#heatwave josh brolin fic
thebuckybrigade · 6 years
Tribute pt 1, Tribute Pt 2, Tribute Pt 3, Tribute Pt 4, Tribute Pt 5
Healing Hands pt 1, Healing Hands pt 2, Training Session, Peaches and Cream, Healing Hands pt 3
Josh Brolin:
Heatwave pt 1, Heatwave pt 2, Heatwave pt 3, Heatwave pt 4, Heatwave pt 5, Coming Out, Devil Within, Hollywoodland, Where the Wheels Take Me
Other Characters:
Joe Doucette-Oldboy: Opia
Okay folks, you asked, so here’s the masterlist. As I post more, I’ll update the links and redistribute this so it’s fresh.
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92 notes · View notes
thebuckybrigade · 6 years
Heatwave Part 4
It’s hereeeee….the smuuutttt you’ve been waiting for!! Part Four!
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Are you ready kids?! Warnings include; smut, language, daddy kink, hair pulling, spanking, age difference(no underage), feels! You should definitely listen to “Guys My Age” and “Unholy” by hey violet for the smut...
With graduation just around the corner you were more nervous than you had ever been. Ellie and you had both been accepted to Tulane University, you for psychology, her for biochemistry, and after very little debate would be living together in one of the apartments on campus.
But first, you had to get your diploma.
You had your outfit laid out for the day; a bright yellow sundress with a square neck that would emphasize your warm sepia skin and keep you cool in the sweltering heat.
Instead of wearing heels or wedges like every other girl you had chosen sandals, knowing that standing and walking for so long would inevitably leave you exhausted.
Josh and your mom had promised that you guys would go for milkshakes after the ceremony though, so it would be something to look forward to, even without your dad.
His tour had been extended by a year, and as you put on your makeup for the ceremony, you paused to stare at his photo, heart aching. You wished more than anything he could have been there to see you graduate.
Sighing heavily, you blinked away the tears that had formed and sniffled, trying to keep your heart light. He’d be home in three more months, just in time to see you off to college.
It would have to be good enough.
You fidgeted as the names of your peers were called, one by one, their diplomas handed over with a smile and a pause for a photograph. With a last name starting with a Z, you were dead last to get your diploma.
At least you could cheer for your friends, you decided.
As your row was ushered towards the stairs you glanced at the rows of parent and families watching and caught the eye of your mom, your lips splitting in a grin when you saw her dabbing at her eyes already.
Josh was beside her, recording the whole thing on his phone, and waved to you when he saw you were looking. Quickly, you waved back and then turned back as the person ahead of you processed onto the stage.
When your name was called you concentrated on not tripping over the black gown that was three inches too long and seemingly determined to get caught on the stairs.
Looking up towards where the Dean was supposed to be, your heart stopped, so too did your feet.
“Dad?!” you whispered, stunned. 
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He grinned at you, decked out in his dress uniform, holding your diploma and somewhere distantly you could hear people cheering. When your heart kicked hard in your chest you sprinted across the stage and into his arms which had opened wide to gather you, a sobbing cry of joy breaking in your throat as he lifted you from your feet.
“Oh honey,” he whispered, voice cracking as his tears fell.
Your hand clung tighter to the back of his uniform and you inhaled greedily, trying to take it all back in, every inch of this man who had been gone for so long.
Distantly you could hear people crying and cheering and you thought your dad might have been crying too, but after a few moments he pulled away and the only sign he had was a wet sheen to his cheeks.
Smiling so widely at you it must have hurt, he stepped back and tucked your diploma against his chest with one hand, his heels clicking together as he stood at attention, his other hand coming up to salute you solemnly.
Heart aching with joy, you quickly mimicked the stature and returned the salute before he relaxed and offered the diploma to you.
“Congrats mija,” he murmured over the cheers. 
“Oh fuck, oh, oh, yea, you’re so good baby!”
You moaned in agreement, even though the guy atop you wasn’t really doing much for you. He had gone down on you for all of five minutes before thrusting into you, and with each minute, you were sure you were going to have to fake an orgasm.
As he grunted and screwed up his face you quickly did the same, making all the right noises so he thought he had gotten you off. When he collapsed on top of you, you pushed him off and went to the bathroom, body thrumming with need.
It would be another night with your vibrator and thoughts of Josh. 
“So, this is the new boyfriend, huh?” Josh mused, peering inquisitively at your boyfriend, lips turned down at the corners in a frown as he extended his hand in a greeting that didn’t seem so friendly to you.
Your dad called to your boyfriend from across the pool, waving him over to help carry food out for the barbeque. As he went, Josh was still frowning.
“He’s older than you,” he commented gruffly.
You snorted and sipped on your beer, nodding, “Yea, well, he’s a Teaching Assistant, he’s older,” you replied sarcastically.
Josh turned to eyeball you, mouth pursing in annoyance. “Has he dated students before?” he asked sharply.
Rolling your eyes you shook your head, “No. I asked.”
“What if he’s lying?” Josh pushed and you huffed angrily, stepping closer to try and contain your argument.
“Maybe he is! But we get along really well and he cares for me. He’s sweet and funny and he’s ambitious and he actually knows what he’s doing when he fucks me,” you snapped, glaring up at Josh challengingly, watching as his eyes widened in shock.
His mouth dropped open and then closed, his gaze flitting away as he lifted his beer to take a long swallow, his throat working hard. Clearing his throat, he nodded, “Right, well, that all sounds good,” he agreed quietly before he cleared his throat again and walked away, walking over to where your boyfriend and dad were putting burgers on the grill.
Frustration swelled within you; would he ever see you as anything but a kid?
Looking around in wonder at the lights of Tokyo, you grinned, so damned glad that you had decided to do a study abroad semester. It hadn’t been required at all, but some of the new thoughts of psychology were coming from Japan and you wanted to learn as much as you could.
When you went home this summer, you would only have one year left of college.
Taking pictures of the city and every amazing thing you saw, you saved them all to send in an email to Josh. When it had come time for you to leave, your parents had tried so hard to convince you not to go, but not him.
He had told you how amazing he thought you were to go do something so brave and exciting. Before you had walked towards security he had grinned softly and pressed a kiss to your cheek murmuring, “Go do big things darlin. Try not to forget about this old man though.”
Clutching his thick biceps you had turned your cheek to press against his for a moment before kissing his firm jaw, hearing his slow steady inhale as you whispered, “I could never forget you.”
When you looked back from the other side of security, he was still there, hands in his jeans pockets, watching you.
You shared a short, sweet smile before he lifted a hand free and waved abruptly, and then, as a crowd of people passed, he was gone. 
Rolling your suitcases through the airport, you grinned when you saw the large group of people waiting with a huge sign, your name bedazzled and glittery. Ellie shrieked and shoved the balloons she was holding at your mom before sprinting towards you, nearly knocking you over in her fearsome hug.
Laughing loudly, you dropped your duffle bag and hugged her back, running a hand over her hair and marveling over the height she had grown and the light streaks in her hair.
Soon you were enveloped in hugs from your dad, mom and Josh, everyone pressing kisses to your cheeks and marveling over how good you looked, despite being exhausted and travel weary.
Your bags were distributed and when you were in the backseat of your parent’s car with your head resting on Ellie’s shoulder, your eyes began to drift shut. By the time you made it back to your house you were half asleep and dazed as your parents carried your bags inside.
Josh took up the rear as Ellie guided you upstairs, chattering excitedly about a party she wanted you to go to that night. Sitting down on your bed, you smiled tiredly up at her as your parents retreated and Josh joined them downstairs, leaving you two alone.
“It’s going to be awesome!” she declared, “You know the guys from Tau Alpha? They’re hosting it!”
You smiled weakly and nodded, “It sounds fun El, but I’m jet lagged as fuck right now. I think I’m going to go to bed and just try to sleep it off, okay?” you murmured softly.
She gasped and nodded, sinking down onto the bed beside you, taking your hand, “Oh my god of course. I’m so sorry. It’s their thirsty Thursday party, so it’s just like any other. Maybe if you’re feeling better tomorrow night we can go out, just you and I?” she suggested, looking hopeful.
You nodded, giving her a weak smile, “That sounds good.”
Sighing in relief, she hugged you tightly before pressing a kiss to your hair and standing. “You should take a shower, have something to eat, and sleep,” she advised, “You look fuckin tired.”
Laughing tiredly you nodded, eyes already heavy. When the door shut, you crawled beneath the covers and fell asleep, so happy to be home you had a smile on your face. 
Standing in the club with Ellie, you were really starting to regret going out. You were still tired, but you had promised you would go out, and now that you were here, it just didn’t feel like the right place to be.
Sighing, you watched as Ellie chatted up a guy that you thought was objectively pretty hot, but you didn’t really see the appeal in. After a few more hours of dancing and drinks, Ellie was apologizing for leaving with the guy, and you were heading home in a Lyft.
When you pulled up in front of your houses you waited till the Lyft was gone to move towards either house, pushing open the gate of your front yard. Sighing as you looked up at the dark, empty house, you glanced over at Ellie and Josh’s house and wondered if he was still awake.
You parents had planned a vacation together that started two days after you got home--the cheapest flights they had told you--and you were actually happy for them. After so many years apart, they finally had the time off together without either job interrupting.
Pulling your heels off, you walked over to the gate to the pool and pushed it open, smiling at the squeak. No matter how many times Josh W-D40′d the damn thing or replaced the hinges...it always squeaked.
Glancing towards the house, you sighed when you saw it was dark too. Sitting down at the pool edge, you slowly lowered your feet in, sighing in relief at the temperate sensation.
Leaning back on your palms, you swung your feet through the water, peering up at the sky through drink hazed vision. You hadn’t had much, just enough to be buzzed a little, a warmth in your blood that felt good.
The sound of the patio door opening pulled your attention away from the sky overhead to where Josh was emerging in his grey t-shirt and cotton pants, his hair delightfully ruffled from sleep. 
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“Hey darlin,” he greeted, smiling sleepily at you, “thought you were out with Ellie?” he asked, voice gravelly.
You nodded and looked back down to your feet, kicking them through the water as he sat down next to you, rolling the legs of his pants up before slipping his in beside you.
“She met someone,” you supplied, rolling a shoulder. “I was tired anyway.”
His elbow nudged yours and you glanced over to find his gaze filled with concern, “You okay?” he asked quietly, “You happy to be home?”
Nodding, you shrugged and then sighed, looking up at the stars. You could see him do the same beside you and to your surprise he didn’t ask anything else as you gathered your thoughts.
“I guess...it’s just so different being home. It feels like things don’t change here,” you admitted.
Josh laughed softly, “Things changed, you saw the news,” he murmured.
You nodded, lifting your brows.
“What about your boyfriend, that teaching assistant?” he asked, sounding unhappy.
Looking down from the stars you turned to peer at him and found him staring at the water. “We broke up before I left. He was sleeping with a freshman. You were right,” you admitted reluctantly.
He scoffed and you saw his hands clench into fists in his lap, his head turning to the side so you couldn’t see his face. “I’m sorry darlin. You deserve a better man than that,” he told you.
“I deserve a man,” you agreed, “I deserve someone emotionally mature and sure of who they are. Someone who knows what they want in life and from a relationship.”
Josh nodded and glanced over at you, “You always said you didn’t like boys your age,” he murmured, smirking faintly.
You nodded and lifted a foot out of the water to watch the drops pearl and run down your skin. Beside you, you could feel his eyes on you too, and in a pique of playfulness you flicked the water towards him.
Josh flinched and then laughed softly, “Don’t start that shit, I thought I broke you and Ellie of that a long time ago,” he joked.
Turning towards him you grinned and trailed a hand through the water, watching as his eyes followed it. “You might have stopped me, but you never broke me,” you told him, your voice far huskier and laced with innuendo than you had meant it to be.
Something flickered in Josh’s eyes and he leaned forward to smirk at you, scant inches separating you now.
“Go on, I dare you.”
I stared into her eyes, watching as she contemplated the challenge for a moment, her pupils wide and dark. I could see in the hollow of her throat how her pulse thrummed and something in me wanted to reach out and trace my fingertips over it, to feel that hot rush of blood and electrical impulses beneath my hand.
I didn’t understand these emotions, these drives.
Ever since she had brought home that miserable excuse for a boyfriend from college I had been frustrated and anxious, constantly wondering if he was treating her right, if she was happy.
It wasn’t the same as when she had been a kid--no this was something else, and I was pretty sure I knew what it was...even if I didn’t want to admit it.
When her hand flashed forward and splashed me with water, I laughed and sputtered, leaning in to retaliate, using both hands to splash her with water. When we finally called a truce, water dripped from my hair and her cream colored dress was plastered to her skin--completely see through.
Blushing, I rose to my feet and offered her a hand, “Come on, let’s get you into something dry,” I offered. She stared up at me, eyes wide and dark, her makeup smudged around the edges.
After just a moment she took the hand and let me pull her up, her palm soft against mine. Instead of letting it go, I held onto it, relishing the warmth, the silky heat.
When we approached Ellie’s room she paused and shook her head, “Ellie is a little shorter than me, can I borrow something from you?” she asked, peering up at me through the gloom of the hallway.
“Uh yea, sure,” I murmured, tugging on her hand to lead her to my bedroom. Once inside I let her go and crossed to my dresser, hurriedly pawing through until I had found a flannel shirt and shorts that would work for her.
Turning around, I found her standing close--too close. My stomach fluttered and I took a half step back, trying to get my head under control as I offered her the clothes.
She took them with a small smile before turning away and looking at me over her shoulder, pulling her hair aside. “Can you help me with the zipper?” she asked, voice barely a whisper, and I felt it like a match to my blood, lighting the blaze had been trying to avoid.
Swallowing hard, I clenched my hands at my sides, fighting the urge to do as she asked and pull the zipper down.
Why? It’s just a zipper! You’re not doing anything wrong...but I want to...I want to take that dress off her and touch every part of her body and I can’t because it’s not OK.
The internal battle raged and I inhaled raggedly, my gaze locked on hers. She didn’t look away, instead, she reached a hand back towards me, a pleadingly sultry look in her eyes, as though she needed me as she whispered, “Josh.”
My resilience snapped and I stepped forward, fingers trembling a little as I slid the zipper down her spine, watching as her silky skin was revealed.
Fingers trailing behind it, I felt the shudder run over her skin as my breath hit her skin.
You shuddered in disbelief.
Was this actually happening?
Was Josh actually undressing you?
This had to be a wet dream. You were totally going to wake up in your bed with soaked underwear and a throbbing ache in your pussy because there was no way this was real.
His hands pushed at your dress until it slid down to the floor, leaving you in just your bra and underwear and maybe...maybe this was real.
You shivered again and his hands were gentle when they turned you towards him, his eyes soft and warm with equal parts desire and concern.
“Are you okay darlin?” he asked, one large palm cupping your cheek gently.
That warm, wiggling thing that had been in your chest for years made its presence known again and you inhaled unsteadily, tears threatening for some reason.
Maybe it was because you had wanted this for so long.
Maybe it was because of the way he was looking at you.
Maybe it was because you had loved him, for as long as you had known, even when you didn’t know it was this kind of love.
“Y-yeah,” you gasped, nodding jerkily, lips quivering into a smile. “I’m okay,” you assured him. When he still looked concerned, you stepped closer and slid your hands under the hem of his soaked t-shirt, letting your palms connect with his stomach like you had imagined so many times.
He inhaled sharply and you pushed gently at the shirt, lifting until he shifted so you could remove it. His gaze was dark as you reached for his cotton pants, and when your fingers went to the drawstring, he grabbed you, pausing your forward motion. 
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“I-you should think about this,” he murmured, voice gravelly and uncertain.
Frowning, you tilted your head to study him, “Why?”
He ducked his head and then looked back up at you, giving you a resigned, abashed smile, “I’m not young anymore darlin. I can’t keep up like those boys you dated. Things, they aren’t the same,” he murmured, sounding almost embarrassed.
Nodding slowly, you tugged on your wrist and he let you go, looking relieved and disappointed at the same time. When you reached back to unhook your bra and drop it to the floor, his eyes grew wide, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides rapidly.
Pushing at his shoulders, you guided him until his knees hit the bed and he sat down abruptly. Following him, you straddled his lap, biting back a moan as nearly every fantasy you had ever had came true.
Running your hands over his bare, muscular chest, you rolled your hips into his, letting out a breathy moan. Josh’s eyes locked on yours, his lips parting as he breathed out unsteadily.
Lowering your head, you wound an arm around his neck and up the back of his head to tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging on it like you had always imagined, his low groan eliciting an excited roll of your hips before your lips met his.
It started slow. Curious. Learning.
Then...he grew confident and his hands slid to pull your hips against him, one of his large palms flat against your back as his mouth devoured you.
Moaning excitedly, you rolled your hips into him, feeling his erection growing beneath you. When he rocked his hips into you steadily, you moaned at the sensation, panting against his mouth desperately, “More, please.”
Before you knew it, he was gripping you tightly and rolling you onto the bed, hips rolling into yours as his lips pressed along the column of your throat. You gasped loudly as his teeth pulled your skin and he sucked, the sensation throbbing and pulsing through your belly.
Whimpering, you bucked into him, desperate already for more. “Please, please,” you gasped.
He chuckled against your breastbone and shook his head, “Patience little one,” he entreated.
Before you could reply his mouth was on your breast, lips brushing along the soft skin and teasing you. Fire raced under your skin, the inferno growing with each touch.
Teeth marking the tender skin of your breast, he carefully licked over the spot, chuckling when you whined and rolled your head against the mattress, arching your body up, aching for more.
“You’re so needy little one,” he breathed, thumb ghosting over your nipple. Pleasure ached under his touch and you nodded, gasping out another please. He complied and continued lightly grazing your nipples until you were shaking, writhing and begging for more.
“Please Josh, I need...I need...”
He hummed and took one nipple into his mouth, sucking hard.
He continued until the pleasure was so acute it was almost painful and when he released the nipple you gasped, whether in relief or dismay, you could no longer tell.
There was no hesitation before he took the other between his lips and did the same, one of his large hands pushing down on your hip as you cried out loudly, trying to buck into him and get some friction for release.
It was right there, you were dancing on the razor’s edge and you just needed a little more...
Josh squeezed the tip of your nipple between his teeth and captured the other with his thumb and forefinger, growling as you arched and let out a broken cry of his name, a shiver of a tiny release running through your body.
When he let go, you gasped loudly, chest heaving, rubbing your thighs together desperately. Digging your fingers into his hair, you yanked his mouth to yours and swallowed his moan, barely able to breath let alone kiss him, but god, god, you needed him to know how good that had been, how much it had meant.
He pulled away so you both could breathe and you panted, reaching down to grab his ass and pull him against you, whimpering. “I need you, please, please,” you begged.
Josh nodded unsteadily and rose to his knees before sitting back to pull off his pants, tossing them aside. Before you could really even take him in, he was leaning down and pulling off your underwear, tossing those aside too.
When you met his gaze, it was dark, hungry.
“You’re so wet little one. Is that all for me?” he asked and you nodded eagerly, arching your hips towards him in invitation.
He grinned slowly and you didn’t know how, but even more heat curled in your belly. There was something so fuckin dark and dirty about that possessive look on his face that just did it for you.
His large hands pushed your thighs apart and one of his fingers trailed through your soaked folds, a soft wet sound coming from them at the touch. “Oh baby,” he moaned, “I’m gonna eat this pussy up,” he told you before he leaned down, going onto his belly and drawing your legs up over his shoulders.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, watching as he kissed your thigh, and then moaned louder as his tongue swept over your folds and over your clit. His fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs as he sucked your soaked lips into his mouth, tongue sliding between them.
Your own whimpers and moans were nothing compared to the hungry groans coming from him as he fucked his tongue into you, his strong hands holding you down when your hips shivered in delight.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh Josh, please,” you gasped, feeling another, stronger orgasm building.
As he continued to fuck his tongue into you his thumb stroked over your clit, rubbing firm circles until you were gasping and clutching at the sheets, heart thundering in your chest as you clung to the precipice, barely hanging on.
He pulled his mouth away and you whined at the loss, his thumb slowing so it wasn’t enough to get you there.
“Come on little one, come on my tongue,” he ordered and then delved back in, tongue replacing his thumb and two fingers thrusting into you. Your wail of pleasure seemed to please him and he quickly found the rough little spot that so many other men had struggled to locate.
Within moments you were incoherent, shaking and sobbing out his name, your voice one long wavering wail. You could feel it coming, and it was like fire in a tidal wave, unstoppable--and you weren’t sure you would survive, because who could?
As it crested you tossed your head and wailed into the crook of your elbow, thighs shuddering as a rush of wet came from between your thighs.
Josh groaned and lapped at your pussy, eagerly licking until you were shaking and weak. Slowly, he kissed up your body, nipping and sucking at your skin, leaving marks as he went.
His lips closed over yours and you met his kiss eagerly, not caring that he tasted like your cum. Wrapping your legs around his hips you rocked into him, moaning when you finally felt his cock against you.
“Please,” you begged against his lips, ”Please I need you.”
He nodded and rocked back a little, taking your hand from his bicep to where he rested between your thighs. Your fingers tangled together as he guided you to grip him, letting out a groan.
His gaze met yours and he grinned, “I got a vasectomy after Ellie, but we can still use a condom if you want,” he offered gruffly.
Leaning up, you kissed him and shook your head. “I’m clean, as long as you are?” you murmured, sighing in relief when he nodded. With that, you turned your gaze to where his cock rested in your grip and rubbed your thumb over the swollen, reddened tip, eager to have its thick length inside you.
Guiding him to your wet entrance, you both groaned as his thick head slipped in. Falling back to your elbows, you watched as he pushed in, moaning as his thick cock spread you open.
“Fuck, oh my god, that’s so good,” you gasped, head falling back as you breathed unsteadily. When you looked back up Josh’s face was screwed up in concentration and he was moving slowly, steadily as he withdrew and then thrust in slowly.
Whining softly, you reached out to grab his thigh, squeezing at the thick muscle there until he paused and looked at you, sweat beading on his brow. Smiling at him, you leaned up and huffed as the angle rubbed so good.
“You don’t have to be slow or gentle,” you told him, lifting a brow.
His own brows rose and he grabbed you by the back of the neck, holding onto you as he fell forward, letting his weight onto you, pressing you into the mattress.
“Oh yea little one?” he growled, sucking a spot onto your neck, “You want me to fuck you hard?” he demanded and you moaned, nodding.
“Show you how a man fucks?” he ground out, as he rolled his hips, grinding them into you so he was deep, deeper than he had been before and you saw fucking stars.
“Oh yea...oh, fuck, make me yours,” you begged, clinging to his broad back, nails digging into his skin.
Josh groaned loudly and snapped his hips into yours, his thrust hard. Your answering moan seemed to give him what he was looking for because he adjusted your thighs around his hips and picked up the pace, fucking into you so hard you could distantly feel yourself sliding up the mattress.
Yesssss...oh my god...perfect....your mind was a desire clogged haze, and you were moaning his name nearly constantly, but god, was it good.
Distantly you could feel an orgasm building, but you almost didn’t want it, you just wanted this...even as your lungs burned and your body seemed to throb for release.
Nothing in your brain seemed to work and your mouth was just a mess of pleading nonsense until...
“Oh god, daddy, please, fuck, please, harder!”
Josh slowed and then stopped, pulling back to stare down at you, his expression shocked and aroused.
Your stomach dropped and you hastily scrambled away, “I, uh, should I not have?” you asked hesitantly.
He stared at you and then reached out, fingers brushing over your cheek, shaking his head. “No, it was perfect,” he assured you, voice gravelly with need as he leaned towards you.
His lips were on yours a moment later, his mouth hungry as he groaned and gripped your waist tightly. Pulling back he eyed you hungrily, “On your hands and knees,” he ordered.
With a needy little whimper you complied, arching your back towards him, hips swaying slightly. When he didn’t touch you or enter you again you looked over your shoulder to find him staring at you, awed.
“Daddy, please, I need you,” you whimpered, arching towards him, giving him a pleading look.
He met your gaze and the awe disappeared, replaced with a smirk. “I know little one. Patience,” he encouraged.
You moaned and dropped your head, “Don’t tease me,” you muttered.
There was a soft swooshing noise and then a crack! followed by a sting of pain across your ass, eliciting a sharp gasp from you. Hastily, you looked back at Josh as the pain diffused into heat and spread, and suddenly, you didn’t mind so much that he had spanked you.
“Daddy,” you breathed, your gaze holding his, and he grunted, palming his cock for a moment before he rubbed a hand on your ass, soothing you.
“I’ve got you little one,” he murmured before he dealt out more strikes to each cheek, his blows solid and the heat lasting. When he had done ten you were shaking and you could feel your pussy clenching around nothing, desperate for something to fuck.
“Please, fuck me,” you begged, pleading with him over your shoulder.
He was breathing unsteadily, and moved quickly, as eager as you were it seemed. His cock slipped against your slippery folds before he thrust in slowly, his large palm at the small of your back comforting.
You both moaned as he began thrusting again, one hand on your hip, the other winding your hair in his grasp and pulling so your back was arched. As his thrusts gained speed you moaned louder and louder, fingers digging into the mattress.
“Fuck! Yes daddy! Oh god, like that!”
“Oh god little one, you feel so good!”
Josh groaned as your pussy clenched and fluttered around him, an orgasm passing like lightning so neither of you were prepared. He thrust harder, seeming determined to fuck you into the mattress and you wailed with pleasure, loving it.
You had pictured this for years, and maybe it was wrong, but goddamn it felt so fuckin right.
Josh thrust into you hard and stopped, eliciting a loud groan from both of you as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you upright, your back against his chest.
Nudging your thigs apart, you could feel him nod against your shoulder, “There you go little one, just like that,” he encouraged, using his other hand to spread you wider.
Whimpering at the stretch--it burned so good--you rolled your head back onto his shoulder as you sank further down onto his cock. Josh slid his hand up your slick belly, his forearm resting against your breastbone as his large hand circled your throat loosely.
“Come on now, I want you to come all over my cock,” he growled in your ear and you moaned, nodding in agreement, rolling your hips eagerly.
A moment later you were crying out as he thrust harder than he hand been before, his arm holding you down at the waist, keeping you in place as he slammed his cock into you.
The pleasure was so all consuming you felt drunk, unable to move, only hold on desperately to the arm around your waist as he plowed into you.
“That’s it little one, just take it. I’ve got you,” Josh growled, his mouth right next to your ear. His hand at your throat reached up to turn your head so he could kiss you and you lazily returned the gesture, drunk on the taste of him, the feel of him surrounding you.
Pressing his forehead into your temple, he grunted as he thrust, groaning loudly. “Oh fuck little one, I’m gonna come,” he rasped and you moaned, digging your fingers into his forearm.
His grip changed and he slid his hand at your waist down to where you were joined and began rubbing on your clit, his groan loud in your ear as your pussy clenched around his cock.
You didn’t even have the energy to cry out anymore, each breath felt like fire. “Oh...oh daaaaaddy,” you moaned, shaking in his arms as your orgasm rolled forward, unstoppable.
Josh groaned your name and his thrust grew harder as his fingers rubbed your clit, both of you so close. His fingers at your throat tightened until your breath was just a little harder to draw and the tension in your body snapped.
Spine arching, the sound of his cock slamming into you grew wetter with the sound of your release, and you could feel it coating your thighs, dripping down over his.
“Josh...oh yes...daddy, Josh,” you gasped, trembling in his arms as he groaned loudly, hips stuttering as he came, thick hot ropes of cum coating your pussy. As his thrusts slowed you could feel it trickling out and trembled, the aftershocks of your release still hitting you.
His arms were still around you as you collapsed together onto the mattress, his large body covering yours, one knee between your legs as your pulse pounded through every inch of your body.
The sound of your mutual heavy breathing filled the room, and you could feel Josh’s heart beating rapidly against your back, his breath panting against the sweaty skin of your back.
When chills began to run over your skin from the chill, Josh rolled off you and pulled the sheets up around you both, his face soft with concern. “You ok darlin?” he asked softly, running his fingers over your jaw and pushing sweaty strands of hair out of your face.
Pleasure warmed that spot in your chest and you nodded, turning your cheek into his touch, “Yea I’m perfect,” you told him, reaching out to lay a hand on his waist, “I’d be better if you came here and kept me warm,” you murmured softly, smiling shyly at him.
He smiled warmly and slid closer, wrapping you in his arms, and you tucked your head under his chin, sighing in contentment. His large hands spread over your back, rubbing soothing circles as he made a soft humming sound.
“Are you ok?” you asked, tilting your chin to peer up at him curiously, hopefully.
Josh inhaled slowly and then nodded, smiling softly. “I wasn’t...I didn’t expect this,” he told you quietly, “I never thought of you like this when you were a kid,” he reassured you, looking worried. “I’m not a pervert.”
He looked surprised when you laughed, brow furrowing in confusion until you laid a hand on his cheek and explained, “I know Josh. I was the one who wanted you, I always did,” you told him.
You frowned for a moment and bit your lip, “Do you regret this? I mean, is it just a one time thing?” you asked, almost too scared to hear the answer.
Josh looked like he was pondering the situation for a moment and then shook his head, “No darlin, I don’t regret this. Even if I never expected it, I don’t regret it. And I certainly don’t want it to be just once,” he told you, looking at you just as nervously as you were peering at him.
“What do you want?” he asked.
You leaned in and kissed him softly, fingers twining through his hair as you held onto him, lips curling into a smile as you pulled away, “I just want you,” you whispered.
You could feel him smile too and buried your face into his neck as his arms tightened around you. When your phone buzzed a few minutes later, you rolled over to dig it out of your purse, holding the sheets to your chest as you read.
Ellie had texted.
Hey girl, I’m sorry I bailed on you earlier. I’m on my way home, you want to have a sleepover and eat ice cream and just talk?
You stared at the screen for a minute and Josh sidled up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled at your neck, placing soft kisses to your skin.
“What’s up?” he asked quietly, peering over your shoulder at the phone.
“Ellie’s on her way home,” you told him and felt him stiffen.
Turning to look him in the eye you swallowed hard, “What are we going to do now?” you asked.
You could see a range of emotions flitting over his face before his jaw firmed and he gave you a determined look, eyes warm. His fingers curled around yours and he brushed his knuckles against your jaw, smiling softly. 
When his lips met yours, contentment filled your chest and you pulled him closer, determined to never let him go. 
LOL Soooo I left it a little ambiguous, which I hope doesn’t drive you all too crazy!! But I like it this way and I like to think that maybe I’d write a little something more of these two if you all wanted it....
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this!! This was far, FAR filthier than anything I’ve ever written, and I think I’m going to go say a few Hail Mary’s for our hoe-tastic souls lol. 
Thank you all for your sweet words, I can’t wait to hear what you think of this final (maybe?!) part. 
Until next time ;) 
@joshbrolinismyidealman @egonic @lucifers-trash-stash @headoverhiddles @daddybrolin
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thebuckybrigade · 6 years
Heatwave Part 3
PART THREE YALL...We’re getting even closer to the smuuuuut. Okay, so same warnings as before, language, crush on an older man--sexual thoughts are likely to occur, graphic depictions of stick shifting--A CAR YOU PERVS--lol and some underage drinking. But other than that, I think we’re cool. 
You looked apprehensively at the...truck? Jeep? Whatever it was, it did not look safe. It wasn’t the usual vehicle that Josh took you to practice in; in fact, you hadn’t ever seen it before he had pulled it out of the shed at the back of his property. 
“You ready?” the man in question called from the driver’s seat, a dark pair of sunglasses covering his eyes as he grinned at you. 
Ellie laughed at you from her spot on the porch and gave your shoulders a push, “Come on girl, I learned last year, it’s not hard. Dad is super cool and a good teacher, he’ll go easy on you,” she told you. 
You flushed as the intrusive thought crept in; I bet he’s a good teacher...but what if I don’t want him to go easy on me? 
“R-right, well, here goes,” you agreed before hurrying over and climbing in the passenger seat, feet knocking against the red metal tool case on the floor. As the vehicle roared away from the sidewalk you nudged it with your foot and frowned, “What’s that for?” 
Josh glanced over, “Needs an oil change. Figured I’d teach you how to do that too,” he told you, giving you a warm grin before turning his attention back to the road. 
Right...let’s get hot and oily and oh god...this was NOT a good idea. 
A bead of sweat ran down your neck and your thighs sweat where you pressed them together, heat aching between them as you tried to concentrate on anything other than the idea of a dirty, greasy Josh pinning you against the car and...
“Okay so you’re going to have to concentrate to learn stick,” Josh murmured from beside you, leaning against the frame of the bars overhead as he instructed you, his white t-shirt damp in spots from sweat, distracting you. 
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He reached out and tapped your left knee, your muscle jumping sharply at the touch. He grinned and patted your knee again, “Easy there kid, you’ll do great,” he assured you, completely misunderstanding the reason for your reaction. 
Thank GOD.
“So, you’ll use this foot to ease on and off the clutch and brake. Getting out of first gear and into second is probably the hardest part, but once you get a feel for it, you’ll get better,” he assured you. 
You bobbed your head, trying to pay attention as he explained the mechanics of the vehicle and shifting; it was actually pretty interesting, even if you didn’t fully understand everything. 
Eventually he swung himself onto the bench seat next to you and slid over until your hips were nearly touching, giving you a grin, “I can see the pedals better from here and tell you what to do,” he explained. 
You nodded unsteadily and clipped on your seatbelt before putting it into neutral and turning the engine over. Sweat made your palms slick against the wheel and you shifted your hands, waiting for him to tell you what to do. 
When he didn’t say anything you looked over and he grinned, “You got this kid. Tell me the first step,” he encouraged. 
Your mind felt like it had gone blank. “Uhhh.”
“One foot on the brake and the other on the clutch,” he encouraged gently, tapping each knee. 
Quickly you moved your feet to the right spots, looking up to find him smiling approvingly. Pleasure swept through you and suddenly, you remembered what you were supposed to do. 
You could feel when the clutch engaged and the gear took hold, allowing you to release the brake and accelerate slowly. Your hand was firm on the gear shift, confidence swelling within you as you palmed it. 
“Great job kid!” Josh crowed from beside you, crowding a little closer and slinging his arm behind you along the seat. Nervously you gripped the gear shift tighter, feeling it rattle a little in your grip, your stomach trembling with excitement.
Heat went through your body at how close your bodies were pressed and you lost your concentration, missing the moment when you should have shifting, stalling out the vehicle. 
“Fuck!” you growled, slamming a hand against the steering wheel before looking up sharply at Josh’s booming laughter. 
His eyes crinkled around the edges as he pressed a hand to his sternum, shaking his head, “Damn kid, I didn’t know you could swear like that,” he admitted. 
You flushed and nodded, “I don’t around my mom cuz she doesn’t like it. I didn’t think you would either,” you admitted. 
He shrugged, “Whatever kid, you’re 16 now, I think you’ve earned the right to say fuck whenever you want.” He grinned, “Come on now, try again,” he encouraged. 
You took a deep breath and nodded, focusing your attention on the mechanics. This time it went smoother and soon you had the vehicle zipping around the abandoned mall parking lot. 
Josh laughed with delight and you glanced over at him, admiring the way the wind made his hair fly every which way and his skin looked like burnished copper in the golden rays. 
Eventually he guided you to a halt and had you practice reversing and parking before nodding and sliding his hand down from the back of the seat to grip your shoulder tightly, “You did it darlin, I knew you could.”
Shivering under his touch you looked up at him shyly, heat rising in your cheeks and for once you were grateful for the heat bearing down on you so it wouldn’t be so obvious as to why. 
When he pulled away your skin felt the loss like an electrical current had been applied and then removed--the tingle remained, but the sensation wasn’t quite the same. 
“Time to do an oil change,” he told you, grinning as he grabbed his tools. 
By the time you finished the oil change you were both hot, sweaty and greasy, but you felt an incredible sense of pride knowing that you could do these things now. 
Josh pulled down the tailgate of the vehicle and tossed the toolbox in before waving you over to clean your hands off with a rag, laughing as he used it to wipe at the smears of grease on your face. 
One of his hands held your chin and you stared into his face as he cleaned you off, brow lined in concentration. 
He’s so handsome you thought with a soft sigh, the sound catching his attention. His gaze lifted to yours and he softened, smiling faintly. “You thinkin bout your dad?” he asked gently, surprising you, because, really, you hadn’t been. 
You hesitated for a moment and then shook your head, giving him a faint smile in return, “No, actually. I was just thinking I have to do something to thank you for teaching me,” you murmured, biting your lip as a thousand inappropriate options came to mind. 
Josh scoffed and shook his head, “No way darlin. Come on, sit down,” he encouraged, slapping a hand on the tailgate. When you both were comfortable he pulled a small blue cooler forward and opened it, reaching in to pull out two sandwiches and to her surprise, two beers. 
Before he handed her one, he gave her a long appraising look, “Now listen, I’m not letting you drive back after having that. And I’m only giving it to you with food and in my presence. But I want you to know, I’m damn proud of you. Not just about today, but this whole time your dad has been gone so far. You’ve kept your shit together and worked goddamned hard and you’re more of an adult than some people I know.”
He popped the tops of the beers and handed you one, tapping his against yours, “Cheers darlin, here’s to you,” he murmured, smiling sweetly at you. 
You flushed and murmured a quiet thank you before taking a sip, enjoying the cool flush against your tongue, even if the flavor wasn’t your favorite. 
As you sat there, eating a sandwich and drinking a beer with him, you had the thought that this was the best non-date date you had ever had. 
Glancing around the party at the drunken teenagers surrounding you, you grimaced and lifted your red solo cup to sip again at the “jungle juice”, trying not to wonder at what exactly was in it. 
It tasted like vomity skittles. 
Swallowing down the last of it, you looked around to where Ellie was dancing with her boyfriend and smiled faintly, glad that she was enjoying the party. She was the only reason you were here--your big plans for the night had included a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and a binge session of Black Mirror. 
But then Sam had texted you both about some party the seniors were having before they went to college in the fall, and all your plans for relaxing were shot to hell. 
Tugging at the hem of the dress you had borrowed from Ellie, you headed for the beer pong tables, determined to put some of your athletic prowess to use and have at least a little fun. 
Two hours later you were...well...drunk. And making out with someone. Who was he again? 
Pulling away you looked down and frowned at the face of the guy you were kissing, unease filling you when you didn’t recognize him. Clumsily you scrambled off him and looked around for Ellie, clutching your phone in the hopes it would help you find her. 
Eventually you found a bathroom that wasn’t occupied and texted her, waiting only a few minutes before you got a reply. 
Heyyy girl, Sam and I went upstairs for awhile ;) We’re at his place, you ok?
Uhhh...little drunk...think I’m gonna call for a ride. 
Ok, so sry for bailing on u!!
NO worries...as long as you GOT SUM GIRL
GIRL PLZ...gonna get round 2 right now!
You laughed at Ellie’s audaciousness and sent her a text to be safe and opened the Lyft app, frowning when you saw it would be a twenty minute wait. Of course, it was New Orleans on a Saturday night in June...the tourists were probably swarming the Quarter. 
With a sigh you leaned back on the toilet and stared up at the ceiling, pondering your options. 
Your mom was working...again. 
A Lyft was 20 minutes. An Uber was about the same. 
Slowly you realized what you were going to have to do. 
Lifting your phone back up, you dialed Josh. 
After a few rings he picked up, sounding sleepy and worried. 
“Hey kid, you okay?”
You nodded unsteadily and realized he couldn’t see you, “Uhh yeaaaa,” you sighed, drawing the word out. “So I went to a party and I had a little too much to drink and a Lyft is like twenty minutes wait, can you pick me up?” you asked hopefully. 
There was a long moment of silence and then a sigh. “Send me the address kid.”
When the line disconnected you texted him the address and hurried out of the bathroom, heading for the front door to wait. The guys at the beer pong table called out for you to come play and you hesitated--maybe just for a minute?
A minute quickly turned into ten and when Josh arrived you were wasted. Through your daze you could hear him scolding the boys for allowing you to drink more as he wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you upright.
Even that proved not to be enough for the state you were in and as he struggled to get you to the door, he growled something that sounded like, “C’mon darlin, work with me,” before he sighed and swept you off your feet and into his arms.
The world spun as he carried you, but his shoulder was reassuringly solid beneath your cheek and you pressed your face into his neck to breath in his scent.
“You...you smell good,” you told him disjointedly, nose brushing against his throat.
You could feel him hum for a moment in agreement perhaps before his hand at your thigh disappeared to do something and a moment later you were in a vehicle.
Josh tucked your seatbelt around you and clicked it into place before getting in his side and casting you a worried glance.
“You gonna throw up?”
You shook your head and curled toward him, smiling softly. He sighed in relief and when the vehicle pulled away your eyes began to close.
A hand landed on your thigh and you smiled tiredly, “Thank you for comin to get me Josh,” you murmured, words slightly slurred.
The grip on your thigh tightened and you sighed softly, enjoying the feeling .
“Of course darlin. We’ll be home soon,” he assured you, sounding worried. “Can you stay awake?” he encouraged, squeezing your thigh again. 
“Mmmmhmm,” you agreed sleepily, kicking off your heels to lift your feet onto the dashboard, eyes fluttering open to find his face. 
He’s so handsome...I wish he saw me as more than a kid...I wonder what he would do if I moved his hand up my thigh...
Your mind wandered along dangerous pathways, the heat in your veins syrupy and spreading slowly. Josh kept glancing over at you as he drove, smiling encouragingly as he talked, trying to keep you awake. 
“Seems like you were winnin at beer pong,” he murmured, turning onto your street. You nodded and grinned and he smirked, “I don’t think those boys know what to do with a girl like you,” he told you softly as he parked the car. 
As he came around the car to help you out, you swayed into him, high heels clutched in one hand, the other clinging to his--holy shit so muscular-bicep. Peering up at him, you frowned, wrinkling your brow. 
“I’m not a girl,” you huffed, growing more annoyed at his amused smirk. 
“Oh what are you then?” he asked teasingly, “A cat? Should I call you kitten?” he teased, and fire lit in your belly at his tone. 
Pulling back unsteadily you glared up at him and poked him hard in the chest, “No! You should call me a woman because that’s what I fucking am! Those idiots don’t know what to do with me because they’re children.”
You softened and turned your chin up to him, searching his face for any sign he understood what you were trying to say and felt your belly sink when he only looked at you with the same fondness he always did. 
Exhaling sharply, you looked away and shook your head, “Never mind. You don’t care,” you muttered harshly, moving to brush past him. 
Josh made a noise of surprise and caught your arm, halting your progress. Determined not to look at him, you stared down at the asphalt as he spoke. “Hey wait darlin, I care about you. I care,” he reassured you. 
Scoffing, you tried to pull your arm away and he tightened his grip and a thrill of unexpected pleasure went through you at the display of strength. His other hand cupped your jaw far more gently and his voice was tender and emotional when he whispered, “Look at me.”
Swallowing hard, you looked up, feeling his touch like an electrical current racing through your body as he stared into your eyes. He shifted closer, barely any space between you now and your heart sped up, your body arching towards him unconsciously.
“I care about you darlin. You’re right that you’re more of an adult and a woman than most girls your age. You’re just...” he paused and shook his head, smiling faintly, “it’s hard to think of you growin’ up and leavin me behind. You and Ellie are goin off to college soon and I’ll just be a sad old man,” he told you, his voice rough by the time he finished, tears shining brightly in his eyes. 
Heart in your throat, you threw your arms around his neck, a huff of surprise leaving him before his arms wrapped around your waist and he hugged you back, your toes leaving the ground for a moment before they rested on the tops of his shoes. 
Turning your face towards his neck you inhaled his scent, so familiar, so comforting, and murmured, “I’ll always come back Josh. No matter what.”
You could feel it when his chest exhaled unsteadily and he made a soft noise that sounded almost like crying, his hands on you tightening. You remained that way until finally he released you and your feet slipped back down to the ground, your hands resting on his chest as you smiled affectionately at each other. 
“You know, you’re really not an old man,” you told him, smirking as you rose up on your toes to push your fingers into the lines between his brows, “not yet anyway,” you teased. 
Josh laughed and his hands on your waist flexed, pulling you a little closer. Your heart thundered at the continued proximity and you flushed, hoping the darkness would hide it. 
“Thanks darlin. I’m glad I don’t qualify for AARP yet,” he joked. 
You shook your head vehemently and grinned, “Nope. I know of at least three girls in school that think you’re cute,” you told him, flushing a little. 
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He grinned and wrinkled his nose, “That’s flattering I suppose.” You nodded and after a moment the laughter died down, leaving you standing in the street in the dark. 
Shifting, you pulled your keys out of your purse and pointed to your house, “I should go, mom will be home soon and I haven’t seen her in a few days,” you told him. 
Josh nodded and glanced over his shoulder to the dark house, frowning a little. “You sure kid? I can text her and let her know you stayed with me,” he offered. 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t stayed there a million times before, but tonight, you wanted to be in your bed. You wanted to process your feelings and maybe get out your vibrator and imagine his large hands on you...
Clearing your throat you nodded and smiled tiredly up at him, “Yea I’m sure. Thanks for everything though Josh, really,” you murmured. Before he could wave it off like always, you leaned up, fingers clutching at his shoulders as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
You could hear his inhale of surprise and felt his fingers clutch your waist as your lips lingered for a moment before you pulled away and stepped back, smiling softly at him.
“Night Josh. Sweet dreams,” you murmured before turning and hurrying into your house. 
When you peered out the window from the pitch black interior of the house, he was still there, standing in the street, hands by his sides, staring curiously at your house like he had just had a revelation. 
OH HEYYYY....still no POV switch, I know. I think we’ll do it for the last installment. I think it makes more sense for what I have planned. Graduation, a time skip to age 20, aaaaannnddd….SMUT!! Whoo!! I know, it’s taken so long to get there! But I hope you’ve liked what I’ve written so far. If at the end of this you’ve got other ideas that you’d like to see me write for Josh Brolin x reader, hit me up. I’m a thirsty hoe for that man lol Thank you for reading!! 
@headoverhiddles @egonic @lucifers-trash-stash @daddybrolin 
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