#hebert west x reader
slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers taking care of their trans s/o post top surgery
Hey it's dysphoria time again. So I'm going to be thinking about how not too long from now I can get top surgery and other affirming surgeries. I also was thinking about Herbert West and his nuclear testosterone. Anyway I hope this brings comfort to y'all too.
Warnings: Mentions of surgery, drains, medical things in general
Includes: Hebert West, Norman Bates, and Carrie White
Herbert West
He probably recommended you the doctor for your surgery so he was there the entire time. He'd be one of the people taking care of you at the hospital and would take time off to be able to care for you at home.
He'd be so insistant on you getting plenty of rest while you recover. He'd be weary of you getting out of bed for the first few days and would make sure to stress to be careful.
He'll want to be there with you when you finally take off the bandages and you can see your newly flat chest. He'll talk about the great job the doctor did and how they'll heal nicely.
He'll help you clear your drains if you're a bit too nervous to do it yourself.
He's gonna take two of three weeks off once you get home from the hospital to help take care of you. He'll often check to make sure you're staying on your back and that you're nice and comfortable.
Norman Bates
Oh he's going to be so worried about you while you're in operation. He's going to wait the entire time and meet back with you as soon as he possibly can.
He'll tell you how happy he is to see that you're ok after surgery and that he's going to be waiting on you hand and foot until you're better.
You or a nurse will probably have to clear the drains because ironically I feel like Norman doesn't like seeing blood and stuff like that, at least coming from his s/o.
He's gonna be just as happy as you are when the bandages finally come off. He'll tell you how good it looks and how happy he is for you. He'll be a bit flustered because you're fully shirtless around him for the first time.
Once you're home he's going to be very cautious with you. He's going to be so worried that something bad is going to happen to you and he's going to make sure you don't even lift a finger.
He's going to treat you so well. Even if you insist you're ok but he's still gonna be hovering around to make sure that you're doing ok.
Carrie White
She's a bit antsy around blood and your drains but she'll be brave and help you with most things that aren't too "gorey". Like helping you bathe and helping you keep clean, just not touching your drains or trying to avoid looking at your bandages.
She'd make a ton of homemade food for you and will encourage you to eat. She want's you to heal as fast as you can so the two of you can get out of the Hospital.
She might not totally understand the trans experience and she honestly thought you were a guy before you got top surgery but she's not against you getting it.
She'll be a bit worried when she sees your scars for the first time because she thinks it's infected already. Just explain it takes a good amount of time for the scars to heal and that you're perfectly fine.
Like Norman she's going to be taking care of you at home. She'll help you get dressed, help keep you clean, cook for you, etc.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
"Make It Right." Poly!DanBert X AFAB! Reader. A Commission.
Well hey, hey, hey! I have been working on this for God, I dunno how long at this point! A long ass time! This is the second commission from @darklylucid and it beats out the last one! This is basically 14K angsty, pining and smutty as fuck Poly!DanBert fuckery. I spent so much time on this, so much energy! Kelly gave me a gorgeous 1.5K outline for this and I went the hell off. I hope you all love it as much as she did! I put everything into this. So without further ado! Here we go!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 13.9K. Hebert West X Dan Cain X AFAB! Reader. Poly!DanBert. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Pining. And They Were Roommates. Roommates to Friends To Lovers. Angst. Fighting. Coldness. Herbert Is An Asshole. Kissing. Making Out. Domesticniess. Polyamory Obviously. Touching. Vaginal Fingering. Masturbation. Vaginal Sex. Jerking Off. Dirty Talk. Oral Sex. Orgasm Denial. Edging. Multiple Orgasms. Cunnilingus. Double Penetration. Crying Reader. Restainted Reader. Praise. Dacryphilia. Overstimulation. Cream Pie. Biting. Begging.
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You had always suspected something was up ever since you first moved in. Just that there was more than met the eye to your two roommates. There was the basement that they were weirdly protective over that made you much too curious, however you decided to not venture down there right away, a particular look in Herbert’s eyes told you that it was a bad idea and you figured you shouldn’t press. 
They had lived together for a long time, clearly a lot of history, closeness, like they had been through something serious, heavy, that bonded them. It wasn’t said outright but you had a way about you that clued you into it, you pieced it together over the course of weeks bleeding into months of living with them.
The closeness they shared is what made the gears in your head start to turn. You had eyes, could admit they were attractive, you noticed that the first day you met them but more than that is what really got your thoughts cooking. You noticed moments of intimacy between the pair that you probably weren’t meant to, holding hands under the table one night, lingering looks, a bit of innuendo. One morning, your suspicions are confirmed, you come down earlier than normal to see a rather sleepy looking Herbert clinging to Dan. The smaller man’s arms around his taller companion, cheek pressed to his back between his shoulder blades as Dan makes coffee. It is an oddly sweet moment, one you were sure you weren’t meant to see, you make sure to keep your overseeing it quiet. Seeing how they are that morning is what puts the nail in the coffin and gets you thinking hard. They have some sort of relationship and the fact they do has made you think and think hard.
Emotions have been stirring within you, building, a feeling you knew well, a crush, one that has deep roots, the kind that makes you feel warm and your brain soaked in syrupy delightful hope for more.
It takes a bit before one night in a cold sweat after waking from a dream you realise, shit, you have one on not just Dan and not just Herbert, but both of them. 
Human beings capacity for feeling, for emotional depth on that level, it is staggering, you had crushes before but never on more than one person at once. Certainly never two people at once who were entangled with one another. 
You tried to ignore it at first but that didn’t work out as well as you hoped it would. Not when Dan would make you coffee in the morning just how you liked it or when he would check in with you at the end of the day on how it went. Even Herbert had his own way about him that you loved, seeing him with Dan, the levity he could bring, he was really fucking funny. You could listen to Herbert rant about the incompetencies of others for hours but if you did that you’d run out of breath and have sore ribs. 
Your feelings were really sealed for the pair of them when one night you’d fallen asleep on the couch, the sound of them coming up from the basement woke you but you were still so tired, so comfortable, you refused to get up. Keeping your eyes closed, willing to sleep it out a while longer, you hear them stop before going to their rooms. 
“She’s asleep.” Dan said in a  hushed tone and Herbert said with a sigh, “Ever observant Daniel.” 
You hear a light smack and a quiet, “Ow!” You hear Dan muffle a laugh and you fight the urge to smile, “Real mature. Now can we go to bed?” 
Dan said, “In a minute.” You hear more footsteps come towards the couch. “You were the one who insisted we had to go to bed. What are you doing?” 
“Give me a minute, you are so impatient. I don’t want her to get cold.” Dan said and you then feel a blanket being draped over you. “There, now we can.” 
Dan was always so sweet, you felt warm but then you heard Herbert scoff, a “What?” From Dan until Herbert comes over, the blanket is adjusted, pulls it and you realise your feet were not covered until he fixed that. “Now we can.” 
Herbert teased, mocking what Dan had said and it made his companion shake his head. “Even when you do something nice you gotta be an asshole about it.” 
“What? I thought you’d be happy, you left her half covered Dan! Do something right if you are going to do it.”
More footsteps and their voices getting too quiet to hear as they left you there. You really didn’t want to get up now. You stay curled up after they walk away and fall asleep and dream of them again, of getting to be part of what they have. It was then that your pining really started. 
You find yourself longing for more time with the pair. You try to squeeze even more time with them. You ask Herbert about his research and try to rein in your overly soft expression as he talks and talks and talks excitedly. 
You cook with Dan, both of you meal plan and grocery shop and prep and make it all together and both of you drag Herbert to eat with you both too, he can’t say no when both of you beg. You help out with all kinds of the daily boring maintenance of life because it is better doing it with them. The longer it drags on the worse it gets.
Little did you know it was getting bad for them too. You were getting to them. Dan fell first and he fell early. It was such a small innocuous thing. He had a hard day. He came home, showered, got changed and then sat himself on the couch to rest before getting dinner together but before he could get up to fetch his own food you came in with a steaming plate. When questioned you smiled and said, “I know you had a long shift, figured the last thing you wanted after today was to cook.” 
He took the plate gratefully and looked down at the food you’d made just for him before looking back up to you and asked, “Are you hungry?”
“I actually ate earlier but do you mind if I sit with you while you do? You can vent about your day if you want to.” 
Dan was utterly smitten and it took this moment two and a half months into living with you to realise it. From then on Dan savoured every moment spent with you all the more. Nights that he wasn’t in the basement with Herbert he was around you, cooking, watching tv, playing cards, whatever struck your fancy honestly. 
Herbert took a lot longer to start getting invested in the same fashion. What made him start to wonder and question was one evening when not working on his research, Dan was out and he needed him to make any real progress at this stage, he was sitting on the couch reading. 
You came in with a book of your own asking if he minded if you joined him and he didn’t see a reason why to not allow you. 
The comfortable silence you shared, only the soft sound of turning pages, the presence of you next to him wasn’t an annoyance, it was welcome. Oddly, comforting. He liked it much more than he anticipated, the only person he usually could tolerate, forget about like, just tolerate in this fashion was Dan and that took a long time to get to that point. But here you were, worming your way in much faster than that. It was strange. 
The next moment was when you asked him about the book when you had seen that he had finished reading it. He was struck that you noticed he had first off and that next that you wanted his opinion. He found himself with his coffee at the kitchen table talking rapidly, similar to how he was when he vented but this time it was enthusiastic excitement over how much he enjoyed this particular book. He normally didn’t go off about something he did for fun or pleasure, more often than not when he talked like this it was about his work and nothing else but you apparently had the uncanny ability to pull this out of him. 
He ponders over it, wonders what is up with him, he is passing by your bedroom one afternoon during such a time he is wondering when he hears a sound that makes him stop short. 
A moan. 
Coming from your room. It was your voice, it was you. He should leave and not intrude but curiosity got the better of him, he was about to step away but heard you moan what sounded like…His name? 
He stepped closer, his ear placed to the wood and he could hear you much better like this. Soft moans, gasping breaths, the sound of wetness, the light sound of the bed springs from what he assumed was you rocking on the mattress. 
You sounded so needy. He doesn’t think he has ever heard someone moan his name like that, as if you hurt from being denied of him at that moment, no he hadn’t heard that not even during the times he and Dan had-
And he heard you moaning it again and he was gone, he was so hard in a second.
He listened much longer than he should have. His hand was so close to the doorknob, he had the urge to push open the door, to ask if you needed help but that was ludicrous, you moaning his name like this it meant, nothing right? It could be some innocent fantasy, you might not even want him like that. The longer he listened the less likely that seemed, the more he was convinced you were serious. 
The only thing that made him pull away was when he realised how achingly hard he was and that he needed to go deal with this and that getting caught dick in hand in front of your bedroom door would be awful. He would never be able to explain himself without you thinking he was a total pervert. He walked away as he thought well if you caught him like that or the fact he thought that in the first place might mean that he was. 
He went to his room and sat on the edge of his bed, his pants down around his thighs and his hand wrapped around himself. He came in less than three minutes with your name on his lips. 
You continue to invade his thoughts frequently, at inopportune moments he is reminded of some funny thing you said, or more often than not that afternoon he overheard you. 
It wasn't the only time he overheard you either. Other afternoons, late at night, some mornings even. Every time he walked the hall and saw your door was closed he would wonder what you were up to and if he would hear you.
Herbert hates that you occupy his mind this much, he has other things to concern himself with, he doesn’t understand why this is happening, what is it about you that is so special? One night after dinner you excuse yourself to go to your room and Herbert and Dan take the chance to go to the lab and do some research. They are sitting and both doing research on their own respective things, general note taking and review and prep and as they sit working Herbert's mind wanders and he wonders if you are masturbating right now. 
He sits perched on his stool picturing you sprawled out, two fingers buried in your wet hole, fucking in and out, palm slapping your clit, pleasure clear on your face, breath catching and back arching, he bets you looks fucking incredible.
He sighs, taking his glasses off with one hand, the other rubbing his eyes in exasperation, he should be working, he is falling behind on it all but instead he is stuck in a loop imagining you getting off and rock hard over it. Dan noticed Herbert stopped and was sitting there head half in his hands and he asked, “Are you having some trouble?”
He contemplated for a moment and decided fuck it, you were busy, he wouldn’t get anymore work done till this was dealt with and Dan was right here, a much better option than his own hand. He pivots on his stool and stands up allowing Dan to see his ‘issue’ and he asks, “Yes I am. Do you think you can help me?”
Dan grins, leaning forward on the table, eyes locked on the prominent erection standing out in Herbert’s black slacks, “Of all the things I thought that might have been weighing on your mind this was certainly not one of them.” 
Pencil in his grip he leaned closer, reaching out with the writing utensil, the eraser end of it tracing the line of his dick and watching as Herbert’s hips bucked forward slightly, “Ooh real needy tonight, yeah?”
Herbert scoffed at Dan’s teasing, arms crossed with a roll of his eyes and his companion pressed, “What got you so worked up just sitting here anyway? Am I that irresistible?” 
“Hardly Daniel.” He grit out as Dan started to open his pants, “Mmm, so if it wasn’t me then what?”
Should he say? He wasn’t sure. How would Dan handle if knowing that he had been pining after you, that he overheard and listened in like some creepy little voyeur while you masturbated? What if he reacted badly and wanted to stop what they had going on, then Herbert would be on his own and things might get weird or strained, their shared work might suffer-
But then Dan has his clothing out of the way and one of his hands around Herbert’s shaft and he exhales shakily and without being able to stop it or meaning to he breathes out your name. That makes Dan’s hand stop mid-stroke and he says, “You’ve been thinking about her too?”
Those six simple words unlocked a new level of the pair of them hooking up. 
That night while having sex sprawled on the work table they both admitted things to each other in the heat of the moment, all about how they had been growing closer to you individually, talking about how well you fit, how much they liked you and of course, how hot you are. 
Herbert wasn’t the only one who had overheard you. Dan was on his knees, Herbert leaning against the table, fists gripping the edge, losing himself in the hot wet feeling enveloping his dick before more words were filling his mind, “She makes the sweetest sounds when she’s touching herself, doesn’t she Herbert?” 
He tangled his fingers in Dan’s hair and forced himself back into his mouth with a strained, “Yessss-” 
He couldn’t stop himself, rocking his hips forward, fucking at a less than leisurely pace into Dan’s mouth, he sounded almost angry as he grit out, “How-how do you think she, ugh, does it?” 
A hum before he pops off, his hand taking over, firm grip, another moan pulled from the man above him. 
Dan says, “I think she might have a toy or two, sometimes I hear a very consistent-” slipping the cock in his grip halfway back into his mouth, hand locked around the base, he hummed until Herbert let out a choked off gasp and he pulls back, now finishing the thought, “-humming coming from her room.” 
The thought of you with a vibe pressed between your thighs, biting your hand to try and keep quiet as the mechanically assisted pleasure coursed through you dragged Herbert to the edge with a frightening pace that made his head spin. He made an attempt to push Dan away, wanting to prolong this experience but as Dan’s grip tightened and his tongue swirled over the tip no way could he stop.
When Dan had swallowed him back was once again seated on his stool and Herbert had a slick hand around him, stroking him, wrist twisting on the down stroke as he told him all about, “-the first time I heard her I couldn’t help myself, I felt so bad but fuck, she sounded way too good to ignore, I just had to do something!-”
Herbert nodded, face almost buried in Dan’s neck, “-I can’t ignore her, it’s maddening, why can’t I ignore her?”
“I don’t know, God, harder! Yeah like that-” He panted, “-is-is she putting something in the food when she cooks?” Dan sounded wrecked, rocking up into Herbert’s fist as more brief theories were thrown back and forth until he met his own end.
When both of them had cum and were sitting there in the aftermath, scattered paper work, spilled cum, dishevelled and panting they realised they were in trouble. No way could they go back to what they had before, not without talking about you. Now that their mutual attraction was out in the open why hide it from each other when it could elevate what they did this much?
Between hanging out with you more and more, not just solo, but together and hot as hell hook ups where you were the main topic of conversation in a few weeks a conclusion was reached. 
They wanted you. Talking about you wasn’t enough. But what are the odds that you’d be into this? Into both of them, want both of them? 
There was a serious discussion, while clothes were left on about pursuing this. The logistics of it, how it all might work out and it lasted for hours and they both ultimately decided that it was too wild, no way, the risks too great.
And yet…
Dan couldn’t help himself from testing the waters, even when Herbert was resistant and you were so into his advances and flirting it shocked them both. You returned the flirting openly, almost shamelessly, an air of, “What took you so long?” almost oozing out of you as you bantered with Dan who was still attempting to regain his footing from this sudden development. 
Dan tested it hard, allowing himself to get closer and closer to you physically and emotionally and you returned it and Herbert with a small tentative start getting closer too and more involved.
This had been a long time coming. The casual affection growing, the care, the conversations and investment and the sexual tension was now permeating every interaction instead of just half of them like before the flirting kicked up. It was nearly too much to take, Dan and Herbert were practically fucking each other raw from the pace that they were going at it inspired by you and you similarly were running out of batteries much too quickly. 
The song and dance lasts much longer than it should have but eventually the message is crystal fucking clear. You want them. They want you. Herbert and Dan admit to each other that this thing between them, whatever it is, they don’t want to continue it without you. They can’t imagine it without you, it’s impossible, it feels nearly ineffable and undefinable, a feeling, Herbert hates the fact that he is going to do this massive risk based off of a fucking feeling of all things but even he can’t deny this. 
So a decision was made, it was on the table, it was worth it after all and the night it was meant to happen, that Herbert and Dan were going to properly ask, you knew it was coming, it was obvious, you were ecstatic and thought they were too. 
The unthinkable happened. 
The meeting that would become your first date, you and Dan were stood up. Herbert never showed up. Herbert locked himself in the basement. No word, no note, no answer when they knocked. It was odd, confusing, hurtful. 
You and Dan try to have a good time but it feels weird, half hearted and you both go to bed alone and unsure. 
The next day everything feels off. Herbert doesn’t look at either of you, barely acknowledges you, he is either at the hospital, in the basement, locked up tight, not even letting Dan in, or in his bedroom.
He barely eats, offers of food you and Dan made are rejected outright, plates of well prepared meat and vegetables, pasta, homemade pizza, all shoved away. He makes himself toast and things that require him being in the kitchen for more than a few short minutes at a time because whenever you both caught him in there you’d badger him.
He doesn’t want to talk, he doesn’t want to spend any time together. You try to reach out, try to figure out what is wrong but he acts if he doesn’t hear you, even with you right next to him. After weeks of this treatment, he ignores you so thoroughly you pursue him, ask him question after question and he doesn’t pay you any mind.
You follow behind begging him on and on, eventually you cut in front of him stopping him in a doorway, your hands gripping the door frame so hard your knuckles are aching, looking up at him and asking “What is your fucking damage Herbert?!”
He still doesn’t even look at you, an exasperated sigh as he says, “Are you quite finished?” 
The tone he says it, the tiredness and finality of it, like you are nothing more than an inconvenience, it hurts. You bite your lip and drop your arms, step to the side and he brushes past you, purposefully avoiding touching you at all and when you hear his footsteps head down the steps you allow emotion to overtake. 
Dan finds you sitting at the kitchen table, you hadn’t started dinner and were just looking at your hands, fighting back tears.
“What’s wrong?” He asked so softly, you hadn’t heard him come in and you jump, you wipe at your eyes and tell him in a rough voice, “Nothing.” 
It clearly wasn’t nothing. It was awful, he hated seeing you like this and even without you saying it outright he knew it had to do with Herbert. You have no idea what went wrong and Dan has no idea either. 
Dan marches down to the basement, intent on finding out what the fuck Herbert’s deal was. He pounds on the door until Herbert finally opens it and lets him in. 
“What do you want, Daniel?” Herbert asked, sounding much too tired for any sort of casual talking let alone something this heavy. “What I want is to know what the hell has been up with you?”
“Tonight?” Herbert asked nonchalantly, flipping through papers and Dan scoffed, “No! For the past I don’t know, three-ish weeks? Ever since the night you stood us up?”
Herbert hums, his back to Dan, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Don’t-” Dan sighed, hanging his head before asking further, “Don’t know what I’m talking about?” 
Herbert let out a half laugh, a shrug of his shoulders as he tapped the paper stack in his hands on the table, a shake of his head as he said, “I don’t Dan, really.”
“Bullshit Herbert! You’ve been ignoring me, you’ve been ignoring her! She talks to you, tries to engage and you pretend she isn’t there at all!” Herbert refuses to turn around as Dan continues on, “No meals, no conversation-”
A loud exasperated sigh cut him off before he said, “How long do you intend to ramble on Daniel?” 
His jaw drops. “How can you be like this? I thought you grew past this shit, you’re acting like when you first moved in years ago, worse maybe-”
Dan came forward, his hand on Herbert’s shoulder to turn him, make him meet his gaze but Herbert jerked away from him, stepping quickly out of his grip as he barked out, “Don’t touch me!”
He pulled his hands back. This isn't right. He knew something was up but this was more serious than he thought. “Herbert, what's wrong? Talk to me, please, I’m…” He sighed, his hands running through his hair in a mixture of concern and exasperation, “I’m worried about-” 
“Nothing is wrong, I have nothing to talk about with you and I want you to leave.” He sounded so cold, it drove the point home that this wasn’t going to happen, at least not tonight. Dan turned and said, “Fine.”
He left, the sound of his shoes on the concrete floor and the soft closing the door signalling his departure. 
It somehow got worse from there. The few times he did need to address you, Herbert was rude, he snapped often, and was frankly being an asshole. He would complain loudly about you being in the living room all the time, that your leftovers took up space in the fridge, that you showered at the most inconvenient times. You got more and more upset and pulled away too, both you and Dan seeking more and more comfort in each other. 
You and Dan talked and had zero clue why he was being like this. Dan had tried to initiate several more talks and different points and there were piles of excuses and no answers. 
Everything physical between Herbert and Dan stopped completely and it was one the hardest parts of this. He hadn’t realised how much he would miss it, he hadn’t seriously analysed what they had shared but it had a much more profound effect that he had been aware of. It wasn’t just the sex, it was the rest, him actually opening up, allowing some sort of vulnerability, the time shared and conversations had. The more Dan thought about the more intense emotion under the surface of what he had always written off as a casual arrangement the more upset he got that it had been cut so short without an input by him. He wondered if Herbert felt the same or if this was all imagined by him. 
Dan was becoming so frustrated by it all he was having difficulty looking at Herbert when he was around and the pair of you in growing so weary with this all clung closer to each other. Your feelings for Dan were so strong that you still wanted to try and make it work with just you both, something that had been tentative and on hold during this mess with Herbert and Dan feels the same. Trying to focus on what you both could have is better than moping about and trying to get Herbert to talk when that clearly wasn’t going to happen. 
“Are you sure that is okay?” You asked sitting across from him at the dinner table and he shrugs, resigned, “I think so? I mean…I see him hurting but what can I do if he isn’t willing to talk or accept our help?”
He had a point. 
So you press on. 
It is nice. Going out on actual dates, cooking together, watching movies, being in his arms, it all feels nice but at the same time not quite right. Something is off, missing, different. There are times of great joy, where you and Dan are making bread and laughing about something or curled up sleepy on the couch or when he presses a kiss to your cheek where it feels almost okay, where it feels close to what you want and need. But it falls short.
You find yourself feeling almost wracked with guilt as you get closer to Dan because well you know you can never be completely his. The two of them go together in your mind and you suppose in your heart as well, even with the shabby treatment from Herbert you still care, you still think of how it was before his emotional shift. 
One night Dan works late and you find yourself thinking much too much about how it used to be. When it was light and easy, the three of you all together, it just made sense, but nothing was making much sense lately, the one thing that brings any sense of comfort and normalcy, even if it isn’t full or all the way there is what you have with Dan. When he comes home, tired and weary, he assumes you are already long in bed. 
You aren’t.
You are up and waiting for him. He came into the kitchen to see you leaning against the counter, he asked quietly, “You’re still up?”
“Yeah.” You said simply and he asked, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“No. I was thinking too much.” You admitted and pushed off the counter, coming over to him he asked, “Thinking about what?”
“Everything that has been happening lately, but mostly, about how much I want you.”  Once you had stepped close enough you leaned up, your hands on the back of Dan’s neck, nudging him down to help meet you better as you kissed him. 
This wasn’t your first kiss, not by a long shot. There had been many a date that ended with one, times over dinner you’d made and before leaving, ones of all kinds but this felt different from the jump. Hot and needy and desperate. You tried to pour all the emotion you could into it, the heat, the hurt, you felt like you required this the same way you did air, it felt important. You kissed him with such hunger, as if it would heal what was broken inside. He didn’t question, he kissed you deeply in return, it feels good, better than you have in a while. 
The kissing doesn’t end there, from the kitchen you eventually stumbled your way to his room, barely pulling away from one another, clothes being stripped along the way and he and you fall into his bed and it all comes to ahead. You seek total comfort in one another. Wandering hands and hungry mouths and you urging him on soon enough, “Dan, Dan please, I need you-” 
“I need you too-” He was already out of breath, panting at the same rate his fingers were rocking in and out of you. This was bound to happen eventually, Herbert had snapped at you this morning and at dinner time, book ending your day with his cruelty and Herbert had been less than nice to Dan at the hospital and it all just happened. 
You finally under Dan, no clothing at all between you in the dim lighting from the street lamp outside, you’d seen him shirtless before since you lived together but seeing all of him like this was overwhelming. He took the briefest moment to take in the view of your body as well, the way his hands ran over your form made you squirm as he praised you, “So beautiful.” 
“Please, I can’t take it anymore. Make me feel good.” You begged and finally it happened. After months of build up and more he is sliding inside of you and stealing your breath away. The stretch of him is more than you are expecting but you relish in the burn of it. You kissed him again, arms looped around his neck and he started to move and the moan that you let out into his mouth drove him forward. He thrusts harder with a sound of pleasure of his own and it starts this chain reaction of you feeding into each other. 
It becomes faster, more frenzied, needier, it goes on and you are moving with him, pain had mostly given way to pleasure. You were panting, moaning his name, and he was moaning yours, “Touch yourself.” 
The tone makes your hand slip between your bodies with no hesitation and you rub your straining clit and in a few short moments you are falling apart around him and as soon as your pleasure was sealed he pulled out, stroking himself to his end, he painted your stomach with the mess of him, leaving you both spent and heaving. 
As he fell beside you the emotion and gravity of what you had done hit. You inhale sharply as the realisation that it shouldn’t have been like this washes over. You did this for the wrong reasons, you needed a distraction, you felt selfish but worse, doing this without Herbert felt awful, it was a mistake. You reach out to him and he hears you sniff and his arms are around you, your face buried in his neck and, his hand stroking up and down your back as he says, “I know, I know-”
He let out a heavy sigh. “It’s not the same.” 
You both hated this. It should be easy, Herbert should be here, why was he being like this? It hurt so much and felt so awful without him being a part of this, it felt like you were doing something you shouldn’t. You can never fully be Dan’s and the guilt is eating you alive for not appreciating him fully and still wanting after someone who clearly didn’t want you and was treating you so awfully. 
You and Dan fall asleep together that night after many shared tears, exhaustion finally claiming you sometime in the early hours of the morning and everything feels worse the next day. Even more strained and days and more days go by without you talking about it because it hurts too much. You think too much. 
No matter what you do, you can’t separate them. Dan and Herbert are a package deal and you love them both but trying to have one without the other has proven excruciating and impossible. 
You can’t take it.
Another very late night Dan comes home and he wants to talk to you, you’ve both been avoiding the night you shared together and you need to talk about it. He finds you in your bedroom with tears on your cheeks and a suitcase on your bed. 
He doesn’t believe what he is seeing at first, in stunned silence he watches for a moment until finally getting up the nerve when he asks, “What are you doing?”
“Leaving.” You say seriously, your eyes don’t move from your task, you feel unable to look at him and he comes forward, “What? Why?”
“Because Dan I…” You sighed heavily, “Can’t do this anymore. It’s too much. It's too hard.” You say as you continue to take clothing from your dresser and put it into the open case on your bed. 
“You’re going to leave because of this? We can work this out, we can talk about it! We-we can figure it out, I know we can.” He pleaded and you shake your head, “No I don’t think we can.” 
“Do you think we rushed having sex? Because we can take a huge step back, there isn’t any reason we have to-” He reached out to you and you didn’t let him make contact, pulling your arm back before he could touch you. It reminds him of when Herbert jerked away from him and it hurts something deep in Dan’s chest. 
“Dan no. I-I feel just, I feel terrible! I feel immense guilt over all this, I feel like it’s my fault!”
“Your fault?” He questioned, he wanted to come closer, he wanted to touch you, he was fighting every urge to touch you, comfort you physically. 
“Yes Dan. My fault. Like if I didn’t try to get between you and Herbert he wouldn’t have turned so cold and this wouldn’t have happened. That Herbert wouldn’t hate me.” You were twisting the shirt in your hands back and forth, a nervous habit, you felt too keyed up, not sure what to do with yourself as you spilled your emotional guts and everything you’d been holding inside.
“More than that what we have Dan, I feel so bad because I can’t fully give myself to you! Even though Herbert has been a total asshole lately I still…I still-” You sniff and Dan asks, “You still?”
“I still love him.” You hang your head. 
“You still love him? You love him?”  He asked, hands on his hips, total disbelief by your admission. 
“Don’t you?” 
Shit. Dan ran his hand through his hair. “Yes.”
“I love you too Dan...” You say it so quietly he almost doesn’t hear. He looks up and you are finally looking at him. 
“And after telling me that you expect me to be able to let you go?” He sounded so hurt, closer to tears himself and it tore you up but you stood firm. 
“Yes Dan. I-I love you both. I want you both but if I can’t have that…”
Your voice trailed off before you say next, “If I go then maybe you and Herbert can go back to what you were before I got here and fucked everything up.” 
“Fuck that. That is-” He shook his head, his hand ran over his face before saying, “-and there is nothing I can say to convince you to stay?”
“No Dan.” A slow and sad shake of your own head, “There isn’t.” 
He thinks quickly, it can’t end like this, it can’t, he can’t lose you. “Will you do me one last favour? Will you let me talk to Herbert one last time if only to try and give you, give us, some closure on all this? On why he turned so cold?” 
You can’t say no to those eyes, it is a nice thought, maybe it will help you move on so you say, “Okay. One last chance to figure out what is up with him.” 
He wanted to kiss you for the chance you had given him but instead he said, “I’ll be back, thank you! I’ll get an answer outta him, you won’t regret this-” 
And he was out the door. Still in his scrubs from the hospital he rushed right for the basement. He took the stairs two at a time and once he reached the door he pounded on it. “Herbert! I know you’re in there! Open up!” 
He didn’t get an answer in two seconds and so he hit the door with both fists, “Herbert!”
He didn’t stop until the door swung open and he saw Herbert in front of him, brow creased in anger, “What Daniel? What is it?”
He pushed past him into the basement as he started going off, “You are asking me what? I should be asking YOU what!”
“I am sure I have no idea what you mean.” Herbert said with a scoff and crossed arms and Dan turned to point at him, “Bullshit! How can you stand here and lie to me?! Try to tell me you don’t know what is wrong and everything is okay?”
Herbert shrugged and said, “I don’t know, just like this? Nothing. Is. Wrong.” 
“You are insufferable! I am not leaving till I get some fucking answers!”  Dan spat with extra venom. 
“What answers? I have no idea what you mean Daniel.” Herbert insisted and Dan shouted. “Enough! You have to be aware! You have to know that you have been acting differently! You’ve been pulling away from her, from me! You have been rude and awful and neither of us know why! Now stop denying it. Herbert. Please?”
Dan stepped closer, he looked exhausted as he asked, “Talk to me. Can’t you at least do me that small kindness?”
Herbert could see all the hurt in Dan’s eyes, how heavy and weighed down he was and he broke and said, “I-...I thought that maybe…”
He closed his eyes  and said, “It was all going so well and I was terrified I was going to fuck it all up. I still feel just, I feel awful after what happened back then with-” A hard swallow as if it hurt to say this next. “Meg.” 
He took a deep breath and pressed on, “I know so much of that was all my fault I saw how hurt you were, how you grieved and I thought that maybe if I stepped back, pushed you both away, you could be together. You and her could have something like you did with Meg and that would be better. For everyone, you could be happy and so could she.” 
Dan was so confused. He asked, “But everything seemed fine, it was going so well, when did this change of heart happen?”
“The night before I stood you up. I stayed up and thought and thought and I came to the conclusion this is better.” 
“Well it isn’t! How could you make this decision on your own? Why didn’t you talk to either of us about all this?” Dan started to pace as his voice raised again, “You don’t get to decide what makes US happy, Herbert!” 
“Daniel please, this is for the best! I know you both will be much happier without me intruding.” He said firmly. 
“You keep talking about this like you do about your work, like you are an expert but you are not when it comes to emotions and relationships! I am standing here, telling you that this isn’t what I want or what she wants, she is hurting Herbert!” Dan pleaded and Herbert shrugged. 
“She’ll get over it and move on Dan. They always do.” He sounded so sad when he said it and Dan said something that threw all of this into question for poor Herbert. 
“She’s not moving on Herb. She’s moving out.”  
Herbert closed the distance between them, his hands on Dan’s shoulders, a slight shake as he asked, no, demanded to know- “Why?! What happened?! Why is she leaving?”
Dan put his hands on Herbert’s wrists, saying harshly as he looked down at him, “She didn’t want ME, Herbert. She wanted US, but what you did worked a little too well. You convinced her you hate her and she believed you.” 
Herbert felt something akin to his mind breaking. He had been putting himself through hell thinking he had been doing the right thing, so much emotional distress and pain thinking he was doing the right thing but in the process he hurt Dan, he hurt you. He felt shameful and small, he felt stupid, he had been barely holding it together. 
He heard you both upstairs at points, the times Dan tried to come into the basement to talk to him he ignored him, arms around himself, fighting the extreme urge to throw open the door and stop being like this. 
He’d been killing himself in this basement, moving between barely working and researching at a frantic pace to distract himself from the awful thoughts of all the fun he thought you and Dan were having without him. 
And all that, it was all wrong. 
How could he have been so totally blind?
His mind was still racing when the idea hit Dan. He asked in a soft tone, his thumbs stroking the undersides of his wrists as he asked in the softest tone, “You still love her, don’t you?”
Herbert’s eyes shut and with his voice sounding wrecked and thick he says, “I am sorry Dan, fuck I am so, so sorry but even if I attempted to explain why I did what I did, she’ll…” He inhales shakily, “-she’ll never forgive me.” 
“I’m not the one you should be apologising to.” Dan said softly and when Herbert opened his eyes and saw him looking over his shoulder he turned to look to find that you were there. You had heard everything. 
For once. Herbert West who normally could never shut the fuck up, had nothing to say. 
Luckily you had many words. You came forward and Dan slipped aside to let you make a beeline right for him as you began to speak, “Herbert West you are without a doubt the most annoying, loud mouthed, belligerent, stubborn, stuck up, know it all, smartest DUMBASS I have ever had the displeasure of getting to know on such a deep and personal level.” 
He winced slightly, fists clenching as you verbally unloaded onto him, “You’ve been hiding away in this fucking basement and playing silent martyer and like you know best, for months, killing us and you in the process because you couldn’t have a single actual emotionally vulnerable conversation?” 
He gave a small nod and a half hearted shrug and he asked, “I know I was absurdly selfish but do you think…Do you think perhaps you could ever forgive me?”
You closed the last bit of distance and your hands took his, your lips pressed to his what had to be the softest and gentlest kiss you have ever given anyone. When you pulled away his face was flushed his eyes were confused and you said with a smile, “I think I just might be able to.” 
“Really?” He asked with a small smile of his own. “Yes, but you have a ton of time to make up for a lot of apologising to do first.” 
“Anything you need.” He promised. 
And that is how the three of you left the basement behind and found yourselves in Dan’s room. Yours was in shambles from packing and Herbert’s was a mess because most of his time was in the basement avoiding you both. Also Dan has the biggest bed.
Dan sat on the edge of his bed and you were pulled into his lap, his hands hook under your knees and hold you wide open, your skirt hikes up exposing your panties that had already dampened from the kissing and wandering hands that did not stop on the trip upstairs. Herbert kissed differently than Dan did. While there was significant heat to it when Dan kissed there was a more easy pace to it, a give and take with a lot of confidence in leading. When Herbert did it was hungry, it almost hurt from how needy it was, as if he was terrified that you would disappear from his touch, become impossibly out of reach and like he needed to make every single one count. 
You might complain in normal circumstances about how forward this was but after how long you had been waiting for the pair of them, you counted it all towards foreplay and you had enough waiting. You were dying for that itch to be scratched. 
Your legs were spread so wide, you feel the vulnerability permeating as Herbert drops to his knees before you. Before a single word of questioning could leave your mouth you feel his hands on your calves and his mouth on your inner thigh making any sentence you had die on your tongue. Your eyes lock with his, looking up at you as his alternated kissing your thighs, “I have something very particular in mind for this apology, if you will allow me-”
Herbert’s hands trailed up slowly until one of his hands was on your left inner thigh and his other hand was between your legs. 
“Are you ready?” Dan asked low in your ear, a soothing squeeze of his hands under your knees and you gave a small nod, “So ready.”
“You heard her Herb.” Dan prompted and the gaze of the man on his knees didn’t leave yours as his fingers finally touched down. The underwear you had chosen was a light colour, the darkening stain of your arousal helping provide a perfect starting point on his road map to torment. One finger starting slow and dragging up slowly, even pressure and when it passed over your clit through the thin fabric it was obvious, the way your breathing hitched, thighs twitched and your brow knitted together made it all too clear. Perfect. The real work began then. That same finger dragged down and back up, tracing the length of your clothed slit, a small flick on the upstroke, providing just a touch of extra pressure that made you inhale harder than necessary and then, he kept doing that.
He kept such a slow and steady pace, it was tortuous, it almost made you think of a metronome. It had such a consistent rhythm. You could nearly set your watch to it. Tick equals flick and on and on and on it went. From your clothed hole to your hardening clit again and again. 
At first it felt more like a tease than anything else but as it dragged on, the pleasure increased and took hold. More blood flowed to the area and you gained more and more sensitivity, the fabric got wetter and wetter, your eyelids grew heavy, your breathing became intense and deep as he touched so carefully and slowly. 
His head is resting on your inner thigh, you can feel his hot breath fanning over your drenched panties as his fingers work, his mouth is so close, right near the edge of your panties, so close, but so far. You never thought you would have been so into this but as he continued on you felt you might be able to cum just from this. You were squirming in Dan’s lap around the ten minute mark but Dan continued to hold you firmly. 
“Herbert-” You panted and he hummed, eyes flicking back up to yours. “Yes?”
“Sp-speed up? Please?” You ask and he shook his head as he tsk’s, “No can do.” 
You were about to ask why when he changed tactics. His finger pressed and focused on your clit through your underwear, slow and concise circles were drawn on that most sensitive place and that made your legs tense in Dan’s hands. This sped up the process and you found yourself arching closer, or as much as the man holding you would allow. Your eyes closed, biting your bottom lip, back starting to arch, you felt the slow and delicious build increasing, the pleasure building and building, the climb up that hill was slow, near agonising. 
He didn’t care that you were having such a hard time coping with the amount of sensation he was providing. After so many minutes finally, you felt so close, you were surely about to tip over, you panted out, “Fuck, fuck, M gonna-”
And his hand fell away. You cursed, “Shit! Herbert! What the fuck was that-”
He continues just as he had the first time, the slow and meticulous flicking up and down but this time with two fingers. 
The process repeats. And as it does your panties become plastered to you with the sheer amount of wetness you leaked, your clit was throbbing, he teased and teased until you could barely take it and then focused on your clit until you were close and then, cruelly, stopped. You would whimper and whine and then the protesting would stop when he started again. 
Around the third edge, wetness on your thighs, the begging started when you got close. You begged him not to stop, to please let you cum, you were going mad with the need by the fifth edge. 
Around the sixth, your underwear felt more soaked than you ever thought possible, your thighs were trembling, one word on your lips, over and over, “Please.” 
He refused to give in. 
When you hit the tenth edge, almost like he planned to do one for every finger he had, you had no more words, you felt drained, mind empty, mouth open, tears on your cheeks and panting and Dan suggested, “Herbert, I think she’d had enough-”
Herbert hummed before agreeing, “I think you may be right Dan. Lift her a bit for me, will you?”
Dan complied and Herbert’s fingers hooked in the sides of your panties and he dragged them down and off, “Thank you.” 
Dan lowered you back down as he said, “No problem.”
With a shocking amount of boldness, not caring for you and Dan watching, he brought them to his face and inhaled the scent of you deeply before discarding them aside. The image of all of that made you throb as your soaked cunt was now fully exposed to him. You swallowed thickly and asked softly, “Herbert?”
“Shh, shhh, it’s okay. Just wait, I’ll kiss it better.”  You let out an involuntary moan and he leaned in. He started with a kiss that seemingly mirrored the one you gave him in the basement, soft and light, startlingly gentle right on your aching clitoris. The feeling it invoked, a light almost fluttering kind of pull that made you want to buck your hips closer to him to get more of what he had to offer. 
You decided to trust him, against every better judgement considering all the edging he just did that he would in fact kiss it better. Another kiss and another before his tongue finally gave the softest and slowest lick over your whole slit. Your eyes rolled back with another moan as he settled in to really give it to you, even with his knees beginning to ache from kneeling so long. 
His pace is slower than anything you have ever experienced. Long licks from hole to clit, slow flicks that take around fifteen seconds to complete, it is the most exquisite torture you think you have ever experienced. It is too much and also nowhere near enough as he does it. 
He takes his sweet time as he licks, over and over, his lips close around your clit and he sucks softly and you moan long and low. He sucks and his thumbs trace the edges of your labia and you seem to see stars. 
He presses on, his tongue giving more pressure when passing over that most sensitive part of you, again and again. His tongue dips in occasionally, tasting you at the very source and he moans against your soaked cunt and it makes you shiver. You are a moaning mess in less than five minutes but he doesn’t stop. 
He goes further, his tongue traces every fold you have, up one lip to swirling around your clit and down the other before sucking deeply, tongue lapping over your hole with such a light pressure you gasp out his name and it makes Herbert throb in his slacks. 
Soon you approached the edge of ecstasy yet again this time all thanks to his talented tongue. He loved this. Proving himself, bringing you to the precipice of ultimate satisfaction and holding you there for as long as possible before pulling away. He could have made you cum over and over already but he was holding off and loving every reaction he pulled from you. 
As soon as the edge backed off his mouth latched on again. This time he sucked your clit into his mouth, lips closed around you, your clit pulled through his teeth, holding you firmly and allowing his tongue to flick repeatedly over it making you buck and struggle. It forced Dan to hold you tighter. Suck and flick, suck and flick, again and again and when the edge hits again you sob out a, “Please!”
He doesn’t acknowledge your cry. Another edge, brought on by just him fucking kissing your clit of all things, you full on cry. Whole body wracking sobs from the overwhelming frustration and Dan offers up, taking pity on you, “I think she’s had enough Herb-”
Herbert’s mouth lifts again and you sob harder as he shakes his head and says, "I do believe that it's traditional for someone to beg for forgiveness on their knees, Dan. I have a LOT to apologise for, and these things can’t be rushed.”
That makes you take a deep breath, you shake your head, more tears pour down your face, “I forgive you! Okay? I forgive you! Please, just fuck-” 
“Oh but honey, I don’t forgive myself.” Herbert stated and as you looked down at him through your blurry tear stricken vision, seeing his mouth and chin slick with you, face flushed and hair messed up, you say, “Herbert. If you don’t make me cum soon-”
“Patience, this can’t be rushed.” Hebert insisted and Dan said, “Herbert. Fourteen edges is not rushing, by anyone's definition.” 
“Alright, alright, maybe it is time to move on.” You thought he would get up, move onto another activity but he leaned in again and this time, it was different. The softness and slow meticulous nature was dropped. His hands were on your outer thighs, he had his mouth pressed as close as possible as he worked. He didn’t play around, he focused hard and built you up quickly. It took less than three minutes because of all the previous edging. Your thighs were shaking, your face was wet and you were an incoherent mess, something that sort of sounded like Herbert's name, panting out over and over as you made that climb. You were afraid it was another trick, that he would do it again, and would deny you. 
You shook your head, sobbing openly and Dan watched with extreme interest as Herbert’s eyes were closed, sucking on your clit as you teetered on the edge. What finally pushed you over was Dan saying softly in your ear, “C’mon hon, do it.” 
The hum Herbert let out showing you that he wanted that to make you cum with a cry so loud you were sure someone all the way in the basement could have heard it. The relief was immense and immediate, you were seriously impressed with how strong Dan was, managing to hold you open as you rode your high. You sounded incredible, you were too wrapped up in your orgasm to notice the subtle grinding of Dan on your ass but you did notice how hard he was. Herbert was losing his mind between your legs, feeling you so close, so intimately, you pulsing on his tongue, the taste of you permeating his senses. Only when Dan was speaking saying, “Ease up Herb.”
Did he pull away, his own breathing nearly matching yours as the aftershocks run through you. 
Herbert is so fucking hard it hurts, his knees ached but he doesn’t care as he gets up onto the bed next to you. He observed as Dan touched you, one hand on your face, thumb rubbing over your cheek as you were still shaking, wiping some of your tears away as he cooed to you, “S’ alright, I’m right here-”
Herbert reached out, his hand met your neck, his thumb smoothed over your pulse and he turned your head to him, another bruising kiss that you immediately returned. You tasted yourself on his mouth and the taste only got stronger when his tongue parted your lips. It only took about oh less than two minutes for you to want more than just kissing. He let out a quiet moan into your mouth as your hands scrambled down to his belt, you were desperate to finally feel him. You could see the defined outline and you were sure the confines of his clothing were much too much and you wanted to help, you wanted to feel, wanted to make him feel even a quarter of what he just made you feel. 
Belt open, zipper down, you pushed on his clothing as your lips moved against his and then his hands came to help, moving the clothing down and your hand reached out and finally touched him. Your hand closed around his shaft and it made you break the kiss with a shared gasp, him from the sensation of your soft hand and you from the shocking size and weight of it in your palm. You all shifted, Herbert kneeling back between your legs now. You looked down to see him so close to your leaking hole, a slow stroke of him, a twist of your wrist and it made him let out a soft moan, a rock of his hips into your hand. You swiped your thumb over the tip, spreading pre-cum as you set an easy pace. 
His eyes met yours and he breathed, “Please? It’s-” His tongue darted out to wet his lips before saying softly, “-it’s been so long.”
God it has been hasn’t it? 
It felt right. The energy between the three of you, the closeness, this is what you missed when you and Dan had that night on your own, you needed him. Hearing Herbert West beg is truly something special, something you thought you might never get to hear and as much as you wanted to hear it more you couldn’t take much more without having one of them inside of you. 
Licking your own lips, cleaning up the evidence of your own arousal smeared there when Herbert kissed you, a small nod as you said, “I need it too.”
One of your hands on his waist, pulling him in closer as you continued to stroke him. You could hear the slight smile on Dan’s face as he asked, “Yeah you need him?”
A shaky nod as your legs move slightly, your heels knock his legs and pull him in closer still, the head of his cock brushing against your entrance makes him shudder, “Ahh-” 
“Yeah. Need him so much.” You admitted and Herbert’s hands shoved his pants the rest of the way down, he needed as much skin on skin as he could get with you and you helped, your hands scrambling to undo his tie and dress shirt and Dan set to work getting your shirt off. There were far, far too many clothes on at this moment. Once most of the clothing was shed, the only thing left on was your skirt and Dan’s pants, he was reluctant to get you out of his lap, loving having your body to him and feeling you so close, it really kicked off. Herbert lined up just right and your hands were now on his shoulders and your eyes weren't sure where to settle, his eyes or watching him sink into your for the first time. They started low and when he began to breach you they looked up to him and you found he had been watching the beginning of him sliding inside. 
As soon as the head of his cock slid in he couldn’t stop the sound that released, he honest-to-God whimpered, eyes closing, feeling the extremely slick and thigh heat of your cunt enveloping him for the first time. That whimper he let out made you clench around him and he had to fight every urge to plunge balls deep inside you. Your eyes fluttered closed too and your arms wrapped around his neck, a soft, “Oh God-” spilling out as he continued to slide in. 
How big was he? It’s like it just kept going, you let out a small soft sound along with a- “I dunno If I can-”  And that prompted Dan to cut you off to say, “If I can take him, so can you.” 
The thought of Herbert and Dan tangled up had been a good one, it had fueled many an orgasm for you but hearing him admit to taking it so blatantly made you moan and clench again. Herbert couldn't hold back this time, hands on your hips he bucked and he made you take the next part so quickly you nearly yelped. “Shit-sorry, too much?”
He paused, a concerned squeeze of you hips and you gasp, a shake of your head, nails digging into his shoulders, your eyes still shut tight, “Don’t you dare fucking stop.”
Herbert gave a short nod and continued, another firm push of his hips and you let out another low moan. Dan was looking over your shoulder as he said, “Oh good girl, you are doing so well, yes you can take it.” 
When Herbert finally sunk all the way in he let out a shuddering breath and his eyes finally met yours again and the sheer vulnerability there strikes you somewhere deep in your chest. 
This is just what he needed and he didn’t need to say it, all he had wanted and needed and yearned for was right here, you and Dan, sharing an intensely intimate moment. 
“Oh see, there you go, you did it.” Dan praised, his voice sounded, warm, affectionate, with a sharper edge of the arousal he was surely feeling. You could still feel how hard he was under you after all. 
You gave a small shake of Herbert’s shoulders and begged, “Please?”
It was like you woke him up and he started to move slowly, pulling out halfway before sinking back in again. You felt incredible, you were so soaked, hugged every contour and groove and vein of his dick in such a deliciously sinful fashion, a choked moan leaving him as he thrust in and out, an easy and slow rhythm forming. You moved with him as much as Dan would allow, his hands still holding you, spreading you wide, allowing Herbert to fuck you as he had craved for so long. 
You felt better than he ever could have imagined, you clinging to him, moaning in his ear, Dan’s words of encouragement, the feeling of you was almost too much. 
“Ah, doesn’t he feel so good?” Dan asked, mirth clear in his tone and you moaned, “So, so fucking good.”
The pleasure was sparking inside you and making your head begin to swim so quickly. The next few short minutes as you and Herbert rocked together were filled with total bliss, a lot of intimacy for you first time doing this, it satisfied something so deep inside of you and you weren’t even close yet.
You asked around a moan, “Ha-have you really taken him Dan? He so-fuck, so big-” 
Dan laughed low, “Mmhmm, many times.”
God it was such a hot thought. You moaned again, another clench and Herbert picked up the pace, you moaned louder at the next spike of pleasure, back arching, your chest pressing to Herbert's in the process. It is all so much to handle, he feels dangerously close already, he is a wreck, out of breath and barely hanging on. It hurts, his nails biting into your hips, you are sure little crescents are left embedded in your flesh from how hard he is gripping. 
“Shi- I, I won’t be able to last, ugh, s’ been too long, feels too, too good-” Herbert panted out he didn’t want to stop yet, so he offered up, “May-maybe we switch it up?”
Dan chimed in, teasing as he asked “Awe what you don’t think you can handle more than one round Herbie? I know you can. I’ve seen it.” 
You piled on, “Yeah, c’mon, I-I wanna feel it, don’t stop, please?” You didn’t want it to end unless it was because of him cumming inside of you. His head tipped back with a groan and he gave a small nod, “Okay, okay, I want it too, so, so bad, thought about it so much-”
He slowed down. He kept himself pressed to you, closer still, a small change in the angle making it that when he ground forward the pressure to your clit made you cry out and the head of his dock dragged over your sweet spot perfectly. It was good, all of it, Dan kissing your neck, Herbert’s hands pulling you closer as he thrust in and out over and over. This was more than enough to work with, if he kept this up, you'd cum in no time flat. 
“Her-Herbert yes, yes, just like that, God-” You gasped and he had to try and tune you out just a little bit so he didn’t ruin this, he needed this, needed to feel you cum on him, more than air, more than anything. 
The build was quick now, all the teasing from before, that first orgasm you had on his tongue, all warm up, all of it served to make this even easier to accomplish and before you knew it you were shivering, on the very edge telling him, “Ahhn I’m, I’m-” 
And there you were. Shaking and gasping, your cunt clenching around him as you came for the second time that night. He didn’t last, as soon as he felt that first pull of your walls, felt  you cumming it did it. His rhythm was non-existent right now, so sloppy as he fucked you through your high and his but it didn’t matter, it all felt like fireworks. 
He wasn’t sure when he stopped, but he had at some point and was buried in you as deep as he could be, cum leaking out of you around him. Both of you slick with sweat and heaving but this was far from over. You kissed him first and he returned it, pecks placed all over his face and neck and he felt so happy, so warm. 
A rock of Dan’s hips below reminded you of his problem and your head came up, a turn to see him right there, and the look on his face, the desire, you felt your own lighting back up immediately as you kissed him. 
It was time to change positions. Herbert pulled out slowly with something close to a whine and Dan let go of your legs, allowing you to get off him. He took off his own pants and underwear, threw them off in his haste and he scooted further up the bed. You are looking down at him as you remove your skirt at long last, he wasn’t as long as Herbert but he definitely didn’t have to be, he was so thick. You were sore the day after you and he had sex, you were plenty warmed up then but he just had so much girth it was a challenge to take him, a fun challenge and one you felt even more prepped for after Herbert had his turn. 
You straddled Dan and slowly impaled yourself with him. Your inner thighs were sticky with sweat, your own slick and Herbert’s cum that had slowly started to leak out. There was a lot of his mess left inside and it acted as lube as Dan fit inside of you, slotted in perfectly. The second you began to slide him in Dan’s hands were on your waist, he had gotten so worked up from what you and Herbert had done in his lap, he wasn’t sure how he lasted this long, his head thrown back, “God yessss-”
He moaned loudly as you finally settled down, him fully buried inside of you. Herbert watched, still hard himself as you took him and when Dan met his friend/roommates/boyfriends? Eyes he saw how much he still needed and an idea struck. Before you could raise your hips, Dan’s hands slid up your body, he cradled your face and after an extremely meaningful look was thrown to Herbert, his own gaze met yours again and he asked, “Do you trust us?”
You let out a small laugh, your hands over Dan’s as you say, “More than I probably should.”
Dan kept lube in his nightstand. Herbert was behind you as you were still stuffed full of the man below you. The click of the bottle echos in the room, you feel cool and slippery fingers trace the rim of your asshole and you tense slightly. A soothing hand runs up and down your back, “Shhh, relax.” 
Dan gave a small nod, “He knows what he’s doing, trust me.” 
You decide to do just that. You let the man behind you begin to really take, fingers working you over so slowly. Running circles around the puckered skin before he feels you begin to slowly open, one finger breaching that makes you moan as it works in and out before you give the okay that you are good. Another finger joins the first, in and out, over and over, it makes you pant, your walls occasionally twitch around Dan as the fingers in back scissors in and out, twist and touch. You feel amazing, so hot, so pliable, he is so excited by the prospect of getting to have this, take both your holes in one night one right after another. 
He took his time, applying the lube multiple times and taking great care before adding another finger. The pair of them praised you all the while, “Oh you are going to feel so good wrapped around me.”
“Take it so, so well.” Dan hummed, his hands resting on your hips, soothing circles rubbed into your skin. 
You wondered how Dan was handling this so well. Being so deep in you but holding back the urge to fuck you stupid. Little did you know that he felt as if he owed it, some sort of penance for the fact he had you first and you both had sex without Herbert first. 
“You know I never would have expected you to be so down and ready for this.”
Dan mused and you let out a half laugh, “Why’s that exactly? I have been warning the pair of you for months, you think I haven’t been anticipating this or getting ready for it?”
“Wait, getting ready, how?” Dan asked and you admitted, “Might have been exploring back there myself for a while.” 
Another shared moan. The shared image of you a few fingers deep in your own ass, your other fingers playing with your clit was so hot. How perfect were you? 
After what must have been half a bottle of lube and three of Herbert’s fingers able to slide in and out of you with ease and you a moaning mess, it was time. His hands spread open, “Hold her still Dan.” 
Another hum as Dan’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you hear Herbert slicking himself up and then pressing against you. The urge to hold your breath was present but Dan told you, “It’s tempting I know but if you breathe through it, I promise it makes it way easier.” 
You took his advice, a deep breath as his hips cant forward and at a nearly painfully slow pace he began to take you. Working his way in took a while. More lube and a good bit of cursing from all three of you. Feeling him sliding in was almost more than you felt you could bear after everything you had been through so far tonight. Soon enough the head of his dick popped past the tight ring of muscle and he paused, a collective sigh of relief was breathed by all of you. His hand runs down your back again, a kiss placed on the back of your neck, “Doing okay so far?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded once, Dan said, “Of course, she can handle a lot, can’t you?” 
“Ye-ahhh, I can.” You agreed with a soft moan, another slow move, you took more of him and Dan encouraged, “Push back on him when you feel comfortable.”
“Yeah?” You asked and he nodded, you trusted him again, and together, moving with Herbert, rocking your hips back as he moved his forward you found the best way to take him was bit by bit until he was as deep as you could reasonably handle and you were stuffed with the pair of them. 
You were struggling to keep breathing normally, eyes unable to focus, a few fingers is nothing in comparison to this, feeling so totally full. 
How were you going to handle them actually moving? It was almost as if Dan could sense your nerves and he reassured you, “Do-don’t worry, I’m not gonna move-”
You could hardly believe that, “What?” 
“Not yet anyway, let him get started till you’re used to it.” He sounded pretty tense right now and you don’t blame him, he had barely gotten any stimulation at all. Just having to sit in your warm and soaked pussy while Herbert had been doing all the playing around, to be fair, he did have a long time of no attention paid to him at all. 
“You’ve got the patience of a saint.” You told him, a soft kiss to his lips, more laid down over his jaw, “I dunno how you do it, seriously, you are just-” 
“Amazing?” Herbert finished, sounding blissfully out of breath as he began to move again, slowly starting to fuck you and you nodded with a sigh, “Amazing. Good word choice.” 
“How’s she feel?” Dan was sounding equally breathless still and Herbert let out a low groan, “Not to, ugh, not to overuse it so it loses all me-meaning-” his head fell forward, a small shake with a broken laugh as he managed to get out the word along with a grind of him inside of you, “-ahhh-mazing.” 
“Anh-nd how arrrre you hold-ing up Daaan?” You barely managed to get it out in between the moans and gasps, sliding back against Herbert, and as he started to respond something happened that cut his sentence off short. Herbert had still been laying the occasional kiss or lick on your neck as he thrusted leasurierly in your ass, instead he bit the side of your neck, hard. It made you clench and caused Dan to cry out.
“FUCK! Herbert, what did you do to her?” Dan panted out and Herbert looked over your shoulder, hips stalling, smug as hell with a raised brow as he said, “I bit her Daniel.”
His grin widened as he asked in a much too innocent a tone for someone who was currently buried in your ass, “Would you like me to do it again?” 
Before Dan could open his mouth, your was falling open, panting out, begging, fucking pleading, “Again, please, please, fuck, Herbie, I-I need it, bite me again-” 
You moved your head back and to the side, exposing more of your throat and Herbert was frankly shocked by your reaction. You sounded somehow more needy than you had all night, and again counting up all those edges that was impressive. 
He moved his hips, another thrust in and out, “Yes? You need it again?”
You whined, long, stretching out his name and Dan said, “Herbert, you heard her, stop being such a-”
And that is the moment he chose to bite your neck. 
Another pleasured almost yelp from Dan and a sob from you and another smug grin from Herbert. He bit you again and again and then Dan couldn’t wait anymore. 
“I am so, so sorry honey but fuck I have to-” His hands on your hips and he pulled out halfway before thrusting into again and you swear your mind went blank. 
They both had to work to find a good pace and rhythm. One would be pulling out and the other sliding in. Herbert biting your neck on occasion, pangs of pleasure that seemed to make pure heat pour from your chest and straight into your clit that was being ground relentlessly against Dan’s pelvis. He was trying not to rush but he had been waiting so long, he was so turned on, fucking you, stretching you wide all while using the mess of you and Herbert’s cum for lube. 
It was hot. It felt incredible, that cannot be understated but somewhere in this tangle of limbs and your writhing bodies, broken moans and fragmented pieces of dirty talk that barely make sense because of the amount of feeling that is taking place, something more, something deeper takes hold. The emotion of it all hits. The fact that it had been months, that you almost didn’t have this, you almost left them, you nearly missed out on this, it all hit. So many good times and bad, all of it leading to here and to now, to the three of you, having your first big sexual experience, together.
Oh God, you were together. 
You hadn’t even noticed you were close, you cried as you came, a mix of their names pouring out of you as your walls clenched rhythmically around the pair. You think you can register them both saying your name, it is hard to tell. Your body feels weak, overstimulation is starting to set it, you burn, you are so fucking tired. You feel pulled along, hardly hanging on by a fucking thread but you also, love it.
You have never felt so full, so pushed to your absolute limits and you adored this experience. It is so all consuming in the best way. It hurt, it felt good, you were over it, you wanted it to end and never, ever stop, you had no idea what you really wanted but luckily it wasn’t up to you, it was up to them.
Nearly as if on cue you feel the stuttering of Dan’s hips, his face buried in your neck, a groan of your name and you overflow with him, you are panting incoherently. Your cheeks feel raw from all the crying as he cums, pumping his own load into your already over stuffed cunt along with the load Herbert had already dumped in you earlier. Dan is holding deep in you and you are barely over his orgasm, just as he is still working through the end of it you feel Herbert give one last hard thrust of his own, one that makes you share the curse that leaves his mouth and just when you thought you couldn’t get more full, the feeling of warmth spreading in your other hole takes over nearly everything else you currently have going on. 
You lay there the three of you for you have no idea how long before everyone starts to slowly untangle. You are very out of it. The feeling of them pulling out, first Herbert then Dan, hurts, you wince and there are kisses and words of apology kissed into your tender flesh. “So sorry darling. We got rather carried away.”
“You handled it so, so perfectly.” Dan praising you always did something to you, made your heart feel inexplicably warm. As soon as they pulled out you were leaking massively. Dan’s sheets were definitely going to need a change, the mix of sweat and lube and cum would not be comfortable to sleep in. 
Oooh sleep, you could hardly wait to sleep. 
They cleared space, made room and laid you down between them after a towel and a wet washcloth was gotten from the bathroom, as well as a glass of water they insisted you drank. Herbert was wiping your face carefully as Dan was dealing with the mess that was currently pooling below your waist. 
You felt sore, so spent, and also, warmer, happier and better than you had in weeks. You reached out to them, grabby hands signalling you wanted them closer. They obliged, “We are going to have to clean up and change the sheets-”
You shh’d Dan, “I know, I know, just, stay here with me for a minute.”
They didn't fight it. They were just happy to have you here. And after that cuddle, once you were all clean and the sheets changed, there was one last thing that you heard in the dark before sleep claimed you, squished between them both. Herbert admitted softly, “You look so pretty when you cry. You know that?”
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HCs: Dating Herbert West
A/N: I regret nothing <3 he’s so handsome and sarcastic, he’s just too dreamy to me. Also I've been projecting my sexuality and gender onto him too r.i.p I love comfort characters! Warnings: mention of blood, obviously if you watched Re-Animator (1985) you know what you're getting into. Reader is gender neutral.
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✧ You'll meet because of a mutual interest in his work, offering your services to help him and the pursuit of his ultimate dream of re-animating the dead.
✧ He's never found someone as passionated as him before, and Herbert can't help but to feel a deep pang of interest about you in his rather shut away heart. Maybe it could be "love," a concept so foreign to him it might as well be a dream. He'll believe it when it happens.
✧ Herbert refers to you as his "partner." The vague terminology is deliberate -- are you his lab partner? Work partner? Roommate? Significant other? Colleague? Who honestly knows besides you and Herbert. He's not about to go telling the entire world he has a significant other; his stoic, sardonic, calculated reputation depended on it. Can't have anyone thinking he's going soft.
✧ Just because your his partner doesn’t mean he won’t act all sassy and sarcastic towards you. Herbert has basically just one, monotone voice setting. But he secretly loves it when you throw it right back at him, he enjoys that little bit of challenge from you. But he always gets the last word in. You both have a good sense of humor about you. While others he is close to, like Dan, are easy to manipulate and bend to his will, he likes when you have your own personality and are not afraid to put your foot down when things get out of hand.
✧ "[Y/N], give me a hand," he'll extend his arm over, his palm turned upward. Cue you giving him an actual severed hand. He'll let out a deep sigh, wiping the sweat away from his brow with the back of his other hand. He'll just look at you, brooding and silent, not even the semblance of a smile on his face. "I know you think this is very funny, but I can assure you it's not."
✧ It's pretty funny. And you know he thinks it's really funny too, he just refuses to show it.
✧ Herbert isn't so much of a showy person at all. He has his own way of showing affection that isn't entirely romantic in a sense, but is important in understanding how he expresses himself.
✧ You both might be up super late attempting to discover a breakthrough, and suddenly you're face down, asleep on his lab table after practically taping your eyes open and injecting pure caffeine into your body. He'll finally notice when he asks you to hand him a scalpel, oftentimes so consumed in his current job that he doesn't even lift his head up to assess his surroundings. But when he does, and turns to see you, he exhales quickly through his nose in a semblance of a chuckle. He'll grab a blanket from the cupboard, and wrap you in it as you get a few restful hours of sleep.
✧ You won't expect a lot of hands on, loveydovey types of affection unless you bother him enough for it. Then he'll begrudgingly indulge you. He will, however, give you cheek and forehead kisses frequently, especially for a job well done after an exhausting night in the lab.
✧ Date nights are usually at your accord, after pestering him nonstop about taking you out for a nice dinner, or going to the movies / theatre. Something to drag his ass out of those four walls of his basement sanctuary. He would rather stay in the house than go out, both so he can continue his work, but also because he's rather socially anxious anyways. He has you, what else would possibly interest him in the outside world?
✧ Herbert’s work is, unorthodox to say the absolute least about it. And oftentimes those who know about his off-work escapades refuse to believe it’s legitimacy, or think he’s just plain crazy. He’ll often feel dejected, emerging from beneath his basement laboratory covered in blood, his short black hair in disarray from running his fingers through it in frustration. These are the moments where he reveals himself to be the most vulnerable around you.
✧ He sometimes needs to just crawl up in your arms, and lets your nails soothingly scratch his scalp as you tell him how smart he is, and how everyone who discredits him will be proven wrong. Herbert’s got a bit of a praise kink, he just loves being told how important he is.
✧ Regardless of what others might think, and even your own trepidations in your relationship, Herbert truly does love you. It frustrates him how he can't show it, and worries you might think he's purposefully cold towards you. But that's just how he is. And you come to understand it, and learn to tell when he's (attempting) to open himself up a bit more. His ways of affection is more than enough for you.
✧ A relationship with Herbert is complicated, messy (literally and metaphorically), and confusing, but every day is a new adventure with him. You'll never know what you'll wake up to.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
HCs for Domestic Life With Herbert
Herbert West x fem!reader
Warnings: body parts, forgetting to eat
Requested: by anon, hi maya!! could i possibly request a domestic fic or blurb (your choice) with norman or herbert west? your post abt them a little while ago was so so good and im not kidding it almost brought me to tears. i just love them so much <3333
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: I hope you like this lovely! I wish people requested for Herbert more he’s a asshole but I love him
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- domestic life with Herbert is quite unconventional to say the least
- you probably moved in with him and Dan to help with the rent even more and then your relationship just went from there
- Dan didn’t think Herbert had romantic emotions so when you and him started dating it really threw him for a loop
- but then it kinda all made sense
- you worked really well with Hebert because you knew how to be kinda weird
- you could stay up all night with him some nights, the two of you just sitting together as you read or something and he works
- Herbert is exceptionally bad at showing his emotions but sometimes they slip up
- when he calls you his significant other in front of people you can hear the pride in his voice
- when he’s just tired enough to pass out on top of a rotting corpse and you lead him back to bed, he looks at you with the kindest most adoring eyes
- he hates being interrupted when he’s working but sometimes when you do it, it’s okay
- when you bring him coffee silently, or walk into the room and just sit or maybe kiss his forehead and then leave
- he does still have his day job though and that can be incredibly draining
- he’s an amazing doctor. Not very personable but an amazing doctor
- which means he’s often on call in the middle of the night when someone needs him or something similar
- you have to be prepared for that kind of thing to happen
- when he comes back from a very long hard day, you’re waiting for him with open arms
- he doesn’t really love cuddling but he will lay on your chest when he’s falling asleep
- the nurses know your face well
- you often bring him food because he forgets to eat he’s so busy
- the nurses will let you through, whisper about how Herbert West has a person like you and then smile at you as you leave
- Herbert was grateful when you came to his work, though he would never actually say that out loud
- sometimes he forgot how fast he was going
- he was just constantly moving and then you’re there, giving him a short break before he moves on again
- you will sometimes also bring Dan lunch because his girlfriend was no longer there to do it for him
- you felt bad
- Herbert got lowkey jealous whenever you did that but he would only show it in his wording, never his face
- lots of brief late night kisses
- not speaking about feelings, instead just hoping the other person got it from a look
- falling asleep together in the basement, Dan waking you up the next morning before work
- on your visits to the hospital you would on occasion slip a body part into your bag when no one was looking
- endlessly supporting his work and endeavors
- life with Herbert was never boring, i’ll tell you that
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batsforbadones · 4 years
I see you’re new here. Welcome! Do you think you could write a Herbert x Reader (female or gender-neutral, whatever you like!) where he just sort of sees her for the first time and is like “holy crap I’m in love, Dan help me??!!” Sorry, if that’s too specific!
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I’ve got you. I can’t really see Herbert being a love at first sight kind of guy, though ( unless its with one of his creations. ) So this one is more or less Hebert in severe denial / very unhealthy male envy for most of the run time while Dan gives some unwanted advice and tries to help him come to the realization he might be-- in love. I can rewrite it if you’d like- Thank you for being my first request! Also- Herbert is a bit of an asshole to the people he likes in this so like- be warned.
“ What the hell was that? “ Dan hissed, having pulled Herbert from the lab and back to the living room. The two of them stood, eyeing down one another, tense, drenched in blood. Not their blood. That wasn’t an odd occurrence. Not for their field at least- not for their... Work. Herbert’s work. “ Y/N cutting a vital artery and destroying a perfectly circulating body? I’d love to know as well, Daniel. Ask he- “ “ No! What was your little hissy fit in there ?! “ Dan said, eyes wide, pointing back in the direction of the lab. “ I didn’t ‘hissy fit‘.“ Herbert snarled in response, bucking up to Dan as he normally did. Not that Dan hadn’t ( couldn’t (( Wouldn’t )) put his hands on Herbert West. Of course he had, many a time. However, it normally took much more than Herbert berating some... woman. That’s all you were. Some woman- barely even that- they were forced to work with, courtesy of the university. A parasite. A knowledge leech. Another open end in this whole operation that Herbert really, really didn’t want around. “ If you destroyed a form of life I would do the same- “
“ You called her a stupid whore! “ Dan snapped, clasping his hands together, exhaustion clear on his face. “ She was acting like one! “ Herbert shouted in turn, not wanting to remember the moment. He couldn’t act like it didn’t happen. Normally his insults were a mumble. Something underhanded, but they were under his breathe as well so it didn’t really matter. He knew you registered them. He saw you react, but never had he ever snapped at anyone the way he just did. Normally, you let it slide- Didn’t say anything in response. It was just abrasive Dr.West being- well, abrasive. He said the same passive aggressive things to Dan when he messed up. But god, this insult in particular hit hard. Physically hard. Herbert chose to ignore it, but Dan knew it was more than just the blood that’d sprayed in your eyes making you cry like that. You were practically sobbing and all Herbert could do was stand there and watch. Stand there and watch while Dan grabbed a towel and quickly went to work wiping your face off. He said something funny, wiping away your tears and rubbing your arm in that gentle way that made a slight smile break your quivering lip. Thinking about it made Herbert’s blood boil. “ How was she acting like a whore, West ?! “ Dan asked, waving his arms around. “ She wears more layers than you and I combined! I don’t think I’ve ever even seen her ankles! “ “ You were acting like a whore, too. “ A silence fell over the two, Dan’s face slack. Dan really couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. So he began laughing, crossing his arms, nodding his head. Herbert gritted his teeth together. “ I was acting like a whore? “ Dan confirmed. “ Yes. A whore. “ “ My question still stands. What was I doing that made me a whore, Herbert? “ Herbert could remember the very moment where you cut the artery. He had explicitly told you to be careful around the brachial. He had shown you were it was and handed you the scalpel himself. It was a minor fix that he had entrusted you with. Up until that point, all you did was stand back and watch. All you did was take notes. And Herbert had to swallow a big lump in his throat when he saw how excited the mere prospect of cutting into one of the bodies made you. It had just been you two in the lab at that moment. When Dan was there, normally the air was less tense. You and Dan had a much better rapport. You laughed a lot more when he was there- spoke more. When you and Herbert West were alone in the lab, the only thing you could hear was the slicing and dicing of what was once human, and what would hopefully be human once more. Dan had come in just before the two of you started. You were nervous, you had explained that. Herbert brushed it aside- That was his... Mistake. Because the next thing he knew, Dan’s hand was loosely wrapped around your wrist making the incision. However, the second Dan let go, you cut a little too deep and a fountain erupted from the cadaver’s arm and Herbert called you a whore and Dan’s head snapped up and you froze completely and so much happened and- “ You two were practically on top of one another, Dan. If that’s not flirting, then please, tell me what it is. “ “ Flirting?! “ Dan squawked. “ I was helping her make an incision! “
“ You were all over each other! “ Dan’s hands fled to his hair, and then fell down his face, coming together in a clap at his chest. “ You know what, West. If Y/N and I are whores, then you are the biggest slut I have ever met. “ Herbert froze. “ Because you are kindergarten flirting,Herbert. “
“ I am doing no such thin- “
“ You are. “ Dan interrupted. “ You’re bullying her because you like her. “
“ There is no- I do not like her, Dan. “ He hadn’t noticed how low his voice got out of fear you might hear such bizarre claims. You absolutely could not hear. “ I am above petty things like ‘kindergarten flirting’. I’m above liking, Dan. “ “ You may be above liking, but you’re not above loving, Herbert. “ Dan shrugged. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed how weirdly Herbert looked at you. It was the same way he looked at those damned bodies - The same way he looked at you since the first time you piggy backed off of one of his ideas. With so much gross fascination and pride. At first, he figured it was some weird dissection thing. Herbert probably saw something in you that Dan just didn’t- Like some really promising blood supply or something - Dan just didn’t get it.
But no.
“ If I can offer some advice, since I know you need it- “ “ Dan- “ Herbert snapped-
“ I suggest you find a way to make it up to her, and make it clear to her your intentions, or else she’s just going to keep thinking you hate her. “ “ She thinks I hate her? “ Herbert repeated, straining to make his voice as emotionless as possible. “ No, but if that response tells you anything, use that big brain of yours and figure. It. Out. “
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Herbert west x reader
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Request: "Hi. Love your work. I was wondering if you still take requests? If you do, could you do something with Herbert West where another student starts to like him and Herbert’s s/o gets jealous? Thank you so much! And stay safe during these dark times! ❤️" -by Anon
Warning:Non, just stay away from s/o's boyfriend
(Hi anon! I'm sorry this took so long to put out my apologies! I hope you enjoy and hope that this is what you wanted! Also I'm very glad you like my work, thank you and you stay safe as well!)
So you and Herbert were a very serious couple. Though you didn't flaunt the fact that you were, people just seemed to know 'Hey these two are together' but it still seemed to piss you off that some people don't know when to fuck off. Not saying this to everyone, just certain people. Like for example, Hebert is a very attractive guy we know, and a girl at Miskatonik seems to think so as well. She always follows him, and talks to him, at first it was harmless until things started to go sideways. She also knows he is taken, by you which makes it all the more aggravating when you are either told by Herbert himself or someone else like a friend. She always tries to pair up with him in class or sit next to him which never works cause you sit there and he reserves your seat for you. Herbert on the other hand thought it was funny, mostly by how you react to this but also by the person who likes him. She was like a horny teenager, even though she is a horny teenager. But what she decided to do the next day was a really bad decision on her part. The next day, you and Herbert were at break eating lunch and for once in his life he was eating, until the special girl came up to him and started to flirt with him, totally like you weren't even there like every other time. Now and then she'd look over at you and smirk, seeing as your face was now more red than a damn tomato from anger. But of course, the bitch kept on, you could stand the flirting, but when she put her hand on his thigh and got closer to him, all you could see was red. You stood up abruptly managing to startle a few people in the area, then making your way to stand next to her. "Can I help you dear?" She says with a fake smile that you would have no problem smacking off her face. "Yes actually, you can! I don't know if you knew but he just so happens to be taken. As in a relationship with another person, who just so happens to be me!" You say bitterly but of course, it doesn't get through to her, she scoots closer, clearly, Herbert is also getting uncomfortable by the way she's being. "Alright, bitch let me make this clear…" you say as you grab her by the arm and shove her to one of the poles that are holding up the tin roof above you, "I don't like the way you are all over my boyfriend, so to keep it short and sweet for you, stay the fuck away from him or I swear, I will beat the shit out of you!" You say glaring at her, you could see her visibly shrink on herself as she nods her head and leaves with a group of people that just follow behind her. You turn around, sitting back at the table and all you met with is a smirking Herbert "And what are you all smiles about huh?" "Your funny." "Funny? How was that funny?" "Well first off your technique in telling her that I am your boyfriend was quite amusing. Secondly, you amaze me." He says smiling until he goes right back to his sandwich. "What amazes me is that you're eating something, last time you ate was like a week ago!" He lets out a sigh that sounds more like a chuckle before replying "Y/n, y/n, y/n. What would I do without you?" He says sarcastically before going right back to his food "Well let's see, you'd be lost, you'd probably be dead if it wasn't for me saving your ass all the time and did I mention lonely?" "Ok, ok jeez. I get it!" He says laughing a bit, you laugh with him, finishing your food you put the trash in the garbage and walk to your next class, "Wonder what Dr. Hill has assigned for us today herbs?" "I swear if he gives us another assignment on that bullshit about yesterday I swear my brain will explode!" Herbert says yelling almost, you laugh again and continue on your way, at least that girl won't be a problem any more.
(Again hope you enjoyed!)
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bekaroth-reads · 5 years
Herbert West x Reader
[I’ve only recently watched the movie for the first time, so I apologize if it’s a bit out of character]
Of Herbert West whom you had only met about six months ago you couldn't say too much about. The way that you met him was quite unorthodox to say the least. All you knew was that you were crossing the road, then suddenly you were waking up on a metal table in an unfamiliar basement with the aforementioned bespectacled man standing next to you. He was mumbling to himself about the process took fifteen minutes longer than usual or something like that. To be honest you were too out of sorts to really process what was going on. When you were able to clear your mind a bit you were able to barely croak a question out due to your parched throat. "Ex-excuse me, sir? Where am I?" He suddenly froze, and you thought that he was angry that you were talking to him because you he was holding you hostage or something. However, when he turned to look at you he looked to be as terrified as you were. "Did you just ask me something?" Herbert adjusted his glasses like he couldn't believe that this was actually happening. "Um...Yes?" At this response he bolted up the stairs while yelling, "DAN! You need to see this!"
From then on you lived with Herbert and Dan, who you found out were both brain surgeons (Dan legally, Herbert not so much.) It also turned out that they were the ones that accidentally hit you with their car in the first place, and they didn't want to get in trouble so they just took you with them. They had somehow made a way to reanimate the dead, as you recently were; though unlike you the reanimated usually tended to be rather mindless and violent. You were able to contact your family, but you had to tell them that you were the two men's new room-mate. You weren't too thrilled to be here at first, but it seemed that there was something going on with you and they were the only ones that knew what that was. So, you stayed.
As it turned out they did truly have your well-being in mind. Or, Dan did at least. Herbert was much more difficult to read. While he didn't seem to have any ill will toward you, he also didn't seem to see you as much more than another test subject. However, he seemed to be hovering over you all the time recently. It was getting to the point where when his hovering started once again this morning in the kitchen as you were eating breakfast you decided ask him about it. "Herbert, is something wrong?" He quickly shook his head, closed the notebook he was writing in, and sat the pen he was using on top of it before turning to look for something the cabinet behind him. "No, just making some general observations." You weren't quite buying that. "Really? Because you've seemed to be making your, 'general observations,' an awful lot lately."
Saying this cased Herbert to visible tense up and Dan to burst into laughter. Hebert quickly looked at his compatriot at the table and snapped, "Shut up, Dan!" before remembering that you were also in the room and quickly trying to regain composure and cleared his throat. "I, uh, I mean we have to make be sure that your physical and mental states are holding up well." Without missing a beat Dan teased, "Sure, Herbert. That's what's going on." By this point Herbert looked like he was about to murder someone, specifically his room-mate. "Shut. up. Dan!!" He practically screeched as he looked progressively nervous. "Well, I'm heading out for the day." Dan said very nonchalantly like he didn't just poke a hornets' nest as he headed to the hallway that leads to the front door.
There was a few minutes of awkward silence where you were staring at your cereal and he stood there fidgeted with his hands. Finally, you broke the silence. "Herbert?" He gave a heavy sigh before explaining himself. "Look, I pride myself in being a very reasonable and level-headed man. But, I have to admit that over the past few months I've started to feel... feelings..." That last word sounded like he was going to say something else, but changed his mind at the last second because he couldn't stomach what he was actually going to say. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Feelings, huh?" Herbert huffed in frustration. "Look, I know this might not seem like such a big deal to ordinary people, but as you should know but now, I am anything but average. I don't know how to handle this sort of thing!"
The two of you sat there in another bout of silences as you nervously tapped your finger on the table and he fidgeted with his hands. Finally you spoke. "So... you have 'feelings'..."
"...feelings for me?"
"... evidently ... Look," he started as he took off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose, "I won't make a big deal out of this if you won't ." You gave a slight nod and slowly questioned, "Okay- then how would you like to go about this?" Herbert pondered for a moment; silently working out a solution. "Well, as with anything else, I propose that we research this by trying to simulate what other people do with such things. See how it developed from there." It took you a second to process the Herbert speak, but you were fairly certain that you knew what he meant. "So, we're dating?" He gave a groan at your simplification. "In layman terms, yes."
"Finally!" you heard Dan yell from the hall catching both Hebert and your attention. Herbert stomped over to the doorway and yelled, "Weren't you supposed to leave?!"
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Herbert West x reader
Word Count: 900
Warnings: talks of dead bodies 
Author’s Note: HALLOWEEEENNNNN (i’m going to be doing more horror/slasher characters this year because I’ve never done them before and I’m excited dudes) 
Summary: You and Herbert put up decorations 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Why oh why did you have to pick Herbert. He should have really been the last person you should have chosen based on your personality. But no, here you were, the October month high above you and your boyfriend was too busy to put up decorations with you.
Halloween was a big deal to you, it always had been since you were a kid. Your family used to go all out for decorations and trick or treating. You had moved to go to school and actually found a roommate in Dan and Herbert. Dan moved out a while ago and because you and Herbert started to date you thought it was only right you just stayed together. 
Worst mistake of your life.
Hebert was downstairs, likely bringing something back to life as you stood upstairs, alone and annoyed. You had Halloween music playing over the speaker and the boxes you had compiled from your old place and the ones you had bought this year. 
You stood on the couch, attempting to put up some orange lights while also holding the thumbtacks. You had a few in your mouth but you were struggling. You typically had another person there with you.
The chair you were standing on started to wobble and you stopped moving, a panicked look falling over your face. Despite your stillness effort the chair toppled over and you fell onto the ground, the lights tearing down and the small bowl of thumbtacks spilling. You groaned, annoyed beyond belief. 
The door to the basement opened but you didn’t get your hopes up. He likely was only up to get a drink. You likely wouldn’t even see his face. You sat on the ground, where you had fallen and decided to just stay there a minute while you got up the courage to stand up again.
Surprisingly Herbert popped his head into the living room. He saw you on the ground and stood in the doorway, just watching. You waved at him and he waved back. His sleeves were rolled up into working posture.
“Should I even ask what you’re doing on the ground?” he asked. You pointed meekly to the chair that was toppled over and then squid lights. 
“I fell. How’s the dead bodies?” you asked. He shrugged.
“Unfortunately still dead.”
“Can I use them as Halloween decorations?”
“Maybe once I make them live again.” He walked over to you and held out his hand for you to take. You took it and he helped you up. “So you’re not doing very well up here,’ he said. You looked around and shrugged. There wasn’t a lot done but it wasn’t too bad. 
“Struggling with the two people's stuff.”
“You can’t guilt me into this,” he stated simply. 
“I know. Go back to your dead bodies.” You turned back around, mock annoyed and he shook his head. 
“I will help you for thirty minutes.” You turned around happily and suppressed the urge to clap your hands.
“You live in the Halloween mood Herbert I promise it won’t be terrible.”
He gave you a look like he didn’t believe you but he started. 
An hour later Herbert was standing on a chair, your hands on his legs so he didn’t fall. The music was louder because he turned it up to shut you up so you had to yell over each other. 
“I love you Hebert but if you don’t move that over I’m going to let you fall,” you yelled over the music. Herbert’s button up was half falling off and his hair looked amiss but you probably looked worse. 
“It looks straight this way,” he argued.
“I will push you!” “Fine!” 
He moved it over and then grabbed your arm to go down. He grabbed your arm and stood back to admire the last bit of lights the two of you had just put down. He put his hand on your shoulder proudly and paused the music.
“You know,” he said, “it looks good.” 
You had a pretty extravagant set up inside now and it didn’t look half bad if you did say so yourself. You really enjoyed it, even more so because Hebert had added his own touch here and there.
“Good enough to get away from your dead bodies for?” you questioned. He shrugged stiffly. “Don’t answer that.” He smiled, a genuine smile.
“It’s good enough,” he promised.
“Halloween is growing on you West.”
“Don’t push your luck.”
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hebert West x reader
Word Count: 800
Warnings: dead bodies 
Author’s Note: I don’t know, I’m sad so I wanted to write something happy
Summary: Herbert has been taking way to many samples from people who haven’t known they were being sampled so Dan convinces you to take him home for a day
Genre: fluff
Song: in the year of 13 moons by current joys 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Herbert let out a sigh and Dan gave you a look that you chose to ignore. You were probably going to have to take the reigns in this conversation anyway and so that meant Herbert was going to have to deal with you.
“I’m going to take this sample and then I’m going to the morgue. Did you know that-”
“Herbert you can’t take that sample without the consent of the patient.”
“She’s asleep, she won’t care.”
Dan looked over at you and you nodded, letting out a defeated sigh.
“I know you need it for your experiment but can you get it from someone that isn’t dying? Come on, pull yourself together,” you said slowly, pulling him off the body. He let out an annoyed sigh and turned to you.
“This is the one that I want.”
“I’m not letting you do it.”
You took the syringe from him and Dan took it out of your hands.
“I have to get back to rounds. Please, take him home,” Dan muttered, turning around to the other patients. You didn’t even work at the hospital. You were never a medicine kind of person but you found yourself spending more time there than you ever thought you would.
“I have to work,” he told you and took his arm out of your grasp, walking out of the room. You shook your head.
“This is not working Herbert.”
“You wouldn’t know, you’re not a doctor.”
“I do however have common sense. Come on, just come home you can work on stuff there.” He shook his head and turned around to you, stopping so quickly in his tracks that you nearly fell over him. 
“I’m not going to let you deter me from what the end game is here. You think you have more power over me than you do and I will not be going home with you.” 
You stared at him with dumb eyes and leaned back, putting your weight on your back leg. You crossed your arms.
“I’m going to take my food out of the fridge.” There was a beat of silence.
“Not those nutty chocolate things.”
“Yes those nutty chocolate things.”
“Damn your power,” he grumbled. “Let me finish my rounds.”
“Give me the syringe.”
“Dan has it.”
“The one in your back pocket West,” you said evenly. He let out another annoyed sigh and handed it to you. You took it with a smile and turned around to wait for him.
You stood in the waiting room for about twenty minutes. You saw Dan come out and have to break the news to a couple that someone they knew had some sort of fatal disease. He handled it very well. You could never imagine Herbert doing something like that. 
“I’m ready,” Herbert called breaking you from your thoughts. You turned to him and nodded, handing him his coat which you had taken earlier that day. You gestured to the door and he followed you.
“Have you ever had to tell someone their loved one is dying?” you asked. He scoffed.
“What an odd question.”
“Well have you?” He shook his head.
“Dan won’t let me.”
“I can’t imagine why,” you teased, getting into the car. He shook his head but didn’t retorte anything back. At least he was aware of the fact he often pretended to have no feelings when it came to his job.
“It’s all science to me,” he explained.
“I know. It’s the thing you’re passionate about, I get that.” He shook his head.
“It’s the thing I’m good at,” he said with a stary look in his eyes. You turned to him and bit as the car came to a stop at a stop light. 
“I’m glad.” He turned to you and he was smiling. It was odd to see him smile, you realized. He didn’t do it very often. You weren’t even sure why he was now. But you enjoyed the moment.
“We should get food before heading home.” 
“Fast food or sit down?”
“Sit down. Why not.”
“Because your experiments are always calling you.” He shrugged.
“If you promise to eat dinner like it’s your last I think I can squeeze it in.” You smiled and nodded.
“Alright Herbert, I’ll try.”
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Herbert west x reader
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Requested: Anon
Warnings: non except that this is a marriage proposal one!
(Hey there so to the anon that requested the marriage proposal, I hope this is good enough, I made it kinda short so i hope that's ok?! Enjoy!)
Hebert was always serious around you, no matter the situation. Re-animated corpse running around, no problem. The teacher is a complete Duntz, forget about it! Student being a dick head, please! Herbert was simple to understand, he hated children and was invested in his work 24-7. You never thought for a moment Herbert would ever want to get married or hell let alone think about it. Of course, it crossed your mind, loads of times but you brought it up cause you knew Herbert wouldn't be interested in talking about the subject. Herbert was never one to be, let's say nervous. He's always prepared for about anything. Never once did you think anything could ever faze him. That was until tonight when he asked you to go to have dinner with him. I had never seen Herbert eat a full meal. Maybe the occasional snack and then back down to the laboratory, but never a full meal. And he wanted to eat dinner, with me, something was up, something was wrong or hell maybe he made a breakthrough with his experiments. At that moment I was sitting at the table waiting for him to come back. We had already started to eat dinner before he excused himself to the bathroom. He had been gone for about 10-15 minutes so far and I was starting to get worried that he got sick, that was until I heard foot steps coming up behind me. I smiled to myself "Herbert, what are you doing?" he sat back down in the chair next to yours like earlier "Y/n I have something I need to say..." He says with the most serious face you've ever seen, It made you think the worst and this worried you "O-k.....What?" He swallows and turns his full attention to you, grabbing your hand softly with his rough one. "Y/n I love you, I love you more than anything in the world. You have been such an amazing person and such a big part of my life that I couldn't ask for anything better!" He says smiling and swallowing again. " I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you to some re-animated thing, or some other stupid thing. Y/n i-" He pauses and gets up and gets to one knee, this is not happening right now "Y/n, you have brung me so much happiness and support throughout our time together. I can't see myself with anyone else and I don't want to think about anyone else, so y/n, will you marry me?" He says pulling out a box and opening it. Laying inside is a beautiful ring, speechless, and tears welling up in your eye you nod your head yes frantically and he chuckles. You extend your hand and he places the ring on your finger. "Y/n I love you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He says kissing your lips and hugging you. After you finished up dinner you later went into the living room and watched a movie together. When the movie was over, neither of you moved, you stayed there with him and fell asleep in each other's arms.
(I hope this is ok with you anon, i hope you liked it lol!)
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