#hellopuppets au
bread-lady · 1 year
It's 1:10am and I have this idea of scout being on the show, this sis separate from my au but just an idea
Scout being rileys "little sister"
Introduction: a charater riley writes to often an outta town family member (maybe she off at private school or somthin) signed off as scout (well was planned to) in one of the letters the rest being just -S or your little sister keeping the fans on edge
Their personalities, like in game. are similar, but they are still opposites, of course! And she's not very well liked by riley. with riley calling her "more annoying then nick nack could ever!" That's saying somthing but of course riley adores her shes family after all
Cancled charater left to letters: scout was to appear in an episode called "shara ann and the sistrophe" whole episode of sibling bonding where scout would show up then become a reoccurring charater popping in for visits or events in town there beef being worse then ever but they get along slightly better by the end with scout surcuring some friendships with the groups and charaters of the show sadly this never came to plan and scout was never finished
Brought to life: midnight show happens as usual with scout being finished truly named scout and givin her task of destroying them and being called a weapon (shes not very good at her job btw) but when she appears due to already having charater in owens mind rileys little sister was born and given face to name! Scout is still scout obv and annoys rikey more then anything teaming up with nick every jow and then to inconvenience riley
If she wasn't cancled: if scout was given a name and face as planned she would be brought to life and givin her room like the rest (she controls a small portion of studio some mess up puppets listen to her so she keeps them) her task would be materiel collecting (she likes writing hinted in many letters she is one in this au to make the languageof the puppets so she and nick could write still shes better at host now) pens ink quilt paper and paring them correctly her mini game would be asking about different host world curiositys or writing her door having a letter and pen on it and looking it's been doodled on
Main game typical midnight show run where she's brought at the end: still somewhat the same she translates more and more of the writing found even if her eyes arnt very good (this is harpers fault sorta) she annoys rikey way more and points out and lack of rhyme during nicks room when she goes nick nack likes music she sjust followes it up with "but writing the music is way more fun when....nevermind" cause ehehehe angst
It's 1:31 am ill add when I have more ideas
It's 12:01pm and I figured out how scout letters would appear! during fire side chats I seems they get letters and scouts letters would appear during fan mail segments every now and then a bright blue envelope that seemed to have doodled over labeled to riley the teased scout letter would be where the the handeemen going over mail and letters received find one folded up out of its envelope someone finding it and wondering what's it about only the one who signed that shown riley snatching the letter labeled scout
I feel theletter would be visiting thing or somthing along those lines playing with the off at private school probably during a school break and request to stay with riley during her visit
Just to reappear every now and then for big events or during typical school breaks before fully joining the crew I feel scouts full name would be scout ruckus scribbles
Or scout scribbles ruckus since the handeemen with the mortimer exception all have there names start with the same letters as there last but I think this is gonna be a little side thing from my unnamed au
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silent-bull · 1 year
I'm surprised I hadn't posted these here before! Some jerk au shenanigans.
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bread-lady · 1 year
Side Au shit cause why's not-
Scouts to do list:
Patrol the halls and report any puppet beast or host not in station or regulated area
Make tea (repeate 49 times a day)
Make sure door sensors are working (ps. Remind the puppets without arms to just use their host's hand and not ram their faces into the doors locking system)
Bring any needed canvas, paint, or fabrics to nick
Make sure daisy's cubbored are stocked and write down whats needed
Any stray animal or out of line puppet of any kind must be brought to riley immediately
Clean the hard to reach places and vents
Host inventory and typical statistics assessment
Reorganize the sewing room if any bought of danger mode
Restock sedatives and chloroform in case of emergencies
Remind Nick his walls are not soundproof, and he can't belt angsty opera songs,
File any complaint the subjects have submitted to make sure what can go to the shredder and what to Furnace
Feed rosco
Feed the experiments
Feed pupidge
15 minute crying break from stress
Dust the place top and bottom (the dust is hell on scouts asthma)
Make sure the test are in working order report any bugs to riley
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bread-lady · 1 year
"The flower, that damned flower. The one they keep in the girls hair it's doing something keeping me from finding the brat- she needs to be cleansed she's going to save this world and ill make sure she's pure"
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bread-lady · 1 year
[The discovery]
Word count: idk I'm tired
Tw: mentions of nailing people to boards, implied abuse, mentions of blood/ descriptions of wounds, bad writing and imprisonment
Please scroll away of you are triggered or uncomfortable with these I don't wanna get sued but if you read please enjoy and proceed with caution!
Scout stared down at floor she was foot above and frowned it was the only other thing to look at except for her skewered feet or hands..she never got use to the feeling of the old rusted nails they stung itched when free and bled heavily whenever reopened. but the worse was the one in her throat keeping her head up uncomfortably sending small jolts of pain whenever she darred move the dusty, dampened, grim filled air of the old cellar stung her noise her open wounds and her eyes thing time instead of being just nailed by her hands or just her feet and neck to some random part of the dirty room she was attached to an old piece of wood rotted and warped at the edges... no matter what her out steched arms and leg pressed next to eachother they- she wasn't going any where..
But then an idea popped into a her head a painful one but an idea none the less a wince and sickening crunch of tearing wood and strained cry filled the room hung limp at her side a freed arm one that felt pulsing slighty in painful relief the nail still driven though it.
Just a Cry and crunch later scout lay curled on the stone floor clutching her admin sobbing the pain was still there but it hurt so much less shaking to her feet that just caused her to fall landing with a soft "oof" and sneeze from the dust she had kicked up scout blinked reaching down and- *RIP* with one more wince the nail sat in her hand pressed again her thumb and pointer finger a nail rusted and round landed with a *tink* she tossed it aside ot being followed by a second one then a third a fourth and fifth...
Scout stood blood staining her palms feet and a bit of her chest but she didn't mind she was free er then before looking up the thing wooden stairs a thick door lay at the top scout ingorned in noting it was locked and she was much to weak to push it open in this state
Her focused shifted to the stone started leading to a cellar door walking up it pressing her stinging palms against it scout heaved it open just enough to reveal the moon and star lit night she climbed out shutting the door as quietly as she could scout felt the fresh air repeal the old dusted one that plagued the cellar and house it still stung her wounds but it felt nice this time
All in a second a light flicked to life in a foor above her scout stared at mortified of who was in that room and what that intailed for her fate with a quick rush of adreline she ran for the near by woodlen that surrounded the old house she refused to go look back no matter how deep she went if even for a moment scout stopped her mother- no the women named Rachel would find her scout didn't stop running no matter how much she heard Rachel yell or threaten she was free she didn't need to listen anymore! Besides death to the forests beast is better then death at the hands of her "mother"
Not for second feeling the things leaves or other trash of mother nature tear though her limbs leaving blood and escaped stuffing behind she stopped it had been hours at this point nothing but running nothing but more pain wiping the blood sweat and tears from under eyes she flopped at the base of a large dark oak tree the ragged dress covered in dirt and blood being the only thing the sock puppet could curl into trying to get warm in the tattered fabric
finally scout stopped and cried all the emotions and the pain had caught up then footsteps heavy footsteps she knew to well the only voice that rushed though her head she could understand as scout shut her eyes tight was "she found me. She wasn't lying no matter where I go she would find me..
Rachel is going to kill me I know it im going to-"
then "hello...Is anybody there?" A brash but kind voice plagued with worry nothing like the cold demanding tone of Rachel's commands then as scout opened her eyes slightly a red haired figure holding a lantern in pale pruple floraled night gown caught her eye whoever it was was looking around the frilled cuffs of her sleeves bouncing the yellow light framing the lace of there shoulder spread collar perfectly then the light hot her eyes the figure rushing over then- darkness scouts eyes had closed just as the figure reached her she didn't care of she lived or died whatever was happening around her it was warm and cozy a feeling she was unfirmiler with scout decided its time to get some sleep
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bread-lady · 1 year
[Untiled for now]
It's not very long
But I'm getting a feel for the writing on Tumblr thing so enjoy I will come back and fix this do a little more here and there but here's my little thing
A red haired puppet deessed as a scientist stood in front of a door pacing slightly muttering a Grey haired puppet in a nicely tailored suit by her side slightly reassuring the red haired puppet a nervous look upon her face a blond puppet in a bright red dress stood next to a brunette puppet with a color splattered smock like jacket both shared a worried look "daisy!" A brashes voice plagued with worrie broke the quite noise of the room a blond puppet looked at the red haired sciencetist "you should go in there first...more then one of us going there might cause the worse" the blond puppet daisy nodded "the child seems shaken..I belive she's awakened" responding with a rhyme of her own and walking towards the door opening it gently shutting it behind her while entering the room, scout sat on the small cot her blue hair messy and unkempt the faded tan dress torn and a dirty her neck feet and hands wrapped tightly In medical gauze her purple eyes fixed tightly on the blond puppet in fear and confused anger the blomd puppet gave a weak smile and stood merely a few feet away "hello dear!" She tried to keep her voice low and calm like a pet owner trying to concentrate the new kitten to stop hiding "my name is daisy it wonderful to meet you.." Her weak smile was now more awkward then anything scout just stared at daisy hugging her knees to her chest "scout." Chirped put by a weak scragled voice as if being choked and dehydrated at the same time daisy approached slighty kneeling infront of the sock puppet "well hello scout" her face softening into a much more motherly smile then one forced out to seem polite to a stranger "how did you end up this far outside of town?" Scout frowned and choked out a bit of a malice with the way she spat out the words "I fled, the woods were a much better place to be found dead" the rhyme was forced she looked and sounded tired "fled from where? I promise we won't send you back there.." only concern filled daisy's voice scout moved backwards and buried most of her face into her knees and simply shook her head "I understand if you don't wish to speak, after all this you must be beat." A slight knocking on the door cut though the silence it creaked open the Grey haired puppet standing in the door way "let's go daisy,her memory still seems to be hazy" his voice quite as he looked at the sock puppet "okay mortimer." Looking back at scout a quick good bye was said and she walked out of room mortimer closing the door once daisy was out of the frame
(To be continued)
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silent-bull · 1 year
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Here's something interesting! Usually I would show about my jerk au but I'm gonna put that on hold, instead have a glance at SIN au! I'm sure you can guess what's gonna go down
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silent-bull · 11 months
Gonna fill the awkward void of random jerk facts.
Jerk nick causes daisy to go into danger mode more often than the others because he thinks it's funny. He has this "untouchable" personality until he's actually facing the consequences, then he behaves like a little dumb victim.
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silent-bull · 1 year
Hmmm maybe I should start focusing more on my jerk au, or perhaps explore more on my others, I have many, which is rare......HMMMM
Let me know what y'all think, if you care of course
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bread-lady · 1 year
So I'm wanting to make a little fun fact list for my hellopuppets au and information for when I start storying (is that even a word?) So I want to answer questions and give bits of information first so as the story goes on if I post it you'll have some basic ideas of you want to spam me with the same ask over and over about a charater you wanna hear (or well read) about I can
I find it important that people are interested in it forst before I let the dogs out and begin anything since I'm really excited about this au but I need to be aware that others are instrested so I dont seem like so crazy lady on the internet who gave herself an aneurysm
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