#❁ mission season ; diminished. ❁
coolspacequips · 1 year
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Menacing black cat crosses my path this October Friday 13th 😳.........
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twistedisciple · 1 year
Cuts You Up [Griss & Caeldori]
starter for @venalier Swordsmasters of Elyos and Hoshido have long inspired people with their signature finishing move: the ability to cut through an opponent with dazzling speed, so fast that one can’t even perceive the blade leaving its sheath. The Battle of the Eagle and Lion reignites interest in learning these techniques. Determined students have made some progress but haven’t quite mastered the move. Think you can help them? [ Grants Sword +1 ]
Being from Elyos was really the only thing that mattered for a sword seminar, it seemed. Griss was a swordmaster only in the sense that he knew all the different ways a blade could cut, how deep, how fatal, where they excelled compared to blunt weapons, and when they got boring, but he'd only ever picked one up a handful of times, and never for use as a real weapon. The church had hired him as a mercenary, but maybe they'd never seen a mage as cut up and scarred as he was (actually, he knows they haven't), so they assumed he'd know his way around physical weapons. "Fill in for so-and-so tomorrow morning, Griss." And Griss didn't feel like turning them down. Wasn't much else to do while he sat around waiting for a job.
He'd never fancied himself a teacher, and the little academy brats were made of porcelain and silver, like all the things he had never been allowed to touch. But all they wanted was a supervisor, someone who knew the technique in question, and yeah, he'd seen it enough to know it. He could probably tell them if they were doing it wrong - he'd definitely know it if they tried it on him personally, which he'd have them do at least twice by the end if he hoped to make any of this worth his time - and there was supposed to be some sort of student volunteer heading up the real lesson. Some sort of straight A stiff, Griss had no doubt about that.
And there she was. Even without that flaming red mane of hers, she was a blazing beacon of earnest support and eager attention before her peers. It looked like she was even straightening out the already-immaculate line of training swords for what Griss was sure had to be the tenth time while she waited for him (because of course she had gotten there early, too; he wasn't even that late). His eyes swept over the small gathering where a few heads were already turning with muted curiosity toward his approach. A dozen or so swaddled babies on one side, and an overzealous tryhard on the other. Just perfect.
"Let me guess: you're--" Griss dug the name out from underneath all the other stuff that had piled up in the last half-day. "--Caeldori, right?" He stepped over the line of white chalk that designated one side of the makeshift arena, and then past that unspoken boundary that separated strangers and acquaintances from the space reserved for friends, sizing her up, his smile making a jagged line across his face.
"Griss," he introduced in turn, stopped, then turned his grimace on their informal audience. They had quieted their own friendly conversations and were now staring owlishly. Griss scratched the back of his head. "Gonna take another guess too: you already got this whole exhibition planned by the minute, don'tcha?"
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regnumaves · 1 year
Aw, Feathers ❁ Tibarn & Cordelia
It isn't much longer before he has to return to the monastery, but until then, Tibarn enjoys his free time flying calmly over the fields and forests, gliding on the winds with hardly any need to flap his wings at all. After stretching his muscles, a good portion of fresh air, and a solid meal following a successful hunt, he can get the energy he needs for another round of pegasus training.
Some winged ponies are still rather skittish around him, which, fair enough - he's as big as them, in some cases bigger than them, and he could by all accounts hunt them and their young if he so wished - but pegasi freaking out while he attempts to instruct the kids riding them is the last thing the monastery wants and needs. Which, again, fair enough. Besides, learning to tolerate him is a good introduction to learning to tolerate wyverns.
However, it is when he approaches the monastery by air that it turns out he might need to give someone a class a bit earlier than scheduled - flying towards him is a student he doesn't think he has seen before, and her mount certainly has not seen him - braking sharpy in mid-air with a whinny as he and his rider approach him, but fail to actually pass by him as a result of the pegasus' reaction. Tibarn tenses up, instantly ready to dive behind the girl if she falls off her mount's back, but luckily, it doesn't panic enough to throw her off, merely stopping before him in surprise.
"Whoa there!" Untransforming as he speaks and reverting to his smaller form, Tibarn raises his arms in a calming gesture. "It's alright. Sorry for surprising you." With the pegasus under control, he turns his attention to the scarlet-haired rider. "I don't recognize your face. Are you a new student? I'm Tibarn." With a light smirk, he points at his wings, flapping behind his back to keep him afloat. "Flying instructor."
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princepsumbra · 1 year
Speed of Hand, Speed of Mind
Swordsmasters of Elyos and Hoshido have long inspired people with their signature finishing move: the ability to cut through an opponent with dazzling speed, so fast that one can’t even perceive the blade leaving its sheath. The Battle of the Eagle and Lion reignites interest in learning these techniques. Determined students have made some progress but haven’t quite mastered the move. Think you can help them? [ Grants Sword +1 ]
starter for: @oathofhodr
He extends his practice sword into the belly of an imaginary foe, holding it midair for a count of three before sheathing it at his side. The kata has a number of Hoshidan influences for a Nohrian training sequence; he felt it fitting to dredge it up from the recesses of his memory for the latest trend sweeping Garreg Mach’s training hall. 
Only recently has he picked up swordplay again--now that he has acclimated to the unique intricacies of how magic works in Fódlan--Leo felt it time to shift his focus. Here, there is no one to compete against except himself. 
Attention turns to the Knight he’d agreed to partner up with, grateful for the chance to catch his breath. “...this drill is meant for speed. I am out of practice myself.” 
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freedomarrow · 1 year
I Cast Yeet || Leonardo & Chad
@lycianlynx ; Lance +1
Though Leonardo has much less experience with the spear than with a sword and obviously the bow, he has wielded it a number of times in his school days. With Wyvern Knights among some of Daein’s most important and elite forces, it was normal and expected for everyone to at least try out training in the direction of joining the flying regiment, both in the ways of learning to handle and work with wyverns, and wielding the most standard weapons for their riders - the axe and, of course, the lance. The former Leonardo found himself dropping quite quickly, but the spear was not the worst weapon he had ever had in his hands.
Even then, however, he had only attempted to use the spear for its intended purpose - stabbing targets. He had known of pole vaulting as a method of crossing swamps, with the Shifu Swamps providing the soldiers stationed in the area with more than ample experience, the deep and sticky bogs quick to punish imperfect attempts with an immediate risk to life. But that would usually be done using, well, a pole. A lance is going to be a first.
He finds himself with neither a choice nor time to practice, though. The Remire Village, well and truly separated from the world by the massive rains and the forest paths turned into muddy bogs as a result, needs supplies delivered as soon as possible; and with the horses refusing to take a single step into the mess, the swamp must be traversed on foot.
It is not long before the soldier marching in front of him takes a careless step that results in him sinking into it almost up to his waist; an annoyed “damn it” follows, but with the heavy and thick mud refusing to let go of him, he has no choice but to make it through that way. Leonardo stops, waiting for the man to pass, reluctantly eyeing the murky depth. Once it is safe to try, he inhales, shares a look with the other student who came along for the mission as well - Chad, his name was, he believes - before sticking the lance in until it hits the bottom. He weighs and balances it in his hands for a moment, before taking the risk—
the spear luckily takes on the unusual task well, carrying effortlessly his weight across the muddy water.
Once on the other side, he stops and turns around, waiting for the other student to cross. “It’s not too bad, but you need to judge the distance well,” he warns. He has no idea how much experience Chad has with spears, let alone using them for this.
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goldfades · 4 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | this is taking place pre-relationship! paige apologizes for distancing herself after her injury. this can be read by itself but i would highly recommend reading my headcanons first so you have a bit of context!
─ word count | 1.1k
─ warnings | paige's injury, mention of tension/pettiness, the reader and p weren't on good terms for a while.
─ ev's notes |
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist! (updates once a week or so)
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THE KNOCK ON your apartment door was sharp and slightly unexpected, your expression turning confused and slightly annoyed.
KK and Ice had left your apartment almost an hour ago, could they really be back already? You sighed before closing your laptop, getting up to open the door only to be met with the person she least expected to be there.
Paige, in all her glory ─ crutches and everything.
You couldn't really explain exactly what happened to prompt Paige to begin acting weird, but she was. She had been, for a while now and you didn't really know why. This was almost two months before her injury so you couldn't even use that as an excuse; she just was.
Despite her efforts to create distance, you couldn't help but worry about her. After all, you had grown close and you even considered her to be one of your best friends at some point, but right now you really didn't know what your relationship was. And of course when she got injured, you made it your mission to take care of her, offering support and comfort whenever she needed it.
But no matter how hard you tried, she always pushed you away. You didn't understand it, you didn't even know why ─ so eventually, you just gave up.
As Paige stood at your doorstep, a whirlwind of emotions seemed to flash across her face. You ushered her in quickly, noticing the slight grimace of pain as she maneuvered on her crutches.
Before you could even begin to speak, she began to talk. "Look, I'm sorry."
You stared back at her, taken aback by her sudden apology. This whole thing had been happening for three months, and even after the millionth time you tried fixing the issue, she continued to act distant with you. It was frustrating and disheartening, to say the least. You had racked your brain trying to understand what went wrong, what could've caused Paige to pull away, but you always came up empty-handed.
"I'm sorry for being a bitch, especially the other night," Paige's voice was devoid of any of the usual excitement she had, it didn't even sound like her.
You couldn't really blame her though, she had just suffered a potentially season-ending injury and the weight of it all seemed to be pressing down on her shoulders. Despite her usual extroverted energy, Paige appeared diminished, her usual spark dulled by the frustration.
You felt a pang of sympathy as you looked at her, realizing the immense toll her injury must be taking on her both physically and emotionally. It wasn't just about missing games or the possibility of a season-ending setback; it was about the loss of something she loved, something that defined her in many ways.
"No, it's okay. Don't even apologize, I get it," you said softly, your voice laced with empathy. "I shouldn't have pushed you, especially with your injury and all,"
"You were just trying to help, I really am sorry," Paige mumbled as she sighed. "I've been so caught up in my own anger that I haven't stopped to think about how it's affecting everyone else, especially you."
You frowned at her words, your heart aching for her. You had been there; the exact moment it happened and you almost couldn't believe it, all the pettiness from the previous months were thrown out the window as you ran to her side.
You moved closer to her, wanting to offer her some comfort. "Please, don't stress yourself out about it. I just wanted you to get better and... well, I just wanted my best friend back," you let out a nervous chuckle as you spoke.
Paige finally met your gaze, her eyes watery and red as she sniffled. She felt ashamed, she couldn't believe that she let anything get in the way of her relationship with you.
"P, it's okay," you said gently, reaching out to wipe away her tears. "I understand why you've been feeling the way you have. And I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you, through the good times and the bad."
Paige sniffled, leaning into your touch as if seeking comfort. "I'm really, really sorry, Y/N. I've been such a mess lately, I missed you."
You could practically feel the exhaustion radiating off of her as you sighed. Without any hesitation, holding her close as if trying to shield her from the weight of the world. Paige buried her face into your shoulder, her body trembling with pent-up emotion as she finally allowed herself to release the weight she had been carrying.
"You don't have to apologize, P," you whispered, your voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "I've missed you too, more than you'll ever know. But more than anything, I just want you to be okay."
Paige buried her face in your shoulder, her breath hitching as she let out a shaky sigh. "I'm trying, Y/N. I really am."
You held her tighter, offering her the comfort and support she so desperately needed. "I know you are, Paige. And I'm here for you every step of the way. We'll get through this together."
Paige nodded against your shoulder, her breaths coming out in ragged sighs as she let herself be comforted by your embrace. In that moment, the walls she had built around herself seemed to crumble as she let go of all her fears.
Paige spoke up again, her tears soaking into the fabric of your shirt. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N. You've always been there for me, even when I didn't deserve it."
"That's what I'm here for, right?" You replied, tightening your hold around her.
Eventually, Paige pulled back slightly, her eyes red and puffy but filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
You gave her a gentle smile, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. "You don't have to do anything alone, Paige. I'm here for you, always. Are you hungry?"
She was slightly taken aback as she let out a soft chuckle. "Sure, yeah. What's on the menu tonight?"
You smiled back at her, feeling yourself fall back into the natural swing of things. "Mac and cheese, if you're up for it?"
"Hey, it's a thanksgiving food! It's kinda fitting the vibe, don't ya think?" Paige's voice came out hoarse but you could see the amusement in her red-brimmed eyes.
With a gentle arm around her shoulders, you guided Paige to the kitchen, mindful of her injury. As you worked together to prepare the meal, the tension that had been weighing heavily between you seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of familiarity.
However, you could still sense a little tension in the air ─ but you decided that issue was for another day.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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bring-backup-99 · 5 months
They Will Not See
Read on AO3
Am I in a bad way about Season 3 and the finale? Yes.
PAIRING: tech x fem reader
SUMMARY: You spend a sweet, unexpected night in bed with Tech.
RATING + WARNINGS: 18+, spicy, porn with minimal plot, PiV
NOTES: This is installment eighteen of my reverse harem “Bad Choices” smutlet series on Ao3, but I think it’s also a sweet, intimate stand-alone Tech story. And I do love Tech losing a little of his control, especially since he’s kind of Dom in the series.
Although it’s written in second person, my heroine has a very established relationship with the Batch.
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Tech watches you sleep. This is a recent development.
Usually, he would disentangle himself and leave the bed as soon as you drifted off, staying that long only because he knows you enjoy not falling asleep alone. He has spent his entire life sleeping in close proximity to one or more people, so he understands the general idea that this might be comforting. Tech can fall asleep anywhere, under almost any conditions. He has never accidentally fallen asleep, at least not since he was a cadet, but, when circumstances allow, he can just pass out. He overheard someone on an extended mission refer to him as the king of the power nap, which he took as a compliment.
You have always rested on Tech in casual moments; physical contact clearly being one of the ways you show affection. Touch has never been important to Tech. He has never had the need to show anyone affection or have it shown to him. In his life, he has categorized touch as negative or neutral. The addition of sex as physical intimacy has expanded the categories slightly. The touch associated with sex is usually positive. He certainly enjoys the physical sensations he experiences during sexual activities, and he understands that touch pre- and post- said activities is something you need, but it was not something he previously thought about for himself.
With the regular addition of multiple partners to your intimate activities, and their own needs for your attention, the idle time you spend with him has diminished, and, to his surprise, he misses that. He also finds that when he returns to the bedroom and sees you sleeping intertwined with someone, there is an unfamiliar feeling present. He wouldn’t call it jealousy, because he has never previously experienced that emotion, but he might acknowledge that it could be adjacent to that on an emotional spectrum.
So, he watches you, considering, then he puts down his datapad and stays next to you, your head resting on his shoulder. After a few minutes, your body fully turns and presses to him, your arm on his chest. He decides this is not a neutral touch and recategorizes it as positive, and then he falls asleep.
You are dreaming. Tech is kissing your neck, and his hand is cradling your head. He’s whispering soft words to you as he nuzzles your ear. You don’t understand what he is saying, but you can tell that the words are sweet.
For a moment, you feel bad; this must be Wrecker or maybe Hunter, but you refuse to wake up, instead basking in the gentle touch of someone who rarely touches you gently. You don’t remember either of them being there, but Tech doesn’t stay in bed with you.
Dream Tech kisses you, pressing his lips to yours before you open your mouth to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders. You hear your name whispered with such a tone that your whole body shivers.
A knee nudges between your legs, parting them slightly, and then another spreads you open, and his body is flush to your own. A strong arm nestles to one side of your head, and you finally open your eyes, ready to let the dream go, to stop this nighttime lover before it goes too far. But it’s still Tech above you, his eyes partly closed, and you feel an unexpected excitement and warmth course through your body. You pull his face down to yours to kiss him more, your fingertips running through his short hair, against the strap that keeps his goggles a permanent part of his face, like Wrecker’s scar and Hunter and Crosshair’s tattoos.
As he begins to slide into you, you softly cry out his name into his ear. He stops for a moment, as if confused, and you wonder if he thought he was dreaming as well. At least it was your name he called out. His eyes are fully open now, looking at you. You smile and tip your hips up to encourage him to continue. Another moment passes and then he is buried inside you.
He’s moving slowly, almost hesitant. It’s been a long time since someone was in your bed who could initiate the dreamy fun of middle-of-the-night sex, and maybe Tech has never done this at all, considering he rarely even falls asleep in your bed. Would he have slept in others’?
But it feels so good. So nice. So satisfying. His body is against yours, his strokes long and careful, and when he fills you, he presses in just a little more, and you murmur at the pleasure of it. You could do this all night, whispering encouragement in his ear, telling him how you never want this to stop, how good it feels. You squeeze yourself around his cock, gratified to hear him make a small sound of satisfaction, moving your hips to meet him. Your arms wrap around him, feeling those strong muscles in his back, feeling his ass tighten as he pushes into you.
He’s different, his breath catching more right now than when he is pounding into you. He hooks your leg over his arm, finding an angle to be deeper into you. He stays like this, rolling his hips against you as you moan in ecstasy.
Eventually, he has to stop, holding himself still as he tries to control himself, but you can tell he’s close. You move under him, tightening around him in tantalizing pulses, pressing him into you, not letting him collect himself enough to halt his body.
“Wait,” he whispers to you. “I will finish too soon.”
“No,” you answer. “I want you to come.” You keep moving against him, feeling his resolve giving way.
“But you…you have not…”
“It’s okay. This feels so good. I don’t want to change it. Come in me like this.” And you want him to lose a little of his usual control. He looks into your eyes before giving in.
His pace picks up slightly, as you push against him, your fingers raking along his back, your teeth finding his shoulder. His lips are to yours, muffling his moan as he starts to come, pumping inside of you.
You cry out in shared bliss, holding him tight, your legs wrapped around his, riding every wave, until his face is nuzzled against your own, his breaths against your neck.
You lie on his chest, his arm around you. You thought he’d fall right back to sleep, but you can feel the wakefulness in his body. You stroke your fingers against his chest, then absentmindedly lick his nipple.
“Mmph,” he groans in surprise, catching your hand in his. He turns his head slightly to you. “I feel that I have left a task incomplete.”
“Tech,” you laugh. “I’m not an item on a checklist…or are you concerned about your perfect record?” He rolls his eyes, but you can tell you’re partly correct. “Do I seem any less satisfied to you than at other times?” He has no response. “Then leave it…Or leave it til morning. Let me just enjoy this.” You feel his body relax slightly in acquiescence.
Yes, you want to soak this up. A few hours of soft Tech, with sex no less intense or satisfying because he wasn’t rough with you – with his strong, naked body against you, and his attention not diverted by his datapad. You don’t want to fall asleep yet, but slowly his warmth and steady breathing lull your eyes to close.
In the morning, he ticks off that final box on his checklist before he leaves.
The rest of the series can be found here.
Warning: It gets kinky.
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miss-musings · 3 months
"And We're Not Done Yet": How Omega Also Needed Crosshair in The Bad Batch Season 3
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Both during and in the weeks after "The Bad Batch" Season 3 aired, a lot of people talked about how much Omega helped Crosshair grow and change during Season 3 (and the show in general).
I'm certainly one of those people, but I thought it might be time to talk about just how much Omega needed Crosshair in Season 3 as well. I know he generally supported her like his brothers did throughout the show, but let's focus on how she specifically and uniquely needed him throughout S3.
(NOTE: I already posted this as a thread on my Twitter — @catchingclassic. So, sorry for any repetition across platforms. But, if you already saw the Twitter thread, I am going to expand on a few points, because Tumblr is more conducive to that.)
So, let's talk about how Crosshair and their special bond helped Omega in "The Bad Batch" Season 3:
Initial Imprisonment on Tantiss
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Let's go chronologically and start with our characters' five- or six-month imprisonment on Tantiss.
While Omega is a prisoner at the base, she basically only has four individuals she has neutral to positive interactions with on a daily basis: Nala Se, Emerie, Batcher and Crosshair.
While she spends the most time with Emerie and does seem to develop some bond with her -- as we find out from Emerie's comments in 3.14 -- she also doesn't fully trust Emerie. If she did, she would've clued Emerie into her escape plans in 3.03.
But, Crosshair is someone she KNEW she could trust.
Crosshair was essentially Omega's only comfort during her imprisonment (other than Batcher, I guess). She'd just lost Tech and been separated from Hunter, Wrecker and Echo. She clearly needed someone to support her mentally/emotionally.
We only see two conversations between them in 3.01, and in the first one, he doesn't offer her much in the way of comfort. But in the second one, it's clear that Crosshair is trying to keep Omega focused on escaping, even if it's without him.
Look, I'm not saying Crosshair's demeanor was great. I wish we could've seen him offering her more comfort and support (and maybe he did off-screen).
But, at minimum, she continued to interact with him on a regular basis and seemed to tell him all sorts of details about her day, her plans to escape, etc. And, again, Crosshair encouraged her as best as he could:
Crosshair: What is your primary objective? Omega: Escape. Crosshair: Then stop wasting time on lost causes. Forget the hound, forget me, and complete the mission.
In early 3.01, he doesn't believe escape is possible. But, by late 3.01, he's apparently realized that Omega does have a good chance of escaping, if she plays her cards right, so he's trying to keep her focused.
And, he's actually right. Omega could've left with Batcher at the end of 3.01, but as I'll talk about shortly, that wouldn't have gone very well.
I've been showing TBB to my sister and we recently started S3. She was surprised by the five-month time jump in 3.01 and by just how much Omega had changed. She'd lost hope. She'd become almost complacent about her new life on Tantiss. She doesn't acknowledge Crosshair in the hallway. She doesn't demand to leave anymore. She's just accepted this is her life now, to some degree.
Omega definitely still had some fight left in her, as we see when Batcher is threatened, but five months on Tantiss clearly diminished so much of the stubbornly optimistic person she used to be. She also seemed to tunnel-vision on Batcher and Crosshair, and so that's why Crosshair has to remind her exactly what her objective is.
Again, we don't get to see much of it, but it's clear that Crosshair was basically Omega's only real support system on Tantiss. She might've had some positive interactions with Nala Se and/or Emerie off-screen (although that doesn't seem likely), but Crosshair seemed to be the only person encouraging her and helping her toward an escape attempt.
Speaking of...
Escaping Tantiss, Round 1
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Omega absolutely needed Crosshair's help to escape Tantiss, especially on the day and at the time she did.
Let's say she took Crosshair's words to heart and left with Batcher at the end of 3.01:
She's outside the base with no weapon and no datapad. Even if she happens to remember the abandoned shuttle, she has no way to find it other than just blindly running around the jungle.
(EDIT/UPDATE: I forgot the droid K9-X1 also had a datapad Omega could’ve taken after she used it to open Batcher’s chute in 3.01. Not sure if it had the same capabilities as Nala Se’s datapad, but I would guess so. The droid also had an electro baton she could’ve taken. Not exactly a blaster but it’d be better than nothing. 🤷‍♀️)
And, while Batcher would be some help against the jungle creatures, one lurca hound isn't going to do much.
It would probably take a while, but I’m sure the lurca hounds and/or the stormtroopers would find her. And even if she remembers Plan 72 herself, now she doesn't have another person (or a weapon) to help her execute it.
But, in 3.03, once she gets Crosshair out of the cell, he gives her the second blaster. Now, they're both armed. They get outside, and he suggests they "follow the flight path" to find the crashed shuttle. He also watches her back the whole time they're in the jungle, and when the stormtroopers find them, he suggests Plan 72 and acts as a distraction while she steals the shuttle.
I also love that moment when she seems to give up, but Crosshair doesn’t let her:
Crosshair: You got us this far, and we’re not done yet.
One small detail I appreciate: if you look really closely at his facial expression when she apologizes, he really goes 😟 to hear that Omega of all people has given up hope that they’ll actually escape.
In any case, Omega, Crosshair and even Batcher all needed to be there to escape Tantiss as they did. And even then, they probably wouldn't have gotten away safely without Emerie bringing Hemlock Omega's results to have him call off the V-Wings.
Navigating Lau
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Once the group crash-lands on Lau, Crosshair proves crucial to their escape efforts there. We always focus on her contributions, but don't really talk about his.
Omega probably would've been at the crash site all day, freezing and trying to fix the shuttle, if Crosshair hadn't prompted her to leave. He locates the spaceport, and says they need to move before they're discovered.
Once there, he reassures Omega that the stormtroopers are a standard patrol presence and tells her they can't contact Hunter and Wrecker because the Empire monitors long-range comms. He then comes up with the plan to try to sneak about one of the shuttles at the spaceport, but it's too well-guarded.
This is where Omega then takes the lead: she tries to bribe the spaceport employee and then decides to get money by hustling people at the cantina.
The whole time, though, Crosshair is watching her back and tries to stand up for her against the Imperial officer and the street kid.
And, despite how much he dislikes it, he does follow Omega to the cargo docks and helps her free Batcher. During the shootout, he fights the troopers while she steals the ship. Just like on Tantiss, they wouldn't have gotten out of there without working together.
Finally, as they head to reunite with Hunter and Wrecker, Crosshair tries to prepare her for the possibility that they might not be there. We know he's wrong, but he was still looking out for her (even if it was probably just him projecting).
Crosshair's Knowledge of the Empire and Tantiss
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Just like on Lau, Crosshair's knowledge about the Empire and its procedures, etc. proves crucial in TBB's larger fight against Tantiss.
Once he and Omega reunite with everyone in 3.05, Crosshair helps by sharing what information he does have (although it does take him a while because of his trauma).
He takes TBB to Barton IV to decrypt the datapad in 3.05; he tells Rex & co. about the CX operatives in 3.06; he volunteers to take on CX-2 twice in 3.07; and he initiates the plan to break Rampart out of prison in 3.12.
Obviously, I don't like that Crosshair stayed with the Empire and left his family in 1.16. But the unspoken truth is that, without Crosshair staying in the Empire as long as he did, TBB probably never would've found Tantiss.
It was so well-guarded that the only way they could've found it was to track a ship already going there, like CX-2's Dagger in 3.11 or the science vessel in 3.13.
Also, while Omega wasn't there, Crosshair's knowledge of Tantiss and the surrounding jungle was crucial to TBB infiltrating the base in 3.14 and 3.15 -- even though the CX operatives beat their asses and take them prisoner anyway.
We'll circle back to Tantiss, Round 2 later, but for now, let's refocus on mid-Season 3:
Recovering from Tantiss
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Let's talk about Omega needing Crosshair during their downtime on Pabu.
While the show focuses on Crosshair recovering from his trauma, Omega was traumatized by her imprisonment too. And Crosshair is the only one who knows firsthand just how bad it was for her.
Her day-to-day routine on Tantiss clearly wasn't as brutal as his, but she was still separated from her family for months.
As she tells Emerie in 3.03, it reminded her of being trapped on Kamino; and as we know from Season 1, that's where Omega was initially traumatized.
In mid-Season 3, she's so focused on going back for the other clone prisoners, but it's clear from several looks and remarks in 3.05 and 3.06 that she's still processing everything that happened to her there.
Throughout Season 3, we get several scenes of Crosshair being worried about her, checking on her and trying to keep her safe. We also get at least two scenes where he affirms just how bad Omega's suffering was:
Emerie in 3.03: "You should go back to your room." Crosshair: "You mean her CELL."
This exchange was short, but I love that Crosshair refused to let Emerie gaslight Omega. (I know Emerie was essentially a prisoner too, so her gaslighting wasn't exactly intentional, but that's a story for another time.)
We also get The Argument in 3.05 where Crosshair holds Hunter accountable, albeit in a very mean-spirited way:
Crosshair: You let Omega be taken to Tantiss. She went through what she did because YOU failed. You're angry because she escaped with MY help, not yours.
Admittedly we don't get to see it, but I wouldn't be surprised if Omega's recap of her imprisonment in 3.05 glossed over just how bad it was for her.
Again, Crosshair knew firsthand just how much she suffered. So, he tries to look out for her as best as he can, whether that's physically or emotionally. (Admittedly, we could've gotten more scenes of this, but the show is focused more on Crosshair's post-Tantiss recovery rather than Omega's.)
In 3.08, Omega's focused on helping Crosshair start his healing journey. I'm sure it proved to be a decent distraction while inadvertently helping her start processing her own trauma too.
I mean, at the end of the episode, they're meditating TOGETHER. It's not like she showed him how to do it and then just watched him or walked away.
It might have been inadvertent, but by helping him heal, I also think Omega was starting her own healing journey too.
Family, Reconciliation and Hope
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Another recurring thread in mid-Season 3 (and even into the finale) is how Crosshair's journey reaffirms Omega's belief in the power of love, hope and family.
We know from Season 1 that Omega always wanted to save Crosshair and bring him back to their family. Even though he leaves them willingly in 1.16, she still cared about him and in 2.15, she and the others pushed Hunter to do whatever necessary to save Crosshair.
But, especially after losing Tech in 2.16, I can imagine just how important saving Crosshair and restoring him to their family was for her.
As she says in 2.16 when Hemlock captures Hunter and Wrecker:
Omega: I already lost Tech. I'm not gonna lose them too.
From the way she pushes Crosshair to talk to Hunter at the beginning of 3.05, it's clear she's invested in seeing the brothers reconcile. And, based on her expression when she sees Wrecker hugging his brothers at the end of the episode, it must've been so comforting for her after everything she and their family went through -- especially losing Tech.
Additionally, throughout the show, Omega has always tried to believe in people's goodness, and appeal to their kindness and compassion.
With Cid (and others), she's proven wrong, and they ultimately take advantage of her.
But, Crosshair proved she's right to believe people CAN change -- that they can reject the darkness and choose light.
When the group is debating whether to let Omega train with Ventress in 3.09, Omega uses Crosshair as her prime example that "people can change" and that she's not naïve for wanting to give Ventress a chance despite her past crimes.
I think she ultimately learned that there's a balance: that yes, some people like Cid will take advantage of you; but that there are others like Crosshair and Ventress who are trying to be better and will come through for you if given the chance.
(ADDITION: While it took her a long time to come around, Emerie also ultimately makes the right decision to turn against Hemlock/the Empire and help free the Tantiss prisoners. Maybe after reuniting with Emerie in 3.12, Omega hoped her sister would come to her senses and help/join her, just like Crosshair did. I can’t say for certain, but it’s a thought.)
Returning to Tantiss
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In 3.11, when the Empire attacks and invades Pabu, Omega feels guilty for seeing the island full of refugees suffer because of her.
She straight-up says as much to Hunter and Crosshair. And while Hunter tries to emphasize that it's not her fault, based on what she tells Crosshair later in the episode, she still feels guilty:
Omega: Look at what they've already done. I can't let the people here suffer more because of me.
And, in 3.12, when Crosshair justifies letting Omega surrender herself, he affirms her sacrifice for the people of Pabu:
Crosshair: The Empire would've destroyed this whole town. She stopped them.
You can argue that Crosshair made a bad decision by letting Omega surrender, but I personally feel like they had no choice, especially if they wanted to minimize the suffering on Pabu. They couldn't hide; they couldn't fight; and they tried to run but failed.
I've wondered before if Hunter had been in Crosshair's shoes in 3.11, whether he would've let Omega go. I honestly don't know if he would've. Crosshair himself was so reluctant, and I imagine Hunter would've been just as bad or worse.
We've all talked before about how much Crosshair was afraid of going back to Tantiss, but we tend to overlook Omega's fear because of how brave and determined she is in 3.11. When CX-2 is taking her back to Tantiss, the way Omega breathes when she's on the ship is reminiscent of meditation breathing. I imagine she was trying to collect herself before facing Tantiss again.
I think she was afraid to go back, but she was more concerned about the people of Pabu and the prisoners on Tantiss, so she was trying to make the best of a bad situation.
But, despite all her fears and his own, Crosshair supported her decision and then tried his best to track her ship. And while he ultimately failed, I'm sure the thought that he was there for her -- physically and emotionally watching her back -- helped Omega make that choice and face it as bravely as she could.
(ADDITION: Right before she boards CX-2’s ship, there’s a moment where she turns around and looks back at Pabu. Was she looking for Crosshair specifically, or Hunter or someone else familiar, or just looking back in general? I’m not sure.)
Escaping Tantiss, Round 2 (AKA The Shot)
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So, Crosshair helps his brothers infiltrate Tantiss.
They get captured by the CX operatives and taken to the training room/CX lab. Echo, Omega and the clone prisoners work together to fight the CX operatives and save TBB.
After Crosshair saves Hunter from CX-2, he affirms he's going with Hunter to find and save Omega.
It's honestly a really good thing he did, because without Crosshair on that bridge, that scene plays out very differently.
Hunter probably could've taken out CX-2's Dagger and Scorch by himself, but with Hemlock holding Omega at gunpoint, I think Hunter might've actually put his blaster down when Hemlock threatened her.
It'd be in-character for him, as he surrendered when Hemlock's commandos had Wrecker at gunpoint in 2.16. Admittedly, he was vastly outnumbered, which is a big factor. But, if Hunter is on that bridge by himself, he and Hemlock are basically in a standoff.
With Crosshair with him, though, the brothers have Hemlock outnumbered and outgunned. If Hemlock managed to shoot one of them, the other would take him down.
Additionally, either of them might’ve backed down if they had to navigate that situation alone. But together, they have each other for support. They're greater than the sum of their parts after all.
So, Hemlock has Omega at gunpoint and is using her as a human shield. The brothers take a knee on the bridge, and Hemlock decides to take Omega over to the edge, so if the brothers manage to shoot him, he and Omega will both fall to their deaths.
Omega signals them. Hunter catches it, but Crosshair apparently doesn't. So, Hunter tells him what to do.
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And now we come to The Shot:
Let's say Hunter is out there alone and the scene plays out the exact same way. Omega signals him, he sees it, and she stabs Hemlock in the leg and lifts the binders so he can shoot them.
Could Hunter have made that shot?
Obviously, it's a TV show set in a science-fantasy universe. So, there's always a chance. Plus, Hunter is definitely a better shot than the average person, and in a high-stakes situation like that, I'm sure the adrenaline and his love for Omega would help (just as it does for Crosshair in-canon).
But, based on everything we've seen of Hunter's shooting abilities in the show, I'm going to say: No, he probably wouldn't have.
In 2.09, Tech shoots the vial of ipsium instead of Hunter or Wrecker because:
Tech: If the shot is not precise, it'll cause another cave-in.
If Hunter was a better shot than Tech, Tech would've had him take it. But, Tech was the best of the three, so he did it.
And, Crosshair -- as a sniper -- was the best shot in Clone Force 99. I mean, that was his whole thing. He’s a sharpshooter.
I know that Crosshair has basically everything stacked against him, and he still managed to do it. But, Hunter would've been facing many of the same disadvantages -- injuries; lighting and weather conditions; the distance, size and speed of the target, etc. And based on everything we've seen in the series, Hunter is a worse shot than Crosshair.
If Hunter knew he could make that shot himself, I think he would've taken it knowing Crosshair was missing his shooting hand. And, if Hunter only thought there was a chance he'd make it, he clearly didn't want to risk it. He deferred to Crosshair, because he knew Crosshair was the better shot of the two of them, even with all the disadvantages they were facing.
No, it HAD to be Crosshair.
As I said, Crosshair needed to be there for Hunter and Omega.
He helped Hunter take out the Dagger and Scorch; he supported Hunter as Omega was being held at gunpoint and Hemlock told them to surrender; and he made The Shot to free Omega and then helped Hunter turn Hemlock into Swiss cheese.
That was the only way the three of them could've done it -- together.
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Final Thoughts
Ultimately, as much as we understandably love to talk about Crosshair needing Omega to grow and change, Omega needed Crosshair too.
After losing Tech, she wanted so badly to escape with Crosshair and return to TBB so they could all be a family again.
He gave her support and encouragement during her darkest days.
He looked out for her as she processed her traumas and never let others diminish her suffering.
He supported her decision to protect Pabu by surrendering herself, despite her fears and his own.
He showed her that change was possible and that healing is a journey -- one they started together.
And then he helped his brothers rescue her and the others from Tantiss, and ultimately saved her life.
Plus, as we hear about in the epilogue, Crosshair helped his brothers raise Omega for ~10 happy years on Pabu.
Omega needed Crosshair in Season 3 just as much as he needed her.
She needed ALL five of her brothers/dads to become the kind and capable person we meet in the epilogue.
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 10 months
Con O'Neill interview with Awards Radar's Steven Prusakowski 😭😭😭❤❤❤
SP: Busy time of year, but, you know, starting to slow down in just enough to hang out with the family and do all the cooking for, like 48 hours and then.
Con: Are you the main cook in the house?
SP: I am the main cook.
Con: Yeah. So am I. I love it.
SP: I love it, too.
Con: It's my go to place.
SP: Yeah.
Con: Because when I left school, I trained to be a chef.
SP: Oh, wow.
Con: Briefly. Another story.Okay, let's rock and roll.
SP: Well, that passion never leaves you, I think. I think once you start, especially when someone enjoys and says, hey, I really liked your food.I hear from my daughter's friends or their parents, she loved your pasta or whatever it was, I'm like, okay, now I'm...
Con: It's the best feeling, isn't it?
SP: It is. It's wonderful.
Con: And just that kind of inherent, nurturing thing of just going into the kitchen empty handed and coming out with a meal for people is really rewarding. And I love it. It's intoxicating. I absolutely love it.
SP: Same here.
Con: Because I travel so much, I don't always get a place with a kitchen. And that's why I always try and get an apartment when I'm filming because it just gives me a place to be in my head that isn't about work.
SP: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I can talk cooking forever, but-
Con: But we should.
SP: I know we're short on time and I have a ton of questions and I won't get to all of them. So let's just jump into the series and maybe we could pick it back up. Sorry to interrupt, but I love the series. I love your character and your performance.
Con: Thank you.
SP: It's a stellar, and there's so much to Izzy that we see on the surface, but there's so much more to him beneath. How was this character originally pitched you and what did you initially want to bring to him?
Con: The thing about this character was he wasn't in the pilot. So when I spoke to David about it, there was nothing written. So he explained it in very broad terms. But then I quite like specifics when I'm choosing projects. And kind of... he brought up Salieri from Amadeus, and I really hooked into that. Now, I don't know whether we went that way with it in the end, but it was a really good hook for me because Salieri is that guy with a mission who is on the surface wanting, but is underneath something else. And I think initially, Izzy was that, but then we exploded him in several other ways and Salieri diminished to something else. But it was a good hook for me
initially to get in by thinking about Salieri.
SP: Yeah, I like it. I could see that for sure. And to start the season two. So going into that, he's a shadow of himself from this feared, intense, strong man to a broken man. And what was it like taking this character and exposing that humanity and starting to peel away some of that shield.
Con: I mean... David had spoken to me before we started shooting and explained most of the hulk to me, and I'd always played Izzy as a man who was in love but didn't know he was in love. And for me, the key into this season was a. the design, but more importantly, was the Taika's performance. To see a man that I love to be that broken and to be that vicious because of the heartbreak, it was profound for me to see what he did with Blackbeard, and it did break my heart a little bit. So the emotional journey was quite clear that at the end of the day, all hatred of Stede had left him, and all he wanted to do is fix Blackbeard, and he risks his life to do that. He literally puts himself on the line for that because, like always. And what I loved about what David and the writers did was they didn't remove Izzy from season one in season two, he's still there. And what Izzy does is about the crew. He puts his life on the line because Blackbeard is killing his crew, and he risks it all for that. But it breaks him seeing the the man he loves so fragile and broken and angry, it breaks him. So, It wasn't an easy job. It was quite a lonely job. It was quite a difficult job because it was going down that path that I knew inevitably we were going to go down. But I thought it was beautifully written. So most of what I needed to do was on the page, to be honest-
SP: -I'm sorry-
Con: I just had to throw myself into it.
SP: Excellent. And then with Izzy being broken and literally broken, he loses his leg, which is symbolic of much more. It leads to one of the most touching moments of the series, a note with four words: For The New Unicorn. What did that mean to you, and what does that mean to the character?
Con: You know, I've been talking a lot last couple of days - because I'm allowed to now - and, you know, this season is about Izzy coming out. In many ways, he comes out, but that moment, that rest, that beautiful piece of writing again, the writing, where the crew embrace him, and it just releases him. It releases him from his own concept of who he is. It releases him from his own concept of who he has to
be to be a first mate and a brilliant first mate. It released him of concept that he's alone. None of this would have been possible to Izzy pre season one, none of it. And in many ways, it's Stede that brings this into his life. Because before Stede, Izzy never thought of his relationship with Blackbeard as a loving relationship. He never thought of it as being in love. He only realizes he's in love with Blackbeard when he sees Blackbeard lose Stede. That's the only... The reveal is he's heartbroken because the man he loves is broken, and he doesn't know what to do with any of that. He's not emotionally capable. And the crew giving him the letter and calling him the new unicorn and releasing him from all the stuff that he'd done, all that pain that he'd suffered and anger that he'd raged upon them, it's a really accepting moment. So... yeah, I'm waffling a bit now, but it meant a lot, and it was a very beautiful moment to play. And I thought Andy, who directed it, directed it so...Andy was a real shoulder for me to lean on in those scenes, because a lot of those early scenes I'm shooting on my own. And it's quite difficult to play an emotional narrative when you're on your own, because it tends to just be one tone. And he was wonderful, and Alyssa and Alex and all. They were all wonderful in helping me gauge those moments, as were the rest of the cast. But, yeah, that moment touched me enormously.
SP: You know, you have this love triangle that is never really spoken, but it's there.
Con: Yeah
SP: Then it kind of shifts - it's almost like a love square. It's Ed, Blackbeard, Izzy and Stede. And where the love, you know, crosses, it's all... or the hatred is at sometimes, but then it evolves...
Con: Absolutely.
SP: It's so complex.
Con: I mean we all're in contemporary language. We always associate love with romance. That isn't the case here. The love that Blackbeard and Izzy have for each other is deep, man. It's deep, and it's rooted in years of working together, loving each other, saving each other's lives, being constant. This is probably the only constant they both had in their lives, is Blackbeard is Izzy, Izzy is Blackbeard, and then they have this buffoon come in and steal Blackbeard's heart. It's not that Blackbeard falls in love with someone else. Blackbeard falls in love with this guy. This Izzy just can't comprehend, and it's a constant. And then once, I think once Blackbeard hands him the gun, everything changes. And Blackbeard says, kill yourself. Everything changes. And then there's an openness to Stede and Blackbeard that brings him to that place of acceptance-
SP: -It's great to watch also. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Con: No, that. I mean, I'll waffle again. I'll waffle a lot, because that's what I do. But the more I think about that relationship, the more I go down all these different avenues of what it could have been, and what it could never have been, and what it is and what it wasn't. And as you say, it's layered and complex, and I'm honored to have been able to get to play with those actors, and especially with Taika, who's a profoundly good actor - everyone talks about Taika's director and writer - the man's a fucking great actor to work opposite, and he's... he's exquisite. So, yeah, I could only go where I went because the writers and Taika. Really.
SP: That's great. I... of course, we have to touch upon the end of the season and the end of Izzy, unfortunately, which I'm hoping is not. I'm hoping David has something up his sleeve. But what was your reaction when you learned it and how emotional was shooting that final scene? Because that final scene says a lot between...
Con: It was a... listen, I've been around a long time. The writing was on the wall when I started to read the scripts, and David had kind of hinted at it anyway when we went out for the famous dinner where he told me what the plan was, and I was gutted because I loved playing him so much. But, yeah, narratively, yeah, it makes sense. And I have complete faith, respect, love, admiration for David Jenkins, and whatever he thinks or wants to happen in season three will be the right thing if he gets season three, which I, whether I'm involved in it or not, I really hope he gets it, because he deserves it. And the show deserves it. The show deserves its triangle. It deserves it. But, yeah, it took a few days to sink in, and then I was fine. I was incredibly tired by that time. And I was lonely, as... really lonely because I was so far away from home filming all these scenes, and I tended to isolate when I was filming because of the nature of the work. So when I wasn't filming, I was sword training, or I was working out, or I was learning to walk on that fucking leg, or I was whatever whatever whatever. So I found myself isolating a lot. And in a way, it was a relief to be released from it. The final scene David had sent to me several weeks earlier. And I prepped, as I always do, and I prepped and I prepped and we were going to shoot at the beginning of the last week, and then it got shifted to the middle of the last week, and then it got shifted to the morning of the last day, and then it was shifted to the last thing we were going to shoot in the entire season. And there's always a dark cloud around those scenes because you never quite know how it's going to play. And there's a lot of pressure. And it being the last thing we were going to shoot, put more pressure on. And we were on the ship, which is a huge set, hundreds of crew members, the cast, everyone who could possibly be there was there. And I was getting quite unsettled by the amount of cacophony of noise and people. And then we rigged it all up, and it was still just [noise]. And then suddenly it was just me and Taika and just saying goodbye to a character we both fell in love with. And it was... it was a, I'm saying 'profound' a lot, but it was a profound experience doing that scene because everything else disappeared. It was just me and him. It was just Izzy and Blackbeard. And it was a lovely lovely moment.
SP: It was painful, but-
Con: It was lovely to be held by-
SP: -beautiful to watch.
Con: Yeah. Thank you. I mean, it's lovely to be held by another actor just... creatively and likewise with me to him. And David had a playlist playing and it was... elegant to do. It was nice to do. It was a nice, fitting ending to that chapter of this character. And I'll always be grateful that they shot it in that way.
SP: I do have to wrap. I just want to say before we do, I really enjoyed your rendition of La Vie En Rose. fantastic.
Con: Thank you.
SP: That's beautiful. And I appreciate all the work you did in the series, and I hope we see you again. And hopefully maybe you'll have a cooking show too, along the way, because I'd love to see what you make in that kitchen.
Con: Come on and let's bake together. Oh, I can't bake. I'll cook. It's lovely l ovely talking to you, Stephen.
SP: Great talking to you as well. Have a great day.
Con: Thank you. Bye bye.
SP: Thank you.
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starqueensthings · 2 years
Episode 12 open discussion under the cut 👇🏼 BEWARE SPOILERS.
The loss of Crosshair’s helmet is so significant. The fact that he didn’t even bother to look for it, even more so.
The animators have always used helmets to represent a dichotomy. Pre Order-66, it was a symbol of a soldier’s individualism, as most troopers opted to paint their helmet to their liking; something to make them easily distinguishable from their brothers. Post Order-66, helmet-wear was used to signify the loss of a soldier’s autonomy. Yes, obviously for cranial protection as well (keep the melon safe during battle, you know), but once Order 66 was issued, aside from Batch members, seeing a clone trooper without their helmet on was a very rare sight.
In Season 1 Episode 1, Crosshair opted to keep his helmet on during the flight back to Kamino after Order-66 on Kaller, and through the halls of Tipoca city until they reached their barracks. I think the writers and animators were trying to symbolize that he had lost a large portion of his control.
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Through the rest of the first season, Crosshair was largely hidden behind his new imperial helmet; one that was completely lacking resemblance or connection to his past as a member of CF-99. I think his Imp helmet was something that, at least in the beginning, he wore proudly; it was a symbol of his new role, his new rank, his future, his new ideology.
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But in The Solitary Clone (S2 E3), after a poignant discussion with Cody, we see Crosshair look at his helmet with implied contempt, regret, and even possibly, repulsion. This was new.
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In the first minutes of Season 2 Episode 12, we see him reprimanded by an imperial superior officer for not wearing it, which I found interesting. Keep in mind, Crosshair was also helmet-less when he met with Cody before their mission to Desix. Same scenario: waiting by the ship for a debrief from his commander before leaving for the mission. But this time, the writers opted to emphasize that his face was exposed.
Now, his helmet is completely gone. In a mission gone sour, it was eaten by an avalanche. And I found it very interesting that Crosshair’s first thought after emerging from the snow, was to find and save Mayday, a reg commander who he’d met only hours previously, and who took all of Crosshair’s imperial ideology and challenged it. He carefully puts Mayday’s helmet back on him, but doesn’t even spare a thought for his own.
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In the final minutes of E12, we see Crosshair, and his face in all its glory, shoot his Lieutenant. An angry murder noodle move, yes... but also a desperate, frustrated one.
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The presence of Imperial Crosshair feels diminished. The reemergence of Bad Batch Crosshair feels imminent.
*pls note that I used the term “reg” to reference Crosshair’s previous intolerance for regular clones, and was not meant in any derogatory sense*
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selarina · 10 months
Behind Closed Masks
→ Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader
Summary: Amidst a looming threat to Yuuji’s life, you're all holed up at Shoko's house for safety. It's the practical choice for him, to be surrounded by Jujutsu Society's strongest. Alternatives are in the works, but for now, as you’re all holed up in Shoko's place, events begin to unfurl with Gojo Satoru in the centre of it all.
Content Warnings: friends with benefits, fluff, angst, unrequited feelings, canon divergence because getou is here and mentally well, mention of smoking, mention of violence, mention of harassment, exhibitionism-ish, oral sex (f!receiving) MINORS DNI
Word Count: 3.8k words
Author's Note: Ngl I kinda hate this but enjoy :) Might be kinda ooc
Read on AO3
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Satoru Gojo, the receiver of one too many love letters, the rejector of one too many confessions was obviously coined to be every girl’s boy, and inadvertently, as the lady's man.
But truth be laid bare, Satoru never truly had the time, not for women or men. He only truly had time for his intimate circle of friends who luckily had managed to penetrate through all of the layers of façade.
But it's off season, he’s on a low stakes mission and there’s not many curses to kill and he's bored. He’s been bored for a while now and since Yujji had been buzzing at his ear like a mosquito, he decides that maybe he should undertake the mantle he had been anointed with for years.
So, he downloads tinder, albeit his reluctance. Because surely, there were more dignified avenues into hookup culture? But who was he to argue with Suguru, a man who actually lives up to the reputation expectation — hailed as everyone's resident fuckboy.
It's not surprising by any means at all, but there's swell of pride that blooms in him with each illuminating "It's a Match!" notification on his screen. He's not expecting to do much from here, at least — not today. He only downloaded this app to appease Yujji after all.
However, at your entrance into the living room, with your barrage of bags upon bags, he finds himself hastily pocketing his phone — a bit too swiftly than he should have. 
He notices Suguru's discerning eyes staring at him, at his move, but Satoru, ever the consummate performer, simply offers him a genial smile and redirects his gaze back at you — this very angry version of you. 
You're staring at the lot of them — dead in their faces, almost like you're planning to squint your way through to a create a hole in their faces.
"What's with the frown? It doesn't suit you, pretty." He rose from his seat, a beat behind the swift advances of Suguru and Yujji, both of whom had promptly positioned themselves at your side. 
Yuuji relieved you of your bags as he took half the weight off, while Suguru merely extended his help in the form of a box of raspberry juice.
"What's with the frown?!" Yuuji asks.
You stop, taking a long sip of the juice, before you start talking again, "I told you guys to come with me. You didn't want to. The least you could do was pick me up when you agreed to. But no! I was out there, in the middle of no where, trying to get a fucking Uber. And then the Uber driver started hitting on me. And he was so creepy about it too. This is why I hate ubering by the w—"
"Is he still outside?" Satoru's voice cuts through, abruptly altering into a tone of sobriety.
"I don't know. But I want to punch something, maybe we should practice today, Suguru."
You looked up to see him, wanting to see if he agreed with you. But Suguru had disappeared. You turned around, searching the room with your eyes, but there was no sign of him. He wasn't there anymore. The room remained still with only four of you giving it company.
Then, a distant sound, the rumble of an argument spewing its way from outside, reached your ears inside the living room. The four of you are quick to move, swivelling your way through to the point of discord. 
Yet, upon arrival, you only catch the diminishing silhouette of the Uber vehicle taking its departure from Shoko's compound. And then, your eyes catch Suguru, arms akimbo, as he looked down at the concrete, uttering an expletive.
"Aww, now I feel better already," you quipped, making your way to hug an annoyed-looking Suguru.
He melted, as one naturally does at the touch of another. Albeit, it may be through reluctance, but his hands don't show it as they come up to gently pull you closer into his chest. He knows you need this more than he does. 
"Sorry for not picking you up," he murmurs.
Drawing back slightly, you said, "Well, you going up to fight him makes up for it, I guess."
"Wow," Shoko interjected with an incredulous laugh. "You want us to resort to violence?" 
"Well, obviously not. But you would if I asked you, right?" you contended with a smile, fixing your gaze on Suguru.
"Absolutely not," Shoko voice comes out swift and emphatic, a declaration that's seconded by Suguru's shrug of indifference.
Satoru, however, interposed with a grin, speaks up, "I would fight anyone for you." 
You look at him, your eyes assessing him from hair to shoes. "Really?" you said, your tone clearly coloured by amusement.
At that, Satoru's eyes squint in annoyance, "I would, and in case you've forgotten, I am the strongest one here?"
"I mean, sure when we were teenagers. That's different, you're kinda wimpy looking now."
You don't actually believe that, you'd be a fool to believe that. Truth be told, he's likely the first person you would instinctively turn towards if you found yourself in any trouble. You're just teasing because you find his attempts at acting annoyed and angry all too endearing, and it's nice — the way he's fighting to fight for you.
Satoru feigns a dramatic sigh, hand pressed against his heart. "Wow," he remarks. "Here I was, prepared to face dragons in your honour, and all I get is this indignation."
"Alright, both of you drama queens can continue you the play for us," Shoko's hands come up to push the two of you inside the house. "As we make dinner," she continues. "I'm fucking starving."
Dinner unfolded in its familiar routine. Suguru's standing behind the counter, his hands moving with a practiced grace as his swished through the vegetables. You make your way from sitting on one counter to the other, munching on cut vegetables and cheese alike. 
Satoru flitted between scenes, briefly checking on the TV and Yuuji in the living room and then joining you and Suguru in the kitchen. Shoko, on the other hand, was for a smoke as she often is — you wonder if that's just her way of taking the time she needs away from the group. 
And as the night deepens, you all sit down to eat together beneath the glow of Shoko's yellow lights — you savour each bit as you try to extend the night, not wanting it to end yet. But eventually, the plates were clear, and all of you share the task of washing and cleaning up into the night.
When it came time to rest, sleeping arrangements fell into its usual place. Satoru found his place on the couch, while Suguru occupied the other one. Yuuji chose the floor, favouring it over the couch or the bed. And Shoko's retired to the comforts of her own familiar bed. She deserved as much for tolerating the lot of you, she said.
You, on the other hand, spoiled as you often are, you sleep in the guest room, all alone. 
But on a night like this you know you're not going to be alone, not when all the warning signs were laid out — the incessant touches on your waist as he moved, the soft smile, the stares — it was all a bit too apparent than usual. 
So, when you hear the door creak open gently you're not surprised, and when Satoru patters in with softly laid footsteps you're not surprised. "Hey," his voice whispered its way to you.
In response to his whispered greeting, you softly murmur, "Hey."
Satoru settled onto the bed beside you, making himself comfortable as he placed his phone on the table beside the bed. 
A knowing smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you reach out to him, draping your arms gently around his neck. With a deliberate and unhurried motion, you shift your position, sitting up and moving to straddle him, your legs finding their place on either side of his hips.
"Are you okay?" He asks, his thumb coming up to graze the edge of your lip. His tone was neutral, but his eyes they peer into your eyes, so intently, it almost makes you feel bare. 
Your fingers play at the short hair that remains at the nape of his neck, a feather-light touch eliciting a faint shiver from him, but he maintains his gaze at you.
"I'm okay?" you respond, a hint of confusion in your voice.
"The Uber guy—"
Recognition dawns upon you, and you chuckle softly "Ah, that. Yeah," you pause, considering your response after. "That's normal. I mean, it's not but yeah, I'm okay don't worry. Used to this really."
His gaze softens, "I can find him right now, teach him a lesson if you want," his thumb continuing its absentminded caress along your lip.
You give him a small, appreciative smile, your fingers continuing their gentle dance on his nape. "No need for all that, stupid," you reply, "It's really fine. I didn't think twice about it." You let out a chuckle. "Well, maybe twice but not more than that."
"How long are you staying for?" Satoru's question shifts the mood.
"I'm leaving in two weeks, around the same time as now," you finally share. 
His gaze flickers, a hint of something unreadable in his eyes. "You?" you inquire, but you don't truly want to know, you'd rather you just all stay here for a month, or two.
He hesitates for a moment, his fingers tracing patterns on your waist. "Not sure yet," he admits. "Could be around a month. Haven't finalised the details."
"That's good to hear," you murmur softly. "I mean, you've been up to a lot lately. Must be nice to be back home."
"Yeah, I miss food," he frowns.
A few beats pass, as you sit there in silence.
"Wish you could stay longer," he says, his voice coming out a bit too vulnerable than you're usually used to because it's jarring, it's starting to sound like a confession you know you'll never get. 
"Yeah?" you ask, swallowing. "Why?"
He stares and you stare back, there's a moment, for a silly little moment during the fragile second suspended between you two, you think he's going to say something real. But then, with a shift, his hands reposition their grip around your legs that are wrapped around his hips, and he pulls, guiding you to fall back onto the softness of your pillow.
Your heart pounds, the abrupt change of position leaving you two separated before on top of you, as he moves his face to your neck.
"To do this,” he speaks, and his words are ticklish against the side of your neck. His knee quickly moves to lodge itself between your legs, hovering but not fully pushing. 
He continues to map his way down to your neck as his hand slid along your thigh. Your legs come to wrap around his waist, as it usually does and his hips pressing firmly into yours to pin you into the bed.
Your fingers come up to his hair, tugging on his roots as he continued his ministrations around around your neck, as he continued leaving a hickey. “Aw! I’ve missed you too—” Your breathy confession ends up in a gasp, as he bites particularly too hard.
"Sorry," he says but he doesn't really look sorry.
You know he's not sorry because he moves almost immediately to yank his shirt from over his head. 
"Maybe we shouldn't," you voice as he lays his palms on your knees, smirking in satisfaction at the way you were already spreading your legs for him to settle in between, even as your words professed otherwise.
"Why not?" He asks, as he bends down to tug on your shorts as you help me by shimming your way out.
"Well, Yuuji and Suguru are literally a door away and well, we're at Iwa's place—"
Pushing the hem of your t-shirt up to your stomach, he brought his head between your legs. “Is it because you like him, you—“
“What?” He pauses, and you couldn’t help but sound a little annoyed, because this is odd. In all your times together, he never brought this up. In all your many years of friendship, he never brought this up. "What?" your tone softening as you repeat.
A palpable beat of silence lingers between you two.
Satoru lets out a sigh, the tension in his voice giving way to weariness. "I don't know, I was just wondering."
"About what, exactly?" you inquire.
"I don't know," he responds, a touch of frustration tinging his tone. "Do you like him? Suguru?"
"Like Suguru...?" you spoke, baffled. "Of course, I don't. You'd be the first to know if I did."
"Why's that?" His question hangs in the air.
A soft, incredulous chuckle escapes your lips. "Well, you're kind of my best friend, aren't you?"
He doesn't speak up, merely nodding before you push his head down between you thighs. He complies, his mouth moving to suck bruises on the inner part of your thigh as he hooks his fingers around the side of your underwear.
He pushes your underwear down your legs and you help him by kicking it off. His hands then movie to push down your thighs to the bed, leaving you bare in a way that leaves you abashed. 
He runs his tongue across his lower lip, Satoru didn’t start slow and he was nowhere near as gentle as he usually is, but you figure the aspect of your friends right outside your door might have spurred him on to go quicker. 
He didn't leave a little kiss as he usually did, nor were there any tentative licks, he just straight up latched his mouth against your cunt, spreading your legs apart until you were as exposed as you could be so his tongue could reach deep inside you.
“Fuck—” Your hand immediately went back to his head, curling your fingers around his soft locks. You aren't sure if you were pushing him closer, or pushing him away.
You moaned softly, still concious of your precarious state in a friend's house as a guest. You bucked against him as his tongue flicked over you. 
“Oh, God—” His slick muscle pressed flat against your folds, drawing designs across your sensitive skin. He went up and down, up and down, again and again, and again — he only momentarily stopped to pay attention to your clit, sucking until your thighs began to slowly tremble. 
“Satoru, Satoru, fuck wait—” Your breathing hitches.
Satoru had always been good with his hands but that was nothing compared to what his mouth and tongue could do. He was so good at this that you could barely form any other reactions and you were getting progressively scared as you started to get louder and less in control of yourself.
His gaze, hooded and fixed on your face, holds a glimmer of need as he spoke, "What's wrong?"
"They'll hear us," you murmur softly, a hint of caution in your voice.
"It's fine," he responded, with a smile, as he dove back in.
"What— No, it's not okay," you protested.
But he didn't relent, he continued on and on and on until your legs began to tremble. He savoured your taste and you felt the vibration of his muffled voice reverberates directly against your skin. “You’re gonna come for me, baby?"
And at the sound of that, you do. 
"Fuck— You're so annoying sometimes," you exclaim, sitting up from where you had been lounging against your pillow, your breath slightly uneven.
Seated now, you deliver a playful slap to his shoulder. "Ow— Is that any way to treat the man who just gave you an orgasm?" he quipped as he rubbed his shoulders to soothe your assault.
Your initial impulse is to give him a mock scowl, maybe even playfully shove him down to show him what you would do to a man who just made you come. But then, his phone buzzes.
Your eyes instinctively dart to the side, and just as swiftly, Satoru moves to turn off the glowing screen. However, his speed isn't enough to prevent you from catching a glimpse of the display, not enough to discern the specifics, but enough to stir, well... something.
"You're on Tinder?" The question slips from your lips before you can catch it.
"Uh—" Satoru's expression shifts, a mix of embarrassment and guilt colouring his features. "Yeah, Yuuji kinda forced me to do it."
"Forced you into it?" Your curiosity deepens, your voice coming out incredulous.
"Yeah," he says, plainly.
"How does someone force you into downloading and signing up for a whole app?"
He wants to explain, but really he's not sure what he can or should say, so he merely asks what lingers in his mind. "What's the big deal?"
"Nothing," you concede. It's true, it's nothing. Plus, you've been part of the club after all. You know how this goes.
You repeat the mantra in your mind—it's all just nothing. Meaningless and not real. But despite your efforts to convince yourself, a twinge of unease stirs within you. Sensing the potential weight of those unspoken thoughts, you quickly shift your focus, grabbing your underwear as a way to distract yourself from the festering emotions that boil right below the surface.
"What? Wow — No head?" he muses.
"I'm just too tired today," you reply, the weariness in your voice matching the fatigue that weighs you down - as though your words have spoken your exhaustion into fruition.
As the night stretches on, you lie in the dimness of the guest room, ensnared in a ceaseless loop of replaying the day's events. It's as though you're stuck with a malfunctioning record that refuses to stop. So, you shift and you shift in your bed, and you're suddenly overcome by an uncomfortable heat.
Truth be told, your heart ached not just from the events of this day, but from years and years of unspoken words.
Your closeness to Satoru, a social man who's cautious about who he allows into his life, can be traced back to a confession you made. 
Dumb and in love, back when you were 17, you mustered the courage to reveal your feelings for him. Naturally, he turned you down. You were expecting it, of course and were hoping that wish away the feeling you had for him. There's a strange solace in embracing the stages of heartbreak - your friends telling you stories about how a "Fuck him, I'm sad" phase quickly turns into a "Fuck him, I'm hot" phase.
But alas, fate had other plans. A friendship sprouted instead.
You presented yourself as having moved beyond your emotions, and at times, it felt real. But then he would do small and ostensibly insignificant acts, as one does for a friend – brushing a speck of grass from your hair, surprising you with your favourite beverage, reminding you to carry an umbrella – and they just made fall deeper into the well.
That wretched well.
After a while, of jostling in bed, you couldn't stand the heat and the suffocating weight of all these thoughts. Quietly, you slipped out of the bed, carefully making your way out of the room. The living room was dimly lit, but you could still see where Satoru lay sprawled awkwardly, half on the couch, half on the floor. While Yujji and Suguru slumbered soundly, the former clutching a throw pillow.
The soft glow of a lamp casting your shadow across the room as you opened the balcony door and settled onto the swing outside.
A floorboard's creak drew your attention, your gaze turning to the living room. And that's when saw Shoko standing there, her figure outlined by the soft light. He seemed surprised to find you awake, her expression a mix of concern and contemplation.
"Couldn't sleep either?" she asked, as she made her way next to you, shutting the balcony door. Her voice carrying a hint of weariness. Perhaps, he was asleep.
You shook your head, not trusting your voice to respond. There was a heaviness in your chest that you couldn't put into words.
She settled beside you in silence, letting moments pass before he spoke. A sigh escaped her, "I'm sorry for not picking you up earlier. It might not seem like a big deal, but I should have showed."
You looked at her, her profile illuminated by the soft light from the moon. "It's really not a big deal." Your hand found its way to her arm, a gesture of reassurance.
You think about how kind Shoko really is as a person. It's not often you find someone like her. I mean, sure Satoru is nice to you but he can often be petty, arrogant and hurtful, even if he may not want to be these things, Shoko, on the other hand, was deliberate with her words, at least around you. It makes you feel loved in a way you have always needed.
Your mind drifted to a specific memory – the last prom. You were clad in a soft shade of purple, and you felt hopeful. Despite going with Shoko, the presence of Satoru, now a friend, lent a certain optimism. Yet, she had snapped at you, in hushed tone though as she did not want his date hearing him, she wanted you to give him and his date space. 
It wasn't his fault really, you were lingering in their space after all but you made your way through, seeming as normal as you could, taking some punch in a cup, finding your seat almost working in auto-pilot mode, and after awhile you felt her come sit beside you. Shoko. 
She sat beside you in silence for a bit and then she spoke, standing up and offering her hand up for you to take. 
"May I have this dance?" she asked.
"I'm tired, Shoko," you responded, dejectedly.
"Come on," she implored, meeting your eyes. "Let me have the honor of sharing your very last prom dance."
With a sigh, you accepted her hand, rising from your seat. Turning away from the amorous couple, you focused on Shoko as she led you into a waltz. 
In that moment, you thought you couldn't have asked for a better date.
Soon, you noticed Shoko gradually dozing off beside you. It didn't take long, and with a gentle nudge, you roused her from her slumber.
"You should get some rest," you suggested, your voice a soothing caress.
"Alright," she agreed, a plain weariness in her tone. Rising, she paused before leaving. You think maybe today's the day she would finally ask you about it.
"You know," she began. "You can always talk to me, right?"
A nod was your response. 
She leaned in to press a kiss on your forehead. With that, she turned and made her way to her room.
A sense of lightness enveloped you, the fatigue gradually returning to your bones. Retracing your steps to the guest room, you knew sleep would find you.
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thearchercore · 6 months
i think a lot of people are misinterpreting what this race means to charles (myself as a lecfosi and other lecfosi included)
This isn’t a revenge tour, or proof he’s the better driver, or a fuck you to binotto. Its about honoring his godfather, its about maybe finding some comfort in finishing a race he never got to, its about Charles and his relationship with Jules, with his family, on some notes with his father. I just think it is kind of cruel or weird to turn a race that means this much to him into some sort of, revenge tour anti-Sainz mission when to him it’s clearly about Jules
(no hate to anyone just something i’ve noticed)
yeah, i think there are two ends of it -- this suzuka being the 10th anniversary of jules' accident was always something that was coming, the helmet was designed a long time ago and as always, it will be a special race for charles. this 10th anniversary just makes it even more special compared to the previous suzuka races charles did:
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on the other hand, it happened to get stuck inbetween this recency-bias discourse that got to so bad that even charles had to address it so this race is just another chance for him to perform well (hopefully without any external issues) to prove his skills to everyone who doubted him because of the previous race.
again, the emotional message is the highlight here and something charles was already thinking about as he was planning ahead for the season - him promising that he will do everything to get that p1 is essentially tied for that.
but the situation he ended up in after australia gives him more external pressure to perform because of what the media said about him and how they doubted him. which is not diminishing the initial goal of honoring jules' memory. it's just another external factor that unfortunately took place before suzuka that slightly impacts this race more than we'd like.
hopefully we get past that discourse quick and charles has a great race ahead of him!
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regnumaves · 1 year
1180 Fódlan Olympic Games ❁ Tibarn & Edelgard
@hresvelged ; Lance +1
Well, Tibarn is certainly glad he doesn’t have to walk through this mess. Even if it means he has to play the part that they normally intend for horses - carrying the supplies for the village in his back. The two horses that they had taken with them laden with food and tools refused to take a single step into the swampy bog, and seeing no other option, the Hawk King offered his back as the animals and their handlers had no choice but return to the base.
But that’s a price he’s willing to pay; and, especially in his shifted state, it’s an easy job.
Some laughter at the front of the column catches his attention; craning his neck as he flies, he smirks - as much as his beak allows him to, anyway - at a few younger Knights, using their spears to vault themselves across the larger puddles, in a bid to spare their boots and feet from at least some of the worst water, but also seemingly just for the fun of it.
The beorc are so peculiar sometimes.
“Can you do that?” He asks as he catches up with Edelgard, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Is that a sport or something here in Fódlan? I’ve never seen that. Back when I’m from people just get in the swamp and deal with it.”
There is both curiosity and a concealed challenge hidden in his voice. During the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, she showed tenacity and decisiveness in her words and strategies, and Tibarn enjoyed seeing that - but he did not have the opportunity to actually witness her skill in practice, and naturally, he would be interested in changing that.
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warsamongthestars · 3 months
Since i Don't Like the TBB set up, how bout some health alternatives?
The idea here is that Rex hasn't ever been a main character. He's been support only, reactive to other stronger personalities. A show that centers around Rex Could be beneficial to his character, and be a clone centric show.
( I woudln't trust the TBB writers with it--but there's someone out there that can pull it off. )
In this story, instead of following the BBs, we replace them with Captain Rex. The story goes is that, after the crash of the ship, he reinfiltrates Kamino to see the situation from the homeworld, and runs into Omega.
Instead of BBs having Omega, Rex does. ( Justified by the fact that Rex, has in fact said on screen with the full implications, that he wanted kids. Perfect match I think. )
Rex is building a rebellion and was high ranking--of course he would know about informants like Cid. He would work with her to build contacts, which justifies meeting Guest Characters and slowly building the rebellion, whilst on the side trying to raise Omega.
It comes to a head in Season 2 when the Empire takes interest in Rex.
And season 3, the final season, ends with Rex facing the Tantis project, just one of many horrors that occurred to Clones.
Your Crosshair arc could be replaced with Cody. Positions of the side teammates being Wolffe and Gregor as the show progressed, to match up with Rebels.
And suddenly, everything clicks.
The shallow impact of the BBs would be immediately covered by the fact that Rex has had 7 years to be developed and solidified as a character, and wouldn't require either introduction or set up, just to get him to where the story needs him. Same with everyone else.
Even Omega taking the spotlight wouldn't take so much issue, beacuse as a new character she needs development to solidify her position in the Galaxy Far Far Away as a character, and it wouldn't be any skin off Rex's teeth.
CLONE FORCE 99 (As opposed to the "Bad Batch")
Instead of occurring in a post Order 66 era, its a series of complication arcs that occur at various times over the course of the Clone Wars involving The Bad Batch. It explores character histories and dynamics, missions and backstories, of course exploring the Galaxy Far Far Away.
And the last season introduces Echo, and then we End at Order 66. The purpose is that Order 66 leaves the BB's fate ambiguous.
No ending has to be happy, or known. Tragedy has its place, and is even needed to make a piece relevant.
A show that actually centers around Omega, and a few select cadet characters. In the narrative style of Rebels, young cadet and odd clone Omega now has to navigate a new galaxy, post Order 66, and what her purpose in the Kaminonian "Omega Project" is...
No Bad Batch this time, no overly despairing themes. This is explicitly a kid's show.
If you want to Focus on Omega, then focus on Omega. She doesn't bring anything to the Bad Batch that doesn't diminish them in some way--so just give her, her own show. Boom, problems solved.
So yeah, there's three shows that could've been made from the TBB rough draft mess.
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months
The Cycle Continues (Protocol)
Protocol is an episode about the underling. The person victimised by abuse, and the point at which they break. Its an episode about loyalty and where that goes right and where it goes wrong.
The episode has a few scenes that are rich with storytelling and analytical potential, and those scenes are some of the best in the series.
It’s also an exploration of characters who haven’t had the spotlight before. Light Hope gets some backstory and character development that explores the concept of the robot in this context, and Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio get their priorities sorted.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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This episode is a box episode. The characters are trapped with each other and have to work out their differences. Adora is trapped with Light Hope. The Horde Mook Trio is stuck with each other.
This is usually the lowest budget of a live action series. The team has one or two locations to work with, and not many actors, so they put them together. But an animated series doesn't need to do this, because the budget for one location is the same as the budget for multiple locations, so it's a choice.
I want to stress that box episodes are some of my favourite episodes of television out there. Boom from the new series of Doctor Who is a box episode in which the eponym can't even move for the most part of the series.
Box episodes are limited, which leads to either amazing stories, or forgettable ones. There is no in between.
Protocol, by artificially making use of this format, gets all of the benefits of the characters being trapped together, with none of the limitations, which means its potential is really quite high.
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This is Adora's poker face. This is it. She doesn't have another one. I wonder why people keep telling her she's an awful liar.
You would think that the title of Protocol has multiple meanings here, but it's actually exactly the same for all the characters. They are in a chain of command, and they are making a decision as to what to do. Do they follow the protocol, or do they do their own thing?
Starting with the Horde Mook Trio, the protocol is that one of them needs to go outside and fix the vehicle. The protocol says to prioritize the mission over themselves. The protocol does not care about them.
The Hord Mook Trio are in constant conflict with each other and with the protocol itself. Except, I don’t think that the two are separate, I think one causes the other.
She-Ra is a series about the cycle of abuse. That’s why the seasons are structured in such a repetitive fashion, and why the characters are the way they are. Even the villainous ones.
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Catra is the obvious example, as a victim who lashes out in an attempt to feel powerful and therefore safe. But others fit this as well. Lonnie is mean to Kyle, for example, he is the butt of all the jokes and while I wouldn’t consider it abuse, the extent to which Lonnie takes out her anger on Kyle isn't the healthiest or most proportional.
Which leads to the protocol. Because what is a protocol but a set of instructions? An order given, a facet of the will of someone more powerful. In this case, the protocol is the hand of the Horde itself, and Catra who has become the face of it.
But I’ve talked too much about Catra in this post. More on her next season. For now, back the Horde Mook Trio.
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I like to call this the Azula metaphor. Hair coming down over a character's face, especially when its asymmetrical, is a sign of diminishing sanity. It's a character action to put it back in place and regain composure. Hair as symbolism, Azula metaphor.
"I don't care. I gave you an order. Pick someone, send them outside, and fix it."
The trio exists in a setting that does not value their lives, and they react to it in different ways. Lonnie feels bottled up aggression that she can’t turn on her superiors, so she pushes it down on someone she perceives to be weaker than herself; Rogelio… well I don’t know much about him, I don’t speak lizard; and Kyle does something else. Kyle decides that if nobody will find his life meaningful, then he will, and he offers that mercy to his companions. It takes this episode for them to see it.
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The trio are soldiers, they perceive the world in a might makes right system, and characters who are physically weak don’t mesh with that. But there are other forms of strength.
It takes strength to look at what you have been taught about the value of your own life, and to say “no”.
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"Catra doesn't care about us. Adora left us. Everything they taught us in the Horde about loyalty is meaningless. Its everyone for themselves."
Loyalty is a fun concept, right? As a storytelling vehicle, there is so much you can do with it. Because it’s a completely amoral thing. Loyalty in this case is twofold and at odds with itself. Loyalty to one another or loyalty to the system.
The loyalty to each other is actively discouraged. They must send one person out to their probable death in order to further the goals of the Horde.
Alternatively, one of them can sacrifice themselves for the others, which is what Kyle does, and it’s the breaking point for Lonnie and Rogelio. Kyle cares about them more than the Horde does, and he nearly gets killed by the protocol.
Kyle hears Lonnie give a speech about how loyalty is meaningless, and selfishness is how to survive, and immediately proves her wrong. He acts selflessly to get them out, but he also makes them immediately try to protect him, against their better judgement.
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Light Hope is a similar example of this. Because she’s a robot, she has programming. She has no personality other than that which was given to her. She is pure purpose.
This episode reveals that to be a lie. I’ve commented on Morla Gorrondona’s voice acting in the role before, mostly in how she manages to convey emotion through stoicism. But here we get a different take on the character, one more expressive and happier.
It reframes the previous performance a bit though, making the modern Light Hope seem repressed in comparison. The true version of herself was someone whom Adora could have befriended. Hold on to that thought for a moment.
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This version of Light Hope claims to have no personality. That part of her "hasn't loaded yet", but in reality, she displays the richest sense of individuality she has had yet this series. She's fun, she's tricksy, she's oblivious. In other words, the "personality that hasn't loaded" is the personality that is acceptable. Also, this is a rare example of a story leaning into the neurodivergence coding to humanise its robot character. Maybe there's something about repression in that too.
The fact that Light Hope is a robot implies that she was made by someone, that being the First Ones, and we don’t really learn much about them except from what she tells us, and how she acts.
The Protocol made her forget her memories of Mara. Light Hope’s purpose could not exist with her own happiness. Light Hope was brought into this world by people who told her that her own life was not worth anything more than they decreed. In short, Light Hope too is a victim of abuse.
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You may say “wait, Light Hope is a robot, she has a purpose. It's not denial of personhood if she never had it.” To this strawman, I answer the following: This episode shows Light Hope displaying autonomy and free thinking when disconnected from her programming. It shows seeking joy and learning new things. It shows Light Hope falling in love.
It shows emotions, reveling in learning a new thing, obvious sadness upon realising she's messed up, wonder at the sight of She-Ra.
It also shows her going against her code. She wants to help, she is kind. She finds the memory and goes looking for it to try and help. She's less perfect on a knowledge basis, but this version of the character makes up for it in effort. This character seems to want to help Adora rather than follow her instructions to the letter.
This episode shows Light Hope as a person, and then shows us her programming taking that away.
As a side note here, I keep describing what Shadow Weaver did to Catra and Adora as programming. She taught them specific responses to stimuli so she could control them. In the context of an autonomous person, that control is villainous. If we consider Light Hope to be an autonomous person as well, you will notice that this is exactly what the first ones did to her.
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The scene at the end of Light Hope forgetting is her perpetuating her own misery. The only person who can hold up the protocol now is her, and yet she continues because it is all she has ever known.
You could say that this episode as a whole is a commentary on a system that prioritises stoicism and views emotion and attachment as a weakness and how that leads to abusive relationships. You could say that.
You could also say that this is an example of the self sabotaging nature of evil. By which I mean the villainy here, the abuse and the destruction of the memories to be more efficient and not get attached, not only harms the person perpetuating it, but it also hinders the goal.
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Hey look. History repeating itself. Cyclical storytelling. It's almost as if I'm on to something with my analysis.
The happy version of Light Hope is one Adora can get attached to, someone she could befriend and trust. Just like Mara did. The end goal of this all was to earn Adora’s trust and make her into an obedient weapon, so that would have succeeded, right?
Except, that version of Light Hope would have got attached to Adora in return, just like it did with Mara, and judging by the present day. That didn’t end well.
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Final Thoughts
Here is my hot take. This episode is one of the best episodes in the series… with the volume off.
This episode has some incredible visual sequences, and the storytelling is done so well through the animation alone. Adora is so well animated, Light Hope’s slight smile conveys her change of character so incredibly well.
But the dialogue is painfully redundant and that actively takes me out of the scene. With one exception, that being the scene with the flowers, almost every line in this episode feels like wasted space. The moment where the Horde Mook Trio try to save Kyle is undercut severely by the fact that they stop to tell you that Catra wants the armour kept safe.
Case and point, Rogelio’s speech is emotional and resonant, and nobody but Kyle and Lonnie can understand it. The emotion isn’t in the words but the reactions.
A lot of this comes from the fact that I don’t find any of the dialogue humour in this episode funny. Light Hope sideways is funny, Light Hope being silly about a bird is funny. You don’t have to point it out.
This episode goes out of its way to explain the plot beats and explain the jokes, and it doesn’t need to in order to get the point across.
If you want to prove my point, put on some music and watch the episode on silent. I recommend the soundtrack from Shadow Of The Collosus, but anything will do. It's amazing just the extent to which the entirety of the plot and humour can be done visually, and that the dialogue is really not necessary for either and, in my opinion, detracts from what was otherwise a genuinely brilliant episode of television.
Next week, I’ll be looking at the episode Princess Scorpia, and addressing a change in my own read of the character. So, stick around if that interests you.
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clonesimpextra · 2 years
Rough and Sweet
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Pairing: Bo-Katan Kryze x Fem!Reader Rating: 18+ ONLY Word Count: 1.3K Summary: Mandalorian Season 3 Ep 1 SPOILERS. When Din leave Kalevala, you and Bo-Katan have a ... discussion on the throne. A/N: The chokehold this image has over me ... going to be thinking about it for DAYS. YEARS. Also available on AO3
Bo-Katan was different lately. 
You noticed the changes slowly at first: a few more hours lying in bed in the morning, a bit later to sleep at night.
As, one by one, her once loyal followers abandoned her in search of something more, things only got worse. The hours in bed grew longer, her time sulking in the throne room became more frequent.
In the dawn of the New Republic, the galaxy was moving forward, towards a new purpose. But Bo-Katan’s purpose had always been, would always be, Mandalore. 
With the Darksaber lost to a person she actually respected, a person she refused to fight, that purpose was diminishing. You knew because you watched it happen, continue to watch it happen, from your place beside her on Kalevala, the only person who has never left her side.
Bo-Katan’s purpose is Mandalore, yes, but your purpose is a Beskar-clad red head who is currently lounging on the Kryze throne, wallowing in a self-hatred that has become all too familiar to your eyes.
“You’re doing it again,” you sigh as you watch Din Djarin’s starship disappear into the atmosphere.
When she doesn’t answer, doesn’t so much as move, you turn to face her, eyebrow raised. Bo-Katan only leans further into the throne, avoiding your gaze.
“I told you. If you cannot accept this is how I am now, then you should leave.” She lays her head back, red hair such a stark contrast to the dark of the throne. “Leave like everyone else has.”
You roll your eyes as you walk toward her. This attitude of hers is nothing new. She gets like this when she’s reminded of the promises she hasn’t been allowed to keep, of the world and the people who always seem to slip just past her grasp. No one loves Mandalore like the stubborn, frustrating woman before you. It just doesn’t always love her back.
That is exactly where your work is needed.
“And I told you that I would follow you anywhere.” You place a hand against her cheek, lean down to whisper against her lips. “Even if it’s only to remind you of who you are.”
For a single moment, Bo-Katan stiffens under your touch. You wonder if she’ll turn away from you the way she has so many times since her mission with Din. But just as you’re about to pull back, she raises one hand to keep yours close, another to grip onto your hip and guide you forward to straddle her muscular thigh. 
Her voice is strained when she speaks, as if reigning herself in. “And who am I?”
“You are Bo-Katan Kryze.” You sit down fully, grind your cunt forward and back with just enough pressure to momentarily satiate the ache between your legs. The action results in you only wanting more. Still, you have more to say.
“Mandalore runs through your veins.” Bo-Katan’s hand grips harder onto your hip, her fingers pressing bruises into your flesh and you gasp your next words into her mouth, just out of reach. “You are its protector. Its redemption. Its—”
“Look at me.”
You blink your eyes open, uncertain when they had even slipped closed. Bo-Katan stares up at you, her head tilted, a fire in her gaze you haven’t seen in quite some time. Your hand, long since fallen from her cheek, rests on her armored chest. Bitting your lip, you trace the edges of the Beskar plate to the side, unfasten the clasps. 
The only movement Bo-Katan makes is in the push and pull of her arms as they continue to grind your cunt harder onto her thigh. She doesn’t help you with the armor, but you don’t need it. This terrain is plenty familiar.
When her breasts are free from the armor, the steady thrusts of her arms pushing them together then apart under her tunic, Bo-Katan finally moves. She pulls you forward just enough so that her chest is pressed firmly against yours. Her thigh jerks up in the process, ripping a ragged moan from your throat at the jolt of pleasure piercing up your body.
Normally you like to take your time with her breasts. Cup them in your hands, suck their nipples into stiff peaks as you force your name to tumble out of her mouth — tit for tat, really. But its been so long since Bo-Katan has wanted you like this, you’re not about to complain.
“You want to remind me of who I am?” Another jerk, and this time you almost cry. “Answer me, love,” she whispers against your cheek, her breath and her words sending warmth straight to your core.
You nod frantically, breathing out a “yes” that sounds more like a whine.
“Then show me what I do to you.” One hand lets go of your hip to lay a stinging slap across your ass. “Show me how well I take care of you with nothing but this fucking thigh.”
Your pace increases, the vast hall echoing your desperate pleas back to you.
“Fuck,” you grit your teeth against a particularly strong wave of heat, grinding harder, searching for it again as it fades. “Bo, fuck.”
She watches you squirm, eyebrows pinched like she wants to remember this, you begging for her. “That’s it, mesh’la.” 
You nearly come right then.
Bo-Katan hasn’t spoken in your native tongue in a while now, resisting every time you try to coax it out of her. If letting her let you ride her to orgasm is what finally gets through to her, you’ll never let her live it down. So typical of her arrogant ass.
But that’s something to think about later. Much later when you’re not so close to the brink of devastating pleasure. When you can’t feel how soaked your pants are, can’t see the darkening patch on Bo’s thigh when you look down.
You clinch around her, entire body shaking as you creep closer and closer and closer until Bo pushes your face into the crook of her neck and says on a taunting chuckle, “Such a good girl aren’t you?”
You lose track of your movements, lose track of time and space as you grip onto Bo’s shoulders, her words repeating in your mind. Good girl good girl good girl. 
You grind down once, twice. On the third thrust you cave forward, her arms keeping you safe on her thigh, your vision full of fucking stars. It’s a blinding light so painfully and wholly perfect you almost don’t realize that you’ve bitten down on Bo’s neck until she’s gripping your hair on a hiss and pulling you back.
You stare at each other, chests heaving, and you try to resist the urge to grind down on her again. She smirks, raisies a hand to trace the mark you’ve left on her neck.
“I didn’t tell you to bite me.”
“Poor thing,” you rasp. “Do you want me to kiss it better?” 
It’s a sarcastic response to a sarcastic comment, but it gets you what you want nevertheless. Bo moves her other leg, finally sitting all the way up so she can jerk you across her lap instead of just her thigh. She runs her hands up your sides and places a kiss of her own to the hollow of your throat. Rough and sweet all in one measure.
“Don’t you think Mandalore’s redemption deserves more than just a kiss?”
It was the closest she would ever come to begging, to admitting you were right, and you relish in it, carding your fingers through her short silky hair. “Would a fuck suffice?”
When she carries you into another room where there’s a bed and a shower and more space to play, you wonder if you’ve finally seen the return of one Bo-Katan Kryze.
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