#heat week jan 2023
ilyalenkov · 2 years
He very much knew what this week would entail, and usually he’d spend it within his own rooms away from the madness. Usually, however, his business has pulled him from the safety of his rooms this day. Not that he was gettng much of anything done with Rhoan around, nearly humping at his leg at any opportunity that he got. The vampire had booked out the game room for a few hours that afternoon, meeting with some important people in regards to the country he overlooked. When the meeting was finished he decided to hang near the bar, a half empty glass sat on the bar top as he thought over everything that had been talked about prior. Not anticipating someone would come up to him, he made it so he was as unviting as possible so he wouldn’t have to mingle. 
“If you’re going to stare might as well say something, or move along. I’ve no patience for games.” He’d say fully away of the irony of where they were, the games surrounding them would have others thinking otherwise. 
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icebird-khion · 2 years
Khion followed the guard back downstairs after one of his rentals ended. The master who’d borrowed him for the last few hours had been attractive and wealthy but no one worthy of making it to the pamola’s list of getting him and Connor the hell out of this place. Also, he hadn’t been the best lay, leaving Khion still frustrated and desperately seeking the attention of someone better as he strolled through the Undercroft in search of that one particular person. 
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Course just because Khion left didn’t mean that heat week stopped downstairs. It seemed Connor found himself in a position with a slave seeking his assistance and the snow bird was not in the mood to share. “Hey, babe.” He shamelessly put himself right in between the valkyrie and the other slave, one arm hooked around Connor’s neck as he pulled him in for a deep, claiming kiss. What he wouldn’t give to unsheath his talons in that moment and stick them in the slave’s gut. “Go find someone else,” he growled at the other slave, shooing them along. “This one’s mine.” 
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witchysethharper · 2 years
Seth planned for heat week like a snow storm – he’d stocked up with groceries and supplies over the weekend to ensure that he could avoid leaving his suite at any time for the next several days. All of his work documents were scattered over the long dining room table with his work laptop coupled with cables and wires hanging in mid-air between the wall outlets and the devices set on the table. Absolutely no way would he stepping a single foot outside his living space while heat was in effect and he’d ensured no one would be bothering him by locking and warding his doors. 
Course by the second or third day he’d started getting lonely. And then he started feeling bad knowing about the human slave down in the Undercroft. Straight men were a hot commodity in Krovs and every time one came around, the masters and staff of the castle liked to take bets on who could pop that cherry and get him to turn first. Seth personally found it super gross and he tapped his finger on the image of the slave, Duncan Strong, displayed in high resolution on his iPad as he debated performing a good deed or staying out of it. 
What would be the harm? He had the money to rent a human no problem for the maximum amount of time and it wasn’t like Seth would hold him to expectations. And bonus, at least one guard was on duty and not in heat; he at least trusted Hwan enough to not let heat affect the duties of a slave or any rentals. Manny...god, he hoped the shifter wasn’t working. He finally sent in the request for Duncan and then received his confirmation a minute later that the slave was on his way up. He had to give the castle props for efficiency and staying up to date on modern technology like this. A few minutes later there was a knock on his door and he ran to answer it, promptly thanking the guard who dropped off the slave and tugged Duncan inside before anyone in heat rolled past. 
“Sorry, uh, I realize this is probably weird for you or...something, I don’t know,” the witch rambled like he always did when nervous. “I’m Seth. Thought you might like to get out of the Undercroft for a bit with heat happening. I, uh, know how much it sucks to be surrounded by that. You want something to drink or, like, eat maybe? I’ve got water, tea, coffee, beer, vodka, and some eggs ‘n’ shit to eat. Probably better off seeing if anyone in the kitchens can do room service.” He could cook, but he was certainly no Shade in the kitchen. 
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nottheangel-raphael · 2 years
Raphael always adored heat week. For him, it was a Thanksgiving and Christmas feast rolled into one delicious, sex-fueled week. And lucky for him that he had not one, but two slaves who experienced heat to keep him busy. Course that wouldn’t stop him from assisting others that he favored like Gareth or Lucien now, the latter of whom was seeking him out for that very need. Whatever plans Raph had before Lucien’s message were immediately forgotten in favor of his dear fledgling. 
He teleported himself directly into the Frenchman’s suite, already shirtless save for some luxurious loungewear pants. Heat week wasn’t a time for wearing his usual business or business casual wear since no one had the time or patience for removing that many layers. “Dr. Gaudet?” he called, really more to announce himself without scaring the other. He knew exactly where the moroi was by his overpowering scent alone that he followed and found him shortly. The ghoul couldn’t resist a smile as he observed the sight of Lucien glowing with a feverish lust that he couldn’t wait to taste. “My poor darling,” he cooed, closing the distance between them in an instant. He could already feel the feverish heat radiating off the other’s skin before he even made contact, gently cupping his jaw as he bent down to meet him for a kiss. “Don’t you worry, I’m here to help you as long as you need.”
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familiar-finn · 2 years
It probably said a lot that Finn sort of liked heat week under Gareth’s ownership. It was the time of year that he knew his master would let him feed on the things that truly sustained him like life forces and wrathful energy from himself and others. Six months without a proper meal was a long time to go even if starvation wasn’t a way for a demon to die. His ability to feed and shape-shift might be the only things returned to him with the godforsaken collar but they were enough to leave him feeling on cloud fucking nine after a couple days of binge eating. Course the sex also likely played a factor in that too. 
He’d earned himself some time in the village and thank fucking god. He didn’t know how much longer he could take Silver’s insistence that they fuck around so that he can “help” Finn with his heat. He wasn’t a fan of taking advantage of humans in that way, especially with how young Silver seemed. Krovs Town was far more spread out but, oh, he could smell that sinful energy he craved within a mile and he followed the trail like a bloodhound. Heat brought out so many emotions like lust, aggression, and agitation with the latter two satisfying fueling his wrath. 
He probably should have turned right on his heel when he wound up at the Krovs Town Police Department. Definitely a bad idea, especially after already causing a shit show at Halloween. In that moment, Finn was more interested in the scent of his sin coming from inside and he had a pretty good idea who it was coming from. Shocking – or maybe not, knowing Ransom – that he was working at all this week even in heat. Didn’t seem like the smartest move for a cop what with all the mood swings and everything. Seemed even dumber to walk in thinking that feeding off another wrath demon could help provide some chill if Ransom wanted to work in heat. Or maybe that was just Finn making excuses. 
“Are you some kind of secret masochist?” the familiar wondered as he walked up to the chief of police’s office. Bad idea to leave the door open. Finn stopped himself right in the doorway, practically salivating over everything he detected rolling off of Ransom at this proximity. “Workin’ seems like the worst thing to do this week.” 
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ofembxrs · 2 years
His skin felt unbearably hot, the only time when heat had become a problem to him was when that time of the year came around. He was uncomfortable, but most of all he was needy, and desperate for the release his body craved so heavily. There was always a way to deal with it now that he was claimed again, he could have gone to Raiden had he been back at his place. Never one to sit still when he didn’t have to he had gone for a walk, a dumb decision considering the state of the castle currently. He could have been found by anyone, and easily would have been taken advantage of in his condition. Not that he would have really minded, some release was better than none.
On his walk he only managed to find one person, he knew him the moment he saw him, Finn. The phoenix had left his inhibitions back at Raiden’s, moving as close to the other as he could possible nearly pleading for his attentions. Not exactly how he would have done it had it been any other day of the week. When they were alone he didn’t back off much, maybe half a step if at all. “I’ve never needed someone as much as I need you right now, Finn.” He cooed.
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taryn-bannon · 2 years
Heat week, it seemed, was upon them again and Taryn was feeling that particular itch with frustration. Fortunately, he knew he could always hang out with Manny. And Manny, thankfully, would match his mood. Or so he hoped as he made his way up to the apartment after Manny had gotten him rented. As he waited outside the door, he bounced on his feet feeling the need rise up through his belly before the door opened. Without thinking, he pulled the other close by the waistband and pulled him in for a kiss that left no doubts about where the heat was leaving Taryn.
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krovscastlerpg · 2 years
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Our first heat week of 2023 is now over. Players should not post any starters – open or closed – related to heat week at this time. Any threads already begun during the event can continue for as long as necessary for players to finish them. Thank you everyone for your participation!  Heat week will return again later this year in July 2023. 
Our next event will be our annual Spring Mischief event starting on March 6th. 
Players, please LIKE this post so that we know it has been read.
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ashandblcod · 2 years
It was that time of the year where he became even more aggressive and hotheaded, his body felt like fire underneath the skin and the need to be close to someone was intense. He didn’t need to go out searching for one, Dorian wasn’t far, the dragon hunting him down when he realized he wasn’t in the bed with him. When he found him he came up from behind, arms circling around his smaller waist as he pulled him flush against his bare chest. He was naked unable to handle the stuffiness of his clothes until he was able to get some relief, for which he planned on getting from his partner. “Hope you’re not doin’ anything important.” He growled against his skin, teeth digging into the skin of his shoulder as he attempts to leave a mark.
“You know how badly I need you right now?” The question was easy to answer, as his hands moved as much over the other as he could possibly reach. “Come back to bed with me or I’ll bend you over right here.”
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gideon-rechterx · 2 years
Gideon sat at his desk trying to respond to emails from others regarding the most recent disparaging news. Murder in a synagogue of all things. How lucky some were to be experiencing the heat. They could easily be distracted from the bigger things going on. As his office door opened, Gideon’s eyes glanced upwards from his typing, though he continued to write the email hoping whatever it was that was being brought to him, or whomever, it was something that could be dealt with quickly. “If you’re in need of something, you can leave word on my desk. Unless it is dire. In that case, state your business. If I can help, I shall. If it’s about the damned heat... well, nature wins out all else I suppose.”
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kresnikxkaden · 2 years
Kaden was not a fan of this at all. Heat week was here and so was Ransom who seemed to never take a day off, as per usual. Hell, Kaden was just as committed to the job although he’d long-learned way back in Texas the importance of taking a break. Getting deep into crime, especially the worst of it, could seriously ruin one’s mood and affect the mind. There were some fucked up people in the world whether they were vampires enslaving others or some pedophile abducting and killing young kids. Fortunately, Krovs Town seemed to have the lesser evils with petty thieves, physical assaults, and traffic violations. 
No, crime didn’t necessarily stop because it was heat week, but he believed that Ransom could still use the time off. He didn’t hesitate that first morning his boss walked in like everything was fine and dandy to speak up and course it didn’t go so great since Ransom was still here. Now he watched the dragon return to the station after a meeting with the mayor that in Kaden’s opinion wasn’t a good idea and could wait ‘til next week. The man still looked like he was barely in control of himself and he didn’t need to be a mind reader to determine that. He waited until Ransom entered his office and Kaden followed him, not wanting to do this publicly in the bullpen. 
“How’d the meeting with Mr. Mayor go?” he asked as he closed the door. “Did you really go see him lookin’ all stoved up like that? I sure hope he asked what the hell you were doin’ here this week.” 
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ilyalenkov · 2 years
The last couple of days had been interesting, he had to get used to someone else living with him that wasn’t a part of his personnel. It wasn’t horrible, in fact he found Rhoan’s company as good as he had thought it would be. Claiming him was turning out to have been a good decision even if he had gotten him at an interesting time. He knew what was happening now, and he was certain Rhoan was feeling it even more so with the collar he had been wearing was removed from his neck. Ilya had given the hound his own space, for which he was now entering with something in his hand. A handmade leather collar he had specially ordered before he’d made his claim, it was sturdy yet not as bulky as the one the slaves got when they first arrive. It was a simple item without any enchantments, for as long as Rhoan followed the rules, though he had no doubt that wouldn’t be a problem.
“I have something for you.” He says, before they could do anything, he wanted to give him the gift. He lifted the collar high enough up for him to see it, “Was tempted to put a bell on it.” He explained as he stepped in closer, taking the collar and placing it around his neck. “It has no enchantments on it, I’m trusting you to not break any of the rules of the castle. You only get one chance.” He was stern, finger hooking under the leather as he looked at him. He could see as clear as day how the hound was feeling, the struggle to keep it together was amusing. He would make him wait just a moment longer as he released him, wanting to get a good look of him with the new collar. 
“Yes-- that suits you nicely.” He hummed, moving back in with a single step, getting right into his space so he could softly speak into his ear. “Such a good shchenok, take me as your reward, however you wish to ease your suffering.”
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icebird-khion · 2 years
Khion was excited to hear he’d been rented, always loving the opportunity to visit upstairs and get the hell out of the prison underneath the castle. These small trips were shockingly enough to keep him sane with different scenery and stretching his legs. Ah, if only he could stretch out his wings too... 
He quickly recognized the path they were taking to Noel Gaudet’s suite and the pamola fussed with his own hair and clothing to the best of his ability since the damned guard wouldn’t let him stop for long in front of one of the hallway mirrors. They arrived quickly and thankfully it wasn’t a long wait before the door opened and Khion was met the lovely sight of Noel’s fine features and dark eyes that always seemed to have shadows dancing in them. And Khion sure did love shadows. 
“Hi there,” he greeted ever so casually, entering the suite and letting the door close behind him. And once they were in private, the pamola struck. He pinned the older man against the wall with his hands held high above his head and Khion’s nose inches away from Noel’s own. The slave’s bright eyes bore into the other man’s and he could see all the telltale signs of heat affecting the reaper with dilated eyes and flushed skin from a fever burning underneath smooth alabaster. Khion wasn’t much different – he too had an unusual warmth about him that wasn’t there due to his affinity for cold and ice. “What took you so long on renting me?” he hummed, cocking his head to the side as he leaned in closer, hot breath ghosting the other’s lips while he dove in for a kiss, far too impatient to deny himself the pleasure much longer. 
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mannythejaguar · 2 years
Heat week was a popular time for slave rentals what with all the masters in heat or not wanting to take advantage of the castle’s most notorious asset. Now that Manny had taken the rest of the week off, he had to rely on the castle directory to inform him if his favorite slave was available or not. And the moment Julius was listed as the former, he promptly requested a rental, and impatiently waited for the shifter to be brought up to his room. He was at the door in less than a second once he heard the knock and dragged Julius inside without even acknowledging the other guard. “Hi, good to see you,” he said breathlessly before getting right down to business. Immediately he pulled the older shifter against him, lips crashing together heatedly as Manny worked to tear off the other’s clothing. 
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nottheangel-raphael · 2 years
With his slaves satisfied and resting for the moment, Raphael still had boundless energy to use. He exited his suite to perform his good samaritan duty in aiding any and all who needed assistance this week. Heat week was always like a Thanksgiving feast for him as an incubus – all that sexual energy prime for stealing from his victims to empower himself. He’d be feeling incredible before Thursday rolled around. 
He caught the familiar scent of a certain phoenix not too far away from himself. Raph would never forget how Aleixo smelled, not after owning him for two centuries. He followed it to where he found the slave roaming the castle halls in desperate need of attention and he struck, pinning the younger man up against the wall in a flash of superhuman speed. “Poor pretty bird,” he cooed, leaning in close as he breathed in his scent right off his neck. “Where’s your master, hmm? Left you to fend for yourself in your time of need?” 
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familiar-finn · 2 years
Finn dreaded this week coming the moment Gareth gave him the stupid “lady bits” he was so fucking proud of. He had no idea how that would work although he supposed at least he wasn’t experiencing heat like an omega this time around. Whatever hormones his master had given him last time didn’t seem to be very long-lasting or...however they worked. Best not to think about that. It was actually hard to focus on anything that morning when he woke up in a feverish sweat, agitated as hell, and hot pressure coiled tight in his belly that he couldn’t relieve no matter how he tried – and he’d tried. He had no idea either why he tried to avoid it when he knew that this would end up with him seeking out his master for assistance. 
He could already smell the pheromones off of Gareth behind closed doors and they were enough to drive him mad with need. He didn’t even bother getting fully dressed, only wearing a pair of lace blue panties as he left his room and rushed down the hallway. He practically crashed into the aswang, tackling him back onto the living room couch and straddling him. Finn captured Gareth’s lips in a rough, demanding kiss, growling into it and biting hard on his bottom lip. His nails sharpened into claws that he dragged down his master’s chest and brought up thin lines of blood. “Fuck, you taste good,” he breathed out. “I need you, daddy. I need to fuck you.” Cause he sure as hell was adamant that Gareth still wouldn’t be fucking his newest part for as long as he could put that off. 
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