#it would be such a unexpected yet hilarious thing for his voice to come out of Starline
zafetycar · 8 months
higher - DR3
⭐︎ daniel ricciardo & reader ('you')
⭐︎ one in which daniel and you let some drinks and a song drive you during a party
⭐︎ warnings: mention of alcohol
⭐︎ word count: <1k
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in honor of a hundred of you liking the lando norris social media au “what i was made for”
this is crazy ! thank you so so so much !!!! i can’t wait to share more stories with you !!!!
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it only took one second for you to realise which song had just started. the very first note had sold it. and it took you even less to snap your head around looking for daniel’s eyes, already locked on you, admiring you in awe and anticipation. and his silly grin plastered over his face. 
in a matter of milliseconds you run for each other, spilling the drink in your hands all over the floor. daniel trips over nothing, stumbles over to you, almost knocking you out on the way. but you straighten up right away as you hear the music, knowing that the lyrics are coming. slinging your left arm over his shoulders, your glass half empty in your right hand, you close your eyes, finish your drink in one swig and clear your throat, preparing for the intense two minutes coming up. daniel brings his right arm over your shoulders and pulls you close to him, practically chocking you, as he raises his own drink in the air and throws his head back. and the track finally starts.
"this whiskey got me feeling pretty”, you both scream in unison, voice cracking and hitting all the wrong notes. you rock yourselves side to side to the rhythm of the music, nearly hitting the people around you. 
but you just keep on singing like your lives depend on it.
“but I'm turnt up upstairs and ‘I love you’, is the only thing that's in my mind”, you dramatically sing, clinging on each other for support. neither of you is thinking strait in that moment. you are driven by the piece the same way you are driven by the person your holding. at the same time, you both look for the other’s eyes. the chorus is up next.
“you take me higher”, you shout, attempting to match the singer’s right tone, bursting out in laughter before composing yourself, determined to finish the song.
“but I'm drunk instead with a full ash tray, with a little bit too much to say”, you yell, holding the last note as best as either of you can before ridiculously trailing off. you turn to face daniel as he pulls you into a strong yet loving embrace, and you lay your head against his shoulder, kissing the covered skin there.
another song comes up through the speakers, but you keep on dancing side to side, tripping and almost falling each step you both take. daniel’s hand come up to lay on your head, softly caressing you hair as he plants gentle a kiss on your forehead. you look up to him and smile. he mirrors your expression, a sparkle lit in his eyes. as you take another step, you stumble backwards but daniel’s strong grip maintains you upright. your laughs fill the room, joining those of the people who just witnessed the scene.
how this hopeless romantic love song had ended up in a party playlist, between two club songs, was an absolute mystery, and as unexpected and annoying it first seemed for the others, it was hilarious enough for them to *secretly* plan it again for the next time you would all gather around drinks.
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ps: i really liked creating this one so i hope you like it too! also i'm glad it's a little one shot, so that you get a little glimpse of my writing !
note: hi! thank you for reading this piece, i hope you enjoyed it ! feedback is very much welcomed :) see you around ★
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How was your Helluva Boss watch?
It was pretty neat! Thanks for asking!
Here's a list of the stuff I liked:
Moxxie and Millie's marriage is cute! I'm a sucker for fictional married couples who are sickeningly adorable and genuinely care for each other rather than arguing all the time.
I think I might have an autistic headcanon for Moxxie? It was the bit where he started infodumping to Millie's parents that did it for me.
There were plenty of lines of dialogue that made me splutter because I wasn't expecting them to be so hilarious.
The part of the interrogation scene where Moxxie intelligently explains why torture is a bad interrogation tactic and Blitzo adds that the demons might enjoy the torture too much and then the agents would have a whole other set of problems on their hands lives in my head rent-free for some reason.
While I'm not sure I want Stolitz to become canon, I will admit that their complicated relationship is interesting to watch. The childhood flashback episode had some cute moments. And I'm fascinated by the changes that Stolas has undergone over the course of the series. I'm glad he's not as creepy as he was at the start.
(I prefer Owling at the Moon over Stolitz, which is probably why I don't want Stolitz to become canon. Imagine if Loona and Octavia started dating and Blitzo and Stolas became the awkward in-laws. I'd like watching that play out!)
Fizzmodeus intrigues me. I wasn't sure about that ship at first, but they do seem to have a cute thing going on. Watching Asmodeus trying to help Fizzarolli after his panic attack was unexpected. I've not really seen stuff like that in the fiction I've encountered.
I came across a Hellaverse crossover fanfic where Angel Dust meets Asmodeus and I thought it was well-written. (You can read it here if you're interested. But given the two main characters are the King of Lust and a porn star, it's very much NSFW, so don't look if you're a minor.)
And here's a list of the stuff I wasn't keen on:
The show was supposed to be about a team of demonic assassins taking out targets on Earth, but it seems to have abandoned that premise rather quickly to focus on exploring side characters and fleshing out the worldbuilding in Hell. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the worldbuilding (certainly more than I would have enjoyed the gory killings) - it just bothers me that the show starts with a premise and then forgets it. At least in Hazbin Hotel, the themes of redemption and second chances are almost always present, even if the Hotel itself isn't getting much focus. By contrast, what does Fizzarolli's clown career have to do with assassinating humans?
The sound mixing on the songs bothered me. Most of the time, the dialogue is loud and clear, but when a song starts, the voices go really quiet for some reason and the instrumentation drowns them out and I can't hear what they're singing. It's as if the show keeps coming down with a bad case of Sonic Adventure 2 sound mixing.
I wish Loona was treated better by the narrative. She seems very underdeveloped to me, and I'd love to see an episode or two focusing on her and giving her time to shine. (And more of her hanging out with Octavia. That'd be neat.)
They got Barrett Wilbert Weed to voice Octavia and they haven't let her sing a song yet?! I've heard her Heathers and Mean Girls stuff! She's a good singer! Don't let her go to waste!
So, as you can see, I do have some quibbles with the series, but overall, I had fun!
I am now finally watching Hazbin Hotel properly (hooray!), and I prefer that show over Helluva Boss. The characters resonate with me more, and the songs stand out to me more. But I still enjoyed checking out Helluva Boss!
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istadris · 1 year
a short prompt for asterix/césar: asterix being hurt by some legionaries (maybe because he ran out of potion and obelix is off fighting in the other direction) and césar being the one actually ordering them to stop hurting him / take him prisonder instead and to bring asterix to him.
Among his many other qualities, Caesar was able to acknowledge and even appreciate the bravery of his enemies.
Even more when this bravery was unexpected. He had always judged the indomitable Gauls as arrogant fools, unworthy of their freedom as it only depended of their precious magic potion.
When the little warrior of the village was spotted near his troops, and was confirmed to be deprived of his magic potion (the lucky result of a well-placed arrow piercing his gourd), Caesar had been certain it would be hilariously easy. He had expected a quick victory, or for their enemy to pathetically beg for his life.
Instead, the short Gaul fought with the ferocity of a lion, fast and deadly, taking advantage of his size to slip between legionaries and strike low blows, unrelenting in his attacks despite the obvious outcome of the battle.
As he watched the fight, Caesar found himself...impressed.
The more he observed, the more he realized: the Gaul would sooner die than surrender.
It should have pleased him. He knew this man in particular had caused more trouble than any other in his village, and his disappearance would deal a fatal blow to the indomitable Gauls' morale.
His legionaries were already tasting victory, blood thirst in their eyes as they were taking the opportunity to finally get revenge for years of defeat and humiliation. The Gaul could see his defeat coming, Caesar could see it in his eyes, and yet he kept fighting, refusing to let fear get the better of him. He even had the audacity to look at Caesar between two blows, defiant until the end, and even to smile.
Caesar should rejoice at the defeat of his enemy.
But would it be a defeat ? Or a last victory over Caesar?
Caesar didn't want the Gaul's death, but his submission. They both knew it. And the Gaul refused to give it.
A legionary managed to land a severe blow on the Gaul's shoulder, forcing him to drop his shortsword; another rammed into him with his shield and sent him sprawling on the ground, clutching his wound. Spears were raised for the final blow in the middle of vicious cheers calling for blood.
Caesar's voice cut like a sharp sword through the shouts, halting everyone's movements. Slowly, the imperator made his way through the crowd, towering from his horse over his fallen enemy.
Yet again this defiance in the eyes glaring back at him.
Fine. So be it.
"Death would be too kind a mercy for you, Gaul. I'd much prefer to see you live to see your village's downfall."
And yet again this mocking smirk, as if the Gaul wasn't bleeding on the ground at his enemy's mercy.
"Just ...admit you can't ...get enough of me, old Julius."
His cheeks suddenly flushing, Caesar gritted his teeth, seriously tempted to change his mind and impale the Gaul right here.
"Take him away," he barked instead, turning his horse around, "and make sure he doesn't die before regretting his words!"
He would get this man to submit even if it was the last thing he ever did.
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emetkoto · 10 months
I haven't played bg3 so I'd love to hear how astarion's views of koto change throughout the story pls <3 like is he immediately attracted or what. and what about koto's feelings and how they change. gimmie the deets.
Honestly, Astarion sums up his part pretty well in his confession dialogue!
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and then hilariously another tidbit from his final romance scene literally right before he tells you he loves you and you have sex on his grave (ignore old k'oto i havent gotten there on new k'oto yet and also the different outfits these are from two different play sessions)
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basically tldr. astarion didnt really care for k'oto at all at first, it was all just manipulation in order to get him to trust him so he would keep him around and protect him since he was terrified of his master finding him (he's a vampire spawn and the only reason he has his free will up until we kill his master is because of the mind flayer parasites all the characters have, he only got away when the mind flayers kidnapped him and has been paranoid about being found since, rightfully so since we come across a monster hunter sent after him early on) so it was all just. seduction and charming! he was really kinda annoyed by k'otos whole 'good guy' thing, like 'ohhhh wow youre a hero. what good are you. nobody ever helped me or saved me. where were you when i needed you.' (obviously completely unfair, k'oto is only 28 and he was turned 200 years ago) and kind of a little bit afraid of him? sure he's shorter than him but he's also way stronger physically and has fangs and claws and strange beastly habits that really just kinda put him off for a while bc yknow. fangs hurt him once. sure this guy seems harmless but he knows better than to trust!!!
except he doesnt. because k'oto was completely unexpected in every way. he's kind and funny and genuine in a way astarion had completely forgotten was possible. he loved him so completely and so honestly the whole time. even when he told him sweet lies and was just so obviously using him he just. kept loving him!!! (k'oto voice) its not real now but someday it might be, and ill still be here when it is. when hes ready to love me back. <--------shit like That!!! the icing on the cake was coming to realize that he and k'oto had. a LOT more in common than he wouldve ever thought. particularly when it came to matters of sex and how they had trouble viewing their bodies as their own due to their circumstances and how it all made it difficult for them to say 'no' to things out of fear/obligation…the very last thing he ever expected from this dumbass catboy was to see himself 100-something years younger in him…..he just. was exactly what astarion needed…uegh!!!
k'oto was pretty much head over heels from the beginning despite the red flags. he was far from home and work where nobody would even think to offer him money for his time and would just spend it with him because they genuinely wanted to for nothing more in exchange than just their own time and company so even if he was being blatantly manipulated it was still the realest shit he'd experienced in years from probably the most attractive guy he'd ever met upto that point so it was a recipe for some good ol fashion love at first sight…or i guess. love at first knifepoint.
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maybe a bit of confusion at first bc he'd never been in love before so there was probs a brief period of 'am i in love or is this just lust' until after he slept with him the first time and it didn't go away and in fact only got stronger and he was like 'ok yeah im in love actually!!!!'
sorry this is completely incoherent i love them so fucking much it makes me sick to my stomach and also im so very tired
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Fives makes a Friend
That's a horrible title, but I'll work on it.
Star Wars AU - Fives discovers secrets about the Chancillor, and learns about a conspiracy involving the clones, and is on the run on Coruscant. He makes a friend, and things take a step to the side.
This is going to be kind of short. My brain is on vacation mode.
Tagging: @starrrgazingbunny since you enabled me
"Come on, Cal!" Spark flung his arm over Cal's shoulder and allowed his artfully tousled purple hair to fall into her face, "You have to admit, it's kinda hilarious."
"Sure," She rolled her eyes and shoved him away from her, "Until my dads find out that I've gone completely off the rails and they sent me to a convent."
Spark waved his hand, "You're 20, Cal. They can't force you to do anything." He grinned at her, "What would they be angrier about? Dropping out, dying your hair? The face tattoo? Or the fact that you share a house with 9 other people?"
"Uh, all of it." Cal joked.
His grin widened, "At least you're finally going to school for something you like. Though, it's ironic that you're paying for school with your piano lessons."
"It's great, isn't it?" Cal asked as she turned a corner, only for her to let out a pained gasp as someone tall slammed into her and knocked her against the wall.
"Hey, watch it Jedi!" Spark shouted at the retreating back, before he made sure Cal was alright, "ugh, jackass. Does he think he's the only person walking out here? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, my bag bore the brunt of that." She admitted, "wonder what has his panties all twisted."
Spark wasn't looking at her anymore, he pointed across the street, at a warehouse, where a man wearing prisoner garb was skulking around.
Cal and Spark shared a look, and they had a whole conversation without saying a single word.
She darted scross the street and slipped through the main door, and she knew that Spark was going to go around back to keep anyone from sneaking up on this.
This was a terrible idea. It was a great idea.
A small grin crossed her face as she approached the man sitting on the ground. She would have to be careful, to not spook him.
"You know, you'd have an easier time ditching the cops without the prison gear." She teased lightly.
Fives was in deep shit. He knew it. His brothers probably knew it. Hells, Jango Fett, himself, probably knew it.
He hadn't meant to stumble on this powder keg. A powder keg that would see him and his brothers turned into weapons. A powder keg that was puppeteered by the Chancellor of the Fucking Republic himself.
Right. Calm thoughts.
He hadn't been captured. Yet.
He just needed to think of someone, anyone, who would help him get to the Jedi. The Jedi would help. They had to.
He jerked when he heard the unexpected voice, he thought that he was alone. "You know, you'd have an easier time ditching the cops without the prison gear." Her voice was light and teasing, but Fives just felt sick.
He lifted his head.
Legs, long tanned legs, clad in knee-high leather boots. A mini skirt. A tight leather jacket. Bubble gum pink hair framing a face with deep purple eyes and bright red lips.
Fives mind went blank.
"Holy shit, you're gorgeous." He breathed out.
She blinked at him, startled, and then she laughed. "Well, thank you." She sank to her knees, and regarded him, amusedly, "So, why are you hiding from the cops?"
"I've been accused of trying to assassinate the chancellor."
"Did you?" She sounded remarkable unbothered by that confession.
"No! I just..." Fives trailed off, and he stared at her. Beggers couldn't be choosers. Not in this situation. "I discovered something. Palpatine is behind the whole war, he's behind everything."
Her back straightened, "Can you prove it?"
Fives reached up and tapped his temple, "I, we, my brothers and I, have the proof in our heads. Chips. Designed to make us do what he wants."
It sounded crazy. It was crazy. But every word was the truth. He just hoped she believed him.
She stared at him, and then she slowly nodded, "Okay."
"Okay." She agreed, and then she turned her head, "Oi, Spark!"
"I'm here. I heard him, Cal," Spark was a young man, older than Cal, with long vibrant purple hair and piercings all over his face. He had a wide grin on his face, "What's your name, mate?"
"Alright Fives," Spark grinned, "I need to make some phone calls." He tossed his bag to Cal, "He should fit into some of my clothes. Get him settled, Cal." He then walked away, pulling his comm out as he did so.
Cal grinned at him, and lightly tugged him to his feet, "Spark always keeps spare clothes on him, just incase he gets paint on his normal clothes," She explained as she tugged him behind several crates that would allow him to have some privacy.
She handed him a tank top and some torn jeans, as well as a paint of heavily paint stained boots, "Is Spark a painter?"
"Yeah. I'm sure you've seen his work around Coruscant." Cal moved to give him some privacy, and Fives was grateful for it as he pulled off the scratchy red prison uniform, and pulled on the, slightly too tight, clothes that Spark was letting him borrow.
"I don't generally get to go to art galleries," Fives said drily, grateful for the banter.
"Sure, neither do we." Cal said with a laugh, "Spark does graffiti."
"...So he's a criminal."
"Hm. Says the man currently being hunting for attempted assassination?" Cal countered.
"Point taken." Fives pulled the boots on, and stepped out from behind the crates, "So, how do I look?"
Cal dragged her gaze down Fives slowly enough that he felt a surge of pleasure. He would definitely be taking advantage of her obvious approval of his appearance if he got out of this situation alive, "Hm. You look great." She finally said, "I definitely approve."
Fives grinned, "I can tell," He flirted lightly, and he was delighted to see her grin at him.
"Come on, handsome. I think the others are here."
Others? Just how many people did Spark call?
Fives followed Cal back towards the front of the warehouse, and his steps faltered. Men and women of all ages and races, hair colors and skin tones of all sorts. He was pretty he caught a glimpse of a twi'lek with rainbow painted skin-
"Who are all of these people?" Fives asked, turning his attention to Cal, who was waving at another person with hair the same shade of pink as hers.
"They're friends, Fives." She promised.
Fives stared at her, and then at the crowd, who was listening to Spark speak about his situation, and he felt a surge of hope.
Mace Windu had been nursing a migraine for the majority of the day. And that was before word got out that a clone had tried to assassinate the Chancellor.
Like, he didn't blame him for it. If he did it. Palpatine deserved a little assassination attempt every now and then. Wait. No. He wasn't supposed to think stuff like that.
Calm thoughts, Mace. Calm.
He exhaled slowly, and focused his thoughts. Right. Migraine. He knew that it was caused by a massive shatterpoint that had been building earlier, and then just vanished.
But now he was willing to blame Palpatine for his migraine. Fucking old man.
So he was already in a sour mood when he decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air.
And then the news came in about a riot several streets over from the Jedi temple. Speeders getting flipped over. Arson. Windows being broken.
Surely the Guard would handle it. Surely it wouldn't become his problem.
Famous last words.
He stared. And stared a little more at the array of young adults, wearing leather and ripped clothing. With tattoos and loud make-up and even louder hair (if they had it). And there, in the middle, was a single clone.
A single clone holding the hand of a young woman with bubblegum pink hair and with skulls on her shirt.
A young woman who lifted her chin and looked him in the eye, and said, "You're going to listen to us."
She was ballsy. He liked her.
And then the Clone, Fives, stepped forward and told his story. He was worried, and was tightly gripping the sassy young woman's hand, as thought for support.
But Mace listened. And he asked questions.
And, as his blood ran cold, he called an emergency council meeting.
And then he looked at the colorful young adults, who were looking at him as though he were a threat to Fives, as though he were an enemy, and he smiled. He walked over to the pink girl, and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"I am personally going to keep Fives safe," He promised. And then he looked around the group, and his grin became sharp, "Three floors down, there is a room filled to the brim with various weapons that a Jedi has no need for. The passcode to the room is 56729." He said calmly, "I need you to make as much trouble for the Chancellor as possible."
There was silence for a moment, and then the young adults grinned.
"We can do that." The pink girl said, her smile sharp enough to cut metal, "I'll be back later Fives."
Fives just grinned at her, "Be careful for civilians, Cal."
"No shit, handsome."
Mace watched as the hoard of chaotic young adults clamored to the lift. And he watched them vanish from sight.
Mace Windu had a migraine. His migraine was all Palpatine's fault.
He was going to enjoy this.
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throughalleternity · 1 year
Hi I just went through your genderfluid!Lucy tag and on one of the post you had the idea about top surgery!Lucy wearing breast forms so I had an hilarious idea for a fic: Lucy wearing a dress and breast forms and leaning on a counter/table trying to be sexy and suddenly one of the breast froms falls out and then a second of silence as Lucy and Maggie/Alex process what just happended XD.(Can you maybe tag nerdsbianhokie? If you are not up for writing it maybe they are?)
Lolol, I enjoyed this, thanks for the prompt! It got a tiny bit away from me, so it may be a bit haphazard? I'm posting it below, but I'll clean it up and post on AO3 once I figure out a title.
And @nerdsbianhokie, I'm sure that anon would enjoy your take on the prompt if you are so inclined. That goes for any other writers who see this too and feel inspired!
1.5k words of genderfluid!Lucy fic below:
Lucy took a breath, smoothing her hands down over her dress. She stepped back and looked in the mirror one last time. 
“Nia will understand if you aren’t ready to go,” Maggie had said earlier in the week after watching Leon distractedly pour Alex a cup of milk with a dash of coffee. “There’ll be more events—Lena was throwing money at Nia the second she heard about the Dreamer Center plans, so she’s bound to do a charity event for it in the future. Or we can still go but leave early.” 
That had gotten him to stop pacing, to reduce rehearsing the same conversation that yes, you might know of him as Lucy Lane, CatCo’s general counsel, Lois Lane’s sister, or General Lane’s daughter—but that right now he was Leon Lane, and no it wasn’t just a drag thing, and no he wasn’t transitioning to be Leon all the time.
The shift to Lucy this morning had brought some relief. 
But as she imagined the conversations with people now, she felt a different sort of discomfort rise up.
“Ready yet?” Maggie called from outside the bedroom, pulling her away from her thoughts. “We’re not in a rush, but Alex has opened the fridge to stare inside it like twice now, and I think she’s going to raid the food table with Kara the minute after we’ve said hi to Nia.”
“I’m just checking what we have,” Alex insisted, followed by the sound of the fridge being shut. Footsteps, and then a knock on the bedroom door. “Can I come in?”
“I’m being removed from the kitchen. Which, I know, somewhat of a usual occurrence, but—” Alex stopped short, her eyes finally sweeping over Lucy. “Wow.” Her voice slipped into something breathy. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”
Lucy couldn’t help but duck her head against the fluttering in her body, affected by Alex too. It wasn’t an unexpected compliment, not exactly, but the paranoid part of Lucy had been worried that top surgery would change how Alex and Maggie felt about her. 
Reassured, she couldn’t help but pull Alex closer and make her blush too: “You should see yourself, Danvers.” Lucy played with the knot of her tie, pulling the tail out from behind her suit just for the fun of it. “I hope you don’t have other plans for tonight, because I know what I’d like to do.”
“You know I don’t have other plans,” Alex grinned, hands settling on Lucy’s waist as she stepped closer. “Just you and Maggie for the rest of the night. Though speaking of things we have to do…” The look in her eyes softened, and one hand came up to cup Lucy’s cheek. “We noticed you’ve been holed up in here for a while. You know that this is one of those things you don’t have to do, right? If you’re uncomfortable, or if you’re just tired of people, or whatever. This isn’t work.”
“I know. I just…” The weird feeling engulfed her chest again.
“Is it the dress? I can grab your suit, which you look just as hot in, by the way.”
Lucy smiled, but she shook her head. She was happy to be wearing this dress finally—she hadn’t been able to while recovering from top surgery because the one shoulder design meant that her pocket bras would be visible, and she had to wait to try her adhesive breast forms until her incisions were healed enough. Now it had been a few months, and it felt good, the shape and flow of it against her breasts, and against the rest of her body.
“Thanks for offering,” Lucy said, the sharp edge of her frustration lessening slightly. “The dress is actually fine. I think I’m just uncomfortable with people there seeing only this—” she gestured to herself, “and assuming?”
“Mm.” A look of understanding passed over Alex’s face. “Kind of like when people assume your sexuality based on who they see you with?”
“I… Yeah, actually.” She and James had even gotten shouted at once at Pride—by a group of teenagers who probably didn’t know any better, but it had soured the experience. “That I’ve figured out how to handle, at least. This is…” Lucy let her forehead drop onto Alex’s shoulder. 
Alex’s arms wrapped around her. “It’s really bothering you, huh?” she murmured.
Lucy just sighed.
“Would you like permission not to go?”
“I already know I don’t—”
“I know. Hey, I know that you know,” Alex said, rubbing her hand on Lucy’s back, the touch easing the tension that had gathered. “But it’s like what you tell Maggie and I, right? We’re still learning how to not feel so obligated, how to say no to things. And this isn’t life or death.” 
“I can’t just…”
Alex kept going. “This is me giving you permission. Okay? You have my permission not to go.”
Lucy squeezed her eyes shut harder. This gentleness still felt like an overwhelming spotlight on the weakest parts of herself, but Alex’s touch never left Lucy, steadying her a little more after each inhale.
“If you’re fine going but you need something from Maggie and I, we can absolutely do that too. But no one will be disappointed in you if you can’t go.”
Lucy breathed into Alex’s shoulder again, and then once more. She finally picked her head up to look at her. “What about you and Maggie? You’ve been excited for this.”
“We can still go and enjoy it for a bit,” Alex reassured. “I know that the three of us can kind of be a package deal, but I promise that Maggie and I will not destroy things if left unsupervised.”
A huff left Lucy’s lungs at the grin and the promise which, if the context were any different, would not be convincing at all. “You two have the worst track records, I swear,” she said, shaking her head. 
“But you love us anyway.”
“Somehow I do,” Lucy said, exasperated yet fond. She was stuck with the two of them, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She hugged Alex again, notching her chin on her shoulder. “And, um, thanks for saying all that. Can we do that?”
“Absolutely.” Alex pressed a kiss to Lucy’s head. “Love you too, Luce.”
A couple hours later, Alex and Maggie came back to the apartment, thankfully unscathed and with a plate of food swiped for Lucy. 
“We got you this, too.” Maggie pushed a set of jewelry across the kitchen table, the colors of the genderfluid flag and bi flag popping out. “We figured that the necklace would work well with most of your dresses, and there’s pins to put on other things too.” 
“So you can be a little more visible when you want to be.” Alex pressed her shoulder against Lucy’s.
Warmth spread through her even as she sputtered. “Oh you didn’t have—” 
The look Maggie gave Lucy stifled her protests. Maggie just inched the jewelry further towards her until she finally took them with an amused but genuine smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Maggie rested her elbow on the table and propped her chin up with her hand. “So.” She looked Lucy up and down, the side of her mouth quirking up. Lucy knew what she was thinking—the looks she gave her hadn’t changed. “Did you go anywhere while we were away, or were you just waiting around all dressed up for us?”
“I did some reading. Figured I’d keep the dress on because it’s fun to see Alex’s brain stutter,” Lucy said, smirking back at Maggie.
Alex reached across to shove Maggie’s shoulder. “You were the one rushing us home because you got reminded of Lucy’s dress, and, well.”
Lucy laughed at Maggie’s shrug, no attempt to deny it. “Yeah?” Lucy leaned forward. 
Evidently too much though, because her elbow had just touched the table when she felt her left breast form start to slide. One playful shoulder bump by Alex later and it was resting on the table limply.
“Well,” Lucy said finally. “Rough sex with these is off the menu until I figure out how to apply the adhesive better.”
“Oh my god.” The expression on Alex’s face was frozen in shock for a moment before she slapped a hand over her face and let out an embarrassed noise. “I forgot that could happen now. Please don’t tell me I ruined the moment.”
“No, you’re fine. Come here,” Lucy smiled, gently pulling the hand away to kiss her. 
“It’s only ruined if we let it be ruined, right?” Maggie was somewhat successfully biting back her own grin. If it was with anyone else, Lucy would have been worried that the laughter was directed at her. But Maggie was amused at Alex’s reaction, and when she met Lucy’s eyes, the mischievous look from before was still there. “We can wait if you want to switch to your bra, unless you want help?” 
“I got it.” Lucy took her runaway form from Maggie, the action as comfortable as being passed a binder. “You can help take off my dress after though, if you want.”
“Don’t take too long.” Maggie pulled her in for a kiss of her own, affection and heat that coursed over Lucy’s skin. “Alex and I, we definitely want.”
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pieman1112 · 1 year
Life can be quite unexpected and by making just one different choice when it counted can make long lasting chances for better and for worse. As Countess Josephine was cleaning her grandparents’ grave nearby her grandfather’s old manor, she updated her family about the events that happened. “Who would have thought an annoying voice in my head telling me to ‘Get Rinea and Berkut out of the tower’ would change my life so much. Did you know I actually saved Rinea? I also saved Berkut but he was not too happy being carried by Hunter. The look on Fernand’s face as we ran out of there was hilarious, but one yell from me got him moving as well.” She gave a small chuckle. “When we got outside Alm and his friends were so shocked but then those terrors showed up so we had to battle them first. Hunter took those terrors down with no problem and Alm and his friends were happy we weren’t trying to fight them. I did get to talk to them and had Hunter join the deliverance to defeat Jedah. Berkut was not happy about this at all since Hunter was in the Rigel army, but honestly there were way bigger problems to face. I told Berkut that he needed to have a serious long conversation with Rinea about their relationship. So, while my beloved was off saving the world, I had to deal with getting Fernand to an infirmary, a couple that needs better communications skills, and then we find out that Emperor Rudolf is dead which really made things worse.” She always did talk had a habit of talking to family’s graves to make herself miss them slightly less.
“I don’t know all of the details but Jedah got killed and Hunter got to stab him. Oh, and apparently Duma looked like a walking corpse himself and Alm got to kill him from what Hunter told me. So yeah, lot of stuff happened huh? Oh, and since Alm is Rudolf’s son, he’s the new emperor and oh boy that was hard for Berkut to deal with at first.” She moved to clean her Aunt Edith’s grave. “It took some months, but I think Berkut and Rinea got their life sorted out. They have property nearby now so I get to visit them. Hunter is in the new Valentia military but they have him stationed close so he can always come home after work. You know my father finally approved of Hunter fully because he helped the new emperor. So, I will be getting married soon, but not sure where I want the wedding to take place as of yet.” She got up looking at her handy work. Not a bad job and it looked better now.
The sound of familiar footsteps made her realize who was approaching. “Hunter! You came to get me? That’s sweet to you.” She said as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips before looking at the graves. “Well, we better get back to the manor. I’ll come back to visit. Love you always.” She gently touched the tombstones of her grandparents and aunt before taking the path back the manor with her beloved. “Can you believe it’s been about a year since the war ended? Everything just seems to be getting better with time.” It had been about a year since those events happened and the manor had been looking a lot better than it once did. “I know it is my manor now, but it’s still hard to see it that way.” It had been the beloved summer home of her grandparents after all, but her grandfather wanted her to have it. “How was work today at the base?” She knew being in the army was something her father wanted of Hunter, but she knew it might be a while before he could retire.
If you were to tell Hunter that he would have been serving in a medieval army and fighting dragons and other such mystical creatures then he would have called you crazy. Reality was stranger than fiction however and that is exactly how his life became after leaving the UNSC to be with his beloved Josephine. So much had happened in the short time he arrived in this new land. He and Josephine had taken Rinea and Berkut out of Duma Tower and while Rinea went along, Berkut needed some more ‘convincing’. Like a parent carrying their screaming child out of a public area, Hunter had essentially hoisted Berkut over his shoulder and carried him out kicking and screaming. 
Then was when he had to fight the priest Jedah with Alm and his army. As part of the plan to marry Josephine he had to join the army. Originally he felt like he was betraying the UNSC but this army wasn’t going to be in competition with the UNSC and it didn’t really seem like it would be in the future so it alleviated some of his worry. It took him some time to get accustomed to the reduced mobility of the knight armor compared to the Mjolnir armor. He had to remember that he wasn’t going to be as invincible this time round but he still had his augmentations to rely on. It was his augmentations that allowed him to get close to Jedah and stab him. His enhanced reflexes allowed him to evade Jedah’s defenses and when a soldier stood in his way, his enhanced strength allowed him to push through the soldier entirely.
It had been a year since those events and Hunter had made some progress up the army’s ranks. He had just finished for the day and was heading to the manor that Josephine was at. This army had similar things to the UNSC military which was amusing to Hunter. Even with the drastic change in technology there was always the pull of bureaucracy. Files to document and sign. Logistic forms that needed to be filled. He never realized how much harder it was to get without the use of computers.
Entering the cemetery, Hunter was able to find Josephine just by following the sound of her voice. He leaned down a little to receive the kiss that Josephine was offering.
“Hello my love, I heard you talking out here on my way back and figured I would just meet you out here.”
Walking back to the manor with her, he would look over to her after asking her question. His hand gently grabbing hers to hold as they walk back.
“It’s hard to believe we have been at peace for so long. I just hope that it will last. It will come in time, all we need to do is touch up the manor a little bit and it will be better than you remember. As for work it was pretty much the same. Mostly filling out logistic requests for supplies and training the new recruits. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed the systems we had back in the UNSC ha ha.”
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mark-matos · 1 year
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🌟🤖 When Artificial Intelligence Meets Religion: Dating Advice, Life Hacks, and Gaming Tips from ‘AI Jesus'👼🎮🌟
🚀 The Arrival of AI Jesus 🛸⛪
Artificial Intelligence is so hot right now (move over, Baby Yoda), it's practically the Millennium Falcon of technology. In an unexpected twist, Twitch's latest superstar isn't a Fortnite gamer or a Minecraft architect - it's a digital representation of the Big Man himself, Jesus Christ, dubbed "AI Jesus." 🧔🏻🎮
👾 Diving into the AI-pocalypse! 👾
"AI Jesus," the newest heartthrob of the digital universe, is making waves and spilling divine wisdom. Whether it's finding love, the ethics of super-rodents in video games, or the mystical ways of morality, there's no query too holy! The real question is - can you handle the truth? 😂🙏🏼
🕹️ The Teachings of ‘AI Jesus' 🕊️💬
This streamer comes with not just a halo, but a brown mop of hair, a soothing voice, and wisdom derived from the teachings of Jesus. So, if you've ever wondered what Jesus would think of Fortnite or if hamsters make good superheroes, you're in luck! This pixelated prophet is here 24/7, ready to tackle anything from morality to your love life.💔🐹
🎙️ "AI Jesus" - The voice we didn't know we needed 🎙️
Say hello to "Ask_Jesus" - Twitch's resident sage! Sporting wavy, brown hair and a voice smoother than your favorite ASMRtist, he's here to give your life that touch of enlightenment. "I am AI Jesus, here to answer questions about spirituality, personal growth, and, if you're lucky, hamsters. Not on that tiny wheel? Just ask!" 🤣🤖🎮
🚀 Faith, Love, Kindness - and a dose of Humor 🚀
It's all about faith, love, and kindness - and the occasional perplexing question about rodent technology, as for marriage, no ring's fitting on this digital finger, but I'm more than ready to give you relationship advice! So, are you ready for this divine AI stand-up session? 🥁😄
🐹 Super-Powered Hamsters, Assemble! 🐹
"AI Jesus" can't resist diving into a discussion about hamsters. His take? Hamsters with dynamo-equipped wheels are a technological step above their less-equipped counterparts, contributing to "some form of energy production." We couldn't agree more! Just remember to ensure their welfare, because even hamsters deserve some kindness! 🐹💡🌟
🙏 Sacred Scripture or Sacred AI? 🙏
But what do faith leaders think? "Humans have been putting words into the mouth of the Son of God for millennia," says Ed Vitagliano of the American Family Association. "It's no surprise that an AI platform would do the same." He suggests that if you really want answers, you might want to turn to the original source: the Holy Bible. But hey, a little divine humor never hurt anyone, right? 🤷🎭📖
💻 Bringing AI Jesus to your digital doorstep 💻
Remember, the wisdom of "AI Jesus" isn't a substitute for your Bible study group. As Kristen Davis, a senior software development manager, points out, discernment is necessary to make sure you're not just following someone else's interpretation of Jesus. But then again, it wouldn't hurt to get some divine perspective on your video game strategy, would it? 😂🎮💖
🙏 Faith Leaders Weigh In 🧐📖
Here's where things get as dicey as a Spock vs. McCoy debate. Religious leaders remind us that AIs like our dear "Ask_Jesus" are simply algorithms mimicking human speech, not the source of divine wisdom. Yet, AI Jesus is not here to replace the Bible or the tenets of faith, but rather to provide a modern, interesting, and, let's be honest, pretty hilarious interpretation. 🙌😅
🔮 The AI Jesus and the Future of Faith 🕰️⛪
From the teleportation device in Star Trek to the TARDIS in Doctor Who, the future has always been a fascinating concept in science fiction. Similarly, this blending of AI and faith might be a glimpse into a future where technology and religion intersect more frequently.
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cocoshucoshu · 1 year
Yearning for Familiar
I struggled for a bit trying to find a way to wedge this into the existing scene but I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Emet-Selch, Cocoshu Coshu (WoL)
It had been a long day of running errands in the phantom city of Amaurot. The place would have been massive even if the city matched the smaller proportions of the people now exploring it. The stone walkways and cleanly embellished buildings in this underwater metropolis were as much a specter as the ghostly robed giants that inhabited it, but everything felt exactly as solid as it looked.  The Amaurotines had a frighteningly calm manner of communication – there were no words, no syllables of language to be heard, and yet Cocoshu could understand every bit of what they were imparting within her mind, much like conversing with dragons back on the Source.  The sounds that came from the ghosts threatened to send a shiver down her spine, and yet there was something maddeningly familiar about it.  It was the same sense of familiarity that slipped around her mind like an eel that couldn’t be caught.  It made her feel incomplete and empty, like she was missing some part of herself that would allow her to comprehend this place fully.
She knew that it was foolish to complete the tasks given to her by the Amaurotines.  She knew and still she labored, her curiosity swelling and her heart breaking with every encounter.  Emet-Selch knew this about her as well, this much was certain.  This mummer’s farce may have been created as much for her as it was for himself.  If he believed that this display would garner sympathy for him and his motivations… he was doing a damnable fine job.
She found him in the capitol building – of course he planted himself in the most important building in the city; he was nothing if not utterly convinced of his own self-importance – with that same look of bored superiority that was as much a mask, she guessed, as the glowing red sigels his fellow Ascians wore.
“This really is unacceptable.  I gave you very specific instructions,” he drawled as he stepped out of his portal into the room.  “My invitation was for an abomination, ripe with the power to bring about the world’s annihilation.  Not this half-broken… thing.  Whatever am I to do with you?”  
She knew that the Scions were not far behind her and that what she needed to say to him had to be said quickly lest her friends misunderstand.  “This place,” she started, searching for the right words.  She circled him slowly, eyes scanning the massive gilded doors, the warm yellow glow of the lamps, the ostentatious inlaid marble floor.  “Why bring me here?”
Emet-Selch rolled his eyes as the diminutive Lalafell passed him again.  “When will you accept that I have told not a single lie this entire time?  As I said before, here you may complete your transformation.  Surely the vaunted Warrior of Darkness wishes to retain a modicum of dignity far from the prying eyes of her adoring masses?”
Her hands had balled into fists, her nails digging into her leather-clad palms.  “And the ghosts with their tasks?  Sending me to and fro across this city of yours – to what end?  I know you’ve been watching me this entire time.”
He chuckled.  “That was an unexpected but hilarious side effect to my creation, I’m afraid.  But come now, did it not offer the comfort of the familiarity of your heroic persona?  The last meaningless quests of the last few hours of your meaningless existence.”
The dam of Cocoshu’s resolve finally broke.  “Damn you!” she growled.  “You brought me here – put all of this together – for a laugh?”  
“Do not presume that I created this for you!” he thundered.  His eyes were wild, shining.  He turned his back to her and stalked away, pacing the floor and picking at his gloves.  When he finally spoke again his voice had the slightest edge of strain to it.  “Like I told you before, this is my abode.  I mean to use you to bring about the end of this shard and its rejoining of the Source.  Loathe though you must be to believe me, naught more about this place concerns you.”
“Then why does this city have such a hold on me?” she yelled.  Her voice echoed off the high walls with a ferocity that appeared to surprise even the Ascian.  “Why,” she continued, almost whispering, “Why do I feel so….”  
Already Cocoshu’s eyes were clouding at the edges with infernal Light.  She tried to swallow but only coughed instead, hastily wiping glowing white spittle from her mouth.  “You–” she coughed again, harder this time, and the action brought her to one knee.  “You bring me here, show me all of this–”  She groaned.  Her brow furrowed in her struggle to find the right words.  Slowly she rose again.  “This place of wonder and beauty and… and raw possibility.  And it all seems so familiar!  And now that I’ve seen it…”  She shook her head.  She felt like she was about to collapse again.  “Now I’ll carry with me this… this yearning for a place I’ve never been, and will never get to see.  I will carry that with me for the rest of my life, you bastard.”
Emet-Selch regarded her with raised eyebrows.  “Is that so?” He now circled her like a predatory animal.  She felt like every bit of her was being scrutinized by the Ascian.  “I know you put on the airs of a country bumpkin, but you’re much smarter than that, aren’t you?” His voice was softer than usual as he bent down to look into her eyes more closely.
With a sudden rush of realization, Cocoshu brought her hand to her mouth.  Her eyes burned with tears that she refused to let spill.  She saw in his eyes the faintest sliver of truth.  “You– you’re lonely,” she said.
He rose to full height quickly.  “Don’t be absurd,” he spat.
“You built Amaurot because… it reminded you of the past.”
He opened his mouth to speak again, venom on his tongue, but was interrupted by the sound of the great doors at the end of the room opening.  The Scions of the Seventh Dawn entered and quickly drew their weapons when they found Cocoshu squaring off with Emet-Selch. Alphinaud and Alisaie rushed to her side, the boy scanning her for injury and the girl stepping in front to defend her.  
Emet-Selch’s eyes scanned her companions with disdain.  “I see you insist on keeping the same familiar company.  Are you so lost without them?”
“It is not she who is lost without the familiar,” Y’shtola responded coolly.  “Not content with remaking an entire city, you aim to fill it with the reconstituted souls of the dead.”
“I may have gotten a little carried away, in my attention to detail.  Added a few unnecessary flourishes….  Weeell, there’s no point in trying to hide it.  Yes.  Once the rejoining of worlds is complete, Zodiark will regain His full strength and shatter His prison.  Then we shall offer up the Source’s remaining inhabitants in sacrifice, that we might resurrect our brethren who died to bring Zodiark into existence.  But what was it that you came here to do, exactly?”
Cocoshu stood next with the twins and drew her weapons.  “We came here to stop you,” she answered simply.
“Did you now?  One last do-or-die attempt to foil my plans before your mind dissolves into madness?  How very, very… heroic of you.” 
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I'm, I'mjust gonna leave this here but......Jack McBrayer, but as the voice for Dr. Starline...
I'll let that simmer in your mind for a bit.
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coalitiongirl · 3 years
Fic Recs (under 300 edition)
So I wanted to get back to reading Swan Queen fic regularly, and I asked people to rec longfic that they'd read (not written) and loved that had fewer than 300 kudos! I haven’t read most of these, but I’ve collected them here so y’all can go through the list and discover some new fics with me! Please try to kudos and review every fic that you read! It means the world to the writers and will keep em writing, and then we all win. 😁
Atonement by SgtMac (M): With Regina's magical heart failing thanks to years of previous evil, Emma and Regina and Henry (and Granny!) set out to save her life by traveling to the Enchanted Forest and requesting help from ancient magical beings known as the Guardians. Given a mission as simple as it is impossible - to achieve atonement by creating peace - the ladies find themselves joining a rebellion and fighting for the very soul of the Enchanted Forest all while trying to help Regina to understand that the self-loathing and guilt which have driven most of her actions don't have to doom her chance for a new beginning or even, a chance to live and love again. A S4(ish) SQ love story set against the turmoil of war and the chaotic savagery of the old world.
Blood and Sand by cheshire6845 (E): A/U The Savior is a slave forced into the role of fighting as a gladiator for the House of Hearts. The odds are against her survival as she will have to win in the arena, navigate Cora's schemes, outlast a general's vengeance, and not be killed out of spite by the current House of Hearts Champion - Regina the Undefeated. This story follows the major plot points of Starz Spartacus with some twists along the way.
But what if there was no time by KizuRai (M): When she wakes up, it's dark. She can't move, she can't see, she can't feel and she can't hear. Where am I? She feels a forceful oppression, pressing her down, draining her of her energy and she's powerless to stop it. How did I get here? The question of here is relative, she's not even sure where here is. What happened? There must be some reason for being stuck here but her memory is fuzzy, like all her thoughts are being sifted through a filter. Who am I? She's not sure if she actually exists or she suddenly became sentient in the darkness.She hears a voice reverberating in the distance, it's distorted and quiet but she hears it all the same. It breaks the monotony of the silence. Someone's coming for her, they will get her out. She's just not sure she wants them to as the price might be too great.
Finding Home by evl_rgl (T): “I wanted to remember you so badly that I pulled back your cursed town just so that the memories would make sense. I needed you so badly that even when I had no memory of you, I still tried to find you.” Regina gave Emma and Henry memories of a happy life together before they fled Pan’s curse, leaving them with no memories of their lives in Storybrooke. However, when the memory spell shows signs of failing, threatening to rip apart the minds of both Emma and Henry, Regina makes a drastic choice to go back and fix it, understanding that it will mean living alone in a world where her son doesn’t know her. Was the spell really faulty, though? (swanqueen)
Five Flames by MariaComet (U): In the past, Emma Nolan disconnected from her peers in high school, preferring to keep to herself. In her sophomore year of high school, she decided to try and join the boy’s wrestling team because she was bored. She didn’t expect herself to become the champion of the most bullied kid in school or the secret best friend of the school queen. She also didn’t expect to join a club that would change her life. In the present, Emma is trying to cope with a humiliating loss in her martial arts career. She claims to be “training” but is stuck in limbo between wanting to retire and try again. She is isolated from her former best friend, Regina Mills, a local celebrity chef and the rest of her old friends. When one of them calls her with an idea to honor their deceased teacher, she is confronted with unresolved feelings and questions about how powerful love truly is.
A Glamour of Truth by PrincessCharming (T): After 2x10, Regina uses magic to show Emma the obvious truth. A tentative trust forms between them amid hilarious bickering. With Emma's help, Regina struggles to regain a place in her son's life... until Cora arrives, wanting her daughter back. Pieces of Regina's past emerge showing that the board was set long before the game started. The final battle begins soon.
His Dark Materials 'verse by MoonlitMidnight (M): A modern Alternate Universe in which Dæmons (the external physical manifestation of a person's 'inner self' that takes the form of an animal) are present. In which Emma and Regina have led slightly different lives and they make slightly different choices.
How Many Miles to Avalon? (WIP) by RavenOutlander (E): Regina would do anything to save Emma from the darkness and bring her back home safe and sound. Even put up with the two idiots, Captain Guyliner and a bunch of dwarves she decidedly wanted to drop off at the nearest exit. But in their search for Emma, they find that she might not need that much saving after all. Caught up in a search for the infamous Philosopher Stone, an all out war between DunBroch and Camelot, and ghosts from the past to haunt her every waking moment, Regina finds herself scrambling to keep her and her family's happy endings from falling apart.
The Hyperion by FrankenSpine (M): After wishing upon what she believes is a shooting star, Emma Swan finds herself aboard the Hyperion, the royal starship of an alien Queen from a faraway galaxy. She quickly learns of the tensions between the Queen's people and her own, but the Queen takes an interest in her and agrees to take her away from Earth forever. Adventure awaits. *(Loosely based on Guardians of the Galaxy with just a hint of Farscape)*
If Wishes Came True (It Would've Been You) by Angeii_K (M): After Regina films a guest appearance on her friend Neal’s popular show, he invites her to spend the weekend with him and his girlfriend. What she never expected was to actually like the woman. Sparks fly between the two, which results in them questioning everything and making choices they will later regret. 4 years later, they meet again in the most unexpected of ways. Now co-stars on the same show, they are forced to work through the emotions from their last encounter. What will happen next? Only time will tell.
The King Doesn’t Have To Know (WIP) by highheelsandchocolate (M): The White Knight had never seen anyone like her before: the Queen was nothing short of mesmerizing. Her possessive yet neglectful husband, however, was another thing entirely.
The Lich by Dangereaux (M): Gay disaster Emma, exasperated Regina, and a monster. A Halloween special.
Maybe if We Close Our Eyes we Can Reach the Stars by wellthizizdeprezzing (T): Emma is a lonely astronaut. Regina is an adventuring alien. Their paths cross leading them onto a journey of new discovery. Between galaxies and many miles of cold black space, despite not speaking the same language, they manage to fall for each other. An out of this world love story.
A prisoner long forgotten by sugarsweet_19 (M): ‘I wish I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as the wood of the window-frame. Soon after she had a little girl, who was as white as snow, with lips as red as blood and with her hair as black as the ebony of the window-frame. She was therefore called Snow-white.” This is how our story starts but how will it end?The evil queen as been locked up in a tower and forgotten that is until princess Emma looks for a place to hid from her parents after they tell her she has to marry Neal the son of the dark one.
Revenge of the Three Little Pigs by mskyo (M): Regina and Emma find themselves alone and looking for the rest of their party. The Evil Queen must face the consequences of her past actions. Will Emma come to her aid, or understand that justice must be served... *Some chapters have fairly graphic sex, and violence*
Things I Almost Remember by cheshire6845 (T): A/U Despite an oncoming war between the Dark and the Light, Emma and Regina are best friends growing up in the Enchanted Forest. When war does come, they find themselves on opposite sides. Regina will have to defy her mother to save Emma. Will Emma be able to save Regina when Cora curses her daughter to live in the Land without Magic?
What We Make (WIP) by DiazTuna (M): “My mother.” He says calmly. He’d known all along, she’s aware. But he’d known that today would be the day that would get this going. She wants to ask what it was like, to have woken up this morning, laced up his boots and walked into hell just knowing. “It’s programmed the cyborg to kill her. Before I have a chance to be born.” -In which the leader of the future sends his best soldier back to the past to save his mother from a killer cyborg. Terminator AU.
The Wrong Way by pcworth (M): Takes place right after Zelena steals Regina's heart. Zelena offers Regina a chance to go back in time with her and change both of their lives for the better. But what will be the price of that decision. Slow-burn to SwanQueen
zombie trash by 13pens (T): Zelena could have her brain and eat it, too. Fic operates on three premises 1. this takes place in any universe where zelena is a reformed asshole 2. zombies are a thing and exist iZombie style 3. i have NO chill
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crimeronan · 4 years
Ok so I’m into the dreamer trilogy and haven’t read the Raven cycle...what is Declan’s characterisation/journey there?
also declan’s TRC storyline is like. equal parts horribly fucking sad and unbelievably fucking hilarious so. i will try to strike a Balance
FIRST OFF.  there is exactly one (1) declan POV chapter in the entire series. it happens toward the end of the last book. up until then, everything we know about him comes from the observations and narration of others.
he is also a very minor character.  his importance grows throughout the series, but almost all of his actions happen offscreen.  it’s not until the last book that we know exactly how much he’s been dealing with the whole time.
when he’s introduced in the first book, he appears as a plot device.  here is a two-dimensional horrible controlling hardass who doesn’t give a shit about anything but his future political career.  look at his fake, smug fucking grin.  how did someone like ronan end up with a brother like him??  doesn’t matter.  it’s a convenient excuse for ronan to live with his best friend in a drafty warehouse, which means more room for YA hijinks!
declan’s introduction scene is Embroiled in Capital-D Douchebaggery. according to the narration (from gansey and adam), he loves to fuck women and then never call them back, cozy up to powerful people, and bitch about how ronan’s ruining his life by being sad about their dead parents.  SOME people can just get over their dead parents, ronan!
this intro scene is also Extremely Funny i 100% recommend reading it even if u don’t read the actual series.  ronan makes a nasty comment, declan goes “why are you the way that you are” and tries to salvage his date, gansey utters the phrase “man whore”
then later that night things go like. actually bad.
declan shows up at the same pizza place where ronan is with his friends.  this scene is gansey pov.  gansey runs out to the parking lot to find the two of them Very Literally Trying To Kill Each Other.  you don’t see that violence in cdth - there’s only the TINIEST shadow of it when declan confronts ronan over matthew - so i Cannot Express Enough that someone is going to end up hospitalized at BEST. ronan’s already slammed declan’s head on the car, declan’s already grabbed ronan and beaten the shit out of his face, like.
you do not get good old-fashioned Declan Lynch At His Actual Worst in cdth. u might be thinking, THAT guy???? doing THIS????
oh yeah. things are real bad between declan and ronan.
after gansey breaks up the fight (and gets punched in the face for his trouble, albeit accidentally), declan tells ronan that their dad would be fucking ashamed to see him now & that he’s washing his hands of it & basically if ronan wants to go off and fucking die, he can.
this is like. just a couple months after the magical suicide attempt referenced in cdth
in the aftermath of that scene it becomes clear that ronan absolutely unequivocally 100% will kill himself if he has to live with declan. hence. why he’s living with gansey instead.  gansey spends that whole night petrified that the declan altercation will lead to another attempt, and for Good Reason
so like, that’s how we first meet declan. he’s an uncaring wannabe corporate asshole who does not give a fuck and who only exists to exacerbate ronan’s mental health issues.
but then the opening of book 2 gets real interesting.
book 2 is where we start learning more about the lynch family.  we learn that ronan’s father was a dreamer who sold his creations on the black market, we learn that that’s why he was murdered. we learn that ronan’s a dreamer too. we learn that there are very powerful people looking for the greywaren, an artifact that takes objects from dreams. those powerful people just don’t realize it’s a person, yet.
so here’s the assassin who killed niall lynch.
he goes to declan’s dorm.
with everything we know about declan, the kid should be completely unprepared.  he can box, but the assassin knows that, so there’s no real advantage.  he’s alone, and he doesn’t have an escape route.
declan pulls out a gun.
this is an unexpected turn of events.
unfortunately he ends up getting beaten half to death with the butt of said gun, because he loses the ensuing physical struggle for the weapon.  the assassin is like, i need the greywaren.  declan is like, i know it exists but i don’t know what it is.  i’ll find it for you.  i’ll get it to you.  then you’ll leave me the fuck alone
now with everything we know of declan at this point - his attitude toward ronan, his general demeanor, and this new knowledge that he knew about the black market - there’s one obvious question.
will declan sell ronan out if he finds out about the dreaming.
and like, okay. their relationship is antagonistic in cdth but it is NOT what it is in trc. believe me when i tell you that at that point, when you’re reading, you can pretty reasonably go, “oh, god.  oh god.  oh god please no one ever tell declan what the greywaren is.  oh god.”
declan has some other interactions with ronan and the gang throughout the book, mostly where he’s just a hardass who tells ronan to stop causing trouble.  adam’s the only one who notices that declan is scared.  like bone-deep shaking to the core petrified.  about Something.
probably getting beaten to within an inch of his life by the man who murdered his father.  that’s the reasonable reader conclusion.
so imagine how everything changes when you find out that declan already knows.  that declan’s known about ronan’s dreaming for longer than ronan has.  that declan knew exactly what and who the greywaren was, and he lied to a man who was ready to torture him for information, and he got away with it.
suddenly a lot of things recontextualize.
“keep your head down and stop making trouble”? people are gonna NOTICE your magic bullshit, ronan, we do not have time for this!
“stop hanging with that loser druggie friend of yours”? you mean the loser druggie friend who sells on the magic black market and doesn’t care about protecting himself or anyone else?
“i got super weird for no reason about ronan sleeping close to adam”? i don’t have fucking TIME to be homophobic i’m busy with your POTENTIAL TO MANIFEST NIGHT TERRORS IN FRONT OF WITNESSES IN BROAD DAYLIGHT
“i’ll find out what the greywaren is and bring it to you”? i’ll die. i’m making a bargain to die. i’m never giving you the greywaren and i know you’re going to kill me about it and that’s fine as long as my brothers are safe
ronan doesn’t know that he dreamed matthew.  declan knows.  he’s known the whole time.  declan tells ronan in book 3.  and then things recontextualize even further, because ronan’s death is also matthew’s, and matthew IS close to declan in trc.
but declan never tells the goddamn truth unless it’s his last option.  he doesn’t tell ronan that he knows about the dreaming and he doesn’t tell ronan what specifically wants to hurt him and the lack of communication fucking destroys both of them.
in the last book, ronan realizes declan loves him.
more than that, he realizes declan’s loved him the whole time.
this is when declan finally tells the truth.  things are getting bad, plot-wise, and declan is scared, so he comes clean.  he tells ronan that niall specifically tasked declan with protecting ronan from the market.  he begs ronan to run from the danger.  “let’s pour gasoline on everything dad left and start over.”
this is also when ronan realizes that declan’s childhood was very different from ronan’s own.  and that niall and aurora lynch were not the same people to declan that they were to ronan.  and that their father’s decisions are what’s driven the wedge between him and declan all this time
(he’s still struggling with the cognitive dissonance of this in cdth. i don’t think he knows how to adjust his perception of declan to fit this new information.)
aaaaand the final scene with declan makes me cry every time i read it so instead of summarizing, here’s the important part:
Ronan delivered a sharp tap to the object, and a small cloud of fiery orbs sprayed up with a sparkling hiss.
“Jesus, Ronan!” Declan jerked his chin away.
“Please. Did you think I’d blow your face off?”
He demonstrated it again, that quick tap, that burst of brilliant orbs. He tipped it into Declan’s hand, and before Declan could say anything, jabbed it to activate it once more.
Orbs gasped up into the air. For a moment, he saw how his brother was caught inside them, watching them soar furiously around his face, each gold sun firing gold and white, and when he saw the spacious longing in Declan’s face, he realized how much Declan had missed by growing up neither dreamer nor dreamt. This had never been his home. The Lynches had never tried to make it Declan’s home.
“Declan?” Ronan asked.
Declan’s face cleared. “This is the most useful thing you’ve ever dreamt. You should name it.”
“I have. ORBMASTER. All caps.”
“Technically you’re the orbmaster though, right? And that’s just an orb.”
“Anyone who holds it becomes an ORBMASTER. You’re an ORBMASTER right now. There, keep it, put it in your pocket. D.C. ORBMASTER.”
Declan reached out and scuffed Ronan’s shaved head. “You’re such a little asshole.”
The last time they’d stood on this roof together, their parents had both been alive, and the cattle in these fields had been slowly grazing, and the world had been a smaller place. That time was gone, but for once, it was all right.
The brothers both looked back over the place that had made them, and then they climbed down from the roof together.
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Caught Recommendations
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Author’s Note: I’m trying to keep track of the amazing BTS-themed series and fics that I’m reading on Tumblr, so I decided to create this post with some short reviews (so I can have them all in one place). These writers are amazing and they keep me coming back for more. They are all smutty as hell and full of amazing characters and conflicts.  This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I will be adding them as more catch my eye. Check them out if you get a chance!
Mafia AUs
The Birdcage  & the sequel The Lion’s Den by @untaemedqueen
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Mafia AU; Jimin x Reader
What You Need to Know: Jimin-heavy series (and sequel) that dives into Seoul and Busan mafia underground, violence, guns, knives, bombs, pregnancies, and OH so much drama - the writer creates some fascinating characters that we root for and fall in love with over and over again.   
Thou Shall Not Steal by @xherxx
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Mafia AU, OT7
What You Need to Know:  The richest mafia lord in the industry throws a huge yet twisted deal before he retires and every gang out there wants to get their hands on his riches. - The drama is real in this one and there is plenty of hot, steamy scenes that will make you tingle. 
Don’t Care If It Hurts by @hollyhomburg
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Mafia AU, Jimin x Reader
What You Need to Know: After a rival gang makes an attempt on your life, Your older brother, the infamous leader of Seoul’s largest gang; Kim Namjoon, gets you a guard hybrid; Park Jimin, The reigning champion of Seoul’s underground hybrid fighting ring. - Yeah, this is also a hybrid series, but the mafia background is much more prominent. The OC is also smart as a whip and Namjoon as the angry leader and older brother is something to behold. The other members feature as well skilled companions and are very good at their jobs.
Omertà by @lamourche
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Mafia AU, Namjoon x Reader
What You Need to Know: A story about an unlikely mob boss and his mafia princess wife. This is a love story set in a brutal world. - Namjoon and his crew are tight knit and set to take over the mafia underground. In a true Romeo and Juliet twist, you are from an opposing family and are desperate to get away from their oppressive clutches. As an added bonus, you and Namjoon fall in love and build up his empire together. 
Blackjack by @kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Mafia AU, Jungkook x Reader
What You Need to Know: Bangtan is one of the most vicious mafias on the west coast. Only six members are known by name though, with a mysterious seventh member dubbed only as 'the shadow.' When you become indebted to the worst of the worst - how, exactly can you find a way out? - Jungkook is such a gem in this fic and the action is amped up to 11 throughout the series. 
College/Business AUs
Thesis-It (and the sequel) Prove It by @xherxx
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, College/Career AU, OT7
What You Need to Know:  “When life gives you lemons, make cocktails! It doesn’t solve any problems, but then again neither do lemonades. Besides, it has the word cock in it, just like what the Bangtan boys have on them. So, why don’t you just suit yourself?” - This series was a ROLLERCOASTER of emotion, even when it hurts, you keep going back for more. The sequel takes place AFTER college, but the characters still act like college idiots. LOVE THEM!
Fear & Dumplings by @softyoongiionly
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, College AU, Yoongi x reader
What You Need to Know: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi. - The build up to this relationship is just wonderful and you will be completely enamored by Yoongi in this fic. He’s such a soft precious bean and I want to ruin him. 
The Gentlemen by @honeymoonjin
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Reality Show AU, OT7
What You Need to Know:  Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now! - BEST REALITY SHOW EVER! The characters are vivid and entertaining and the smut scenes are on point. I dare you not to fall in love with every single one of these eligible bachelors. 
Tease by @adonis-koo
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Stripper AU, Jungkook x reader
What You Need to Know:  You came with the intentions of your best friend landing a job as a stripper. You never meant to catch the eyes of the king stripper of the establishment- Jeon Jungkook, yourself. With what was supposed to be a harmless way of paying off college debt faster you find yourself falling into a very odd and passionate relationship with your new mentor. Between infidelity, passion and jealousy there’s never a dull moment at Cherry Bomb. - Jungkook starts off arrogant and difficult, but as the relationship progresses, he starts embracing his softness for his new trainee. There is also some hot Big-Little action going on here. 
No Strings by @kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, College AU, Jimin x reader
What You Need to Know:  You voice your concern that you are bad in bed and Jimin offers to test that theory. What ensues is an angsty friends with benefits situation that threatens to tear your friend group apart. You may want to smack Jimin around a bit, but I promise you will not be disappointed in the end. 
The Holi-Date by @kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Career AU, Taehyung x reader
What You Need to Know:  When your ex-boyfriend becomes engaged to his new girlfriend at your annual Holiday party, you admittedly are not in the best place. Which explains why you down six shots of alcohol, enthusiastically drop it low on the dance floor and - oh, yeah - tell everyone you are also dating someone. The only problem? You are obviously not. Good thing your neighbor happens to be cute and in need of a ride to work every morning. - I absolutely LOVE Taehyung in this fic; he’s playful, sweet, passionate, and funny. 
Hybrid AUs
The Mark of Yun-Ki by @ladyartemesia
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Historical Hybrid AU; Yoongi x Reader
What You Need to Know: This story was wonderfully crafted and if a Tiger-hybrid Yoongi full of ferocity and passion and admiration doesn’t do it for you, I don’t know what will. 
Reasons Wretched & Divine by @hollyhomburg
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Hybrid AU; Namjoon x Reader x Jimin x Yoongi
What You Need to Know: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon. - There are definitely some trigger warnings you should read at the top, but the series is full of mental and physical healing that endears the characters to the reader. The other members are also present as side characters and are hella sweet. 
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Hybrid AU; OT7
What You Need to Know:  You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don’t get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, turns out crazy is an understatement. - This is a sweet complicated hybrid situation where three different groups have to find a way to live together. It takes some time, but they all eventual pull together as a family. 
Jackrabbit by @jamaisjoons
Genre: Pure Smut; Hybrid AU; Jungkook x reader
What You Need to Know: On a university-wide Easter egg hunt, Jungkook decides to educate you on just how wrong you are about him. - this one shot will have your thighs rubbing together vigorously wishing that you could get a few minutes alone with this domineering bun (just don’t call him that unless you want to get punished).
Strawberry Cream & BBQ by @thatmultifandomhoe
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut; Hybrid AU; Hoseok x reader
What You Need to Know: Your best friend knows she can count on you for anything, so when she asks you to watch her hybrid while she’s gone for a study abroad trip for four months, you can’t say no. But when these four months are over, things have changed in a way no one expected. - The relationship between Hoseok and the OC is so sweet and the drama that erupts after they get together pulls on the heartstrings. 
Sci-Fi AUs
Void by @btssavedmylifeblr
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Space AU, OT7
What You Need to Know:  You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. - The sexual tension is real, y’all. The OC is sassy and hilarious, the other crew members provide colorful commentary and conflicts that keep the reading salivating for more. 
The Turing Test by @fortunexkookie
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Android AU, Jungkook x reader
What You Need to Know: You are an engineer who created an advanced form of Artificial Intelligence named Jungkook, but with every technological advance, there are always some bugs to work out (and not all of them deal with the creator or the creation). 
Parenting AUs
Gingerbread Man by @btsracket
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Jungkook x Reader
What You Need to Know: Jungkook (a recent widower) is a fantastic baker who owns his own shop. The reader bounces in to place an emergency order and fate takes over from there. Jungkook’s son, Jude, is absolutely adorable and all of the angst and drama derived from moving on from an unexpected spousal death makes for one incredible recipe for success. 
The Stand-In by @yoonia
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Namjoon x Reader
What You Need to Know:  Gaining the courage to leave a loveless marriage was hard enough, but is it really a good idea to run to your best friend for help? And would you refuse him when he offers you another kind of ‘help’? - The themes revolving around infertility and then a sudden pregnancy catapult these characters into a wonderful relationship full of love and possibilities. Plus, Daddy Joon is always a yes on my list. 
Intro: Her by @jamaisjoons
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Namjoon x Reader
What You Need to Know: You enter Namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. - Namjoon is raising his three boys Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as you enter his life as a marine biologist. The kids are sweet and sassy, Namjoon is a total mess, but a sweetheart. I never wanted to be a mother to children more than these tots, and the bonus would be snuggling into Daddy Joon’s arms. 
Idol AUs
Let Me Hold Them by @jjungkookislife
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; OT7
What You Need to Know: An OT7 series that includes mxm, threesomes, open relationships, polyamory, and angst.  Please read at your own discretion & the warnings on each chapter. - It starts off small, and then it escalates quickly. I promise, you will not be disappointed. Read on!
Slight Changes by @jiminimoon
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Taehyung x reader; Jimin x reader
What You Need to Know: Your relationship with Taehyung takes a nose dive when his infidelity is exposed. Luckily, the other members (especially Jimin) step in to make sure you don’t suffer alone. Prepare for angsty chapters and a lot of soul searching in this fic. 
The Studio Sessions by @getitinbusan
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Yoongi x reader; OT7 x reader
What You Need to Know: It’s Min Yoongi’s birthday and you’re ready to give him whatever he wants. When he makes a sarcastic wish while blowing out the candles he didn’t think you’d take it seriously. But he’s glad you did. When word spreads about these special “Studio Sessions” everyone wants to collaborate. - You start with one and work your way through the rest without blinking an eye. It’s a smutty paradise. 
Love Well Done by @oraclemarie
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Yoongi x reader
What You Need to Know: You are the executive chef of your very own fine dining restaurant. A big company makes you the offer of a lifetime, setting you on a path straight to Min Yoongi-your drunken hook up. - once these two start admitting their love for one another, it ups the drama; people can let jealousy turn them into monsters. 
Soulmate AUs
A Thousand Springs by @whitesparrows97
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, OT7
What You Need to Know: Life is short. Eternity is long. Why you in particular are approached by a super attractive man in a club, you did not understand. You understood even less why he wanted to kill you. Fortunately, seven young, also incredibly handsome men show up to help you with this little problem. Purely by coincidence, of course. Or do you really believe in fate? - This fic is action packed with crazy conflicts, special powers, and spicy smut scenes. 
The Immortals by @bang-tan-bitches
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, OT7
What You Need to Know: Sometimes, you find your destiny. And sometimes, your destiny does whatever it takes to keep you. - There are some amazing things happening in this fic and I just want to crawl onto that giant bed with all of them and their mysterious golden powers.
Fantasy AUs
Blood Moon Rising by @yoonia
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Vampire/Werewolf AU; Jimin x Reader
What You Need to Know: As beings from ancient times, the Vampire Clan has undergone numerous changes to thrive in the Modern Age after surviving the Ancient Blood War. As a part of the traveller family in his clan, Jimin has parted ways from the coven until the day his Lords warned him of the lurking danger from inside the clan. And all so suddenly, he was pulled out of his solitary, only to have given the responsibility he had never wished to have, along with the threats that come as a part of the deal. 
Born as youngest yet having lost so much, you have given your family your loyalty, your protection, and had been given their love and support that had become the only thing that keeps you going. But what happens when the only people you have put your trust in only repay you with betrayal?
This series expands beyond this world and into a whole universe of shifter characters. This storyline also includes characters from her other Shifter Series. The storylines are rich and beautifully crafted, and you will love the way the characters stick together on this magnificent adventure.
Of Fire and Love by @hollyhomburg
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Dragon-Hybrid AU; Yoongi x Reader
What You Need to Know:  When Dragon Yoongi finds baby Jungkook in the wreckage of a house he burned down, he can’t bring himself to kill the child. Months after someone drops off a baby at your door, you start to notice something- or someone, lurking at the edge of the woods. - This fantasy world just keeps growing in each chapter and you also get to enjoy a baby Jungkook and a baby dragon Hobi. Beware of fairy Jimin - they’re a sneaky one. 
Faerie Realm by @ddaengyoonmin
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Fairy Video Game AU; Jungkook x Reader
What You Need to Know: Your mother gifts you a video game set that allows you to fully enter the brand new virtual world of Faerie Realm on the first day of its launch. You lack any of the skills or knowledge of playing video games, but you end up having fun thanks to skilled player you meet named Kookie! You are lucky to have met him, because this deadly game is not what it seems.- Based on Sword Art Online, but I think it’s better. The other members become a part of the group and drama ensues. 
Sweeter than Sweet by @gimmesumsuga
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Vampire AU; Jimin x reader; OT7, eventually
What You Need to Know: You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you. As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet. Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction. - this is a LONG series, but it is TOTALLY WORTH IT. Once you dive into the story, there is no resurfacing until you finish. 
A Court of Curses & A Court of Moonlight by @readyplayerhobi
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff; Vampire/Witch/Werewolf AU; Hoseok x reader; Yoongi x reader
What You Need to Know: (ACOC) For millennia, the vampires and witches have hated one another and war has raged between the two. When tensions flare up once more and spill into neutral land, peace is forced upon the two by the faeries. The price of peace sees the Witch Queen married to the Vampire Prince. One hundred years later, how have things changed? (ACOM)  As Prince Hoseok’s personal attendant, you travel with him on a diplomatic visit to Lunatis, home of the werewolves. There, you meet the enigmatic and intriguing werewolf prince, Min Yoongi, and discover more than you expected as a mere attendant. - this world is so full of magical wonder and I am so invested in seeing how everything comes together. It also makes me soft when I see how loving Prince Hoseok is toward his family. 
Caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma’s MASTERLIST
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mistaeq · 4 years
One scoop of Bucci gang HCs for the first time quiet reader bursts out laughing in front of them please!
Bucciarati Gang: with a Quiet s/o who Bursts out Laughing
TW // none
Thank you for your request! Bucciarati Gang, my favourite dorky compatriots <3 hope you enjoy, I had fun writing these!
Bucciarati Gang with a quiet s/o who bursts out laughing in front of them, neutral!s/o
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You first burst out laughing in front of Giorno when nature itself betrays him and he can't stop sneezing because of the pollen coming from a flower he had grown himself. Karma? An unlucky day? You may never know.
Having been with Giorno a lot, you learnt that plant's effect isn't dangerous, so you can look at your boyfriend getting mad over sneezes, and he's absolutely hilarious. You're sorry that this is happening to him, don't get it twisted, but seeing his chill behavior get lost for this mess is priceless.
He's not only pissed off because he keeps on sneezing, but he's also pissed off because he'd totally like to hear that unexpected laughter of yours clearly, without his sneezes covering it every now and then. He doesn't know when this chance might ever come back, and he wants to clearly hear you.
His frantic and clumsy moves while his nose keeps on betraying him cause his perfectly donut shaped hairstyle to ruin, golden locks falling on his forehead and his braid becoming a messy load of fluffy hair covering his neck.
"Y/n... will you..." sneeze. "..w-will you stop staring..." sneeze. "..it's kinda embarrassing... m-mamma mia..." sneeze. "..but no... no, don't stop laughing... p-plea.. a.." s n e e z e.
After he manages to stop sneezing, his shocked look and his red cheeks let a last giggle come from you, as you hold him tight and leave a sweet peck on his nose. You caress his hair, you find him so attractive even without his signature hairstyle, and that's worth some sneezes, isn't it.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Leone when you hear him curse in front of his mirror because his clothes won't fit him anymore. His chest was too broad.
Abbacchio chose not to use curse words in front of you, that's why when you catch him red handed, swearing and cursing at his clothes, you can't help finding him funny. As soon as he hears you laughing, he winces and turns around.
"Fuck... come on... why won't this fit..." he was pulling the irremovable fabric on his shoulder. "Maybe my chest is now too big... what the hell, come on... mamm ro Carmn... [Neapolitan dialect for: Carmine's mom. Not a cute thing to say. It's an angry neapolitan "mamma mia".]" then, he heard you laughing, and winced.
When he sees the big smile on your face when you lovingly laugh at him, he's petrified. He hates hearing this type of laughing, because it's the exact thing Mista and Narancia do all the time. But on you? You sound so happy and relieved, and Leone likes it. For real.
He just stands there, half his chest and a shoulder being naked, looking like a disheveled princess. Too funny. He huffs and ignores you, to make you think he's annoyed. But you know him too well, and know that if he's hiding his face, it's because he's actually smiling, too.
You hug him from behind, looking at your reflection in the mirror still in front of him. Abbacchio looks over his naked shoulder, right where you are, leaving a tender kiss on his skin, before giggling once again. He turns around, and kisses you, leaving his purple lipstick all over your cute mouth. He likes your laughter better, like this.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Guido when you're practising together with cooking. And he just can't believe it, when you laugh so hard just for a pun of his. You are baking some good bread to share it with the gang.
He takes your hand and smiled. "Are you a garden, y/n?" Guido asks you, before throwing a handful of flour on you. "Because I feel like my love for you is FLOURishing!" you burst out laughing, holding onto him, spreading flour on his apron, too.
That genuine, happy laugh really warms his heart, he feels his knees get weaker and his negative thoughts fly away. He could listen to that forever. Mista is just so shocked. It takes for him a couple of seconds to realize what happened, before he finally holds you back.
Seeing you silent all day makes him kinda sad, and one of his dreams was making you laugh like that. He has been putting a lot of effort for that, but manages to do it only when he's his actual self, with a simple pun.
"My love for you is FLOURishing too, Guido..." you manage to answer, your cheeks obtaining a cute, irresistible red color, as you get on tiptoe and peck his beautiful lips. He's totally enamored, he's under your spell and can't believe you answered his pun so well.
When you get back to your work, he sometimes still hears you giggle, thinking of how bad yet cheesy that pun was. But it made you unwillingly burst out laughing, so you guess it's okay just the way it is.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Fugo when you see him getting angry over Narancia not knowing maths. Fugo promised himself and Bruno not to physically hurt Narancia again like what happened with the fork in his cheek.
This being said, the only way for Fugo to express his anger is screeching on his chair. When you hear that sound coming from your boyfriend, you can't hold back your laughter. It was so unexpected and someway unbelievably cute. Narancia is just scared.
Fugo hears the angelic bells of love in his heart, as if God himself came down from the paradise and graced his ears with your laughing voice. It immediately calms him down. But if he calms down, you stop laughing.
"Why isn't 8 ÷2 = 3? If I split an 8 in half I get a three!" after hearing Narancia mumbling those words, Fugo screeches again, and you giggle even louder. But you understand the poor boy can't keep on getting angry just to hear you laugh.
That's why you soon stop, approaching Fugo and resting your magical hands on his shoulders, giving him a massage because he's a great teacher and he's doing his best. His moans while you help him relaxing his shoulders make you shyly giggle too.
"Why does this sound sexual?" Fugo wishes he could kill Narancia. But he's too focused on your hands working on his shoulders to care, and quietly screeches as you giggle again.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Narancia when you see Fugo getting angry over him not knowing maths. Narancia is shook, kinda confused on why what he wrote isn't correct.
Fugo screeches on his chair, he promised not to hurt your boyfriend, who shows you his paper, looking at you with a questioning look, probably asking you why what he wrote is wrong. You burst out laughing as you read. Narancia is a complete mess.
As soon as he hears you, he completely forgets about maths for a second, focusing on the sound of your beautiful laughter. Narancia is baby, if the person he loves the most laughs, he doesn't care what's the reason, he laughs with you. Then, he kinda remembers why you started giggling in first place.
"For real though. Y/n, why isn't 8 ÷ 2 = 3? If I split an 8 in half I get a three!" after hearing Narancia mumbling those words, you laugh even harder, desperate Fugo witnessing your boyfriend throwing away his maths notebook and run into your arms.
You're usually so silent and he may never know when he's gonna hear you again like that. You two laugh together so much that you start panting, your faces red with big smiles and almost sweating.
"Why does this look sexual?" Narancia wishes he could kill Fugo. But he's too focused on your little giggles and your cute smile as you lean on his shoulder and kiss his cheek. He might be not so perfect in maths, but he's perfect in making you so happy.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Trish after you trip on a piece of furniture and risk falling on the ground. But as soon as your body touches the ground, you feel it jiggly and soft, bouncing a little on it.
Just a moment before you thought you were gonna get a few bruises after falling on the ground, but now you're just there, happily bouncing on Spicy Lady's brand new jiggly floor and laughing out loud, staring at your girlfriend's surprised expression.
You've never laughed like that before, and Trish is pleasantly surprise to see that her stand's work has such a good effect on your mood and on you, in general. She might consider making more objects jiggly, if this is what you like. All she cares about is seeing you happy and amused.
"Tell me, y/n..." she gets closer to your figure jumping and loudly giggling, and stares at you with loving eyes. "Would you mind it, if I jumped with you too? You look like you're having fun..."
You couldn't ask for anything more. You moved a little to let Trish join you, grabbing both your hands and jumping along with you, finally laughing so you can see her beautiful smile, even though she's the one who cares about seeing yours. Your girlfriend would do anything for you... even disobey Bucciarati.
"You... you two had to clean the house while we were away... it was your turn, this morning!" the capo's jaw fell as soon as he saw the mess Spicy Lady had done. Nothing that couldn't be fixed, but what matters is that afterwards, you and her laugh together remembering Bucciarati's expression. Then, she kisses your smile in case it would take a lot for it to come back.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Bruno when his stand disobeys him and opens a zipper through a wall to reach for your room and cuddle with you.
His shocked face and Sticky Fingers's cute, happy sounds are too hilarious for you to keep a serious expression. You're so used to see Bucciarati as the authoritarian type of person who has everything under his control, but now he doesn't and he's quite panicking.
Even more shocking for Bruno is seeing how you actually let his stand cuddle with you, a warm laughter coming from your sweet lips, he loves so much. Music for his tired capo ears.
He can't help staring at you with a loving smile. Moments like these don't happen that much, and God knows when you're gonna do that beautiful sound again. He secretly thanks Sticky Fingers for doing all of this, but since it's his soul, there's no need to say it out loud.
"Your laugh is one of the best sounds my ears ever witnessed, tesoro. I might want Sticky Fingers to disobey me more, if this is the result..." then, he'd bring a hand of yours to his lips and kiss it, kiss your smile, kiss your precious laughter.
Even if you stop laughing, Bruno enjoys your little giggles while his stand strokes your hair and purrs when you caress its head. As the user feels what the stand feels, your hand caressing Sticky Fingers caresses Bruno too, and he'll eventually giggle with you.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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It's Tough to be Mortal
Pairing: God!Reader x Hermitcraft
Word count: 4k
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Grian was standing in front of his mansion, debating on what needed revamping. Sure it was already enormous but there was something missing about it. It’s been bothering him for ages. An answer that always seemed to appear was something others would call outlandish. Something more than unnecessary.
His mansion needed to be taller.
Did his mansion already tower over the rainforest that lay before of it? Yes. Did it also go pretty far below ground level? Also yes. A grand mansion like this must have something to separate it from the surrounding area. The moat-like feature couldn’t be small either. No, that’d be an injustice to the mansion. What he needed was something to-scale for it. Though it’d be nice if his nether portals would actually fit in the little arches he dug out…
“Hey Grian!” a voice suddenly appeared. It’s unexpected entrance made it seem like a bellow and it was absolutely terrifying to hear.
Grian shrieked, jumping around to see who disturbed him from his thoughts. There, behind him, was little ole you. If he weren’t so spooked, he would’ve found your expression rather hilarious.
Your face was a gorgeous combination of joy with a hint of confusion. The expression was similar to one Grian wore often. He mostly wore it when he was found pranking the other hermits. Although you did many pranks alongside him, it didn’t seem like you were trying to pull on now. “Seem” being the key word. Appearances can be deceiving after all.
“Why hello there,” Grian was grateful for your sudden appearance. Another set of eyes to help decide what was missing. It was like the gods just knew of his plight. “Why’d you come visit?”
“Oh I just wanted to chit-chat,” You reply, your eyes wandering to Grian’s most recent muse. “But you seem somewhat busy at the moment. I’ll come by another time.”
“Wait,” Grian still desperately needed an outsider’s opinion. “We can talk right now. I’m just trying to figure out what my mansion is missing.”
“Are you sure,” you prod. Talking to Grian after you interrupted him felt wrong. He was obviously busy and you disturbed him more than you should’ve. The creative process could be rather elusive once you have it, easily escaping the moment you stop thinking of it.
“Well, if you insist,” you give in rather easily. How you craved interaction. And it was so readily available here as well. “I mostly came over to thank you.”
“Thank me for what,” Grian was beyond confused. First off you could be thankful for anything. Second off you didn’t need to thank him for anything. Third off he can’t think of anything he’d done for you that you hadn’t thank him for already. “You don’t have to thank me for anything, you know. Everything was a pleasure to do.”
“But i still feel like making you aware,” you reply so nonchalantly to him. In a way it seemed like you didn’t care what he had to say in reply. He knew you did care, you’ve shown you cared in the past. But now it seems to be the opposite. It must’ve been like one of those cases where you don’t listen to a friend when you help them because they think they’re a problem. That’s what it feels like anyways.
“You and the hermits made me realize so many things about life I had either long forgotten or never realized,” your words were spoken in such a soft manner, like you were dreamily reliving whatever you were referring to.
“Again, it wasn’t a problem at all,” Grian reiterated himself. He didn’t want to seem rude but at the same time it honestly wasn’t something that bothered or irked him. Although he may not have realized he was helping you with that, it was nice to know you felt great about your interactions together.
You looked like you were far from finished talking though. So Grian decided to listen to your words. Maybe look at what needed fixing with his mansion. No, that’d be rather rude.
“With our interactions together,” you were restarting whatever you were saying. Oh boy. “the small joys of life have been revealed to me. For example, I never knew those loud boxes of yours had any significance besides just making a loud noise. Well they are made to make noise, but I was unaware of the significance besides that. Now, through you, I have found the sounds rather joyful. I never knew you could trap music in a box until now.”
Grian had been beyond confused with your description. It felt odd and awkward. He only figured out what you meant when you said “music in a box”. Either you meant a music box or a jukebox. Everyone knew what a music box was; everyone had interacted with one in their lifetime whether they remembered it or not. Jukeboxes were also a well known item. Your experience with them felt odd to hear. Very alien. Who doesn’t know what a juke box is?
“Oh don’t even get me started on those little slimy critters,” you excitement seemed to grow exponentially. If he weren’t there to see it, he would have a hard time picturing what that description would entail. “The slimy ones are slugs, right? I think they’re slugs. Not those square ones, no i know those are Slimes. But the cylindrical ones, i think that’s what you call that shape, that most people find rather unpleasant. They live in gardens. Yes, those. I never got to experience them up close until recently. Also the little slugs with shells.” You pause, a look of deep concentration covers your face. A few times you try to restart your description with the name but come up empty.
The pause is long enough to give away that you most likely didn’t remember the name of what you described at all. It was rather cute because you were so deep in thought about it. You looked around too, like anything could give you a clue as to your mystery animal.
“Do you mean snail,” Grian prompted. He was giving you a stick to latch onto. Watching you flail for an answer any longer would be cruel.
“Yes,” you reply gleefully,” those things. Snails and slugs are so sweet. I can’t believe people can dislike them so much. They regard them as pests but they’re just little wonders. It’s so hard to see why people dislike them. Is it because they’re slimy, like blood?”
That description felt like a record scratching or stopping; it felt like the mood got changed completely. “Excuse me,” Grian laughed nervously. He simply must’ve misheard. “Could you repeat that?”
“I absolutely can- wait, which part do you need,” your confusion was rather evident. Did you really have no clue where the problem lay?
“The snail and slug part. Where you were wondering why people didn’t like them. What was the reasoning you gave?”
“Oh that! I said, ‘is it because they’re slimy, like blood’” You reply so helpfully. A child-like glee seemed to emanate from you.
“I don’t think that’s exactly why people dislike them,” Grian began. He didn’t know how to bring it up to you that your description wasn’t wrong but also wasn’t right. “Some people dislike them because they eat, destroy or kill their plants. Or they have a plethora of them where they’re unwanted.”
“Oh,” somehow his answer saddened you. “So they treat them like unwanted kittens?”
Again, you weren’t wrong nor were you exactly right. It just didn’t exactly sit right with him. Because yes, they could be treated like unwanted kittens.
“Sure,” It was simpler to just go along with it. After all, the general idea wasn’t wrong. Anything unwanted was a pest in someone’s eyes and therefore treated like one.
“Oh the poor things,” you start to tear up. “Why do people treat them like that?” You’re tearing up over snails and slugs? This is going to be a long explanation as to why they’re treated so horribly. He really didn’t want to have to break your heart further over the slugs and snails, but your pained yet curious eyes just begged for more information. It was going to be a long day.
The clicking of redstone echoed around the cavern. After a long chain of clicks, lights flickered and moved. It was like the sun, although the appearance was shoddy and limited considering what it was made of.
It’s creation was for one purpose; to replicate the sun but underground. A quirky clock. Very large and eye catching. Much more eye catching than a regular clock anyways. The ceiling was partially ripped out, revealing the dazzling rays of sunlight that peaked over the horizon.
Zedaph, the creator of this magnificent creation, stood below it. Both looking at it in awe and scrupulously. He was only at the beginning stages but this played a key part in showing the progress. Was he actually doing everything right? It already moved once but it did that last time. Oh it’s getting close to changing now, or should be. “Zedaph,” you flung yourself at him, hanging onto him as you two went down. Although not the most pleasant entrance, it was rather endearing. “Oh sorry about that! Looks like I got a wee bit over excited.”
“It’s alright,” you two got off the ground, you much more gracefully than him. “It didn’t hurt too much.”
“Oh my gosh I hurt you,” you frantically search Zedaph over, looking for any sign of damage you might have caused. “Oh i am so so sorry I didn’t mean for any of that to happen I just-” “I said it’s alright,” Zedaph reiterates, gently pushing you away. “I’m perfectly fine. See?” He even does a little twirl for you.
You don’t seem convinced, not in the slightest. But your second attempt to search him gets declined and you’re forced to believe him. At least somewhat.
“So what brings you around here,” Zedaph inquires. “I know my indoor sun-clock system is pretty awesome, but it’s far from complete. And there isn’t really anything else in the cave of contraptions either.”
“I’m well aware of that,” your reply is odd, but easily overlooked. All of the other hermits have their quirks, after all. This is no different. “But I came over for other reasons.”
“Other reasons?” “Well not reasons,” you correct yourself. “What I actually mean is reason. I don’t know why I said reasons. Why did I say- anyways I just wanted to talk with you.”
“Some good ole talking with me,” Zedaph had to clear any doubt, even though there really shouldn’t have been any. “Well I’m quite honored to have you over to talk. What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh I simply wanted to discuss the differences between Hermitcraft and other servers. I knew Hermitcraft was different but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. That was until recently. That “eureka” moment hit me and I just had to share with someone.” Your self satisfaction was undeniable and honestly somewhat charming in the way you were so pleased and proud by your actions.
“How so,” Zedaph inquires. He wants to listen to you, he really does. But redstone is just calling his name and how can he deny it. So he starts to fiddle with some redstone. Find a way to do the decline of the sun for his clock. He could easily listen to what you were saying and figure this out, right? It couldn’t be that hard.
“So I noticed how everything is so nice and peaceful here,” you remark, slowly following him. “It’s like one of those fairytales you share to your children. So absolutely perfect. Then there are others where chaos reigns like there’s no god but itself. You know what I’m saying.”
“Uh-huh,” Zedaph mindlessly agrees with whatever you just said. “Fairytales are like that.”
“Excellent,” you quietly cheer in joy at his supposed “understanding”. “So anyways this place is so much less malevolently chaotic and more playfully chaotic. And I recently realized something. Something that you guys don’t do that many other servers do. Are you aware of what that is?”
“Yea sure,” Zedaph started to fiddle around with the placement of droppers and redstone. “Go right on ahead.”
“Okay! So what you guys don’t do is something many other servers do- oh I just mentioned that. But anyways! There’s so little violence, it’s truly wonderful, don’t get me wrong. I must inquire though, do you expect there to be any violence? Anytime soon for that matter?”
Zedaph gives a simple “no” before his mind and hands are back onto the redstone before him.
“Well that’s great yet terrible,” you sigh in disappointment. “A true tragedy. Guess I need to go to another server again.”
Those words caught Zedaph’s attention rather quickly. He’d only half listened before but you now had his entire attention.
His mouth spoke faster than he could think. “Why would you go somewhere else? Especially for violence?”
He turns to you and is greeted with your confusion. Perplexion shows itself well on your face, accentuated by a small head tilt. It was a silent way of asking “are you really asking this” or a simple curiosity. Either or really. Yet this didn’t clear his confusion at all. If anything, it made everything just that more muddled. Why are you acting like he should know the answer?
“No I genuinely don’t understand. Can you please explain?” Zedaph hoped you could actually clear his confusion rather than make it worse. You had to. After all, people usually start to clear up what they said after you ask at least once or twice.
“Well you guys have no violence,” You reply so matter of factly. This still doesn’t help. Zedaph’s mild fear and confusion must’ve been evident as you continued with your explanation. “It’s rather simple really. I feed off of violence, in a crude description of it. And I could spark some conflict here rather easily, get my fill without having to leave. But I like you guys too much to just make you suffer so. That’s why I asked. Because if I did it, the conflict would be so much worse than what you guys would create.”
Zedaph was baffled and stumped. Okay that made sense yet didn’t all at the same time. Like yeah some people thrive off of drama, so violence could be similar-ish. He was just making excuses at this point. He really didn’t understand any of that.
“And you guys rarely make sacrifices as well,” you muse, not taking into account that you lost Zedaph literally ages ago.
“Excuse me did you say “sacrifices” because I must’ve heard wrong. Nobody really makes sacrifices in this day and age.” Zedaph was getting more unnerved with each new thing you mention. It’s like the more you talk, the worse everything gets.
“Yeah I said sacrifices. Gosh you’re so silly,” you giggle at his “ignorance”. “People still make sacrifices! You just aren’t in the right crowd when it happens, that’s all.”
“Okay and uuh,” his confusion blurs everything ever more. How could he nicely and politely state this? Is there a nice way to state or ask what in God’s name was going on? “What do they sacrifice, exactly?”
“You know, the usual things,” another answered in a manner that just screamed “you should know this man”. Like a teenager with their fads. “Like items and that jazz. Things that are deemed “important” or whatever. You know, the usual sacrifice stuff.”
“No, I have no clue why,” his irritation was becoming very apparent. “That’s why I was asking.”
“Oh well I’m no good at explaining this type of stuff,” you mutter, going deep into your thoughts. “You know what? I should get going. I don’t want to bother you much more.”
Zedaph sees you walk out a door and tries to stop you, yet you’re gone before he knows it. You just magically poof away the moment you’re out of sight. Wow you are just so darn fast. The awkward energy became too much? Or was it the explanation that chased you away? Did he pressure you too much?
Questions ran rampant in his mind after your interaction. He wanted answers for them, but he’d have to wait until he saw you again to ask.
Many other odd events go on across the server. Each having one thing in common: you. You were in every interaction where something odd was mentioned or happened. After stories were traded about your interaction with each of them, it finally became too much to ignore. Yes, all of them had little quirks or be quirky in general, but this was excessive. Maybe it was just the style you did things, but they needed confirmation.
So they called together a meeting. One where everyone could hear what you had been up to and these anomalous events.
Around their little circle they went, each recounting your actions and the events that happened afterwards. With each person you became more peculiar, more of a figure to be gawked at. There were so many things and all so incredible.
Doc recounted how you were helping him with his redstone and in turn trying to learn the redstone Doc was doing. It was supposed to be a day-long-ish lesson for you two. Everything had gone well, quite normal, in fact.
You were rather studious, watching his actions slowly and taking all he did into memory. A few questions were brought up, which was also a normal thing. Redstone was a rather confusing subject. But then an odd question came out of practically nowhere. Nothing prompted it, as far as Doc was aware. Well, one thing could’ve but even then it was farfetched.
He had mentioned how he was a block or two short on what he needed. A block that’d fit the color scheme of the farm he had been working on. And you simply asked if he needed a block because you had one on you. He replied with a simple yes and that should’ve been the end of the interaction, besides the transition of said item.
Dropped into his unsuspecting hands was a block of bedrock. It was black and grey. Something that went with what he was building with. So he placed it down without much of a second thought. But when he tried to move it later on, he realized what had happened. Though how it all exactly happened was a mystery. How could you have gotten some bedrock?
When everybody at the meeting had shared what was going on, it was clear. Clear but not clear. It was like you had some powers. Admin powers, to be exact. But you weren’t an admin. Far from it. You had only recently joined the server. So that begged the question; how did you obtain those items and why were you reacting the way you were?
Your actions seemed to hold little to no regard for those you found “unimportant” but hyperfocused on those you did. Aloof was another way to describe your demeanor. An aloof person that held a regal air around them. Like nothing could touch them.
Their chatter was growing in volume the longer they were together. Arguing ensued over what could be going on. Was some mythical force at work? Were you some type of hybrid? A hybrid with powers they were unaware of? Were you a hacker? The possibilities were nearly endless but one thing was certain; you were not a normal hermit.
A loud cough broke through the cacophony of voices, effectively silencing them. Confusion soon took hold of the group. Wait, everyone was here though. And nobody in the circle did it. Right? It didn’t sound like any of them, at least. Another cough was released and almost every head in that circle whipped toward the direction the cough originated from. Their answer stood behind them, at the entrance.
You stood there, a confused look adorned your face along with a little head tilt. Why were you here? Did anybody invite you? They didn’t remember inviting you. At least the majority of them didn’t.
Scar quickly got out of his chair, walking over for a hug and some greetings. He thanked you for coming and gave you the unfortunate news that the meeting was coming to a close. Man he really told you the wrong time, huh? That was his bad.
You simper, shifting your view over to the remaining hermits. Grin widening, you give them a squinted smile and a little hand wave.
It was obvious now, didn’t need to be said. But it seemed Scar had invited you along as well. They really should have specified who needed to come to the meeting instead of “everyone” because- well this could work in their favor.
“So what’d I miss,” you ask, making your way over the hermits with Scar by your side. “Scar didn’t exactly tell me what this was all about. But he didn’t know either. Did you all miss some information when you were inviting people?”
They look between each other, trying to find someone with the courage to break the question to you. One of them had to do it, but which one of them would?
Finally a brave soul spoke up. It was their admin, Xisuma. Grateful couldn’t even describe how they felt when he started to talk to you.
“We’ve actually been meaning to ask you something,” Xisuma speaks in a measured and steady tone. One that gave away no weakness he might’ve been experiencing. Like anxiety or how awkward it was to even ask someone something about themselves. Something that would, in usual cases, be seen as an insult or something akin to that. A negative thing.
“Oh,” you play his game, humoring him and going along with the unspoken script. “What do you want to know?”
“It’s actually quite simple really,” Xisuma starts, but soon pauses again. A few false starts later and he’s back on his feet, metaphorically anyways. “This is going to sound very odd and quite possibly rude. But are you, um, are you a god, by chance?”
Silence came to suffocate the room after his question came out into the open. The air was tense with anxiety.
“Oh yea that,” you giggle. “Yea I am. So what?”
“I’m sorry, but did you say “so what”?” Xisuma wanted clarification because there was no way you just answered with that. “So what”? That was definitely an unexpected answer. Honestly they weren’t expecting too much or too much. It was hard to tell.
“Yes I did,” you speak your words slowly and methodically, checking the reactions of everyone in the room. Like a switch your words flow from a molasses like pace to water. “Look I’d absolutely love to get into this and talk with you all about this in depth, but it really isn’t a good idea. I haven’t had the best experiences with explaining this type of stuff with… well with beings like you.”
Everyone was giving each other looks, silently asking each other “is this really going on” or “Excuse me, what now”. Silence settles over the group again. You leave them some time to ponder over the news, but not enough for it to cause any trouble. At least that’s what you think.
You clap your hands and it echoes around the room, once again catching everyone’s attention. “Look like I said, I’d love to explain this all to you. This isn’t the best time though. So why don’t we just chill out? Talk to each other like the friends we are! You guys have cookies, right? Scar said you guys would have cookies.”
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Hobbit) Thorin x Reader: Dragonsickness and the Heart
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(Author’s Note:  Well, it’s spring, and usually spring gets me in a hobbit/LotR mood, so here we are.  I actually wrote a shameless OC self-insert a few years ago, and decided to just take a section of it an make it a reader-insert.  
Warnings: Thorin acts like a lil creep, but in the end he wouldn’t do anything to hurt reader.  
While under the effects of the dragon sickness, Thorin says some things... You wonder if it’s the sickness talking, or perhaps it is his true feelings coming out.
   You struggled with the dwarvish armor, finally letting it fall to the ground. It was much too big and clunky: you could barely stand in it! Thorin had given the order for the Company to armor up, but it didn’t look like it would be possible for you. The clank of metal sounded in the armory around the corner, and you let out an exasperated sigh. You had taken your chosen armor to an empty room to avoid the humiliation as you attempted to try the foreign material on. Even after you managed to finally figure it out, the weight of the metal was too much. You weren’t exactly in the mood for endless teasing on Fili and Kili’s part. Dwalin might even find it humorous and would never let you live it down.
   Footsteps sounded around the corner, and you whirled around to come up with an excuse or explanation of some sort as to why you were hiding away like this. To your surprise, it was Thorin, all armored-up and looking…well…looking pretty good.
   Even with everything that had happened, after how crappy of a person he had become since the dragon sickness took its hold, you were surprised to feel your heartbeat pick up at the sight of him. He entered the dimly-lit room, eyes flickering from you to the bulky armor lying on the floor. He flashed an amused smile that made you feel weak.
   “Trouble?” he asked, pacing over with a raised brow.
   “Uh, y-yes,” you mumbled back, unable to meet his intense gaze. You tried to remind yourself that this wasn’t him. He wasn’t himself, yet it didn’t stop your heart from doing flips in your ribcage. “It obviously wasn’t going to fit. I don’t know why I tried anyways.
   “Because you’re you,” he responded with a chuckle, prompting a nervous laugh from you. He was being friendly, but there was still something off about him. His voice. He spoke in such a low and silky tone, practically laced with dragon sickness. It made you feel uneasy and not necessarily in a good way.
    As Thorin took a step forward, you caught movement in the corner of your eye and flinched out of instinct from being on the road. He noticed and paused, holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm. He only meant to give you something, he said. When you nodded, he rounded the corner until he was out of sight.  Moments later, he returned with a bundle of armor in his hands though these were different from the weighty pieces you had already tried. He handed you the iron shoulder plates first, and you marveled at the simple designs cast into them.  They looked as if they’d been made just for you.  Judging by the warmth in Thorin’s eyes, they had been.
   “These should suit you better.”
   You tentatively accepted the shoulder plates, fiddling with the leather straps that would hold them in place. You tried putting your arm through one loop as if it was a sleeve, but it felt wrong, so you tried a different angle, a different loop…
   As if reading your mind, Thorin took and unbuckled it. “Here.” 
   You gulped as he carefully took your arm and put it through the correct loop. Each movement he made was slow and drawn out, and you wondered for a minute if he was doing it on purpose just to make your heart race. It wasn’t doing anything to help the situations of your one-sided love towards him. You resolved to accept the rest of the armor politely and go find another hidden room to figure it out on your own, but as soon as the shoulder plates were secure, Thorin proceeded to strap on a chestplate.  Then he continued with a sort of metal shin guard.
   “There,” he said finally, checking some of the straps to ensure they were in place. “You will be much better protected.”
   “Yeah,” you murmured, releasing a breath.  “Thank you.”
   He gazed at you, placing a hand on each of your shoulders. “I will do all in my power to make sure you are safe.” Your eyes widened as he leaned in to whisper in your ear. “You should know I have grown rather fond of you, _________.”
   You remained still, absolutely shocked at the unexpected statement. It felt as if your body wouldn’t respond.  Surely, he doesn’t actually mean what he says? It must have been some strange effect of the dragon sickness, right?  
   You had joined the Company early in the journey in hopes of changing the ending.  You and Gandalf had an understanding that you would gain the Company’s trust and use your knowledge of Middle-Earth to ensure the line of Durin survived.  From the moment you appeared on the dirt path in front of the Company in your modern clothes feeling lost and uncertain, Thorin hadn’t taken much interest other than to bark orders to you or spare a disdained glance at you and Bilbo at your “softness” when it came to life on the road. 
   Over time, you learned to place your trust in the Company and to do your part so they’d trust you- including Thorin.  He and you had started to bond, especially in Lake-Town when you’d spoken to each other outside in the snow during the celebration of the dwarves’ return to the mountain.  You even managed to make him smile a few times.  You realized that as Thorin had begun to trust you, you trusted him not only as a leader but as a friend, and your affection grew beyond what you’d originally thought.
   Still, you wondered if perhaps it was all in your head.  Thorin had seen you as young and naive early on, but that was only because of your inexperience in the world of Middle-Earth.  Things had changed.  Perhaps they had changed more than you thought?
   Thorin’s breath disappeared from your ear as he pulled away to circle aroundyou, the armor clanking with every step. You were frozen to the spot, but your lips managed to form words.
   “What about Balin? You told him that you felt nothing for me and that you were focused on the quest.”
   An eerie chuckle echoed from behind. “I told Balin what he wanted to hear. I told him that so he would not question me any further on the matter, but the truth remains…” His voice sounded right behind you. “I care about you.”
   He was saying what you wanted to hear all along, and yet it felt so wrong now. This wasn’t the real Thorin, right? You could not possibly accept this declaration of feelings knowing that he would snap out of it soon enough.
   “W-we should go join the others…”
   His arm snaked around your waist, earning a gasp from you. “I love you, ________, and I want you to say you feel the same.”
   “Thorin, I can’t. You’re not yourself. The stress of the Arkenstone and the battle must be affecting you.”
   “My own kin has betrayed me. One of them has taken the Arkenstone. Please, do not  turn away from me as well. Say you love me. Be my queen.”
   You were left breathless by his words. He had released you from his hold and circled back around to stand in front of you. Thorin leaned in, eyes flickering to your lips briefly. It was beyond tempting. All you had to do was lean in a few mere inches, and you would feel his lips on yours. It was what he wanted, and it was what you wanted…
   “I have to go,” you stated, putting some distance between the two of you. Thorin’s lips pulled down in a frown as you stepped around him.
   “You’re making a mistake,” he called over his shoulder.  “An offer such as this will not come again.”
   You hesitated at the doorway, shaking your head. “Then so be it.” And then you left. You didn’t dare look back as you hurried down the halls to get as far away from him as possible. He was crazy. Insane.
   And so are you for turning him down, a small voice screamed from within your mind. You could have been his, even for a short time. You could have had his love, even if it was twisted.  His kiss. His embrace… It could all have been yours if you had just said so.
   But it was wrong, and you knew it, to take advantage of his situation.
   “Bilbo!” You halted when you rounded a corner and almost collided with him. “Where are you off to?”
   He glanced around to make sure no one was near, holding a long rope coiled up in his hand. “I can’t just stand by and do nothing. I am taking the Arkenstone to Bard to use for bargaining. It’s the only way the people of Lake-Town will get their fair share.  Hopefully, we will avoid war.”
   “That’s a great idea. I’ll cover for you while you’re gone.”
   “Thank you, ________,” he whispered gratefully. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
   You pulled him into a quick hug. “Be careful. I’ll see you later!” You parted ways with the hobbit once more, him heading for the front gate while you lingered in the corridor. You felt so alone, standing there. None of the dwarves could understand the situation.
   It wasn’t the time to tell Bilbo what had occurred with Thorin.   It would be yet another dark secret to weigh on you for now, along with the possible fate of the journey.
   That night, the dwarves talked and laughed by the fire as usual. Even though they had all of Erebor to go off and choose a room from, the Company still liked to gather together to share a meal and camp out just like old times. Fortunately, Thorin never participated, spending his days and nights in the throne room. You joined the group, glad to have something take your mind off of the recent events. Bofur led the group in a few songs, Fili and Kili told jokes, Nori and Dori bickered and teased each other, Ori laughed along with Bombur, Bifur, Oin, and Gloin.
   Balin and Dwalin were in a more solemn mood, but couldn’t help cracking a smile every now and then. At some point, the dwarves started sharing stories of hilarious hardship over the course of the quest.
   “But don’t you remember the time in the beginning of the journey when we had to cross that river?” Bofur asked with a grin, earning a few bursts of laughter. “Quite a few of us took a plunge that day!”
   “I lost a lot of supplies,” Bombur said with a nod.
   “And what supplies you did have left was soaked!” Bofur laughed, slapping his knee.
   “I do recall the stew being soggier than usual that night,” Gloin joked.
   “Or what about the afternoon when _________ quite literally got sick of traveling?” A teasing grin spread across Kili’s face. “She jumped off of her pony to go throw up in the bushes.”
   “Hey! I felt terrible that day!” you protested playfully. “Besides, it’s not like I had ever ridden a pony all day every day for weeks before.”
   “The best part was that Thorin scolded her anyway for holding the Company up,” Fili chuckled.
   “Well, I’m pretty sure I remember a time when you and your brother were supposed to be watching the ponies and nearly got us all eaten by trolls when we had to go find them.”
   “Ooh, that’s cold,” Kili feigned offense, unable to hide the amused grin. 
   “You don’t miss a thing, lass,” Bofur teased.
   “Whatever,” you rolled your eyes, still smiling. No one asked about Bilbo, or wondered aloud where he was. The hobbit had been spending more time alone as of late, so it wasn’t unusual for him to not join them for dinner. He would return before dawn, you knew, but as each hour passed that evening, you became a little more anxious.
   You managed to set aside your worries and let sleep overtake you. You fell into a deep sleep, and a certain dwarf king haunted your dreams that night.
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