#heirs of the night: Inger af Dracas
mysteryofvampires · 6 months
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I got tagged by @corporalicent Thank you!
Mystery (murder mystery in this case) + Vampires (a few of my favourites)
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Tagging: @cssnder @cosmicwritingg @ivaspinoza @willnotshutupaboutgoodomens
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silentsshadow · 9 months
I am a big fan of Heirs of the Night, but one thing has always bugged me. Why do they call them Lars af Dracas, Inger af Dracas, Fanny af Dracas etc?
I am Norwegian, Norwegian is my mother tongue, I have grown up with Norwegian all my life and I still live in Norway. That is not a thing in Norwegian, I have never heard anyone say af to anything, it is av with a v.
Is this old an old fashioned version of the language, from when the country was under Danish rule? Does anyone know why this is, or have any ideas?
Edit: After consoling a few textbooks, and a Danish friend of mine to check the accuracy, I found out that this is in fact the case. Af is Danish and, as Norway was under Danish rule during the time period of Heirs of the Night, this note of real history is a really cool addition to an already wonderful series.
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terapsina · 3 years
I've started watching Heirs of the Night and for those interested, so far it's a really enjoyable - late 19th century setting - vampire young adult TV series, involving building friendships, some teen romances (one of which is between two queer girls), and moments with the kids protecting each other.
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To lay down the basics. It's about the heirs of multiple vampire clans being brought together aboard The Elisabetha to teach each other their clan powers because they are under threat of extinction and to survive they will have to come together.
And that's because in the past those clans did too good a job at slaughtering each other. So now that both the human vampire hunters are becoming too big a threat and an old enemy has woken up, they're pretty much in a bit of a 'no better alternative' scenario.
The clans in question are the Vamalia from Germany, the Dracas from Norway, the Nosferas from Italy, the Pyras from France and the Vyrad from England. This is not a complete list of all clans, but most other ones are extinct and so either largely irrelevant or a spoiler.
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It’s got a decently interesting mythos and though there are some things that are clearly a result of the story being aimed towards the teen audience, it’s also not nearly as cringy as one might have feared.
From a production perspective, what you might like to know is that this is a Dutch/Norwegian/German collaboration-production and though the show is mainly in English, the characters when speaking between themselves also often speak in their native languages (with subtitles).
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Now if you’re looking for some kind of cinematography masterpiece with flawless CGI and Game of Thrones levels of adult gore and violence this is not that show. But it’s also not a cheap low level production, they spent quite a bit of money on this thing and it does show (it was filmed in multiple European countries and the costumes and sets are actually pretty beautiful).
And with 2 seasons of 13 episodes each out, I think it’s worth at least checking out to see if it’s something that might interest you.
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Heirs of The Night/Nattens Arvinger - everybody mad
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y---otaku · 3 years
I just got into Heirs of the Night and there should be a season 3 because I'm gay af and I need more Ivy and Inger content AAAAAA. The first time I watched it, I even got the censored copies and was confused af bc fanvids have two kisses and the one I watched only had one and it was cut. Anyway, how will their relationship progress and how will the Dracas react to their relationship given that Dracas are known to be arrogant and classist and Ivy is still technically a Shadow but also she's very important now because she's the new Noaidi??? I need more in depth exploration of her role as the Noaidi because apparently she's the first vampire to get that role??? (Also, are the Noaidis only from the Dracas clan or does Mother Nature just pick randomly??? If Noaidis have just been with the Dracas in the past, does that mean Ivy will be made to stay in their clan's home?? ?) Will Fanny be civil to Ivy now that she's Inger's girlfriend??? Now that Inger is with Ivy, will she help fight for the rights of Shadows???
I have so many questions and thirsty for content but the fact that it's still in renewal limbo is making me anxious AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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larsafdracas · 4 years
reblog/like if you're an heirs of the night fan because this fandom is too small and I need some blogs to follow
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leuchtstabrebell · 4 years
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find-life-ivy · 3 years
Okei, let's go do a post about heirs of the night because this fandom is precious but tiny, so we could use some conversation.
I love it so much, that the clans speak in their mothertongue sometimes, it gives so much more life to their identity, also DEEPLY appreciated, that the actors casted for the role actually have their characters heritage, examples;
•Hindrik - german actor (Florian Bartholomäi)
•Conte Claudio de Nosferas (and I think,actually all of the Nosferas Clan?) - italian (Francesco de Vito) , THICC italian accent [*chef's kiss]
•The Dracas and the Noaidi -beautifully norwegian
•both Ivy and Seymour of Lycana - Irish actors [or so I suppose because of their names] (Aisling Sharkey and Finnian Duff Lennon)
It makes sense that Alisa's actress Anastasia is british, because she is the main. HOWEVER, it was done so well (I will make another post to elaborate, how it makes sense that a german vampire girl speaks mostly english)
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ivyandinger · 4 years
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“Heirs of the Night” - TV Series
Inger af Dracas & Ivy of Lycana
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ilovederenglish · 3 years
a fanfic dedicated to reimagining season 1 and season 2 with more of ivy and inger's thoughts about life and each other <3 lots of fluff!
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mysteryofvampires · 6 months
Heirs of the night incorrect quotes:
Because I miss them so much. (Warning: this is long and I have many more for a part two if anybody's interested :)
Fanny: I am the most responsible person in the group.
Nicu: ...You just set the kitchen on fire?
Fanny: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Fanny: Did you buy eggs like I asked?
Tammo: Even better.
Fanny: What the fuck did you-
Tammo: *holding up a chicken* Her name is Fluffy!
Alisa: What are you drinking?
Ivy: Vodka.
Alisa: Straight?
Ivy: No, gay. Why?
Nicu: Working sucks.
Nicu: I want to be a malewife where my only responsibilities are being sexy and cute.
Luciano: You have crayons?
Lars: Yes I have-
Luciano: You're-How old are you?
Lars, holding a toy lightsaber: I'm Darth Vader!
Alisa: I'm done with everyone's bullshit.
Malcolm: Everybody calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults.
Luciano: So we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Malcolm: Obviously. Now Fanny pass the shovel!
Lars: I don't need to get to bed. I'm not tired. I'll be fine.
Alisa: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Lars: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Alisa: Is it working?
Luciano: Think you can unlock the door for us?
Fanny: Sure. I just need a few things. Ivy, can I have your creditcard?
Ivy: Sure, just make sure not to bend it.
Fanny: Thanks. Now, Malcolm, break down the door.
Ivy: Huh?!
Tammo: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Seamour: But are you shuffling?
Tammo: Everyday.
Ivy: What language are you two speaking?!
Nicu: If you took a shot for every time you made a dumb decision, how drunk would you be?
Seamour: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Ivy: Drunk.
Fanny: Wasted.
Lars: Dead.
Ivy: Good morning!
Nicu: Bold statement.
Joanne, opening a capri sun: Guess I'll drink my problems away...
Lars: *Is throwing stones at Alisa's window*
Alisa: You have a phone for a reason, Lars!
(Romeo and Juliette gone wrong, lol)
Alisa: Norwegia. Is. Not. A. COUNTRY!
Nicu: Then were are Norwegian people from?!
Inger: Norway!
Alisa: Are you drinking enough water?
Malcolm: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.
*somewherebin the future*
Someone: So, how many children do you have?
Anna: Biologically, legally or emotianally? Because there is a difference...
Alisa: Come on Malcolm. Nobody actually believes that Lars is in love with me.
Malcolm, turning to the squad: Raise your hand if you think that Lars is helplessy in love with Alisa.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Alisa: Lars, put your hand down!
Joanne: How is spring not everyone's favourite season? The trees are PINK guys!
Inger: Allergies are also a problem y'know.
Joanne: But pink.
Luciano: And it's hot.
Joanne: PINK!
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mysteryofvampires · 2 months
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Folklore gf x Evermore gf
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mysteryofvampires · 8 months
Headcanons about Hotn characters:
Part (2/?)
Inger af Dracas:
1. She's a lesbian and I don't take any critism on this
2. She loves flowers and making flower crowns since she can remember
3. Her favourite smell is a mix of wildflowers, rain and soil (Ivy smells like this and it drives her crazy)
4. She's afraid of snakes
5. She only feels 100% safe when Ivy is near her
6. She becomes good friends with Nicu after the events of the series, because both of them often feel like they aren't as strong and brave as the others
7. She doesn't like to be the center of attention and is happy when she can hide behind Fanny
8. But around the other girls (Ivy, Alisa, Joanne, Fanny) she comes out of her shell and is the funniest person you could imagine
Fanny af Dracas:
1. She's really confident about herself and loves to see human and vampire boys desire her
2. She becomes good friends with Alisa after the events of the show and they become the most badass duo the vampire world has ever seen (literally nobody dares to mess with them)
3. She loves giving advice (hairstyles, dressed, jewelery...) to the other girls
4. She's a huge fan of murder misteries and always thinks that if she would be the murderer she would get away with it and how dumb the criminals in these books are (she totally would get away with it!!)
5. Even though she likes beeing admired for her looks, she wants someone who sees the strong, smart and loyal girl behind the fasade
6. Loyal as fuck and tries to support Lars as the young leader as much as she can
7. She's really good at fighting and loves to have non serious battles with Malcolm and Seamour
Malcolm of Vyrad:
1. He's an amazing dancer!
2. He writes so much poetry one of his bookshelves only contains notebooks full of his poems
3. He likes the smell of coffee
4. Even though the Vyrad and him take their british heritage very seriously he totally hates tea (he drinks it anyway to make his father proud)
5. His mother is alive and he takes a walk through London with her every sunday
6. He always wanted to live at the coast and travel the world
7. He's fascinated by werewolves (as a child he sneaked out at full moon, hoping he would meet one)
8. He speaks latin and ancient greek and after her begging him for a long time he agreed to teach Alisa (now they practice every Friday at midnight)
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mysteryofvampires · 6 months
Heirs of the night incorrect quotes part 2
Inger: If bees can be fish and boys can be girls, then why can't my dad love me?
Nicu: I thought I was going to have to yell at you, but now I think I should hug you.
Tammo: Stop saving the world and get a hobby.
Ivy: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Alisa: *crouches down*
Inger: *kneels down*
Lars: *sits on the floor*
Ivy: I hate all of you.
Tammo: *walking around dissapointed after visiting an aquarium*
Alisa: Tammo, what did you think a Tiger shark was?
Luciano: BURN IT!
Seamour: Aawww it's so cute! Look at it!
Lars: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Inger: wHat?
Lars: I want to be on Buzzfeed unsolved.
Inger: Can we go back to the part when you said "when I get murdered"?
Inger: I'm hot. I'm tall. I'm gay. And I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Lars: Relationships should be 50/50. Alisa cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Ivy: Do you want to know your gay name?
Inger: My...my gay name?
Ivy: Yeah it's your first name-
Inger: Haha, very funny Ivy-
Ivy: *gets down on one knee* and my last name.
Inger: Oh..oh my god.
Store worker: Would a "Malcolm" please come to the front desk?
Malcolm, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store worker, pointing to Nicu and Lars: I believe that they belong to you?
Nicu and Lars simultaneously: We got lost.
Malcolm: I didn't even bring you guys here with me-
Nicu: A person can really hear themselves think out here.
Nicu: Did you leave the stove on? The frontdoor unlocked? WILL YOU DIE ALONE?
Nicu: Well, that was a mistake.
Malcolm: Someone will die.
Tammo: Of fun!
Alisa: We're getting married, bitches!
Lars: And we're about to make it everyone's Problem.
Lars, in a horrible german accent: Bill Nye is on break, I'm Bill Nein.
Luciano: Can I go to the bathroom?
Lars, in the same horrible german accent: Nein!
Alisa: I love you.
Lars: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Alisa and Lars kiss passionately*
Ivy to Fanny: You owe me twenty dollars.
Ivy: I am Ivy, I speak for the trees. Chop them down and I snap your knees.
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mysteryofvampires · 18 days
The Dracas in a nutshell:
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mysteryofvampires · 3 months
My comfort characters? Ah! You mean that group of mentally ill teenage vampires who fought against Dracula.
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