regnumaves · 1 year
Aw, Feathers ❁ Tibarn & Cordelia
It isn't much longer before he has to return to the monastery, but until then, Tibarn enjoys his free time flying calmly over the fields and forests, gliding on the winds with hardly any need to flap his wings at all. After stretching his muscles, a good portion of fresh air, and a solid meal following a successful hunt, he can get the energy he needs for another round of pegasus training.
Some winged ponies are still rather skittish around him, which, fair enough - he's as big as them, in some cases bigger than them, and he could by all accounts hunt them and their young if he so wished - but pegasi freaking out while he attempts to instruct the kids riding them is the last thing the monastery wants and needs. Which, again, fair enough. Besides, learning to tolerate him is a good introduction to learning to tolerate wyverns.
However, it is when he approaches the monastery by air that it turns out he might need to give someone a class a bit earlier than scheduled - flying towards him is a student he doesn't think he has seen before, and her mount certainly has not seen him - braking sharpy in mid-air with a whinny as he and his rider approach him, but fail to actually pass by him as a result of the pegasus' reaction. Tibarn tenses up, instantly ready to dive behind the girl if she falls off her mount's back, but luckily, it doesn't panic enough to throw her off, merely stopping before him in surprise.
"Whoa there!" Untransforming as he speaks and reverting to his smaller form, Tibarn raises his arms in a calming gesture. "It's alright. Sorry for surprising you." With the pegasus under control, he turns his attention to the scarlet-haired rider. "I don't recognize your face. Are you a new student? I'm Tibarn." With a light smirk, he points at his wings, flapping behind his back to keep him afloat. "Flying instructor."
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areadboar · 1 year
Travelling in leaps and bounds
closed starter for @heartjewelofthesea
During your brief absence, a powerful storm flooded Garreg Mach with what felt like an ocean’s worth of rain. The forested path that leads to Remire Village in Adrestia is still flooded, turning dirt paths into muddy swamps that even the horses don’t want to touch. It’s the foot soldiers who finally have their day, using their lances to vault over bogs and deep puddles. [ Grants Lance +1 ]
A sea of mud stood in the way of Dimitri and his destination. Having been forewarned about the conditions, the Blue Lion had chosen to go by foot to Remire village, though he missed the joy of riding. Even the weather wanted to take away what few pleasures he had left in the world. Trudging through the swampy condition, stick mud soon coated most of the way up his calves. 
He attempted to pull himself out of his misery by looking around the rest of the group in hope of spotting a friendly face. There wasn’t anyone in the immediate area who he was familiar with, however a red-haired lady caught his attention. Like him, she carried a lance strapped across her back and looked equally despondent at their situation. Quicken his pace, Dimitri splashed through the muddy yuk to reach her side. 
“Excuse me Miss . . . Er, hello. I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd.” An awkward introduction sure, but Dimitri hoped he’d come over as polite.” Searching round for a topic to discuss he settled for the tried and true small talk conversation. The weather. “Disgusting conditions we’re having to trek through isn’t it? If only there was a way to stay dry and preferably clean” He said, indicating the mud caking his garments with a small chuckle. “Well apart form the obvious answer of flying”
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[ Fairy Wings ] - shimmer and dazzle in your new boutique threads! And what’s this… it seems they’ve some interesting accessories to choose from as well, the likes of which may be more functional than you initially thought. Soar!
They had looked pretty. That was why she accepted the accessory. Just pretty fairy wing accessories, worn on her back, sitting nicely with a colour that matched her dress. She hadn't expected them to be actual wings that worked. It was a complete accident that she was now in the air, failing quite dramatically at flying. This wasn't as easy as it was on her pegasus!!! "Aaaaaaa!!!" Oh no, now she was falling. "Look out!! I'm so sorry!!"
Loud, incessant shouting is hard to miss—even when it’s not Caspar. As such, Linhardt turns his head in time to spot the other (they're classmates, aren’t they?) practically falling out of the sky, and with a few careful but calculated flaps of his own wings—
Yeesh, that was close.
—she misses him completely, and he gently falls to the ground, pausing before realizing he should probably see if she’s okay. That’s a pretty basic courtesy to give someone after all.
Stepping forward, he asks, “Are you alright?” (Another moment passes before he thinks to offer a hand—conveniently the one marked with Earth—to help her up.)
“I don’t know how high up you fell from, but that doesn’t look like it didn’t hurt.”
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hosannan · 1 year
Overgrowth { Cordelia & Nanna
hosannan asked:
[ Garden ] - Outside of the dance hall, explore the miniature gardens the Elementals created for you, populated with all sorts of strange (and carnivorous) plants you’ve never seen before
"...Careful now, it may serve us better to stick together while we're out here." Nanna had wandered off a little too far from the ballroom, unsure if she would be sent straight back through magical means. Her journey had lead her beneath a strange, effervescent flower, that curled in the direction of the moon. It began to blossom in the dark. "...Oh! How, quaint!"
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@heartjewelofthesea answered:
Now, she wasn't sure what it was... but there was something about these plants that made Cordelia's skin prickle. It was pretty though, in an almost... otherworldly way, she supposed. She had stumbled this way after taking one too many wrong turns and run into Nanna along the way. "An... odd example of flora," she commented, she shrunk away from it slightly. "Sticking together would be best, yes."
"Have you been at the academy for long? I assume this isn't the typical..." The flower gradually grew in size, drinking up the moonlight and taking its energy as its own. "Affair." It beamed in the dark, giving off an glow that appeared otherworldly. She wondered if it was normal to deal with winged folk, transient spirit gods, and sentient insects every other month.
"At least, even when you're down to the size of a thumbtack, flowers remain shrouded in beauty." She smiled, parting a leaf that was slowly growing overhead, feeding into the moon. "My name is Princess Nanna, it is a ple--"
There was a chill that sparked in her blood, forcing her to jerk the scarlet-haired stranger down. A far larger flower, dappled in brown and bright green stripes, had bitten off the glowing blue flower they had only just been acquainted with. By the lick of a hair, they scarcely missed having their heads chewed off. Below, the roots of the plants began to erupt beneath their feet. "Agh!"
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hosannan · 1 year
activity { 8.01.2023
"...There. I've tried my best."
skill points: 9 -> 10
Faith D -> D+
Threads: (31) Alphabetized
Alfred — twerking to ye old beats — Owed
Altena — Doc Mcstuffins — Owed
Ares (lionscion) — A Tiny Problem — Waiting On
Ares (lionscion) — Yours Truly — Waiting On
Beowolf (saywhaet) - Hearts like Fire - Owed
Caeldori (venalier) — BIRD-LIKE WINGS. — Owed
Denning (beholdenning) — A Study in Gold — Waiting On
Ethlyn (ladyleonster) — Insert Lame Joke about Shitty Mother in Laws — Owed
Finn — Cast in Gold and Missing You — Owed
Ivy (iyusiia)— No Courage to War — Waiting On
Julius (disgracedvessel) — Freezeburn — Owed
Katarina (ephemeralove) — Sham of a Prince — Waiting On
Lachesis — Pocket Full of Posies — Owed
Leif — Reign of Reins — Owed
Leif (diadic) — Repose of a Heartbeat — Owed
Lilina — Jinsoul is That You? — Owed
Marianne (cursedbluebird) — Lots of Cats — Finished
Micaiah (frauleindermorgen) — Solander — Waiting On
Pandreo (revelale) — A MASK UNTOWARD. — Owed
Raven (peerlessscowl) — Psalms of the Living — Owed
Sara (shadoll) — Never Say Goodbye — Owed
Sara (shadoll) — Stay Out of Woman’s Business — Waiting On
Scathach (sharpscion) — NANNA VC: LEIF IT TO ME — Waiting On
Event (Ongoing) — Minis (Will try to end these threads soon... dusty)
Caeda - arcaeda
Cordelia- heartjewelofthesea
Ingrid -knightofgalatea
Poe - loveevangelist
Niamh - boundlesschaos
Sakura - gentlenekomata
Dimitri - areadboar
Hortensia - asperants
Sephiran - thelightofcreation
Leonardo - freedomarrow —to end
Pelleas - pirrhyc —to end
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hosannan · 1 year
{ activity check 7.1.2023
"...Ever so slowly."
skill points: 8 -> 9
allocation TBA
Threads: (33) Alphabetized
Alfred — twerking to ye old beats — Owed
Altena — Doc Mcstuffins — Owed
Ares (lionscion) — A Tiny Problem — Waiting On
Ares (lionscion) — Yours Truly — Waiting On
Caeldori (venalier) — BIRD-LIKE WINGS. — Owed
Denning (beholdenning) — A Study in Gold — Waiting On
Ethlyn (ladyleonster) — Insert Lame Joke about Shitty Mother in Laws — Owed
Finn — Cast in Gold and Missing You — Owed
Ivy (iyusiia)— No Courage to War — Waiting On
Julius (disgracedvessel) — Freezeburn — Waiting On
Katarina (ephemeralove) — Sham of a Prince — Waiting On
Lachesis — Pocket Full of Posies — Owed
Leif — Reign of Reins — Owed
Leif (diadic) — Repose of a Heartbeat — Queued
Lilina — Jinsoul is That You? — Owed
Marianne (cursedbluebird) — Lots of Cats — Waiting On
Micaiah (frauleindermorgen) — Solander — Waiting On
Pandreo (revelale) — A MASK UNTOWARD. — Waiting On
Raven (peerlessscowl) — Psalms of the Living — Waiting On
Sara (shadoll) — Never Say Goodbye — Owed
Sara (shadoll) — Stay Out of Woman’s Business — Waiting On
Scathach (sharpscion) — NANNA VC: LEIF IT TO ME — Waiting On
Event (Ongoing) — Minis (Will try to end these threads in 2-3 replies!)
Caeda - arcaeda
Cordelia- heartjewelofthesea
Ingrid -knightofgalatea
Poe - loveevangelist
Niamh - boundlesschaos
Sakura - gentlenekomata
Dimitri - areadboar
Hortensia - asperants
Sephiran - thelightofcreation
Leonardo - freedomarrow —to end
Pelleas - pirrhyc —to end
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hosannan · 1 year
housekeeping! {
Threads: (33) Alphabetized
Alfred — twerking to ye old beats — TBA.
Altena — Doc Mcstuffins — TBA.
Ares (@lionscion) — A Tiny Problem — Queued
Ares (@lionscion) — Yours Truly — Queued
Caeldori (@venalier) — BIRD-LIKE WINGS. — Queued
Deidre — What Makes a Saint — Finished
Denning (@beholdenning) — A Study in Gold — Queued
Eldigan — Lion’s Mantle — Dropped
Ethlyn (@ladyleonster) — Insert Lame Joke about Shitty Mother in Laws — Queued
Finn — Cast in Gold and Missing You — TBA
Ivy (@iyusiia)— No Courage to War — Queued
Julius (@disgracedvessel) — Freezeburn — Queued
Katarina (@ephemeralove) — Sham of a Prince — Queued
Lachesis — Pocket Full of Posies — TBA
Leif — Reign of Reins — TBA
Leif (@diadic) — Repose of a Heartbeat — Queued
Lilina — Jinsoul is That You? — TBA
Marianne (@cursedbluebird) — Lots of Cats — Queued
Micaiah (@frauleindermorgen) — Solander — Queued
Pandreo (@revelale) — A MASK UNTOWARD. — Queued
Raven (@peerlessscowl) — Psalms of the Living — Queued
Sara (@shadoll) — Never Say Goodbye — Queued
Sara (@shadoll) — Stay Out of Woman’s Business — Queued
Scathach (@sharpscion) — NANNA VC: LEIF IT TO ME — Waiting On
Event (Ongoing) — Minis (Will try to end these threads in 2-3 replies!)
Caeda @arcaeda
Cordelia @heartjewelofthesea
Ingrid @knightofgalatea
Poe @loveevangelist
Niamh @boundlesschaos
Sakura @gentlenekomata
Dimitri @areadboar
Hortensia @asperants
Sephiran @thelightofcreation
Leonardo @freedomarrow —to end
Pelleas @pirrhyc —to end
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hosannan · 1 year
Activity Check 6.1.2023 {
skill points: 7 -> 8
activity check pass!
Ethereal Ball — archiving! Will not count for this month's activity, I promise 💓
Riding: E -> E+
Dancer Class (Pending)
Enchanted Pin (Pending)
Threads: (23) Alphabetized
Altena — Doc Mcstuffins — Owed
Ares — A Tiny Problem — Owed
Ares — Yours Truly — Owed
Caeldori — BIRD-LIKE WINGS. — Owed
Deidre — What Makes a Saint — Owed
Denning — A Study in Gold — Owed
Eldigan — Lion’s Mantle — Replied
Ethlyn — Insert Lame Joke about Shitty Mother in Laws — Owed
Finn — Cast in Gold and Missing You — Owed
Ivy— No Courage to War — Owed
Julius — Freezeburn — Owed
Katarina — Sham of a Prince — Owed
Lachesis — Pocket Full of Posies — Owed
Leif — Reign of Reins — Owed
Leif — Repose of a Heartbeat — Owed
Lilina — Jinsoul is That You? — Owed
Marianne — Lots of Cats — Owed
Micaiah — Solander — Owed
Pandreo— A MASK UNTOWARD. — Owed
Raven — Psalms of the Living — Owed
Sara — Never Say Goodbye — Owed
Sara — Stay Out of Woman’s Business — Owed
Scathach— NANNA VC: LEIF IT TO ME — Replied
Event (Ongoing) — Minis (Take your time! Will try to end some of these threads in a handful of replies if that's okay!)
Caeda @arcaeda
Cordelia @heartjewelofthesea
Ingrid @knightofgalatea
Poe @loveevangelist
Niamh @boundlesschaos
Sakura @gentlenekomata
Dimitri @areadboar
Hortensia @asperants
Sephiran @thelightofcreation
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