#heeyyy aha...
rodismancave · 1 year
My first language is not English. I may make grammar mistakes, use a word improperly, or just fuck up in general. You are free to correct me if I make grammar mistakes, or confuse a word, but if I make a lot of typos in a IC post assume that's just Rodimus making his own spelling errors.
Personal blogs: you are allowed to send in asks and I’ll answer IC, but please refrain from reblogging anything that isn’t tagged. If you’re unsure, you can ask.
My portrayal is heavily based on IDW/G1 and headcanons. I can adapt to other universes if asked to do so, but they will be headcanon based. Rodimus is portrayed as per my understanding of his character.
DMs open! Don't be afraid to hmu on DMs or respond to my posts. Talk to me about ideas, dm me for plotting, go crazy. I love interacting with people, and I love participating in IC bits.
I am just here to have fun. Try not to take me too seriously. I can and will RP serious stuff, such as diving in Rodimus' questionable actions, but I will do so in very evasive ways. Don't get frustrated if Rodimus brushes your character off or acts mean.
Please be 18+ when interacting.
I may be selective. Please don't be sad if I don't interact with you. I will always do my best to interact with people, but sometimes it just doesn't click for me. I have a very particular taste for writing, which brings us to the next point.
I have reading difficulties. This may get worse some days but most days it is nearly non-existent. No, this does not mean I have dyslexia, not that I know of, It just means I can misinterpret texts or straight up be unable to read or write texts for a few hours. If I write a response, and it makes 0 sense, sorry. My brain was acting funky and I tried to push forward. The text won’t make sense to me either.
Shipping is okay! But I will be selective. Rodimus will frankly flirt with anyone, and I'd like to state it now that it doesn't mean he is romantically interested. Sometimes thats just how he shows he cares.
OC, AUs, crossovers are free to interact!! Feel free, be not afraid, etc. This does not mean I will always respond but please don't take it personally. Sometimes I just have no idea what certain things are.
Please read my headcanons before interacting. Your character isn’t going to know certain quirks and bits about him, but if you’re going to pretend to be a part of his crew and like you know him at least read a few of the stuff that’s Lost Light-relevant.
Basic DNI criteria goes. Do not interact if you are proship, LGBT+phobic, racist, etc. If you do, and I find out, I’ll soft block you. Upon insistence, I’ll permanently block you. I don’t need to tell you why.
I have the right to refuse any RP and to block whoever I want. If you start any sort of unnecessary trouble, or overall I just don’t feel comfortable with the content you reblog/interact with, I’ll unfollow you and move along. But if there’s insistence on interacting with me, I’ll block you.
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medkiitt · 13 days
heeyyy,, kitkat!!.. im back after.. that. soo, about what uhh.. happened, i kinda lost two of my eyes from something i dont wanna talk about, but.. now we're twinning..?? ahaa.. hahaha.... hah.. ahah.. aha....
..im not really sure if i can keep up a positive mood for a while, this has been kinda traumatic for me...
thanks for reading this, kitkat.
“ You lost...two of your eyes ?? Are you okay ? ”
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inairzaki · 4 years
Heeyyy! First thanks for the follow, I love me some inarizaki Can I request the team meeting Suna Rintarou, Kita Shinsuke, and Miya Astumu girlfriends? How that would go for them?
note: hello!! you're welcome, thank you for the request and followback!! ^^
request: the team meeting suna rintarou, kita shinsuke and miya atsumu's girlfriends? how would that go for them?
requests are open!
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the team could tell if suna's already dating someone
rather than his usual lazy and dead-in-the-inside look during training, his eyes appeared to be sparkly these past few weeks
so they decided to bust suna's lovelife by fake gossiping in the locker room
"hm? could you guys tell if one of us is already dating somebody through his eyes?"
ginjima would ask and the others would nod as a reply
yup that's scripted
suna flinched a little as he changed his clothes
ya he knows he's guilty
"why would you ask, gin?"
"it's because i could tell somebody in this team is already in love!!"
suna would try to act busy so he won't look suspicious
"ugh!! enough with ya guessing game! spill the member's name!"
atsumu's whining is still scripted x)
suna would heave a deep sigh and "am i really that obvious?"
the whole team would burst into laughters after suna's confession
afterwards, before they leave the clubroom, they would bug suna to bring you to one of their matches
and that day came—they also won!!
"looks like suna's lucky charm worked" aran would tease suna in front of you
"y/n-chan! thank you for bringing our middle blocker back to life! you definitely made him happy!"
"suna definitely has a type!"
you would blush after hearing those from his teammates
they would invite you to the mini celebration of victory afterwards
and while eating, they would make fun of suna, spilling some of his embarassing moments during training and how the coach would scold him
"ooh!! imagine if he gets jealous someday! would his blocker instincts tell him to block those guys away from you?"
you would all laugh after hearing what atsumu just said and he would earn a head smack from suna
the day ended well and being nervous was pointless, you really felt anxious after hearing suna say that he'd bring you to their upcoming match and introduce you to his teammates
but i guess you just met the other family of your boyfriend
suna would take you home and thank you for supporting him in the earlier match
and before you could even enter your apartment, he would randomly tell you
"if any guys would try to take you away from me, i wouldn't mind considering atsumu's suggestion of blocking them away from you."
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the team is not expecting their captain to actually date somebody these days
i mean, they all look up to kita shinsuke, their captain, the one who doesn't fail his grades, always on time & basically a guy with lots of goal in mind
he's someone who's very much an ideal type!
but they all seem to think that kita isn't considering on dating someone in highschool yet (although his grandma is already expecting a wedding aha)
kita accidentally left his extra lunch and shirt at home so
his grandma asked for your help if you could come to their house to get it and deliver the things that shinsuke left
on your way to the gym, you can already hear the loud thud coming from the balls hitting the floor
and at the exact time you entered the gym, atsumu gave his best shot for his last round of service
bc you had been smacked by a power serve!!
they'd be clueless at first bc why are you in the gym?? during training??
but they had an idea that you may be kita's friend since they saw their captain's jersey shirt and labeled bento box fell onto the floor
atsumu's about to approach you but then kita swooshed him away
he kneeled infront of you and cupped your cheeks
your face were a blushing mess but since you had been slapped by a ball, they thought the otherwise
the team threw suspicious looks at each other
judging by their captain's actions, you didn't seem to only be a friend of kita
kita's not the type to be a show off nor he does not publicize everything, but he's not the type to deny either
so yes, he would say yes, you're his girlfriend
they'd bring you to the clinic to let the nurse check if you had been bruised by the impact
and turns out you do have one (1) bruise
atsumu would bow countless times to you and kita
"ah, that's not a good first impression of the team"
aran would ask forgiveness for the sudden injury she got from the team
but you would tell them that's it's fine since it was your fault for intruding the gym unexpectedly
they'd still ask countless of apologies for atsumu
and at the same time they'd ask you if you could tell kita to not scold them
they're scared of kita lol
you'd get alot of compliments too!
and yes after that, you and kita would be alone, he'd ask you why you suddenly appeared inside the gym
you'll explain everything that happened and he'd gladly take the jersey and the (fortunately safe) bento box
"next time, call or text me before you come and see me in the gym hm? i don't want you to get hurt again."
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the team knows the miya twins are popular to girls
that's why even though some of them have seen atsumu walking home with a girl, they'd assume that she's just one of his fans, probably asking for a picture or a photograph
or maybe just a groupmate for a schoolwork
but they started to doubt their assumptions the moment they realized that atsumu's often texting someone on his phone during their break time in training
"osamu, is your twin already dating someone?"
"i don't have an idea, i doubt his crusty ass got one"
and another scenario of after-training-stalking-atsumu agenda happened
they happened to saw someone pretty walking along with atsumu on the other side of the street
the same girl they saw walking with atsumu these past few weeks
you and atsumu were actually clueless that you both have been followed by the inarizaki team (except for kita who has a sleeping routine and already needs to go home)
atsumu would definitely kick all their asses
"get yar filthy hands off my girlfriend!"
gin blinks, osamu blinks, aran blinks, oomimi blinks, akagi blinks, suna blinks, riseki blinks, yuto blinks
inarizaki team bLINKS
osamu would yell the f out
"i bet your stinky face can't get one!! stop yelling" - atsumu to osamu
"we look the same!!"
"i'm the better version!! besides! i have someone who loves me!!"
the entire walk home would be loud as hell,
instead of promoting atsumu, they'd actually tell you stories on how stinky atsumu would get after practice and how he was actually not good at talking with girls despite his large fanbase
you'd just giggle and atsumu would be frowning beside you
the long walk came to an end after the others used a different route home
that leaves you walking home with your boyfriend and his twin brother
"tsumu may be an ass sometimes but i think he really likes you"
osamu would tell you as atsumu buys you an ice cream for a second
and when he came back, he'd pout once more
"he told you something bad about me again, right?"
osamu would chuckle and nod "yeah, i told her that you'd shit your pants after watching a horror movie"
before atsumu could even strangle him, he had already ran away, leaving you both alone again
he'd give you the dessert
"even if they told you unpleasant things, don't dislike me, hm?"
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