#help I can't unhear it now XD
shychick-52 · 1 year
Character ask game! To spice things up a bit, Mads? with 1, 2, 12, 15, 18, 29 and 30?
Awesome!! You know I love Mads!! :D LONG POST AHEAD.
My first impression of them
Ok, for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to go with canon Mads instead of your 2017 version (even tho 'The Mad Ducktor Thingie' was one of my first introductions to the character through fanfiction, but I didn't really know who the character was until I actually read the comics via scanlations- that helped me to appreciate and enjoy your version even more).
I read the comics with Mads in order all in one sitting (you'd linked me to the scanlations), starting with 'Friendly Threat' shortly after I began reading MDT. And I was absolutely intrigued!! He was the most dramatic/theatrical, flamboyant, queer-coded, insane character I ever had the pleasure of knowing (and I immediately connected him to your version- while acknowledging the distinction, ofc- which only increased my delight of those exact same traits and quirks in your Mads)!! His outlandish outfit, his hair, his dialogue, his movements/poses/body language, his creative variety of expressions (all which vary so much from panel to panel, and it's so creative)... he's just so INSANE, so much fun, and you can tell the artists and writers had an absolute blast with him. Something you've affectionately said a few times about him is "WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?" and I believe that's the very thing to perfectly sum him up! XD
From the very first panel I saw of the Mad Ducktor, the first voice I heard was Vincent Price, and I can't unhear it! It just suits his dramatic, queer-coded self!
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
His next appearance 'The Return of Mad Ducktor'! This was the one that REALLY established his zany personality, which is appropriate because he got his own body by then. And it was the first comic to hint that his ulterior motives for holding Gyro prisoner were not only to have him out of the way while he carried out his vengeance against Duck Avenger and Scrooge for his defeat when he still was part of Gyro, but vengeance on Gyro's behalf (because that's how the Mad Ducktor was originally born- from purely negative emotions buried deep in Gyro from Scrooge overworking him with no pay, which exploded in this desire for revenge against everyone who wronged or took advantage of Gyro, and it was established in 'Return of Mad Ducktor' that even Duck Avenger was just as guilty as Scrooge of not paying Gyro for his services and for calling on him at any hour that was convenient for him). Even tho he now had his own body, gaining Gyro respect was still Mads' goal, and he knew Gyro was too much of a naïve goody-goody to appreciate or understand that he was trying to make his life better (tho he probably hoped Gyro would understand that in due time), so he'd capture him in each comic to have him temporarily out of the way for his own good.
And it was the first comic to explore the complex relationship between them. The first to imply that even though he kidnapped him and gloated about his vengeance plans and mocked him and implied that he was his weaker half, he still cared about him because he was still set on gaining him the respect he deserved from others. It was literally the only way he knew how to show him he cared, because he was born from those negative emotions and those are all he knows (and in other comics, maybe 'Protocol' I think, he says something about how he's not capable of affection- even though he doesn't consciously recognize that getting revenge for Gyro is how he expresses that for him- and that only once his revenge is finished will he know true joy).
Sexuality hc!
Gay and trans (argh, I realized I forgot to list 2017 Gyro as trans in your ask about him; I'll have to go edit that).
Worst storyline they had
'Paperinik and Nik Paper Vs. the Mad Ducktor'. WTF WAS THAT HOT MESS? The artwork, the dialogue (Gyro called him an ignorant slut, WHAT??), and everyone so out-of-character... ARGH.
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
You know you're asking what Gyro was like as a kid, right? XD Gyro was a little on the shy side, a bit of an introvert, and the odd one out among other kids for his interest in science and inventing for being so intelligent, but he was full of curiosity and a desire to make the world a better place with his inventions (tho they didn't always go to plan, which made him a laughingstock among the kids), but his dad Fulton was always super encouraging; I can see him wanting to follow in the Gearloose family tradition of being a great inventor!
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
He'd definitely let his kid do whatever the hell they wanted with no limits or rules, and would encourage them- nay, raise them- to be bad. They'd bond by committing crimes and causing chaos together. :D With other kids that weren't his own, I can see him having a soft spot for kids instead of tormenting them, with a particular soft spot for the underdog-types like Gyro; he'd encourage them to get revenge if they were being bullied, and would even help them do so!
The funniest scene they had?
Tumblr media
From 'Friendly Threat'. No dialogue. His expression and frenzied button-smashing says it all. XD WTF is he on??
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starchild--27 · 10 months
Super late but 3, 11, 21 and 34 for the question thingy <3
hey-hey Feli ^-^ thanks for sending these~ i put my entire brain into answering them haha xD
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
- Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
- Juno
- Donnie Darko
11. what do you consider to be romance?
ok THAT sure is a question. erm. so. i always say (because i think it's very true) that Nothing Else Matters by Metallica has shaped my idea of romantic love a lot. The whole business of feeling afeectuon and a deep connection to another person, being interested in learning about them and learning about yourself through them, experiencing life not only as yourself but also as a pair, being able to trust in and depend on each other and to be truly authentic with each other, maybe more than with any other person. idk if it's naive or idealistic of me to think these things and maybe sort of expect these things but i know that it's the only thing i want to believe in at the moment. to have all that with a person. maybe not forever, but for a considerable amount of time.
21. are you a spiritual person?
that's interesting because i think about that a lot. and i think i kind of am? spiritual- ish? idk in situa tions where i desperately want for things to go a specific way (most of the time it's stuff like "please let everything be ok") i find myself crossing my fingers, physically, and i guess praying (actually mumbling short, pleading phrases) to some sort of higher entity. or entities. who even knows. it's kind of like an ritual. and i wouldn't keep doing it if it had not worked before. so that's that. nothing too specific i believe in but a very spiritual act i find myself turning to when i really need things to be good. another pretty weird thing: i think that i am "safe", as in "nothing bad can happen to me now", when i see dead animals on/next to a street. especially, when i am driving myself. i really hate seeing dead animals, it always makes me feel like i want to cry. but i have developed the little insane and superstitious assumption that now i am safe from bad things (like accidents) because the bad thing has happened to somebody else (the animal) already. i realize how macabre it is. but i guess it helps me deal with seeing dead things by making their deaths less pointless?
and now writing and explaining about it, i think my sort of spiritual beliefs are a weird coping mechanism for situations in which i feel very powerless or a lack of control over my own life, oh god...
34. any pet peeves?
when the people doing the remixes/mashups of songs i like, change the tempo or pitch of a song to match the other song(s). sometimes it's not all too much and then it's fine but i can't unhear when a voice is higher/deeper than it normally would be xD
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I'm, I'mjust gonna leave this here but......Jack McBrayer, but as the voice for Dr. Starline...
I'll let that simmer in your mind for a bit.
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