fruttymoment · 8 months
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Hi. Can you look at this slugpup i doodled.
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vulpixisananimal · 6 months
(You are tired of the library.)
(Warning. Bellow the read more contains talk about self harm\suicide)
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(No matter the library, you would always find one of those books. Be it Carpentry, fiction, Craft, sailing, whatever. There would always be just one book, one damn book.)
(Just let it die.)
(But you had to be there, And of course, it had to be you. Siffrin was nowhere to be found after yesterday, and Loop also disappeared soon after after that morning.)
(So. Here you are.)
(Yourself and Odile looking through the central Jouvente library for, what. Wishing stars? How could that help. You knew that whoever tried to grab Boniface had a wishing star emblem on their person. But that was it. What were the chances that you'd find something useful here.)
(But at least it was quiet.)
(Boniface, Pétronille, Isabeau, and Mirabelle had all headed off to the Defenders to ask them about any potential kidnappers in Jouvente. You didn't want to be around a crowd like that.)
(You sighed. Closing the book you were looking through. It was of your language, but it was just another cautionary tale. Be careful what you wish for, that sort of thing. You put it back.)
(You breathed in, and out.)
(It was probably a good thing only you could read these books. Wish craft deserves to be forgotten, with all the pain it's caused.)
(It was thanks to Wish craft that Vaugarde was nearly frozen in time. That Siffrin was trapped in a time loop. And you were pretty damn sure it was a wish that erased your country from history.)
(Stupid wishes.)
"Have you found anything, Siffrin?"
(Odile was here. She snuck up on you. No, that's not fair, you were just not paying attention. You turn to her, and shake your head.)
"Neither have I. Most of the books on wishes would probably be yours to find."
(You sigh. Of course it would be.)
(Wordlessly, you look back to the bookshelf, picking another paper of dead languages to look through. Odile standing next you, watching you.)
"... Is everything alright?"
(No. No it wasn't alright. But you know that, didn't you Odile. Odile Odile Odile. Always the smartest and quickest to work things out. Go on, say it. Say you've figured out you're not Siffrin, is so, so obvious.)
(You read the book.)
". . ."
(Odile is still there. Go away.)
". . . I acted, inappropriately, a few days ago. I'm sorry."
"I understand if you don't forgive me. I knew something was wrong and couldn't wait for you to bring it up first. That was wrong of me."
(. . . Right.)
(She did know you weren't Siffrin, but she wasn't bringing it up. But she brought it up anyways by talking about how she menaced you a few days ago. So smart, so smart you are, aren't you.)
(You sigh, and close the book. You turn to her, avoiding eye contact.)
(You open your mouth, nothing comes out.)
". . . Siffrin?"
(You turn away, back to the book.)
". . . You can't speak, right?"
(You nod. You never could. The rare times you were here alone, you had to make do without talking. You could never get yourself to talk.)
(Well, you could, but it would give everyone a headache. You continue reading the book.)
"I can teach you sign language, if you want."
(. . .)
"I understand if there's some. . . Issues between us, but I'm still willing to help with-"
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(You hold a finger.)
(There's something here.)
(Records of wishes. Wishes people made and what came from it. One person wished to find a rare fish, and could find they could fish for days at a time non stop. Another wished for true love, and was compelled to travel afar. A third wished their brother would recover from an illness, and they gained powerful healing craft.)
(Odile was talking to you. You ignored her.)
(Hmm. Siffrin wished to stay with his friends, and was given a time loop to do it. The king wanted to remember, and was given the power of time craft of all things.)
(There's a pattern here.)
(Keep looking. What else is there. What kind of wishes did people make. What did they get, did they always get their wish? Of course they did. What about the stars. What's with that star, you knew, didn't you? Did you? What was it-)
(Odile places her hand on your shoulder.)
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(Don't. Touch. Me.)
(Even without words you got the message across. Stupid. You're not friends. You're not even allies.)
(She's staring at you. Afraid.)
(You must look downright terrifying right now.)
(So what. She'll get over it, and if not, then you'll be tugged away just like you have hundreds of times. It didn't matter. Slowly, you put the knife to your side, there's no blood on it. You pick up the book again.)
". . . Sorry."
(Damn. You lost your place. Fine. You started walking to the entrance with the book in hand. You could check the book out or steal it. They wont miss a dead language. You needed out of this dusty, disgusting place. Odile followed.)
(You paused at the exit. It was bright outside.)
". . ."
(She wanted to say something. What, another apology? A scolding?)
(. . . No, something's wrong.)
(She must have picked it up too. You heard something, felt something, smelt something. But you couldn't make it out. There was too much information, too much at once. You gritted your teeth and stepped outside.)
(You winced at the light. The streets were busy. It was loud. Stars, what was going on, something was off, something was wrong.)
"Gems- Bonny?!?"
(You turn, Boniface was running to Odile. Why were they here? They were holding tight to Odile. They were crying.)
(You look up. A couple of Defenders were jogging over to you two. On instinct, you put yourself between them and Odile and Boniface.)
(Odile seemed just as suspicious.) "What, what happened? what do you two want?"
(The defenders seemed unremarkable, by Vaugarde standards that is.) "That kid ran away from their sister, we're trying to get them back to her."
"They ran way from Pétronille? Did something happen?"
(Boniface wasn't responding.)
"Well they were almost kidnapped yesterday, but we caught the girl who tried it, I bet they're still spooked."
". . . Who was it?" (Odile asked, stone faced.)
"It wasn't her..."
(You turn around, Boniface...?)
"Belle didn' do it... Za told me to, to get you, and, and Nille..."
(You draw your dagger.)
"Siffrin! No need for that!"
"Hey easy kid, we're here to help."
(Help. Ha. You looked at the two defenders. When Mirabelle asked for help all those cowards chose to stay here all nice and comfy. It didn't mater that Vaugarde would freeze. Help, they only helped themselves.)
(Something was wrong. Something wasn't right. Isabeau, Pétronille, and Mirabelle were undoubtedly in trouble.)
(. . . No, it was past that.)
(You didn't need some star in your ear or some annoying jingle. You knew what this was. Wrong choice then, after all.)
(You turn to look at Boniface and Odile. They looked worried, confused, maybe angry. Odile, oh Odile, holding Boniface and telling them its ok even if the world is stabbing them both in the back. Oh whatever, it didn't matter anyway.)
(Well, here comes the hardest part. You twist the knife the other way.)
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(Odile. She looks confused. And then, she looks horrified. Oh Odile, always the quickest to work things out.)
(She can't move fast enough to stop you.)
(It hurts.)
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(. . . It took longer than usual.)
(. . . The other two would show up soon. They can deal with it.)
(. . . You're going to throw up.)
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bud-arts · 11 months
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the girl next door living in the haunted mansion...
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otiksimr · 5 months
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thecrypticshyguy · 7 months
So we all know @t1ckity-t0ck s Political Marriage au right
I wrote something for it actually (and drew something for it, it's old so don't mind some flaws and changes in character designs)! A minific if you will- without further adu lemme show it to yall
Ludwig bit the bottom of his lip, furrowing his brow as frustration gnawed at him. He was tired and felt terrible. He felt used, worst of all.
Years of preparation, everything was going so well, everything was ready to be handed off to him in a few years tops, but no. It just wasn’t that simple, was it? Some kingdom he's never heard of comes from nowhere, asserting themselves, and now he's forced into a loveless marriage. It made him utterly bitter. It made his cold blood boil that he was being used as a mere pawn for a political marriage he had no ability to object. They could’ve chosen any of his siblings, any that could’ve been better off, but they didn’t. They chose him of all people. He was told it was for a good cause, for resources, for armies, for "peace" so that they didn’t kill each other. He couldn’t care less for that little sky kingdom.
He was supposed to be the ruler of darkland after Bowser retired. He wasn't supposed to be a house husband for some soft little parakoopa.
It wasn’t fair he thought, not fair in the slightest. Years were thrown away in an instant, and he felt utterly robbed of what he could’ve had. But, he couldn’t do anything about it. So in what little retaliation he had, he sulked alone in his study.
And as he sulked about his unfair situation, his hands danced over the keys of a piano, the tune he played being somber as he mulled over the raging storm in his mind.
He made a habit of playing an instrument whenever he was stressed, letting his frustration out by running his fingers down on ivory keys of a piano, pipe organ, or some other. Anything he could get his claws on, it didn't matter if he could play it or not. He played until his claws were sore, or until he felt better, the former usually being the case.
It created melodies he could write down and save for later. Melancholic and discontented melodies that perfectly put together how he felt, even if his mind was far from the music.
Though he used his piano to air out his grievances, it had seen years of wear and tear. Sometimes it comes all boiling over, and every once in a while he can't help himself. In his mind it all crumbles down so quickly that his fingers can't keep up with his thoughts as they fly from one frustration to the next. From what he could do, what he couldn’t do, pinballing him to memories of him and his father’s first meeting, to them practicing magic and the mishaps that went along with it. Such fond and detested memories he held close suddenly all crashed down.
It all builds and builds, becoming one string of notes he knew all too well. He couldn't help but slam his fists into the instrument, creating a familiar sour and deep note to his otherwise masterpiece, and then another, and more until the sound coming from the piano felt more like a cry for help from the poor instrument. It became erratic, mashing together notes both high and low forté until he felt better. But he didn’t, and so his claws curled tighter, banged harder, almost assaulting the poor instrument before he felt sweat drip onto his brow. Only then, out of breath, did he stop.
Hunched over the piano, breathing heavily in ragged and bitter breaths, his claws digging into the ivory. He stayed there, hoping he didn’t break his most prized possession. He thankfully never did when he had these sudden and ridiculous fits. Ludwig knew it was childish, he knew he shouldn’t do this with how mature he portrayed himself to be, but everything felt too much, and this was his only solution. He had made it abundantly clear how he felt about the arrangement, but to show someone how really hurt he was? That's a matter he'll keep in private.
But.. he hated when his thoughts ran rampant like that. He couldn't stop them, couldn't keep a grip on them like he should, like he knew how to. It embarrassed him. It made him feel utterly miserable and bitter. Bitter, angry, frustrated, every other word he could throw at the wall to describe how he felt. He stayed like this for a moment before his eyes turned and he squinted, staring at a dim reflection of himself in the polished dark blue fallboard.
He looked terrible. His dark blue hair was more unruly than usual, mixed with fast movement and sweat had made it look greatly tossed around. His collar had become unbuttoned and falling off his shoulders, and he only just now realized the heart shaped cravat he wore was uncomfortably warm against his scales. He only now noticed the bags under his eyes as well.
He sneered at the sight, fumbling to re-button his collar but giving up shortly after with a tired scoff. Looking down at the piano he cherished, Ludwig felt how sore his claws were from his immature fit.
And yet, he still played. He breathed, pulling himself together, and put his melancholy once again into a somber sonet.
It was all he could do, really. He couldn’t talk his way out of this, no matter how much he argued or fought his father tooth and nail to convince him this was a poor political decision. Marrying some parakoopa he didn't even know, all to satisfy his father's swollen ego, convincing himself it was for a peace they easily could've had as soon as they arrived. Again, it frustrated him.
So he mindlessly continued. He played until he felt his forearms become sore from use, and his eyes blinking closed. He stopped for a moment and stayed still, breathing heavily and slowly, sleepily even.
The thump of his hands on the keys made a dark tone that rang out for a few seconds. The study brings an ominous echo to the final note of his erratic and ridiculous lament and then there was finally silence.
What seemed like only moments later, a knock came from his door, soft and almost muted, but the echo brought it to his attention.
Ludwig shifted his eyes toward the door, and in the doorway, there she was.
"Oh.. It's you."
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chessb0r3d · 2 years
CEO of Sexymen and the pathetic baby girl himself, Tumblr.
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He chockes on his own spit because 12 people entered his house.
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fridka · 1 year
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Ocs screaming yelling
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
Time to say hi to my husband again
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sercphs · 2 months
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@astrxlfinale asked:
Shame had no place in the melted dams they've made. Searing through normalized convention, tripping upon customs that should've developed some ornate sense of trust. Yet all that burns within such moments would be that vitriol that spirals into a new brand of bloom. Vigor that allows a very human heat to tear between the manner of concepts, allowing this very incarnate of All's End to keep the cosmic threat known as Cradle pinned to a nearby wall.
Except, so much of what made them annihilators simply fell to the wayside. For it'd be Caelus who found himself sweeping away some of those bangs, teetering once more upon that line of thriving spite and a feverish desire, leading to the proximity that's rendered null between them. "Cradle--" Her name intoned was all that would follow, alongside the very pressure of keeping him braced and off of her feet, keeping her steadied with a leg braced between her thighs as a gluttonous claim was made anew.
The Trailblazer was reckless passion fortified. Drinking deep from Despair, ensuring the heat of a source that intends to unweave the void itself would be her boon, so ceaselessly rough against her lips as some of that flowing hair found itself fixed into his demanding grip. This time, the borders were torn further, the hot lash of his tongue indulging in a taste that would bring anyone upon a lethal brink.
Yet here he was, savoring her for what she was.
Allowing the fervor of their tongues to clash, locked between the sweet, wet heat of contact, igniting that pleasurable friction through their bodies. The intent found itself clear that he was intending to get her immersed, to cast her far into the wellspring of this greed that's been built in her name. Emptiness would once again find a lethal light trying to pervade it, the echoes of his brutish delight echoing with the growl escaping into her mouth. Unlike before, there would be no short lived intent.
He remains. He wants to etch a curse of his very own upon her.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Last time, he'd taken her by surprise when he answered he question the way he had, that tender but fervent passion he'd indulged with in that single kiss. This time, however, things are different - this time she's ready for it, she sees his approach, the look in those molten irises of his - and she knows what is to come.
⠀⠀⠀⠀No resistance is offered to his actions, for what reason is there to resist him willingly walking the path she wants him to? Why would she push him away when it is the very thing she has been seeking?
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⠀⠀⠀⠀It's a rarity for her to permit a more tangible presence of her physical form, to let herself be more truly corporeal than ethereal - but for this moment, this passionate exchange where her name is like a honeyed want on his tongue, she will satisfy what it is that he craves most.
⠀⠀⠀⠀A hand rises, despite her pinned position, to find its place upon his cheek, her other upon his chest to feel that beating calamity within his chest. The time he takes is fine, any length is satisfactory, for the deeper he drinks from the unending well, the more thoroughly it permeates through the catastrophe he himself personifies. That very beating heart of his sings to her own ambitions, it answers a call that could not be contextualized in the words she knows.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀So it is that she permits this to continue, to let her partner greedily indulge in her and what she embodies without a care in the world. It is in this joining of calamities, the raging inferno of Destruction and the endless abyss of Despair, that she sees a path forward to her penultimate goal.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀He will serve fine in creating a universe devoid of both.
⠀⠀⠀⠀For now, however, she will indulge in this intimacy, indulge in the way his greed for her lays itself bare. The way that she feels a satisfaction at his efforts, at his goal to claim her in whatever way he sees fit. Truly, he has already fallen deep into despair in the only way that matters to her.
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zhe-venven · 2 years
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Coloured the first pannel from this ask I received a bit ago ❤
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parts-of-mind · 1 year
i know it's aas.. but.. what if i called you ass. what if it was funny.
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"I know that's you, Flames"
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fruttymoment · 5 months
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today me birth daye :>
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vulpixisananimal · 5 months
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"Saw Sif at the pier this morning, he must have woken up way ahead of everyone else, 'cause he took my spare pole and was just... Fishing. Not very talkative though. Hey, can't blame em' sometimes ya just gotta fish."
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ask-the-vixuls · 1 year
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Got a new job. Deep space listening post? Sounds perfect and relaxing
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shop-of-knicknacks · 6 months
Ayyyy so
I decided to make an account that's mostly for my ramblings and art
So to start things up;
Yo, you can call me Knicknack and I am just here for a good time, mostly rambling about stuff I like and OCs and stuff and trying to improve on my story writing ✌️
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Oh also some basic info about my art and how I run this thing, mostly just two things:
- Please don't repost my art anywhere or use it in edits or my OCs in some AI stuff, I don't mess with that stuff
- If I don't know you I will not answer if you dm me
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