#hell yeah skelly skritches best scritchs!!
fictionkinfessions · 2 years
canon names? does it count if your name can vary greatly in form among fanon…? i think it does.
personally, my full title was “doctor wingdings aster serif, royal scientist of the underground kingdom of monsters.” though, my name was only “wingdings aster serif.” “gaster” was a nickname i picked upin my youth, derived from my secondary typeface (and, subsequently, my middle name), aster. i had something akin to a very thick accent when i used it, according to my non-skeleton peers, and “gaster” was such a common mishearing that it became something of a name in its own right.
i used the pseudonym “w.d. gaster” on my published research and within the public sphere for sake of ease, but those close to me — asgore, toriel, and gerson are the ones i remember — called me “wingdings” and variations thereof. gerson in particular sometimes called me “young mister serif” and things of that caliber, which…even now, i cannot fully articulate how it made me feel. happy, i suppose. warm. but also sad. i missed my grandfather semi very much, and being called by a family name that began with him was a touch bittersweet.
…ah. it seems i’ve gone on for quite a bit, haven’t i? apologies, mod party cat. i offer skeletal scritches and delicious treats in return for listening to my rambling. 💜 -gaster
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