zagubionywilk · 4 years
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             >> ⚔️ <<                        ❝          YOU KNOW    i don’t mind over how you handle yourself,  sadie.    what i    do   mind is when you drag me into something when i haven’t a clue that you have.        ❞          his words are grumbled out,    fingers tight ‘gainst the hilt of the silver sword in his grasp ‘fore flicking off    THE BLOOD    that stuck to its surface.
@hellbentwidow​ gets this    !!
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trustinginthelight · 4 years
@hellbentwidow​ liked for a starter
Look. Jaskier wasn’t stupid. He could tell when he was being tailed. With a little help from Geralt, he’d been getting quite good at it, after all. He typically knew what that meant. More than likely, this was some woman he’d slept with and enraged, or perhaps it was her husband that was looking to decorate his lovely home with his hide. Either way, the reason for all of this wasn’t going to be good, and he wasn’t stupid enough to start looking behind him just yet.
Instead, he hoped to lure them out of the populated city of Novigrad. The people there really didn’t need to be dealing with all of this. Or, well, they could probably handle it, but Jaskier wasn’t really looking to be dealing with the guards today.
Leaving through one of the numerous gates, he would continue on a bit longer before finally stopping.
“...Have a bit of business?” He would call out just louder over his typical speaking volume. Without Geralt there by his side, he’d need to handle this himself. Nothing he hadn’t done before, but it did often leave him on the somewhat nervous side when he didn’t have anyone to back him up.
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“Or are you a fan? You needn’t follow me so intently if you’re merely shy. I’m kindly to all of my fans,”
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nicknamedrook · 4 years
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It’s coming down, down, I’m coming down. 
(ft. @hellbentwidow, @tyranted, @diversestimulation, & @serenitysought) [insp.]
Personals do not reblog, mutuals may reblog. 
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simplyscattered · 4 years
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“Tsk you’re kidding, right?” Ellie finds herself snorting a little at the other ━ head dips and she shakes her head a little. “I’ve seen you in action, don’t forget. I’m looking forward to this.” Sadie was a fucking badass through and through, some folks in Jackson might not appreciate that the way Ellie does, but oh she’s been out there. She KNOWS how useful that absolute feral instinctive nature made the difference between life or death. “Uhh... Maria marked up a bunch of supply ━ hot spots as she likes to call them on the map, they were pretty overrun last time Joel and I passed through, but fuck it. We’ve got bullets, knives and I dunno about you but I’m pretty agile with a clicker on my heels. So I say maybe two days ━ we should pack for three though, better safe than sorry.”
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sapphoetics · 4 years
“ WILL YOU CHANGE THE DAMN SONG ? ”  Arthur called back over the bar, the beer bottle balanced precariously between his forefinger and thumb. He swirled its contents lazily, eyes slow to follow the line of his body back to where Karen was slouched. She was apparently ignoring him on purpose, not bothering to glance up from her phone before grunting in disapproval. Most days at the clubhouse were like this, rather bland and unmotivated unless something was on the books. But it was Arthur’s turn to babysit and as much as he hated the lazy pace of those days, he would do so willingly.
He kept note of the patrons that came and went from the seedy, backwoods bar Dutch owned— a front lest they need it that only housed their like, a handful of equally questionable locals, and the accidental road-tripper who was only passing through. It was Arthur’s job on those days to keep tabs on anyone coming and going lest they make trouble for them down the line. They didn’t usually which made many of his fellows complain when it was their turn on the rotation, but the girls usually enjoyed the company. Karen, evidently, wasn’t in the mood for it today, but the silence had always suited Arthur just fine.
He took another lazy sip of beer, unsatisfied by the taste but committed to it all the same. The telltale squeak of the front door’s aged hinges piqued Arthur’s attention enough to listen. He knew his companions by gait, boots scuffing and scraping over oiled hardwood in Dutch’s haughty bounce or Hosea’s tired limp, so it was no surprise when the seat beside him wheezed under Sadie Adler’s weight. Without bothering to look, Arthur downed the end of his beer and set it definitively on the inside lip of the bar.  “ Need a drink ? ”
starter for @hellbentwidow
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demonslayvr · 4 years
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                 >> 🔥 <<            ❝          I’D REALLY ENJOY    if y’didn’ keep aimin’ that weapon at me.  shootin’ it would be a damn waste’ve ammo,   darlin’.         ❞            
@hellbentwidow​   liked for a starter    !!
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syntharts · 4 years
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charity commission for @hellbentwidow!
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peripatetc · 4 years
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“Do you.... are you still upset?” He questions carefully. The way she saw him out before sent him away with HASTE. Even despite his wounds still sore and prone to tearing back open. It wasn’t everyday a man could walk away from being shot IN THE NECK. And regrets what they had done, even with his knowledge of who she was. But then again--- he had no way of knowing how his actions would affect her.
Hues of grey and green lift to meet pools of brown.Tadeáš didn’t blame her for being furious with him. Yet he did hope there was a way to properly mend his wrong doings to her.       @hellbentwidow​
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vulnerastti · 4 years
x || @hellbentwidow​
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        She hears the door unlatch and assumes it’s Hannibal. Or Will. Or Jack. It’s after-hours and her office building’s front door is locked, so it has to be one of the only three that have a key. 
        Her gaze doesn’t wander or avert from the paperwork in front of her when the she feels the evident shift in the atmosphere as it thickens. Whoever or whatever is intruding on her time, could wait. They knew how to work a phone, they knew they could’ve had a better luck seizing her attention by dialing her number rather than forcing it. It’s a little slash a lot infuriating, causes a jaw to clench and nostrils to flare. 
        But when her baby blues finally flick up, her entire demeanor changes. Face falls and all of those hardened edges and sharpened angles soften. “Hi.” Always ‘hi.’ Never ‘hello’ or ‘hey.’ 
        “Do I want to know how you got in?” She isn’t assuming, but she isn’t completely forgoing the possibility of property damage. “Actually, don’t tell me.” A smile pushes to the surface, almost as soft as her tone. “How are you?” She knows this isn’t a social call, but this was Alana Bloom, the sincerity is perpetually present. 
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zagubionywilk · 4 years
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               >> ⚔️ <<                            ❝           .  .    I DIDN’T EXPECT    you to stay as long as you have.    is that weird to admit    ??          ❞               
@hellbentwidow​  liked for a starter    !!
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deathslinging · 5 years
⛓ hellbentwidow​, x:
Caleb SCOWLS, ruined muscle and flesh pulling back to expose sharp teeth, pink gums. Who was this woman? She OBVIOUSLY wasn’t from around here, judging by her lack of propriety. This, coupled with the sheer amount of packed bodies, is IRRITATING. Rage settles into his heart like a coiled rattlesnake, ready to strike at the first opportunity. But-. A free drink wouldn’t hurt anyone... Muscle relaxes, lip and mouth settling into contemplation. Who was she? The drink is settled in front of him, the classic Gold Creek Whiskey. A laugh sounds out of harsh throat, rough and measured, at her complaint.
❝ These boys are mine. All mine. ❞ The Hellshire Gang had grown. So had their appetite for liquor. A thin line to walk, as their leader. 
This one, the woman, was not the first to upset him, but perhaps the only one to quell him with drink from the start. An interesting conundrum. A sip is taken, smooth, dark liquor worming its way down his throat. A moment of thought, while his mind was still sharp, then he was sure: he’d never seen her before.  
❝ Thank you. But you, you are not. What’s your name, stranger? ❞
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grandzealot · 4 years
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring — @hellbentwidow​​​  word promp starters || [ open ]
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         " ...Previous injury," he lies, presuming she eyes the bandage that wraps around his bicep. The dark circles tattooed upon the same right arm and shoulder are fine for her to see— He has no issue with her knowing the intensify of his devotion to Atom... But that faded ‘E’ and the stars around it, difficult as it is to detect after all these years– That’s not something he wants under scrutiny.
           ...Though she may be staring because his armor’s strewn next to him, his half-undone wetsuit hangs at his waist and even with a thin grey undershirt his state of undress reveals there has indeed been a human beneath the layers of protection all along.  
         " I'll be decent again soon," he promises, trusting her enough to turn partly away. "Just washing this off." A jerk of his wrist shows he's cleaning his forearms of lingering dirt, having done some supply cleaning while she was away.
         “ You ready to move or should we rest here awhile longer? ”
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forgedwild-arch · 4 years
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@hellbentwidow​​ done reckon’d : don't mind her stepping onto his boots and gently pulling him down by his neck to place a chaste kiss on his cheek.
ship lovin’ | always accepting!
And here he was thinking he’d kept himself anonymous by leaving wildflowers at her inn’s door under the shadowy cover of every dusk. His face flushes a bright beet red as his hand grips the bouquet of bluebells and fireweeds tight, for fear that the tenderness of her affection might be force enough to blow them right out of his fingers. He leans down for her, nonetheless. Without any hesitance at all. And finds his restraint waning under her touch, He melts into the warm brush of her kiss against his freshly-shaven cheek, the giddy smile on his face blooming slow at first. Then all at once.
“ Well uh... I... uh--... ” There August is, all tongue-tied and flustered as his hazel eyes dart between her peach lips and the scuff marks she left on his own boots. Something tells him that he’ll be staring at those very scrapes the rest of the night. “ This must mean I’ve been found out, huh? ” A breathy chuckle. A bite of his own lower lip. He feels awkward under her gaze, in that exciting way that he hasn’t felt in years. DECADES. Not since he was a young buck. But something about this woman gives him the butterflies. Or... no, not just something. Everything.
Before Wilder can make an even greater fool of himself in her presence, he holds out the little spring arrangement of mountain blooms towards her, offering them with a soft twinkle in his eye. Try as he might, August just can’t seem to will away the rosiness of his cheeks nor the dopiness of his grin.
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     “ Hope ya don’t find it odd if I keep pickin’ ya flowers, Miss Adler... I sure hope yer feelin’ better. ”
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vaagus · 4 years
  || @hellbentwidow liked for a short thing.
     he doesn’t say much, simply dropping a rabbit skin in her lap before he sits, butchering the meat of the creature so they’d have dinner sooner rather than later.
                              “  do you think we threw ‘em off?  ”
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culthcnt · 4 years
Starter Call. || @hellbentwidow​
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        ❝I told you my story- now I think it’s fair you told me yours.         Why are you hunting bounties down, other than money and it         being the right thing to do? You must have some kind of reason         that motivates you.❞
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peripatetc · 4 years
a wild sadie || @hellbentwidow​ : "hey--  you okay?"   sadie knows what daydreaming looks like, and whatever giles is doing is definitely not daydreaming.   she's starting to get unnerved by how intensely her newly acquired /companion/ is staring off into nothing.  a bit hesitantly, she places a hand on his shoulder to hopefully grab his attention.
It was a curse he wasn’t entirely sure anyone else was burdened with. Seeing the dead among other things. Frightening things that weaved and stalked through crowds of people. Without as so much as making them bat an eye.
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But somehow they always knew--- knew he could see them. Feel them. Hear them. It often chilled the hunter to the CORE. Some were to be mourned, others to be feared. Either way, both were equally exhausting to endure. When Sadie places a hand upon his shoulder he JOLTS, suddenly pulled from his thoughts and his eyes peel from the dark figure he’s been eyeing through the trees. “I’m... I’m fine.” He sounds just short of a LIE, “I just need some shut eye. It’s been on hell’uva day.”
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