maehwajuuuu-chu · 12 days
Rai's Wiki Page!
Hihi! While it's not completely finished (minor details such as like adding symbols etc), here is the link for Rai's wiki page!
Rai | Genshin Impact Fanon Wiki
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(Also please have a chibi art of Raiya doing lil smoochies as a treat) A few of his character stories are 'locked' right now as they are huge spoilers for main story I am current writing for both Rai and Kaeya. I hope you do not mind this :) For now, information such as his playstyle, voicelines and other important details will be on there! I'll be ofc putting this link in the guide as well for easy access! I hope you enjoy reading this, and when I get more time + introduced the rest of the cast of ocs (as seen in the teaser-ish post), I'll be making more websites for their information!
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cleverchildblizzard · 2 months
sum leto dooldz cause I wanted to practise my art style (its messy af)
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also coloured the first drawing cause I thought it looked bland :]
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hehehhhehhe I need to draw her and darnell in this style it would be fun
Second drawing is my fav (tried to do a more human looking design with leto if she were to look more humanz style.lookz good in my opinion!)
@bunoffee ur dinner is serveeeddddddd
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bri-does-art · 2 years
(call of the abyss) oh god, i jus realized that the night = bad is not because moon like we usually expect from DCA fics but because it follows gameplay logic of first four games (survive the night)
Also skottish/pirate accent on fritz who is foxys name aaaaaaaa this is gonna be baaaad
And Jeremy, Bonnie, having guitar omg the hints are right there
Also, in these corresponding murders i see a hint on humans becoming mers? Correct me if I'm wrong
This fic is making me go wild with theories aaaa
Also Cassidy's fate is still sending chills, it's always the completely disappearances that are scariest, i mean sure, the other also disappeared without a trace, only a lifepod left behind, but Cassidy is just. erased, completely swallowed by the bottomless depth, the crushing darkness aaaaa
Right on the money, you are! :D The night is dangerous because of all the roaming creatures, more like the early games of the FNAF saga!
hehehhhehhe next chapter is gonna be fun
Jeremy's guitar, Susie and Mr. Cupcake, Cassidy's distorted, staticky message, I've been leaving a few breadcrumbs here and there :)c
Hmmmm. Well, not quite. There won't be any humans becoming mers in this fic, buuuuuut... I wish I could go into more details, but, these are very big spoilers, sooooo, a vague "no, but there's more" is all I can offer. For now...
Man, this is making me wish I could write faster - I WANT these chapters out, dammit! I wanna read people's theories!
Good, I'm glad Cassidy's mysterious fate had such an impact! Her section was much shorter than previous survivors', so I was afraid it might have been a little underwritten, or not carry as much weight. Apparently not! What a relief!
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baconcolazz · 9 days
sigh they just dont make men like they used to. old.. hehehhhehh...
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
ok heres a pun!:
even numbers like you
hehe get it
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hehehhhehh... yeah.... thank you
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munashikouta · 2 years
eheh im not feeling like finishing today's reading quota hehehhhehh
also i wanted to finish all of dad's work but i didnOt
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i like how i absolutley abandoned everyone and im only drawing munashi and lash now
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primegrim-a · 2 years
      pirate !  eiko would wear this . . .
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greglestrade · 4 years
any1 else growing up with an ed kinda disgustingly look forward to getting sick because u knew it’d likely reduce your appetite and you’d lose weight LOOOOOOOL. i was so fucked up :(
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ukelele-boy · 2 years
how can you put an adorable gift to admitting that you enjoy making character's suffering?
also, i might be going through an angst arc
Hehehhhehh I feel like whump is UwU~ my poor blorbo is so cute
Anyways oh yes go txny go angst arc, good experiences await!! 👌
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seravph · 4 years
oh my god wait. halloween fic where grantaire dresses up as france and the whole night he’s like “hehehehehehhdherhuehuheheh enjolras look im patria dont u love patria hehehehheh huh dont u love patria well im patria hehehhhehh do u love me ehhehheheh-” until enjolras gets real sick of his bullshit and kisses him which is absolutely the last thing grantaire expects and he just. short circuits 
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Oneshot of MC being put into Copper's ribcage for the first time?! Maybe like in the underground and she's cold or when Copper wants to sleep with her but doesn't want to cuddle?! God I can already taste the fluff! So MuCh fLUFF!! LORD MAMA PLZ I NEED THIS WHOLESOMENESS TO COME TRUE!! I AM BEGGING YOU-
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The shed was never the right place for you.
The dank, dark shack was normally reserved for his… his prey. It was cold, small, bare and gloomy… no place for you. No place for an angel at all.
He felt your tiny tiny body stiffen in his massive arms when the door slammed shut behind him. He could hear your precious fragile heart start to flutter faster as your weak human eyes finally adjusted to the gloom to the best of their ability and saw the state of the walls and floor. don’t ever let go of me. A combination of laziness and needing to keep the place filthy if he wanted Papyrus to stay out of it had led to... well. Many victim’s worth of blood gathering in the dirty shack. He had to keep his meals secret from Papyrus if he wanted any of the meat to still be there by morning.Some of the old blood splatters were from a heavy impact, some swiped quickly across the surface, some drips…
… Some very clearly desperate handprints.
His eyelight darted around, nervously; it was so much more disgusting in there than he remembered.
He couldn’t help but wonder, his Soul feeling like it was sinking to his patellas, what you possibly could be thinking about him right now. He looked down at you, afraid and tiny, clinging to his jacket with white-knuckled hands that were so small it made him want to kiss them. You weren’t meat, you weren’t prey… but you didn’t know that, did you? First he touches your face like a creep who’s never seen cheeks before, drools right in front of you, then shushes you and carries you back to what must look like a murder shack…
… No wonder you were shaking against him like a leaf.
He knelt down, setting you onto the floor in a corner of the room. You glanced at him for a split second with wide, petrified eyes, and he could practically see every thought going through your head- he’s gonna torture me, he’s gonna kill me, he’s gonna eat me… his chest stung, eyelight shrinking. 
What he wouldn’t give right now to be able to speak properly. To soothe you, to let you know it was going to be okay. Tell you that you were only here in this fucking shed because he needed to wait until sundown to sneak you into his room, past his brother. Instead… all he could do was trace your face again with the back of a blade-like phalange and hope it came across as comforting and not hungry.
“… safe.” He managed to croak out. “t… temporary…”
… He could tell you didn’t believe a word he said.
please love me.
He sat beside you, heavily, and settled in... waiting for the light coming through the shed’s tiny slit window to fade away.
He wanted to stare at you the whole time, take in every expression on your perfect face. He wanted to spend every minute waiting with you familiarising himself with each beautiful curve and dimple and freckle and strand of hair…
… But at the same time… he knew you were frightened of him. And he needed to do his best to just… mitigate it as much as possible at the moment. So instead, he stared at the ground in front of him and a particular patch of old blood that made a vaguely bird-like pattern on the bare concrete.
He didn’t know how much time passed, but the room visibly darkened as the evening rolled around.
He wouldn’t have even registered the passed time if he didn’t feel the slightest, gentlest pressure on his arm.
Copper glanced over at you.
You were leaning on him.
His Soul jumped into his throat instantly, a wave of an emotion he didn’t recognise hitting him so hard his vision shook and eyelight bloomed wider. You… you were leaning on him? So soon? Was he dreaming? N-no, there you were, your petite body pressed against his arm… he… he thought it’d be weeks until you could even stand to touch him, w-why were you… his jaw cracked open a fraction and he sucked in a nervous, shaking breath.
i love you. i love you. touch me more. touch me. to-
A puff of steam escaped from between your lips…
… And he noticed your shaking.
You weren’t just shaking from fear- you were cold.
of course, sans, you fucking moron. Copper thought, wincing at his own stupidity. she’s human! she’s wet from the snow, she’s freezing, there’s no heating in here, and now it’s getting dark. of course she’s going to get cold. she needs warmth, that’s why she’s pressing against you. she probably doesn’t even realise…
He knew you needed warmth, and he wanted to hold you. He could feel it, inside him, and his hand was already raising to pull you in- the desperate urge to grab you and squeeze you close and bury his face in you soft, soft, soft hair and just close his sockets and smell your smell and keep you with him like that all night long with every part of you to himself, but…
… He was so scared of crushing you.
… And then he had an idea.
You looked up at the sound of him unzipping his jacket, starting and pulling away, seemingly realising that you’d been semi-consciously moving closer to the giant source of warmth right next to you. But he wasn’t going to let you get far. He felt your flinch when he grabbed you, he felt it all through his body, he felt his instincts cry out… but as much as it hurt, it couldn’t be helped.
He made sure to be quick and gentle. You fought a bit when he pulled you close, still gathering your conscious brain through the fog of fatigue and cold, trying to use your legs and elbows to push away, but… you both knew it was useless. You were so cold and weak and tired and unbelievably tiny… it was like… fighting with a sleepy kitten.
it’s okay. i’m doing this for you. stop struggling.
It didn’t take much effort to get you into his ribcage. So small, so delicate… You could sit in the curve of his pelvis and tuck your legs up a little and have a few inches of wiggle room around you. Your confusion seemed to mount by the second as your tiredness cleared and you realised what he was doing- but it was too late, he already had you in, had you tucked up, had you safe. He re-zipped his jacket almost to the to so you still had some air… but the warmth would stay in.
… His face was all but lighting up the room. He felt his socket fill up with so much unrestrained happy magic, it was pouring out, he couldn’t control it, he had to squeeze the socket shut, he was starting to shake, his Soul felt like it was going to explode- you were in him, he was protecting you, he was keeping his mate as safe as possible… 
He could feel everything. Your hair on the inside of his ribs, your quick hot breath, your tension slowly bleeding out of you as the seconds ticked by and nothing bad happened to you. He could feel you shuffle, feel you shivering, feel your Soul...
... Feel you slowly start to instinctively relax as the warmth surrounded you. 
“… w… warm up…” He managed to get out, hoping you understood his intentions were good. He was glad you couldn’t see his face... he knew at this point his eyelight was a large, intensely glowing heart.
... Your reply was to lean your head against his spine.
He smiled, shutting his socket and bringing his legs up, wrapping his arms around himself. That was a reply he was more than happy to take.
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changgunator · 3 years
someone on unitwt said people who witnessed shine era and its achievements are lucky...... hehehhhehh now im happy
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How many times in a week do you change ur theme gobi ( affectionate)
I change it at least like once in 2 weeks because I get bored of the present theme very quick
Timon is probably gonna stay for a while
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annepandesal · 3 years
tried out the snapchat thingy for max, it looks really good and making faces was fun xDD
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