#heath the Thesaurus
eric9794 · 1 year
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My fan art of Between the Lions
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
Furiosa: Delivers Gas, Guts & Glory
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Get ready for "Furiosa," the latest post-apocalyptic dust storm whipped up by George Miller, the mastermind behind Mad Max. This flick dives into the backstory of Imperator Furiosa, played by the ever-intense Anya Taylor-Joy. https://youtu.be/sGApSGZe_kQ We all dug Furiosa in "Fury Road," but here we see her young, getting snatched from her happy place and basically morphing into the ultimate wasteland warrior. We see the events that harden her resolve and turn her into the fearless leader we know. Imagine watching Wolverine learn to be a mechanic – that's the vibe. This deep dive into her past helps us understand why she's such a force to be reckoned with. Chris Hemsworth struts in as Dementus, a villain so over-the-top, he likely uses a thesaurus to order fast food. Picture Heath Ledger's Joker on a sugar rush, describing things as "piquant." Hilarious? Debatable. Scary? Absolutely. Hemsworth brings the crazy in a way that's both terrifying and oddly entertaining. The Great Fury of Furiosa Miller conjures a wasteland that's both gorgeous and brutal. Think "Burning Man" meets "Lord of the Rings," with a healthy dose of car chases thrown in for good measure. The sound design is fire too, totally sucking you into the action. It's a world that feels real and lived-in, even if it's completely nuts. Miller is a master of world-building, and "Furiosa" is a testament to his skills. Every frame is visually stunning, from the sweeping desert landscapes to the tricked-out vehicles that roar across the wasteland. Miller's a master at making car chases feel like ballets of destruction. Prepare to be visually wowed. The Bad: Pacing Hits the Brakes "Furiosa" is a thrill ride for most of the journey, but there are stretches that feel longer than Diddy's list of allegations. By the third act, you might be craving some caffeinated popcorn just to stay awake. The relentless action can be a bit exhausting at times, and the pacing occasionally sputters. It's a minor nitpick, but it's worth mentioning. A bigger issue is the love story subplot. Furiosa gets a love interest, but the whole thing feels kinda forced. Maybe it's because we already know where Furiosa's heart lies (hint: it ain't with some dude). The romance subplot feels like a detour that takes away from the main story. It's not terrible, but it doesn't quite land. The Verdict "Furiosa" is a visually stunning action flick that takes you deep into the wasteland and the origin story of a badass warrior queen. Chris Hemsworth brings the crazy, and the world-building is top-notch. However, the pacing drags a bit in spots, and the love story feels like a detour. So, is it a must-watch? If you're a Mad Max fanatic or just love epic action with a strong female lead, then gas up the chariot and go for it. Otherwise, you might want to rent it instead of springing for the full tank.   Read the full article
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diamond-song42 · 5 years
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Junetoon ToonJune 13: Fresh and Theatre/Shakespeare
JUNETOON: Fresh. Guy Diamond is the freshest Troll in Troll Village. Tried to convey his sparkliness by using two different grey markers, one after the other.
TOONJUNE: Theatre/Shakespeare. Heath the Thesaurus in Between the Lions was always formal, like a Shakespearean character. I also just wanted an excuse to draw a Between the Lions character because it was such a great show and I miss it. :)
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Meowlody & Purrsephone’s Zombie Shake Diary
[Editor's Note - This written conversation was discovered while investigating an incident that involved an outbreak of a strange zombie-like behavior amongst the non-zombie student population at Monster High.]
I can't believe you left me to fend for myself last period. If not for my werecat-like reflexes, I would have been totally trampled in the hall.
Pfftttt... I was trying to keep my own tail out from underneath that rocking chair of chaos, and I did try to stay with you, but Manny was breathing down my fur, doing his best impurrsonation of a one-monster stampede. I had to duck into Mr. D'eath's office, although I think a trampling would have been less painful. He is deadfully boring.
I heard the chaos was caused by something that went wrong in one of the Mad Science labs. I haven't seen that kind of panic since Heath ran screaming through the halls, yelling we were under attack by giant robots with undeath rays. I thought purrhaps Toralei was doing some Claws and Effect research, but she was running just like the rest of us, and she didn't have that "I can't wait to tell you what just happened" look on her face, so it must not have been her doing. Hmmm...
Now that Slo Mo is the new student dis-embody president, I suppose it was just a matter of time before we would all be forced to endure a zombie-themed dance. The whole idea is just purrfectly dreadful to me. I think my idea for an ice scream social was much more appealing. I don't understand why are we even dressing up like zombies at all? I mean, zombies dress just like every other monster at MH, although they don't seem to be big on buttons.
I don't understand why you've got your fur all stroked the wrong way over this dance. You didn't complain, well, not as much as you're doing now when the dance theme was polka dots, and you hate polka dots.
Really? You're going to bring up the polka dot dance? You know polka dots clash with my stripes, and it's just not a good look for me. I would think you, of all monsters, would appreciate that.
I do appreciate the stylistic conundrum in which we found ourselves relative to that particularly themed soiree. I am merely reacting to your obvious intransigence toward the coming festivities.
Conundrum? Soiree? Intransigence? Did a thesaurus bite you, or did you bump your head in that stampede?
Your attempts at hilarity notwithstanding, it is indeed true that zombies are not unique in their fashion choices, but this is going to be an evening for adorning oneself in zombie couture. It will also provide an opportunity to embrace the very spirit of zombiehood and the intrinsic joy of being a zombie more than anything else.
Are you coming down with werecat scratch fever or something? 'cause you're really starting to freak me out, and not in a good way.
While I appreciate your concern for my well-being, I must assure you that I am most certainly in perfect health.
You could have fooled me. I mean, I don't think you could be moving any slower. You almost made us late for this class.
I was not being slow; I was being deliberate and purrposeful. You should try it sometime. I think it would be ghoul for you. Maybe the zombies are onto something by moving through unlife at their own pace. In fact, by slowing things down and focusing, I believe I have now come up with two purrfect fashion solutions for the dance.
Solutions? I was unaware there was even a problem. Wait a minute... OH.MY.GHOUL. That zombie bug Ghoulia accidentally released on the school has infected you! I am reporting this to Headless Headmistress Bloodgood immediately, and... hey, are those the shoes we will be wearing? I must say they certainly combine elements of both the freaky and the fabulous.
Maybe, I should reevaluate my initial concerns regarding the theme of this dance. Purrhaps, a deliberate and purrposeful approach to unlife is something I should try.
I knew you would assent. Now, wait until you hear what I have in mind for our hair and makeup. It might be expedient for us to begin our prepurrations early; however, since I am finding being deliberate and purrposeful does require extra time.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Zombie Shake Meowlody & Purrsephone Diary
Editor’s Note: This written conversation was discovered while investigating an incident that involved an outbreak of a strange zombie-like behaviour amongst the non-zombie student population at Monster High.
I can’t believe you left me to fend for myself last period. If not for my werecat-like reflexes, I would have been totally trampled in the hall. 
Pffttt... I was trying to keep my own tail out from underneath that rocking chair of chaos and I did try to stay with you, but Manny was breathing down my fur doing his best impurrsonation of a one-monster stampede. I had to duck into Mr. D’eath’s office, although I think trampling would have been less painful. He is deadfully boring.
I heard the chaos was caused by something that went wrong in one of the Mad Science labs. I haven’t seen that kind of panic since Heath ran screaming through the halls yelling we were under attack by giant robots with undeath rays. I thought purrhaps Toralei was doing some Claws and Effect research, but she was running just like the rest of us and she didn’t have that, “I can’t wait to tell you what just happened” look on her face, so it must not have been her doing. Hmmm...
Now that Slo Mo is the new student dis-embody president, I suppose it was just a matter of time before we would all be forced to endure a zombie themed dance. The whole idea is just purrfectly dreadful to me. I think my idea for an ice scream social was much more appealing. I don’t understand why are we even dressing up like zombies at all? I mean, zombies dress just like every other monster at MH, although they don’t seem to be big on buttons.
I don’t understand why you’ve got your fur all stoked the wrong way over this dance. You didn’t complain, well, not as much as you’re doing now, when the dance theme was polka dots and you hate polka dots.
Really? You’re going to bring up the polka dot dance? You know polka dots clash with my stripes, and it’s just not a good look for me. I would think you, of all monsters, would appreciate that.
I do appreciate the stylistic conundrum in which we found ourselves relative to that particularly themed soiree. I am merely reacting to your obvious intransigence toward the coming festivities.
Conundrum? Soiree? Intransigence? Did a thesaurus bite you, or did you bump your head in that stampede?
Your attempts at hilarity notwithstanding, it is indeed true that zombies are not unique in their fashion choices, but this is going to be an evening for adorning oneself in zombie couture. It will also provide an opportunity to embrace the very spirit of zombie-hood and the intrinsic joy of being a zombie more than anything else.
Are you coming down with werecat scratch fever or something, ‘cause you’re really starting to freak my out, and not in a good way.
While I appreciate your concern for my well being, I must assure you that I am most certainly in perfect health. 
You could have fooled me. I mean, I don’t think you could be moving any slower. You almost made us late for this class.
I was not being slow, I was being deliberate and purrposeful. You should try it sometime. I think it would be ghoul for you. Maybe the zombies are onto something by moving through unlife at their own pace. In fact, by slowing things down and focusing, I believe I have now come up with two purrfect fashion solutions for the dance.
Solutions? I was unaware there was even a problem. Wait a minute... OH.MY.GHOUL. That zombie bug Ghoulia accidently released on the school has infected you! I am reporting this to Headless Headmistress Bloodgood immediately and... hey, are those the shoes we will be wearing? I must say they certainly combine elements of both the freaky and the fabulous.
Maybe, I should reevaluate my initial concerns regarding the theme of this dance. Purrhaps, a deliberate and purrposeful approach to unlife is something I should try.
I know you would assent. Now wait until you hear what I have in mind for our hair and makeup. It might be expedient for us to begin our prepurrations early, however, since I am finding being deliberate and purrposeful does require extra time.
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thelastresidents · 5 years
Meet the Nettledrupelets
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Neville was a 42 year old man living at the tail end of the 19th century with his family. Shortly before his wife was to give birth, they all died in a freak landslide. This is the reason Chauncey was ‘born a ghost,’ although after digging out the family the baby was cleaned up and photographed posthumously. This seems absolutely morbid by today’s standards, but it was actually a common practice at the time. This was done by Neville’s mother (who was not killed with the rest of them) for posterity and explains the supposed discrepancy of the photo found in the nursery.
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Born Jiang Ying Yue she was given the ‘Christian name’ Lydia when she married Neville Nettledrupelet. Being the 19th century, any signs that she was a foreigner were often downplayed or outright hidden. She is the daughter of a Chinese courtesan, and is believed to have gotten her blonde hair from her father (though her mother would also have to be a hybrid, because genetics). Her age is listed as 34, but may actually be 33 for reasons listed in Chauncey’s section.
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Orville is the eldest child, by nearly 8 minutes, he likes planes, causing mischief, and playing hide and seek.
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Henry is Orville’s twin, born shortly afterwards, he likes cars, causing mischief, and playing hide and seek.
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As it turns out, ghosts get more powerful the longer they’ve been dead... more or less. The spoiled baby Chauncey may only be one year old, but he’s been one for over one hundred years! (We’ve been over ghost ages before) This naturally leads to numerous... peculiarities. He still has a baby’s mentality, but speaks perfectly coherent English, he is also significantly more powerful than his other family members who have all been dead the same amount of time. Is this a side effect of being perpetually stuck in that hyper-developmental stage of your first 18 months of life? Boy, that’s ironic...
Now, back to his mom being of Chinese decent. Though it’s usage is extremely limited, have you ever heard of East Asian age reckoning? Well, the Jiang family just happens to be one of the ones who practices that. To sum things up, in that subculture, you are born at the age of one. We now know the gestation process takes only nine months, and there’s a climactic debate over when life begins but just run with it... it was 1889. Anyway, that’s the ‘Heath Robinson’ explanation for why he was stillborn and yet his age is listed as 1 and not 0.
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Spooky, is someone’s neglected guard dog who possibly died of starvation at the young age of 4. (I looked it up and it is apparently 35 in bulldog years, so technically an adult, but still very young. BTW these ages from LM1 are all canon as they are listed on the Game Boy Horror) Anyway, you’re probably tired of reading by now, the family adopted him, he’s a good doggo.
((Since the original Luigi's Mansion came out over 18 years ago, my mind has had way too much time to build Rube Goldberg plothole-filling devices and I figured I should start writing them out. Let me know if I forgot to address anything! Also, I’ll just bet that even if you’ve never heard the words ‘nettle’ or ‘drupelet’ before, you already know what two words I looked up in the Thesaurus for this family’s ridiculous headcanon surname.))
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How does the costume for Heath the Thesaurus work?
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untiediknot · 5 years
Gender fluidity: The blurred line between male and females
New media = New norms
Lauren Heath
Gender does not simply mean male or female anymore, it can be defined as the social differentiation between maleness and femaleness or masculinity and femininity (Evans, 1999). Gender roles in society are how we’re expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based on our assigned sex. With the aid of mainstream media it is evident that gender roles have been reversed.
What exactly does this mean?
In modern times it is more acceptable for men to portray feminine behaviours and females masculine behaviours. The media makes it easy for both sexes to “live in their own truth” without being chastised or frowned upon. This can be seen on platforms such as youtube, Instagram as well as on the television, where men are portraying what is seen as feminine qualities. A well-known youtube star known as Bretman Rock wears, does and sells makeup, appears androgynous as it relates to his attitude, his sense of style and partaking in exotic dancing.
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Another example is popular Jamaican comedian known as Quite Perry. He is known for the female persona he uses by the name of Patrica who is a professional “mantaker”. Alongside with this, he is also a social media influencer and a youtuber. One could say he displays feminine behaviours in many of his youtube videos using phrases like “Dat nuh bad” and “UP UP!” etc
Consequently, with this gender stereotype comes into play. Gender stereotype is the preconceived ideas whereby females and males are arbitrarily assigned characteristics and roles determined and limited by their gender. Typically when persons display feminine or masculine characteristics people make assumptions about their sexual orientation. When a male publicly displays feminine qualities the main assumption is that he is gay. For example prince marni
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When females openly display masculine quality she is painted to be a lesbian. For example Koffee
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However, with that being said mainstream media has opened a lot of doors for the LGBTQ community. Persons apart of the community now have more rights as they are no longer seen as taboo. They are now able to get married in different countries and are eligible to adopt children and have surrogates. They also have an entire month dedicated to the celebration of the obstacles persons apart of the community had to face such as losing members due to hate crimes and HIV/AIDS. Additionally, men that are openly gay are able to engage in what was traditionally seen as feminine career choices. It is evident on youtube and instagram where a lot of males are now venturing in makeup, hair and nails, whether it’s doing tutorials, creating their own products and becoming makeup artists. As it relates to career choices, males and transgender are now able to pursue being a drag queen as an actual profession with the help of popular television program by the name of Rupaul’s Drag Race. Queens enter the competition in hopes to win and in turn gain a following on different social media platforms which opens multiple doors. Many drag queens from the show have modeled for a lot of big companies and have been featured in many music videos.
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Shown above is a drag queen modeling for Savage by Fenty which is Rihanna’s brand.
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The photo shown above includes married celebrities that are apart of the LGBTQ community.
It can also be said that mainstream media is paving the way for upcoming female artists to earn a spot in the Dancehall and Reggae music industry which is dominated by males. Female artists such as: Stalk Ashley, Jada Kingdon, Shenseea, Koffee and Sevana uses social media platforms to make a significant impact in the male dominated industry. By using these platforms these artists eventually gain a following which in turn promotes their artistic products, creating many international opportunities such as BBC Radio 1Xtra appearance.
https://youtu.be/4ld79_2whFE Koffee’s appearance on BBC Radio 1Xtra
https://youtu.be/r73MT8eSvpU Jada Kingdom’s appearance on BBC Radio 1Xtra
https://youtu.be/vBgilyeXSfc Stalk Ashley’s appearance on BBC Radio 1Xtra
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To The Point Synonym
To The Point Synonym
C O N T E N T S:
It is still a useful word, but we shall subsequently employ the more neutral term cognitive ability as often as possible to refer to the concept that we have hitherto called intelligence, just as we will use IQ as a generic synonym for intelligence test score.(More…)
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right.(More…)
The praise…
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affordablewind · 7 years
johnny heath bbb review http://ift.tt/1ukVVlr
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
Furiosa: Delivers Gas, Guts & Glory
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Get ready for "Furiosa," the latest post-apocalyptic dust storm whipped up by George Miller, the mastermind behind Mad Max. This flick dives into the backstory of Imperator Furiosa, played by the ever-intense Anya Taylor-Joy. https://youtu.be/sGApSGZe_kQ We all dug Furiosa in "Fury Road," but here we see her young, getting snatched from her happy place and basically morphing into the ultimate wasteland warrior. We see the events that harden her resolve and turn her into the fearless leader we know. Imagine watching Wolverine learn to be a mechanic – that's the vibe. This deep dive into her past helps us understand why she's such a force to be reckoned with. Chris Hemsworth struts in as Dementus, a villain so over-the-top, he likely uses a thesaurus to order fast food. Picture Heath Ledger's Joker on a sugar rush, describing things as "piquant." Hilarious? Debatable. Scary? Absolutely. Hemsworth brings the crazy in a way that's both terrifying and oddly entertaining. The Great Fury of Furiosa Miller conjures a wasteland that's both gorgeous and brutal. Think "Burning Man" meets "Lord of the Rings," with a healthy dose of car chases thrown in for good measure. The sound design is fire too, totally sucking you into the action. It's a world that feels real and lived-in, even if it's completely nuts. Miller is a master of world-building, and "Furiosa" is a testament to his skills. Every frame is visually stunning, from the sweeping desert landscapes to the tricked-out vehicles that roar across the wasteland. Miller's a master at making car chases feel like ballets of destruction. Prepare to be visually wowed. The Bad: Pacing Hits the Brakes "Furiosa" is a thrill ride for most of the journey, but there are stretches that feel longer than Diddy's list of allegations. By the third act, you might be craving some caffeinated popcorn just to stay awake. The relentless action can be a bit exhausting at times, and the pacing occasionally sputters. It's a minor nitpick, but it's worth mentioning. A bigger issue is the love story subplot. Furiosa gets a love interest, but the whole thing feels kinda forced. Maybe it's because we already know where Furiosa's heart lies (hint: it ain't with some dude). The romance subplot feels like a detour that takes away from the main story. It's not terrible, but it doesn't quite land. The Verdict "Furiosa" is a visually stunning action flick that takes you deep into the wasteland and the origin story of a badass warrior queen. Chris Hemsworth brings the crazy, and the world-building is top-notch. However, the pacing drags a bit in spots, and the love story feels like a detour. So, is it a must-watch? If you're a Mad Max fanatic or just love epic action with a strong female lead, then gas up the chariot and go for it. Otherwise, you might want to rent it instead of springing for the full tank.   Read the full article
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affordablewind · 7 years
johnny heath futully http://ift.tt/1ukVXK9
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