#helenazbmrskai answers
helenazbmrskai · 1 year
Heyy do you write in wattpad or ao3
Hello! I have an AO3 account and I have some of my writing uploaded there too as for wattpad I have an account but I don't publish any of my writing there. :)
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lolabangtan · 3 years
Hi, can you add me to the taglist for (stay)? I like the story so far and your writing is amazing! Have a nice day!
thank you!!! and naturally I'll add you :) I'm so happy yay :D
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Hold the Door | KNJ
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Pairings: Namjoon x Reader
Rating: 18+ / Mature / Explicit
Synopsis: Will you ever have a normal elevator ride with Namjoon?
Word Count: 8.3k | read on ao3
Genres, Content Warnings, & Themes: Enemies to lovers, neighbors, angst, arguing / fighting, weed, dirty talk, smut (unprotected sex, oral sex, penetrative sex, semi-public sex)
Author’s Note: Written for this “anon” 😉, who has an incredible recurring dream about Namjoon! (Wish we were all just as lucky!) Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy, dear friend!
Permanent Taglist: @purpleheartsfortae @btseditsworld @greezenini @missbickerbocker @dearbambideer @helenazbmrskai @morti13 @skyys-universe @somewhereofftheglobe @imaginativedreams @dreamamubarak @m-yg93 @elyte @awinkies​
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Saturday 4:42 PM
“Great, I was wondering whether this day would get any better.”
The sideways, questioning, but dazed glance that your best friend gives you is as flat as the tone with which your words fall to the, as-of-yet, unreplaced carpet in your apartment building’s lobby. Her lips are obscured by the tall, heavy stack of boxes contained in a brown bag, safely clutched and pinned to her body. And her face is mostly hidden by the massive bunch of pink and yellow balloons that are tied around her shoulder to keep them from floating away. But you know that she’s shooting you a pout of confusion.
You couldn’t lift your arms to press the elevator call button the first time, given that you’re weighed down by all the shopping bags. So you jut your elbow out again to gesture backwards and focus her attention on the nightmare who has just walked into your building.
To the unwitting soul, the navy, knit beanie and matching navy t-shirt and sweatpants shuffling toward you might have been pleasant to look at. Thrilling, even, judging by the look in your best friend’s eye, squinting and appraising, like a jeweller’s eye behind a glass. 
She doesn’t really know what she’s looking at.
“The answer, by the way, is a resounding no,” you say quickly, hoping to head off further questioning.
“But he’s hot,” she raves, the brown paper crinkling at her breath.
The elevator’s friendly ding! can’t come soon enough, and when it does, you quickly step into the back corner.
“Hold the door!” the navy-clad man calls from the entryway. His voice booms throughout the lobby. Even your doorman turns to peek inside.
Your best friend — or, now, ex-best friend — plants herself between the elevator doors. “That giant, steamy slice of beefcake is a no?” she asks, turning to face you.
“You heard me!” you repeat.
You step forward, kicking at her feet to move her out of the way. She kicks back, at a slight advantage with her heels. But then a new set of toes come into view. Toes outlined by navy plastic. 
“Namjoon,” you grumble as politely as you can, as you look up from his toes and into his face.
He smirks back at you, and it feels like so much of an insult that you almost start launching into a tirade, stopped by his curt, “Hey.” He turns to your friend and widens his smile expectantly. “And, uh, hi.”
Before she opens her mouth, you quickly say, “This is Rae. Don’t talk to her.” You elbow her farther back into the elevator car, positioning your body between her and Namjoon before he can spill some of his evil onto her pure, sweet soul. “Stay away.” You blink. “We’re busy.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes, but then he jumps at the sound and feel of the doors starting to close on him. Rae shoots you a smug smile before backing all the way into the elevator, making space for Namjoon to walk his bike forward and crowd into the space with you.
“This elevator is tiny enough as it is,” you mutter pointedly, kicking one of Namjoon’s tires to keep it from crowding your personal space.
“What do you want me to do? Carry it up seven flights of stairs?” Namjoon demands.
“Probably could,” Rae mumbles, eyeing his biceps.
“You could’ve waited for the elevator to come back down,” you respond. You frown. You click your teeth. “Man, I bet you don’t even ride that thing.”
“So you live on the seventh floor?” Rae asks Namjoon, her eyebrow arching above the tiny, sawed, brown paper teeth of the bag.
Namjoon smiles serenely at her. Which makes you balk. 
“Yeah, right above this one,” Namjoon answers, shifting into a sneer when he looks at you.
The full picture finally comes together in Rae’s mind. “You know, I was part of the clean-up crew when your pipe burst,” she says, narrowing her eyes at him. “We lost a lot of good ensembles that day.” She turns to you. “The crushed velvet jumpsuit.”
“Agh!” you groan, closing your eyes in pained remembrance. 
Rae nods knowingly and turns back to Namjoon. “It was a tragedy.”
Namjoon, as always, is quick to defend himself. “Wasn’t my fault! I don’t control the pipes! Just like I don’t control how big the elevator is!”
Air shoots out of your throat, bringing along with it the most dramatic, jagged grunt of impatience and frustration. “Have either of you pressed our floor buttons yet?! We’re already running late!”
“You’re always running late,” Namjoon comments, hitting buttons 6 and 7 on the panel.
The elevator whirs, and then you feel it start to move.
“Don’t mind her,” Rae replies. “We are late, but it’s totally my fault.”
Namjoon surveys your bags, boxes, and balloons. “Some kind of party?”
Rae lets her arms relax a little, showing more of her face. “Yeah! A welcome home party! You should join us!” Her lips are turned up into a friendly smile that Namjoon mirrors. If you bash Rae’s face in with one of the six-pack of beers you have in the bag at your wrist, will Namjoon also feel the hurt?
“Who are you welcoming home?” Namjoon asks. His eyes flick over to you. “Thought you lived alone.”
“I do,” you say. “I like doing everything alone. Running errands. Planning parties. Especially riding elevators.”
Namjoon scowls.
“It’s for our friend,” Rae responds. “She was gone for a work thing, and now she’s back.”
The elevator ding!s again, letting you know that you’re mere feet away from your apartment and mere seconds away from the end of this horrible conversation.
Namjoon walks his bike out of the elevator car and watches as you and Rae struggle to get everything into the hallway. When one yellow balloon threatens to unknot and fly through the breezeway, Namjoon grasps it and places a hand on Rae’s shoulder, just in case.
“Let me help you,” he replies.
“We don’t need help,” you snap. 
Namjoon points to your arm. You look down and see that all of your shopping bags are so heavy, and you’ve been carrying them for so long, that you now have deep, red creases along your arms.
“Bye,” you say anyway.
Namjoon points to another spot on your arm. “This one’s turning white.” He reaches for that bag and lifts it up a little. “What’s in here?”
“Three bottles of wine,” Rae observes. “It’s OK though. There are three more on the other arm for counterbalance.” 
Namjoon scoffs. “I could easily loop some of those bags on my handlebars and—”
“We’re really fine,” you say, starting to march in the other direction. “C’mon, Rae, let’s—”
“Well, actually, if you want to put this bag on your seat?” Rae asks, lifting her shoulders and batting her eyelashes.
Charmed, Namjoon says, “Sure. But let me take the balloons from you first, before any more fly away.”
You and Rae both watch as his nimble fingers gently undo the knot that you had sloppily rigged. Rae’s teeth skim her lip as he straightens her sleeve, and then turns to start tying the mass of ribbon to his left handlebar.
You grunt. “Look, you’re going to miss the—”
Even the elevator isn’t on your side. It ding!s once more to let you know that it’s moving to the seventh floor without Namjoon.
He shoots you a smirk. “That’s OK,” he says. “I’ll wait for the next one.” He looks up after securing his knot. “That’s much better.”
You shut your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out of your nostrils with pressured, full, loud force. If your nose had vocal chords, the sound would echo like twin screams.
“This friend of yours,” Namjoon says, as he takes the stack of food from Rae and places it on his bicycle’s seat, “you said you know her from work?”
Rae nods enthusiastically, reaching for the bags on your left arm to help lighten your load. Defeated, you let her. And you let her have this conversation for you, though you don’t want to have it at all.
“Met each other when we moved out here,” she begins. “Now we’re in the industry. Been a wild ride. Our friend was on set for this cool experimental film.” 
“Ah, so you’re porn stars?” Namjoon asks, chuckling.
Rae snorts, and you seethe. You throw your head back to capture as much momentum as you can in your reply. “NO, we’re NOT—”
“We wish we were that talented,” Rae replies, starting to lead you all down the short bit of hallway before your door. “Doing porn would have potentially helped us out in the early days. When we all lived together, we entertained selling feet pics. Streaming. Cam girl stuff. Although, some of us—” She nods her head over to you before winking at Namjoon. “—are rumored to have certain skill sets that elicit delightfully enthusiastic responses from—”
“Home sweet home!” you interrupt, using your freer arms to shove your key into your lock and throw open the door, “OK, thanks for the help, bye now!”
“I haven’t even undone the balloons yet,” Namjoon points out, still standing in your hall. “I’ll need a bit of time. This knot was tied properly.”
After you and Rae set your shopping down on your kitchen floor, Rae takes the food from Namjoon and starts to unpack it, while you grab the scissors from your knife block. 
“You don’t have to untie any—” 
But Namjoon’s already in your apartment, leaning his bike against the closed front door, and carefully untying and sorting yellow ribbon from pink.
“What, were you a Boy Scout or something?” you ask.
Namjoon just shrugs. 
You wonder how hard you’d have to jam the scissors into his neck to really make a point.
“Anyway,” Rae replies, swooping next to you and pulling the scissors out of your hand, “Namjoon, you should join us!” 
You look Rae up and down and figure you could get two or three really good blows in at this distance. 
“It’s the least we could do, seeing as you helped us bring all this stuff up,” Rae goes on to explain, clearly getting tired of your effrontery. 
Namjoon hands Rae all of the pink balloons. “Nah, I’ve gotta go.” 
“Well, thanks,” Rae replies, smiling warmly as her hand curls around the ribbons.
“Don’t mention it.” He grins and looks at you. “Seriously, don’t. Or she’ll blow a gasket.”
He hands you the yellow balloons and has the audacity to smile.
You’ve eaten enough cake that it now reads, “PY RETIREMENT” on the top row, and “ISTINE” on the bottom row.
Rae looks thoughtfully as she cuts another piece. “I wonder what Christine will do first,” she wonders aloud. “Probably pay off some bills. Get Medicare in order. Maybe she’ll travel.”
“Maybe to the Maldives!” Dina pipes up in a dramatic, resonant, Mermanesque vibrato, “Like she’s aaaalways waaaaanted!” She raises her glass, and in her regular voice, she adds, “To going after what you’ve always wanted, once you’re done paying your dues and waiting for the patriarchy to finally get out of the way and give you a decent shot!”
You all raise your glasses and yell more drunken platitudes before guzzling down the remainder of the fourth bottle of wine.
“Speaking of going after what you’ve always wanted,” you gush, “tell us more about what it was like to be on set!”
“Honestly, it was kinda dumb,” Dina replies, sinking a little. “Athens, Georgia is nowhere near the Maldives. I got eaten by mosquitos and did two punch-ups on the script. The rest of the time, I missed everyone. Especially you two.” She smiles gratefully. “Thanks for throwing me this party. And thanks for inviting everyone. That was fun.”
“Sorry again about the cake mix-up,” Rae apologizes, joining you and Dina in the living room, passing out more slices. She looks at you when she hands you your plate. “And sorry for taking so long to fight that pastry chef about the mix-up.”
“It all worked out,” you say, shrugging. “No one even noticed.”
“Because no one had any cake,” Rae says sadly.
“No one eats cake around here. Which is fine by me,” Dina says, shoveling some into her mouth. “More for us.”
Rae brightens at the idea of cake to spare. “Hey! Why don’t we give some to—”
“NO,” you reply, pointing your fork at her.
“She’s been so violent today,” Rae comments to Dina. “Stabbing. Kicking.”
Dina smiles. “Kicking? Tell me more.”
Rae giggles. “Well, we ran into one of her neighbors.” She leans into Dina, shoulder touching shoulder. “Namjoon. From upstairs.”
Dina laughs, bits of cake flying out of her mouth. “Ah, the asshole!” She takes some time to swallow what she hasn’t spat out in glee. “You saw him?”
“In the flesh,” Rae answers. “And when I say flesh…” 
Her eyes widen to make room for the haunting memory of Namjoon’s biceps.
“Ooh,” Dina sighs in admiration. She straightens in her seat and turns to you. “I wanna see! Give Namjoon the TINE piece.” She grins. “With how you just threatened to kill Rae with your fork, it’s kind of like a bit of wordplay.”
“I’m more interested in the foreplay,” Rae comments. She shakes her head at Dina, smiling. “And that was a long walk.”
“Y’all, this is past cake,” you say defiantly, folding your arms.
“Past cake?” Dina asks, a bit of frosting stuck to her upper lip. “Nothing’s past cake!”
“Burst pipes are past cake!” you exclaim. “Shoving that bike in my space is past cake! Reading Jordan Peterson is past cake!”
Dina grimaces at Rae, who perks and straightens in surprise. “Wait—” Rae clears her throat. “Jordan Peterson?”
“This is what I’ve been trying to tell you!” you exclaim. Your arm shoots out, fingers slashing through the air as they aim themselves at your door. “Every time I walk down that hallway, I am gearing up for whatever insipid battle that he’ll bring to the elevator.” You huff and shake your head with disdain. “I saw him one morning with a copy of 12 Rules for Life tucked under his arm, and I wanted to snatch it and chuck it at his face.”
“It’s a really gorgeous face. Very friendly,” Rae continues.
She looks at Dina, and then Dina looks at you.
There’s a reason Dina goes with Bombshell-style eyelashes. If you had to guess, she’s on wear number 43 or 44 of approximately 60. They were the right length along the eyeline, but when you first saw them, you thought they were a little too tall. You remember that feeling now, and you almost swear you can feel the wind in her wake after she stares at you for a moment, smiles with just one corner of her mouth, leans forward to place her empty paper plate on the table, loftily says, “Hmm. Friendly. That’s nice. The last guy you had a crush on was always frowning—” and then bats those gigantic bombshells. 
Rae lights up in the blast. She lets out a gasp, a giggle, and a grin back at you.
“You know I don’t have crushes,” you say, rolling your eyes. “I don’t have any time for them. I don’t have any use for them.” You shrug. “I don’t have them.”
Dina nods. “So you say.” Her smile turns almost eerie. “More cake for us, then. Right?”
You frown and set your plate down in your lap.
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Thursday 6:27 AM
“Hold the—!”
You regret calling it out instantly, as your eyes move from Namjoon’s calm fingers separating the door to the smirking lips separating into a smile on his dimpled visage. Everyone else comes into view as the doors re-open. They’d all probably describe his voice as a low, warm, comforting, summer thunderstorm rumble, but all you hear is nails on a chalkboard when he quips, “Morning.”
“Ugh,” you sigh, as you push your way into the throng.
You turn to face those metal doors and realize that you need to bend back a little more in order to help the doors clear your chest. When the doors meet again, you catch Namjoon’s blurry reflection; his chin is aimed down toward your bosom, and when you snap your own chin up to challenge him, he just chuckles.
“No bike?” you mutter. Glancing down, you also notice that he’s hugging only his messenger bag to his body. “No book?”
“I’m sure I’ll find something else to offend you with by the time we get to the ground floor,” he jokes.
You roll your eyes. “Having to see you at all is offensive enough.”
Namjoon grins and says, “Can’t help it if I make an impression.”
As violent as your Namjoon-related daydreams are, you’ve never punched anybody before. You’ve pointed fingers. Poked and prodded chests and shoulders. Even slapped someone once. You wonder if now would be the time to give it a shot, fingers curling inward, knuckles straining against skin.
“Do you really enjoy starting your mornings in a huff?” Namjoon continues. “I like routines, but this whole thing with us is kinda getting old, don’t you think?”
“Oh, I definitely think that,” you murmur. 
It doesn’t help that your friends keep replaying your so-called greatest hits. The balloons are a favorite, but since then, there have been more run-ins. More moments in elevators, crammed into shared spaces. One particularly rough day, when his muddy bike tire rolled over your brand new, crisply white, un-creased sneakers. Most recently, a mix-up with the mail, in which he unthinkingly and clumsily opened a package that he hoped was his new hoodie, but actually contained some lingerie you bought on backorder. You’re always thrilled that your beautiful, ebony skin hides your embarrassment; seeing Namjoon blush and mumble something, something, “sorry” is a trophy that you want to gloat about, not take home sheepishly.
You wish he were showing some sort of weakness now, but this morning is bringing you a confident Namjoon, backwards cap happily displaying his flawless forehead and face, his shoulders relaxed and his chest out and proud. “How can we keep the magic alive, then?” he asks.
Your scoff is followed by a more than certain, “Cute doesn’t suit you.”
“Mean doesn’t suit you,” he counters, looking up at the ceiling through his lashes.
The doors finally open once your elevator hits the ground floor, and you speed toward the parking lot outside. 
Somehow, Namjoon stays on your tail.
You reach your car, but you don’t dare jump in. Not until you can shake him.
“Yes??” you demand. When Namjoon just looks at you, you add, “What is it?? I’m running late.”
He points to your hood. “There’s a dent.”
“So??” you ask, as you shift your weight.
“Just saying there’s a dent.”
“Yeah,” you acknowledge, “it’s there from when I plowed into the last asshole who annoyed me this early in the morning.”
Namjoon shoulders his messenger bag. “Look, I know this is a long shot, but—”
“Oh, I’d be happy to crash my car into you, if that’s what you’re about to ask,” you simper.
“I need a ride,” he tells you. “My bike’s in the shop for repairs, and that doesn’t look promising.” He gestures to the quickly darkening sky. “I was gonna take the bus, but—”
“Fuck that,” you say.
“Exactly!” Namjoon cheers.
“No, fuck that, as in, you can fuck right off if you think I’m giving you a ride,” you clarify. 
“C’mon.” He folds his arms. “There’s gotta be something I can do to get a ride from you.”
“Get a rideshare.”
“I don’t do the apps,” he admits. “I don’t like getting in cars with strangers.”
“You don’t know me,” you point out.
“I know you best,” Namjoon counters. “Out of everyone else who was in that elevator, at least.”
You narrow your eyes and tilt your head as your brain does the calculations. It certainly plays. Everyone tends to keep to themselves unless there’s some sort of problem, and the only reason you know Namjoon at all is because he continues to be one for you.
“Just take the bus, man,” you sigh, reaching for your door handle. “You have your little hat. The rain won’t hurt you.”
“I’ll buy you a coffee?” Namjoon tries, taking a step forward. When you pause, he takes another step forward and shares another suggestion. “Some donuts? Whatever you like.” He shrinks a little. “I hate getting caught in storms.”
You sputter, you’re so angry.
“Use your words,” Namjoon teases, like he already has during a few of your more recent spats.
“Ugh, like I said, I’m late,” you protest.
“How is that any different from literally every other time I’ve seen you?” His eyebrows raise and crinkle. “I promise I’m on the way,” he tries. “Coffee and donuts.” He studies your face. “Weed?” Your stoic face is giving him so little. “Coke?” He pouts. “…Meth?”
You’re glaring at him, but the strangest thing is happening with your lips.
“Ah, meth,” Namjoon laughs, nodding. “Meth it is, then.”
You shake your head, trying to Etch-a-Sketch-erase the smile that crept onto your face when you weren’t on guard. 
“Coffee and donuts and meth,” Namjoon summarizes, counting on his fingers. “Anything else?”
“God, fine, just get in!” you groan, slamming the car door behind you.
Namjoon initially presents as a considerate rider. His too-tall body hugs his messenger back to his chest and squishes into your passenger seat. He doesn’t dare touch the seat settings, lest you hit some hidden Eject button and shoot him out through the roof. He doesn’t say anything as you start to play your audiobook, allowing you the opportunity to get in the right headspace for your commute. And he just smiles happily when your eyes meet as you’re checking your side mirrors.
“No Jordan Peterson here. This is a Brené Brown house,” you say dryly, as her voice picks up where she left off, and you move your eyes to your rearview mirror.
“I like her,” Namjoon mumbles quietly, looking out the windshield.
You almost scrape your neck on your seatbelt when you do your double-take. “How can you like both?” you demand.
Namjoon furrows his brow and turns to you. “Who says I like Jordan Peterson?”
“Uh, the fact that you’ve been reading nothing but his books?”
If Namjoon chuckles one more time, you might go ahead with that punch. But it’s his knuckles that stretch against his skin when he reaches into his messenger bag and pulls out Daring Greatly. “I teach a psychology seminar,” he explains. “We’re comparing and contrasting modern psychologists.”
You push your lips out. “Oh.” Your glance lingers a moment before you turn back to your steering wheel and turn the key. “So you’re not a poster child for toxic masculinity, after all?”
“I don’t want to be,” Namjoon replies, “but I probably still am in many ways.”
His eyes follow yours as you place your arm behind the passenger seat, twist your body to look out the back window, and, when it’s clear, reverse into the alley.
You sit back in your seat and start heading toward the main road.
“It’s good that you leave room for the known,” you quip. “Where am I going?”
“The community college,” Namjoon replies. “Main entrance is easiest.”
Realizing that he actually is a stop along the way helps you feel better about the detour. But realizing that you’re taking a detour at all, and for Namjoon no less, doesn’t feel great.
“How’d you know you’d be on my route?” you ask.
“Ran into Dina a couple of days ago,” Namjoon says nonchalantly. “We got to talking.”
Dina’s face is so small. You’d definitely do damage with a punch. The bridge of her pretty nose would snap like a twig.
“An enthralling conversation, I bet it was,” you grumble, as you flick on your left turn signal.
Namjoon quickly grabs the handle above his door and braces as you whip around.
“We didn’t cover your tendency to Yoda-speak,” he tells you, adding, “or your penchant for taking hard lefts,” as he winces.
“I do everything hard,” you say, narrowing your eyes at him. “If you can’t deal, then get out of my damn car.”
“Don’t misunderstand me — I’m grateful for the ride,” he explains.
You huff and slow to a stop at the next red light. You’ve always stared at red lights when you’ve approached them. You like anticipating, choosing to hit the gas as soon as they turn green. But you’ve never felt red lights before. You’ve never felt the stifling heat that they can bring. And that’s because you’ve never been at a red light with Namjoon before. Never felt his questioning eyes on you, laser-focused, just waiting for when you’ll finally turn to face him. 
You don’t. 
Not even as you pull into the dropoff circle at the community college entrance. 
Namjoon re-shoulders his bag and braces once more for the turn. You barely place your foot on the brake, and Namjoon hops out of your car while praying that you won’t tear away with his left leg. 
Before he closes the passenger door, he leans on the frame and peers at you.
“I really am grateful for the ride,” he tells you.
“It didn’t even rain,” you complain.
“Another bonus, then,” Namjoon says. “See you later?”
“Hopefully not,” you dig.
Namjoon laughs and closes your door before heading inside.
And you find it hard to explain to cheshire cats Dina and Rae that the reason you’re officially late isn’t really because of the fact that you snoozed your alarm more than a few times, or got picky with your outfit, or decided to give Namjoon a ride, but because, for some reason, you decided to wait until Namjoon made it through the front doors, safe, and dry.
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Friday 11:36 PM
Date nights never live up to the hype. 
You mull over the disappointing details as you type “hype” in your text response to the group chat with Rae and Dina. This Jeon Jungkook dude was perfect on paper, having had the right aesthetic in his profile pics, the right references in his bio, and the right responses to your texts. But once you got to the bar, you realized that it took him too long to warm up. By the end of the night, you wondered if he had any hand in crafting his online persona at all.
You could have fucked him. You would have. If not for the vacant, shy stares. You kept wondering what they would have felt like as his body wrapped itself around yours. That body would have felt incredible in your grasp. But those eyes. Too cold. Too distant, somehow.
You want heat. The kind of heat where the source is too close. The kind that threatens to burn. The kind that pulls the sweat kicking and screaming from your pores. You have a growing appreciation for the irony that your body needs that kind of heat to cool itself down.
The heels you went with are particularly sturdy, and they announce that fact as they clack against the tile, echoing your stomps back to your fortress. Your mind busies itself, starting to pick out which of the drinks in your fridge you’ll go with to delete the non-starter of an evening. 
Your apartment lobby feels like Jungkook’s stares: disconcertingly empty.
The elevator call button lights up. You don’t even remember pressing it.
When the doors slide open, you hold your breath. You’re not sure why, but it hurts when the carbon dioxide starts to stretch your lungs. And it hurts just as much, if not more, when you exhale into the unoccupied car.
You turn and face the front of the elevator, thinking about how odd it is that you feel the need to do so even when you’re the only person in the car. Who decided that facing the doors was proper etiquette, anyway? You remember asking yourself the same question when you learned about some kind of experiment that tested this. Participants felt weird when people faced them rather than the doors. The experiment had something to do with the need to follow procedure. The need for conformity. 
You realize that it was a psychology study. 
You aren’t sure if you pressed a button or merely stuck a toe in the gap. 
But the doors slide open all the same. 
And you find yourself face-to-face with Namjoon. 
His solid body is outlined in black, shoulders and torso thick in his long, wool coat, head rounded underneath his Louis Vuitton fitted, eyes hidden by his dark sunglasses. They contrast against his fairer skin, and his white turtleneck sweatshirt, showing off his muscular neck and chest. You might not have recognized him if he hadn’t had his signature dimples in tow.
As you take him in, you suddenly feel the lace of your bra on your skin.
“Thanks,” Namjoon breathes.
“Sunglasses?” you ask with disdain.
He grins at you as he takes off his sunglasses and places them in the smaller messenger bag crossing his body. His rosy cheeks and bloodshot eyes suggest that he’s been doing some partying. When he yawns, you smell the alcohol on his breath, and you picture smoke spiraling into the air.  
“Don’t be jealous that I had a better night than you did,” Namjoon replies, leaning back on the wall. 
He juts out his hips to make room for the railing behind him, pulling your eyes to his broad torso, his wool coat swinging open like curtains on opening night. 
You fold your arms and whip back around, leaning over to the elevator’s panel to press his button as hard as he’s pressing yours.
“You don’t know what kind of night I’ve had,” you grumble.
“Bet I can guess,” he says simply. “It’s not that late, and you’re too dressed up.”
He lets your silence fall, but he won’t let it persist.
“C’mon,” he eggs. “Tell me about—”
When the elevator shakes, then comes to a grinding halt, you stumble backward and jam your elbow into his stomach. You do it by accident, but you kind of count it as a win.
“Sorry,” you mumble, not quite feeling it.
“It’s fine,” Namjoon replies, “but, uh…”
Both of you have moved swiftly past the seemingly nonexistent injury, your eyes instead roving around your surroundings. The elevator car isn’t moving. The overhead, fluorescent white has been supplanted with a dire red glow. Everything is frozen. Placed on pause. And on high alert.
Your fingers wiggle anxiously, and you realize that you’ve dropped your phone on the ground. You bend over to pick it up, and you grimace at the harsh light and the lack of bars keeping you separated from Rae and Dina. You wish you could text them. Call them. Hear their voices. Even if they were mocking.
Instead, you get Namjoon’s concerned, “You got anything?”
“No,” you reply, doubly defeated.
“Fuck’s sake.” 
Namjoon steps forward. You start to feel surprisingly warm. It could be the fact that you’re cut off from your air supply, desperate to feel the breeze as you walk down the hall. But it could also be the fact that as Namjoon steps forward, he places his hand on your waist to make sure he doesn’t barrel into you as he examines the elevator panel.
He hesitates before pressing the emergency call button, but a voice greets you both before you shove Namjoon out of the way and punch the button yourself.
Your super’s voice sounds tinny and buzzy through the old speaker. “Is anyone there?” 
“Yes!” you cry out. “Me and this idiot!” 
Namjoon scoffs and crouches down to get eye-level with the speaker, because in his mind, that’s going to do something. “We think the elevator stopped?” he replies. “Is there something wrong?”
“Is there something wrong??” you mutter under your breath. 
“Hello?” your super calls back out to you. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m guessing there are at least a couple of you in there? The cameras picked you up.” You hear some clicking in the background. “There’s something wrong with the comms system, but don’t worry, I’m calling for help!”
“Oh fuck,” you sigh. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“It’ll be alright,” Namjoon tells you. “He just said that they were—”
“I don’t give a shit what he said!” you exclaim. “The last thing that I need is for this terrible night to end like this.”
Namjoon watches you with what you think is pity at first. But then you realize his eyes are softer than that. Filled moreso with curiosity. Worry, even.
You hate surrendering. “Don’t rub it in,” you pout.
He smiles gently, holding your gaze. You wonder if he feels hot, too. You guess so, based on how he slips out of his wool coat, holding it by the collar while he watches you shift your weight from your left to your right hip. His eyes latch there, attempting to follow your curves in those high-rise jeans, but stopped by so many other distractions. A glance at your contemplative face. The sight of your hand delicately slipping your phone into your pocket. Your mean, fiery stare.
Namjoon folds his coat over his arm. “Wasn’t going to,” he says.
He leans back against the side wall of the elevator and slides his body down the slippery metal, no bar keeping his back from slithering down to the floor, ass cushioning against the patterned steel floor, knees bending and forcing his thick thighs to bulge out. He pulls his folded coat off of his arm and sets it next to him, patting it and looking up at you.
“I really want to know,” he says. “Tell me about your night.”
You shift your weight again and fold your arms.
“It might be five minutes, or it might be five hours,” Namjoon reasons. “Might as well get things off your…” You feel his eyes tracing your breasts through your top. “…Chest.”
You stare at him for a little while longer. 
And then you decide to sit down next to him, curling your legs under you, pleasantly surprised at how soft the wool of his coat actually is when you place your steadying palm on the edge of the makeshift cushion.
“Girls’ night?” he ventures.
“Date night,” you say miserably. 
“Ugh.” Namjoon reaches into the left pocket of his black sweatpants and pulls out a vape pen. “You’ll presumably need this to keep going.”
You let out a laugh. 
He offers the vape pen up to you. Pumps it in the air a couple times.
You smile. You lean forward. And you take a hit.
He holds the pen in place and presses his thumb securely on the button. You feel his eyes trace your lips’ every move, from the way they seal around the tip, suck the hit into your mouth, and release the vapor into the elevator car. He licks his own lips when you pull away, and as he brings the pen to his mouth to take his own hit, he nods for you to go on.
“Not much to tell,” you explain. “Just… not what I was expecting.”
“Well, there’s your problem,” he can’t help but point out. But it doesn’t feel like too much of a jab this time. “Expectations,” he clarifies. “Having them always leads to disappointment.”
You nod slowly. “Well. You’re right about that.”
The dire red that you’re basking in feels less like the alarm lighting for an emergency situation and more like the bar in which you had set your sights on Jungkook. It’s admittedly better now that Namjoon is in view instead. His gazes are always so direct and purposeful, even when he’s telling you not to expect anything.
How long have you been looking at each other?
“Anyway, what were you up to tonight?” you ask awkwardly, eyelashes fluttering as you look down and slightly away, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“Don’t deflect.” Namjoon leans into you, his shoulder touching your upper arm. “I wanna know more.”
“More about how shitty I feel?” you groan.
“No,” Namjoon says softly. “More about how this guy didn’t live up to your expectations.”
You shrug. “Texting was nice. He asked me out for drinks. But he seemed kinda quiet and aloof?” You tilt your head. You wonder how far you’ll go in your description. “His eyes were so big, but…” Psychology majors like this kind of shit, right? “Distant,” you finish.
Namjoon nods rhythmically. He looks out at the cirrus clouds you’ve co-created. “Like the gas giants.”
You crinkle your nose. “The what?”
“The gas giants,” Namjoon goes on. “Past the asteroid belt. Jupiter. Saturn.” He sighs. “Huge and pretty and wondrous, but no known ground to stand on.”
“Sure.” You smile, amused. “Nerd.”
Namjoon beams back at you. “‘Nerd’ must be a compliment if you’re leaving vapid pretty boys like that at the bar.”
You think about the psychology study in the elevator. All those bodies pressed up against each other. No one daring to look each other in the eye.
His pupils meet yours.
“And why would I compliment you?” you ask quietly.
Namjoon’s still beaming when he says, “Well, it seems that I never fail to disappoint you, so maybe I’m the one person who actually meets your expectations tonight?”
The red light and the vapor and the heat are all mixing so well. Is that Namjoon’s sweat that you smell? Why do you want it on your tongue?
“Remains to be seen,” you find yourself saying, your gaze landing on his left dimple.
He’s close. 
Very close. 
And then he’s part of you, and you actually taste him on your tongue.
When you pull away from that dreamy, pent-up kiss, Namjoon stares at you in awe, slack-jawed. “His loss,” he whispers, before diving back into you. 
The high is heady. You hear his hat hitting the floor, and his sunglasses landing inside. You can feel hands, wonderfully warm and large hands, digging into your top, nearly ripping into the lace of your bra that you’re still too aware of. You can feel those hands roving, and air hitting your skin. Stale air, but new air, at the same time. The metal is cold. Welcomingly so.
“Wait,” you sigh.
“This is the bra I saw, right?” he asks. “The package? God, I couldn’t stop picturing—” 
“Namjoon,” you sigh, leaning back, now topless, pressed up against the elevator wall. 
“I always wondered what it’d be like to hear you say my name like that,” he whispers, kneeling in front of you.
“But, uh, should we be— I mean, I— They could be here any minute—”
Namjoon has just stripped his sweatshirt off with one hand. The ripples of his muscle look that much more dangerous in this red, hazy glow.
“Do you not want to, then?” he asks.
“Damn it,” you mutter, reaching out for him, and making him infuriatingly chuckle at you again.
Once his tongue gets its fill of your hungry and eager mouth, he seeks to find a path down your neck and into your ample breasts, his jawline in contrast to your body not just because his vanilla dimples pop out against your espresso skin, but also because he is handsomely chiseled and you are wantonly, beautifully soft.
His tongue wraps around your right nipple, and his lips form a seal not unlike the one you had formed around his vape. Not unlike the one he hopes you’ll form elsewhere.
“Shit,” you sigh, arching back to give him whatever else you can.
“You like it?” he asks, palming your left breast and reaching down for the small of your back, forearm guiding your gorgeous ass to rest on his knees, free hand telling your body to straddle him. To make room for him. “Feels good when I lick you like this?”
“Mm-hmm,” you whine, daring to peek at him through your heavy-lidded eyes.
“Think of how good it will feel when I’m here.”
He presses his firm body into your mound, and you feel a jolt up from your clit.
“You gonna make me wait?” you groan.
“I know how much you love the build-up,” he answers, making you whimper.
Every complaint. Every squabble. Merely foreplay.
You really hate when people are right. Especially Rae and Dina.
Namjoon, too. He feels so right. Too right. 
He leans up to kiss you again, leaving your lips this time with a sweet, “Don’t be shy. Rock against me. Grind on me. Make a mess. I wanna feel it.”
You nod slowly, locking eyes with him as he pulls away, reveling in the feel of your flesh working against him as he alternates between fondling your breasts and clutching your hips so tightly that you’re sure they’ll turn to dust.
“You gonna come?” he dares you. “Just from this?”
“Ugh,” you whine. “I thought you weren’t gonna rub it in.”
“Mmm,” Namjoon moans. “You sure that’s what you want?”
He places the inside of his wrist on your right thigh, the pad of his thumb right against your clit, but only barely perceptible through your jeans.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” you whine.
Namjoon smirks as he presses his strong thumb against you, and you bite your lip to keep from howling.
“How hard up are you?” he wonders aloud.
You find it easier to ignore his questions when he’s making you come.
Squealing, you writhe, sweaty hands staining imprints on Namjoon’s wool coat. When your wrists threaten to slide out from under you, Namjoon grabs them and holds you steady, kissing and swallowing your moans.
“Can’t believe no one’s taken care of you,” he whispers in your ear.
Your eyes narrow momentarily. Too clear. “I can take care of myself.”
“Oh, I know you can,” he grunts huskily. “But—”
“But what?” you ask between panting breaths. “You’re here now?”
“Well,” he says with an easy smile. “Yeah.”
Namjoon hugs you close and turns you, his hands resting on your shoulders and following your arms until both of his hands get to both of your wrists. He raises your arms up and instructs you to hold onto the rail on the back wall.
You watch him warily as he unbuttons your pants, and then you grab the rail tight as he yanks them off of you. He grunts when he sees your matching lacy underwear at an angle, the band at your right hip resting against your right thigh, the band at your left hip closer to your left knee. When he sees your pooled desire in the panel between, he nearly loses it.
“Fuck, your body,” he admires. He pulls your underwear off of your and scoots his lower half down so that his lips can follow you, every turn sinuous, and sinful. Skin sable, supple, and sweet. He smells you, those strong streams of air pulling the invisible hairs on your skin upward, nostrils breathing you in as hungrily as his desire for a taste, which he takes heaping gulps of as he kisses down to your mound. “Gorgeous,” he moans. “Always wondered. Kind of always knew.”
“Don’t do that,” you whisper, trying not to let your attention shift to how many times you’d stared at your ceiling wondering the same. Trying to stay focused on the amazing pressure of his form on yours.
“Let me,” he growls. He peers up at you, his eyes twin stars on the horizon of the landscape of your midnight body. “You like it.” He smiles. “And I like that you like it.”
He dives in, tongue first, lips following soon after, cushioning that chiseled jaw against your pulsing clit, your moans clawing themselves out of you. You’re so wet, overflowing at the way his tongue tip painstakingly paints your flesh, tapping in for more, lips rounding, Adam’s apple bobbing, not just sucking, but suckling, feeding off of the heat and energy you’re giving him.
The tinge of pain at the seal makes you think about how hard you suck on straws.
“Joon,” you sigh through your peak, body thrashing even under his hold.
He rises a little. Grinning. Proud.
Your hand finds its way into his soft hair, fluffy from all his sweat. He worked so hard. You’ve really put him through it.
When you massage his scalp, he moans. Shivers a little. Hums into your thighs.
A soft laugh floats out of you as you admire him, lying there, lazy and happy. “Rae told you about my skills,” you begin.
“Can’t wait to see them in action,” Namjoon says. He looks at you again. “But I want to give you more.”
“Fine,” you tell him. “Then I want more.”
He nods and mumbles something as he fully undresses, and then he helps you to your shaky feet. He turns you around and helps you bend over, propping your weak arms and heavy head on the rail in the back of the elevator, still slippery from your palms.
“OK like this?” he asks, as he palms your ass.
You wiggle it back at him, pushing into him. When he squeezes you, you can’t help but laugh fondly. How amazing it is, that a squeeze could make you feel so wanted.
He slides into you, neither of you needing any more prep, both of you so ready for each other since the first time he’d bumped into you on the elevator with his bike.
He stretches you out, making you plant your stance a little firmer to be able to take it. You hiss and whimper, your breath fogging up that shiny metal, and your sweat washing it away again. 
And then he gives you a firm, long, slow stroke that sends you up on your toes.
You moan against the elevator wall, left cheek and the side of your nose smushed up against it, your voice tinny against the metal.
He leans forward and fondles your breasts, pressing his chest onto your back.
And then he starts to pump.
There’s no point in trying to hold onto the rail. You have no more strength, all of it being spent on really feeling Namjoon inside of you, filling you back up with everything he’d drunk from you, pressing into you with such force, and yet holding you with such care, hand under your chin to keep you from bashing your face into the wall with each incredible snap of his hips.
He moves faster.
You try to dig your nails into something, anything. They find homes in your own skin as you claw at your forearms, and your wails echo that self-inflicted pain as much as Namjoon’s gifted pleasure.
“Mmm, I know,” he whispers into your ear, as he reaches down with both hands to wedge his arms between yours, giving you his own skin to dig and claw and latch into. “I know, baby. I know.”
He couldn’t possibly know. Or perhaps he knows all too well. It has to be one of the extremes. Maybe even both at the same time. Otherwise, it couldn’t hurt so damn good.
“Guh… gonna…” you trail off in a moan, shaking your head sadly. 
It’s a crazy thing when you can’t control your words. They’re kind of all you have. 
Then again, Namjoon is used to taking you to a place where you suddenly lose them.
He holds you even tighter, squeezing not only your luscious ass, but also your breasts, your shoulders, your ribs, your lungs, your guts, the ones he’s pounding sharply into, that warm-up of a long stroke long gone, in its stead a deliberate tunneling deeper inside, his length swelling as his head crashes into your wall again and again and again until you—
“Fuck!” Namjoon cries out as you come, his right hand suddenly letting go of your shoulder and running down your body to your pussy, rubbing you in circular motions to help milk every last bit of your release out of you, “So, so tight, and—”
He falters a little, the sole of his foot slamming down for resolve. He uses it to drive him into you one last time. And then he’s using it to guide his body through his orgasm, pressing your body against the wall, into the railing, nearly embedding you in this cocoon of metal.
Your breaths make Rorschachs on the steel.
You smile, and when your arm regains enough strength, you reach up and trace the border.
Namjoon chuckles, and it doesn’t sound so annoying anymore.
“Good?” he asks.
You’re still out of words. So you draw a smiley face into your last breath, making him snort.
After a relished moment of warmth and delight, he slips out of you, and you surrender not just your will, but your top, wiping yourself, and then him, down with the soft fabric. Laughing, you get back into your bra, one of its straps on its last thread, and your pants, and your shoes. He pulls on his sweats and offers your soaked underwear back to you, which you take and roll into your shirt. 
And then he holds up his wool coat.
“You can borrow it for the walk back,” he tells you.
“To yours?” you tease.
“Ideally,” he giggles. He wraps you up in his arms, kissing you. Clumsily mumbling things to you. Telling you how much fun that was. That he’s wanted to do it for a while. That he wants to do it again, and again, and again.
But your super’s voice crackles through the speaker to interrupt that kiss.
“Hello, whoever’s in there, hope you’re doing OK!” he exclaims. “Just want to let you know the firefighters are finally here! We’re gonna get you out! They’re just calling in for backup for a new beam to help hold the door!”
You lock eyes with Namjoon.
And you both smile.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Eleven)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 15.4k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) alcohol consumption, lots of kissing, rough bj, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, multiple positions, semipublic sex, mentions of anxiety.
Notes: finally, chapter 11! Sorry it took me a bit longer but thank you guys for being so sweet about it!!! Enjoy the chapter:) Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev @marplest @calling-dips-on-j-hope @lecavivien @fancycollectormoon @mawwnsterr @siredsong @happyhrsme
© taestefully-in-luv
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The soft, orange glow comes in from the balcony, the warm light making Taehyung’s skin shimmer. You watch as his tongue pokes out, licking his lips in anticipation. His hands on your hips as you rock back and forth, making him lightly groan. Your own hands wrapped around his neck as you lean forward and find his perfect, pouting lips. He missed you like this.
The buzz of acoustic guitar plays in the background, the soft strings strumming something subtle yet sexy. Your lips move over his sensually, his slippery tongue finding yours in a kiss so messy and so slow. His fingers digging into your skin, marking you with his love. You whimper into his mouth and he swallows it, your moans long and desperate.
You pull back from him, your eyes half lidded and your lips parted. His hands travel up until they’re tangling in your hair and he is quick to bring you back down to his lips again. He’s been kissing you for hours, the buildup so slow and so heated. Your wetness pooling and dripping down your thighs. His unbelievably hard cock strains against his pants, his member swollen and leaking.
“I think I’m ready to devour you my sweet girl.” Taehyung whispers against your lips, “Are you sober?” he asks.
“Kissing you makes me feel drunk all over again.” You peck his lips softly. “But yes.”
“Let’s go to the bedroom…” He stands, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carries you to the room. “It’s been morning for a while.”
“I could kiss you for the entire day, Taehyung. But I need more of you.” He sets you down on the bed, you land with a slight bounce. “Can you give me more of you?”
“I can give you all of me.” He leans down to capture your lips. “If you’ll have me.”
Your fingers tangle in his hair as your tongue licks past his lips, his tongue finding yours immediately. You bring him down closer to you, his hand on the bed beside you and his other hand on your jaw. You start laying down, your back hitting the mattress softly as Taehyung falls forward, caging you in.
“You’re so pretty y/n. So, so pretty.” Taehyung tells you between kisses, “I got sent the prettiest girl in the universe.”
You can’t help but giggle, but he continues to kiss you.
“And so, so sexy.” He leaves your lips and starts kissing the skin across your jaw. His kisses are warm and deep, he makes sure to linger with every kiss he gives you.
“Taehyung…” you can’t help but moan his name, you go to wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him down. Your hips jolt forward until you can feel his hard length through his pants, your feet dig into his back as you bring him closer and closer.
“So needy.” Taehyung whispers, “Let’s get you naked.”
Taehyung rises from your body and helps you sit up by taking your hand. His fingers play at the straps of your dress before he is playfully sliding them down with a dark smirk on his face.
“You don’t need this, do you?”
His hands slip the dress down your chest, exposing your breasts. Taehyung’s white teeth show as he smiles at his view, his teeth digging into his bottom lip. Your dress falls, bunching at your waist. He pushes you down by the shoulder until your back is hitting the bed. Taehyung goes to the edge of the bed and starts dragging the dress down your legs, your ass being lifted up.
“No panties? God woman.”
You can’t help but open your mouth to laugh, your lips spreading apart in a wide smile. Taehyung groans into his shoulder as his eyes your naked body, he chews on his bottom lip until the taste of blood is noticeable.
“The things you do to me, my love.” He whispers. “I could cum in my fucking pants.”
“Haven’t you before? What’s stopping you now?” You tease.
Taehyung raises a brow at you and curls his lips upwards, he’s amused to say the least.
“Oh?” he stands between your spread legs, his knees falling to the mattress. “Should I cum? All by myself?”
“No, no.” you breathe out, “I want to cum with you.”
“I’ll make sure of that babe.”
Taehyung lifts from the bottom of his shirt until its up and over his head, he exposes his tan, broad chest and you feel yourself grow warm. You sit up and hurry to help him with his pants, your hands scrambling to unbutton his button and unzip his zipper. Taehyung can’t help but gaze at you with dark eyes, a smirk playing at his lips.
“Yes, Taehyung.” You answer honestly. “I have fucking missed you.” You say.
You get his pants undone and you’re quick to help drag them down his legs, he assists you and gets them off.
“These too.” You point at his underwear. “We both need to be naked.”
“I agree baby.” He reaches for his briefs and slides them off his body in one go. You are not surprised to see his long, thick length nice and hard and bouncing off his lower abdomen. It screams it needs to be touched, it practically begs you, it practically cries out for you in desperation.
“Let me choke on your dick, baby.” You offer with a sly smile. “Promise to take as much of it as I can.”
“Oh really? Ready to gag on this cock? Ready to fill that tiny throat?” Taehyung grunts, leaning forward, pushing you back on to the bed. “Ready to get this mouth fucked?”
“Please Taehyung.” You not so quietly beg, “I need you.” You lay back on the bed, your head hitting the mattress softly.
Taehyung nods his head in approval, his body crawling up yours until his cock is hovering above your lips.
“Take me then.” Then he is shoving his cock past your lips, thrusting forward. His heavy cock pushes in and out of your mouth roughly, his groans and moans filling the room. Your mouth is warm and wet and absolute heaven as he fucks into it. You take the whole thing, making him fucking stutter above you.
“F-Feels so good baby.” He grunts, still fucking your mouth, quicker now.
Your hands go to his thighs, squeezing the flesh as you choke on his member, his dick hitting the back of your throat with every thrust.
“Don’t want to finish this way…” Taehyung admits between rough breaths, “Inside you instead.”
Taehyung takes his cock out of your mouth with a pop, leaving you gasping for air. He goes back down your body until his face is level with yours, he takes your hands and brings them to his lips.
“You’re so beautiful. Did you know that?” He says, kissing your fingers. “Let’s see how wet you are.” He takes your hands and guides them down to your heat. He takes two of your fingers and places them at your clit, gathering your juices then brings your hand up to his lips again.
“Perfect.” He whispers, licking your fingers clean. “Now let me see.” His own hand travels between your bodies, his two fingers finding your pussy until he is teasing your hole. His eyes on yours with dark intensity.
“3 reasons why I love you.” Taehyung leans down until his lips are hovering your own.
“One,” he inserts one finger inside your needy hole, “Because you make amazing breakfast.” He starts slowly pushing the one finger in and out of you making you gasp at the contact. “Two,” he inserts another finger, scissoring the two fingers inside you. “Because you were strong and endured the island with me. And Three,” he inserts a third finger, thrusting all 3 fingers in and out of you roughly and quickly. “Because you’re so beautiful and so strong, and so funny and so cute.” He continues pushing his three fingers in and out.
“Taehyung…” you moan, “Don’t stop, please.”
He’s hitting something special, a spot he has hit many times but you can’t control yourself, you need to finish this way.
“Just stretching you out baby.” Taehyung chuckles darkly, “That’s all.”
You shake your head, you need this. You need to cum all around his fingers, you need to scream out for him with his fingers inside you. But much to your dismay, his fingers leave your pussy. And he’s finally closing the distance and kissing your lips.
His kiss is rough, like he has everything to lose. Like his life is on the line. His tongue gets pushed past your lips and you find and accept it easily, just as desperate as he is. And then your eyes are shooting open when you feel his thick cock teasing at your entrance.
Taehyung pulls away from you to gaze into your eyes, “Going to fuck you now.” He warns before he is circling his cock around your clit and lowering it back to your hole.
“Please.” You beg.
Taehyung’s harsh breaths hit your lips and he leans back down to kiss you, his cock slowly, so agonizingly slowly begins easing into you, inch by fucking inch. You gasp out, his cock not even half way inside you before you are trying to catch a breath.
“Tae…” you moan, squeezing your eyes shut.
He pauses to make sure you’re good and when he sees you are he starts pushing his hips forward again, his cock sliding in from how wet you are.
“You feel like heaven, my love. Absolute heaven.” He grits his teeth, “I am going to fuck you several ways before we are done.” He warns.
“Okay babe.” You moan, “Just fuck me.”
Taehyung continues to push inside you until he bottoms out, his cock nice and snug inside you. He slowly, so, so agonizingly slow decides to finally slide out of you, before thrusting back in. You yelp when he slams his hips into yours, you feel your guts shifting at the weight of his cock inside you.
Taehyung starts fucking you like he has never fucked you before, like before was never real. Like this is truly the first time that his skin has touched your skin, and for some reason it truly does feel that way. He can’t explain it but this really feels like the first time.
“Holy fuck, this is better than I remember.” He whines out, “So much better.”
Taehyung lifts you up until your chest is flush against his, he continues to fuck you like this until he is leaving your body and guiding you off the bed. You grow confused but understand when he leads you to the balcony’s window.
“Going to fuck you for the whole city to see.” He pushes you up against the window, your breasts smooshed against the glass. Then his dick is being shoved inside you once more, he is thrusting so hard, so desperate, so fucking wildly. Your ass cheeks jiggling with a every slam to your hips. You cry out in pleasure against the window, the sun shining brightly on you two like it’s your fucking spotlight.
“Mm.” Taehyung lifts one leg up, angling it beside him, fucking you deeper now. This is truly unexplainable, but every stroke of his cock feels brand new. Every time he slides in and out of you it feels like the first time.
“All of Seoul knows we are together now, right baby?” He manages to say between bated breaths. “You’re giving them such a pretty view.”
“We are giving them such a pretty view.” You moan out, your hands sliding down the window.
“Fuck, babe, you feel so amazing.” Taehyung drags his long cock inside you over and over until you are yelling out in pleasure. “So fucking tight.”
“Taehyung, Taehyung.” You pant out. Taehyung takes you by the hair and lightly tugs to make your head fall onto his shoulder, he begins kissing your now exposed neck as he fucks you. His tongue licking up your throat as you moan for him.
“Ah, Taehyung.” You slam your eyes shut as he fucks just a bit harder.
Taehyung bends you over, lifting your ass higher into the air and starts pounding into you. You scream out his name in pleasure from the force, you continue to squeeze your eyes closed and bite on your lips.
“Come here,” Taehyung disconnects from you and guides you towards the bed again, he softly pushes you down and he climbs on top of you, inserting his swollen member inside you once more. He doesn’t start immediately slamming his hips into you this time, instead he stays inside you for several long moments.
Taehyung leans forward until his chest is touching yours and his lips are on your neck. His kisses are soft and slow, your moans long and dragged out. Your hands claw at his back as he starts to slowly rock his hips into yours, the nice slow, drag of his cock making you feel light headed.
“Fuck.” You whine, “You feel so good.”
Taehyung groans in response, his head falling into the crook of your neck as he continues to slowly fuck into you. The strumming guitar plays softly in the background still, the orange glow in the room makes the scene so beautiful. Taehyung’s hands find yours, he raises them above your head and interlocks your fingers. He starts to slowly thrust inside you a bit harder now, his cock brushing against every magical spot making you cry out in pleasure.
“Let’s just fuck for a while.” He whispers into your ear, “Just want to live inside you.”
His hips push into yours over and over, slowing down when he needs to in order to keep your orgasms at bay.
Taehyung really can’t explain this feeling, this feeling like he is only connecting with you for the first time ever. Like, this experience is a first for both of you. He feels himself grow more and more infatuated with you, more and more in love.
“Taehyung…” you bite his shoulder when he slams his hips into you particularly hard. “I want to ride you.”
“You want control, huh?” Taehyung smirks above you, “My baby wants to cum all around my cock, doesn’t she?”
“Yes.” You pant, “I need you.”
“You can ride me but you can’t cum until I say so, okay?” He leaves your hole and crawls to the top of the bed, sits down with his back against the headboard. “Come here, then.”
You make your way to him, your legs on either side of his, your hand finding his hard cock.
“Nice and slow…okay, baby?” Taehyung helps you angle his cock properly, the tip at your hole. You nod your head as you keep your eyes on him, you slowly begin sinking down on his member. He enters you so smoothly, he fills you to the brim. You gasp out when you feel how full you are, you whine when he keeps your hips still. You want to move so bad but his fingers dig into your skin as he controls you, he doesn’t allow you to move.
“Just enjoy the feeling baby.” He breathes out, “See how long you can last.”
Your face scrunches up in desperation, your eyes staying on his but you want to slam them shut from the frustration. You want to move your hips so badly but he still doesn’t allow it, his chest begins heaving as the moments pass. He’s just as eager as you are but he is controlling himself as he controls you.
“Stay still…I’m going to touch you.” He warns. “Promise to stay still?”
“Yes Taehyung.” You grit out.
One of Taehyung’s hands leave your hips as he fingers dance across your stomach, the sensation has you finally squeezing your eyes shut. His fingers skid across your skin lightly as they travel lower and lower. Finally, your eyes shoot open when his fingers find and press against your clit. He then starts rubbing slow circles and you part your lips to cry out, the feeling like paradise.
“Don’t move your hips.” Taehyung reminds you, “Just enjoy the feeling.”
Your face continues to express your frustrations, you start panting from how desperate you feel. He starts rubbing your bundle of nerves faster now and you accidentally jerk your hips forward making the both of you groan.
“Careful y/n. Not yet.”
His fingers move faster now, sliding easily from your wetness. You whine over and over, your voice cracking with every pleading word.
“Please, Tae…fuck, fuck, fuck.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he squeezes your hip, keeping you still.
“Do you think you can cum like this?” He asks softly.
His fingers don’t stop, they rub you faster and faster and faster. You feel challenged, not being able to move, you feel so full of his cock, you feel so god damn frustrated but it feels so good. It feels indescribable as his fingers play with you. Your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth, your eyes roll around and your hands find his shoulders as you feel your orgasm approaching.
“Holy fuck Taehyung.” You cry, “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Your legs shake around him as you feel the hard wave of pleasure wash over you. His hand loosens around your hip and you lose control as you start rocking your hips back and forth, riding out this incredible high.
“Fuck, fuuuuucckk.” You lean forward until your head is on his shoulder, his hands go back to your hips as he urges you to lift yourself off his cock, but your legs are weak. His hands go to your back as he guides you to fall forward, and once you do he starts thrusting upward. You try to catch your breath as he starts to quickly fuck you from under you.
“You’re so fucking hot.” He grits out, “I could watch you cum all day.” His cock pounds into you, his tip hitting you so deeply. “You realize I had to stop myself from coming inside you as you came?” he holds you close, his sweaty skin sticking to yours.
Taehyung quickly flips your bodies over, your back now on the mattress as he hovers above you. He places your legs on his shoulders as he fucks you deeper, his hard member brushing against you in a way that has you feeling dizzy.
“Taehyung…I’m going to come again.” You warn between rough breaths, “Please, faster.”
“I’ll come with you.” He leans forward until his lips are on yours, his kiss so fucking sloppy and messy. He pushes his cock into you faster and faster and faster, his hips slamming into yours.
“Come for me baby.” Taehyung repeats over and over, “Please, right now. Please.” His pleading words go straight to your needy pussy. You feel yourself go tense as you start to cum all around his cock, your walls squeezing him and milking him dry as he stills his hips and comes into you. He moans so loudly, his bated breaths against your neck.
“Fuck baby.” He slowly pushes his cock into you a few more times, his cum entering you deeper now. Taehyung and you both whine, the feeling so overwhelming. He stays still inside you and breaths roughly against your neck before he lifts his head and finds your lips. He pecks them a few times as he slides out of you. You feel empty without his cock.
“That was…” You try to catch your breath, your words getting lost on your tongue. Taehyung chuckles as he falls beside you, his member beginning to soften now. His arms wrap around you, bringing you in close.
“Yeah.” He agrees, “You felt so good, y/n. I will never get used to it.”
“You felt…” you finally compose yourself, your face nuzzling in his chest. “I’ve never felt this way before.” You admit softly. “You make me feel so good.”
“That’s how it should be babe. I’ll always take care of you.”
“I love you Taehyung.” Your fingers dance over his chest, your fingertips absorbing his warmth. “So much.”
“I love you more.” Taehyung smiles cheekily, “We should really get some sleep because we have our date tonight.”
“We’re still going on that?” You tease.
“What? You think just because we had sex that I can’t romance you? You’re about to find out how romantic I can be.” Taehyung kisses the side of your head. “But maybe a shower is in order first.”
You don’t want to wake up. The feeling of Taehyung’s warm arms wrapped around you is enough to make you feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven. His alarm is insistent though, the loud beeping coming from his phone making you both groan in annoyance.
“Just turn it off, Tae. Let’s just sleep. We can go on a date tomorrow.” You mumble. Taehyung loosens his hold on you as he turns his body over and reaches for his phone.
“No.” he chuckles groggily. “Let’s get up.” He finally clicks the alarm off and rolls back over until he’s hovering over you. “Get up sleepy head.” He leans down and pecks your lips softly.
“Mm.” you shake your head. Taehyung smiles as he watches you, you look so cute like this.
“Don’t be a brat.” He laughs, “Let’s start getting ready.” Then he is leaving your body, his warmth going with him as he rises from the bed.
“Fine.” You cutely whine. “It’s 2pm now. What time should I be ready?”
“Can you be ready in an hour?” Taehyung goes to his closet to choose his outfit for the day. “Or is that too soon?”
“No, I can do an hour.” You hum, “I guess I should really get up then.” You finally rise from the bed as well, walking to his closet to see your red dress hanging.
“I’m going to head to Jimin’s to get ready. I’ll be back by 3ish.” Taehyung folds his clothing and places them in a backpack, “I’ll get my things from the bathroom. You can get ready here and I’ll pick you up…you know, properly.”
“You’re going to Jimin’s to get ready?” you tilt your head as you look at him. “Just get ready here.” You whine.
“No,” he laughs, “I have to pick up some things on the way so it works out. You have the whole apartment to yourself, enjoy baby.” He comes to you and kisses your forehead. “I’ll see you in an hour?”
“Fine, okay.” You smile for him, “See you in a bit. Love you.”
“I love you too.” He gazes down at you, his dark eyes filling with adoration. “See you soon.” And then he is leaving the bedroom. After a few minutes you hear the front door opening and closing, you take this as your sign to actually start getting ready.
You look at the red dress and start to feel a blush creeping on your cheeks…it’s a beautiful dress, really. It’s a nice shade of red, pleated and goes to about your knees. It has long sleeves that fall off the shoulders and you feel very pretty just imagining it on. You slip off Taehyung’s T shirt, and find a strapless bra in your suitcase and slip on the dress, it falls over your body shamelessly. You look at yourself in the mirror and your eyes widen…you really have no business looking this good at 2pm on a Friday.
You walk into the bathroom and start your make up process, you decide on light makeup but enough to highlight your features. You tie your hair up into a low, messy bun and apply some lipstick, smacking your lips dramatically as you eye yourself in the mirror. You feel satisfied with the way you look…you can’t wait for Taehyung to see you.
It’s already almost 3 when you hear knocking on the front door…you rush to find your shoes and your purse and make your way to the door. You take a deep breath before you swing the door open, but your breath gets caught in your throat when you see your view.
Taehyung looks absolutely breathtaking. His black turtle neck smooth over his skin, his dark dress pants and gray jacket draped over his arm…he looks like his belongs at an award show. His other hand carries a large bouquet of flowers, many different types with many different colors. Your eyes scan each and every one and you feel yourself grow weak at the sight. Your eyes finally find his and he looks so taken aback.
“Holy shit.” He mutters, “Holy fucking shit.”
“What?” you smile, “What is it?”
“You’re so beautiful…” he bites on his lips, “This dress is so perfect for you. And I love your hair up…your neck…I just want to kiss all over it.” He admits.
“You look very handsome as well, Tae.” You put your hands out, gesturing for him to hand over the flowers.
“Oh, right.” He places the bouquet in your hands. “For you.”
“Help me find a vase?” you nod your head towards inside the apartment. Taehyung nods his head and walks inside, heading towards his kitchen. He finds a vase that his mother gave him and fills it with water. He takes the flowers from you and places them inside.
“Do you like them?” he asks, “Some of these flowers are the same type as the ones from the island…when I gave you some on that date we went on.” Taehyung shyly mumbles.
“Oh? I love that.” You squeeze his bicep. “You’re so thoughtful.” You lean up and kiss his cheek.
“Kiss me properly babe.” Taehyung tells you.
“But my lipstick…” you whine, “But fine.”
Your hands find themselves on both his cheeks as you softly pull him down, closer to you and you give him a sweet smooch.
“Love you.” He whispers against your lips as you pull back some. “Ready?”
The Leeum Samsung Museum of Art is more impressive than you would have ever imagined. It blends Korean history with modern art. The pieces are so extravagant, so unique and so fun that you can’t help but gaze at them for several long moments. Taehyung has seen this all before but he still gets so immersed and his excitement is very clear that he gets to share this with you.
“It’s a chandelier, right? Wow, this is so bright and sparkly…” you say, admiration filling the tone of your voice. “Let’s hang this up in your apartment.” You joke.
“Whatever you want baby.” Taehyung tells you, his hand going around your waist. “Ready to move on to the next piece?”
“Sure.” You smile, “I will probably will want to take it home, whatever it is. This place is amazing.”
“Isn’t it?”
You two walk until you are standing in front of a wall full of diamond shaped mirrors, you hurry to grab your phone from your purse and take Taehyung’s arm.
“Should we take a picture?” you ask, feeling a bit shy because besides the photos from the island, you two have never taken a picture together. You feel the jitters like this truly is a first date.
“Sure baby.” Taehyung stands behind you, wraps his arms around your waist and smiles for the photo. You feel your heart bursting in joy as you feel his warmth surround you. You smile at your reflection and snap the picture.
“Let’s take a selfie too.” Taehyung offers. You agree, lifting the phone up and switching the camera to face the two of you. You click a few photos, some smiling, some with kissy lips, some with his lips on your cheek and one with his lips on your lips. You feel so lovely, so giddy, so happy.
“They close soon…” Taehyung mentions regretfully. “And sunset is almost here.” He looks at his phone, “We should get going for the next part of our date.”
“Something to do with the sunset?” you guess.
“Maybe.” He grins at you, “Come on.”
You two take Line 3 and exit 2 for the place he is taking you, you see a tall building and wonder what it could be. He leads you inside and takes you up the elevator until you are on the roof of the building.
“Sky Rose Garden.” He says with a proud smile, “It’s so pretty right? Right?”
Your eyes scan the area…there’s so many roses all around, many tables and café’s. You walk forward until you’re at the edge, your hands going to the railing.
“Holy shit…what a view of the city.” You say under your breath, “The sun is setting.” You tell him. The way the sun sets over the buildings is a sight for sore eyes, the mix of the golden rays and the blooming flowers mixed with dim lights makes for a beautiful scene.
“Let’s get something to eat.” Taehyung feels himself grow prouder and prouder for bringing you here, your eyes filling with stars as you gaze at everything.
“Okay.” You find his hand and interlock your fingers. He guides you to the shop and you two order two drinks and some small finger foods. You bring it to a small table, setting your things down while Taehyung pulls your chair out for you. You sit and thank him while he takes his own seat.
“This is such a romantic spot, Tae.” You flutter your lashes at him, a sweet smile adorning your face. “I feel like I don’t deserve this.”
Taehyung frowns at your words, he brings his drink to his lips as he studies you.
“We’re going to work on that.” He says, putting the drink back down onto the table. “I want you to feel like you deserve the world and more.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever feel like I deserve this…deserve you…”
“Don’t say that. It’s me who doesn’t deserve you baby. You’re so lovely.”
“You really love me, don’t you?” you kind of laugh, “You make me feel like you do…”
“I do.” He says quickly. “So much.”
“You have options now, Tae. And you still want me? Still choose me?” you looks into his dark eyes and you see how they soften for you.
“y/n. I choose you every day. Every minute of every day. I choose you.” Taehyung tries to smile but it’s sort of sad. “Do you choose me?”
“Yes!” you rush, “Taehyung, I love you.”
“Then….” Taehyung’s eyes slide to the sunset. He watches as the sun lowers itself over the buildings. “Do you like it here?” he asks. “Would you move here…?”
Suddenly, you feel yourself panic. It’s not like you hate it here…but isn’t it so soon to ask that? When would you even move? Now? Taehyung’s eyes find yours and he notices how you seem to fill with something anxious.
“y/n? Sorry…maybe I shouldn’t have….”
“No, no.” you gulp. “I just…need time to think.”
“No, you do. Definitely. You do. I’m sorry. I don’t want to feel like I am pressuring you.”
“I know babe.” You finally release a long breath, “I just…don’t know.”
“And that’s okay.” He assures you, his hand finding yours over the table top. “Just try to communicate your feelings to me.”
“I’m afraid…” you admit, sighing out.
“Afraid of what?”
“Of saying something you won’t like.” You pull your hand away from his, “Hurting your feelings.”
Taehyung’s lips curve downwards as he looks at you. “Forget about my feelings,” he says. “Let’s focus on yours. But when you’re ready.” He assures you again.
“Sorry I…” you start to feel overwhelmed…anxiety building within you.
“Let’s just enjoy the night sky.” Taehyung smiles, he reaches for your hand again and squeezes it tightly. “Come.” He stands, leading you towards the railing. You two gaze at the darkening sky, you see the streets come to life as night time approaches.
“Sorry if I ruined the mood.” You say after a long while, “I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Taehyung squeezes your hand again, “Everything is still perfect. As long as we are together things are the way they are meant to be.”
“You really believe that?” you ask, swaying into his side.
“More than anything.” His arm wraps around your shoulder, he brings you in close and sniffs your hair and exhales a breath of satisfaction. “Are you enjoying our date?”
“So much.” You say, “This is so romantic.”
“I try.” He chuckles, “But what I really want? To take you home, open a bottle of wine and kiss you. Kiss you so fucking much.”
“Take me home then.” You tease. “I’m ready when you are.”
You and Taehyung are sitting on his balcony. The night time air feels nice and refreshing, the way the breeze lightly blows. You sip on the red wine he poured you and you feel your skin tingling and your head light and airy.
“You wanted to be an actress?” Taehyung raises a brow at you, feeling quite impressed. “Like for movies and stuff?”
“You know I’m quite good at acting.” You remind him, “I love being in character.” You wink, your cheeks warming up. Taehyung smirks at you, remembering your island days where you dressed in many different outfits for him.
“True.” He says smoothly, “I need to find out more though.”
“We can arrange that.”
“How come you didn’t pursue it though?”
You nibble on your lips as you think, “It’s not really realistic is it?”
“You’re talking to an aspiring musician.” He deadpans. “I get it though, the arts are hard.”
“Yeah. But I believe in you, your voice is so charming.” You say in a smooth, deep voice, trying to imitate him. Taehyung chuckles and nods his head like he agrees.
“I am struggling to finish this song…” he mentions, “But when it’s done I want to show you.” He takes a sip of his wine.
“I cannot wait babe.” You reply excitedly.
“Why are you so far away?” Taehyung whines, “Come sit closer.”
“Your chairs are set up this way.” You laugh, “But sure, I can come closer.” You stand up and drag your chair next to Taehyung and plop down into it. “Better?”
“No.” He sets his wine down on the table in front of him and takes your arm, pulling you closer and closer until you’re finding yourself in his lap. “Now, it’s better.”
“I really do feel bad about earlier…” your hand goes to his shirt, you play with the material. “I know you say I didn’t ruin the mood but I still feel like I did…”
“You didn’t baby.” Taehyung frowns.
“Even still…I want to make it up to you.” Your eyes go from looking at your hand to his eyes. “Can I do that for you?”
“And how would you make it up to me?” His hands go to rub your back. “You really don’t have to but I am curious?”
“Mm.” you look up, pretending to think as you smile. “Maybe I could…” you hand travels down to his belt buckle. “Make you cum.”
“Oh?” he leans his head back as his eye lids become heavy. “How would you make me cum?” he asks with a low voice.
“My mouth.” You state seductively. “How does that sound baby?”
“As tempting as that sounds…” Taehyung closes his eyes as a smirk plays at his lips…”I have another idea.”
“And what’s that?” you continue to unbuckle his belt.
“You never really got to ride me like you wanted.” His fingers go to his buttons, he begins undoing them, helping you.
“I love where your mind is at.” You tell him smoothly, your hands scrambling to undo his zipper. He lifts himself up and you help him drag his pants down to his thighs, his briefs going with them. Your small hand immediately wraps around his half hard length, you lean into kiss his neck as he sighs out. You start stroking him very slowly, sometimes squeezing him at the tip making him release a long, shaky breath.
“I’m going to touch you too.” He warns softly. “That okay?”
“Yes, please.” You move to straddle him, his hand goes under your dress as his fingers rub you over your panties. You sigh out in pleasure as he touches you. You start stroking him a bit faster until he’s completely hard.
“You’re definitely wet enough…” Taehyung smirks, “Your panties are soaked.”
You nod your head frantically as you hold on to his hard cock, you look him in the eyes and start teasing his cock at your hole.
“If you’re too loud my neighbors might hear.” Taehyung tells you.
“Okay, I’ll try to be quiet.”
“Not what I was trying to say.” He smirks and you roll your eyes. You ease yourself onto his cock, lowering yourself onto it. He hisses when he feels your warmth surround him, he whines when he feels how your walls suck him in.
“You feel so incredible.” He sighs out, “Let’s come quickly?” he asks, a hint of desperation in his voice.
“Yes Taehyung.” You start lifting yourself off him before slamming back down. You repeat this action over and over, your thighs burning as you fuck yourself onto his cock. Taehyung’s hands go under your dress and he squeezes your ass cheeks in his large hands, helping you set the pace.
“Fuck baby. You ride cock so well.” Taehyung can’t help but meet you halfway, slightly thrusting into you from below. “Fuck.”
Your hands go to his hair, you hold on tightly as you ride him faster now. He groans when you tug on it, his eyes find yours and they look like they have fire inside them.
“Can you go faster my love?” He whines, “Should I help you?”
Your thighs burn, your shaking legs telling him all he needs to know. He starts thrusting from below, hitting your g spot over and over. The pleasure building so fucking quickly.
“Ah, Taehyung.” You cry out, your head falls to his shoulder and you bite into his skin making him moan for you.
“Fuck, I’m going to come.” He starts fucking you faster, harder and deeper all at once. You can’t help but scream out his name over and over as he hits your spot, his fingers finally make contact with your clit and that’s the last straw. You start moving your hips wildly as you start to cum all around his cock.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” you yell out, your moans loud and high pitched. You squeeze his cock, making him shoot his cum inside you. You both continue to move your hips into each other, riding out your highs.
“Holy fuck baby.” Taehyung breathes into your neck, “Love you on top.” His hands massage your ass cheeks and he lightly spanks you.
“Felt so good.” You pant. “Let’s stay like this for a moment.” You say, referring to his dick being inside you.
“Yes.” He breathes out roughly, “You think my neighbors hate us?” he laughs.
It’s Saturday morning and you are in an amazing mood. Taehyung just fucked you against the shower wall, then fucked you again on the bathroom counter, then ate you out on the bed. You wish every morning started off like that.
Taehyung is in the kitchen making some eggs and bacon while you slip on one of his t shirts and a fresh pair on undies. You make your way into the kitchen, walking behind Taehyung. You wrap your arms around his waist from behind and inhale his scent. It smells like him, smells like home.
“Hungry?” he asks.
“I bet.” Taehyung chuckles, he turns around in your grasp and hugs you tightly. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore as fuck.” You look down and then back up into his eyes. You see how he grins, feeling satisfied with himself.
“Sorry.” He says, still grinning.
“No you aren’t.” you laugh, you let go of him and head towards the counter and take a seat on one of the stools. “So I had an idea.”
“What idea is that?” Taehyung continues to cook the bacon on the stove. “Hm?”
“I was thinking we invite the guys over tonight…maybe have a game night?”
“A game night?” Taehyung turns around to take a look at you, a smile forming on his lips. “You want to see the guys already again?”
“Of course. They’re my….my…friends.” you mumble lamely. “Right?”
“Yes, that’s right.” Taehyung turns back around, the smile in his voice very evident. “I’ll add you to the group chat. You can invite them yourselves.”
“Tae.” You whine, “You do it.”
“Don’t be shy babe.”
“I am shy though.” You complain, “Come on.”
“Nope.” He smiles, flipping the bacon.
You groan into your hands but you can’t help but smile too. You mean, they are your friends right? So it’s not awkward if you do it?
“Here…” Taehyung pulls out his phone and presses on the screen for a while. “Just added you.” He looks up at you and grins, “Go ahead.”
You find your own phone and see you have been added to their group chat…you feel a bit awkward like you’re entering a sacred space but Taehyung looks so excited…
y/n 11:06am
Hey guys…it’s y/n. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to Tae’s apartment tonight for a game night, If not its cool. Just thought I would ask.
Jimin 11:07am
Omg hi!! Yes, sounds good with me. What time should I come?
Yoongi 11:07am
Srry cant make it tonight but next time for sure:-)
Jungkook 11:08am
Namjoon 11:08am
Going to be with Yoongi, sorry y/n. But let’s make plans soon!
Hobi 11:09am
Have a big paper due on Monday. Next time though!!!!:)
Jin 11:10am
Game night! Woo! See you tonight.
You bring your phone to your chest as you feel it bubble with excitement. Taehyung looks at his phone, reading over the messages and glances at you with a smile.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Shut up.” You groan, your head falling into your hands. “Let’s eat?”
“Almost ready.” He smirks at you, “Tell Jimin 7.”
You take your phone again and send the text telling the guys what time to come. You can’t help but feel your mood brighten even more. You really, like really don’t know when the last time you felt this happy. In fact…maybe this is the first time you have felt this happy.
“We need to clean up the apartment though…” you take a look around, “We look like slobs.”
“After we eat!” Taehyung brings a plate to where you’re seated, his sets it down on the counter and his own plate next to you. “Let’s dig in.” he smiles, sitting down next to you.
“What song is this? I love it.” You can’t help but mumble the lyrics, even though you have no idea what they are saying.
“It’s called Bittersweet.” Taehyung tells you, he sways his body into yours, dancing along to the song. You can’t help but laugh and dance along as well, Taehyung takes your hands and wraps them around his neck as his hands go to your hips.
“Let’s dance.” He tells you…”Remember when we danced on the island? On our date?”
“Yeah…it was one of your romantic gestures…” you remind him with a sweet smile.
“The backless dress you wore that night….drove me crazy.” He admits softly, pulling your closer.
“Oh really?” you smirk, “ I tried looking nice that night. Did I go too far?”
“Baby I had to try so hard to keep my eyes elsewhere. But feeling your bare back?” Taehyung huffs out, “That was torture.”
“Hm.” You hum, “Is that so?” you both continue swaying to the music and then you start giggling. “We’re supposed to be cleaning.”
“We can multi task.” He teases, “We’ve done worse while we clean.” He winks at you and your cheeks heat up, turning nice and rosy.
“Can I kiss you?” you ask, already leaning up. Taehyung pushes his head forward as he meets your lips half way. “I’m so, so happy Taehyung.”
“This is just the beginning baby.”
Evening finally comes, the setting sun giving the room a low glow. You hear knocking on the door and you whip your head in the doors direction before looking at your phone to see the time. It’s only 6:40.
“Must be Jimin.” Taehyung starts walking towards the door, swinging it open to reveal Jimin standing there.
“Hey friends.” Jimin walks in, a bottle of wine in hand. “I am ready for game night!”
You stand to your feet and walk towards Jimin, his entire face lights up and he rushes to hug you tightly.
“Hi.” He continues to squeeze you in his arms, you make eye contact with Taehyung who is just smiling fondly at you both.
“Hey…you brought wine!” you gesture towards the wine as you pull back, “What kind?”
“It’s a chardonnay.” He tells you with a sweet smile, “I’ll put it in the kitchen.” He says, leaving you to make his way into the kitchen.
“I need to shower still.” Taehyung tells you, “think you’ll be alright with Jimin?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.” You wave him off, “Go, go.”
Taehyung announces to Jimin that he will return shortly and disappears into the bedroom. Jimin comes into the living room, joining you on the sofa with two wine glasses.
“For you.” He hands you the glass, “and for me.” He tilts the glass back and chugs like half the glass, you chuckle at his excitement.
“So, tell me. What was Taehyung like when you first met him?” he grins, waiting for you answer.
“An asshole.” You say with a straight face.
“Eh?” Jimin pushes his head back in disbelief. “My Taehyungie? There’s no way. Although he told me about it, I still can’t believe it.” He laughs, his eyes basically disappearing as he giggles.
“And how do you think you were?”
“He tells me I was a brat.”
“No, no. Not my angel y/n!” Jimin laughs again and you join him.
“Neither of us were very mature starting out.” You admit, bringing the glass of wine to your lips. “But we grew to get used to each other I guess.”
“I knew he was going to fall in love with you.” Jimin gives you a cheeky smile, “His parents shared the photos with us and I just knew he had a thing for you since the beginning.”
“I don’t know about that.” you chuckle. “I don’t think he liked me very much at first.”
“Eh, details details.” He shrugs, “As the weeks went by his eyes filled with more and more love each time. I knew he was a goner.”
“You think so?” you can’t help but blush. “I don’t know…”
“You shouldn’t doubt it.” Jimin becomes a little more serious, he brings the wine glass closer to his mouth. “Please don’t ever doubt his feelings…not again…” then he is chugging back the rest of the wine.
“I…I won’t.” you can sense the shift in the atmosphere for a few moments before Jimin cracks a wide smile and pats you on the back.
“I really am envious of you two.” He whines dramatically. “You guys are so hot!”
“Do you have someone Jimin?” you decide to pry, you are friends after all. Jimin looks a little surprised but then he offers you a small smile, his cheeks turning pink.
Insistent knocking on the door interrupts. “I’ll get it!” Jimin rushes to his feet.
Jimin makes his way to the door, opens it and starts hugging on his two friends that just showed up.
“y/n!!!!” Jin comes through, “How’s my new friend?”
You rise from the sofa, setting your glass of wine down before you are being engulfed in a warm hug.
“Hi Jin.” You wrap your arms around him in a hug just as tight.
“Jungkook you better come say hi properly.” Jin yells out, still hugging you.
“Nah, I’m good.” He says with a straight face. He enters the apartment and heads straight towards the kitchen for some water. “Really sucks it’s just me, you, Jimin and Tae tonight.”
“And y/n.” Jin gives Jungkook a look from across the living room.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Maybe we should start drinking?” you offer, walking towards the kitchen yourself. “We have wine, beer…”
“Wow, we might actually agree on something.” Jungkook gives you a cold stare. “I want beer.” He says, extending his hand out.
“You are the definition of a brat.” Jimin chuckles. “Get your own beer.”
“Beer sounds good!” Jin comes into the kitchen too, his hand rubbing at Jungkook’s shoulder. “I’ll get them.”
You can’t help but laugh as you watch Jungkook slump his shoulders when he doesn’t get what he wants.
“Tae sure is taking a while.” Jimin comments, “Oh! y/n, your glass is empty. Shall we go for round two?” he winks at you, holding up the bottle of wine and shaking it around slightly.
“Hm,” you put a finger to your chin as you pretend to think. “Yes.” You walk back to grab your glass and bring it towards Jimin so he can refill your glass.
“I hear my name.” Taehyung comes into the kitchen with damp hair, “Were you guys talking about how amazing I am?”
“Would y/n really know? If she did she wouldn’t have—”
Jin hits Jungkook on the arm, making him shut up. Taehyung glares at Jungkook but brushes it off.
“Anyway.” You gulp, “I say we also order some food?”
“You are just full of great ideas girl.” Jin exclaims excitedly.
Drinks are being drank, food has been ordered and conversation is flowing. You all sit in Taehyung’s living room, everyone feeling a bit tipsy as you all laugh and talk.
“Dumplings? Your biggest fight was over dumplings?” you giggle, the alcohol making you feel warm and giddy.
“It’s deeper than that.” Jimin pouts, “Right Tae?”
“Yeah, exactly. No one understands us Jiminie.” Taehyung also pouts dramatically.
“It’s okay,” you smile. “Me and my sister wanted to murder each other over a pack of crayons so.”
“Crayons?” Jin asks. “Like the color sticks. Why?”
“I swear she kept breaking my crayons in half!” You chug back more of your wine. “So I took hers and broke all of them.” You shrug nonchalantly.
“y/n is the type to get revenge. Noted.” Jimin blinks at you and laughs. “Be careful everyone!”
“Scary.” Taehyung shudders, “I’ll make sure to stay on your good side.”
“Good.” You nod at him, “For the best.”
“Reminds me of the time Jungkook ate all my ramens when he thought I took a bite of his. He literally went and ate 6 cups in a row. All so I would be left with none.”
“You’re both scary.” Jimin looks between you and Jungkook and you both shrug nonchalantly.
“It is what it is.” Jungkook slurs.
“Should we finally play a drinking game?” you decide to speak up over the chatter, “I vote King’s Cup.”
“That’s the one where each card has a rule right?”
“Yeah, I’m down!” Jin high fives you across the table. “Where’s the cards Tae?”
“I’ll go grab them” Taehyung stands from the floor and goes to his bookshelf where a deck of cards are. “Got them.” He comes back to the table and sits down on the floor.
“I just spread the cards all around?” he asks you and you nod your head.
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Whoever draws the last king has to chug this beer.” Jimin places a beer in the middle of the table. “Got it?”
“Got it!” Jin yells out, “I hate chugging so hopefully a pro like Jimin gets it. Or Jungkook.”
“Or me.” You slur cockily.
“And not me.” Taehyung whines. “I hate chugging.”
“Ladies first…?” Jimin gestures towards you with an evil smirk and you roll your eyes playfully.
You reach for a card and see that you pulled a 4. You immediately groan.
“4 is whores. You’re on your own.” Jungkook points out the obvious.
“Whores is an aggressive word…let’s say ‘ladies.’” Jin says softly, “Sorry though y/n. Jungkook’s right though, you’re on your own.”
Jimin and Taehyung snicker to themselves as they all wait for you to take a drink.
“Fine.” You bring a beer to your lips, gulping down the cold liquid.
“Jimin your turn!” you point at him drunkenly, “I hope you get a 3!”
Jimin shakes his head with a wide smile as he reaches for a card on the table, he pulls a Jack and starts laughing like a maniac.
“What?” Everyone asks. Jimin shows the card and smiles cheekily.
“Jack is back. Sorry, y/n, looks like you are drinking again.”
“What the actual fuck?” you groan as the boys laugh. “I wish there were other girls here, I feel outnumbered.” You laugh as you take a sip of your drink.
“Well…I could invite Yuna and Jiwoo?” Jimin asks, looking around the room to get the other guys approvals.
“J-J-Jiwoo?” Jungkook stutters out, “Um. Yeah.” He starts to blush and Jin gives Jungkook a knowing smile.
“Yeah, they’re cool. y/n will like them.” Taehyung says with a smile, his hand going to your thigh as he squeezes it lightly.
“But will they like me?” you mumble. “It’s fine, you don’t have to actually invite anyone I was just kidding,”
“No!” Jimin claps his hands excitedly. “It’ll be fun!” He pulls his phone out and sends them a text.
“Okay…Jungkook it’s your turn.” You point at the boy and he excitedly reaches for a card. He pulls a 9.
“Rhyme…Uh, I’ll start off with the word…Cat.” Then he whips his head in Jin’s direction.
“Hat!” Jin yells out quickly.
“Bat!” Taehyung manages to get out.
“Uhhhhhhhh……” Jungkook panics, not able to think of a word in time.
“Times up!” Jimin laughs loudly, “You lose, you drink.”
Jungkook groans, rolling his eyes as he chugs back some of his drink. “Jin, your turn.”
Jin pulls a Queen.
“Oh, question master!” Jin smirks, “So anytime I ask a question and someone answers it they have to drink right?”
“Yeah.” Taehyung answers.
“Drink.” The rest of you say in unison, everyone laughing as Taehyung’s eyes go wide and he starts yelling about how unfair that was.
“Taehyung go!” He pulls an 8. AKA mate/date. He has to choose someone in the room to drink with him every time he drinks.
“My girlfriend, of course.” He looks over at you and blows you a kiss. He immediately picks up his drink and takes a sip, you roll your eyes as you pick up your own drink and gulp back some of the liquid. “Your turn baby.” Taehyung gestures towards the cards.
You pick up a 5…you all decide on never have I ever. You go first.
“Never have I ever lived in Korea.” You smirk at the boys and they all groan as they take a drink.
“You have to drink too because Tae is drinking.” Jungkook smirks. “You played yourself.”
Your eyes go wide as you realize then you throw your head back in defeat as you take a drink of your beer.
“Whatever.” You mumble. “You all lose a finger though. Only two more fingers left.”
“Never have I ever lived in (Your country)” Jimin’s sly smile makes it to his lips as he stares at you. Jin high fives Jimin and Taehyung and Jungkook laugh.
“Wow.” You take another sip of your beer.
“Never have I ever smoked weed.” Jungkook states proudly. Taehyung lowers a finger and takes a drink.
“What? When?” you ask, surprised.
“It was a dark 6 months y/n.” Taehyung lightly giggles. “It was just a couple of times though.”
“Never have I ever had sex with 2 different girls in one night.” Jin looks around the room. His eyes scanning his friends…when Taehyung lowers his last finger and takes a drink.
“Slut!” Jimin yells out, laughing. “Oh…” he pulls out his phone, “Yuna says they will come later…oh, it’s my turn.” He pulls a King. The rule maker.
“The rule is every time you drink you have to say a line from a Disney movie!”
“That’s hard!” Taehyung whines, “Why!”
“Oh, this is too easy.” You say with a devilish smirk, you notice Jungkook across the table also with his own smile.
“Too easy.” He repeats.
The night continues on, you all laugh and yell over one another, the room sizzling with excitement.
“There’s a snake in my boot!” Jungkook says before taking a sip of his beer.
“You had absolutely no reason to drink.” Jin deadpans. “You just want to show off your knowledge of Disney movies.”
“But daddy, I love him!” you take a sip of your own drink, your competitive eyes on Jungkook.
“You’re both annoying.” Taehyung says with a straight face. “Someone please draw another King so the rule can change.”
3 more Kings get drawn eventually, making the game come to an end. Everyone is drunk, giggling like maniacs. Your head finds Taehyung’s shoulder as you two rumble with laughter, sweet, sweet drunken laughter.
“Hey the girls are about to be here!” Jimin announces. Suddenly you stop your giggles, becoming a tad bit serious. A tad bit…nervous. You wonder…will they like you? What are they like? Are they nice? Are they mean? Your mind starts getting clouded with these thoughts…you start to feel insecure.
“Hey…” Taehyung slurs in your ear, “They’re great. Going to love you.” And then suddenly there’s knocking on the front door.
Jimin rises from the floor to open the door to let the girls in, a small girl with short blonde hair comes through first. She’s wearing several clips in her hair, a frilly dress and wearing a large smile on her face.
“Yuna!” Jimin goes in to hug her, she squeezes her eyes shut as she hugs Jimin. A girl with long, dark hair that’s half tied up in a bun walks in, she’s dressed much more casual.
“Jiwoo!” Jimin hugs her next, she wraps her arms around the boy loosely as she nods her head.
“Yes, yes.” She slurs, “We are here.”
“And we are drunk!” Yuna giggles, twirling around in a few circles. When she stops, she brings a hand to her forehead. “Oh. I got dizzy.”
“Silly girl.” Jiwoo says with a straight face. “You’re always doing that” This time she allows herself to show a small smile.
“Oh!” Yuna’s eyes widen in pleasant surprise when she spots you. “You must be y/n!” She rushes to you, her hands finding your hands as she helps you stand to your feet and immediately hugs you, leaving you feeling surprised.
“So nice to finally meet you!”
Jiwoo walks closer to you, smiles and nods her head in greeting.
“I’m Jiwoo. This is Yuna.” She motions towards the small girl that is clinging to you.
“Hi. Nice to meet you.” You smile, feeling a little tense.
“Hi Jiwoo.” Jungkook feels himself grow red as he greets the girl, she looks at him with the tilt of her head and waves at him.
“And Yuna.” Jin bumps shoulder with Jungkook.
“Right, hi Yuna.” Jungkook mumbles. “Nice to see you guys.”
“Ah!” Yuna finally pulls away from you, “You smell so nice.” Then she is rubbing her head in your chest as she drunkenly sniffs you. Jiwoo tries to pull Yuna off you but she’s too drunk to listen or to care. You finally feel yourself loosen up at the girls behavior, you can’t help but start laughing. Jiwoo looks at you apologetically and cracks a smile too.
“Hey!” Taehyung also tries tugging on Yuna’s arm to get her off of you. “She’s mine.” He whines. “Go be all over Jiwoo like you usually are.”
“Ah my Jiwoo loves my love!” Yuna let’s go of you and twirls to face Jiwoo and clutches onto her.
“Thanks Taehyung.” Jiwoo deadpans.
“How about some more drinks?” you ask with a smile, “I’ll go grab some.”
“I’ll help.” Taehyung follows you into the kitchen. You feel Taehyung’s chest on your back as he wraps an arm around you waist as you open the fridge.
“I miss you.” He whispers into your ear, “Let’s kick everyone out so I can be with you. Alone.” He brings his hips closer to your ass, where you can feel his half hard length.
“You’re bad.” You chuckle, “You’re going to have to wait.” You bend down to reach for some drinks when he lightly grinds his hips into your ass, pushing you further forward.
“Tae.” You whine, turning around in his grasp. “Not now.”
“Fine. At least kiss me.” He slurs.
You tilt your head and lean up to find his lips, he starts kissing you quickly and roughly, his tongue finding yours in seconds. You taste the alcohol on his tongue and you feel yourself grow drunker. His hands explore the entirety of your body, from groping your ass to your breasts to cupping your jaw. You accidentally moan into his mouth, making him jerk his hips into yours. You feel his fully hard cock now, he grinds himself against you and you whimper when his fingers rub you over your jeans. You’re both so drunk, so messy, so turned on.
“They’re probably wondering where we’re at.” You pull away slightly, out of breath as you speak.
“Who cares.” Taehyung dives back in, kissing your swollen lips again. But you pull away again with a chuckle.
“I want to make friends. Let’s go.” You nod towards the living room where you can hear talking and laughter.
Taehyung looks at you with soft eyes as he nods his head in understanding.
“Okay, baby.”
You smooth down your clothes and hair and walk back into the living room, Jimin chatting with Yuna about a movie they recently saw, Jin and Jungkook making small talk with Jiwoo. You sit next to Yuna and she immediately puts her attention on you. She asks you about your hometown, she asks about where you got your blouse, she talks about her own funny stories. Jiwoo comes to sit with the two of you, joining your conversation. She mentions she studies environmental science and loves to attend concerts. You three drunkenly agree on buying tickets to some random bands show.
They’re both…great. Super nice. Very welcoming and warm and you are feeling a bit overwhelmed. Your drunken emotions getting the best of you…but it’s been so long since you have had a girl friend. You can’t help but get teary eyed as Yuna talks about the boy she has a crush on, Jiwoo teases her about it and you? You feel so included and it’s honestly taking a toll on your drunk state of mind.
“He just sucks at texting!” Yuna pouts, then she notices your glossy eyes. “y/n? Are you okay?” she reaches for your hands and looks at you with big, bright eyes.
“What?” you sniffle, “Yeah. Sorry. Wow. Sorry.” You start to panic, but Jiwoo’s hands finds your guys hands and she gives you a smile.
“Want to have brunch with us tomorrow at noon?” She asks, long dark strands of her hair falling over her eyes. “We do it every Sunday. Could be fun to have a third person?”
“That’s such a lovely idea!” Yuna yells cutely, “Don’t you think y/n?”
“Brunch? Just the three of us?”
“What?” You hear Jimin whine, butting into your conversation. “You guys are getting brunch together? So unfair, I want to come!”
“Let the girls have their time!” Jin says. “Even though I bet Jungkook wants to go too.”
Jungkook becomes super flustered, turning many shades of red as he mutters ‘shut up’ to Jin. Jiwoo punches Jungkook’s arm and tells him to relax.
“But yes.” Yuna juts her lip out, “It’s girls time.”
“I think it’s a good idea.” Taehyung chuckles, “Right y/n?” “Uh…” you look around the room, you start to feel overwhelmed again. “Yeah…”
“Let’s exchange information.” Jiwoo hands you her phone, “Give her your phone too, Yuna.”
“Right!” Yuna bubbles over with excitement, clapping her hands and smiling brightly.
You put your information in both girls phones and they send you a message, adding you to their group chat.
“Well, we better get going if we want to even wake up for brunch.” Jiwoo says, tugging on Yuna’s hand, making her stand. “Let’s go Yu.”
“See you tomorrow.” Yuna leans in to hug you tightly, “We’re friends now, so please take care of me!” then she is pulling away and heading towards the boys to say goodbye.
The girls leave, Jin and Jungkook follow. They say their goodbyes and head out as well. You and Taehyung close the front door when you notice Jimin has been missing for a while.
“I bet he’s asleep in my room.” Taehyung rolls his eyes, “It’s his habit.”
“Shall we sleep out here then?” you motion towards the couch, “But let’s clean up first.”
You and Taehyung spend the next 30 or so minutes cleaning his apartment, picking up trash, throwing away bottles and putting away leftover food. You finally plop down on the sofa, your head landing in Taehyung’s lap.
“Had fun tonight?” Taehyung begins playing with your hair, “You weren’t too overwhelmed…were you? You can tell me.”
“There were some points.” You sigh out, “But honestly I had an amazing time.”
“Good.” Taehyung gets comfortable, laying on his side, urging you to cuddle with him. He big spoons the fuck out of you as you two lay here, you turn to face him and you breathe him in and it relaxes you beyond belief.
“Goodnight Tae.”
You are super nervous…to the point that you barely slept and are now considering canceling brunch. Taehyung tries to encourage you but your mind if foggy with doubt.
“They were probably just being nice.” You try to reason, but Taehyung isn’t having any of it.
“Because they are nice.” He massages your shoulder, “They like you y/n. They’re good people…they want to be your friend.”
“They probably didn’t mean it…inviting me to brunch…” You nibble on your lips and Taehyung frowns at your words.
“Can you trust me? And believe in yourself. You’re amazing baby. See how brunch goes.”
“Okay…” you tug the black, long sleeve shirt over your head. You are wearing shorts and some sandals as well. “Do I look fine?” you look into Taehyung’s eyes through the mirror and he smiles at you.
You feel your phone buzzing in your shorts, you pull it out to see you have messages from Yuna and Jiwoo.
Yuna 11:46am
On my way, see you girls at the Café :)
Jiwoo 11:46am
I am also on the way!
“Oh shit, they’re already on the way to the café.” You begin to stress, smoothing your hair down in the mirror.
“Relax baby,” Taehyung continues to massage your shoulders, “The café is a 5 minute walk from here. I’ll take you and drop you off.”
“Thank you…” the your eyes widen. “What will you do while I’m gone?”
“It’s Sunday. Family day.”
“Family day?”
“I go see my parents for a while. I’ll go back to the café to pick you up, don’t worry.” He turns you around and starts kissing all around your face, his way of comforting you. “Have fun today baby.”
“Family day?” you repeat, “Shouldn’t I …go?”
“Don’t worry about it this time my love. Have fun with Yuna and Jiwoo.”
“If you say so…should we get going?”
The walk to the café is short, your sweaty hand in Taehyung’s the entire time. He walks you to the front door of the café and kisses you a million times.
“I’ll pick you up in a few hours.” He kisses the top of your head when a sweet voice cuts in.
“That won’t be necessary! We can do it.” It’s Yuna, she’s walking up to you two with her arm linked with Jiwoo’s. Yuna leaves Jiwoo’s side to run up to you, hugging you tightly, then pulls back and links arms with you. Jiwoo shoo’s Taehyung away, waving him off.
“We got it from here champ.” She says to Taehyung.
“Okay. Okay.” Taehyung smiles at you. “See you later babe.”
The café is to put it simply: adorable. The fairy lights strung up, the cute figures in random places, the art on the walls. Yuna and Jiwoo lead you inside as they giggle about how cute Taehyung is, worrying about you the way he does. You nod along as you eye the place, taking in the cute shop.
“Want us to order for you?” Yuna looks over at you with her big eyes. “Unless you want to practice your Korean?” she smiles.
“Oh no, no. Not yet at least.” You laugh. “Please order for me!”
“What would you like?” Jiwoo looks up at the menu for herself as well. “I’m thinking an Americano.”
“Just a latte.” You say, your eyes scanning the room for a place to sit. “Ah, I will grab us some seats.”
The two girls give you a thumbs up as you head towards a small table near a large window. You take a seat and take out your phone.
y/n 12:14pm
Enjoy time with your parents. Love you.
Taehyung 12:14pm
I will baby. Get off your phone and have fun! Love you more.
You slide your phone into your back pocket and wait for you two new friends. Can you call them that? You hope you can…they seem so nice. Finally, the two girls come back with your drinks. Yuna is wearing a cute, pink dress with white lace and once again Jiwoo is more casual—wearing jeans and a band t shirt.
“Your latte!” Yuna announces their presence, sliding your drink over. “Does it taste good?” She looks at you expectantly. You can’t help but giggle as you bring the hot beverage to your lips.
“It’s good.”
“Yay!” She claps her hands together. “I’m so happy you like it. It can become your usual.” She finally takes a seat across from you, Jiwoo doing the same.
Yuna begins chatting immediately with Jiwoo commenting every now and then. You learn that Jiwoo has more of a dry humor personality and you can see it goes over Yuna’s head most of the time. They have an interesting dynamic, but it’s so cute. You wonder if you can fit in with them.
“And my father wants to set me up with man after man but I just want to date freely.” Yuna puts her head in her hands that rest on the table.
“Your dad sucks.” Jiwoo states plainly. “Do as you wish.” She takes a sip of her Americano.
“You know it’s harder than that. He’s so hard on me.” Yuna juts her bottom lip out in a dramatic pout then she looks over at you. “What are your parents like?”
“Uh…” your eyes find hers and you nibble on your lips. “My dad is actually really chill.”
“And your mom?” Jiwoo asks.
“The opposite of chill?” You tilt your head and the girls begin laughing.
“Ah, we totally understand you!”
“So…” Yuna’s eyes slide of to Jiwoo. “We’ve been wondering…what it was like…to you know, live on an island with a stranger.”
“Yuna.” Jiwoo warns but then she looks to you. “You don’t have to tell us.”
“Ah, I don’t mind.” Your mind beginning to ease at the thought of talking about you and Taehyung. “It was really strange at first.” You admit. “And scary.”
“I bet!!!” Yuna gasps, “What were your first thoughts?”
“First I thought I hooked up with him but when it was nowhere in my memory of going out the night before then I thought I was kidnapped…guess I wasn’t that wrong.” You awkwardly laugh. “He was kind of…rude to me at first.”
“Taehyung?! Rude?!” Yuna asks in disbelief, a hand over her mouth. “I guess he can kind of look a little…intimidating?”
“Looking intimidating…” Jiwoo mumbles, “Doesn’t equal rude, Yuna.”
“Ah, sorry.” Yuna nods her head, “Continue.”
“Well, we didn’t really get along at first but…” you tell them your story. You don’t leave much out as you describe to them what it was like to live with Taehyung, to get along with Taehyung, to become friends with Taehyung, to fall in love with Taehyung. Yuna swoons to herself for more than half the story while Jiwoo smiles every now and then.
“Waking up back in my parent’s house after 8 months was quite the shock.” You tell them, your latte long empty now. “Being without Taehyung was…hard.”
“Of course it was! He’s like the love of your life, don’t you think?” Yuna leans forward, her body language showing you how immersed she is in your love life. “What are you two going to do now?”
“I don’t know.” You admit softly. “Everything is happening so fast.”
“This is so tragic yet so romantic.” Yuna tells you with dreamy eyes before Jiwoo is swatting her arm.
“It isn’t tragic…but it is romantic.” She says with a small blush, the pink on her cheeks making her look adorable.
“Ah well. Thanks for listening to me, I know I went on for a while.”
“It was so fun listening to you.” Yuna smiles and Jiwoo agrees.
“Yeah, usually its Yuna doing most of the talking so it was nice.” She jokes light heartedly.
“Hey!” Yuna whines, “You love my stories, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” Jiwoo says with a straight face. “But it’s nice having another friend around, isn’t it?”
“It is! We should make this a regular thing.” Yuna offers with her head nodding frantically like she is loving her own idea so much. “You’ll move here, won’t you?”
And it’s those words that begin to overwhelm you again…you feel your chest tighten and your heart pinch just the slightest.
“Well…” you try to swallow down your anxiety. “I don’t know yet.”
“Imagine all the girls night we can have!” Yuna exclaims excitedly, her hands joining yours across the table.
“Right?” Her big bright eyes make you feel a sense of comfort as you stare at her, then your eyes find Jiwoos and she looks a little concerned for you as she smiles.
“Yuna…” Jiwoo lightly warns, “Didn’t you want to check out the boutique next door for that dress you’ve been waiting for?”
You’re grateful for the subject change, you give Jiwoo a look of gratitude before Yuna is letting go of your hands and clapping them together as she nods her head in agreement.
“Yes! Should we all go?”
The boutique looks…out of your price range. It’s the cutest store you’ve ever been to maybe. The amount of clothes, shoes and accessories the three of you look at is enough to make you feel so broke.
“Oh my god!” Yuna jumps up and down, “We need these!” she points at 3 hair clips, they are sky blue with pink flowers, they look cute and dreamy. Yuna runs off to the front of the store to pay for them while you and Jiwoo wait.
“Sorry if she’s overwhelming you.” Jiwoo mutters quietly before she starts to smile. “Yuna…can be a lot. But she means well. She doesn’t have a lot of friends besides me and Jimin. She can be too much for some people…and girls tend to get jealous easily. I mean, she’s pretty like a doll, isn’t she? And she’s so girly and cutesy and…” she trails off. “I just hope you know she means well and she really likes you.”
“Me?” you point at yourself. “I like her too. A lot.”
“Good.” Jiwoo for the first time gives you a wide, genuine smile. “We hope you want to be our friend.”
“I do…” you start to blush, “Sorry.” You begin to get flustered, your cheeks turning rosy. “I don’t have many friends myself.”
“That’s not true.” Jiwoo says, “You have a lot of friends now.”
“Girls! Girls!” Yuna runs up to you two, “We have to put these on…now!!!” She jingles the bag that holds the clips. “Let’s find a mirror.”
“Yes mam.” Jiwoo salutes towards Yuna and then looks over at your and winks. Yuna runs towards a back wall, looking for the mirrors as you and Jiwoo slowly walk behind her.
“I can share Yuna, I suppose.” Jiwoo whispers.
The girls walk you back to Taehyung’s apartment, they walk you to his front door and each hug you. You had so much fun and you really feel like you made friends. Like you have friends. Your heart is full of love and joy and you couldn’t be happier.
“I’m sure we will see you soon for a group hang out. But the three of us should get together again for a girls night before you leave.” Jiwoo says with a smile.
“Sounds good.” You hug her again, feeling grateful.
“I don’t want to leave you!” Yuna whines, “But alas, you must spend time with your boyfriend now I guess.”
You chuckle at that, waving them off.
You knock on Taehyung’s front door and it quickly opens, his long arms pull you inside and he’s hugging on you tightly.
“I missed you.” He whispers into your hair. “I got the pictures, you look so pretty, so happy. I’m so glad.”
Monday is here again, you hear humming coming from the living room as you wake up. The sun is low, telling you it’s only now just rising. You slip out of bed and make your way into the living room but stop by the wall, hiding behind it as you observe Taehyung with a small smile.
Taehyung is on his laptop with a notebook besides him as he scribbles down a few words before humming them out and then scratching out the words in frustration. He’s clearly working on one of his songs…you can’t help but feel bad for him that he’s struggling with it so much. You’re about to announce your presence when his phone starts buzzing. He picks it up and groans…his frustrations only worsening. He hesitates but he picks it up, answering in Korean.
You listen as he argues (you assume) with someone on the other line. He goes on for several minutes of him talking then several minutes of him just listening. Then he’s finally speaking again before hanging up. You decide to come into the living room, startling him.
“You’re awake?” He asks, his face losing color. “It’s so early baby, go back to sleep.”
“Who was that?” You sit down next to him, your hand finding his knee. “It sounded heated.”
“It was…” Taehyung hesitates for a moment before coming clean. “It was Hana.”
“Oh.” You nod your head like you understand. “I see.”
“It wasn’t a big deal—”
“Why don’t you block her?”
“y/n…” Taehyung groans, “It isn’t that simple.”
“Why not? Shouldn’t it be?”
“We were friends.” He states, his hand dragging down his tired face. “I can’t just—”
“Exactly. Were.”
“No…” Taehyung looks at you with serious eyes, “We still are. I think. It’s just…it’s not that simple.”
“Why not?”
“I feel…responsible. Try to see things from her perspective—”
“No thanks.” You reply quickly.
“y/n…” Taehyung looks tired, like he didn’t really sleep all night. Has Hana been contacting him? Texting him? Calling him? “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have slept with her.”
“Yeah. You shouldn’t have.” You bite, “But you did.”
You receive a text in the group chat from Jimin this Tuesday evening, talking about how he needs to meet for drinks. It’s apparently an emergency.
Jimin 8:09pm
I got my heart broken guys, can we feel bad for me? Let’s meet at the bar at 9. Plllsssss. Love you all, thx <3
You send an “okay” to the group text and you notice Taehyung does the same. The last day has been a bit awkward between you two, a slight tension in the air. He still kissed you goodnight and good morning but his lips don’t linger. He sits on one end of the sofa while you occupy the other.
“I’ll use the bathroom to get ready first.” He announces, standing from his place at the couch. “He says 9…but I bet he’s already there.” Taehyung says, knowing his friend all too well.
“I’ll get ready in your room. I’ll be quick.”
“This does not count as an emergency.” Jungkook deadpans. “You don’t even know her name.”
“You literally call her ‘The bakery girl’” Hobi sighs out with a slight smile. “But okay, what happened?”
“She has a boyfriend.” Jimin slumps his shoulders as he sucks up his cocktail.
“Has that stopped you before?” Yoongi asks with a straight face. “This isn’t new territory for you Jimin.”
“I’m trying to change! You know, be a better person.”
“Jungkook is right, this doesn’t count as an emergency.” Jin laughs, “But we’re already here so.”
“This is an emergency!” Taehyung defends Jimin, “Jimin has been talking about Bakery Girl for like 2 months now, that’s got to be a record for him.”
“Thank you!!!” Jimin smiles at his best friend, “Someone gets it!”
“Sure ain’t me.” Jungkook shrugs.
“I think—” You begin but Jungkook cuts you off.
“Does it really matter what you think?” he asks, clearly bored already.
“Be nice, Jungkook.” Jin warns, “What do you think y/n?”
“I think Jimin should have his night of heart break.” You pull out your phone, “Is it okay if I invite Yuna and Jiwoo?”
“Good idea. The more to distract me the better.” Jimin nods his head.
“J-J-Jiwoo?” Jungkook starts to turn red and you chuckle.
“Yeah, is that okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, whatever.” His eyes slide to the side, his lips in full pout. “Whatever.”
Eventually the girls show up, they join you all at your tables. Jimin animatedly explains his story to the newcomers and you can’t help but sort of laugh every now and then. Jimin is such a sweetheart and you’re wondering how deep his feelings really went.
“Should I get us some drinks?” Taehyung asks. “Like a mixed drink.”
“Sure.” You reply cooly. “Whatever you want.”
Taehyung lips set in a firm line as he nods his head and stands from his seat to head to the bar.
“Is everything okay?” Jin leans into your space to ask, “You seem a little tense.”
You tilt your head in Jin’s direction before forcing a smile and nodding your head slowly.
“Everything is fine, don’t worry.”
“We aren’t worried.” Jungkook comments plainly. “But you really do look tense…are you and Tae fighting? Please don’t…please don’t break—”
“Jungkook.” Jin says firmly. “It isn’t our business.”
“Fine.” He huffs out. His eyes finding yours…they are filled with worry if you have ever seen it.
Taehyung shows back up with two drinks in his hands, he hands one to you and starts sipping on his as he sits down next to you.
“How is it?” he asks.
“I haven’t tried it yet.” You mumble lamely, “But I’m sure it’s good.”
Suddenly a new voice cuts in, it’s sweet and smooth and also in Korean. You don’t recognize this voice entirely but when you whip your head up you do recognize the person.
“Oh. Maybe I should speak in English.” She says, her eyes sliding to you. “Sorry.”
“Hana.” Taehyung stands up, “What are you—”
“I see all my friends hanging out…thought I could come say hi?” She waves at everyone around the tables. She’s got two friends behind her that you recognize from the other night.
“Or is that not allowed now?” she slurs. Oh, she’s drunk.
Taehyung steps in her direction, his hand going to her arm as he tries to lead her away but she shoves him off.
“I’m just saying hi to my friends, Taehyung. You included, right? You keep insisting we’re friends so.”
“Hana.” He warns.
You sit here watching the two interact and you feel yourself grow smaller and smaller. Hana smiles at Taehyung before grabbing a chair and joining you all.
“So what are we talking about?” Hana awkwardly smiles, her eyes small and glossy.
“Umm,” Jimin looks between everyone before cracking a small smile, “Girl I had a crush on has a boyfriend. So I’m out here being a sad boy.”
“Ah, okay.” Hana laughs, “Can I join you?”
Taehyung keeps standing, feeling on edge when you finally stand too, urging him to take a seat.
“And I don’t think we have properly met.” Hana faces you, a dark smile creeping on her face. “I’m Hana.”
“y/n. Taehyung’s girlfriend.”
“Ah, right.” She nods her head with her growing smile, “You did introduce yourself last time.”
“Yeah…” you glance over at Taehyung who is already looking at you, worry pooling in his eyes. You lean forward and take your drink and quickly chug it through the tiny straw.
“I’m going to get another drink.” You announce, Taehyung stands with you and you put a hand on his shoulder. “Alone.”
Taehyung lips curve down into a frown and then he sits back down. Accepting defeat. You want to be alone right now? He has to understand this is an awkward situation.
“Okay babe.” He nods towards you, “Be careful.”
You start heading towards the bar, it’s quite lively for being a Tuesday night actually. You wait your turn in line, there is just a few people ahead of you. You finally make it to the bar and ask for a vodka. Just plain vodka. The guy hands you a shot and you down in immediately. You feel so small right now, so frustrated. But this whole thing is ridiculous. Why do you feel like you are competing with a girl of the past? Shouldn’t it not matter? Where did you confidence go?
“You’re a bitch.” You hear that smooth voice say, the same smooth voice you’re trying to rid yourself of.
“Excuse me?” You turn around to see Hana standing here beside you.
“I said, you’re a bitch.” Hana grits her teeth, her glossy eyes shifting from you to the other side of the bar.
“You don’t even know me Hana…” You reply lamely, “Please can you just leave me alone?”
“Why couldn’t it be you who leaves us alone?” Hana spits out, “You already ignored him for so long, made him fucking depressed, ruined him, why even try at this point?”
“This isn’t any of your business.” You decide to say, but your voice is shaky. “Tae and I are fine.”
“But I—” Hana’s face twists into something sad, something heartbreaking. “But I am not fine.” She cries out. Her hand that holds her drink shakes, she looks at you then at her drink when she gets the idea. “You don’t deserve him.” she sniffles. Then she is throwing her drink at you, the contents of the drink pouring all over….Jungkook.
“Jungkook?” Hana stutters out, “What the fuck?”
Jungkook had been watching you, the entire time you left for the bar. And when Hana announced she was going to the bathroom he had a bad feeling. So when he realized Hana’s plan, he rushed to jump in front of you.
“Jungkook?” You’re completely surprised. He’s the last person you thought would come to your rescue.
“Hana.” He says with a low voice. “You don’t know anything. y/n is Taehyung’s girlfriend. Get over it.”
“Wow, Jungkook.” Hana scoffs, “Who’s side are you on—”
“y/n’s.” he states plainly, like it’s so fucking obvious. “She’s my friend.”
Your hand goes to your heart as you listen to him, this is really a shock.
“You guys…you guys don’t get it.” Hana starts crying, her tears leaving her eyes. “I like him so much…but then he just…disappeared and all the sudden he has…” her puffy eyes find yours. “You? But you didn’t even want anything to do with him!” she yells out, “You abandoned him! And who did he turn to…me!” she cries.
“Hana, you need to leave.” Jungkook says calmly, his shirt completely soaked. People are starting to gather around you three. “Now.”
“Unbelievable.” Hana chokes on her word, “Can’t you see things from my side?” She’s asking you now, begging you now.
You are stuck. You look between Jungkook and Hana and all the people gathering and you feel yourself continue to grow smaller and smaller.
Then you hear your name being called out over and over. A loud, deep, booming voice. Your shoulder is being shaken, your jaw is being cupped. Your hands are being covered with his hands. Taehyung.
“y/n! Are you okay?” His eyes try to find yours but you keep looking at Hana. She’s right and you know it. Hana has had no closure, she was strung along for so long and the guy she likes all the sudden has someone new but that someone ‘abandoned’ him. And he turned to her.
“y/n?” Taehyung calls for you desperately. “Are you okay?”
Finally, you break contact with Hana to start to slowly nod your head as your eyes find Taehyungs. He looks overly worried, overly anxious and overly panicked.
“I’m fine. Jungkook took the blow, not me.” You gesture towards the soaked Jungkook.
“Yeah, why aren’t you cupping my jaw. Hm?” Jungkook jokes. “They should talk though, don’t you think y/n?”
“Yeah.” You agree. You turn to face Taehyung. “End this Taehyung.” You say sternly before grabbing onto Jungkook’s arm and leading him out the back.
You and Jungkook make it out to the outside area of the bar. You take a seat on a bench and exhale a long, shaky breath. One you didn’t realize you had been holding in.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook takes a seat next to you.
“Me? Are you okay?” You glance at his wet state, immediately feeling guilt bubble over.
“I’m fine.” Jungkook chuckles. “I am starting to feel a bit sticky though.”
“I am so sorry.” You groan, your head falling into your hands. “This is all my fault.”
“It’s really not.” Jungkook looks down at his feet. “Hana went too far to come here.”
“But still I—”
“It’s really not your fault.” Jungkook sighs, “I’m glad you aren’t hurt though.”
This piques your interest, Jungkook has been so stubborn this whole time…like small child but when the moment counted he was really there for you.
“Why did you help me?”
“I like you.” Then his eyes widen and he starts shaking his hands in front of him, his face going red. “N-Not like that!” he assures you. “I just mean…you’re cool. Cooler than I thought you would be. And I can see how happy you make Tae. I’m sorry I was so…you know.” He runs his fingers through his messy hair. “I just wanted to be sure you were serious about Tae. And you are. Right?”
“I am.” You say, breathing out roughly. “But this whole Hana thing took things a little…”
“I know. But please. Please don’t break up with him because of her.” Jungkook looks over at you, his big doe eyes pleading you to say you won’t.
“I…I don’t want to break up with him.” you tell Jungkook, “But this whole trip is making me realize we have a lot to work through.” You admit, “Mostly me.”
“Hey!” You bump his shoulder with yours, “You didn’t have to agree so quickly.” You start laughing and he joins you.
“Sorry, sorry.” He throws his hands up. “But really, Hana is the least of your worries.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. But I do wonder how things are going on their side…”
“Me too.” You start to feel anxious now. “I told him to end it but maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“It was the heat of the moment.” Jungkook tries to comfort you, “He understands.”
“Does he?” you begin nibbling on your lips. “Does he?”
Jungkook nods his head and brings his hand to your shoulder.
“Taehyung doesn’t love her. He loves you. He made a mistake a few months ago.”
“Yeah he slept with her.”
“Well he also told her that he…” Jungkook stops talking when he realizes you don’t know. “Fuck, never mind.”
“Told her what?” You ask, raising a brow. What did Taehyung tell her?
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kooala · 4 years
interview tag
I was tagged by the lovely @dumplinjin ! Thank you for that lovie x
if you don’t want to see my personal stuff make sure you block “kooala personal” and “kooala tag” if you’re not interested! ok let’s go x 
Answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
name/nickname: Lisa but some people call me liz 
pronouns:  She/Her
star sign:  sun cancer, moon saggitarius, ascendant pisces
height: 5′9 so if you ever see me, I’m Jungkook’s height if you want a hug haha
time currently:  9:44 am
when is your birthday: July 2nd, ‘93
favourite band/groups: BTS are my favorite, period. Others I listen to: Zisco, Jay Park, Jessi, EXO, NCT 127, GOT7, iKON, StrayKids, Monsta X 
favourite solo artist:  Wonho! Period. My man. (’: But also Jay Park and Jessi... she a bad biss 
song stuck in your head: 몸매 mommae -  for this video specifically 
last movie you watched: Probably LOTR around christmas 
last show you binged: haunting of bly manor  
when you created your (main) blog: I’ll have my one year anniversary soon! Think in February (: 
last thing you googled: Jungkook airport fashion (’:
other blogs: my fic recs one
why i chose my url: koo is for Jungkook and koala for Joon so yeee
how many people are you following: 264
how many followers do you have: I have about 800 of you lovely lot xx
average hours of sleep:  usually 8, lately more like 4. I hate it here sadkjhf 
lucky number: idk.. 69? 😏
instruments: ... I can play a lot by ear but I never like learned them 
dream job: idk man something that makes me happy 
dream trip:  I’ll be going to Sout Korea and Japan with the lovely @bangtan-madi hopefully sometime this fall if the situation allows it! 
favourite food:  I’m so basic for saying this but legit just pizza and sushi
favourite song: at the moment probably Kai’s ‘Mmmmh’
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: some of the nasty fics you write would be a good start. Other than that I’m content with being in this one and having all my lovely tumblr moots xx
So I have not been very active lately so the people I tag are people I’ve recently followed! If you’d like to do this, feel free to tag me and do it anyway! x
@hiemmel @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie @ggukmazochist @chittaslee @ahundredtimesover @helenazbmrskai @ggukkieland @bangtanjimin-cb @cultleaderyoongi @bangtan-madi @joonni @nvmguk 
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miramizar · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hello everyone~
Even though 2020 has been an awful year in so many ways and I didn’t have the energy to celebrate my blog's birthday in february, time still flies and suddenly I’ve been here for 3,5 years and I’ve reached my 6th follow forever~ (>o<)💝 It’s kind of crazy, actually, and lots of stuff has happened too...
Anyways, I want to use this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all of my followers who stayed by my side even when I stopped posting regularly and got slower with answering... as I said, things have been quite awful lately but please know that you always cheered me up and still do 💓 you are all so important and deserving of love and happiness and if this post can make your day just a little brighter then I’m glad 💜
💓 Please take care always, lovelies~ 💓
a-d @achenlove, @bulba-suho-r, @cant-spell-slay-without-lay, @darklordkyungsoo, @bvbblexo, @a-stranger-song, @bloggernana, @animefreak44, @chensingmachinee, @baekyeolpositivevibes, @angelsseok, @baeknopeyeol, @choke-me-zaddy-blog, @e-xact, @39374833, @bluebyonew, @beaglebyunee, @chenjaehyun127, @03undercover, @bratzuyu, @81506616, @bluemingxo, @chabootyplzhelp, @ariasummerlopez, @abunnycotton, @darlingchanse, @briepark, @blingblingicons, @dzomorgan, @ariel391, @chichu-yeol, @baekbacon00, @dare-g, @dashingwishes, @bacon-notbaekhyun-jaehyun-mingyu, @asilentreverie, @delhyun, @bloomingyouths, @bunnymyeonny, @baexien, @certainhappiness​, @cottonhyun​
Special shoutouts: Sara, I love you and I think and always thought that you are very talented and special. Brie, you are the sweetest person I’ve ever met and you will always have a special place in my heart. Leone, I’m so glad I got to be your friend and you’ll always have a fan of your works in me. Mimmi, to be your friend is a privilege and watching Vinland saga together with you made my summer happier~
e-k @juliabuchhas-blog, @exo-yehet-xoxo, @kimjunnoodle, @funny-bunny-myeon, @elyxiun, @elif183, @exogotmethirsty, @flowerprincesoo, @kpop-kdramas-aka-my-life, @jonginpls, @kjd-1, @kaihunnies, @fronghahaha, @gwiyonew, @guardian-angel-of-my-heart, @ididn-tseeitcoming, @exolitic, @fairyzhu, @heroxangel, @kauishere, @joyluvs, @jaelee707, @helenazbmrskai, @hi2202oops, @exolovies1485, @honeyboyjongin, @fallen-for-sehun, @exo-saranghaha, @fanxyfanxybxtch, @jinkiwhereareyou, @jongi-n1, @kiki-baddie-me, @kyungsoorose, @itstheghostofmypast, @jonatic-exol, @kaisoomfg, @in-the-key-of-f-major, @haechansrighttoe, @kluvfantasy, @englishbunnyrocks, @hannahtheaeris, @ijujim, @elliyn, @iyeolie, @jonginl, @jaehyum, @ilovethiscity, @kimjonghyuns​
Special shoutouts: Elif, I miss you and your positivity, I hope we get to talk again soon. Linnea, I’m so glad we met and talking dramas with you is always super fun~
I’ll tag the rest of you in another post just in case Tumblr behaves weirdly haha 💗 I wish you all the very best today and all days~
💕 Lots of love always 💕
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helenazbmrskai · 1 year
Are going to finish you are my tear series
absolutely! :)
0 notes
helenazbmrskai · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you planned on finishing cheese in the trap? i love it so much and was just curious. hope your doing well 💜
Hello, are you curious about like chalk and cheese perhaps? I'm happy to hear you like it and thank you for your kind words 😊 however I'm not working on any series right now.
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helenazbmrskai · 1 year
Are you going to finish you’re my tear series
Hi, currently I'm not working on any series to continue for now.
0 notes
helenazbmrskai · 1 year
For like chalk and cheese are prt 3 and 4 already published?
Hi! No, part 3 and 4 are not written yet and as things go now it will be unfinished, unfortunately.
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helenazbmrskai · 1 year
Sending you love, comfort, happiness and motivation 💛💛💛💛💛
Thank you😊🥰
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helenazbmrskai · 2 years
Will you continue the follow up series of BANGTAN GYM CLUB I was asking cause I am really excited for namjoon one since he’s been frequently visiting the Gym btw you fics and fic recs are amazing have a good day
To be entirely honest I lost my inspiration to continue the series but I'm not throwing the ideas away I had before for them because one day I might suddenly upload a new part for the series. So it is a maybe. If I see enough sweaty and exercising bangtan boys I might just come up with something hehe.
Thank you and I hope you are having a good day as well. 😊
0 notes
helenazbmrskai · 2 years
Hello! I was just wondering if My dream writer is discontinued? I really enjoyed reading it 😔💖
Hello, it's not discontinued for sure (I would mark it so if you don't see any kind of warning it's still ongoing) I just haven't got the time to write lately. I'm sorry but I can not tell when I will update anything at all for now. 🥰 but I'm trying.
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helenazbmrskai · 2 years
Happy birthday!!
Thank you🥰
0 notes
helenazbmrskai · 2 years
Can we get another part of club vampire it was honestly amazing
Thank you for the support of Club Vampire but for now, I don't plan to make more parts.
0 notes
helenazbmrskai · 2 years
Can we please get a bonus part of club
Vampire, I swear it was just too good. 😩☹️
Thank you for reading and enjoying Club Vampire! 🥰 But I'm not sure if there will be a second part at least for now but don't worry as I'll be writing more sub content for all of you to enjoy with various concepts.
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