yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
the teeniest/weirdest case of art block hit me here like i WANT to draw but i can’t and literally
it couldn’t have hit me at a worse time
gonna listen to like a billion songs and make a whole entire new music playlist until it goes away (i have like 20+ playlists for some reason lmao)
man i sure do love complaining here
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mxriviera · 1 year
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NEW OC, hi yes my knowledge of the lore for toon town is incomplete and very stilted. going off the fact theres small toon-ran businesses in the game i wanted to make one of my own. His name is Parker Mullner (Pack Mule) and he's the BIG and ONLY bossman for "Get-A-Move-On!" Moving Company. He's a mule in his mid 40s and he's a real grump. He doesn't mean to upset people but he's an old-fashioned businessman who is too prideful and stubborn to learn new techniques other than the one's his father had taught him. He wears bright colorful suits with zany ties because he loves the vibrancy of it all. He loves jokes and slapstick humor but he tries not to laugh in-front of others. He often says puns or does a lot of dad jokes to keep his employees spirits up since he knows how harsh he can get at times. He's real self-conscious of his laugh though.. He goes HeeeHaw! like a donkey braying and he snorts a lot. He also hates it if people assume he's a horse even if he does wears horse shoes.. He takes pride in the fact he's a mule, even if it has strange connotations. He doesn't have a family but considers his workers and his associates in business his "family" of sorts. Hates cogs on the principle of them invading his territory, since mules can get aggressive and territorial. He tries to be professional and read the newspaper, but if you look close enough he only buys the sunday funnies.
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the-stray-liger · 3 years
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Finally getting started on the zaku mg! I have Nowhere To Display It but I wanted to work on something today
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laubao · 3 years
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I forgot to post for my tumblr homies so here y'all go. Looking green, feeling tol with my new weeb tattoo
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pedrospal · 5 years
Blood splashes across the wall.
Denny staggers, his hand rushing to his face. Red seeps between his fingers as he clutches his nose, and he looks up at his assailant with wide teary eyes.
The elder teenager didn't seem to care. Another fist slammed into the side of Denny's jaw. Teeth clattered onto the asphalt, quickly followed by his skull. A knee presses hard against his back and a hand grips his neck too tight. Dull pain radiates through his body, the icy burn flooding from his bruised eye and split lips.
"Should've fucking paid up, bitchboy."
He can't fight it as his head is forced up only to be slammed back down into the ground. There's an audible crunch as his nose breaks. Pain lances through him and he cries aloud, only to be answered by the ground in another brutal whack. He can hear the other boys laughing around him, jeering and mocking.
The grip on his neck tightens and Denny tenses, prepared to be beaten down again; there is a scream from above him and the pressure on his back vanishes. 
He manages to raise his head slightly. The world whirls and blurs, colours oversaturated and painful. But he can make out two new silhouettes in the gang of people and feels hope and relief blossom through him.
Ophelia is twisting the black-haired teenager's arm behind his back. His face is crunched in agony as she continues to twist. Her face is stony and full of fire.
Guy stands between Denny and the rest of the gang, hands raised and legs apart, tense and coiled on the balls of his feet. A jaguar poised to pounce. 
The gang of teens seem equally as surprised as Denny, though their faces quickly regain their sneering expressions.
"Hey now!" 
One of the other teens called out. His chest was puffed in forced bravado as he stepped forward- the pained cry coming from his friend as Ophelia sharply pulled on his arm stopped him. 
"Uh, what I mean to say is, this guy refused to pay up! He betrayed us, so we're just teachin' him a lesson! That's all! We ain't doing nothing wrong! Gang business, y'know?"
"Turn around."
A voice so cold it froze the air. Its speaker remained stock still, barely even the rise and fall of his chest to indicate he was breathing. Guy hadn't even spared a glance towards the faux leader, brown eyes locked onto a girl who stood near the back of the gang.
"Hey, you can't just come into our territory and start bossin' us around! Who do you-" The teen that had stepped forward was silenced as the girl raised her hand.
"Huh? Boss, wh-"
"Why should we?" Her voice didn't quite match the coldness of Guy's,  but it certainly served the intended purpose.
She too stood tall, with an easy air that one could mistake for confidence, a gleam in her eyes that spoke of cruelty and domination. Wolf's eyes, and the role in her gang to match. 
It was Ophelia who answered the leader's question.
"Because we always give people three chances to run. Go, now."
Wolf Eyes moved forward a step. A wordless statement even the most foolish could read. Refusal.
A harsh crack akin to a gunshot rang out in the silence, accompanied by a scream. Ophelia dropped the black haired teen's now floppy arm. He stumbled forward then fled to safety out the street. 
"Last chance. Turn around and forget this ever happened." Each word was spoken with eerie frozen calm, Ophelia's expression unchanging. 
Wolf Eyes' face twisted in anger and hatred as she stepped forward. She seemed to consider something.
"You really dare to throw around threats when there's only two of you and twelve of us?" Wolf Eyes huffed a slight chuckle as she raised a hand. "Normally I'd be fair and only let two of my Wolves savage you, but since you've pissed me off, you don't get my mercy."
She flung her hand down at the same time that Guy finally moved. The words were barely out of her mouth when the first teen fell, blood pouring out of his nose and mouth and a shoe-shaped bruise already forming over his face.
Guy rebounded off the wall and leapt at another of the goons with leg outstretched. The teen darted out of the way just in time to meet a fist to the throat, and Guy used that momentum to swing around in a perfectly-executed spinning kick. Another kid stumbled down, winded, and Ophelia slammed his face into the concrete as she too joined the scramble. 
It was beautiful carnage. The duo wove and danced within the gang as if they were nought but wind, pouncing and striking with brutal precision.  Each movement was fluid as water and impassioned as fire. They complimented each other's moves in perfect predator's grace, a lioness and a jaguar verses a pack of mutts.
In the heat of it Wolf Eyes ran at Ophelia, nothing but rage burning in those wild wolfish eyes. Her first swing clipped Ophelia's head and sent her stumbling back out of the main crowd. Wolf Eyes leapt again. A sweeping kick threw her to the side, stumbling, but she recovered with the speed of an experienced street fighter and came back at Ophelia with an iron fist. 
There was a crunch. Blood arced into the air as Ophelia's nose was broken. She staggered back but managed to avoid the next kick and come forward with a strong left hook. Enamel spread across the floor. 
Wolf Eyes fell back, clutching her bloody mouth as she glared at Ophelia with pure hatred cut into every line of her face. But Ophelia could see the fear and faint respect in her body and let her retreat.
Guy has taken down the rest of the gang. They scramble and stagger and stumble, up and away, backing down with their metaphorical tails between their legs. Their leader fixes one last glare at the duo, spitting red on the ground in a final act of anger before turning and walking away with the rest of them.
They don't relax until the gang is gone.
Then Ophelia is by Denny's side, helping him sit up gently with careful hands. She seems not to care about her own injuries, instead worriedly checking over her younger brother.
"Open your mouth." Despite her short words her tone is soft and concerned. 
Denny obliges in his concussed daze. Blood drips down his chin, sticky and metallic.
"You're lucky. They only knocked out your baby teeth."
Ophelia squints at his swollen nose, before touching it lightly with the tips of her fingers. It's tender and Denny holds back a cry at the pain. She must have noticed the wetness in his eyes because she immediately retracted her hand. 
"It doesn't look too bad. Probably just fractured. It'll heal up fine."
Her own nose is twisted and smushed and rapidly swelling, blood dripping down her neck and onto her purple shirt. But she disregards it entirely, instead focusing on Denny.
Ophelia looks at his eyes for a minute, and the intensity that always burns deep in her brown eyes still intimidates Denny even though he's seen it a hundred times. Metaphors about deer in headlights and rabbit seeing an eagle spring to mind.
The predator's gaze breaks away from his as her forehead furrowed slightly, looking him over.
"You've got a minor concussion."
Guy crouches down beside them, making Denny jump although Ophelia doesn't react. He didn't even see his older brother approach, let alone hear him!
...Denny quietly admits to himself that he probably never will be able to tell when either of his siblings are approaching, knowing their incredible skills. 
A lukewarm wet flannel is pressed into his hand. He doesn't know when Guy brought- or found- a medkit, but he's grateful nonetheless when he presses the medicine-infused cloth against his nose and the pain dulls into nothing. He takes his brother's hand and allows him to help him up. Now he's closer he sees the state Guy is in- blood drips steadily from a deep looking gash across his lips and there's bruising and swelling already forming around his eyes and cheeks. Dark crimson stains his brother's torn black shirt, though whether it's his or the other teenagers' Denny doesn't know, and he sees the stiffness in his actions that indicate he's busted a few ribs. Ophelia stands too and the way she holds her left ankle slightly raised shows she's probably sprained it.
"Come on, let's get you home." Ophelia's tone is soft as she puts a hand on Denny's shoulder, supporting him. In turn he grips her arm back, offering himself as a walking aid. He feels Guy stumble slightly beside him and puts an arm out, holding the older teen's forearm. Guy tenses, but then allows Denny to help him balance.
Together the trio walk home, supporting each other the whole way back.
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personalized-plates · 4 years
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transngin · 4 years
@monstriframinerva you're stinky but ty for tagging me 😳😳😳
rules: tag 9 ppl you wanna get to know better!
top 3 ships: I HAVE SO MANY it's unreal but uhh def sale/luca (jojo) just bc it's the most self indulgent + underrated and u know i'm the ceo of indulging. stan saleluca please im so lonely. kaneda/tetsuo (akira) is also something i rly vibe with i just think they're neat... such a good dynamic. last but not least uhh prob like mera/percy, asuka/rei or giovanni/arnold idk they're all v good
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick def... makeup gets an assbeating from yours truly :]
last song: either lamb by brockhampton or idolstep by ミカヅキBIGWAVE 😳 cannot remember....
last movie: akira!! thanks to a hw assignment i have an excuse to rewatch it tomorrow heeehaw
reading: a book we read in school
3 random things that make me happy: uhm... very cheesy of me but 🤲 my boyf and friends/mutuals.... fictional men who i simp for... and doin art
getting the curse of being tagged: @bugtoons @beeandmoxie @appelsiinilight @wannacrymetoo @simp4kaito @freetimesketchbook @mosstalon4 @egitd IDK WHO ELSE TO TAG
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hateboat · 4 years
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gemmmms i drew fr others on insta. first one is b_posts_ 's peach diamond, second is atobagu 's light white pearl, third is kyushira 's gemsona, and fourth is an entry for atobagu 's light white court contest. heeehaw
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lengiesofrps · 4 years
❝ maybe it’s better this way. ❞ unholy trio
ice-whisper said:❝ maybe it’s better this way. ❞ Unholy Trio
The phrase rang out in unison and Cam could hear that Charlie and Luna’s voices were shaking with suppressed laughter. 
He glared at them and Charlie’s diplomatic training kicked in, her smile smoothing away and a neutral expression took its place. However, she couldn’t hide the way that her eyes sparkled with amusement. Luna didn’t have the same poker face and Cam doubted she would have used it, even if she did. She snorted and stepped closer. “So, what happened again?”
Instinctively, he opened his mouth to answer but a bleating heeehaw came out instead. 
Luna lost it at that, and even Charlie had to smooth her hand over her mouth to keep her smile from showing. Sure, he could see how hilarious the situation was from the outside, but that didn’t stop him from sitting on a desk of the abandoned classroom they were sitting in and pouting. This was the last time he tried to make a Transmogrification Potion for a seventh year. 
As Luna laughed, clutching her sides for support, Cam waited. None too patiently, but as he was unable to speak without sounding like a donkey, he said nothing. Finally, she was able to get herself under control, though she still kept bursting into fits of giggles. She slid her arm around Cam’s torso and instantly he felt better.
“Let’s get you to Madame Pomfrey. She never asks too many questions,” she said through her laughter. “Come on, Jackass.”
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mabari-enthusiast · 3 years
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yolinen-blog · 6 years
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good afternoon every1 
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lvncr-blog · 7 years
guess what the popups are finally working so i have a functional rules, bio and verses page now heeehaw
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kiwisweater · 12 years
Derp Merp.
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howmuchcanyouchugfoo · 11 years
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Some call it a generic, but to Brian and Joel it's an improvement: HEEE HAW Soda, only available at Hy-Vee grocery stores.
Click here to play episode six (13:30).
Click here to view The Extra E stands for 'Existential'.
Click here to subscribe on iTunes.
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