#hehehhee have fun guys
usernyoom · 7 months
F1 tyres for rookies! Everything you need to know (and probably more)
Responding to @powerful-owl's call for primers with all of the knowledge I have gathered about TYRES in F1! This is hopefully super in-depth so you know what's going on all through the weekend!!
What are tyre compounds?
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Pirelli's range of tyres has 5 different compounds, ranging from C1 - C5. Each weekend, Pirelli chooses 3 compounds from this range suited to the conditions of the track that weekend. These three compounds make up the 3 types used during the weekend - soft, medium, and hards.
Each tyre used in a weekend has different qualities:
Softs - softest compound. It has the most grip, but because of this heats up faster. This leads to degradation so the tyres wear more quickly and then need to be replaced earlier. Good for speed and often used in starts when a team wants a quick position gain. Qualifying is the soft tyre's natural habitat
Mediums - considered to be the allrounder. Less grip than the softs but longer lasting. Often used during the middle of the race as an intervening compound during a two-stop strategy, or as the tyre used in a long initial stint when a driver is on a one-stop strategy.
Hards - hardest compound. The least grip, but the longest lasting. Least likely to grain. Takes a lot of work to get the tyre up to the heat needed for suitable grip, so cool tracks like Spa, Zandvoort and Las Vegas can make these tyres disadvantageous. Also often used as a second tyre during a two-stop strategy
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Pirelli also provide tyres with extreme grip to be used during rain. These tyres are designed to grip even when wet, but are also engineered to throw water up from the track to help dry it out quickly. There are two types:
Intermediates - more grip. Designed for use during light to intermediate rain
Wets - full wet tyres designed for use during downpours. Commonly sighted in Spa
Wait - if intermediate and wet tyres have more grip, why don't we use them during dry conditions?
The intermediate and wet tyres are designed to have enough grip that the cars can maintain speed even when the track has water on it. This amount of grip means that without water on the track to cool the tyre and mitigate the extra grip, the tyres overheat much more than they can handle. This can lead to severe graining, or the tyre beginning to fall apart (not good!)
What are slicks? Are they a secret third wet tyre?
Teams and commentators often refer to 'slicks' during wet conditions. These are just slick tyres - the usual compounds during a weekend but a bit wet. Teams often prefer to use these to intermediates or wets when it begins to rain, as switching to intermediates too early can be dangerous for a driver's position - if they overjudge the intensity or length of the rain, the driver will have to pit again for the usual compound, and their competitors may not have to. Some drivers have incredible instincts when it comes to these decisions - Fernando Alonso has made amazing judgement calls this season!
Why do Pirelli select 3 compounds from the range for each race? Can't we use the same 3 each time?
Lots of factors affect the way tyres heat up and degrade! Here's a list:
The general grip of the track - some tracks have loads of grip, so the tyres heat up quickly because of friction. This means they require less work, but can also degrade much more quickly - often, the harder compounds from the range are used for these tracks
Track temperature - the ambient temperature (air temperature) at a track can affect the track temperature. In warmer countries, we often see track temperatures at 40 - 50 degrees centigrade. This means the tyres warm up quickly, so they have loads of grip here too! However, in other places, the track temperature is super low, so it takes a lot of work to get tyres up to temperature
Configuration of the track - tracks have different combinations of straights, high speed corners and low speed corners, as well as different amounts of left and right turns. These factors can all put pressure on different parts of the tyre, so they'll degrade differently at different tracks
Support races - lower formulas like F2 often follow the F1 calendar. They have their feature races and practice sessions before the F1 drivers. They can help to rubber in the track, and clean up areas outside the racing line - dirt often accumulates on areas on the track that are not commonly used. This can affect grip and cause drivers to spin out when they stray into them!
How often the track is used - some tracks like COTA have several different types of motorsport use them, such as Moto GP. This means the track is much cleaner than other tracks used exclusively by the formulas etc.
To make things safe for the drivers, we need a wider range of compounds to account for all these conditions. Pirelli do analysis before the race weekend to pick which 3 compounds to use, accounting for these factors
What does it mean to 'get tyres up to temperature'?
Each tyre compound has different temperatures that they perform optimally at. To get the tyres up to this temperature, the heat provided by the friction of tyre against track is needed. At the right heat, the tyre performs at its best! This explains:
Why drivers weave during the formation lap/safety cars - weaving increases friction between the tyre and the track to heat them up faster. This gets them to/keeps them at a good temperature when the race gets going!
Why we have tyre blankets - you can often see mechanics on the grid warming tyres with heated blankets! The FIA regulations allow the heating up tyres up to 70 degrees centigrade for up to two hours before the tyres are used. This can be done for tyres used during pitstops in the race too! The FIA will likely disallow the use of tyre blankets in the 2024 season
What's a flat spot?
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When drivers have a lock-up (the brakes cause too much friction and stop the tyres turning completely) the same spot on the tyre rubs against the track for an extended period of time. This is what produces the smoke you see. This causes a literal flat spot on the circumference of the tyre, which often causes bumps and is sometimes uncomfortable for the driver. Flat spots make lock-ups with that set of tyres more likely, which can make the flat spot worse over time. Teams often try to pit and change tyres with flat-spots to avoid this
Why do commentators say things like: "he has three sets left for the race"?
Each driver has a number of tyres of different compounds allocated to them for the weekend. These amount to 13 sets overall:
Softs: 8 sets
Mediums: 3 sets
Hards: 2 sets
Additionally; Intermediates: 4 sets
Wets: 3 sets
After each free practice sessions, teams are required to return two sets of tyres per driver back to Pirelli. This means all 20 drivers have only 7 sets available to them during qualifying. Additionally, the top 10 qualifiers (P10 - P1) have to hand back an additional set to Pirelli after qualifying. This means the back 10 drivers (P20 - P11) could have an extra advantage over the front runners. This means strategy for tyres during the rest of the weekend is important - teams don't only have the race to consider!
Sometimes this means drivers will use 'used' tyres during qualifying or the race. This just refers to tyres that have been used during previous sessions and haven't been returned to Pirelli. On some tracks, a tyre that has had a heat cycle run through before its second use is better than a fresh tyre! However, most of the time, it means the tyre has less grip than a new set of the same compound
If teams have all of this information, why do we need so much testing in free practice?
Although lots of analysis can be done before the weekend, conditions can be unpredictable and therefore its important to get all of the testing done in low-pressure sessions like free practice so the teams know what to expect during the race.
Different cars also affect how the tyres degrade! This season, the Ferraris and Haas are particularly notorious for gobbling up their tyres. This just means that the way their car is designed/set-up just applies more friction to the tyres than other cars, which affects degradation.
Ferrari have also found their tyres to particularly unpredictable this season. Charles Leclerc has said several times that he can't predict what each tyre is going to do in each corner. This is obviously problematic, so free practice sessions are important in helping drivers to become familiar with the way different tyres act with their car for this season at different tracks
I hope that helped! Send me asks if you have anymore questions :)
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bizarrescribblez · 1 year
HI GUYS HIIII IM FINALLY BACK FROM MY TRIP HIIIII!!!!!!!!!! It was fun but im so happy to be back Omg.. im gonna take a few rest days then I’ll get back to commissions :) and hopefully have another round open by next week hehehhee
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prestonmonterey · 4 months
hehehhee ok so i make silly book earrings bc i wanted pjo earrings but they were all v expensive online (like 10-30 dollars for a set,, plus shipping) so iiiiii made my own :3333
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and then i made them for other people bc im so nice like that but then i got like 10 requests and i was like plz guys i love yall but i dont have time for this they take like an hour each TwT so then i started charging for them (just 2 dollars per set. kinda just to discourage ppl from askin for them just bc they can.) for some reason tho no one wanted to buy em anymore TwT (idk why bc they spend like 10 dollars on coffee or boba like every day--) and ive gotten a couple orders from other actors bc theyre cool like that i guess
and i made my friends a buncha different books (heres all my cover templates)
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but i only have pjo ones myself TwT so im makin more now
hopefully today
if i
stop getting distracted
theyre super fun and i like em and maybe one day if im more efficient or have more time i might sell em on etsy or somethin :333
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teddybeartoji · 27 days
your hcs make me so horny LMAO
tbh you have no business being both hilarious and have the perfect amount of lewd imagination it's so perfect
and you're def one of the reasons i'm glad i don't have the body of a guy cuz then i wouldn't be able to check ur posts anytime bruh i'd get bricked up so quick
just read the kitten reader w toji lmao in case u were wandering, tho that's not the only one that's really good
also!! there's unique stuff here! to me at least, i never saw some stuff cuz i didnt search (ahem, the hybrid stuff and piss kink ones...
months ago i came to terms w the daddy kink i thought i'd never have cuz lowkey cringe and i thought i couldn't go any lower but oh well here i am.. atp i fully accepted it and i'm just enjoying the ride, going wherever you'll take me tbh 👍)
just realized maybe it's cuz it's u tho and you manage to make everything rlly hot but oh well ig i'll see sometime maybe :P
anyways have a great day i love your posts they make me smile
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AND EEEEEEEEE!!!!! I AM REALLY REALLY GLAD TO BE THE ONE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO NEW THINGS!!!! I REALLY AMM!!!!!!!! i think experimenting and just learning abt yourself is soooo much fun and that does in fact include all sorts of kinks and stuff too hehehhee:3333 AAAANNDDDD HSHDHSHDHSHD THE INFAMOUS DADDY KINK........ i was never that into it either.. like sure i could call like toji that... buuuut i'm kind of picky abt the other faves lmao ++++ the fact that..... i.... myself.... like to be called that............................... was mindblowing hdhshshshahs thank you pasi my love i would've never known that lmao that actually fucking changed my life it's insane😭😭😭😭 like it's fucking crazy how into it i am wheeewwwwwwwwww
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mianmimi · 2 years
"Stephen hears how 838 died and *dramatic music* 838 tells him that’s not what went down and it’s all some big conspiracy to pin an incursion on him. 838 was just the fall guy 😱 And now my husband is in great danger, 616 Stephen you have to help me!!!! Help me clear my name and save my Mordo" that sounds amazing??? & it would make the Illuminati actual characters and not random jobbers & make their demise far more meaningful. it would make the film actually about Stephen too. We were robbed 😔
We will always have fanon and fanfic to share our joys in sweet nonny. I’m making peace with the fact that canon will not live up to the stories in our fanon. And that’s alight. So long as they great stories exist in our minds, they have life to them. And hell, the multiverse is a thing so at least one of them has to match our fanon right? ❤️
And yes hehehhee I’m really digging the idea of this group of the Illumanti being shady as fuck. Maybe not pure, cackling villains, but certainly dangerous enough to be a threat to Stephen and Mordo. Though them being true villains would be pretty fun to imagine too. The scarier baddies are the ones that look like your friends after all 😱 Like imagine them causing the incursion somehow and realizing it’s either them or Stephen that needs to go down. And of course they pin it on Stephen and lie to Mordo and the world. They would definitely low key blackmail Mordo too. Like don’t contest us too much, people may find out what your husband really did, you don’t want to destroy his good name right?
Ayyy so many possibilities
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marsh-potatoes · 2 years
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dump of all of the aggie doodles i did!! ft. jeremy’s commentary ^^ 1. elias!! he’s one of lotte’s closest friends and he seems standoffish and cold but he’s just. genuinely not good at people stuff and means well 2. lotte being flustered!!! they have a gigantic crush on tia and sometimes her cuteness overwhelms them :’) 3. cleve (purple) belongs to me but dani (girl yelling) belongs to my friend jeremy (@/greene___ on twitter),, this and 4. were based on a silly little roleplay we did where it was sort of a crossover and they knew eachother?? anyways dani yelled at cleve and cleve, for once, wasnt the one taking the L hehehhee 4. the guy cleve is teasing in this picture is james, both dani and james belong to this series called enter: james that has literally NOTHING TO DO with this pic LMAO. fsr jeremy thought: let’s make james work as a maid, so we had this gem where cleve was making fun of him for it and he was like STFU >:( overall i love the expressions and different stuff i was able to play around with :D
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