey! You headed for the top? We got room for one more over here! Beats waiting around in the snow for the next one, right?”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
WINTERFES. - @bigbangsmasher​
❝Look out—-!❞
Celica was perspective. Always had been, probably always will be. A out of control snowball had been sent flying, and it appeared to be flying right towards the other. The seemed to be an all out war with the snowballs, and Celica wouldn’t stand for someone innocent(?) to be caught up in the middle of it. The redheaded intended to take the snowball that was flying in the squirrel beastkin’s direction. Celica wondered what the other was doing here. Was the  pointy-eared girl hoping to join the ongoing fight? Surely being this close wasn’t the way to do it!
Geez, the winter sports were not for the faint of heart, huh? Mae would love this, if she were here. Boey? Probably not so much.
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❝Are you alright?! Are you hurt? Phew, that snowball could have hit you really hard! I’m glad I made it in time,❞ Celica pants, her breath hanging in the air. She was tired, she must have been out of shape. She hasn’t been leading troops into battle in a run, or really, she hasn’t been running much in general. Having to go from zero to a hundred was something she had not done in a while, not ever since the War Father was laid to rest.  The Knights of Valentia were probably still fighting the remaining rouges on Valentian soil, but she, the queen-to-be, is not expected to charge out into a battle. In hind sight, maybe, there was no need  for her to have intervened. Being struck by a snowball must not be like being struck with a sword or raging magic. Regardless…
She offers Makoto a shaky smile.
Hey, hasn’t Celica seen this person before?  ❝Say, have I met you before somewhere? You seem… familiar.❞
She hasn’t even started on her Christmas shopping yet. It’s only a few days away and Makoto hasn’t bought a single thing for the many friends and found family members she’s accrued in this city. Cost is barely an issue, it’s more of a time thing now; she has to figure out what everyone will like, where to get it, if anything needs to be special ordered and she needs to give an IOU...
Makoto’s thoughts are shaken away when someone takes a snowball to the shoulder right in front of her. Kind of unlike her, to not even notice that she’s wandered into the middle of a snowball war, but the holiday stress must really be getting to her.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m totally fine, I should be asking you that. You took a snowball for me, and I don’t even know y- oh.”
She does know this person, actually. It had been a while ago, back during one of the times where the whole city was screwed up, but Makoto’s got a pretty good memory for faces, for better or for worse.
“Oh yeah, you’re Celica, aren’tcha? It’s been a while, huh? Well, ol’ Makoto never forgets a face, especially one that saved my life once,” she says, reaching out to brush the snow from Celica’s shoulder. “But man, you really haven’t seen me at my best in this place, have you? I promise I’m usually way more on top of things.”
She smiles at the other girl, then blinks, and then realizes that she may be a complete stranger to this girl.
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Makoto sighs and forces a grin. “Please tell me you didn’t come to this city like a month ago, or else I’m gonna have to explain things for like twenty minutes.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
          “– Does this ice just compel ya to be dramatic as hell?“ … Then again, it seems that Makoto can find just about any reason to throw up the dramatics around him– the ice is just a new flavor of the month, so to speak. His slow and lazy glide across the ice essentially came to a stop once the Beastkin began to circle him… To any outsider looking in, this probably looks like the squirrel girl is trying to bully/intimidate the man into submission.
     However, it seems the Reaper is giving the other a free pass to act up however she pleased. It had been a while since they’ve actually hung out together… A small part of him was starting to miss it, but he’d rather eat both of his steel toed boots than admit that out loud– she’d never let him hear the end of it. But rather than keep a neutral, slightly amused expression going, she just had to ruin it by bringing back unpleasant memories of icy failure!
          ”– I thought I told ya, leave the past where it belongs!” In a flash, a mental montage of his many fallings against the ice played out in his head. His ass was getting sore just thinking about it– so it was a little satisfying to see Makoto slip up and greet the ice with her own ass.
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          “Damn– that didn’t take long at all. If only I had my phone out…“ That would have ended up being his background wallpaper for a week or two, easily. That’s what she gets for digging up old wounds to put… ice salt on. “Alright, so that’s one fall for you already, and none for me. That’s pretty tellin’ already, I think.”
     A rare moment to be smug around Makoto, it’s best for him to savor it while he can.
“Hey, if I didn’t annoy you at least a little every time we talked, then I wouldn’t be Makoto, now would I? It’s part of the whole package deal, along with the underboob and soft, strokable fur,” she says, managing to not skate in circles around him as they talk. Bothering Ragna just comes so naturally, it’s really a wonder that he hasn’t tried to convince Tsubaki to let him stay over for a night so he could smother her best friend.
But all that aside, Makoto knows she should at least try to be a little kinder to him. She’s always saying nice things behind his back, maybe he deserves to have them said to his face, too.
"Ragna, I know the permanent sunset here makes it confusing, but it’s only noon so there’s plenty of time for you to eat shit in the near future,” says Makoto, immediately failing her inner thoughts. “But honestly- look, I don’t want you to just spend your time here grumbling about whatever and earning bruises to count later. You’re here to have fun, right? I kinda doubt you’ve been practicing so... Lemme help ya out.”
As she crosses to Ragna’s front, Makoto holds out her hands. She keeps her mittens on, because something about skin-to-skin contact would just be scandalous, but her eyes flick to Ragna’s hands, then back to her own.
“I’m aware of the damage this could do to my street cred, so don’t go around bragging about it, alright? I just figure you’ve earned it.”
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On cue, the song broadcast out over the rink changes, shifting to something a little slower-paced. The neon lights pulse beneath them, shift from blue, to green, and fittingly, to a deep red. Makoto eyes the speaker, breathing a sigh of relief that they didn’t choose to play a slow-dance song.
“I mean... Only if you want to. I figure it’d earn both of us a few brownie points with Tsubaki the next time one of us breaks something, though.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
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((Gonna try and wriggle my way back to activity with a Winterfes starter call! I’m mostly gonna be picking off the activity list, cap of 3 likes! If we’re castmates or if our characters already have a history, feel free to like past the cap.))
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