#help i got compression gloves cause hand hurty juice but now i keep fucking up typing
abombihoney · 3 years
Okay so Vi is actually a really complicated character if you think about it. You know her main driving force is having enough money to do whatever she wants.
But that's not all of what drives her? Or even really half?
If you pay close attention even right at the river scene immediately after beating the spider she looks at Leif. (She didn't need to check on Kabbu, he was up and talking by this point) She didn't start looking for the artifact until she saw Leif. Leif who was visibly in one piece. And the game's art style doesnt really convey the way someone moves as they sleep, or more importantly wake up. She saw Leif, saw they were fine, thus she asked about the artifact.
I can't even blame her. Because if Leif was breathing and not injured, with as strong a reaction to the magic in those artifacts as they have, what if that was the reason they weren't awake? She likely was trying to get the artifact away from Leif. So that they could wake up.
She was worried but didn't show it because remember that this Vi hasn't really had much support. This Vi hasn't learned that her concerns are valid yet. This Vi was taught all she is is wrong.
So she didn't ask. Because she didnt know she could. The way she acts when she finds out she should have is kind of devastating.
And every time Leif freezes or someone could've hurt after that river scene, she does her little startled animation.
Heck even before the river scene she proves she cares about others just as much if not more than herself. She just was never taught a good way of showing it. She was taught to prioritize the needs of the hive over the individual, and that likely includes if one can get out but the other must stay. When she goes back is when she kickstarts her own recovery.
And it shows. Because beside these bugs that she broke out of the hive mindset for, she is listened to. She can actually show herself for who she is and won't get berrated ( or picked on/ treated like an idiot) for it.
So she grows. She meets her idol and ends up having that moment of I could've been like this. And she clearly stops liking Mothivia after the encounter in the golden settlement.
She grows a little more.
Venus shoves her back a little. Without being able to verbalize how she saw Leif was fine, she just sounds like a greedy brat. So she changes how she talks to people. A little bit less demanding is what she decides to be.
And it shows. When Leif is upset she makes jokes, or points out things that might help. Is just genuinely there without having the words for it.
That time at the pyramid with the scorpion? She makes sure Leif is fine. And then acts like the weird stuff doesn't exist. She doesn't know what that trauma is and she can't help find out because as far as she knows, the only way to find out Leif shut down (the whole I can cut you open to find out bit H.B. does). Do she doesn't push it. But she keeps Leif there.
When Leif finds out about their lab problems she says so what, not because she doesnt care ( she obviously does) but because this is her friend, who is in a spiral and she wants them out. It works. It wouldn't have if Vi wasn't like this from the very beginning, establishing this is how she shows she cares.
And Kabbu sees it too. He needs a different approach to his spiral. The one he hides behind being the goodest boy on the planet.
His grief and revenge. She doesn't protest when Kabbu wants to kill the Beast. Not really. She goes with it. Makes sure Kabbu can come back from this fight as best as she can.
And it works. Kabbu is no longer faking niceties with people. He's still nice, just more real.
And she never left.
She showed Kabbu that he is more than his revenge. More than his grief. Doesn't protest his request (I'm sorry I haven't done the final sidequests yet I keep getting interupted so I can't add anything from actually doing kabby's request RIP) to go back for his Master and Bit to see them off one last time. So he heals.
Beside his team.
And she grows with them.
Because this whole time Vi, a literal child who was told her whole life she was wrong, getts her support. And she gives back tenfold.
She cares about others too.
The alley begger in the Termite City.
When the factory gets closed to the outside world. All the workers, and her old boss.
When Zasp and Mothivia are saved.
The attacks on ant kingdom.
All of the spears lying around in the giants lair.
The roaches living in giants lair.
Vi's motivations aren't greed. She thinks they are. Because that is what she was taught growing up.
Her motivation is and always has been the want to help people. In her own special way.
(Okay I did this faster than I thought I would)
omg thank u for ur ted talk
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