#heartfelt criminal ♥️🖤
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My babygirls. My waifus, the holy trinity 💝
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⚓ With Syobai because duh
Alright alright!
AUs found here
⚓ Pirate
So first off, it isn’t all that different to our actual life. Syobai being abandoned by his parents as a child, almost being sold into slavery, doing whatever he needs to survive, realising he enjoys piracy? That’s all the same.
Syobai is the infamous captain, with his own crew who don’t particularly like him, but they joined out of respect for his talents, and because that means he wouldn’t be targeting them. Because of you come into contact with Hashimoto you will be screwed over and quite easily killed. Unless he considered you as someone too useless and not worth his while. He’ll take and do what he wants and won’t let anyone stop him.
I was from a more noble family; not royalty but more well off, and dreaming of a life of freedom, excitement and without the standards of noble life.
How we met isn’t ideal. Syobai ransacked my home town, saw me and decided to take me along with them for a bit of a ransom. Ordered the crew not to touch me, and deciding to have me on with them when he realised I wasn’t the typical uneducated lady and clever enough to accurately read maps and fairly manipulative myself. He’d kept the ransom out though and simply kept me on board after it’d been paid, it wasn’t like anyone they could send after me was a threat to him after all.
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They are a pair. Do not seperate them
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Kazumi is so devoted to doting and pampering me the second he sees I’ve had a rough day. He takes one look and he instantly knows. I adore him so much <3
Kaito loudly scrambling around to fetch me absolutely everything that I find the slightest bit of enjoyment, and insisting that I sit absolutely still for him to look after his starlight the moment I step through the door. Before grabbing me and carrying me back outside at night so I can lie against him when we go out to our spot for stargazing.
But Syobai, these are some of the moments where he’s completely sincere. Prioritises my well-being over anything and gets me anything I might need to relax with a gentle “you’re lucky you’re cute, princess” but otherwise quietly pulling me in to his side to get the rest I’m desperate for, and finally telling me “I don’t know why you keep goin’ back to those bastards overworking you. Ya know I got enough to take care of the both of us, sweetheart.”
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Don’t forget. Syobai is forever my babygirl <3
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3, 9, 19, 20, and 34 for you and Syobai!
Ayo <3
Asks about your OTP
3. Was it lust at first sight?
It was more intrigue at first sight. “This boy is hot, and a rude bastard. I’m going to spend all my time around him and ignore the threats he makes.” At first sight and “this girl is fucking annoying, but at least she’s better than most of the people I’m around” at first sight.
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)?
Syobai doesn’t have any friends or family, because he’s Syobai and socially repellent. Do my friends and family like him? Lmao no. They’re aware that neither of us are going to be leaving though, and that Syobai isn’t going to let me get hurt by anyone or anything so they appreciate that much. But they do not know what I see in him though.
19. Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not?
No we don’t. We’re both upfront to each other, and Syobai’s always been honest about himself and his work, and any risks that come up from it. And I don’t have anything that I’d need to lie to him about. When it comes to Syobai’s clients and anything involved with his work he just doesn’t tell me anything out of confidentiality.
20. Are they interested in marriage? Why or why not?
Originally Syobai wasn’t. He thought marriage was pointless and unnecessary, just a way to spend money for one day when we’re already happy together. But he ended up warming up to the idea knowing that I’d like to get married long, long, long after initially getting together, and figured it wouldn’t be so bad getting hitched. So here we are now.
34. What’s their favorite nonsexual activity together?
There’s a lot that we do together, but his favourite? Going out to have a drink, do some gambling and swindle someone/finding targets to buy something from Syobai. Date night illegal activity <3
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Brain mush, thinking about Kazumi, Syobai kisses
They’re both taller than me, Kazumi a whole lot taller and my head is literally at his chest. Deep kisses where he has me utterly lost in him, leaning in and chasing after him to continue it, and ending up on my toes when he pulls away. Him finding me completely and incomparably beautiful and adorable, and having a love knowing that he’s able to get me into such a trance.
Syobai doing the same, and giving me that grin, teasing me and full to the brim with pride that he’s able to get me so brain dead, and how I’d let him do whatever he wanted at that moment. The moments where he’s sweet and genuine with his sweetheart. Before smirking and giving me a tap on the ass, and another quick kiss on the temple
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Syobai is more distant, he still has his clients he needs to work with and business to attend to, but he’s still able to care for me when I’m sick and need him to, and he puts it upon himself to make sure I’m alright when he’s out. And when he’s home he’s far less snarky, playing nurse, and pulling me in to open arms to make sure I’m comfortable. He’s just much more quiet about it all.
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30, 48, 57!
Asks for otps and self ships
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Kazumi: He doesn’t particularly have a favourite outfit of mine, Kazumi believes I’m beautiful no matter what I have on, and I’m always well dressed everyday. So honestly, there isn’t really a specific outfit he would choose that I don’t already wear.
Syobai: Like Kazumi, Syobai doesn’t care much about what I wear. Partly because he thinks I look good in everything I’ve worn, partly because he genuinely doesn’t care for fashion. And as much as he teases me about it I already get dressed up for him anyway, so it isn’t necessary for him to choose anything.
What I’m choosing for them? They’re both wearing maid dresses 💖
48. Who’s the better driver?
Kazumi: Him
Syobai: Him
I can’t drive, so the darling husband will always be the driver.
57. Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
Kazumi: He is definitely the more serious one. Not that I’m irresponsible at all, but Kazumi makes the lists and remembers what it is we need, while I tend to look around and try to remember everything, and usually forgets the most important items while finding other things the two of us would like. I’ll throw in snacks and desserts as well, while Kazumi keeps me from going overboard.
Syobai: I’m not gonna lie, neither of us really go in with any sort of plan when it comes to groceries. We both just wing it and look around for anything we need. And if there’s anything we might’ve missed we’ll just go back at some point
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The first of the Hashimoto kids <3
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Komaru Hashimoto
Birthday: 17th February (for any rps and scenarios she’ll be either 5 or 17 years old)
Likes: teddies, daddy’s trafficked possessions and items he sells
Dislikes: sour food, being told what to do by anyone other than mama or daddy
Komaru is every bit Syobai’s daughter. She’s bold, confident, snarky and sarcastic, though she has gotten my short temper as well she’s much more able to hold herself back from lashing out when someone pushes her buttons. When she’s older having grown up around the rough and gritty criminal life she’s learned to become the perfect successor for Syobai and become a trafficker herself. Underneath the cold and secretive nature she can be kind and considerate with her friends, and she’s willing to go out for blood for family.
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