#hell. hell!!!! but they were young no doubt vulnerable + impressionable what other choice did they have.!
backseatloversz · 5 months
sorry for ryan pete posting to main they make me sick what was their deal
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animeandfilmotaku · 4 years
What about a curse (Kinda Howl’s Moving Castle Meta and analysis)
There seems to be a big confusion on that plot point (While perfect in other ways visually and sound wise) which my friend on the context of Sophie’s curse as we rewatch the film for a 5th or 6th time, I mean it is a good film so I am going to try to explain it based on my rambling with her which is wild
We started with a Greek myth of creation which showcase that notion of persons searching for that other as people used to be hybrids as waxed poetically by Plato
“…humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”-Plato
So it brings that notion that soulmates are longing for that other half cut off, it could be a physical sense like a companion or perhaps the self and seeking fulfilment.
In Howl’s Moving Castle it could be played differently as the search of that self and how one must improves.
In one case is the perception of self, and one must grow within it. It is not mentioned loudly in the films, but the books by Diane Wynne Jones (That which  I am not particularly keen on the books while fun, mostly on Howl, which I will express much later). Sophie’s curse is explained obviously that she has a power of words to make or break it. That power which made the broom move or continuing her aged self. (Book fans help me in that area).
About Miyazaki’s film-Sophie seen herself lowly unlike her beautiful sister Lettie (The Book has 4 sisters perhaps Miyazaki cut it down for pacing reasons) and seen working behind the scenes, almost blending to the crowd. She is even catcalled as a “mouse” which is associated with timidity and inferiority, hiding herself in the rooms, while her other colleagues gossip over trivial matters. It is plain and simple-she inherits her father’s hat shop and that is all.
But no, she seems to be transcended by a beautiful stranger, Howl which he spoke the smoothest line in the universe, which holds a much heavier brevity in the coda. So she seems entranced by him (No surprise I would be too hahah) which leads to a conversation of her sister which Howl is rumoured to eat the heart out of young impressionable girls. Which we have this conclusion of Howl- He is a womaniser and all around douche bag (Well that sounds like Gaston from Disney’s Beauty and The beast). And she  wondered if she would get that feeling of validation from him.
Perhaps it is just a figment of imagination.
As usual, she came to normal life, which she came across to The Witch of the Waste, which unfortunately carried that toxic self. Of course things did not go well and boom she is an old woman.
Yes she has the physicality of an old lady with aching bones, nasally voice and all. That is the exterior self that she seen herself lowly- fearful of the unknown and herself. Hell she even screamed to Howl in his extreme meltdown on his external appearance (Which is the funniest shit), that she is never validate for physical beauty and heck she even doubt herself for the lovely gift of the garden given by Howl.
Her goal is simple- to get the Witch of the Waste to break the spell which we found much later that she cannot do it as she made curses.
However the curse lessened when she takes action, revealing her younger self. Whenever it is the focus on the present moments, like appreciating the river or her love confession to Madame Sullivan, that she seen the good in Howl as an intelligent and compassionate person hiding beneath the mask of arrogance, or perhaps showing compassion to the now harmless Witch of the Waste and even more courageously staying resilient when Howl goes for a bloody war.
The old Sophie will cower in fear, staying behind the scenes in her father’s shop. However no, she made brave choices for her newfound family- whenever it was to provide Markl a safe space or giving a pep talk to the otherwise stubborn Calcifer. For some reason, she reminded me of the women in wartimes how they have to stay mentally strong despite grievances, of fathers, brothers, sons and even nephews by holding themselves to resourcefulness. I do not know if it is Miyazaki saw the strength in mums and aunts on it. I actually admired it, as my mum simply summarised that notion in a text when I am down “Even Sophie who thinks she’s ugly when she’s not and she let go”.
It is that power of a mindset which we need to change internally and that is a beautiful notion. That you can build resilience and strength with your found family and of course yourself.
Howl, too have that journey of himself but much different from Sophie.  Ok about the books, the reasoning I dislike the books that Howl’s full on douche mood and to the point of unlikeable.  He is just childish and whiny, and feels like a f**kboi
What Miyazaki did is a stroke of genius to make him more likeable, yes he has his childish moments. However he learnt to grow up to be a compassionate man
That notion of Howl’s childishness needs to be stripped away which is his ego and reliance on himself. Yes he fears his teacher Madame Sullivan like a monster under his bed and yes he fears for being vulnerable that it would cause much pain. Hence the small stone is actually Howl’s heart which leads him to detachment of the world, similar to Olgried Von Everenc’s immorality in exchange of his detachment to his wife Iris in the Witcher games.
He could do what he pleases, but at a price. And that price is that he become inhuman.
And it is that push from Sophie (Of course in clever disguise as a king) that we seen a growth in Howl that he no longer fearful, stirred by Sophie’s resilience. Heck the most romantic line in the film aside “I have been looking for you is this” is that “I am no longer running away because of you. “ when she plead to flee from the horrors of war
Gone the days which he hid himself in his room full of talismans and spells, and reply on impersonating different personas to hide his true self. And that true self is that he is an intelligent wizard filled with compassion and bravery as much as Sophie.
There is this bible passage that summarise Howl’s journey so beautifully
“but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. *11*When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. *12*For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”- 1 Cor 13:11-13 (NIV)
And that last act of kindness is to validate Sophie, not as a cleaning lady but a brave woman who faced all odds, in order to save him.
And I think it is a beautiful story that we must look ourselves with dignity and strength, not physical appearances. And of course we must have an agency to change oneself in order to benefit the community.
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