#hellooooo sirrrrr
(Just gonna put this here)
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Ch’en in suit again?!?! MA’AM!!!! I wish they would just release the suits for girls mannnn STOP FUCKING TEASING US!!!! I’ll cry is that what you want?!??
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Hellooooo sirrrrr~ Is he a meow meow? I didn’t pay too much attention on his tail in the battle
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Elbana is so prettyyy 💕💕💕
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So the whole fight with Elbana was imaginary I see….
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ok-dxh-knockmeout · 2 years
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credits: peta
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chaoartwork · 4 years
Multivoid: Chapter 1
A fanfiction revolving around 2K, Palindrome and the alternate Zims in the aftermath of the Battlevoid arc.
Based on Invader Zim comic issues 46-49.
“Hey. Um. Brother?”
“Sure! What is it, brother?”
“Uh...do you...um. Do you ever worry?”
“Worry about what?”
“Well heheh! Ofcourse it’s a dumb question. But um. Do you ever worry that maybe this won’t last forever?”
“Whaaat?! Come on! Ofcourse it will last forever! We can make it last as long as you want it to!”
“But wouldn’t you want to too?”
“....Hm. You know, that’s a good question. I always pondered about that. Im guessing you might wonder about that too.”
“Wonder about what?”
“Wonder which one you really are. Which one is the real you....Hey! I got a question for you brother! Let’s say we use to be someone. But an event occurred that made you become someone else. Someone grants you the second chance to be that person again. Will you take it?”
“Hmmmm. Not entirely sure. It really depends if my original self was better than what I am now:”
“Better in what way?”
“I don’t know. Superior? More flawless? I think.”
“You seem unsure, brother.”
“Eh I don’t know. Who knows? Maybe that original me was worse than what I am now?”
“In what way?”
“Mmm not sure. Maybe evil? Careless? Dumb? Pitiful?”
“Do you really think that’s what you were?”
“I guess so. You?”
“Mm. I’m not sure either.”
“I see....”
“....I know! Let’s play! Just like old times!”
“Like old times?”
“Yeah! Like hide-and seek! I hide and you have to look for me!”
“You expect me to look for you in an area this big?”
“Uh-Huh! But it will be different! You need to find someone to convince them to come find me!”
“I don’t think that’s how the game works. Shouldn’t I be the only one to find you.”
“Yeah but it’ll get boring. Besides! It’s nice to get to know someone! Even if there’s a chance they can be sketchy!”
“Brother, I’m not sure if that’s a safe idea.”
“Aw come on, trust me! I know you can do it!”
“Hm. Fine. How do I start?”
“Well...first, you have to wake up!”
Palindrome gasped a breath of water, his body violently shuddering for a few seconds as if it was springing back to life. Within a second after it happened, the heavy sensation rushed across his body. It felt as though he was about to dissipate again, but felt like his body was holding back from coming apart again. He felt his weak arms wrap around 2K as much as he could to which he timed on when he was going to catch him, making sure never to let him go.
He did not know how long he kept his eyes closed for or whether or not he really did knocked out, but few flashes of traumatic images from the battle swept through his mind for a split seconds, despite it feeling like forever and wanting to cry out on making it stop. He suddenly felt a soft nudge soon after. It felt warm and soft, interrupting the pain enough to relieve himself. Even if it was just a moment. The one who was nudging him felt small and round, having a bit of puffiness to them. He gulped down, hoping to have the strength to speak with his heart fluttering in hope on who it might be. He weakly flicked open his eyes again.
 The blurry vision showed him what seemed like a pale blue figure instead of a light green as he had hoped. The vision slightly cleared up until he realized that the small being was softly hovering above him. The fish looking being had derpy eyes and squared buck tooth. What was that thing? Minimoose? No. That’s not his name. Why did he think that was his name? His name....is....
His breath stiffened from finally recognizing him.
“Mini....Miniwhale...? Is it really...?” He shakily reaches out, “Miniwhale...?”
“Nya,” the figure squeaked in a concerned tone and moved close in order to let him be able to rest his creator’s palm on the side of his body. Palindrome processed to make sure he really wasn’t hallucinating. No, he couldn’t be here. He just can’t. How could he have entered the Zimvoid? There’s just no absolute-
The fish Irken blinked.
“Wh...what are you...? What do you mean ‘where have I gone’? Why are you h-?”
He grunt from the unfeeling sensation rushing through his body returning, causing him to squeeze eyes shut and hug himself again.
He found it impossible to respond to his subject this time, focusing more on fighting it back.
It took several seconds for it to ebb away, letting his body fully relax in exhaustion and breathe heavily.
Yes I’m fully aware my bowl is very dirty thanks for reminding me at this time.
But he did not say that and instead respond weakly,
“Miniwhale. If it’s really you...please,” his eyes opened and trace back to him, “...help me.”
He couldn’t tell him exactly what he needs help with. His body felt so useless that even speaking would easily tire him out. He can’t even look around the area because of how blurry his sight really was. There was really no telling when the horrible feelings were going to end. He felt like he could throw up at any moment.
His heart melted by what the robot responded. He soon after started feeling him float down and nestle against his body. It made the unfeeling sensation grow numb again. He took a moment to process and choked up a bit, realizing how long it has been since he has encountered anyone close to him from his timeline. He gave out the strength to move his arm so he can rest it around him.
“Y-yeah....I missed you too.”
Miniwhale responded by nestling against his body more until he felt cozy against his creator. Palindrome wondered if he was doing this because he was trying to comfort him during the ill feeling or if it’s because he was embracing him after not seeing him for all those few months. It could maybe be both. Nonetheless, he felt his body start to shut down on him again. He wanted to beg his body so much on moving again. There was so much that he needed to know. What happened to the other Zims? What happened to the Elder? The Meat? Where’s that Zib? Where’s that alternate Dib?
2K....2K, are you still here? Did you come back too just like me? Why didn’t Miniwhale mention you or the others? Am I the only one who came back from....?
His eyes grew heavy until they closed shut to give into the unconsciousness.
...Where are you?
Zim can be seen laying face plant on a messy table sleeping, his drools having covered half of it. He can be heard softly snoring.
“Sir. Sir.”
There was a moment of no response.
“Hellooooo. Sirrrrr.”
“Huh! Wah!” Zim  jumps awake with pieces of styrofoams stuck on his face and quickly glanced around his lab in wonder.
“Sir. School will be starting soon.”
“Wait.” Zim processed and looked up at the ceiling, “you mean now?”
“WHAT?!” He exclaimed, “why didn’t you wake me up earlier?!”
The computer sighed,
“Sir, I tried to wake you up for two hours-”
“Urgh! Forget about it,” he rubbed the pieces of styrofoams off his face, “I’ll do this later. Just don’t touch any of them!”
“I am aware of that, sir. You tell me this everyday.”
“Well it’s always good to be reminded,” he hopped off his seat. “Computer! Initiate my brilliant disguise!”
The tube shot down to cover Zim’s body. It then pulled back up to show him in his human disguise. He then walks over to the elevator and goes up to the living room, to which he can see Gir watching his TV as usual.
“Your in charge of the house, Gir. Make sure Minimoose doesn’t eat them again.”
“Okie dokie!” Gir said without even looking at him and changed the channel.
There was a likely chance he didn’t even listen, but not like Zim couldn’t do anything about it. He just continued on and left his home base, walking out to the usual casual days. Basically how it was everything day. Somewhat cloudy skies, some bird flying by with some of them often time hitting a house and getting knocked unconscious. The neighbor next door always screaming in order for their husband to clearly hear them. Boy does he love this planet. But it won’t be any better until he conquers it.
 He walked passed the neighborhood and through the streets until it took him maybe half an hour to get to school, many kids having already gone inside. He walked inside the school, went passed the halls, ignoring some weird kid who was in the locker calling out nonchalantly to let him out, and was able to go inside the classroom just as soon as the school bell rang. Dib can be seen apparently not glaring at him as usual, instead scribbling on a journal.
Zim squinted, wondering what he was up to this time.
The Irken flinched and turned to see Ms.Bitters behind him.
“Take your seat. Class is about to start.”
“Uh, right! Yes, Ms. Bitters!”
He went and did as she told him. Again, the school seat feeling uncomfortable as always.
“Alright, class. Today, we’re going to-“
She turned to notice Dib scribbling.
“Dib. I really do hope your not trying to write out your plans on how to get to Zim’s ‘secret alien lair’.”
The class giggles by her comment.
“Uh, no Ms. Bitter. It’s actually something different.”
“Oh? Then you might as well either stop scribbling whatever creative fantasy you always have in that big head of yours or would you like to spend more of these dragging moments of class time telling us what it is your scribbling about.”
“It’s just...have anyone noticed the stars looked off today?”
“Stars?” One kid asked in confusion.
“Yeah! For example, last night I was checking my telescope to see if Zim’s kind arrived as usual and the stars looked very different. Like...very different. There seems to be a lot more in the sky and not to mention that most of them look to be bigger than the others. Has anyone noticed that?”
“Dib, none of us aren’t into those stargazing gizmos like you do.”
“Ofcourse there is, ask Zim! He always checks to see what his kinds are up to.”
 “Hey now,” Zim narrowed, “don’t get me into this conversation!”
“Maybe there might be meteor showers tonight?” One kid suddenly guessed.
“Oh I hope so!” One girl said, “I wish for a talking pony!”
“I wish for a kitten!” Another kid said.
“I wish to be singer!”
“I wish for a world’s finest pizza!”
“I wish to be a rock-“
“Well apparently wishing on a star is part of something out of a fairy tale,” the teacher interrupted. “In life, you won’t get anything unless you decide to work hard in getting it. Now that we’re back to reality, can I now continue this section?”
The class stayed quiet.
“Good. Now then, today we’ll be talking about the Schrodinger’s Cat theory. Can anyone guess as to what it is?”
The school bell rings. Kids screams in happiness as they run out of school and jump out of windows as usual. Zim walks out of the door mumbling.
“What kind of dumb question is that? Of course the cat is dead! Or alive. How can a cat be both dead and alive? that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Dumb humans with their dumb logical sense-“
“You have something to do with it, don’t you?”
“Huh?” He turned behind him and saw Dib come out of the entrance and walk down the stair to approach him with a look of suspicions. Oh here it goes again.
“You’re plotting something, do you? Why are the night skies different tonight? Is it part of your next scheme?”
“Gee I don’t know Dib human,” Zim in annoyance, “why don’t you next time use that weak telescope of yours to see what these new stars actually are?”
“Because dad called me to go to bed before I could analyze it more. So tell me, Zim! What are they?”
“Ok first off, if they were really part of my next glorious plan, I would not tell you what they are. Second, I have not analyzed the galaxies in a while.”
“Don’t you check the galaxy every night? Like, to check what the invaders are up to and all of that?”
“WHAT?!” He exclaimed, “HOW DO YOU KNOW?!”
 “You one time complained about them doing something that was bugging you.”
“Whatever, man. I guess I tend to forget that you’re not too active with your ambitions as usual.”
“That is also lies! Zim has become more ambitious with his great conquest to conquer your planet more than ever!”
“You mean by studying those things.”
“What things?”
“The packing pea-“
“I knew what you were talking about.”
Dib sighed and facepalmed.
“You spent the whole night studying them again?”
“They’re very important! I must know what their purpose really is!”
“Zim, you told me this for like what? The thirtieth time? And besides, what makes them so important? They’re just packing peanuts.”
YOU ARE WRONG STINK BOY! Those packing peanuts had much more potential than you should EVER know! Especially that one time!”
“One time?” Dib’s eyebrow raised.
“Yeah!” Zim smiled, “that one time when I-“
There were few seconds  of silence. Zim stopped smiling and processed.
“Ok, maybe they haven’t done anything yet, but I’m SURE they have a purpose. I just need to remember what it was!”
 “And how long exactly will that take?” Dib crosses his arms in annoyance, “you’ve been going on about it for a year now. Mostly because of that little ‘incident’. And it’s because of that incident that not only do you focus on them, you have been obsessed about them more and more.”
“And THATS because I am getting closer and closer to uncovering it’s purpose. Watch me, stink human...watch me! When I uncover the power of those styrofoams, you can no longer stop me! I will be able to conquer my planets with my BARE hands! Or feet, any of those can work.”
  Zim lets out a laughter before running off to the street. Midway, his maniacal laughter turns to a yelp of shock as a car can be heard honking in the distance and then crashing sounds are heard, with one woman screaming,
“Hey watch where you’re going, stupid kid!”
Dib stares off at the scene and sigh in annoyance.
“Of all supernatural I could be chasing, why does my main focus have to be him?”
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