#helgas a firebender
please-n-thankful · 5 years
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i had a drawing of arnold and helga as benders in arnold birthday post but i can’t stop getting the idea of helga,,,.. being the avatar out of my head so here’s my Helga Avatar AU also known as, hey arnold avatar the last airbender au i don’t know The year is current year, and bending is slowly becoming a dying art as more and more non-benders are born. People are slowly moving on from bending as a whole, forgetting it’s importance in their history and society (or something along those lines.) The idea of an avatar is a distant memory, or was, until yadahdahdah helga is the avatar and i guess teams up with arnold, gerald, and phoebe to “”save/restore bending”” or something like that i don’t have good ideas okay it’s a dumb idea and i’m sorry arnold for pulling the spotlight away from you to helga but i had to  i made an attempt
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