#hell yeah we're back with this bulshit
wasted-my-time · 2 years
Snow Leppards.
Inspired by an amazing artwork by @amiscreations.
Sorry this took a very long time, I procrastinated a lot wanted to wait until the first snowfall before posting it.
Warning: Drunkenness, swearing.
January 1986, Loosdrecht, Holland.
"Hell, how can he aim while he's that drunk?" Steve thought after he got Phil's snowball right behind the head.
-Philip, come back here, you bastard! He shouted and turned around, but all he got for an answer were drunken laughters and the sound of clumsy footsteps in the snow.
In a split second, war was declared and all of a sudden, all friendships where shattered.
Joe tackled Sav face first in the snow, which was followed by a surprisingly calm reaction.
-Oh, come on, just let me up. He asked to the man who was keeping him pressed to the ground with a roll of his eyes.
-Get up by yourself!
-As you wish...
He then picked a handful of snow and rubbed it in Joe's face.
-Aaah, alright you win! He abdictated and stood up.
Rick had uselessly tried to gather some snow and join whatever was going on, but all he managed to do was to stumble to the ground with laughter. Little did he know that a second was more than enough for Joe and Sav to team up, because nothing is better for forgiving than to revenge on someone else. That's how he ended with his body covered with snow.
-C'mon Rick, get up or you're gonna' freeze to death under there. Joe
-No, it's kinda warm, I'm insulated, you guys are going to be the one to turn into ice statues, you guys don't even wear hats. He retorted in a motherly tone.
-Well I don't need one, look at my hair. Grumbled Sav.
-You would be a horrible dad, Rick, two of your kids ran away, one of them heavily underdressed for the season and you didn't even notice. Joe criticised with a sarcastic chuckle.
-Yeah, Steve didn't bother to put anything else but his leather jacket. Sav added. The one he had when we were inside.
-No, he's got a scarf. Rick contradicted him.
-Huge fucking difference, like he didn't have it all the time. Joe huffed.
-But where is he? Sav finally asked the real question.
Yes, where was Steve gone? Well, besides from his coat and scarf, he had an offense to avenge, and believe me, Phil wasn't ready for it.
He was already on the frozen lake, heading back to the hotel, which was easier said than done, given how sluggish his legs were due to the several drinks he had during the evening. Everything was calm and...
-Bonsai!!! Someone shouted behind him.
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It was either an avalanche or one hell of a sudden snowstorm, but in a second he was on the ground, his head covered with snow.
-Steve, it's banzai! He chuckled when he saw his twin's face above him.
-Maybe, but I got you. He replied before laying down on the ice so that their heads would be side to side.
-What did you throw at me?
-I followed your footsteps and rolled this massive snow ball all the way along. Now we're even.
-Yeah, I guess. He agreed. But, hell, it burns! He then exclaimed and wiped the snow off his face.
-The stars are beautiful tonight. Steve commented after a moment of silence.
The only clouds to be seen were the vapor formed by their breathes, leaving the way for their eyes to observe.
-We could spend the night here. Phil offered jokingly.
-Na, too cold.
-When the others arrive we could do like penguins, you know when they gather to keep warm.
-No, I have my lady penguin waiting for me on the other side. Steve said and pointed towards their hotel.
-I guess we don't stand the comparison... He grumbled.
-But wasn't there a bird you liked at the club with some guys we know, why didn't you approach her?
-Yeah Katherine, I did.
-She almost doesn't speak English. Jan, one of the guys with her, had to translate most of what we were saying.
-Ooh, that's sad.
-At least, she seemed to be interested.
-If the friend wasn't bulshitting you. You should really learn Dutch.
-On the to-do list, right under finishing the album.
-How interested did she look?
Before the sentimally disapoited guitarist could say a word, they heard Joe's voice calling for him:
-Hey Phil, there's a nice girl looking for you!
They both sat up and exchanged an eye contact full of hope.
-Tell her to come this way! He shouted back.
-Well, I'm gonna leave you alone then. Sounds like you have a Dutch lesson coming soon. Steve greeted him before taking balance on his shoulder in order to stand up.
-Wait, give me a hand, please. He asked reaching out for Steve to help him.
Short after his friend left, he saw four silhouettes walking towards him, one preceding the others by several yards.
-Phil? She called as she came closer, the small amount of light coming from the town making it hard for her to see properly.
Altough he expected to hear the sound of her voice, his heart couldn't help but jump in his chest as she said his name.
-Me. He waved at Katherine, only hoping what he said would sound approximately right in her language.
As he was about to clear the step that was still separating them, but she raised her hand in a stopping gesture, which he obeyed without hesitation. She fumbled in her pocket and got a napkin out, holding it for him to take. Then got her lighter in order to create some luminosity.
Within the small halo of light, he started to distinguish a neat handwriting on the napkin.
Here's the thing: She didn't stop whining about not following you since you left the bar, so basically I wrote this so she didn't have to try to explain it to you: She wants to be with you (please get the hint).
A word that you would maybe find useful:
To kiss= Kussen. Jan.
Phil folded the paper in his own pocket and decided to put theory into practice:
After all when you don't know much more than five words in a language, "subject, verb, object" tends to get kicked out of your sentences.
Apparently Katherine wasn't fond of grammar either because within a second, they were entangled in a tight embrace. As they kissed, he ran his finger through her curls of brown hair and her cold hands made him shiver as she kept them on his neck's warm skin.
-I didn't know it was snow leopards' mating season! Joe's sharp sense of humor interrupted them.
-Well go ask Steve about the penguins' one! The guitarist retorted with a middle finger after pulling away from Katherine.
-Penguins? Sav huffed in incomprehension.
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So this time we painted on rocks in poetry class (yes that's a thing)
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And of course following edgy Sasuke is none other than... You guessed it kawaii Naruto.
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