#hehe uhhh I think nvm actually
rainbow-sparks · 2 years
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this wasn't supposed to take 3+ hours for a joke I heard
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moonguilt · 4 years
elizabeth sutherland and crow nest
elizabeth sutherland: describe your crush!
OK UHHH i actually... don’t really have one :( i mean i may have little crushes here and there but i don’t really know anyone well enough at the moment to have a crush on them (except a couple of my friends, whom i have had crushes on in the past and gotten over them!). i also have a hard time allowing myself to get a crush bc i’m always talking myself out of it LOL. like i’ll start to catch feelings and then i’ll be like “ok but what if (fill in the blank) happens and u get hurt” and then i go “oh... okay nvm then LMAO.”
and then there is also the part of me that like.. doesn’t want a crush? idk. i want it to be a surprise when i fall in love so if i start to think romantic thoughts about someone i just go “nah, shove that one waaaay back and don’t address it.” plus if i dream too much about being with someone then the image i’ll have in my head of them will end up better than the reality so... yeah. i just try to avoid crushes i guess LOL that was a depressing answer SORRY
crow nest: do you have an ideal ‘type’? what would they be like?
ooo hmmm... idk i don’t have a whole lot of physical requirements honestly. i like ppl who are taller than me (which is most ppl bc i am... 5′3″ [and 3/4!!!])... but other than that i don’t really think too much about it. i do like someone who is strong tho :) if u can pick me up i will Die. but also i am very insecure abt my weight so i would probably not let u try in case im too heavy LMAO.
i also like someone who is.. idk.. like, proud to be with me i guess? like idk if this counts as a “type” but i need someone who is gonna brag about me to friends and family.  i know that sounds silly but i’ve been in 2 relationships for a total of 2.5 years and both of them were secret and what i really need now is somebody who is gonna write cute shit about me on instagram and tell their friends how much they love me or whatever. being in relationships with people who could never tell their friends and family about me, could never show me off/express pride in me/etc., was really damaging to my self esteem and i can’t do that again. i need to be an object of public pride, not a private secret on the outskirts of ur main life. i know it’s vain and i don’t resent ppl for not being able to meet that requirement, but it is a requirement nonetheless.
ANYWAY honestly tho i have been interested in many different people with completely different appearances so like.. other than those things i don’t really have a type!! i do kinda like short hair tho hehe but that’s a really minor thing that i don’t really care about, ive been attracted to plenty of ppl who all have totally different aesthetics or w/e
ty for the asks!!! these are so fun :) sorry my answers are a little ummm idk boring
send me gentleman jack asks!!
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majorxmaggiexboy · 5 years
hehe i’d heard about The Terror(tm) back when the trailer was firstish released and i just assumed it would be similar, content-wise, to TURN so i was like “yep this is y’know Obviously uhhh crossover material” and idk how i arrived at “nope, nvm” at the time since i didn’t actually know anything about it until later but then i forgot about it until it was on my dash a bit, This Year,
and shortly after i saw, i think it was a gifset, of the crozier getting ticky with the not-hickey dude, bit of grumpy back-and-forth, and, knowing Zero details, i was thinking “Ah. I see AMC repurposed some of their footage of Washington going off on Ben. Excellent now we know exactly who they’d be in the inevitable AU situation”
then after like two minutes of reading and finding out about the characters and even the scene like, literally pretty much any details, “nEVERMIND I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACK IMMEDIATELY”
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jungcock · 6 years
I'm a little late but happy birthday! Hope it was spent well. I had a question and wanted to ask how did you get so good at writing? Like was is something you've always been good at or did you practice and get good? If so how did you practice to get better? (if there are any ways besides just writing)
thank you!!! it was spent well hehe x
oh gosh! uhhh i hate to toot my own horn but i think i’ve always just had a knack for it?? i’m also a crazy perfectionist so i work extra hard to make sure my writing is the best it can be. so i guess it’s a bit of both??
story time with mia: when i was 12 i was assigned my first creative writing assignment. i never really wrote before that and i wrote this story about a girl lost at train station (i can’t really remember exactly how it went but nvm) and my teacher read it to the entire class bc she said it was so good alskdjf and i was like :O i didn’t think it was that fantastic but yeah! the more creative writing pieces i did the more praise i got from my teachers and i was like wow… maybe i am good it at? and i really enjoyed it as well so i’ve been writing ever since!!! but ofc not all of my stuff was amazing. rereading some pieces i’ve written in the past i cringe so fucking hard alskdjf
bottom line i think it is a lot more dependent on practice and dedication and passion! if you love to write and you work hard and you’re proud of your writing it really shows in the quality. if you’re really looking to improve your writing i would strongly suggest getting people to read your stuff and give you constructive feedback, even if it isn’t the nicest feedback, take it on board and learn from it. also read!! i used to read A LOT when i was younger. read actual novels not fics alsdjkf (not shitting on fics or fic writers) but you can’t go wrong drawing techniques and writing styles from real published authors
i hope that helps/answers your question?? 
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