Jesus Time In My Kitchen
I'm telling you, I just needed some Jesus time today!
I’m telling you, I just needed some Jesus time today! It started last night. When someone asked me a question. I didn’t have a full answer, and I admitted that I didn’t. But I promised I would get back with them. Of course, I went straight for wise counsel, because the Bible speaks to the importance of that. I read some Scriptures, took notes, listened to an audio sermon, and finally laid down…
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Health & Wellness Summit, by TTD
I am excited to announce this year's Health and Wellness Summit, a homeschooling conference by Teach Them Diligently!
This post was first shared on Homeschooling Revealed, February 13, 2022. I am excited to announce this year’s Health and Wellness Summit, a homeschooling conference by Teach Them Diligently! Here’s What You Want To Know… All of us can benefit from taking a little extra time during this time of the year to invest our spiritual, mental/emotional, and physical health. Our health is vital and can…
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Stuck in Regular
I would not risk my eternity, even if the whole world were offended at my Jesus, my faith, and my devotion to Him.
Well, I guess it’s time… Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com My last post was January 3… over a month ago. And even at that, it wasn’t really a regular “post,” not like I might normally post. I’m still not entirely sure about the quietness I’ve been enveloped in for the past month or so. Nothing has specifically been wrong, and I haven’t felt bad. I suppose if I had to put a name on it, it would be…
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Homeschooling Revealed!
I am so excited to announce that my newest book, Homeschooling Revealed, is now live on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PHD71RQ If this picture doesn’t take you to the purchase page, check the hyperlink in the paragraph above it 🙂 I have worked on the book for the past 2+ years and felt like it was finally time to publish. It has three parts to it, and offers “Ultimate Guides” for nearly…
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First Grade Recollections
I remember having an avid knowledge of the presence of Jesus in my life, even at that young age in first grade.
Ms. West was my very first school teacher, some many, many years ago, and I have remembered her fondly since our first meeting. It was an awful meeting, at least to me. But I’ll tell you more about that in a minute. Remembering Ms. West (and I use the Ms. prefix, because I don’t know whether she was married or not) feels as if it were just yesterday. I can see her almost as clearly now as I…
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God is STILL With Us
The Christmas holiday is not far behind us and Jesus' Name, which means "God with us," still echoes in our minds.
The Christmas holiday is not far behind us and we probably still have the echoes of many of the Scriptures pertaining to Jesus’ birth fresh in our minds. For me, one of those Scriptures is Matthew 1:23, which tells us that Jesus’ Name meant “God with us”. I began to think on what that really meant and, as it often does, my mind rambled with other thoughts from there. For instance, I began to…
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The Kingdom of Heaven is Come Nigh...
The greatest Christmas gift of all came to us in a manger, underneath a star that announced His arrival. Rejoice! For the Kingdom of Heaven is come nigh unto you!
Challenge: read all of Luke 13 Chapter 13 is truly a gut-wrenching collection of snippets from Jesus’ life at this time. Read it slowly. Ingest it slowly. Try to understand what He was saying in each of these scenarios and how it relates to the Kingdom. Greater Sinners? Jesus spoke of Galileans and those killed in the fall of the tower of Siloam. Their sins had been great, but Jesus reminded…
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Jesus, Name Above All Names
As we journey on towards our chosen celebration date for His birth, let's remember that He came WITH a purpose and FOR a purpose. Glory to that might Name, Jesus!
Challenge: read all of Luke 10 The 10th chapter of Luke, about Jesus, can be broken down into three main parts. Three parts that are crucial to our spiritual well-being, which easily transfers over into our physical/mental well-being. The First Part… The chapter opens with Jesus appointing 70, and sending them two by two into the cities He would be visiting Himself. As I read through the first…
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Peter's Tithe of "Nevertheless"
It was Peter's tithe of "nevertheless" that Jesus was waiting on. His willingness to stare fresh defeat in the face and "Now I'm doing it!"
Have you ever worked on something over and over and over again, and nothing seems to come of it? Maybe it’s something small, but then again, maybe it’s something huge. Nevertheless… For me, my inability to comfortably talk to people led me to label myself an introvert. I’ve just always been that way and it seems like every time I ever tried to do anything about it, it only got worse. I’d trip…
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Worship Where You Are
Worship Where You Are
As worship leaders, I think we (generally speaking) tend to lose our way sometimes with the pomp and practice and preparations. So much so that we run the risk of not even feeling like WE are actually worshiping! I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. We worry about, does this sound right? Our mind is often on the chords we’re playing or getting the lyrics and chorus right. And God forbid…
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Speak Truth
These days, "truth" can mean so much. Unfortunately, it is often defined by those who have no moral compass at all. And without a moral compass, how can one even know the truth?
Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes. I’m not sure where this quote originated from, but it’s not mine. I see it in various places from time to time, and it used to mean something entirely different to me. These days, “truth” can mean so much. Unfortunately, it is often defined by those who have no moral compass at all. And without a moral compass, how can one even know the truth? Photo…
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A New Breed
If you're part of this new breed, then you already know.
There is a quote tucked away in one of my writing boards on Pinterest, and I have loved it since the first time I saw it. It has wording imposed over a photo of a girl standing on a bridge, walking away, but has turned to look back, the wind caught her hair and toss it around her face, hiding all but one eye and a cheek. It looks to be the crack of dawn, as there is a misty blue fog over the…
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Laying My Isaac Down (Guest Author)
Laying My Isaac Down (Guest Author), by Amber Frazier.
Today I want to introduce you to a young lady I have asked to guest post here at Words from the Wheel. Her name is Amber Frazier, and I sincerely hope she writes more for us! She has a heart that is 100% on fire for God and a dedication to His Kingdom that is downright impressive. To spend time with her is to feel the love she has for Jesus and others and it is with great joy I share this…
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Light Affliction...Never Forsaken
He hasn't left me, and He won't leave you...
Sometimes, facing GINORMOUS, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles is just a part of our journey towards the GINORMOUS and unbelievable blessings from God. Abraham was asked to pack up and leave everything, taking his family into unknown lands and when he finally received his promised legacy, his faith was tested yet again. He is the father of nations. Joseph, the dreamer, wound up in slavery,…
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No Greater Hope...
No greater hope can be found to equal that found in the Scriptures!
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4) I woke up straight out of bed with this Scripture running through my mind, and I thought how fitting it is! Of course, we know that the “things written aforetime” are the Old Testament Scriptures. It’s what they had back then since…
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Jacob's Well, Cynicism, and Jesus
We don't have to stay the same.
The Samaritan woman that Jesus encountered at Jacob’s well is a perfect example of someone who has learned simply to exist. EXIST. Not live. She comes to the well at noon. On purpose, no doubt, to avoid the crowds of women who come in the early part of the day, before the heat sets in. The women who, no doubt, know all about her. About her past. Her mistakes. Her husbands. She’s cynical… All…
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Still Blogging, and Thoughts on Titus 2
What kind of Jesus reflection is it to shun those WE feel are unworthy? And who gave us the right to judge that in the first place?
Wow, am I still a blogger?? Just kidding… I’m TOTALLY still a blogger, lol. I’ve only meant to write a blog post for a month now, and just couldn’t seem to find the time! For those that don’t know, and that’s most of my readers, lol… my husband, two children, and I relocated to East Tennessee last week. There is a long story to accompany that announcement, and I will get to that over the course…
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