#heinrix va
jaal-ama-daravv · 7 months
Heinrix van Calox | Roll Fail Voice Lines
"Mm...tsk....tsk...tsk" "What, a shame"
Commissioned by @adozentothedawn
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cawyden-gaming · 4 months
For my fanfiction Immortalium, I have written a poem - it is meant to be written at the end of the story by Heinrix himself.
I am not that far in my story but I wanted to share it already. It is also voiced by Christopher Tester (Heinrix's VA) thanks to Cameo.
Here the full text:
In my life, I have sailed through an ocean of pain, seeking refuge on an island of duty. If only my soul had been without a sorcerer's stain, could I have lived a life adorned with beauty? At times, I find myself dreaming of what might have been - living as a valiant knight, piloting my noble machine.
All my lonely travels across the stars, in devotion to the golden throne's mastery. Unspeakable horrors deepened my scars, as I braved the unknown and endured the agony. Yet my sky remained an endless expanse of remorse. In the God-Emperor's name; my rosette - a symbol of force.
Then you came and my walls began to fall apart. The ice broke with talks at the fireside, you appealed to the kindness in my heart, and we grew closer over regicide. You helped me to deal with the misery of my past. I tried to keep my distance, but I fell for you so fast.
You show me the beauty of love's embrace, your touch heals me and soothes my soul, revealing a world of wonder and grace. Your love completes me and makes me whole. You saved me from myself, it's true - I never knew happiness before I held you.
The cold was dispelled and with it my doubt. You always see the good in me. The warmth embraced, hope throughout. Now united, we can both truly be free. Nothing matters as long as we're together. I pledge my love and loyalty to you, forever.
Please note:
I know that love does not miraculously heal trauma, that is not meant here and does not happen in my story (in addition - my girl Venria is a biomancer and can actually heal at least the body with a touch).
While it is based on in game dialog (you will recognize it surely) some things are unique to my story (like the fireside talks - in game we only have the date there later).
I also understand if people might find it cringeworthy (sorry, I tried) - I am really no poet. But I am still happy with it and like to share it anyway.
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vitanithepure · 7 months
I get a very vague feeling...
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...that Heinrix might...
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...not like me very much.
(I would so very much like to see Xavier Calcazar's face when he reads any reports made by Heinrix, like that must be a spectacle...)
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sarenhale · 7 months
Dude Marazhai's VA is so fucking good, DAMN
He really brings the mood and character to the lines he voices, I'm enjoying listening to him a lot
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Fan Fiction Master Post
All my writing and artwork and stuff relating to Chris Tester (VA of Heinrix van Calox) in one handy place
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My ongoing long fic Much Ado About The Lord Captain
Part 1 of a three part long fic series about Isha x Heinrix
A gift from @mayoonrices that could very well be the cover of Much Ado as part of the Rogue Trader Gift Exchange
Chris Tester read the letter from chapter 11
Artwork by the lovely @archtech-fox for chapter 12
A tender moment - artwork by @al-norton
A tender handkiss by @cadencespark
Another handkiss because I'm a sucker for them by @aevari
A ribbon is tied by @skolas-a for chapter 17 of Much Ado About The Lord Captain
A chest to snuggle on - artwork by @maggotknight for chapter 21 of Much Ado About The Lord Captain
A beautiful portrait of my RT Isha von Valancius by the talented @indigo-scribbles
Another beautiful interpretation of Isha by @aevari
Isha - Saint of the Koronus Expanse by the amazing @totallynotzzombiecat
To be alive beneath cherry blossoms - The companion piece to my long fic, and a story how Isha and Heinrix have met once, before the events of the game, in the Calixis sector.
Gift exchange story for the lovely @captastra and her pairing Lethyan x Heinrix - A leap into the void
Gift exchange story written by Captastra featuring Isha x Heinrix - Radiance on the bridge
Gift exchange story featuring LI Heinrix van Calox and Lienna von Valancius @indigo-scribbles Rogue Trader A rare flower amidst Chaos
Little drabbles form the kiss prompts:
A kiss to pretend
A kiss were it hurts
My Achilleas x Heinrix smut fic The Observer
And a little one-shot for Valentine's Day with Achilleas x Heinrix
Interview with Chris Tester (VA of Heinrix)
Part one - full audio and transcript
Part two - full audio and transcript
Part three - full audio and transcript
I will update this post continuosly when new stuff is published.
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mistresssheo · 2 months
The one from @cawyden-gaming inspired me to write this. It's not perfect and my English isn't good (probably terrible, but I think few people understand it in German, I don't know) 🙈
have fun!
It takes place after the event, when the RT returns after 20 days, after the thing with Cassia.
Heinrix storms into Livia's room. Cassia and Livia were finally back. Twenty days in which no one knew whether they would return and what had happened. He goes into the bedroom and sees Livia lying on her back in bed. "I want to know what happened!" demands Heinrix, sounding angry. "Cassia and I took a twenty-days vacation, what else," Livia jokes tiredly.
"Now is not the time for jokes, Livia!" Livia straightened up. "What do you want to hear, huh? I was trying to help Cassia, went in there and that picture swallowed me up," she replied, annoyed. "Why didn't you tell anyone that you wanted to help her? Why didn't you tell me?" asks Heinrix, walking over to the bed. Livia lets herself fall backwards. "Do you always tell me everything you do?" Heinrix is silent and stares at her. "No, and you know I can't do that either..." Livia interrupts him. "Yes, yes, because you're with the Inquisition... I wanted to help a friend and I did. I couldn't have known that something like this would happen, no one could have known. I'm sorry! But I would have helped anyone in my inner circle, including Idira or Yrliet," she says. She straightens up again. Heinrix is still staring at her. "Or are you not angry with me at all? Can that be? You're angry with yourself, aren't you?" Heinrix looks away. Silence falls. "I ... I thought I'd never see you again. Never have the chance to hold you in my arms or just be near you again," he says quietly and sits down on the bed. This surprises Livia more than she had expected. She sits down next to him and hugs him. "Don't think about it. I'm back." She hugs him tightly. After a moment, Livia laughs sheepishly. "Could it be that you've neglected yourself a little in the meantime?" she asks him carefully, taking a good look at him. He has dark circles under his eyes, stubble and looks exhausted. "I ..." before he could answer properly, Livia stood in front of him and held out her hand. "Come on, let's go for a swim, that's what I have this pool for, isn't it? You can relax there after all the grief I've caused you." Heinrix smiled a little. "Yes, that would be nice." He took her hand and stood up. Livia giggled mischievously. "And if you want, we can also make out and maybe do other naughty things." Before they left, he kissed Livia. "Please don't ever do that again." Livia returned his embrace. "I can't promise you that and you can't promise me that either. But what I do promise you is that I will never touch a picture of Cassia again, I promise! Once is enough, it was really scary there." They stood there like that for a while. He didn't want to let her go. Livia giggled. "Come on, let's go, we can continue over there."
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noelle666 · 4 months
Ooookeeeey, we have the release date.
Assassin looks beautiful! I wounder now about her VA and skills.
New zones in our voidship - very very interesting.
And... blood in RT's quarter's pool? And is it... Heinrix there? A minute of speculation - what if we are going to have some moments together and something will go wrong ruining our date/intimate moment? Again, it is just a SPECULATION! I am not sure if it is him although this character looks very much like him.
Hmmmmmm... I'm so confused. But can't wait.
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quenthel · 3 months
i was playing some of the new wotr dlc btw and i was having a lot of fun bc i did miss these characters... also heinrix's VA was used for like a jovial winemaker gnome and it made me laugh very hard but then i ran into a glitch and i couldnt kill an enemy so i lost like an hour of progress....bc i forgot to save AND i forgot to update toybox...
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heinrix · 9 months
i knew i recognized heinrix’s voice somewhere and his VA does warhammer stuff on tiktok i’ve seen before. slay!
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cawyden-gaming · 3 months
Christopher Tester (Heinrix VA) voice acting a part of my fanfiction Immortalium.
It is a scene that isn’t posted yet that follows the game event in act 4 where the Rogue Trader can disappear again on a companion quest (spoiler for the companion below and in the video).
While sadly not in the game, I think we can imagine the emotions Heinrix must be going through at this moment:
He is angry with himself, that he wasn't able to prevent this from happening, angry with whoever is responsible for the Rogue Trader to disappear
He is emotionally hurt and in great pain as he just lost the woman (again), that he fell in love with
The sheer helplessness that he can't do anything to help her come back
There are moments where he clinges on hope and where he tries to keep control over his emotions, to distance himself from the pain like he always does
He is remorseful over things he said and did that hurt her, and the missed opportunities to make it right (this is specific for my fanfic)
The voiced scene is Heinrix trying to write a letter to his beloved Rogue Trader, even if his words might never reach her. While writing, he voices his thoughts about the whole ordeal.
I hope you enjoy Christophers very emotional performance as much as I did:
The whole text (as I mentioned, this is while he is trying to write a letter):
“Dear… no.”
“Lord Captain...”
“I... I lost you.”
“And now we are dragged against our will along the unpredictable currents of the warp, unable to steer a path of our own, to break away into realspace once again, a plaything of volatile forces. But we shouldn't even be here, it wasn't planned and the usual protocols and rituals were not done. What were you and Lady Cassia doing in the sanctum? Why was no one else informed? What were you hiding? Would you have told me if things had been different between us?”
“No. No! Right on this ship, right under my nose ... what am I not seeing?”
“Gone. How many hours have I spent in front of this accursed painting, looking for a sign, a trace, wondering if something would drag me through it like it did with you? Granting me relief by uniting me with you or a slow death of agony in the horrors of the warp.”
“Nothing. Despite everything I tried, everything I did, all the investigations, interrogations...can you believe that I even asked Idira for help, to listen to the voices in the warp against my better knowledge and judgement, still leaving me with nothing that brings me closer to you, to help you return.”
“What good is the authority of my position, years of experience that refined my skills and abilities, all my collected knowledge, even my sorcery, if it can't help me protect or save the one who matters most to me?”
“Trap after trap after trap we went through - with open eyes. Even the one I knew was coming. Whatever happened now, took me by complete surprise. It shouldn't have.”
“I can't sleep and I am too tired to think clearly anymore. I am at a loss.”
“No. Focus, van Calox. I won't give up - there must be an explanation, a solution, a better way than just waiting for another miracle to happen. I have to do something, anything to bring you back. It can't end like this.”
“Every day can be the last … I learned this lesson far too well – why didn't I act like it? Letting valuable time run through my fingers as if we had eternity to spend. As if there was for sure a tomorrow to tell you what I need you to know, to make things right, to get another chance to hold you, to be with you.”
“I only ever wanted to protect you. I failed. Again. Trying to keep you safe but all I accomplished was to push you away and to hurt your feelings in the process. I was blinded by revenge against the Xenos, for all the pain and suffering they had inflicted upon us. By my concern and fear it could happen again. If I had done things differently maybe... but now it's too late.”
“Hope. How often is it used as a tool, perverted in a cruel attempt to increase the pain of suffering? I have seen it countless times. Did it myself. And yet, it is all I have left. I hope for your safe return. For another chance for both of us, one I would dare not waste again.”
“Commoragh. We returned, against all odds. Maybe we were just pawns in a game of gods. I like to believe the Emperor watched over us in this forsaken place. I hope he still watches over you and helps you return once more, wherever you are. Because I, apparently, can't.”
“Please come back to me.”
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cawyden-gaming · 3 months
Rogue Trader related art -
Heinrix / my OC Venria / Venria x Heinrix
Heinrix bust (com. from Inkary)
Heinrix bust naked (com. from starsandskies)
Venria x Heinrix
Amor immortalis (com. from Nananarc)
Heinrix and Venria sparring (comic from Sanzosin)
Heinrix and Venria sleeping (com. from Valkblue)
Heinrix and Venria playing regicide (com. from Kenobiwanx)
Heinrix and Venria in Commoragh (1/2) (com. from Valkblue)
Heinrix and Venria - wrist kiss (own)
Heinrix and Venria - closeness (own)
Mystery story and drawing - Venria, Annelise and Heinrix (from Cadencespark)
Venria as navy student (com. from jaal-ama-daravv)
Venria act 1 bust (com. from Arcandoria)
Venria act 1 (by Cadencespark)
Portrait Venria (before the game and Act 1) (com. from Eluvisen)
Portrait Venria (around Act 2) (com. from Eluvisen)
Portrait Venria (mid Act 4) (com. from Eluvisen)
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jaal-ama-daravv · 7 months
Deaths Door | Voice Lines Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader
"Not yet...not yet" "I won't die here!" "Savour this pain, fuel the rage! "Integrity failure, detected" "Not my worst day...yet"
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cawyden-gaming · 8 months
Rogue Trader - Party Banter
Unfortunately, party banter in the game is kind of broken - it hardly triggers and I had several cases where the timing/trigger was bad as I had already clicked on an exit or other item what then interrupted the banter. There is also banter for events that haven't happened (yet) or with companions not even present (or recruited).
But there is quite a lot banter in voiced and unvoiced form in the game.
For the voiced banter there are two videos online that you can find here:
Part 1
Part 2
I have gone through the videos and banters and wrote down the timestamps and dialog that features Heinrix (as speaker or if companions speak about him).
You can find it here. (-> opens excel in google drive)
Please keep in mind that I am not a native speaker and while I used the help of (generated) subtitles there were words that I did not really understand (especially with Ulfar). I added a ? in these cases.
Still, it should give you an overview about the (voiced) banter available and where to jump to in the video if you want to listen to it.
There is of course the unvoiced banter too, but that is not featured here.
There is a lot of romance related banter in video 1 and more act/main story related ones in video 2.
There is also a mentioning of absent Achilleas, a master of ceremonies with memory issues, Abelard scolding Heinrix for being interested in the RT, sassy Heinrix everywhere...
Some examples:
Party banter video 2 - time 00:08:09
Ulfar: *growling at Heinrix*
Thank you, my Lord Ulfar. I'm in good health and I hope you are as well. I am pleased that we are starting to get along.
Party banter video 2 - time 00:41:40
My mere presence makes you shake with rage – I do not even have to do anything to you... delightful.
Yes, I … you... damn it! I'm so angry, I can't even speak! Enough! I'll deal with you later.
(-> the VA is evenf more incredible here, you can hear him shaking)
Regarding Heinrix in Commoragh / healing:
Party banter video 2 - time 00:24:32
Lady Cassia, there is no need to look at me like that. I assure you, I am perfectly fine.
Do I not deserve the truth from you even in this place master van Calox? I can see the flashes of scarlet that accompany your every movement.
Party banter video 2 - time 00:35:12
Why are you limping like that? Haven't you healed yourself?
It is a long process. I could try to hide my infirmity I suppose, but I'm not as accomplished an actor as you are, Shereen
Party banter video 2 - time 00:35:25
Those crazy screams in the lab the whole time I was there, that was you, wasn't it iceman? How did you survive that?
My fervent desire to boil a few hundred xenos in their skin on my way out of here, proved stronger than death.
So, while he says he healed himself and is fine, he really isn't...
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cawyden-gaming · 8 months
-> Star wars side blog Masterlist
Rogue Trader posts Overview
Heinrix voiced lines for mobile phone etc.
Party Banter (focussed on Heinrix) and all endings
Christopher Tester (Heinrix VA) - reading
Heinrix poem
Heinrix trying to write a letter after RTs disapperance
Heinrix mobile phone lines (video for the single files above)
Toybox and Heinrix romance analysis/information
Fanfiction: Immortalium (Heinrix x Venria)
Moodboards for Immortalium
Art: Heinrix / my OC Venria / Venria x Heinrix
Other games
Baldurs Gate 3
Emperor romance scene short video 1
Emperor romance scene short video 2
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Overview
Hand of the inheritor pictures
Hand of the inheritor - thoughts about act 4
Targona pictures
Party Banter
My OC - Eowyn
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jaal-ama-daravv · 8 months
For anyone who doesn't know, this is the VA for Heinrix. Enjoy, because I sure have been, It's so fun being able to pick up hints of Heinrixs voice in his speech throughout numerous youtube vids. ugh
note: I have found audiobooks too for the warhammer lore lovers (or straight up heinrix nation)
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cawyden-gaming · 3 months
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous dlc 6
is out - I already spotted Heinrix’s VA Christopher Tester in two different roles and Abelards VA (Ian Russel) speaks one NPC too - I wonder who else is there.
For those who do NOT play the game but are interested in the voices, here a video to get an impression (for those who play the game it might be a little spoilerous).
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