#help 😀🔫
drangy · 1 month
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Mario and Waluigi are just friends or (by many fans) they're just brothers
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eybefioro · 1 month
Why is this fic beating me up so hard. It's just editing. Why every line feels like a burn. I think it's so bad even though I know it isn't *bad* (not good yet but it's definitely not bad). Aaaaaaaaaarregghhhhhh I hate this part where for some reason I feel like each word is trash and every sentence should not exist
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tiredofthehumanlife · 8 months
Here sweetie put on these noise cancelling headphones mama needs to let out her bloody murder screams
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thgfandomsz · 2 years
I fucking HATE making phone calls
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turvi · 2 months
Hi, i really love your ss x reader. MASTERPIECE ✨✨. Can i request this, young severus accidentally shout and slap reader because he is not in the mood to deal with reader after he got bullied by marauders, reader's feeling kinda hurt and she didn't get to tell him she is going to be transferred to other school (beauxbatons) and her feelings. She graduated and become a astronomy professor there after 10 years, then albus wants the reader back to teach at Hogwarts. She then came across into severus, he shocked at her but she just give cold shoulder because of the past. After a few months, Severus then realized what he did to her then says his apologise and his feeling towards reader, he regrets what he did to reader and reader accept it. Kisses and hugs and gazing stars together. You can ignored this if you dont want to or the request is closed😀🔫
She placed her palm on her cheek. It felt warm. But not the one that would comfort her. Tears threaten to spill from her eyes but she closes closes her eyes. She heard him immediately repeating the words sorry but the voice that used to feel like a balm on her pain felt like it was clawing her soul now. Y/n walks away not looking behind, letting her tears fall.
Severus stood there watching the one person who had accepted him turn her back on him. The worst part is that there is no one else to blame but himself. He let the marauders get to him and finally snapped and took it out on Y/n. Part of him wanted to go after her but he knew he didn't deserve her forgiveness.
The following days were hell for Severus. Hogwarts had already been hell for him and Y/n his warm sunshine that helped him get through this hell. But he doesn't have anyone else to blame except himself for how her eyes avoid him as if they were strangers and had not shared their secrets under moonlight far away from everyone. What makes it worse he has not seen her at all. He has looked for her everywhere but no trace of his beloved.
That was until one night he was walking in the corridor and bumped into Dumbledore. The headmaster of Hogwarts felt his heart break as Severus seemed more pale than usual. "Severus, what are you doing here so late at night."
"I don't feel like sleeping" his voice was hoarse
"Are you unwell?"
Severus huffed, he just wanted to have one glance at Y/n. "No...I". Severus couldn't even gather the courage to look into Dumbledore's eyes. He was ashamed of what he had done.
"Severus...what is the matter," Dumbledore asked calmly
Severus groaned, admitting defeat to his inner demons "I can't find Y/n. I messed up....well that is an understatement. I....." He felt tears threatening to leave his eyes but ultimately he couldn't stop the tears when he felt Dumbledor's walk palm on his arm.
"I raised hand at my Y/n....I slapped her." he acknowledged it. Severus couldn't understand if that made it better, but he hated this feeling. He couldn't stop the tears falling down his cheeks. He expected Dumbledore to yell at him, scream at him but he put his hands on his arms.
Severus gulped "The marauders. They got on my nerves. I didn't mean to-" he clenched his eyes "It doesn't matter. I can't find her. I have to talk to her."
His heart drops. Severus could feel an uneasy heat in his body. "you know where she is"
"She has been transferred to Beauxbatons. She asked me to do so."
Severus sinks down to the floor. He had lost her and now all he could do was stay in darkness and watch time pass by. Dumbledore walks away after all time heals all wounds.
Time didn't heal Severus' wounds. As each year passed he couldn't care less about living. But he lives...he lives for his duty, he lives for the slight hope that maybe he will see her again. Perhaps he will get to hold her in her arms and let her know that he will spend the rest of his life and the lives after that just to let her know how much he loves her, he lives for her.
Just as Severus begrudgingly made his way to the great hall he heard a familiar voice. No. No, it can't be.
He has never run so fast recently, maybe just in youth to escape Potter and his friends. Severus saw her. There she was standing, with warm sunshine bathing her. Y/n L/n. His hand clenched when his eyes fell on her cheeks. Severus is familiar with the feeling of self-hatred, but he loathes himself forever raising his hand to her. So even if his heart was screaming to run to her and take her in his arms, he knew your love for him ended right here in this corridor.
Y/n's eyes fell on him. His heart breaks as her smile drops. Severus knew he deserved it. Suddenly there is a familiar burn on his arm, he endures it. It's a risk he is willing to take to let her know he regrets what he did. "Y/n" his voice boomed across the corridor, she ignores the familiar chill that ran down her spine.
"Severus?" He immediately stopped. It was like she had control over his body. Her eyes. Severus wished he could stop time just so he could look into her eyes, hoping to find a sliver of love for him.
Severus didn't know how to win your heart back. She was about to speak up when he got on his knees, looking at her defeatedly. For the first time since becoming a death eater, Severus looked weak as he looked for mercy from the woman in front of him.
"Severus! What are you doing?" she immediately ran towards him
"Please forgive me." he folds his hand
"Severus...get up"
"There was not one second where I did not regret my action. I love you Y/n...I really do. I shouldn't have raised my hand on you. I don't ever want to raise my hand at you. Please even if you will never love me...please forgive me...I can't live like this." his voice cracks
Y/n looks at him. Even though she missed him, he still broke her heart.
"Say something, please," Severus asked desperately. "I can tolerate anything but not this silence. I have hurt you my love I know. But please give me one chance. One chance to prove how much I regret breaking your heart...how much I love you."
Y/n wipes tears from his cheeks that Severus didn't know were there. "one chance"
Severus held her hands as he gently tugged her towards the Astronomy Tower.
"Wasn't it enough that I have to spend my day here now you bring me here at night?"
He softly smiles, his velvety voice feeling like a warm blanket to Y/n "I am here making an effort to earn your apology. It doesn't matter how many years it takes but I will do everything to show you how much I mean it."
Severus' breath shuddered as he felt her lips on his forehead. He held back his urge to hold her. Not now. There will be time for that. For now, he was happy to sit beside her and listen to her talk as the stars glimmered in the night sky.
A/N: I am so sorry for the late response I have a big dissertation going on. REBLOG AND COMMENTS APPRECIATED
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thecolorsfucked · 2 years
im sick 😀🔫
hi ik ive been begging a lot a lot but i started getting sick last night and i rly need some soup snacks liquids and meds and i am tapped since my phone bill so if anyone could help boost this or donate so i can get some dayquil and chiccy soup i have like 6$ so plz
c*sh*pp $unfriendlyblackwitch
v*nm* @unfriendlyblackwitch
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isa-beenme · 1 year
Hi! I really enjoyed the story of Helion you wrote. I would ask you if you could write more of his stories when you have time and inspiration. Thank you!
Inspiration I had since you sent the request, time on the other hand I just had now 😀🔫
I honestly wished I could get money from this and never go to college again (I love what I study, don't get me wrong, but OH GODS how tiring it is)
Anyway, sweet Helion coming to rescue my mental health, this is actually from the same universe as this one but isn't necessarily a continuation
Also, I don't know why, but braids match Day Court's aesthetic SO MUCH, any kind of braid, honestly, and I love them for that
The day started hot, and you felt even hotter every day your pregnancy advanced. Now in a sense of feeling sexy, more like overheating. You spent some vacation days in Night Court during their lovely winter, the cold definitely helping your morning sickness, during spring break you enjoyed it very much in your own Court, all the fruits and veggies that only your home could provide you. And then summer came. And now you felt like a pudding melting under the sun.
Luckily another reason for you to love your Court appeared during this time: the clothes. Everything was so light and soft that honestly made you love your home even more. You woke up sweating with Helion's arms around you and quickly took a shower to free yourself from the droplets of sweat. You chose one of the many robes in light shiny colors to put it on, your belly, almost eight months in, looked pretty and roundy on the dresses, making you even happier.
Even if you weren't born part of the royalty you could swear you were glowing. You put your hair in two big braids and tied them up in your head, making a crown which made your face show up more. All of that time took your husband to only wake up and change his clothes. You made him sit between your legs in bed while you braid his hair and he played with the hem of your dress.
-You're ready for today? - Asked you once you finished, kissing the top of his head.
-What do we have today? - Honestly could be anything, your mind hasn't been the same since the pregnancy.
-Lucien is here - He announced, as if it would tell you everything you needed to know.
-Oh? For what? - Your dearest son has been coming in and out to Court for literally everything. You didn't feel like working? He covered you. You and Helion were on vacation? He brings all his friends and they work in command for a while. Another commemorative party? He was here to plan and make sure everything was perfect.
-Decide the baby's name? - The phrase came out in a question, and your eyes almost popped out of your face with realization.
-I forgot that - You whispered more to yourself than to him, but Helion heard somehow and laughed at you, running to hug you from behind and kiss your entire exposed neck.
-Don't worry, me and Lucien made sure to choose at least a hundred names each - His hands caressing your belly made you relax in his embrace, and you let him guide you to one of the solars in the palace where your oldest son was already expecting both of you for breakfast.
Your eyes lightened up in seconds just from the sight of the amazing table waiting for you to devour it completely. As the three of you sat around the table laden with sweets and treats, Lucien and Helion began to discuss the important matter at hand - the name of the baby you were carrying. Helion, being the father, was brimming with excitement and eager to pick the perfect name that would symbolize his love for his second child.
Helion's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he suggested names rooted in the traditions of the Day Court, tying it to their history and ancestry. Lucien, who was a blend of both Day Court and Autumn Court, chimed in with suggestions that would embrace the uniqueness of his sibling's heritage.
And well… you were happy with the food. As you haven't prepared anything to contribute with the discussion you sat happily with the amount of good candies and fruit flavored foods at your disposal. Your pregnancy was being gentle to you and food tastes were only highlighted to you (like fruit and sweets) and the only thing you had to leave behind was some scents in your bathroom. And the heat.
The conversation was lively, and the atmosphere was filled with love and anticipation. Helion, always the smart one, spoke about the significance of names in the world, and how they often carried stories and meanings that could shape a person's destiny. Lucien shared tales from his own travel experiences, highlighting how names held a special place in everyone's minds.
As they went through a multitude of names, each one sparking excitement in Helion and Lucien's eyes, but none of them felt like "the one" just yet. You chuckled to yourself, fitting more food inside of you and feeling the baby kick as if sharing in the excitement of choosing its own name.
As the morning went on, the discussions veered into playful nicknames and endearing terms they could use for the little one. Helion suggested "Sunlight" for the way the child would light up their lives, while Lucien countered with "Moonbeam" for the glow that would guide them through the darkness. Ridiculous and corny, to say the least.
At some point of the talk, Helion and Lucien began to consider combining their own names to create a unique one for the child. "Helien" was the first suggestion, but it didn't quite feel right. Then they tried "Lucion," which seemed a bit too complicated. Or horrendous, in your words.
-Okay, so, we'll finish this with a top five girls name, and then we can start with the boys name - Lucien said, finally closing the notebook that contained a ridiculous amount of names written in it and taking a sip of his drink.
-We won't discuss boys names - You finally gave your opinion, making both of them turn their heads to you, confused at your sudden interruption.
-Darling, you said you didn't want to know the gender until the baby is born, we need to discuss and decide both - Helion spoke, bringing his hand to your tummy for the thousandth time since the conversation started.
-But I'm telling you this is a girl. I'm sure - You weren't backing down on your decision, it was a girl and no more conversation needed.
-You can't be completely sure so we'll have boys names just in case - Lucien said, only awakening a anger you didn’t know you had.
-I'm the one creating this child, okay? We've already discussed this, it's a girl - You put an end to the conversation.
-We? Who is "we"? - Your husband asked, confused since you and him never discussed gender preferences. But you had yours.
-Me and the baby, I told her that I wanted a baby girl and she agreed, being a male isn't cool and I already told her that - You said with all the confidence you could master in that moment, both males fighting to not laugh at your antics.
-But isn't it better if we have a boy name just for precaution? - Lucien tried once again, the look you gave him was enough to make him sit back in his chair and shut up.
-No! We don't need precaution, I'm telling you it's a girl - Your stress level was getting higher every time they went against your decision. You weren't completely sure, obviously. But you were sure!
-Okay then, a girl it is - Helion said, giving up on the discussion and holding you in his arms, filling your face with thousands of kisses - But if it's a boy we're gonna name him Helion the Second.
-As you wish, it'll be a girl anyway - You mumbled for yourself, internally making a note to choose a gender neutral name in the end. Just for… you know, precaution :)
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medusa12346 · 2 years
Astrology observations=Calling them out
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📸Virgo+ cancer placements can make a person very sensitive and bossy like why are you telling me how to breathe properly
📸Mutable AND FIXED rising signs be changing their aesthetic 24/7 like hmm 🤨
📸In a Leo-Pisces friendship, both of them do the nonsense and both of them understand don't understand it.
📸Capricorn placements while younger have dated someone older than them by 10010 years while older date someone younger by 20000 years pls what's wrong with you
📸Pisces is sleeping at 7pm to wake up at 11am and being forced to sleep at 2 am to wake up at 4:30 get some help
📸Venus in 11th house is hitting on your friends no this is not a movie Patricia they don't like you
📸LEO LEO LEO MARS STFU we both know you love having people fight over you mf
Virgo trying to flirt:
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📸no bc Taurus ends up in the mess created by their PISCES AND LEO FRIENDS
📸Capricorn sun + aries moon both my friend and Tae from BTS have this placement and they both are so mature and healthy and amazing and lova-i love my friend ok leave me alone- a Pisces
📸Pisces stelliums might be afraid of animals but also love them like hmmm make up ur godamn mind
📸Scorpios I love how you had 4-hour convos with a person giving them signs of crush and then don't respond to them for over a month that's so lovely hahaha okay now stfu
📸Pisces/moon in 4th/ venus in aries/1st house after a stranger smiled at them:
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📸GOODNESS aries venus need to stop cheating on their crushes which they arent dating like 🔫no
📸Pisces+ fire in a chart= Very giving adult but very receiving baby SO GREEDY BAHAHAHA like esp while making them do something they don't like, "no you forgot my 10000000th chocolate if i went to school" I PROMISED ONE
📸Gemini/Aqua/Scorpio after recognizing they have issues:
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📸Virgo in 5th is screaming internally after someone complimented you but also being like "haha thanks" 😀dont know how to respond to compliments
📸Libra in 3rd is being too nice to call someone out so you're just like "haha 😀no everything's fine i had a mental breakdown bc of this person but 😀my fault haha can we talk about our feelings later lets go on a roller coaster that's more fun 😀" and also the person which libra had a mental breakdown bc of was fire in 3rd😃
Leo and scorpio relationships look like:
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muniimyg · 1 month
just read the tags on your last ask and caught something interesting 😭
how does your therapist feel about your fanfics only if you are comfortable sharing that or you can ignore this ask!
Asking cause I used to write fanfics when I was like 15-19 years and I’m not that old (I’m 23 now😭🔫) yet but yeah have lost touch with my that side and considered telling my therapist about this..
anyway thank you and I love your fics!!
tw: anxiety & depression
she hasn’t read them or anything LOL but we jus talked abt how i use writing fanfics to help me process what i’m going thru as well as mapping out different perspectives… we’ve never discussed it in detail but she thinks it’s a healthy hobby for me. to be fair, she knows i’m delusional and aspire to marry yoongi so 😀
because of the relationships i’ve grown up around,, i struggled a lot with communicating and dependency. also think that because of my anxiety and depression,, i’ve always found art in different mediums to be a great way to express and cope with the trauma or triggers i have. writing, as cliché as it sounds, has always been the greatest form of escape for me. it’s ironic cos as much as i use it to escape, i’ve also never been more found when i write 😍🤞🏽
also,, i’ve been writing fanfics for a while (but i only got decent at it now) since i was 12 actually…
on quotev,,, harry styles ofc…
then on wattpad for 5sos… i wrote a fanfic called 50 reasons why i won’t go out with you and my username was like cth-bluez or smt LOL
i stopped writing from 2016-2021 and then picked it up again when i got into bts and it was covid times! (my writing was HORRIBLE btw…) so its been 4ish years back in it and it’s been……. funny
we’re the same age btw! so we’ve lived the same amount of years and therefore i don’t have much to say about it.. except for the fact that i understand and see you. regardless if it’s burnout or not having enough time; writing is hard. getting back into it is hard !!! so to me,, to even think about writing again,,, is enough and i can’t wait for whatever stories you have to share with the world 🌟
not to be all sentimental but HAHAA i think my writing speaks for itself in terms of passion and growth. i’ve stressed abt updates, i’ve hated my own characters, i’ve had sleepless nights for writing concepts that got like 13 notes … i’ve had seasons of silence where it felt like i was jus writing to an empty crowd (which i truly was),,, but things change and before you know it you have strangers asking you about your writing journey 😹 don’t get me wrong,, there are definitely things that i’ve posted and absolutely hate atm,, and there are things that i think are my pride and joy… but that’s jus what it is. writing and its complexity of being everything and nothing to you all at once 🫶🏻
i think you should tell your therapist abt it! sometimes it’s nice to speak about the things we love(d) and lost in the past. you never know.. maybe it’s time to begin again :) yk what they sayyyyyyy
do it scared, do it tired, do it broke, do it alone, do it unsure, but do it anyway and then do it again
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Welcome to the Family
If you want your description changed just tell me <3
According to @justarandomhumanpassingby I'm the paradesi philosopher <3
This is a (in progress) list of my tumblr family:
@dori-and-gray: my irreplaceable bestie who i love to the moon and back
@goodoldfashionedluvergirl: the beautiful, talented, lovable and honey voiced older sister
@the-eternal-seeker: the chill, oldest and wisest quadruplet who's always there to help; the only one in this family possessing anything resembling sanity
@technically-bean: my incredible quadruplet sister who always laughing and crying with me and whose probably either covered in dirt or reading another sad book)
@maddipoof: my other incredible twin quadruplet who thinks on the same wave length as me
@anyavaramyr: he therapist of my friend group who needs therapy herself heh(I'm broke, tumblr is less expensive than therapy). That one anxiety riddled perfectionist of the group tbh but I've been told I'm like the chaotic yet caring younger sister<3
@loverliner: my lil sister whos always vibing
@just-another-godless-god: my mischievous lil sister
@king-of-dholakpur: the oldest, deep thinking cousin who always knows what to say
@non-possum-invenire-bonum-url: the older, unhinged cousin who says everything i think but would never say (love your bio by the way)
@starlit-epiphany: my amazing supportive cousin who's been helping me in my identity crisis
@remen-nyoodles: my secret keeping cousin who I love dearly
@writingwitch007: my other secret keeping cousin who i love dearly and teases me incessantly
@chandrayee: the slightly fucked in the head cousin who randomly drops by animal facts!! (her words not mine; i can't tell you how hard i laughed at that 🤣)
@merapehlapyaarwaapasaagaya: my wonderful mother who i'd never forget
@midnight-rainnnn: the adorable cousin who is loved by everyone
@ishqhai-aapse: roach in my house that is secretly your granny that likes to sit in silence and read books xD
@yehdilkahehaye: the fun trying-to-act-like-an-adult cousin who will give you wise advices from time to time but will actually end up supporting you in all your insane decisions <3
@the-phantom-of-arda: The creative cousin who is quietly supportive of whatever you do. Who's DMs are a judgment-free zone and are willing to talk about anything.. she's too shy to DM first but wants to be friends.
Indumathi: my secret, anonymous admirer 🌕💘
@sincerelyyoursg: my beloved wife 💍
@shyamsakhii: hill dude who just likes to rant to friends and gossip and always misses it when the gc comes alive 😀🔫
@ell0ra-br3kk3r: the neighbor friend who's part time musician, part time author part time sane but unhinged at the same time; love to go by their house when they're back from paris
@ultimategenius: neighbor who i've adopted (welcome to the family)
@offo-yashika: one of the cousin's queer girlfriend who always rocks the stage with their dance<3
@kaagazkefool: the beloved latest addition to the fam who's excited and nervous of they'd fit
@thebestieyoureinlovewith: the friend that will give endless headpats
@mee-iykyk: the extroverted friend who adopts introverts
@insanity-is-my-vanity: my new friend (you’re mine now)
@inxj-ghxfa: the mom friend who gives out questionable, but reliable advice
@justarandomhumanpassingby: some person i claimed off the streets; saw them and was like "you're mine now" <3
@morningmiss: the cousin who checks up on me from time to time ♥
@vamp-rom-stuff: ellora's friend she brought back from her trip to France
@a-really-hot-caterpillar: we ain't mutuals yet but i'd be an idiot not to add him so he's my newest unhinged brother (adopted <3)
@hopefulmillennial: my favorite aunt (you remind me of my favorite aunt irl <3)
I love that like 80 percent of my tumblr family is desi 💖💝💕
reply what description you wanna be added with <3
@yehdilkahehaye, @humapkehaikaun, @hell-lit011019, @shyamsakhii, @anyavaramyr, @bookish-alone, @bibliophile-dendrophile, @iservemydog, @oh-sita, @moons-scar, @loverliner, @woahlifehitsyahuh, @the-phantom-of-arda, @puppy-coded, @sanskari-kanya
literally anyone who wants to join can join :)
If your name isn't up here please tell me; some of them are just disappearing.
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funstyle · 4 months
barista rp
mean old lady: I WANT a cappuccino. very little milk... no foam (⬅️ NOTE: FOAM IS A DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC OF A CAPPUCCINO)
me: ok 💖 [makes exactly the drink she described to me, bc people order capps all the time not knowing what the hell they are]
mean old lady: [there is now a long line] I Dont Want This. What The Fuck Are You Doing To Me. Take It Out Of My Sight. [pointing at steamed milk] THERES FOAM.
me: 😀..... i gota help these other poeple. theyll help u
my coworker: [makes her a cappuccino] is this ok?
mean old lady: Yeah
me: 😀 🔫
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drangy · 1 month
Hehe this is not even mine-
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Wait no, this is not what you guys think
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My Twitter account have 18+ content!!
😀🔫And since i'm 18 years old, i don't what to do😀🔫
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dotlookstired · 3 months
wooow so I read your fic on ao3 and umm let me just say that if I don’t get the happy/egg hatching alt ending I MIGHT just swallow some glass because that really hurt my heart😀🔫
Do not worry; I also need closure. I’ve started the beginning of an alternate ending version. At first, I was going to go with witches, but there are already witches in the Vampire Chronicles universe. I feel like if they could help, vampires would have utilized their assistance long ago. So, I’m going to have Daniel accidentally encounter a type of fae that ends up helping. Also, do you think I should post it as a new chapter or make it its own fic and add it to the little Vampire Chronicles fic series I have going on AO3?
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 9 months
@looseleaflettuce you absolute god you.
I miss the pain the moment it’s gone
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 6
oh. well then🙂 such a small line, but hit me in the chest fr
I claw and scratch and dig my way out until I can smell the familiar scent of wet dirt, the scent of my life spilled into it. Until I can feel the soil under my fingernails, digging into the ground rather than the endless darkness, the grass between my fingers instead of those snaking tendrils of nothing.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 7
I was plunged into the nothing, while I was watching my own siblings be killed
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 8
aw man😕
My parents stand in front of me
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 9
her hands shaking as she tucks the strands behind her ears, exposing her dark face to the light of the moon.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 9
bitch why the fuck are you shaking, you just killed your kids ya degenerate
The three lifeless bodies lie bled out on the grass to my right. My siblings. I’jam, Rajem, and Solweh. My siblings. My family. Dead. Killed by the two people meant to protect us, life taken by the ones that gave it to us.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 9
tears in my eyes. LETTY WHY🤧
My mother blinks, her fear quickly overshadowed by a wall of discontent. Of failure. A sliver of determination shining through.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 9
like she has no right to speak it
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 10
you tell her luna
As though a steady stream trickled from them while it flowed relentlessly from me.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 10
Their ritual gone so awry
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 11
istg if they killed their kids for power, i’m gonna 🔫
paralyzing our bodies and minds but leaving us to hear and see what they were doing to us.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 12
I had tried to escape, to run into the village and gather help for my siblings, but I had not made it very far at all
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 12
wow i am sure she will perfectly recognize she had no fault in this and will not feel any guilt whatsoever🙂
They killed me last, letting me lie there helplessly to watch, making sure I watched as they killed my siblings
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 13
this will have no consequences on her psyche in the future☺️
not wanting to stop my sister at all as she rips into his neck with her teeth, silencing his screams as she holds down his thrashing body until he stops moving completely. Until she pulls back with a gasping breath, a wild gleam in her eyes as she wipes the wave of red from her mouth with the back of her hand though it still drips down her chin and down her neck, merging with her own blood on her chest.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 15-16
The four imprints of our lives lost in those very spots. The grass wilted and died in our spots, leaving brown imprints of us in the earth
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 19-20
me when rebirth symbolism
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I am no longer human. I do not know what I am.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 21
you’re my bbg.
I leave the clearing, towards the direction of Ra’jem and I’jam’s departure.
Cusp Of The Mend | Ch. 1 ~ Pg. 22
damn you gon do solweh like that😭
Review Time!
Beautifully written🤌🏾 I could really grasp Luna’s desperation clawing away from the darkness, which I’m assuming was the magic that would’ve taken her life and granted it to her parents. I actually thought she would already be a vampire, so this was a nice surprise! It was a great opening chapter; a well established setting, the inciting incident allows for the reader to make a million inferences on how the plot will develop, and there’s enough characterization to gauge Luna’s personality and how vampirism may change her! Next Up: Ch. 2 ~ Starvation♥️
also a meme for you , letty
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fuck around and find out igz
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dearlucygraybaird · 5 months
you need to help coral get ready for her date so she doesn’t look like a blob fish
you’ll help right?😀
o…of course… just put that thing down - I don’t know where you got it from but it’s not a toy!
@coralfisher come over (and tell the little one not to threaten me with weapons anymore please.)
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inspiredwriter · 2 months
*Un rato en el Centro comercial*
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Mayhem Leo :*se acerca a Stefany con los batidos* mira gatita te traje tu batido favorito 😊😉🧋🍫💕❣️💘
Mayhem Stefany :*mueve sus orejas*Miau, te lo agradezco mucho tortuguita 🥰😻💞💖💗💝*resive el batido y lo bebe* Mmm, sabe delicioso siempre me gustó Starbucks 😋😄🧋💓💘❣️
Mayhem Leo : jajaja, si Starbucks siempre es la mejores malteadas de del mundo 😏😊💕💓💝💗*bebe el batido*Mmm~😋😄🧋💘💞❣️¿qué haces mañana nena?😕😄💖💗💕
Mayhem Stefany : bueno mañana iré al parque hará una fiesta de parrillada familiar 😃😁👨‍👩‍👧🥩🌳🍃*toma la mano de Leo*y te gustaría ir mañana para que conozcas a toda mi familia 😊😄💝💗💕❣️
Mayhem Leo : bueno Me encantaría mucho Stefany 😀☺️💓💞💖*se rasca la cabeza* bueno quiero hablarte algo contigo 😙😅💓💕💗
Mayhem Stefany :*se agacha la oreja *está bien Lee, Qué quieres decirme 😟🥺💖💞❣️💝
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Mayhem Leo :*se sonroja* bueno Stefany tu sabes que a veces siempre visito tu casa y tú a la mía Cuándo estamos juntos y dormimos juntos 😳🙁🏬💗💘💓
Mayhem Stefany : Pues sí claro porque me preguntas te molesta tortuguita 😟🤨💖💗❣️💕
Mayhem Leo : Qué No, no me molesta no quise decir eso 😖😅💦*juega con sus dedos* Es que quiero decirte si te mudarias conmigo en las alcantarillas para que podamos estar juntos 🥹😣💼🎒❣️💘💓💞💖
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Mayhem Stefany: *Stops drinking cocktail and her ears stand on end* Oh, my God, Leo!😲😳🧋💘💗🩷💕 Huh, can you imagine that a few days ago I also had the idea of ​​inviting you to live with me and my parents🤭🥰🏬💼🎒👨‍👩‍👧💓💗💞 *Kisses Leo on the cheek* Mmua~😚💋💖🩷💞 Haha, that means you and I have the same thoughts😃😍💓💝💖💕
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Mayhem Leo: Well, not really, Stefany, I wanted you to live with me and my family🥺💓❤💕 Don't worry, we always clean our den thoroughly and that's why there's almost no bad smell in there😅🤗🧹🧽🧺💖💘💞
Mayhem Stefany: Oh, that's not the problem at all, sweetie, just I heard that many different mutants live in your lair, besides you and your brothers🥺😥🦇🐸🐊🦎🦏🐗 *Whispers in Leo's ear* I feel a little awkward making love in places where many mutants or humans live🤫😳👥💓💞💝
Mayhem Leo: Yeah, you're right, my flower, those mutants that live in our lair are terribly curious🤔😓 One day Mondo Geko found our album with photographs, took out photos from there and stuck them on his face😬🦎 And also Wingnut...😧🫢🦇 Eeeh, simply put, these guys have not yet fully adapted to the human world the way my brothers and dad have😅💦 But we diligently teach them this and they are making progress in this😅😁
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Mayhem Stefany: But my Dad is almost always at work, and my mom is at the pastry shop, where I sometimes help her🤔👮🚔👩‍💼🍰🧁 I think in my apartment it will be much more peaceful for us to spend time alone🤗🥰💗💖❣️💞 Don’t worry, my daddy doesn’t bring weapons into the apartment anymore...😅💦🚫🔫👮 *Takes Leo’s hand* But your opinion is no less important to me, Lee🥺💓💘💕 Do you think it’s better for you to live with me, or for me to live with you?🤨😟💝💗❤💕
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