#hehehehhe have I thought this out obviously not
hangmanbradshaw · 8 months
Rival football players who are secretly dating ohhhhh the drama Jake and Bradley would cause
Ooooh I think someone wrote this!!! I’ve heard it’s really good. But let’s say in this world I’d imagine:
1. They were on rivalry teams in college. Knew each other already from that, had a bit of a personal rivalry cuz Jake was the QB for his team and Bradley a safety for his. Jake has a teenage sister (he’s a junior in college at this point, she’s 14) who he’s raising, but no one really knows. He keeps his personal life insanely private, can never go out with the guys or any of that. Focuses on school and football and goes home every night to help her with homework etc. At the end of their last game they play against each other in college cuz Bradley’s a year older and going to the draft, Bradley comes over to basically say good luck with the future and he’ll see him in the pros. He sees jake’s sister and kinda *notices* that maybe there’s more there than meets the eye.
2. Bradley gets drafted and has a great rookie year. Jake gets drafted the next year to a rival team in the division. Bradley tweets him and is like “rivals again I see” and jakes just kinda like what is with this guy????
3. They are very competitive when they play each other, but it’s after a game one day that Bradley’s leaving to go out with his teammates to a club and he sees Jake with his sister again, who obviously moved with him. He goes over to talk to them. The sister lights up cuz she’s seen her brother bitch and moan about this guy and she *knows* he’s into him even if he won’t admit it. So she asks bradley if he wants to go to dinner with them instead. Jake’s embarrassed she asked, but Bradley agrees (which shocks him). They go to dinner and it’s actually…nice. Bradley’s good with his sister and kinda funny and lame in a cute way. And Jake tells him about what happened, how he’s been raising his sister.
4. It starts happening every time they play each other. Dinners after. They start talking more outside of games too. In the off-season, Bradley goes to visit them. Invites them to visit him when she’s on summer break. He kinda becomes the third member of their little family, jake and him fall in love.
5. They start dating, decide to keep it secret for now. There’s winks and knowing looks when they play each other and in the offseason, people start questioning why exactly Bradley lives in another city (where jake lives year round.) The rumors really start up when they’re seen out together in grainy pics. And then Bradley shows up at Jake’s sister’s graduation with them and it’s like !!!!!! Anyways it’s a huge WTF moment for the football world. When Jake’s sister goes off to college, one of them’s contract is up and decides to get signed on the other’s team.
Oops adding on:
There would definitely be a moment where his sister is on an overnight field trip for a rivalry game so Jake tells bradley he’s off the hook, but Bradley’s like well why don’t we go out? So they get take out, go back to Jake’s. Bradley makes a joke about all Jake’s dates and Jake is like “what dates” with a laugh. Explains he doesn’t really have time/doesn’t fit in his life etc and anyways then end up sleeping together cuz bradley sooooo nicely and not at all selfishly volunteers himself for that. Truly, he just wants to help ;)
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 21 days
Random thoughts dump
Anyone else have that thing where they can't STAND scratching metal at all? Like just now I opened my fridge and my nail barely grazed it but it was like nails on a chalkboard. Eugh. My teeth were set on edge and shdckjrsbchjsjbhcherj. And it happens way too often too.
Also do you ever just lay on the floor cuz you got a really nice new soft rug so obviously you lay on it and you're listening to music specifically epic the musical the wisdom saga specifically god games and then. The ending. Hbhghgsdthgjdsjhdshgjhbsdhjgvde whole animatic hallucination in your head and it'd be so freaking COOOOOOLLLLL. And then you play songs about fire/villainy songs and you have a whole bunch of ideas and they just keep coming and jfsnerjkferjhferhknfjernhsdvchjdbkjrenhrefj. Ehehehehehehheehehheheeh
Do you ever just walk in on your younger siblings watching a show you used to watch all the time and it's nice because it feels like they're carrying on the legacy?
Hoodies are one of the freaking greatest things of all time
Depression is so weird. Like life throws stuff at you and then your brain is like "here have some random crippling sadness for no reason at all!" Like does anyone else think that's so silly? :D
How did humans manage to invent all this advanced technology and yet we still have pollution and environmental damage and all that? Also how are we not living on the moon yet? (THIS IS A JOKE I PROMISE I KNOW WHY DON'T SUE ME)
Cheez-its :]
Anyone else just randomly start pointing out easily discernable objects when silence gets uncomfortable? Like you'll be sitting in the car and it's awkwardly quiet so you look out the window and say something like "omigosh a tree!"
sometimes I like to play this fun game in band called "am I just bad at playing flute, is the rest of the band too loud and I'm too quiet, is my embouchure just too tight, or is my flute broken again?" To try and determine why it's suddenly super hard to play and I can't hear myself :D (it's broken like three times)
I freaking love music so much :]
Hehehehh I love confusing my siblings with words they don't understand
Artttttt ideassssssss :')
How do people. Remember things. ???????
Anyway hope y'all have a great day/night :]
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
HI JILL :D I love your spideychelle fanfics v much, and just found out you like Bridgeton heheheh. Thats one of my fave shows :)) Was wondering if we'd ever get anything Spideychelle in a Bridgeton Kate and Anthony plot? (no pressure and only if you have time and want to) LOVE YOU!! 🌷❤️🌷❤️🌷❤️
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Hehehehhe giggling 🤭 don't worry!!!! Love you 💖💖💖
Mhmmmmmm I do have a vague plan! But like... I think it's a big ish multi chap? Like 8 chapters at least and I wanna finish my others before I start! But yessss Peter xlosed of to love slutty Parker and Michelle doesn't think she's good enough but will bad mouth a viscount who wants to marry to best friend Jones? TY! It'll be slightly different bc I don't think how they did the love tri but we can fix it 😌😌😌 a snip for you that I might have shared before but we move xxx
Michelle knows he’ll walk straight past her. He has to. There’s no reason at all for him to stop and talk. To touch her in the way her body aches for. It’s a little pathetic how badly she wants him to. She wants Peter to claim her in front of the guards, to stop and kiss her in all the ways she’s dreamt of even though he’s destined for her sister. It would do nothing but cause a scandal, obviously. But she can’t help the way her heart flutters at the thought. If the small smile that graces Peter’s face is anything to go by - she guesses he heard it.
Michelle would tell // not to get so invested so soon. To keep her dignity intact because once you become foolish over a man in public, there’s no going back. But her thoughts do nothing to stop the way her eyes drop to his lips as he walks towards her. They do nothing to stop the way her fingers flex as he passes without a word. The only solace she has is that she felt his fingers move too.  
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kinktae · 5 years
okay but u know little one!jimin and tae?? i would honestly love to see a spinoff of the fic for them ??? like i know we saw the reader in little one be their bloodbank and i’m ngl it was hot but like.... pls queen give us more we’re thirsty (no pun intended) like... ugh falling in love with one of them? or even just a threesome in that same universe? (not like breaking up the reader + namjoon but like... a different character? if that makes sense? or a timeline where they didn’t fall in love?)
kpaxlyra said: just a question out of curiosity. have you ever thought about expanding the little one series? while I was reading it I really enjoyed the angst. it feels like namjoon still doesnt comprehend himself that he cares a lot for the oc and that the others still treat her quite bad. would she ever consider leaving the mansion thinking that she would be better of away from them? anyways, just some random thoughts, I really loved the series! thank you for sharing your writing s2
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let’s just say i have more plans for the little one universe
Anonymous said: ok so i just finished binge reading little one and let me tell you. that was A M A Z I N G. like ughhhhhhhhh so good the writing amazing and to think that was your first namjoon fic. oof it was just like incredible. your writing skill are just out of this world.
Anonymous said: I couldn’t find your faq so im just gonna sAY THAT I LOVE THE LITTLE ONESERIES????? WHY IS IT SO SHORT I AM SO OBBSESSED WITH VAMPIRE BTS AND NAMJOON IS MY BIAS SO YEAH I CRIED ALL THE WAY TO THE END JXBDKFB i loved it, that’s all. Good job please do more Namjoon Vampire thank you so mUch
Anonymous said: i just read all of little one in 1 go and that shit got me so . Ar*used ?!;!!:!:!;!;!;! Jesus I honestly wish it was a longer series but I’ll find myself re-reading it for sure wow thank you
Anonymous said: omg i just read ur little one series AND LET ME JUST SAY UR WRITING IS- *AGGRESSIVE CHEFS KISS* P E R F E C T I O N ✨✨💕⭐️⭐️✨⭐️⭐️✨
Anonymous said: Omg I’m pretty sure I’m late.. but I just finished binging your “Little One” series and I have to say, I’m in love! Your writing is so beautiful! Everything is so excellently written, not too vulgar but perfect to get the feeling across, if that makes sense. Thank you for writing this series and I can’t wait to read more of your works! 👏👏👏👏👏
Anonymous said: Fun Fact: Your fic "Little One" made me realise I had a small kink for being called "little one"
omg i’m so powerful.....
Anonymous said: OK but out of all the Vampires in Little One, who would you,,, y'know,,,,,,, *whispers* go for?
ok well in the diabolik lovers anime ayato is my fav and thats jungkook’s character BUT i think i actually like tae (i love his “pet” nickname for little one) and hobi’s character the best. Obviously joon is best boy but that the easy answer pshhhh
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