#sorry korra nothing personal
hazashiovo · 3 months
hii i was wondering if it was possible if you could do a korra x earthbender fem reader who is lin’s daughter?? thank you so much!! 🫶🫶
Ooo ,yes ofc <3
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The best view
"Stop staring." You words cut the thick silence in the room.
"I'm sorry,I just never expected Beifong to have a kid." She crosses her arms, looking you up and down. You scoff anoyed at her rude staring. "So? It doesn't mean I'm a painting so you can stare at me." You roll your eyes."Like mother like daughter." She mumbles,loud enough for you to hear her.
"I could never be like my mother." Her eyes follow you figure as you walk towards her. The girl then continues,"How come you're not in uniform?"her gaze eyes you up and down. "I'm not a police officer." You speak, making eye contact with her. "I just thought that if she had a kid, she would want you to work with her or something." She tilts her head looking at you. "She did,It was me who didn't want to."you slump down on the couch.
"I saw you bend,and I think you're pretty strong." Her body remains standing. "My bending is not the problem." You leave out a small smile at her compliment.
"Then what is it?" Before you could say anything, Lin enters the room. "Chief," your gaze follows Lin's.
"I have a matter to discuss with the two of you." Lin's gaze moves from you to the girl.
"I mean,that's the whole point why you got me here.* The dark haired girl shrugs,sitting down on the couch.
"(Name) ,I want to introduce you to Korra,the avatar." You look at the girl with furrowed brows. "She's...the avatar?" You tilt your head,how could she be the avatar? She looks fine or whatever,but you imagined her to be something... different?
"Of course I'm the avatar! Who else would it be?" She chuckles at your confused expression,Lin continues. "Yes,and you will show her around Republic city,and make sure nothing happens to her." Lin commands, staying strong in her uniform, a fierce look on her face (like usual dare I say).
Your brows remain furrowed, "Why would you trust me with this task?" Your arms now crossed, suspicious of her trust in you.
"The two of you are close to age,and since you're my daughter,I trust you make sure nothing happens to Korra." Her words take you by surprise,you nod, smiling you nod. "Nothing will happen to the Avatar in my presence,I promise." You feel so proud,she finally has something important for you to do.
"I don't need protection,I'm the avatar? remember?" Korra crosses her arms.
"And I'm the Chief in this town ,and if you want to walk freely in my town you will do so with my daughters protection." Lin narrows her eyes at Korra.
"I am more than capable of taking care of myself!" Her defiant nature amuses you.
"if you wish to remain in Republic City you will obey my rules. End of story." Your mother slams her hand on the table, clearly done with the girl's comments.
"Fine! Whatever." Korra ends up leaving the room, allowing you and your mother to be alone.
"This girl..." She sighs,sitting down on the couch facing the one you're on.
"Working with her will be a challenge." You joke, earning another sigh from your mother.
"You're a big girl,I know you're capable or I would have assigned you for her." You smile at her (sort of?) compliment.
"I'll do my best." Earns a nod from Lin.
You warmed up to her rather quickly,and the other way around. Turns out she's a pleasant company to be around.
For the next few weeks you spend time with Korra,even getting to know her better, sharing a few things about yourself.
Besides the fact that she's a little cocky (a little more) Korra is a great person to be around.
"So tell me! how was it being raised by Beifong? Is she always like that? Did she want you to take after her?" You smile at her curiosity, "Sometimes, but as a child she never implied I become a soldier,like her" the memories bringing a nice warmth in your chest.
"My mother would sometimes take me outside of Republic City, we would hike for hours to get to the most breath taking view I could see as a child." Korra watches your expression, she must admit,you're very pretty.She finds herself staring at you quite often,but she can't figure out why you're so captivating.
Once you lock eyes with her she forgets anything she wanted to say before,just staring at your face.
"Republic city is boring,I know a place you would like." You smile,taking her hand in yours, passing by many streets.
She looks at you confused as you tell her to hold on.
The earth beneath your feet started rising up,until you decided it was enough.
You started walking deeper and higher to a place only you knew.
"Where are we going (Name)?" She speaks between chuckles.
"You'll see,just trust me." You look back at her ,winking.
Her face is slightly warm to touch,Korra follows after you,passing by trees and going higher up a hill.
If she wasn't so busy watching your body instead of the place you were leading her too she would have noticed the view already.
"Were here!" Your voice brings her back,gaze moving away from your body ,now focusing on her surroundings.
Hands still entangled you stop , letting go of her hand. Her eyes fall on her now empty hand, slightly disappointed.
"Korra,look." She follows your voice, gaze falling on the breath taking view in front of her.
Your hand takes hers,leading her next to you on the grass.
"It's beautiful,isn't it?" She looks at you, analyzing your face ,reading its expressions like it's an open book for her to learn from.
"It is." Your eyes meet,locked on each other. Your hands entangled on the grass, the looks shared between the two of you speak like no words ever could.
She leans in,one hand now cups your cheek,her skin is so soft..
"Korra I..." You struggle to find the right words,mind clouded by the thought of her and only her. Fortunately there is no need for words,not now.
Her eyes scan your face for any kind of resistance,any kind of hesitance,but there's none in sight.
Her lips crash into yours in a soft ,loving kiss.
Korra's hands are cuping your cheek, while yours are around her waist. Fingers gently rubbing the material on her skin.
The kiss lasts a few seconds,but it feels like time stopped.
You move away from Korra's lips, smiling while looking at her bright blue eyes.
"I just kissed Beifong's daughter." You laugh softly at her words,placing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"The avatar kissed me." You grin,noticing her proud smile.
"And I'd do it again."
Took me a little to search for a plot ,but here it is. Hope you like it ;).
Depending on the attention this fic is getting,maybe I will make a part two.
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androgynousblackbox · 4 months
Alright, I am watching the reaction stream of another person to see the video of Jamesy and I have thoughts! -Jamesy is REALLY counting on buttering up to Jessie Gender specifically. He named her so many times trying to "apologize" for weaponizing his audience against her when she told him to not erase her work in Nebula just because his whiny entitled ass couldn't accept that he wasn't invited to the platform. Not a single word about actually going to her and talk privately though, just a bunch of "ooh, Jessie Gender is the kindest, best human being ever and I am so sorry to her", like, bitch, WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT HER? Jessie wasn't the worst victim of your actions! Your bullshit with her happened long BEFORE anything of this happened, so why the fuck are you even bringing her up?? My only guess is that Jamesy wants Jessie to speak on his favor and "forgive him", hoping that will bring him new good will from the queer community in youtube. I am fucking crossing my fingers and touching wood that Jessie does not fall for this manipulative bullshit. This guy is literally clout chasing because, again, when it came to the plagiarism, Jessie had NOTHING to do here. Jessie, if you want an easy win, don't say anything about this. Don't even aknowledge it. Pretend like a mosquito just farted in another building. You had nothing to do with this and I am sorry this piece of shit is trying to drag you into it to take advantage of your good nature. -"I only cared about the production side of making videos, that is why I bring Nick in as the main writer." This motherfucker really went and did it. He is literally blaming Nick squarely now, because now he is just not a co-writer. No, now he is the MAIN WRITER. Jamesy here was just trying to making his little films and buy expensive ass equipment while telling everyone he was starving on the streets, he only cared about the production. NICK, THOUGH, HE WAS ALL ABOUT THE WRITING. He was the one who put the words and little Jamesy baby boy here only "produced, directed and edited" (omg, shut the fuck off, man, your editing skills are mid at best) everything. -Way too many sob stories. I don't care, man. I don't fucking care that you got fired or whatever conditions you had. Do you have any fucking clue how many people do really struggle to reach the end of the month and they still never even think of stealing someone else's work? Everyone is struggling and yet, you were the one who made a career for fucking years out of stealing the works of everyone else in this community AND THEN, when call out, tried to paint them as the bad guys.
-A lot, and I do mean, a lot of time to "apologize" to Jessie Gender, but you know who he didn't apologize to? Literally none of the authors he stole from. Not the fan whose edit of Korra he used without credit. Not Alexander Avila. Not that person who was harassed to hell and back by Jamesy and his audience when they showed how he plagiarized on his disney video. Jessie deserved to be name dropped at least thirty times, but those people?? They are fucking nobodies. They don't matter. Why name them at all? It's not like their WORK WAS STOLEN BY YOU OR ANYTHING! And that is another thing! Even if Jamesy is really out there blaming Nick for all the words that they took without credit, then what the fuck is up with all the footage, edits and audiovisual works that weren't for you to take? You said your passion is production. That is part of the production, Jamesy. Is this you admitting you fully just fucking stole them and hoped nobody would notice because you are a lazy piece of garbage?
-"Having to do multiple edits because youtube copyright issues was so hard for me, guys, you don't understand uwu. It was so hard on me to make it less obvious I had plagiarized people!" THAT IS ENTIRELY YOUR OWN FAULT, BRO.
-So, hey, funny thing. I was looking to see if other people were reacting or had reuploaded the video so I could put it here. They haven't yet, there is only two reactions, but while I was doing that I found a video of ANOTHER person talking about Jamesy ripping them off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsD-wodn288 Apparently Jamesy had stolen a blog post that this person wrote about Lord of The Rings and they weren't known by anyone, they don't even like that article anymore, but still! Go see that video instead of watching Jamesy and support them if you find value on their work.
-Hey, Jamesy. Jamesy. You do know that epilepsy and head injuries or memory issues don't take you threaten, lie and weaponize your audience against people who call out your plagiarism with the evidence in hand, right? That has literally nothing to do actually, because you had to be aware off of the issue for you to lie about it after someone else brought it up. After the first time it happened, you could have hired another beta reader to tell you that ups, your memory/epilepsy/memory issues/ADHD strike again and you don't remember from where you took that quote from, sorry! You had money for that expensive ass camera, you could have. -Like, my guy, there were so many steps involved here. So many steps from writing, production, backlash and your response to the backlash. Even if any part on this was an honest mistake, something I don't fucking believe in because fuck you, you had millions of opportunities to rectified it and change it. And yet you didnd't. And so here we are, without you receiving not even a miserable fucking like. Go to hell. A mistake doesn't get repeated so many times for years. That was all a choice, bitch. Fuck you.
And here is where I stopped because his voice is like nail on my ears.
Don't look at his video, it's truly not worth it. DON'T LEAVE COMMENTS EITHER, YOUTUBE TAKES THAT AS ENGAGEMENT ANYWAY.
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artoatsblog · 5 months
What your favorite Nick toon says about you but it's EVERY Nick toon
Doug- When you were asked what you wanted for Christmas, you said "plan white bread."
Rugrats- You're a "90's kid" who wants the modern cartoon enjoyers to get off your lawn.
Hey Arnold-Same as Rugrats, but 5 time worse.
Rugrats (2021)- You only said this one to piss off the above two.
Ren & Stimpy- You're a gay man and all you OCs are ugly men who you need to kiss each other or else you'll die (This isn't an insult, you're the strongest member of our society.)
Rocko's modern life- You relate to at least one character way more than you would like to admit to others.
CatDog- Weird furry.
The angry beavers- Weird furry with taste.
Aaahh!!! Real monsters- You like the idea of Tim Burton's movies but your too cool to actually enjoy them, also your probably non-binary.
Kablam- As a kid you wanted to make something with this exact energy and now, you're a youtuber.
Oh Yeah! Cartoons- same as Kablam but you really miss Cosmo's old voice.
The wild Thornberry's- You worship the ground Tim Curry's walks on SO BAD.
Rocket power- Honest 90's kid.
SpongeBob SquarePants seasons 1-4- You're annoying about seasons 5+.
SpongeBob SquarePants seasons 5+- You know better than me about those people being annoying about seasons 5+.
As told by ginger- You were going to say Hey Arnold, but you didn't want to be lumped in with certain other people.
Action league now- You made at least five short films that look exactly like this.
Chalkzone- Your playlist for working out has the theme song for this show looped for five hours and nothing else.
The fairly oddparents- Your trans, and you hate no other person more than Elmer Hartman.
Invader Zim- You were a vary emo kid/teenager in the late 2000's (same, no shade)
Jimmy Neutron- you're really glad that that you picked the show in "Jimmy Timmy power hour" that wasn't made by an asshole.
All grown up- Come on guys "As told by ginger" is right there.
Avatar: the last airbender- I don't want to hear the lore of the fantasy book you wrote.
Avatar: the legend of Korra- Same as atla but You also made a LOT of shipping fanfics.
My life as a teenage robot- Transfem.
The X's- You don't exist, if you're going to go into the comments and say this is your favorite Nicktoon, you're lying.
El Tigre- This is just the good version of Danny Phantom.
Danny Phantom- That was a Joke don't yell at me.
Mr. meaty- You want this odd but cool type of puppetry to come back (if you thought I was going to make fun of this one your wrong.)
Tak and the power of Juju- Your enjoyment of this show is based entirely on the fact that you liked the games.
Back at the barnyard- Shitposter.
Fanboy and Chum Chum- Shitposter but awesome.
Catscratch- Yeah, I think Wayne Knight's voice is hot too.
The mighty B- Gay.
The penguins of Madagascar- I don't have a joke for this one I just think you have impactable taste.
Planet Sheen- You always wanted Jimmy Neutron to have more "Rawr XD" swag.
T.U.F.F puppy- You ether are Jerry Trainor, or you have a Jerry Trainor stan account.
Kung fu panda: legends of awesomeness- You have a three-hour lore video on this franchise, and I hope it does well.
Winx club- You wanted to help them get free from Netflix.
Robot and Monster- It may just be me, but I think you might enjoy Dan vs.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012)- You don't like rise of the tmnt.
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles- You don't like tmnt (2012).
Sanjay and Craig- You used to freak other kids out with your scabs.
Monsters vs aliens- You can deny Coverton's rizz (sorry).
Breadwinners- Your about to go into every cartoon reviewers house with a shit ton of water balloons.
Harvey Beaks- In the middle/late 2000's you were more of a cartoon network kid, you loved Cowder.
Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket- Same as Harvey Beaks but with Flapjack instead of Cowder.
Bunsen is a beast- Your Elmer Hartman.
Welcome to the Wayne- You wrote at least one fanfic for the ending of this show.
The adventures of kid danger- We don't talk about this one.
Middle school Moguls- it's ok monster high is about to come to Nick for real.
The loud house- Your ether a sapphic girl or a straight guy with a DeviantArt account who needs to be punished.
The Casagrandes- Same as the loud house but with the added advantages, because if you have a DeviantArt account in this one you're more likely to have a normal relationship with your family.
It's pony- You don't hate the British as much as the rest of us.
Middlemost post- John trabbic III is such a bad ass name though, wait this show has Del the funky homosapien and Tony Hawk as guest stars, I might need to which this.
Star trek: prodigy- You really like Netflix original animated shows don't you.
Big Nate- You haven't read the books.
Monster high- You the perfect in-between of goth and prep.
Transformers: earthspark- Why does this show have better non-binary rep than most other shows...I mean they are called Transformers for a reason.
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Little one
Platonic Korra x reader family Tenzin, Bumi and Kya x sibling Gn! Airbender reader
Summary You used to visit your mom Katara and Korra but stopped when Korra was 12 so you could do some traveling. You see her later in Republic city.
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You were the twin of Kya. The child of Aang and Katara. You should have seen the look of excitement Aang had on his face the first time he held you. He was even more excited when he discovered you and your younger brother Tenzin were Airbenders like him.
Flashback to a 12 year old Korra
" Y/n do you HAVE to go?" Little Korra asked holding onto your legs tightly as you leaned onto your Sky bison for support. Korra was surprisingly strong for a 12 year old. " Now now little one I promise our paths will cross again ." You replied prying her off your legs and giving her a bear hug before turning to face your mother and giving her a lighter hug. " You're father would be proud of you of the person you have become. " Katara said. " Thank you mom." You replied. Before you could get on your sky bison Korra stopped you. " Pinky promise we'll see each other again?" She asked sticking out her pinky. " Pinky promise we'll see each other again little one." You replied looping your pinky with hers. You gave Korra one last hug before hopping on your sky bison and flying away.
Flashback over
That had been 5 years ago. It's been 5 years since you've been to republic city since you've seen any of your family or Korra. Lin had manged to get in touch with you somehow and asked you to come back. When you got to the station you forgot your arrows were covered since you didn't want to draw any attention nothing bad would happen if you did draw attention you just didn't feel the need for attention right now.
When you walked to Lins work office you saw 4 young teens 2 females and 2 males. One of the females looked alot like...." Korra ?" You asked. " I'm sorry do I know you?" Korra asked. " Ouch has it really been that long?.... Little one." You replied taking off your bandana covering your arrows on your head. " Y/n? Is that really you?" Korra questions. You nodded your head yes and Korra excitedly ran up to you and gave you a bear hug almost knocking you down in the process.
" Hi Korra it's been to long. I missed you." You said hugging her tightly back. " I missed you too. " Korra cried happy tears into your shirt. Happy to see you again happy that you kept your promise you made years ago with her.
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“I mean, this… this is nothing compared to the rest of the world, kid,” Lin tells her, putting the cigarette back up to her mouth. It rapidly contracts with each heavy huff she takes.
“What do you mean?”
She breathes out and smoke surrounds them. Korra’s just a kid, not even able to Airbend yet. But she’s also the Avatar; everyone’s expecting her to fix everything with some glowing eyes and a few powerful bending moves. But the world’s way more complicated than all that. “Well, for starters, the Earth Kingdom’s in some serious shit with poverty at all time high. But does the Earth Queen care? Not one bit. She just wants to preserve her family’s precious jewels and take back land not even belonging to her anymore. The Northern Water Tribe isn’t much better off, if you ask me. There’s just something about your uncle that has never sat right with me—no offense. And Firelord Izumi is so afraid of leading the Fire Nation into yet another pointless war that in most conflicts she does nothing, even when she should be doing something.”
It’s all in one breath. Lin doesn’t realize all that’s been nagging at her until she says it. But it feels good, therapeutic to admit everything out loud. Korra looks at her pale, almost sickly. And suddenly guilt consumes her for unloading all that on her so suddenly. So much for a gentle approach.
“Sorry,” she adds quickly, looking away from the teen.
“No, no, I’m glad you said it,” Korra assures. “Believe it or not, you’re actually the first person who’s been honest with me about all this. People see me and they think I’m just some… overexcited kid.”
Lin looks back at her, finally. “Well, you are,” she says, handing her cigarette off to Korra, who takes it hesitantly. “But you’re also the Avatar.”
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xenaisnumber1 · 1 month
So many people debate whether Lin is right for how she feels or if Su is right. I have a lot to say on it, so I might as well just do it in one post. I'm neutral on both Lin and Su. Having grown up with a bunch of siblings, I know what it's like to be hurt by a sibling and feel that pain of knowing the person that's supposed to love you has hurt you. And I know what it's like to hurt your sibling and the immense guilt of what you did. And I know what it's like to grow up and realize how the resentment and hurt you feel from childhood fades because you're more experienced and you realize that you don't want to feel that way anymore. And that you still love your sibling even if you've fought.
I don't think Su ever meant to hurt Lin. It really was an accident. You can see the horror on Su face at what she's done. She does blame Lin after, but I feel it's from a place of guilt. She wants to deflect the blame onto someone else.
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And I do feel Su was hurt by Toph sending her away. Toph said she was sending Su to her grandparents, but Su says she traveled the world at 16, so I'm assuming she ran away from her grandparents much like her mom did. I feel the fact Toph sent her away really brought Su down to Earth because she lost her family because of her actions. She no doubt experienced a lot of things through her life that eventually made her want to settle down and create a family. And I feel her experiences growing up led her to be more forgiving and accepting. I feel like this was the way that she was able to make peace with what happened. And finding peace allowed her to reach out to Toph and rekindle their relationship.
People doubt Su's sincerity in wanting Lin to be a part of her life but I fully believe Su does care about Lin and wants her in her life. The meer fact that she reach out to Lin years ago and again in the episode shows that. Because as a teenager she wanted nothing to do with Lin.
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And she says she almost has the perfect family except Lin isn't in it. And she looks sad when she finds out that Lin didn't tell Korra about her. And seemed hurt when Lin calls Su her half sister because Su says that they have different dads, but are still blood.
I do get the feeling that Su does see Lin as a parental figure in a way since it was always Lin trying to keep her out of trouble. Or at most, sees Lin as the older sister that she loves and looks to for approval. You see this in their interactions. When Lin risks her life to distract P'Li, Su tries to stop Lin and just looks sad when Lin tells her she loves her. Much different from the confidence, happy person we usually see.
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As for Lin. I do feel she always loved Su. We see this when she automatically shields Su when she's in danger. And we see Su seeking that protection from Lin.
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People complain that Su never said sorry. I feel she did this by reaching out to Lin to try to repair their relationship. I feel as a teenager Su resented Lin for trying to control her but when she got older she realized that Lin did it out of a place of love and was able to release those negative feelings she had so that she could have a relationship with the sister she loves. I do think Su tried to recreate her childhood in a way by making sure her kids always had the freedom to be themselves while also being emotionally present for them. And she wanted to bring Lin and Toph back into her life to have the family with her mom and sister that she didn't have growing up
I feel like Lin always cared for Su when they were younger, she just showed it by trying to keep Su away from anyone Lin saw as harmful to her. But she did it in a way that was too controlling and ended up alienating Su. And I do feel like Lin probably thought Su did get away with everything because Toph never wanted to restrict their freedom. And she held that resentment for years until she finally had to face her sister. I feel like she realized that she no longer wanted to feel so much anger and hate for her sister who she does love and so she finally was able to move past it so that she could express that love she had for her sister. She realized that they've lost so many years together because of the anger.
A really long post but I needed to get my thoughts out about the relationship between the Beifong sisters and how I think this type of fighting is common among siblings. Look at Aang's children and the resentment that Bumi and Kya had because of how Aang favored Tenzin.
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Zukka fic list part 2
On ice we fall (in love)
Zuko and Sokka rivals to friends to lovers slowburn competitive figure skating AU.
Zuko is an idiot trying to get over a breakup, Sokka is a hockey boy, and online dating isn't really that awful.
Iroh insists they create a new life and identity in Ba Sing Se. Zuko wants nothing more than to bide his time until his next opportunity to return home, until he realizes ‘Lee’ can get away with things Zuko never could.
Zuko dons the mantle of the Blue Spirit again only to los e his focus when the Avatar comes to the city. This time, however, his attention is drawn to the annoying Southern Tribe warrior.
winter solstice: an addendum
Zuko gets imprisoned with Sokka and Katara during the winter solstice, and some very unfortunate things come to light. Alternatively: the gaang kidnaps adopts Zuko in book one after discovering just how awful his father is.
I'll Come Back Someday (For You)
“We’ll be together someday. I won’t stop looking until I find you again.”
Those words, Sokka thought, were a blessing.
After living through several lives without Zuko, they now feel like a curse.
They were the last words Sokka muttered to the Fire Lord on his death bed after saving Avatar Korra from an attempted kidnapping, and while he meant them, he didn't know that they would come true.
Yet, he tried, tried, tried again, and after cycling into his fourth life, he's starting to give up hope.
All until he walks into the Jasmine Dragon right next to Republic City University's campus.
(i'm sorry but) i'm just thinking of the right words to say
Zuko is the last person Sokka expects to end up as his roommate when he starts college. Sokka is the last person Zuko expects to befriend when he starts his whole life over. And no one who knows a thing about their shared past expects them to end up together. Except, maybe, Toph.
There's Bound To Be A Ghost At The Back Of Your Closet
Zuko needs a new dad, and Hakoda volunteers. A story spanning Zuko's old life, new life, and beyond
running right back to you
the air conditioning stops working at the Jasmine Dragon, and it's miserable until a cute stranger makes it a bit more bearable
Sorry, I Have to Move to Alaska!
Following a lengthy legal battle with Ozai, Iroh has full custody of his niece and nephew. Desperate to get Zuko and Azula away from Ozai (just in case) Iroh buys a tea shop in Anchorage, Alaska.
Sokka has been living in Anchorage since birth and nothing interesting ever happens in this city. Except less than a month into this school year, the mysterious new kid with a facial scar beats up a well-known student in first period.
purrfect for each other
because sometimes, it takes going to a cat café four times to realize you're in love with your best friend
The World We Dream About
A HS Theatre Kid AU where the gaang is in Hadestown, featuring all our favorite high school nostalgia moments and way too many tropes
when i'm set alight
“I’m going to go practice some firebending forms,” Zuko says stiffly, running a hand through the tangles in his hair. “Tell Aang to join me if he wants to once he wakes up.” Gold eyes dart up to where Aang had strung up a makeshift hammock and was still sleeping soundly, snoring like a buffalo yak.
“Alright,” Sokka says, watching as he walks out without another word, evidently having reverted back into his usual brooding self. “Have fun!” He calls after Zuko loudly, which he means to be sarcastic, but comes out painfully, embarrassingly sincere. His face burns, and as soon as Zuko passes out of sight into the the temple, Katara turns to him, leveling him with a Look.
“You like him.” She says, and it’s not a question.
Born Lucky
Zuko knew this would happen one day.
He really should've prepared better.
Of course, he'd imagined something like this many times. He'd see him-- or anyone from high school, really-- and he wouldn't even be recognized. They'd be immediately enamored with him and wouldn't even pause to think he looked like that one girl from high school.
Instead, he has a 24-year-old Sokka cradling a swollen wrist and smiling awkwardly up at Zuko.
like we're made of starlight
When former High Imperial Prince and Sith Acolyte Zuko defects to the rebellion Commander Sokka is tasked to keep an eye on him and bring him into the fold.
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reticent-writer · 1 year
Good time of day. I want to request a job on the Legend of Korra fandom. How would Desna, Esca and Korra treat a reader who belongs to a harsh clan of assassins with a bad reputation. He is quiet and reserved, but only because people treat him and the clan with aggression. He wears hidden blades in his sleeves, reflexively substituting the blade to the throat of a person who approached unnoticed (fearing a sudden attack). Let's imagine that the reader's parents came there to conclude a contract or something like that. Gender neutral reader. Thank you in advance.
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ sorry for the wait
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On the outside it looks like you both are just acquaintances but when the both of you are alone you are the cutest couple
Both of you being reserved adds to that
You don't say much in regards to your clan. If someone wants to talk you let them but it someone wants to hit you for it you fight back.
No mercy
Desna stands off to the side cheering for you
being an assassin you still have a job to do when your family calls
You hide most of anything that is associated with your clan not because your ashamed but because it makes your job difficult
"Are you really from the L/n clan. That low class group of assassins killed my cousin for nothing." they pushed you.
"Was it you?" they pushed you again.
Desna was about to step in if you didn't wave him off.
"It was you wasn't it. Can't even look me in the eye."
In the blink of an eye you had them pushed against the nearest wall with a knife at their throat.
Out like a light.
whoever hurts you will not live to see another day
We all know how aggressive she can get and when she sees how you've been treated
what she doesn't know is that under your calm personality is a monster
you strike with precision and elegance. whoever goes against you will either be humiliated or not live to see another day
Just because your clan is shunned doesn't you just gonna sit back and take it.
She loves watching you fight. It's like watching a different person
You didn't care about what anyone said about you but when they bring up your clan it's over.
You made Quick work of them and went back to Esca.
"Shall we continue, my dear." You offered your arm out to her.
"We shall, my turtle duck."
being the type of person you are everyone was quite surprised to see you and her together
it's like the popular girl dating the quite kid
You sit back and watch as Korra reams anyone who dares talk about you
sometimes you ever have to pull her away
"It's fine Korra. It's not that serious." You tried to get out of the situation
"No it's not how could you let someone talk about you like that."
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greypetrel · 6 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms more
Oh no @pinayelf has tagged me again so I'll have to do another set! :"(
(thank you Ellie! I already did one and I was crying because I left out characters, here it is if you or anyone wants to read it)
Tagging: @aimee-maroux @everythingispoetry @owlask @raflesia65 @morgandarcyarts @sapphireangelbunny @idolsgf @zenstrike @rowanisawriter and YOU!
1. Sir Gawain
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We stan a bi king (in the poem he kisses the Lord THRICE. Out of his own will. In another he kisses Lancelot. On his lips.). I love Gawain in any declination, Arthurian cycle, medieval poems, Merlin and the latest movie. I put Dave Patel because visually it's the one that I like the most, but give me a Gawain and I'll like him.
2. Boromir - Lord of the Rings
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I spent half my life hating him, then I REALISED. And now he's my sweet pea the apple of my eyes I love him and I'll defend him. Movie kinda did him dirty, but AAAAAH.
3. Beatrice - Much Ado About Nothing
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Fiercely loyal sarcastic queen who can and will stand up to herself. I love her. Absolutely flawless.
4. Chrisjen Avasarala - The Expanse
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She's everything and I love her more than words can say. Old professional lady cursing like a sailor and speaking her mind clearly. Was very torn between putting her or Ripley in the first batch, but Ripley got precedence out of seniority of my obsession. I couldn't suggest you (anyone you are reading) this show enough, and she is one of the big reasons (she and Bobbie. I love Bobbie <3).
5. Evie Carnahan - the Mummy
She's everything and I will fight for her.
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6. Kronk - Emperor's New Groove
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I quote this movie more than it would be healthy to do. Yzma comes a close second but it's him.
7. Madalena - Galavant
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I stood there 10 minutes trying to decide whether to put her or King Richard. But this single scene was the one that made me fall in love with the show and how it turns tropes around and so yeah. This list was short of villains, furthermore and she is everything, go slay, queen.
8. Jasper Fahey - Grishaverse
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As previously stated, you give me a chaotic blorbo with a flair for theatrics and I'm yours forever.
(another fave is Nikolaj, but here goes Jasper because you know. Less tsarism involved.)
9. Martha Jones - Doctor Who
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Martha deserved so much better than what the show and the fandom gave her. She's a great character, she's strong and compassionate and kind and honestly she did it right in leaving the Doctor (here's a video essay of a person better informed than me). I am so sorry, but I don't like Rose all that much, particularly in the season with Tennant and I'm on the Justice for Martha squad.
10. Korra - Avatar: the Legend of Korra
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I know her show has flaws. But her as a character IS NOT.
Again, I needed to have figures to deconstruct the trope of "strong girl" and she's it. I love her arc and how she needs to deconstruct herself to proceed.
(I love also Tenzin, Tenzin is my favourite and my love, but his character arc is to me slightly less compelling)
(don't ask me to choose just ONE character from ATLA, I can't, I'll stay stuck for two hours trying to decide whom I like best and end up running away screaming because I can't.)
On a book level I must add: Margarita from Master and Margarita. That book is my obsession and the reason I ended up studying russian literature and language. -even if Bulgakov was actually Ukrainian but guess how many people told me so and I won't start here on the subject)
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tsukimefuku · 3 months
Overdue introduction post
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She/Her • bi/pan • AuDHD non-monogamous lady • professional tinkerer • this year I’m gonna be unstable unstoppable
If you like anything I write, please leave a comment. I do my best answer each and every one made :)
I don’t usually take requests because I came back to writing in order to let my AuDHD run wild like a toddler with a pair of scissors, completely unbound by earthly restraints. However, I do take suggestions, if you’d like to send one in my Asks.
Pen name and meaning: Tsukime Fuku or Fuku-Chan. I wanted something to resemble the owl I feel like, most of the time (I have terrible sleeping issues). Fukurou (梟) in Japanese means Owl, so I just decided to shorten it in katakana (フク). I wrote Tsukime in kanji (疲明) mixing up the gloomy and tired aspect from “Tsuki” with the bright one from “Me”. I’m a tired, gloomy, somewhat optimistic millenial owl.
My letters from the LGBTQIAP+ community: B for kissing multiple genders and A for demisexual (I can’t spell, sorry). Also, I’ve got a wife.
Where I’m from: A country well known for being God's wild random sandbox experiment 🇧🇷 For that reason, English is not my native language (you can communicate with me in Portuguese, Spanish and English. If by any chance you say something in Italian, please make it three-year-old friendly).
Current fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen (main) and Hazbin Hotel (secondary).
Former or everlasting fandoms: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, flanaverse, Bojack Horseman, Rurouni Kenshin, Avatar (both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra — I’m a Korra stan), Sherlock (books, stories, and BBC Series), Steven Universe, House MD, Supernatural, and other things I’ll add as I remember them.
Favorite genres of fiction: murder/mystery (b1tch! grew up reading Sherlock), terror, horror, drama and millennial comedy / dark humor. Currently, I’ve been getting into smutty fiction and rather enjoying it. I also want to write some chick lit stories, so...
Fun(?) facts about me I had enough time to come up with, instead of nervously sweating in the middle of a date thinking about them (this might get updated regularly, but probably won't - most recent will be at the bottom of the list):
Yes, I’m a criminal defense attorney. I love and hate my job multiple times a day.
I have a deranged type of humor (it's because of my inner demons. They have many voices. One of them is Carol)
I am unhinged and shitpost like a hell spawn. That's not a fun fact, it's a warning
I'm controlled by a monkey with a typewriter that lives inside my head. It feeds off of my anxiety during the day, then gives it back to me at night. It's lovely.
My writing process goes about like this: I get an idea. It plagues my every waking moment. If I don't write it, I realistically believe it might consume me into oblivion. So I write. Should I write because it's fun? Sure. Do I write to quench the thirst for dopamine of my inner demons (that have many voices, one of them is Carol)? Absolutely.
I got diagnosed with ADHD in my early 20's, and autism in my late 20's. These were definitely my roaring 20's, and we don't talk about it.
I try to be a kind person when I can. As a lady in her late 20's with some life and trauma experience involving mental illnesses, addiction, grief, and much more, you can always DM me if by any chance you need to talk about anything. I don't bite (much).
I realized I've been chatting with an online acquaintance that lives with a 12+ hour difference. That's how fucked my sleep schedule is — you can't fuck up your sleep schedule if you have none, amiright?
I need a soundtrack for everything I'm doing. It makes talking to people in real life very difficult.
I never know what day of the month it is. It's led me to receive happy birthday's unannounced and feel very confused at the people congratulating me on "my special day". I had done nothing special. It made no sense.
I tend to write very fast. It's the monkey's fault.
My most unpopular opinion: HIMYM ending was the correct choice, and made perfect sense for Ted and Robin.
My favorite quotes in English are the ending to The Great Gatsby (“so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”) and a tidbit from Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest (“Truth is rarely pure and never simple”).
My favorite poem of all time is "Tabacaria" by Fernando Pessoa.
Something you’ll NEVER see me writing in love stories is romanticized jealousy and possessiveness. Everyone has their thing, but that’s really not mine, and I don’t enjoy writing it. When I DO write about jealousy, I like to explore the underlying insecurity and pain behind it.
I’m here to spread the non-monogamy queer agenda.
If you read this through the end, thank you, and I'm slightly concerned for your mental well-being. Come on over and have a cup of tea.
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wheatbeats · 1 year
I did this last time and it got a couple notes, so why not again? Here's my ranking for all the shorts from Star Wars Visions: Volume 2.
Screecher's Reach - holy shit. Holy shit. I knew I would like this one going in because Cartoon Saloon owns my ass, but I never thought I'd see animated Star Wars horror. This one was genuinely creepy and seeing such a poor character fall victim to the lies of the Sith was heartbreaking, and unique for Star Wars content. I loved this short.
Aau's Song - I know the phrase "Ghibli-esque" gets thrown around annoyingly often, but I feel like it actually applies here. The gorgeous natural vistas, the emphasis on the nobility of simple work, a loving family dynamic, the power of a child and the magic of love, it's all here. The character designs are lovely, the music is moving, and I love the vocal performances too. This one is really close to the #1 spot.
The Spy Dancer - I somehow forgot that Studio La Cachette has been responsible for some of the most astounding animation of the past couple years, but oh my god did this short make me remember. Not only is the animation gorgeous, but the characters are so vividly portrayed in such a short amount of time, and it weaves a compelling story completely separate from the lore of the Jedi and the Sith. I'd love more Star Wars content like this.
Sith - the visuals of the painted world in this one are maybe some of the most out-there, artistically, in this whole bunch, and I appreciate such a strong vision. I feel like tumblr is gonna have the hots for our former-Sith protagonist, but I'm always a sucker for droids who are Just a Little Guy.
In the Stars - I love Lilo & Stitch in space. The visuals walk the line where I'm not 100% convinced whether they were cgi or stop-motion, but either way they're extremely impressive. I personally don't vibe with the character archetype that Kichina embodies, but I like her dynamic with Koten, and the arc they go through is pretty rock-solid.
The Bandits of Golak - I have mixed feelings about this one. I like the clear Clone Wars influence in the character designs, and the action staging is pretty great. I also love the sheer Bollywood energy that the Inquisitor brings; I'd love to see more Star Wars villains with this kind of energy instead of more blandly evil bureaucrats. That said, the character models are kind of stiff (especially in the human faces), and Rani is just... so annoying. Chanuk is a good boy, though.
I Am Your Mother - I'm kind of shocked that Aardman even decided to do a short for this volume, but I'm not complaining. When you get Aardman on board you expect a certain tone, and this doesn't disappoint. It's not nearly as funny as Aardman's best work, but it's still a good time and a nice balance with the darker shorts like Screecher's Reach.
The Pit - I really respect this studio and it's unique circumstances, but I feel like this short was missing something. Putting aside the animation, which looked great in still shots but didn't move super well, I feel like this short has nothing that ties it to Star Wars. The stormtroopers could have been any evil army, the kyber crystals could have just been gold or diamonds, the pit itself could have just been on Earth. This short has a good story to tell, but it makes absolutely zero relevant use of Star Wars lore.
Journey to the Dark Head - I'm sad to put the Studio Mir short on the bottom, but here we are. Mir still delivers on some astounding individual cuts of animation that live up to their lauded work on The Legend of Korra and Voltron: Legendary Defender, but I feel like overall the direction of this short was a little chaotic and confused, and the thrills didn't last for more than a few moments each. Moreover, the plot barely made any sense, and failed to sell a convincing story even using a longer runtime than any other short this volume. And I'm sorry, Eugene Lee Yang; I'm happy to see you here, but it just wasn't a very good performance.
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ultfreakme · 6 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Oh this is tough, like oh wow I' gonna have such a hard time this might take a while to be answered.
Avatar The Last Airbender Watched this since I was a kid over multiple years so this is always going to have a special place in my heart. It introduced me to a lot of difficult concepts and struggles.
Legend of Korra Also watched this as a kid from middle school to high school. I loved watching Korra grow and overcome her struggles, it was a lot more personal to me. I related to Korra especially in S3 & 4. She's also how I started my queer realization.
Superman: Son of Kal El This one's newer. It's a comfort comic. When this came out I was pretty comfortable in my queer identity, but it just made me feel more empowered to see a queer superman asking the questions we often ask; why not do more? I this answers very clearly the role of superman and people with privilege in aiding those who need a voice. The Superman, Jon, does a lot of heroics but his true heroism comes through in the way he waits and listens to others and uses his symbol to allow platform for those that are suppressed to speak, in this case it's his ally and boyfriend Jay Nakamura.
Book Thief: I think I read this in middle school and up until then we knew about the Holocaust through history books, it seemed distant but this book brought everything into a focused reality. The devastation of war, the cruelty of the Nazi regime, it really made me see how devastating and unfair and wrong Nazi Germany was on a visceral level. The narrator of the story is Death itself. There's one quote that made me see the horror of war starkly: "I’ve seen so many young men over the years who think they’re running at other young men. They are not. They’re running at me(Death)."
The Hunger Games This series's impact is well-known. It's a tale of revolution and exploitation. It's about Katniss's bravery but also about her vulnerabilities. Everything feels so hopeless in this world but this story shows that if you dare to stand up, others will follow. I loved how raw Katniss was, how human she is and how personal her struggles are. A lot of THG copycats forget that the reason why Katniss works is because although she hates the capitol and wants better for all the districts, she's also just a young girl who wants to keep her family safe and live without worrying for once. The latter is always forgotten. She doesn't actually orchestrate the revolution, that's a team effort led by Coin. I just, love how well done it is in humanizing everyone and showing the worst of humanity but also the best when faced with tough times.
Scum Villain Self-Saving System: This is famously MXTX's first and frankly the least good novel in the three she's released but I have imprinted on this. It's a parody and comedy but it also gets way too gritty and real in a lot of places. The story is essentially about creators selling out to fans and company demands so that they can get money, while stifling their creativity. It's very meta and makes fun of a lot of the typical danmei novel and harem novel tropes. It's not perfect and has a lot of issues but I love how funny it is. I feel like you won't get it unless you get it. It's very hit or miss for lots of people.
Kuroko No Basket: I think I've rewatched this about 5 times. I have nothing deep to say about it. It's a fun basketball anime about people being buddies and middle school drama and ridiculous basketball. I love it because it's pure fun and I love seeing the charecters interact.
Unknown Novel I read when I was like twelve: Okay so when I was possibly 12(or younger) I read a novel about this girl, it read like a personal account and I think it was, of this girl who was about to suffer some horrible fate around the early 1900s and narrowly escaped, and is trying to find her footing and make her way home. It follows her growing up from a teenager to an adult. I don't know it's name, when it was released, character names. NOTHING. BUT. That book left a mark on me and I've been hunting for it ever since. I didn't know it was about a Jewish girl in WW2 but now I think I can confirm that's what it was. That book rocked my worldview. There's this ONE CHAPTER I remember vividly: Our narrator is recently married and pregnant. She and her husband have no housing so they're staying in this group home with multiple people. The narrator starts having cravings for applesauce/jam and her husband procured it for her. She didn't know that he made it for her every time she craved it. Her husband had a set of numbers stamped on his arm. I know this excerpt is very little and can't be found anywhere properly but while reading this I just, realized how lovely humans can be. These two were not living in good conditions they were barely getting food and were cramped in small spaces to sleep. But her husband, who suffered greatly only recently, somehow found a way to get her applesauce/jam because she craved it. That's love. That's genuine love and idk it stuck to me. No idea how I accidentally got my hands on two books on the Holocaust and WW2 so young. If you know this anon, or if ANYONE knows what book I'm talking about please let me know. It's been a decade long hunt(I think more).
Narnia: The Witch, The Wizard and The Wardrobe: Rewatched this about 20 times. I once borrowed my mom's shawl and stole the kitchen knife to stand over my sleeping father with the knife in my hand pretending to stab him(I was....6? y father reported to me years late that he was awake and TERRIFIED and considered just hiding the movie CD because I was...instead of acting like the MC who I did love, I started acting like the main villain).
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I was pretending to be the White Witch/Jadis, my dad was Aslan. Almost locked myself up in our closet. Anyways this was a formative movie where I learned "dress hot, carry a knife, violence, manipulation <3". This is so fun and it's so charming. All the characters are so flawed and sweet and I want the best for all of them. Idk I think it still holds up and is just SO GOOD. A wonderful fantasy film.
10. Pooh's Heffalump Movie: Please don't laugh. I know this list is a wild ride that makes no goddamn sense but this movie was so good. I was obsessed as a child. It has a very nice lesson on accepting people's differences and not judging people based on appearances. Everyone was afraid of Lumpy but Roo braved those fears, made a wonderful friend and showed that it's important to conquer our fears. This was my family's favorite movie and still is like I'll be singing "lumpy lumpity lee, lumpy bumpity dee! Heffa-lumpy like me!".
Never too old to learn the importance of finding courage, being open-minded and not letting our fears rule us. The final scene where Lumpy is stuck under a lot of fallen trees, and Roo goes through the small cracks in the trees to support his friend despite knowing he might get crushed is just so ;_; It's so good.
Thanks for the question anon and giving me a chance to rant!! XDXD
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terrestrialnoob · 1 year
Yeah, so, personally, I don't see Fast Forward or Back to the Sewers as a part of the original TMNT 2003 series. I see them as Sequel Series, kinda like how Avatar: The Legend of Korra is the sequel series to Avatar: The Last Aribender.
Not only do FF and BTTS have different titles, literally everything else was changed too. The writers, directors, primary and secondary animation companies were all changed at some point, with only the production company the same and most of the same voice actors, but that was it. That's less than what Legend of Korra had in common with the Last Airbender. And FF and BTTS were intended to be soft reboots to make the 03 series more profitable and palatable. They weren't making enough new marketable designs for toy sales and the dark tone was making the production company nervous (despite the success of the previous seasons).
(That's the important bit, there's only criticism of FF and BTTS after this.)
The FF and BTTS seasons were extremely fundamentally different: literally having different foundations in style, characterization, and storytelling. Though, the FF designs were really good for the adaptions to more computer animation, unfortunately the characters started their descent into "technically still in character", and there were parts that were actually pretty good, if it had been written by slightly more capable writers. BTTS was when everything really went to shit.
The main series was formatted so that there would be three to five episode arcs with zero-to-two standalone episodes in between. But FF started with two vague overarching story-lines that loosely held the season together with decent pacing towards the resolution of those overarching story-lines with one-off character stories breaking them up and giving us about 60/40 "Oh, that was actually a good character interaction" / "He would not fucking say that". It was really always on the edge of being good, but never actually getting to it. And I might actually put TMNT Fast Forward as a standalone series on par with the quality of the 2012 series.
FF had some pretty interesting ideas the writers just didn't do anything with or were forced to drop. Sho'kanabo was basically the Rise Kraang, just with the major weakness of sunlight disinfecting his victims. He was proper terrifying, infecting, taking over, and controlling his victims. He also made evil clones of the turtles who were like, amazing characters and had so much potential! They were so cool! And Zix was an interesting character concept, a smuggler with grey morality who helped just as much as he harmed? If only he was actually well written, and actually was grey and did just as much good as he did bad instead of just being a bad guy who said "sorry :(" sometimes.
Back To The Sewers on the other hand, was fully bad. Every part individually was bad, there is no evidence anyone working on BTTS had any passion for it whatsoever, which means management unequivocally failed at every turn. The designs were actually bad, the animation was stilted and unnatural, the plot was nonsense, most of the dialog was also nonsense to match, the writing was some of the laziest I've ever seen in the entire franchise, one (or more) character was out of character at least once in every episode, and the villains weren't serious threats (The Shredder got taken out by Mikey on his own. Speaking of... Mikey got a ton more screen time, but he also like, absorbed everyone else's character traits depending on what the plot needed? Like, I think they discovered that Mikey was the audience favorite and just made him the center of the episode no matter if it made sense or not). And on top of that, just like the 87 series, they just had to introduce a new toy or accessory design into every episode, which can be fine - unless there's nothing there to distract from it, no good writing, or animation, or characters draw your attention away from the commercial inside the show. It's so bad.
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makorra were compatible with each other (korrasami has no real compatibility without korra being ooc
the notion that makorra breaking up in b2 means they could never work is idiotic ( neither of them would have worked with anyone they broke up due to mutual flaws  that led to them breaking up flaws which they overcame by book 4 ( its korra and asami who couldnt work out without korra bieng ooc in the last 2 minutes
makorra is more comparable to kataang ( and mako showed that he could support korra the way she needed it asami didnt
 I have seen people try to go well mako told raiko he did the right thing the notion that he should have just went along with korras plans when the only issue was that he didnt speak up sooner ( which is his problem he holds things in too much till they get to the breaking point  he should have confronted korra much sooner) you can be sympathetic to korras issue and acknowledge that korra was in the wrong trying to take another countrys military away
(mako sees korra the person asami only sees the avatar)
makorra is far more comparable to kataang then zutara ( mako has the same position in krew  he supports korra like katara supported aang , etc and is the talented bender) katara and mako both had some jerk moments and their flaws acknowledged and treated as such  i feel korrasami was only popular because of desire for lgbt rep and the irrational hate for mako so they shipped it to spite and punish mako for daring to have flaws which had led to asami getting hurt when mako didnt do anything that required punishment
 his flaws and mistakes were acknowledged as such bryke already handling his flaws and issues the way they needed to be people over reacted due to asami getting hurt
 sorry but korrasami is more comparable to zutara the popular same sex ship  that was popular despite not having a basis in canon
they had to twist the most minor moments to claim evidence along with piling up headcanons to try and claim a moment its evidence
the claim that korra chose asami to help her  in b3 finale when that has no basis 
and korra only smiled with her father and air babies and bolin when she was in that state
or claiming korra and asami sent each other letters  for years  when there was only one letter  sent
and it doesnt mean korra is closer to asami ( korra sent one letter to vent and put a sense of closeness ( saying that korra sent the letter  to someone she isnt concerned about  makes way more sense)
while mako talked about korra the person asami in remembrances went youre the avatar we need you which was a failure tenzin needed to comein and bring up korra the person and how she grew as a person
while mako supported korra the way she needed to be supported in the episode where they went to confront zaheer ( while asami did nothing ) which adds to the list of many reasons korrasami was a last minute retcon. censors wouldnt have prevented them from interacting or bonding  or showing a close relationship in anyway
ikkinthekitsune .  tumblr . com/post/111124581145/you-said-that-korras-dialogue-implied-she-sent
Anonymous asked: you said that korra’s dialogue implied she sent asami only 1 letter could you make a post that shows the dialogue/script for it so I can see that
It’s not directly stated, but I think reading between the lines of the letter itself and Korra’s explanation of it makes it seem unlikely that she sent more than one:
“Dear Asami, I’m sorry I haven’t written to you sooner, but every time I’ve tried, I never know what to say.  The past two years have been the hardest of my life. Even though I can get around fine now, I still can’t go into the Avatar State. I keep having visions of Zaheer and what happened that day.  Katara thinks a lot of this is in my head, so I’ve been meditating a lot, but sometimes I worry I’ll never fully recover.  Please don’t tell Mako and Bolin I wrote to you and not them. I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but it’s easier to tell you about this stuff. I don’t think they’d understand.”
The thing to note here is that Korra feels guilty about not writing to Mako and Bolin and says she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings, but seems to feel the need to tell someone about her fears.  Considering the circumstances, continuing to write to Asami in spite of that guilt doesn’t make much sense.
She doesn’t really offer any room for a back-and-forth discussion in her letter, in any case — she’s treating it as a confessional rather than as an opportunity to talk.  It seems more like she’s trying to explain why she hasn’t been able to respond than opening a conversation.
The other part of it is this:
“I wrote to Asami while I was away. I asked her not to tell you. I’m sorry.”
I feel like, if Korra wanted to keep up a continuous conversation with Asami, the request not to tell Mako and Bolin about it would have been phrased differently (“Please don’t tell Mako and Bolin I’m writing to you and not them” rather than “I wrote”) as would the explanation (“I sent letters to Asami while I was away”).
Instead, “wrote” is in the past tense in both cases, instead of something less ambiguously repetitive, and the second one mirrors the first, which is clearly only talking about the present letter.
It’s also important to remember that there isn’t much time for her to keep up a conversation even if she wanted to do so — she went off the grid within a few months of the letter, and international mail isn’t exactly instant.
“What irks me is that it’s obvious makorra was the planned ending. there is too much build up to deny it. it’s like bryke paved a road for that ending and swerved at the last second to end with korrasami. I don’t see representation. I see sloppy writing and pandering.fantastic-nonsense answered:Honestly, based on the way the narrative seemed to be heading, I was fully expecing Korra to remain single with the possibility of rekindling the Makorra relationship (as mature adults who have retained their love for each other but have grown, are more levelheaded, and are able to deal with conflicting responsibilites) in the future. But I will agree: a grand total of six interactions post-“Long Live the Queen,” only one of which is truly non-ambiguously romantic (the finale scene), does not proper relationship build-up make. “
shippers try to claim they couldnt show more because of censors but censorship  but  as fantastic-nonsense put it
“Censorship explains why we couldn’t get a kiss and an “I love you” in the finale or blatant romantic scenes, not the utter lack of Korra-Asami interaction as a whole. They had six (to six and a half) minutes of interaction in the last season, spread out over six interactions/conversations. They’ve had nearly no on-screen interaction since “Long Live the Queen,” actually. They had the 5 second “I can come to the South Pole” convo in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused), the single letter, their interactions in “Reunions,” and then the tea scene in “Remembrances.” After that, they don’t speak again until the last two minutes of the finale. The episode after “Remembrances” is the Korra-Mako field trip to the Spirit Wilds and Zaheer’s prison and the culmination of Korra’s recovery arc. Where was Asami? She had two lines in the whole episode, and they were both to Varrick.”
 the difference is that bryke broke the narrative to force korrasami in at the last minute 
and zutara got actual moments and interactions which would say that they are close to one another
( to be frank toph x katara makes more sense then korrasami
korrasami being the only same sex ship in lok doesnt mean you are homophobic or dont care about the lgbt community  if  you dont ship it or say it shouldnt have happened good writing is more important then representation
good writing and not having a forced ship where you throw away narrative and two characters make no sense to be with each other is more important then filling a quota or publicity stunt. its more important then the genders involved ina ship  
if they wanted to have a show with a same sex ship then make another show with a same sex ship canon with actual buildup etc
like say given that they are making another avatar series they could have not done korrasami and waited for the next avatar series to have a avatar in a same sex ship which would have actual buildup
anyone who trys to go there are tons of shows with a het ship being canon are the people who ship something based on the genders involved not the people criticizing korrasami if they try to go but there are tons of shows with het ships being canon as if its relevant to legend of korra they have no place to complain about queerbaiting or say a het ship is forced.  
people arent mad that a het ship didnt become canon they are mad because korrasami was a forced last minute retcon there not being canon  it being a same sex ship is irrelevant
people would have shipped makorra even if asami was a guy ( or if korra was a guy  korrasami where korra was a guy would be generi pairing mc with a bland love interest with no screentime)
 the idea that because there are tons of shows with the het ship becoming canon instead of the same sex ship becoming canon means we should okay korrasami since there arent any canon same sex ships  in lok besides that or its the first etc is idiotic whats the most important is the characters themselves the writing ofthe story whether or not there is buildup whether the characters makes sense etc
a character or ship whose gay deserves criticism or love or support based on its own merits 
there are plenty of lgbt people who say korrasami is forced 
a same sex ship is just as viable to criticsim as a het ship thats equality
labelling anyone a homophobe/het lenses for saying otherwise makes a joke of the term
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr  . com/post/108144330446/why-do-you-think-bryke-chose-mako-as-the-one-to#notes
Anonymous asked: Why do you think Bryke chose Mako as the one to accompany Korra to Zaheer's prison - which was arguably the most climatic scene in tying up her Book 4 character arc - instead of somebody else? For such an emotion heavy point in the story I feel that they had to have made some conscious thought on who would accompany her. It could have been Asami, or even Bolin. Do you believe that they saw something that Mako offered more to her arc than the others did? I'd love to hear your opinion!
Because Korra’s relationship with Mako is the only one she had that offered her the sort of support that she needed in that situation.
None of Korra’s other friends or mentors has as much trust and faith in Korra as Mako does.  Asami’s support is a bit too insistent and she worries a bit too much for her to have done what Mako did and stepped back when Korra asked.  Bolin is… Bolin.  He’s good at cheering people up, but he’s not the one to rely on when humor isn’t called for.  Even Tenzin couldn’t have taken Mako’s role, because he’d let Korra’s long recovery get to him.
Mako, in contrast, was able to let go when Korra needed him to do so.  Korra needed to confront Zaheer on her own, and she needed to do so without having to talk her moral support down from coming in with her.  Mako was the only one who could fill that role.
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Anonymous asked: About Korra's letter to Asami and whether or not it's about Asami meaning more to Korra than anyone else: when I lost someone I cared about years ago, one of the first people I told about it was somebody who was a good friend but not one of my closest ones. This person had also lost someone and dealt with it strongly, especially for someone her age, and I knew she would understand without getting too gushy about it. It wasn't about who I "cared about more" and it definitely wasn't romantic!
Thank you for sharing your own experiences.
It makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?  If you’re dealing with something difficult and uncomfortable, talking to someone who understands (or seems likely to understand) the specific situation does a lot more good than talking to whoever you feel closest to and hoping they’ll respond in a way that actually helps.
Just because you’re closer to/romantically interested in someone doesn’t mean they’re going to be the one with all the answers.  As such, the idea that going to one particular friend for answers about something very difficult implies closeness or romantic interest just… doesn’t really comport with reality.  =/
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/117466809661/about-korras-letter-to-asami-and-whether-or-not#notes
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m0use123 · 2 years
"Guys, Asami ! I'm back"! Korra yelled as she ran across the park, to their usual hang out spot by the duck pond.
The group of teenagers all looked up at the sounds of that all to familiar voice.
"Korra"! Five sets of voices called at once.They all stood and staired open mouthed at their friend.
"What happened"? Bolin asked in amazement, "you were kinda chubby before you left and now ...... ".
"You're ripped"? Wu supplied, rushing over and hugging his friend.
"Oh, well. Yeah. You kinda do alot of running in military school", Korra blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I'll say, great to have you back Kor" Mako smiled and hugged her tightly. "Are those abs I can feel"? He teased her.
Blushing like mad, Korra lifted her t-shirt slightly to show a well defined 8 pack that had certainly not been there before the teen had left.
"Those clothes are massive on you Kor, we'll have to go on an emergency shopping trip", Opal told her sternly.
"Sure Opy, that'll be fun" Korra told her with a half hearted smile.
"You're a terrible liar" Opal told her, pulling the younger girl into a bone crushing hug.
Once the huddle moved back, Korra came face to face with the one person who had kept her going for months of mountain top runs at 4 o'clock in the morning.
"Hey Sami" Korra said quietly as the two were drawn together magneticly.
"Hey Korra" Asami all but whispered as they stepped closer and closer to one another.
"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss" Bolin chanted.
Opal hit him, but soon "awww'd" when the two kissed.
"Finally" Mako muttered and his boyfriend just shush'd him.
- - - - - -
"Finally alone" Korra mumbled into Asami's long black hair as the two snuggled together on a sun lounger next to Asami's swimming pool.
Asami giggled and crawled further up her girlfriend's body and pecked her on the lips. "We've been apart all school year baby, I'm sure you could've waited a bit longer, you didn't have to kick our friends out".
Korra chuckled and wrapped her arms around Asami's bikini clad body.
"Easy for you to say Sams. The thought of your soft kisses is all that kept me going on those winter marches".
Asami paused, she nuzzled into her girlfriend's neck and said softly, "I'm sorry you were sent away because of me".
"Asami. What are you talking about"? Korra questioned her, glancing down from her comfortable position.
"It was all my fault you got into that fight. That's the reason you were expelled and sent away to that military academy".
"Wow, wow, wow. Sami, baby calm down. It wasn't your fault. I punched Amon of my own free will, you didn't MAKE me do anything.
"But nothing Asami, it was my own fault, I messed up, not you. Now. I only have the summer to make you feel as loved as humanly possible, and I for one, don't intend to miss a single moment of it".
- - - - - -
The young couple kissed, hugged and held hands right up to the first day of September.
- - - - -
It was starting to drizzle as Korra stood in her full military school uniform on the station platform, surrounded by her friends and girlfriend.
With her military green kit bag positioned securely on her shoulder Korra gave her friends each a strong one armed hug.
"Do you have to go"? Asami asked softly into Korra's dress uniform.
"I don't want to baby, but I have no choice, please, don't make this harder than it has to be".
- - - - - -
"Attention"! Captain Kuvira Beifong yelled to her troops.
Korra scrambled off her top bunk and landed with a thud on the hard wooden dormitory floor. Lining up, and standing ram rode straight with her troop, along the bases on their bunk beds.
"Avatar, commander Bumi's office, on the double".
Korra marched double time out of the dormitory and up to the headmasters office.
She knocked and waited.
Korra gulped and opened the door, she caught a glimpse of the office, before her vision was obscuried by a maine of black hair.
"Asami"? Korra asked quietly, she could recognised that perfume anywhere.
"I've pulled some strings, your coming home baby, your coming home".
Korra's face broke into her first true smile in weeks.
"Thankyou Asami, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou".
~ Fin ~
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kingwuko · 2 months
I read secret and I actually really like how Wu is more dominant in their sexual encounters because I feel like it means more. Like mako is physically stronger but he lets Wu be in charge and he is 100% for submitting . I just love consent and shit. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that both of them want each other so bad in a perfect way that suits each other. Wu had been powerless his whole life and been told what to do but with mako he can explore that more domineering side and take things at his own pace. And mako has always had to make the bid decisions so he probably enjoys not having to think and being guided. But yeah I love seeing muscly subs and twink doms. I know their relationship isn’t full on bdsm or whatever but I think u get what I mean
AAAAAAAAAAAA i'm sorry I do freak out a little when people send asks about my fic I can't believe people like it enough to talk to me about it!!!!!!!!!
One thing I was trying to explore (idk how well I did it) was the process of 'finding oneself' sexually after a lifetime of shame around it.
I made Mako completely comfortable in his sexuality, never having had anyone in his life that made him feel like he was wrong for liking who and what he liked. Confident and comfortable with his attraction to all genders, as well as not really having any hang-ups around different sex acts... And yup that includes submission.
I don't want to go too hard into the armchair psychology of dom/sub dynamics because people like that stuff for all sorts of different reasons but basically in my fic Mako has had the chance to explore his sexuality with no negative repercussions and figured out what kinds of things he liked because of it.
Meanwhile Wu had a lifetime of shame and zero experience because of it. And it is really scary to take that leap and try things out when you've got all that baggage around your sexuality! It's really important to have a careful, thoughtful partner when you're in that vulnerable position. And Mako was that person.
So yeah, letting Wu be more in charge and dominant in bed was pretty natural for both of them. And I think Mako in general doubts himself and his ability to read situations accurately (he does just fine reading situations for the most part! But his prior relationship struggles are always looming over him to make him doubt himself anyway) so I hc that he just really appreciates clear, straightforward guidance. Not just in bed, just like. in general. Mako doesn't want to make guesses. (Gahhhh my heart breaks when I watch him struggling to understand what's expected of him as Korra's boyfriend in season 2. When he literally asks "Uh, do you want advice, or am I just supposed to listen? I'm still not clear on that." 😭 He tries so hard!!!!)
And I wanted Mako to realize the fragility of the situation with Wu when he realized Wu was willing to forgo boundaries to be with him at first. Mako knew he needed to be careful so he didn't take advantage. That's why he offered so much and asked for nothing in return, and let Wu decide if and what he'd reciprocate.
And yes the physically stronger person submitting in bed is a really nice dynamic, I feel like. Lots of trust going both ways, Mako, who has always been 'the strong one' being more vulnerable: Wu who has been used and manipulated his whole life getting to decide... These things don't always have to manifest in this kind of d/s dynamic but it's been really interesting to explore.
I didn't want to get tooooo deep in to the d/s dynamics but like. The vibes were there and I'm glad you noticed them but that they didn't feel like they were too much!
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