phantomime-para · 2 months
Your asks are dryer than the Atacama Desert brother, so I concocted another Huizhen and Orangey thing. So on the very rare occasion, when both have time (busy bees give them a break) Huizhen visits Shadvaille. Please feed me Huizhen in Shadvaille waiter! More Huizhen and Orangey, please!
We don't know an "Orangeyy", buut we know an Oraneyy! X"DD
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Huizhen belongs to @normoku X)
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xxk3vonicaxx · 6 months
Can I eat triple threat pretty please I already ate the aves... I am hungry!!
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If Khatch is the one calling you weirdd, then there's an issuee, 'cause he's a real freakk-
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phantomime-para · 2 months
I'm hungry i'm hungry give me huizhen in shadvallie clothes pls pls pls and oraney in icedrift close pls pld lls pla pls
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Outfit swapp? How about a career swap tooo? X>
Huizhen belongs to @normoku X)
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phantomime-para · 3 months
Huizhen likes to travel, it's a nice fresh air for him to go exploring since he likes to be isolated with Lìxīn unless he's needed. Maybe he becomes a pen-pal with Oraney with the occasional meet-up.
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Oraney would enjoy the feeling of companyy, aside from being near Beltrenn, she finds it rather lonely if she doesn't have anything to do or anyone to talk to within the kingdomm. She mostly speaks with Beltren and tries to make small talk with the other nobles if she were to be working on their clothess X')
Huizhen belongs to @normoku of coursee, he's the healer of Icedriftt, Lìxīn is his catt X>
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phantomime-para · 3 months
Kevin overdose was happening in Foreline so they had to shun them
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Khatchik is only exclusively seen in the ill route of the gamee. If you would like to ask the version of Ace of Nor in ill routee, then just put (ill) after his namee, 'cause he's different here than he is in the rest of the routess
Anywayy... Me after I see Khatchik anywhere near Acee:
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phantomime-para · 4 months
Pies khatchik and does a silly little dance and runs off if u care
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He's tricking you into thinking he's cool with itt, you better keep runningg-
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phantomime-para · 4 months
Pieing the family so good it traveled universes i'm going to puke
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The people of Nor love their executionss, it's something like entertainment to themm X'>
How cruell X')
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phantomime-para · 3 months
In a world where evil Phantom Scott was 𝓟𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓬𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓱
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It's funnier with the audiooo X"DD
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phantomime-para · 5 months
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... I think it's best you runn-
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phantomime-para · 5 months
I fear I'm the only Santiago fan
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Nehhh, there's also the Ace of Norr, he's his biggest fann X"DD
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(This screenshot is from a prototype build of the final gamee)
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phantomime-para · 4 months
Hi everypony, the people yearn for the sillies (Aves) so here's a bit about them. 👅👅
So they are called The Tragoediaes (Tragedies) here because the members in this tale have admirable qualities. They are thought of as fictional children's stories because they are thought of to be executed. No one calls them by name rather than by their best quality.
First is Intelligent or Mortimer, or Mortime for short. This one is Koku, so he's naturally freaky but it's dulled by all his nerdy stuff. He studied science and while performing an experiment and his ongoing schizophrenia he had a psychotic episode, and he murdered his father. Then it's said here he's executed but you know proved to be the opposite. Also! He artificially made Celestielle and Victorian.
Next is Olympian or Kevri, he was an incredible man at archery and track earning his title. Although he was born sort of "off" always resenting the people around him thinking he was all of that. Then he murdered his father and little sister leaving his mother in a "terrible state". Mortimer often experiments on Kevri due to his mental illness.
Lastly is Dramatist, his birthname is Demaryius but he prefers to be called by Asinus. He's the Norvn variant, so by nature he is theatre centered and cannibalistic to survive. His parents got executed at a young age and he was presumed the next one because he's intersex but due to being small he was able to run off.
Mortimer met Asinus first but eventually got bored of him because Asinus liked the experiments Mortimer was performing on him and so while hunting out for a new subject he saw the absolute youthful beaut of Huizhong (he might get elaborated another day who knows) but never saw him again after that. Later on in the day, he was able to swoop up Kevri.
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In the theaters of the kingdomss, people put on plays for the rulerss. These plays would tell each of the stories of the Tragoediaess, Mortimer's would be in Shadvaillee, Kevri's would be in Forelinee, aand Asinus' would be in Incenn X)
The endings of each of their stories would depend on the route you'd takee X)
These guys belong to @normoku X>
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xxk3vonicaxx · 5 months
All this pie stuff! Please stop not crediting my work? 😒 (soeey Khatch spare me I'm not done with my Aves yet)
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What Odum really means is that Khatch is in the showerr, getting all the pie and blood offf. Look what you causedd, Vicc, you started this messs! X"D Meanwhilee, Odum steals the pie crusts and watches Sab while he cleanss X"DD
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phantomime-para · 5 months
Everything is about Beltren... can we all give attention to the real star, Santiago? 😬
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Meanwhile I'm sitting here likee: "Can we all give attention for the real starr, Astrophell?" XDD
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xxk3vonicaxx · 7 months
Hai sab... haiii... puts you in a jar and shakes you violently
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Why did you make thiss? It's so stupidd X"DD
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phantomime-para · 5 months
Holla, lief Santiago. May I capture thee and. . and. . .putteth thee in a cleareth containment? F'r. . . nay particular reasoneth of course!
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xxk3vonicaxx · 5 months
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Himstt, and only himstt, jsjsjss
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